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About The Hood River glacier. (Hood River, Or.) 1889-1933 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 19, 1905)
HOGD RIVER GLACIER, THURSDAY, OCTOBER 19, 1005 MAKE COMPLETE SEWER REPORT KLICKITAT LEVY PLACED AT 21 MILLS After three days of tedious prepa latiou, the Hpeciul sewer committee til the council presented its report Monday uiht. 'ihe town lma heeu lormed into one main sewer district lor tlm construction of the outfall tower, and then mliilivinioiiH o! the town will const met Newei'H hh the sov oi id dintrictt! need tlietn. Attorney W. 11. Wilson of The Dulles and Engineer Paget assisted ti e committee with the work of form ing the subdivisions and determining the tjoundary lines and locutions of tlie sewers hs required in minute do t:iil by the charter amendment. The repoit of the committee was submitted to the council and accepted on motion of McDonald. Kecorder Niekolsou then plod led wearily through a dozen pages of typewritten iranuscript, defining the boundaries of tbo subdivisions, while Councilman McDonald traced the lines on an oltl ciul blue print cn the wall of the council chamber. Four typewritten copies of the spe cial sewer ordinance will be made and posted in public places according to law. Six days will then be given to hear objections from the property holders, before assessments will be levied and bids asked for the con struction of the system. Ordinance No. 101 went on to third reading and final passage, which grants the Pacific States Telephone and Telegraph Co. the right to main tain and operate a telephone and tele graph system in the city of Hood Kiver, the privilege to exist for a per iod of 121) ' em's, with the understand ing that the jiresont rates of the com pany shall not be increased during that time, and that the city be grant ed certain free uses of the phone sys tem tor fire and police purposes. Kecorder Nickelsen's report, cover ing the period from June 110 to Otco ber 1, was read and referred to the linunce committee. Mayes for the committee on streets and rjublio property leported that the work of removing certain buildings which stood in the streets of the city whs well u :der way. The street com missioner expected to have the work completed in a few days. Or 'inance No, 102, which provides that application shall be made to the city officials before the streets of the town shall be disturbed for the pur pose of laying water, gas or sewer mains or latorals, and the manner of procedure in this work, was read the llrst time and referred back to the judiciary committee. A. W. Outhank, as chairman of the committee of the Commercial club, named to preseut the matter of a pub lie, library to the city councli after t lio manner outlined by the state li brary commission, addressed the council ou the mattor. Ou motion of Councilman Karly the subject was re ferred to the judiciary committee. As the city would have to raise at least SrUU before anything could be done towt.rd securing a public library, and as other very important improve ments are now under way, it is the sentiment of many of the influential citizens that it would lie unwise to consider the library proposition just at preseut. Claims against the city were allow ed by the councilemn as follows: Lukiu, labor ou walk, 9 1.50 K. K. Bradley, printing notices, 2.00 Light Co.. light for ball and bridge, 12.25 Oregon Lumber Co., m iterial for cabinet, no charge. F. (1. Co cabinet, l.M F. (.!. Coe, Hixiug lock, .50 Morgan liros., cartage and hauling gravel, 3.20 Fashion Stable, livery, 4.00 K. S. Olinger, marshal salary, 50.00 J. W. Walker, burying dead horse, 5.00 Kev, Hinder to Begin Revival. The United brethren people will lieign a series of meetings at the