The Hood River glacier. (Hood River, Or.) 1889-1933, October 26, 1905, Image 2

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    1 1
luiicd eyerT Thursday bf
ARTHUR D. MOB. PuMlthar.
Tnr ol tubicrlptlon PJ1.SO t Tetr u paid
IB dTnc
Tbe wagou bridge lu the cant end of
town was closed to t rn flic Sunday,
while workmen raised the wont ap
proach for the purpose of lotting the
track of the Mount Hood Railway
pass beneath the bridge, instead of
effecting a crowing on tbe old gride.
The East Side farmers considered at
1 1 rut thought that they had a griev
ance agaiuibt the county ollicialt for
permitting the company to go under
the bridge, it being claimed that the
wont approach as raised makes a much
heavier grade. The farmers turned
out to protest en limine against such
proceeding, but no action was taken,
it being considered uftor 'careful ex
amination that tlio court hud acted
with judgment in the matter. Had
the railway crossed on the prune , t
grade, there would have been grave
danger to occupants of vehicles. The
railroad company could lie made to
pay large sums for a death, but this
would not replace a life. This danger
is obviated by tlio road crossing under
the bridgo, as is also tho possibility of
delays and blockades because of the
shifting and switching of freight
t-Binn. How awkward it would be if
parties on their way to tho boat,
lauding would have to wait until a
long freight train passed up or down
and in the meantime have the boat
leave tiie landing without them
When the county has sufllciont funds,
the g rails to the west approach can be
filled in and a practically level street
will be provided. Even as it is, Mr,
Morse of tho Transfer and Livery Co.,
tells us the grade with plunking is
easier than tho old mud. There were
those who suggested that tho railroad
pass overhead at this point. Had this
been done it would have boon Impos
sible to have raised tho wost approach
and to make the proposed fill in the
street. Taken ull In all, we believe
the county court acted well in placing
the railroad where it Is, underneath
instead of above or on the same grade
as the wagon road.
Since March, ISKifj, when filings
were authorized for trial at the full
term of tho circuit court, 010 divorce
suits according to a correspondent
for tho New York World have been
filed in Kansas City. This correpond
oii t estimates the number will reach
one thousand before tho period for fil
ing terminates, and says: "Ah there
are about 40, (KK) families in Kunsus
City the filing of 1,IKK) divorce suits
in six months means that legal sepa
rations are being sought at the rate
of 5 per cent a year. These 1,000
divorco suits will be divided among
tho five divisions of the circuit court,
and will be sulllcient to keep them al
grinding at the rule of one case an
hour, eight hours a day, during the
entire month of October."
Mount Hood people are jubilant
over the assurance that the Oregon
Lunilier Co. will extend their railway
to the upper valley in the very near
future. While ho Glacier was unable
yesterday to secure a confirmation of
this piece of news from Mr. Kceles
the president of the company, yet it
has the information from a reliable
source that Munt Hood will very Boon
hear the toot of the iron horse.
The Oregon Lunilier Co. has about
completed a large duin on the east
fork about a mile and a half above
Winans City. A sawmill is also be
ing installed here.
Right Of Way Suit Postponed.
The suit of the Mount Hood railway
for right of way condemnation over
propeity of tho Winans liros., which
had been sot for Tuesday of this
week, as postponed on account of
the delay of Judge ltradshaw with a
wuter case at Prinevillo anil will be
heard next Monday.
New Light riant About Completed.
The big live-foot hydraulic pipo
supplying wator to the WW horse
power wheels of the Hood River dec
trio Light and l'ower company's net
plant was connected Tuesday. A few
more days will complete tho entire
ystoui, and tho machinery will t.e
put in operation within a week.
Missionary Mcelinir, November 1.
Rov. an I Mrs. race, who are now
under appointment of the Woman's
Hoard to tbe 1'hilirpiiics, will be in
Hoed River and will speak at the U
If. church. Kveryboilv is invited to
come out and hear liev. und .Mrs.
Puce who are on their wuy to the
Philippines with their message of
love Services at H:0O p. in.
Hurt is I'laeeil Fuller It. mils.
Allen Hurt, the young man who was
mixed up lust week in a cutting fruy
in the lumber yard at Vieuto, appear
ed before Justice Nickelseu Monday,
waived examination, und was bound
over to await tho action of the circuit
court. His bonds were placed at i.'ilKl,
und being signed by Madison Hurt
and Henry C. Hart, ho has his liber
ty. V. W. Dellart alleges Hart as
saulted him with a lungernus weapon.
Hood River's Bargain Store
One Price
to All
We have just received from
adics', Misses' and Children's
tlie Kast a large and complete assortment of
The lone Proclalmer, by llarlio It.