Hirst U. H. church on Oak street, October 25. Hev. U. M. Heeler will be his own evangelist. All are coidially in vited to these services. All of Cod's child en are requested to pray for a revival of religion in Hood River dur ing these meetings. Praying always with all prayer and supplication in the spirit and watching with Crhist in the school of nrayer. Questions: Have I ever thought about what kind of a scholar He would like to have in His school? Have I ever considered how and what He would like to teach me? Have 1 obeyed His various direc tions about private prayer? (Math, t; -t; i Have 1 obyed His solemn com in and to have faith in Uod when .1 pray? (Murk 11:22) Have 1 studied the liible to know what is the will of Clod to give me in response to prayer? (lit John 5:11) Havel followed Ilis command to furtive when I am praying? (Mark 11:25). (iod forbid that I should sin against the Law in ceasing to pray. (1st Sam. L2:2:f. ) First, for a spirit of prayer in the church; second, for a love of souls among christians; third, for a spirit of conviction amongst, the un saved ; fourth, that I and my fellow members may be kept faithful in pray er and praise. Q. M. HEELER. Bids Wanted. Notice is hereby given that the biiiird of directors of school district No. II! of 1 1 uod K ivor, Wasco county, Oregon, will receive bids for the car peuUr work for the construction of a schrol house 24x11 for said district to be constructed in accordance with the plan and specillcutions thereof. Seal ed bids"for such work will be received at the ollice of the board at the resi dence of J. R. Steele, clerk in said dUtrict, till Saturday, the2Mth day of October, 1005, at the hour of 1 o'clock p m The board reserves the right to reject any aud all hids Plans aud specifications may lie seen at the otiice of the clerk in said district. J. R. STEELE, Clerk. Nursery Trees. Twenty tmmeaud, carefully grown, choicest 'varieties-Apple, Tear Peach mid Cherry trees can be found at our Tnie-to-Na'nie nursery, for the coining season's planting. We have never been able to Hiipplv the demand and hence you should li'le ynnr orders at an early date to Insure attention SMITH A UAI.I.IOAN, Hood River, Or. Special to the (ilacier. (loldendale, Wash. Oct. 17. The Hoard of County Commissioners fin ished the business of the session last Tuesday, and J. P. Egan went home Wednesday. The following is a synop sis of their proceedings, as pertains to the people of the west end : Supervisor John (i. Wyer's rep:irt was accepted by the board. It showed amount expended for labor I0.0."; for material S'.U.'O. The T. Wyers road was accepted and ordered opened. A ferry license was granted to The Dalles & Rockland Ferry Co., to oper ate a ferry at The Dulles. The general tax levy this year is 21 mills, and 5 mills in road district 1 and 2, and 0 mills jin road district Nos. It and 1. The F. R. Reynolds road wsa laid over until right of way is obtained. The Splawn road continued lor fur ther investigation. The James O. Wood road was order ed opened iu the manner prescribed by law. The county auditor was authorized to advertise for bids for the coiietrue tiou of a sewer system for the court house and jail. In the niatttor of the care of P. D. Mills the board ordered an increase from $10 to Sil5 per month. In the matter of the liishop bridge across tho Rig Klickitat river on the Camas road, it was agreed between A. L. Richardson and Mr. Royal the contractor to submit the facts to Mr. Butler aud his decision will be Until. Mr. Richardson claims the bridge was not built according to plans and specillcaitous, while Mr. Royal claims it was. Everhait & Rosengrnnt were allowed 5 per cent of the contract price of the Jones Creek trustlo upon the favor able report of J. li. Wyers. The educational and grain exhibits at the Lewis and Clark fair are to be returned to Klickitat county. Win. Olsou was appointed justice of the peace for Husuin precinct. The following bills were paid : C. M. Wolford for nails and paint for bridges, $2:i.