Carter, is one of the bright little
weeklies ot Eastern Oregon, which
helps an exchange editor to euse lit,
on tho tired feeling acquired so often
when glancing over tlio average couu
try weekly of this state. Tho Pro
olaimor was onco tho property of A
Dennett, the Irrigator man, who
christened the sheet with its present
name. Morrow is said to be the rich
est county por capita in Oregon, and
tho Proclalmer declares lone to bo the
best city in Morrow county.
Miners ( an Xot Suiuke Cigarette,
llolse, Idaho, now lias an nnti oig
artitto ordinance. It prov ides that no
minors should u e or have in their
possession cigaret tes, cigarette papers.
tobacco or compounds of tobacco for
cigarettes, tlie penalty fixed was i
line not to exceed if .It, or imprison
ment in tlie city jail not to exceed
live days, or both.
Heller That She Make PiuiriikeH.
tins sound like a pointer out of
tho book of experience; it is from the
Milton Eagle: long man, don't waste
your time dreaming of the girl with
tlie goo goo eyes. It's of more im
portance to know if she can make (lap
jacks and fry meat.
In Hood River, Saturday, October
21, 0. It. Handy, aged d,". '.Mr. Handy
came here last spring from lloelns,
Neb., where ho was the proprietor ot
a large hotel. I ropsy was the cause
of his death. IVccascI was a native
of New York state. Funeral services
were conducted in Nichols' undertak
ing parlors Sunday afternoon, under
the auspleoHot' the local bulge of Odd
Follows. The services were largely at
tended. V. A. Klkins of the Valley
Christian church preached t liofuneriil
sermon. Resides u wife, licensed
leaves several children.
Put Salt en Their Tails.
The 1 )alles Chronicle.
The proof of ;ihe rabbit pie is in
miiiiig; ineieiore i ne i iiroiucle can
not vouch for the trut li of the state
ment, but "tells the tail as, twas
told to us." It is said that lour
hunters Sherman I'rauk and Win.
Ernst of Hood Uhor, and Charles
Twinohaiu and (lieu Allen of this oily
wont a liuiitiii Saturday for to catch
a jackrabit. Reaching Castle Rock
they made Itrer Rabbit jump und re
turned wit li seven doen. There are
nil sorts of leports current us to who
did the most shooting und one is to
the ellect that Tw iiiehani is only re
sponsible for throe deaths, and i hose
fellows he found sitt iug on the fence
und watching him go by. "Tlierebv
bung a tail' and Charlie got his salt
out and is now telling about his pot
Recent Real Estate Transfers.
W. J. linker reports tho following
land transfers:
R. R. Ki wi n to August Puusch, bal
ance of holdings in Watson & Krwiu's
llrst addition.
1). F. Lamar, 1,'t acres to Mr. Pom-
crest; consideration, i?l,U0. Tlie
purchaser comes here from Inde
pendence, and was formerly a resident
of Iowa.
J. N. Itridges. Ill acres to O. J,
Williamson of lone, :i."00.
1 1 mill River .Ministers llolil .Heeling.
The ministers gathered Monday
morning with Rev. W. C. (lilmore.
Rev. (J. M. Peeler ot the united
Itiethren church, was welcomed to the
association. Repoits from tho min
isters were givon concerning their re
spective Holds, and matters of local
Interest were discussed.
Preparatory steps wire taken for
Thanksgiving service, and Rev. J. It.
Spight of the liaptist church was ro-
piestud to preach then.
i no next uyicMtig or the association
will be at the) V. II. reading room,
Monday, October -V at 10 a. m.
Ministers of Hood River and the val
ley uro invited. A living church is
of vital importance to any commu
nity, and our pastors are honestly
striving to lie such to this locality.
(ireen Point Mill To Operate.
Owing to delay in receipt of ma
chinery tlie new sawmill at (Ireen
point will not begin operation before
Monday of next week. This mill is a
rotury saw, with a capacity of tio.tioo
feet per day. The baud saws will re
iiiro much more time and additional
machinery for placing them in posi
tion, mid it is not thought ttiut tho
larger mill will begin sawing unlil
next spring.
The larger mill will have a combined
capacity of between l.'iO.OOO and 200,
0(10 feet of lunilier per day. It is es
timated that there is timber enough
within reach of this mill to Keep the
same in operation for ten or fifteen
The reorganized Ihivonport Pros.
Lumber Co. will bo known as th
Stanley-Smith Lunilier Co. Frank
Oavonpoit, the former president, re
tains a considerable interest in the
new company.
Inspect Proposed Railway Route.
Sunday alteruoon the steamer Kel
logg passed up the rivei having on
hoard N. I). Miller, chief engineer,
N. W. Itethel and Sims Shields,
bend contractors for Northern Pacific
construction work on the north bank
road. Arriving at The Dalles, the
party took the portage road forCelilo,
where they boarded Or. Hlaloek's
launch, Island Oueon. for the inunme
of making a thorough examination of
the proposed route dowu the north
bank ot the Columbia
l amps for engineers and construc-
uini parlies are gelling numerous
along the north bunk. A mile and a
hall above t'elilo are located Cauglii en
A- Woldnm. where a tunnel will bo
onstrni'ted. Two miles east of l.vle
is another cunip under their supervi
sion, and here perhaps the largest
tunnel on the road will be made.
I'here are al o three camps at Cape
Horn, where Porter liros. have charge.
inn contractors behove that it
will require two years at least to com
plete tlie construction work for the
new road.
We have all kinds of Ladies' Furs, from 650 up.
South American Heaver, both sides fur at neck, satin lined, 40 in. long, each 3.25
Isabella Single Fox, with two large brushes, 00 in. long 5.50
(ienuine Hhie (Jrey Squirrel, four-in-hand, 00 in. long 4.50
Children's Fur Sets, from 1.25 to 2.65
Ladies', Misses, Children's Underwear
We have the finest line of Underwear tlii : season we ever had, in fleeced and wool.
Ladies' Jersey Hibbed Cotton Fndervests and Pants, in ecru, silver grey
' and pure white, extra heavy weight, double fleeced, full silk trimmed, per
garment 250
Jersey - Hibbed Vests and Hants, extra heavy weight, best combed cotton,
side, shaped, pure silk trimmed in white, grey and ecru, pearl buttons,
per garment 450
Ladies' Silver (Jrey, fine ribbed wool Fndervests and Hants, best quality,
improved silk finish at neck, full size, per garment 700
Ladies' White Wool Fndervests and Hants, extra soft fleecy finish on inside,
best silk finish, per garment 1.20
A full line for children and infants, in wool and cotton fleeced, all sizes and
prices the lowest.
Wood For Sale
All Kinds at Lowest
Market Price.
Prompt delivery, phooe. MlirrilJ Kay.
For Sale
Kor Hale or Trade A No. 2 Debavel cream
separater, In (food order; rapacity priunus
an hour. Price fr5. Inquire J. A. Henderson,
Ulugen, Waul'.
Kor Sale A Benlly orgno in flrsl-class
shape; will take fr'iU for it In exchange for hay.
J. V. Darnell, phone VMi. Ilia
F. Moses.
For sale Harness and wagon, ti.
For Hale First-clans military Middle, bridle,
and blanket, Addresa C. 11. Vaugliun, cure
Ull I It-r & Co. n9
For Hale Hmall size no. 8 cook stove; In
line one year; cost Jls.'; will sell forlfs. Phone
Main 1115. nil
For Saie Two brood sows, will farrow lu
Nov. also Poland China hour, stock can be
seen at A. N. Foley's. Jos. Krazltr.Jr. 118
For Hale Pure bred brown leghorn pullets.
Three miles out on west side. Farmers phone
UIV. Mrs. U. H. Kobblns, Uoute 1. i.'J
Real Estate
For Hale-About 15 fine young pigs.
J I. Miller, phone 5011.
For Hale New set 10 volumes New Interna
tional encyclopaedia: brand new; some books
have never been open. Cost two, will sell for
.H. Inquire Mrs. llemmaii. m
Good wheat hay, $10 per Ion; also
Kulph K. Lewis, Mel-u2
For Hale
Black Minorca pullets.
For Hale One very fine Jersey heifer and
one heifer calf. These are good and will be
sold cheap, or trade fur hay or potatoes. Cull
at Hoc k lord store, Itarrell district. nJ
For Stile Horse power wood saw machine.
I). K. Kemp, Udell. nJ
For Hale- Pigs. H. 1'regge. u'i
For Hale Team, weighing Zr00, true to pull,
gentle; wagon and harness. Hee W-UungiT.
Kor Hale Household furniture. Five blocks
west ot'Ulacier olllce, at tlie residence of T. H.
Weekly. o2ii
ft White House
The accompanying cut is an exact representa
tion of this flexible welt soled Shoe, just the thing for
tender feet. AVe have them in the White House,
a real snappy dress shoe, and also in a comfort shoe.
Our iine of Shoes is second to none outside of
Portland, and we give you the very best values to be
found anywhere for your money.
Child's Shoes from 2 to 8, 500 a pair and up.