(i5. Wickens, Toiukins Co., lumber for Gilmer trestle, 85!). 03. George Rankin, labor on (iilmer trestle. 817.50. George Purser, labor ou Gilmer trestle, 817.50. W. C. Manloy, work on trestle, 18.!K. George Purser, painting Rattlesnake bridge, 87.50. liiils amounting to 879 woro paid for the state road survey. MRS. DONOHUE IS BURNED TO DEATH While burning some rubbish in ber back yard, lat Thursday morning, flames caught the clothing of Mrs. John Donahue and burned every thread from her body. Tho poor woman endured awful agony for nearly an hour before death relieved her sufferings. Her feeble husband was near by at the time but was ut terly unable to render assistance. His bauds were severely scorched in an attempt to wrench the burning cloth ing from his aged wife. Neighbors rushed into the bouse on hearing the awful screams of the fran tic woman and a physician was at once summoned. He arrived shortly after the accident ami did everything possible to alleviate the sulferiug of Mrs Douohue until death put an end to it all. The body was badly burned, every stitch of clothing being consumed by the Haines. Mrs. Douohue was over 00 years of ago. Her husband has been an iu valid for some time, tery. Mrs. Donahoe was (10 years of age, was born in Lancashire, England, aud came to.America In 1H6T). She settled first in New York, aud afterward came to Shermau county, Oregon, where she was married to John Donahue iu 1888. They lived iu Sherman county until six years ago, since which time they have resided in Hood River. Mrs. Donahoe was a good neighbor, a kind friend, a loving and devoted wife, and highly respected by all w ho knew her; she leaves to mourn her lo.-. a husband, two children Mi-. A. I.. Jelfery of Portland, aud William Tay lor ol Hood River, aud six grand children. The funeral sorvices were condm led l in the home, Saturday at .i o .-lock lv Rev. W. C. Evans ana uev. . i . Gilmore. A large number of friends and acquaintances followed the re mains to Idlowilde cemetery, where Rev. A. L. Her huer made some ap propriate remark! in appreciation if tho deceased as a neighbor. "I wonder what makes ber look so sweet, And brightens her eye so dim ; Perhaps she sees the golden gate, Or hoars the angels' hymn. I'm glad to think she has crossed Where the wonderful river rolls, And gathered the rose of youth again Iu the beantifl garden of souls.' A friend and neighbor. Shermau couty papers please copy. lams ' ! A 1 I : IBB5I alkover Ui'i'CU'lli. s. d tho world 0 ami $ 1- shoe over its llic on he niar- t o lie found exclusive v nt Vogt Bros.' Furnishing: Store A la rue fa i i 'ci I hipnient i ti I unpnckei la i Iniiii. a ru t lias just been I. All the late assortment to Shoes Hardware SteWart'S Furniture Ours has not been a complete store long. Have you been in recently to impure into the thousands of things that you buy from day to day? Wo make it worth your while to progress with us. We have hund reds of articles in stock now that you could not find when you called .10 daysngo, and you probably did not find in town. Our prices are right, because we buy right. We are merely your agents, and we have the cash to back you. We buy the quantity that gets the price to meet ALL competition; we get the price by knowing the markets. We know the lowest selling markets and price our goods to meet it without regard to tempory local conditions. Let Us explain about coal oil lamps, stoves, doors, glass, and the many needs before winter closes down. o GT BROS. Hood River, Oregon stov Wm. M. Stewart's KB hood ill via: Sani tarium MARY P. JOHNSON, H.D., Supt. ! Ideal Hon:;. 