Men's and Ladies' Shoes, $1.26 and up.
A full line of High Top Shoes for men and boys.
We are leaders of low prices. L
Dalles Take Flint Hull (Jninc,
The h ciil footbnll cloven returned
Moniiiiy morning from Tlie Dulles
sore Mini distressed in liody and limit,
li it light ill heart, for notwithstand
ing their dofoat of o7 to nothing, the
visitorii were so well received tiy their
host of tho opposing team that an
em of Kooil fooling has been develop
ed, whieh bids fair to leave tho hatch
et of old amounts buried too deep to
"The boys did tine by us," re
ports ( iiiard Withrow. "Too much
credit cannot be giveu Coach Stub
liiiK and Maunder Sexton. In the er
eniiiK we wero conducted to tho rooms
ot tlio C'oiumercial club, where every
tiiiK was froe to tho lioys from Hood
Kiver. "
Describing the Kunie, The Dalles
paper says :
Hood Kiver outweiKlied The Dalles
on an nvoiiik'o of thirty pounds to the
man, but they were, nevertheless, tin
able to withstand the whirlwind work
ot The Dalles team. It can bo truth
Cully said for the home team that
every man was a stai.
The Hood Kiver team showed a
woeful lack of team work and coach
ing, iiIUioiikIi there was some Knod in
dividual playiiiK, The bovs played a
(dean Kiime throughout mid by their
Kontleinnnly ways on ai:d olf the Held
won tlio Kood will of The Dalles
1 lie lineup :
l'lie Dalles
Taylor e (iill
Kellar r k Withrow
Meluorny r t Morse
White re Koppie
l.niiKinire 1 K (leash
Colin It .InuoH
lluchler 1 e lleirmistor
Slandisli r h UniK't;
Obnrr 1 h Schiller
Kice i Kelsav
Kartell f llnick
Umpire Ward.
Keleree Lake.
Time of halves !.) minutes and !."
Mrs Castncr Entertains
Mrs. Charles Cnstuer entertained a
party of youiiK ladies Thursday after
noon, Miss (lildersleeve of Jackson,
Mich., a cousin of Mr. Castuor, being
the guest of honor.
At luncheon s une iutoreHting stories
of camp life v. it. Ii sido trips to Lost
Lake were related, which mado the
cheerful dining room seem even more
cozy than usual iu contrast. The table
decorations consisted of autumn
leaves, entirely eueircliiiK the table.
A pumpkin, carved into a basket and
filled with fruit and leaves, made a
handsome center piece.
Invited guests were: Miss (lilder
slevee, Miss Cramer, Miss linker,
Miss Kelsay, Miss Wallace, Miss
Hundley, Miss Kltma Hoadley, Miss
Illy the, Miss t linger, Miss Bucks,
Miss Walker, Miss Davidson, Miss
liigraham, Miss Shutes, Misi Rich
ardson. Kvcniinr Whist Club Iteorganixed.
Tlie evoniug whist club mot Mon
day evening at the borne of Mrs.
Duinble, ready for a good time aftor
tho summer vacation, and each one
bent on winning the prize, which was
lliially carried ott by Charles Castner.
'Die club reorganized, several new
members being present, and adjourn
ed to meet Friday evening, November
.1, with Mrs. Kinnaru. The members
of the club are;
Profess ir and Mrs. Thomnson. Mr.
Hood Kiver i and Mrs. II. b Davidson. Dr. and
Mrs. Diinible,' Dr. and Mrs. lirosius,
Mr. and Mrs. Norman Young, Mr. and
Mrs. Kd Williams, Mr. and Mrs. Kel
say, Mr. and Mrs. Kinnard, Mr. and
Mrs. C. K. Hone, Mr. and Mrs. Will
(iridium, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Cast
ner, Mrs. Cunlii'ld und Miss Hoadley.
Nursery Treos.
Twenty tiiimsaiid, carefully grown,
choicest varieties Apple, IVa'r, Pencil
and Cherry trees ran be found at our
True-to-Niuiie nursery for the coming
season's planting. We him ver been
able to supply tlie demand and hence
you should lile your orders at an early
date to Insure attention.
SMITH .v ciAl.l.KiAN,
Hood Kiver, Or.
let. (iiluiero on Tno Committees.
At the Oregon State Congregational
asociat ion hold in Forest drove last
week, the repoit of Key. D. It. (Iruy
showed t tint in additions in member
ship there wore 'J'.'IU members the
largest number being made during
the past two years. Ihe contribut ions
during the same period for benevo
lences amounts: to !.', 114. While the
llgiues show much progress, yet the
speaker condoned the use of t he lit
and argued that they could not be
depended upon in dealing with
church iillairs. "What we want to
know," said the speaker "is not the
number of members, but w hat does
I ho church and its membership stand
for. Congregationalism does not
stand for members: it stands for free
doin in religious nlfairs. "
Dr. K. L. House and Kev. L. 1).
Mnlonc introuced resolutions relative
to a federation of the churches of the
state. The concensus of opinion
showed that the Congregational
churches were in favor of a closer
Comity with the other churches.
In the committee elections for the
ensuing year Kev. W. C. liilmore of
Hood Kiver was named on the Sun
day school and Paeillo University
(leorge Tyrell and family came over
from Chenowith for a few days visit.
Mrs. Dark passe I by Underwood
on the Spencer last week, stopped oil'
long enough to hhake hands with
those at t lie landing.
Mr. Freeman returned from Cheno
with, Wednesday, where he has Ik en
for the past few weeks sowing a ton of
:rass seed on th e .100 acres of grazing
laud for Mr. Curtis.
Charlie Monro was driving around
Underwood Sunday accompanied hv
two friends who weie looking at land.
The workmen on the school house
are getting along nicely. They need
more help, but have been unable to
get it.
C. II. Cromwell has carpenters at
work building an addition to his
An Indian man camping at tlie
mouth ol the White Salmon river.
drying lish, died siiddonl.' one day
lust week.
V number of stiangers are visiting
our part of t he country, looking for
orchard land.
Mr. .laiisen has completed another!
nice cistern on his homestead. j
leorge Kanisey came up fiom the
Willamette Milley last week for the
purpose of running his mother's ranch ,
tor a few years.
A. .1. Hayes made a laisiiiess trip to
White Salmon Tuesday. i
Will Wendorf made two tries to I
Chenowith last week w ith hevy loads, j
Some of tlie neighbors are talking j
vi ry strongly of building another tel
ephone line. j
Mi ill'onl Has a lliiiblinir Ileum. '
According to the Medford Mail!
eighty-four new dwellings have been
or are being constructed in Medford
aggregating r?S0,0tii in cost.
First Meeting Ladies' Whist Club.
The members of the ladies' after
noon whist club and invited guests
met last Thursday afternoou at the
home of Mrs. Charles N. CTarkes for
the Hist of the season's series of
games. Tho piizes were won by Mrs.
Kelsay and Miss Dnno. Those present
were Mrs. V. M. Stewart, Mrs. A. M.
Kelsay, Mrs. Truman lSutlor, Mrs. C.
11. Vaughan. Mrs. J. K. Watt.Mrs. O.
J. Nelson, Mrs. K. N. Illythe, Mrs.
N. W. Hone, Mrs. L. Clarke, Mrs. A.
I. (iridium, Mrs. E. II. Shepard, Mrs.
Murray Kay, Mrs. M. F. Shaw, Mrs.
O. T. Karly, Mrs. Chas. N. Clarke,
Miss Dane,
Kefreshinents were served. The club
will meet on alternate Thursdays dur
ing tho w inter.
Iteyal Neighbors Enjoy a Dance.
Last Wednesday evening was the
occasion of an entertainment given
by the Koyal Neighbors, Lodge No.
I'.is'.i, at their hall at Mosier. Thore
were present several out of town
Neighbors, and these all helped to
make the alfair a complete success.
After supper the floor was cleared for
dancing, and they all enjoyed them
selves greatly. Among those present
from Hood Kiver were Mr. and .Mrs.
Klinger, Mr. and Mrs. Coulter, Mr.
and Mrs. Dakin, Mrs. Reese, Mrs.
Mayes, Mrs. Lolts, Miss Hrown,
Misses Sharps, Mabel Riddell ami
Mr. (ionium.
At the Churches.
Methodist. At 11 a. ni. "Ye Know
that He was manifested to take awav
in?." 7:30 n. m. "Christ Healing
ine L,eper. (Jonie if you can help
in mi great worK. VV. U. Evans,
liaptist Services in Uoyd hall on
t no iieignie morning and evening
urst ana tnira Mondays of tbe month,
Sunday school each Sunday at 10
o'clock. J. B. Spight, pastor.
Unitarian-Roy. W. V. Small, of
tho Univcrsalist faith, will preach Bt
Unitarian church next Sunday at
usual hour.
Riverside Congregational W. C
Oiliiiore, pastor. Sabbath school at
HI a. m. ; worship and preaching at 11
L-nrisiian r.uucavor (i:4o; evening
worsnip and address 7:;i; subject.
"lhe Perils of Conceit." Special
music at boto services.