1'cr holds' P Houses and Lots -IN- oe s Addition Sberilf Warwick and Attorney N. L. Ward are attending court at White Salmon today before Judge H. K liowman. Quite a number of Camas Prairie people are over this week on land bus iness before W. H. 1'resby, United States commissioner, among the num ber being Peter Conhoy, Mr. Murray and Peter Troll. N. II. lirooks, one of our hustling attorneys, also attorney for the C. K. & N. Ky., returned from a trip to Portlaud last night. lie was in Port land to atterrd to some business con nected with the railroad nnd aho to witness the closing of the Lewis ami Clark exposition. Itig Immigration Coming' ti Oregon. A. L. Craig, general p useiu 'r iig' id of the O. K. & N., beleivei tint tin Lewis and Clink xposition will U the means of drawing many fettles to Oregon from all p irts of the l.a t He declares that over -J.00) honi.i seekers are arriving daily in t!e state over tho O. li. A X. mil Sciilli ern Pacific lines. All transcoiitineiiti.l roads In gnu solliug the special colonials' liiknlr September 1,") and will continue the low rates until Octolire 'U. I'ho rule is M3 fronr Chicago, 10 from St. Louis aud ?'2i from St. Paul. Ihe number of tickets sold by all runds i in excess of tho numbei sold while the colonists' rates were in force 1-st year or during the spring months thi. year. A small proportion of thoi coming are visitors who iiiteml to k turn, as the bulk of such peoi 1 1 took advantage or the cheap round tri; rates to the exposition. S ue of these who come are locating in tie cities, but the majority are farmers who will buy land in nil sections of the state. Tho increased travel is looked up on as the direct result of the fair. Many of those who aie coming attend ed the exposition early in the season, and returned to sell their property in the Kast before locating here perma nently. Others are being drawn to Oregon by the favorable reports given out by thoso who returned Kast alter visiting the Pacific coast. Watch This Space Next Week Climate an in the il.-l M .1, s. 500 A 1 1 1 1 1 ! 1 1 1 V . I- Mil I! Il:llll..;..l ami I . I. nl'N(i MK mi.! LEARN AND R. nn jJUr:-; wm J V. K t J Removal Notice. Owing to the stress of work and cramped quarters I w ill move my shop on October 2.) to the Dallas Warehouse, Fourth St Opposite O. I!. Hartley's Residence where I will be better able to at tend to the wuiilj of my customers ill my line. F.O.COK, C.irpenter. lEven a inua can buy olden Gate Coffee and be absolutely sure of getting the same quality each time. The un broken seal is the buyer's protection. and 2 lb. aroma-tight tins at high grade grocers. A. rOLCER & CO. San Framciaco KatablUh Im 1BSO S. J. FRANK Dealer In Harness & Saddles All Repairing Promptly Attended to HOOD RIVER OREGON English Walnut Trees, Fruit Trees, Scrubs Hants, etc. I iregon is dc'cloping as a wonderful walnut prodil ing section. Ilig proli's, wi h small outlay of capital. Chance of a life time. No spraying mi e pc.sivc dijeis. We have the hardy varieties, early liearers. A postul card will Ining'vou walnut catalog, a treatise on their culture nnd results here. Als . send for nursery catalog. HliOOKS k SONS, Walnut SnrKcry, fur I ton, (tie. Now ACCOUNTING M 1 v I'uriiN latum Am MM' lilt' llll'i 1 ilk w fin n. !v tlol'snt l.v nil Ini Wc I'Mvuli- a r furnish him r h to f.O 11 lut'lil h Minmtnm. tir I sinli's wvs of 1'1'ON t ; K A 1 l Students i .in li.ins. ''r lull tttir Srli.mK , 1 ti-i' ul 1 'i iis'i 1 1 1 . nl' Ihi'i ;i I Mil Cheap for Cash or on your own terms. is the Time to Phone Farmers 1233. Buy. H. C. COE. ih. li,.