Valley Christiau Church Sunday
aonooi at iu a. ni. ; preaching at 11
Y. P. S. C. E. at G:;K) p. m. ; preach
iug 7:110. Welcome. W. A. Klkins,
first Christian Church at Artisan
hall Sunday school, 10 a. m. : preach
ing 11 a. m. by A. B. Cash: Endeavor
d :.' p. m. ; preaching 7:l!0by F. E.
Hillingtou, secretary of the National
Christian convention. Come and en
joy all these services.
Untied Brethren Services at Ihe
U. B. church for October '22: Sunday
scnooi at hp a. m. ; preaching at 11,
subject, "TheDuty of Shining;" 3::u
p. ni., Junior Endeavor, topio, "Tlie
Woman Who Helped Her Country;"
i. f. (j. Hi. at i :0U, praise service,
topio, "Saored Songs That Have
Helped" at 8:00 sermon, subject,
"Obedience to God." The ringing ot
the bell for these services: Sunday
souooi, nrst Hell, ::) second uell,
10; preaching, 11 Junior, tirst bell.
3:00 second bell, :i::tt). P. C. E, first
bell, (i::t() second, 7:00 preaching, 7:110
and 8 :00. O. M. Beeler.
Unitarian Corner State and Park
avenue; Rev. O. J. Nelson, minister.
Preaching services next Sunday, with
a sermon by Rev. William U. Eliot,
jr., of Portland.
Belmont M. E. Church.-H. C. Clark,
pastor. Services, Belmont: Sunday
school at 10 a. m. ; Class meeting atli
a. in. ; Kpworlh League 7 p. in. ; preach
ing every Sunday evening and 2d Sun
day in month at 11 a. m.j Prayer meet
ing Thursday 7:30 p. in. Services at
Pine (irovesameas above except preac).
ing, which is on 1st and 3d Sundays at
11 a. in. Crapper. 1st and 3d Siindavs
at 3:30; Sunday school at 2:30. Mourn
Hood. The 4th Sunday at U a.n t. ;
Sunday school at 10 a. m.
Pension and Patent Attorney..
223 Washington St., Portland, Ore.
in-bm- nmler (Jeneral l aw anil
Kor Hale l'lgs. B. K. l.itmnr.
For Sale Two milch cows. Apply lo .1. I..
Herstiner. oH!
Kor Hale -Ml lo "id acres f orchsril land with
pure spring water, situated one hull mile
from odell. ltiti'KUin. Hee the I, title Wli ile
8lre people for particular . nH
For Hale Two clmlee liullrtiiiK lots on hill
between residences of . W. Ontlnink imil
u. S. Iti liiMuml; on, e f.lM. Hume .Main
liny. ulii
For Kali SO ai res of land Smiles faun White
Htilmun; fine apple land; about 4u acres bruNh
laud, willow and battel, rest fir timber; tilioiit
4 acres cleared; Utile lt iabin;lwo ni ver
fiillinp sprlnus; price U1.MI0; will lake tart
trade for II iod Kiver property. K. Hn-iu,
White t'alm in, Wash. ms
For Sale Fifteen acres land, unimproved;
will contract to clear same if purchaser de
sires, F.W. Annus. s7-tf
ForSsle Ten, ,.l0 or :l acres; apple nnd
clover: y cleared; under ditch. L. Selllman,
K. F. I), no. 1. nis
For sale. 30 acres of rtne orchiird hind mi.
Joining new county road; all under ditch; 8
acres cleared; wi:i tnke contract to clear nan
of land if contractor peslres.
a. rs'iiiiier, u. r. ji. no. t.
(."all on or write
For Hsle Five acres Irrigated land 2'.. miles
west of Irrlgnii; m in lateral within .1 rods oi
ttuiee; $XU cash, balance f.m in yearly pay
ments. Oeruld U. Wood, Ueni, Idaho. 12o
Wanted-Oirl to do housework in famllv
of three. 1'honeMalii 1011, Mrs. I'aton liuvld-
son, uooa Kiver. or. ltin
Wanted To trade a H-veur-old mure, wpiio
llKKi pounds, fur liny. Can be seen at Mosier.
Frank (linger. nu;
Wanted To let contract for irrnhh iw
Apply lu CD. Thompson or (1. 11. Kobblns'.
Wanled (iood farm icmn of liri nr vu
round horses: also nice driving iinru u-i.i,.i.i
about lino. A. A. Jsyiie. n'J
Wanted Hlds on li cords of vvisul deliver.. ,1
weekly at Underwood. About anUcords In all.
Address M, thlsotllce.
Wanted A live voumr msn iiniFh. t
travel with a crew and learna good paving
business, ( all Sunday, (I lo li, Mount iiond
hotel. F. II. UllhMlii. ...j,:
IjOKt Pair of CVCL'lKSSes Return In l.n.n
Inland Henderson. na
lst I'slr double lens witm-u. on ivhi map
niKii, Monday aiiernoon. Lsrnuuv's numc
on box containing same. Kelurn to jewelry
store or Ulaclerottice. nlii
Lost, lady h small silver uncii-nii-p uulch
woo uincn sun mil, near depot. Under p. ease
return to Mlssl'oole. old
100 acre uiouitain ranch, all under
irrigation ditch, twelve miles from Hood
River; six acres cleared, one acre or
chard; Rood bunch marketable timber.
Also four lots on hill near residence of
Charles Custner; terms reasonable.
5 acres, one mile from Hood Kiver;
all applea, 1 acre bearing. I'rice for 30
days, $1850.
40 acres 0 miles from town, east side;
20 acres cleared, 10 acres orchard. $125
per acre, cash.
IU acres, 2 miles from town; all in cul
tivation. Price, $2400.
4 room cottage. East 45 by 150 feet of
Lot 2 block 9, Parkhurst, $1050; $750
House and two lots in Ilarrett-Sipma
addition. $700.
Fine business lot on main street for
$1000 on installment, or $1500 cash.
0 acres at Helinont, 0 acn s in cul
tivation, cottage and outbuildings, 150
apple trees, 2 acres strawberries, 2 acres
alfalfa, $1300; $750 or more cash.
New (i-rooincd cottage, patent bath
and closet, four lots, 3 blocks from depot,
center of town, $2100; terms reasonable.
Two lots centrally located, $550.
Two lots, new (i-womed house, patent
batti and closet, 3 blocks from depot,
center of town, $1700.
Two-etory 8-roomed cottage, lot "0 by
140, on the hill, $1200; terms reasonable.
Kor Sale ItOOll acres pine timber; 1
saw mill, ciits'20,000 per day; 1 planing
mill, capacity 30,000 feet per day; 1
store and stock of merchandise, about
$3,500; 1 hotel and contents; 1 saloon
building, rented ; 3 houses, rented; 10
head horses and harness; 9 road wag
ons, 3J H; 1 logging truck; 5 pair
sleighs; 30 head cattle; 50 head hogs;'
(100 feet lumber; 2000 cords wood. All
located at and near llilgard, Or.
Kor Sale New two-story 9-room
house; Stranahan addition ; $1100; terms
14 acres across tlie road from the Al.
M. Davenport residence. $00 per acre.
Terms easy.
A 10 acre tract, unimproved, some
free irrigating water, Ik miles from liar
ret t school house, $1,100.
Hanna house and lot, $2,000.
Kor Sale The Henderson ranch, for
merly owned by J. K. Galligan; tiOacre.
30 cleared; orchard; strawberries;
clover and timothy ; well irrigated ;largo
2-story mansion, new barn ; all fenced.
I'rice $10,000. Iirook runs through ranch.
Easy terms; telephone; rural delivery.
Four miles from Hood Kiver.
One goat ranch on mountain east
of valley on county road. I'rice $1,500;
has small house, running water, and iB
fenced. Terms, easy.
For Sale Beautiful lots in Park addi
tion, center of town, from $200 to $300.
8. 100 acres at White Salmon ; fine
timber land; $10 an acre.
Lots 10, 11, 12, block 5, Waucoma ad
dition; improved; price $1,000; or
more cash, balance, 1 year, 8 per cent.
Small bouse and lot on hill to rent, $24
a year; two vacant lots with privilege of
purchase $20 a year for tlie two.
ror hale Residence on State street at
head of Front; $2,500, including 3 lots.
For Sale or Exchange for Hood River
property Fine residence iu business
center of Sumpter.
Money to loan.
21 a. at Frankton; improved; $2200.
First-class Surveying Outfit
At the Emporium are kept 2 first-class
transits and solar attachments, and tlie
proprietor, a practical surveyor, is pre
pared to do the work of laying out acre
age property in lots and blocks, and do
ing all kinds of surveying and platting.
City Engineer.
Found Lady'a nir scarf and handing.
owner can secure same at (Under offlee.
I ttken ITp-on southwest Vt of southeast
of section 27, township ;t, nue black sow pig.
uwiier can nave same by paying damages
and paying for this notice. 1). ('. (iiirra-
Found-Black heifer. 2 vpuih old lefi cm-
cropped, upper bit and lower bit. Owner will
piease call ana take away at once and nay
barges. 11. I'regge.