- !;... Ill, Mil II .I'lAll. The Morse !ki.;ol of Teloraphy i 'iiifiiiiiat i AllHUtll, i Some Bargains. A I . Our lit Iraets of n Mnsier ; n I divided nil acrca e.;i I t rttrtH ' I l.i vuUev, lie di-nc. i- in i :i::. oreliaiil sold at a l ,i l'i. -i: orchard. I" i provene iil L Hi in -li 1 iOII ol' 1 lie niie veal "I I ill nll.ili.i. ' : III. Two miles mil : oi side. Clioie A lililiilier Iraels ol' iiniiiipi heal' invislii;:ilio Hit '0 dit'leretlt III illl 111 hllhls ill ill I ' mliTU mnl, il HI t.i I'.'.'ll ll I'ii ililTelclit in II I liiver I M.'.-i, I I. .'I! iilmii. ml, !) '. l'i 1st I'ni linn iM In resi- i and ill be e- in i nu ll'. Mil' I" I 'Mir-. - ill In in r.,1 r li I'll hi i;i-t Im f I in. I. ll .", Ill, I ir- iii ii i-i in til I'lr-., I acres Nil I 111.'. I" alioul nine , i.lliel' west L'I I III liunl lare Iraets from inn h on ami Wiishiiiv.l "ii Some lew resiliences portion of the city . ;;:'n nen in aero nit uill Oilier of in He- Bartmess Furniture Store ON A CASH BASIS wi Your dolliir will buy out show you wc HunivcifiO Prices really hmIikhhI. leaders iu reducing prices. Come ami see wliut cash w collar's wortli, and we it. Remember we ill do. S. E. BARTMESS Building Material, Carpets, Paints, etc. Undertaker and Embalmer. ami lots in every W. J. BAKER & CO. Real Estate Agents Hood Rivor, Oregon. 2vnCLC- ABBOTT, Hlgli. IvdCillIncr3r AND HAIR GOODS Hood I'iver, Oret-'ou. A 1.1, SYI.KS AM' I'HICKS FULL LINE OF RECORDS KOK SAI.K 1!V W. D. ROGERS, Hood River, Or. Notice. All parties using our pasture north of the O. R. & X. track, please call at the ollice of John Leland Ilen.lerson and settle for same. Henderson & bvans. Wood choppers wanted Ahout Ml conls of woiHt to cut, 4 ''"''"'''h: ...-.. .mi i.n.Ih furnished. .1', miles out HART & FOSTER Blacksmiths Scientific Horseshoeing a Spwialty. (Juarantee to put a horse on its feet; stop interferinrr and cure anv corn; sireaii mn- tracted feet, etc. (leneral re pair work. HOOD RIVER IIEKillTS. Big Sale of Land. rio vou want ten-acre tract nf liM-ctawi nr fruit luiwl ut ft hHrinillt? If. examine the M. 11. Toller farm liimr eily of Hood Klver. lift iicren. Junt I'laewi " e nuirket tn he wil1 l t"t '' "H i the ... or ny r. J. i-jl isu liiiu .ireel, l'urtln4 AGENCY TROY LAUNDRY R, E, WITHROW Has mveplwl the Hood Uiver agency for tin; Troy Laun drv Co. nl I'ortland, with an office nt Emstruin's. He will call for laundry Wednesday and Thursday, delivering Tuesday. These dates will hold for a few weeks, owing to the rush of work in Portland. Dates will be changed later and notice given. Wagon will collect and deliver goods. Phone Main 203. Hood River Cider Mill We have completed our Cider Mill and are ready to do custom work and buy cider apples. I'.ring in your apples. Barrels and Cider for sale. Mill phone, Main JJJJJJ Residence, Main 203. M. L. EMRY & SON. rS .-,!PRESIDNT$ i "tiitooJf S''i GRANT ''-I " t'lildm'00'fS HAYE5 ' : 1 PVVwrtiU GAR FIELD j -Stcr-Smitir BEMJ.HARRISON 1 I fpJ' ilf C INSURANCB AT 10WMT COSt IN MKINLtV 1 INSURANCE COyrWY ASSETS $44,000,000.00 INSURANCE IN FORCE $216,000,000.00 Its investments are not excelled by those of ny Company in tho world. It has no fluctuating stocks and bond3. For ovej twon'y yyfirs its rnortgaga loans on farm-lands have earned the hiflheot rate of , rui interest of any American company. Its ntios of death ""y"' losses and expenses of manage front hdve always been very low. As a result it excels in largft dividends to polity holders, among whom are divided the profits Ul ine company. THE Union Central OF CINCINNATI JOHN M PATTI50N P..,... I A0flfiS A0VfTMv Otr r to MkTICUlUi.t tlVI'H OCCUPATION AND mourn M0 rTAK Of BIKTM. lor .rm.i'.i Hi to I". V. LKAVV, Manager, 711-712 Maniuaia liu iUlinj, JOHN LKLANI) 1IENDEUSO.V, Agent, Hood Kiver, Oregon. iirthnnl. Oregon, or VUKI HW- t-KKS KNTHUino. o