Rooms To Rent
For Kent Neatly furnish d front room
Ith bath. Mrs. Ilenii .wciiulre. Phone.
" ... li Hi
For Kent Two furnished roonw in i,u,i7
house with electric linht. use of luilli mid fur.
nace heal. .Mrs. I. W. Itighy, corner Oak and
SUIh streets, Hood Itiver. nlii
Nicely furnished front room, with Pu.ur.l-
suitable lor two. Mrs. F.ntrican. Fourth ami
Kiver slnt'is.
In the (iuntv Court uf the Wtntp of rirevnn
for Wasco County.
in the matter ol the Kstate of Harvey. I.
llyrkett, defeased.
Notice is hereby given that tlie underulirmwl
has been duly unpointed hv the Conn l v ( 'nun
of the Stale ol oiegnn for Wasco Couiity, ad
ministrator of the estate of Harvey .1. I j rkett
deceased. All persons holding cla'l li s aguln.l
said estate arc hereby niililied lo present Ihe
ssnie, properly verilled, In tlie iiudersiiieil
at the First National Hunk In Hood Kiver,
Oregon, within six uuihihs from the date of
tills niilice.
Haled September '.'I, HKfi.
K. (1. HI.AN('HAI),
2Ss2t'o Administrator.
Best line of Cigars in
the City
Also handle line of
Pipes, Tobaccos and
Fishing Tackle
Strayed Hmall bav Nsitdin imrv woi..t,i
atsiut sui; when Inst'secn had leather head
stall halter: shod Willi plate h(HH. Leave at
r.-uuiu !,iuit-, huh i win iiiiv exnenses. v.
Miller, Hood Kiver, or. nlii
Strayed-One Iron gray mare. Weight
milt line pounds, about 111 years old. llrand-
circle k on n il shoulder. Hums liros. o-.ii
Winter Pasture
Prties desnlng winter IlllKllirp fill Iwipw. a
would do well to see K I). sheliey at the 1 .
tie While store: phone 1jii .... ,.i
charges, and gci d c re of horses guaranteed.
under the Act of Jnne 27, 1i(
Scicnt ilic Horseshoeing a
(iiiaiiintee to put a horse on;
its teet; stop lntenenn and
cure any corn; spread con
t rarted feet, etc. (ieneral re
pair work.
IndlHn War iVtmons, increas of IVnstnny,
father, mother, lifpemteiu Mini holplewt child
ren eiisiim; Nurses pensions; Widow 8 ies
toiMtion to pension roll; deserted wife's half
pension; Bounties and arrears of pension.
Charires of Desertion Correrted.
rtuiniH of all kinds tnkt-u aaitiHt the
rniti'il Slutt's ami prostH'Uted.
At Mood Rivorevory fourth SatunUy
in each month.
Apple Shippers
Your shipments, large or small, re
spewfully tolieiteil. We can get yon
jjisal prices, l'roiiipt relnrns. Send lor
shipping stamp.
Commission Merelmnls,
121) Front street. I'ortlaml, Ore.
I to...
Send it to them because they are lining
it cheaper than you can do it at home;
and then, tno, it makes life lots easier.
Hood Itiver Steam Laundry washes,
starches and delivers ready (or ironing
till family washing for
W. D. ROCERS, Hood River, Or.
Wood choppers wanted
Arxxit Wli cord of wood to out, 4-feoi length
Cunip out and tools furnished. :ti, miles
on Kant Side. I'KKSt KXT KKl'lT Co.o5 l
Removal Notice.
Owirg to tlie etress of work and
cramped quarters I moved my
shop on October to the
Pallas Warehouse, Fourth St.
Opposite 0. B. Hartley's Residence
where I w lite better able lo at
tend to the wants of my customers
in my line. F. G. COE, Carpenter.
Tli is term "family washing" includes
such articles as underwear, handker-
liiefs, socks, table cloths, nankins, etc.
All flat pieces are ironed without extm
This is an innovation which greatly
simplifies the family, laundry problem
and will doubtless aid ninny Hood River
housewives in making their daily duties
less to be dreaded.
lo nut fail to make inquiry regarding
this offer.
No bundle less than 50 cents.
Phone Main SMI.
Apple Trees for Sale.
The undersigned has :m one and twe-year-n'd
trees, Ini'liiilini; varieties as follows: Spit-
il, iiriii v and Newtnwns. Price from 6
rhlllip kiillna. n
en In
I'-' cent
Jersey Bull.
Have .lersi-y bull at
rliaive 51 lor serviee.
my place, anil will
M. lamias, .Mount
Oftlces and Rooms.
The very best for rent in Smith Iilock