The Hood River glacier. (Hood River, Or.) 1889-1933, October 19, 1905, Image 4

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l!y lioswoll Shelley.
Odell, Kant Hood liiver Valley,
Ol't. 17. '1'lllTO WHS II HlllIj(! lliootillg
hint Kut unlay evening at the Odd lei
lows hall at Odoll Unit was well ut
tended. The object of tho meeting
wan to discuss tho water question
It proved mi enthusiastic mooting
mid the sentiment was iiMiiiiiinniiH in
favor of securing water for irrigating
purposes. It is h fact well underHtood
that the lack of water for irrigating
tlio Odell District hasand in retarding
the progress of thin section, l or two
yearn wo linvo had promine of water
which has failed to materialize. Thin
fart Iiiih aroused the ( .In and they
hid in dead earnest in the matter and
intend to have water at the earliest
possihlo ii 1 1 line ti t at any icaMouiihlo, and when the eoile are thor
oughly runsed and eoneliido to fettle
questions they usually settle them
A committee of three, consisting
of I'Vauk Strong, TIiom. Lacy and
John Kroegor wasappointod to inves
tigate the mutter looking toward the
Imnding of dintrict lying adjacent and
west of Odell. A report from thin
committee will ho heard at a mooting
to he held on ThiirHday tho 'Jiith hint.
liev. Olo Oloscn, who hiHt winter
purchased 'J acreH from Alfred Wood,
arrived at Odoll hint week and has
already liimlier on tint ground for a
1 room cottage. Mr. (lichen in from
Minnesota and after looking the Will
amette valley over concluded to net tie
in Hood liiver. Mr. Oloson is a iniu
iHter in the Lutheran church and will
no doulit prove a viiluahle acquisition
to our neighborhood.
Last Sunday wife and I took a drive
over the Neil creek way, calling 1 1 rut
at the home of Henry Avrey and wife
and found them aliHent. From there
we went to tlie home of Mr. and Mrs.
Thou. Avery, where we Bpent a very
pleiiHant hour. Mr, and Mrs. Avery
received iih in a moHt cordial manner,
and this being our lli'Ht call upon them
in their modern, comfortable cottage,
they kindly showed iih through from
cellar to garret. Their limine in well
appointed throughout and complete
in every detail, ily moans of a Hinad
hot air engine a TilHI gallon tank in
Idled in two houses, which furnishes
hot and cold water through the house
enabling them to have the luxury of
a hath room. 11 in liain and out
buildings ate complete and well kept
and tlie general appearance of things
aliout the promises showed thrift, en
ergy and system. We congratulate
Mr. and Mrs. Avrey on their oumfort
alili) home and plnaHiiut surroundings.
Next we rein our lime into the in
vincible Chris Dethman'H place. There
we Hnd ouo of the niccHt home silos
in the valley. Chris wiih glad to nee
iih, an was also Mrs. Dethmau. The red
apploH are looking their very host and
ouohs an
Is ut liiind, mid everybody is liable to catch them. Of course you may el
some lionrlioiuid candy, a, box of couli drops, have mother make some flax
seed tea, with n slick of licorice in it, nib on some skunk oil and t in-pent inc.
taken, dose ol' kerosene; and if all this Fails you may ask your neighbor what
he used, etc. These remedies may be all ri-ht to use tit times and under cer
tain condit ions. Mut when they lad to aid you, why
nieiitiii"1 when you can vt. almost instant, relief with
White Pine and Tar
which is scienl ificnll v
child, and every bottle
money back if not satisfactory. 1 rice, 2.1 and
Over forty-live years' experience iu our line stands behind our "-u.-iranlee. Hint
we ciin ;-ive you the best ptods and do your work in the most satisfactory
(loods we sell will be engraved free of charge.
We do our own hiamoiid mounting at home.
.No wateli so ((duplicated we cannot repair it .
Our loiijr experience, superior eipiipment iind met hods of lit in
us on an equality with any house in the larv cities. I U-in-- a ui
colleges, the latter as Doctor of ( pt halinolo-i'v, we understand the ev
niidl heir relation to human ills, for headache, nervousness. ct
eye strain, we invite you to call.
Whe ...l.l .- i- . i- -... .
.1 ii.i in -i .urn ii in i n, one
our motto: Honest
an ChriH in an apple man he gladly
nhowed uh through hiso-aere orchard.
Moat of the orchard wan already
picKod hut tlie Detroit red and Home
of the Spitz were hanging full of the
red apples that go to make up the
golden harvest, nH were pictures of
tieauty. Thin o-aoro tract will yield
Mr. Dethmau 1'JKlto 1 : Ml boxes of A 1
apple and ruh the flltioo very (done.
VearH ago Mr. 1). Hacked hiH faith in
the valley with hiH riiiinelo, and today
he in on cany street, and nt ill there in
opportunity. ChriH known a good
thing when he HeeM it, and kno-ing
miikoM the best of opportunities, ami
tlmt'H what counts. We don't envy
Mr. and Mm. Dethiniui their charming
country home but commend them for
Hioir iniwl i udielnen t. ill boildilil such
a home in the very heart of the hot j
apple belt in tlio world, where during
ii...:. tl,,. ...III 1...
Llli'll him J I ii I iik J'"' mil
crowned with every comfort th..t this
world can give.
Ah we drove briskly home amid the
crisp autumn air with apple orchards
and the bright tinted autumn leaves
skirting the roadside, and the dicker- I
ing rays of the setting nun gilding the ;
mow crowned summit of Mount j
Hood, our thoughts ran swifter than 1
did our faithful old Altiiiiiont ;
drawing rein at the Little White Store j
we were thankful that fate led iih to
a Hitching post in tlie rar lamed lloo.l
liiver valley
PurtiiiH desiring winter quarters for
horses can arran :e with li, I). Shelley
of the Little White Store for good
pasture and plenty of straw guaran
teed. Horses will be taken and re
turned in the spring at a reasonable
One hundred dollars wiih quickly
rained at Odell last Sunday evening
to releive a family who are ill and in
trouble several hundred miles distant.
Themi people were formerly our neigh-
Iiiiih and mends. Odcll is no excep
tion in that it responds promptly anil
generously to the touch of sympathy,
when help is required. This inci
dent tit 1 y illustrntoH the llooseveil
lea of politics and religion, towit:
That performance iH better than
profession." The ( Jhristian I'ludeavor
of Odell iu entitled to the credit of
thin genuine Christian act of kiudueHH.
Several tennis voluntarily went upon
the road last Monday to place a grav
el bed on the DavidHon Hill. It be
gun to look as if we were going to full
buck on our more enterprising neigh ,
horn of the Pino drove district, and
travel a road that wo had no interest1
In making. One half the work put'
upon the went Hide road that these ,
wide awake people have spent upon
theirs would give uh a better road
than they have. We trust this good
work will be crowded to completion
for whenever we become truly in '
earnest in thin road work ami are1
willing to make the sacrillce in the
way of work wo will get good roads. I
The latest improvement at Odell is
meat market being built bv Mr.
WarroiiH. Our want list is a long one, 1
but as things gravitate to the
hub, wo expect other thingH will fol
low. The arrival of the iron horse i
hero will prove an impetus to further j
developments that are Hiirely in store
f:ir us. Hotter get in on the ground
13 C
The Reason Fori
prepared, absolute v harmless
of wliich is uarant eed. (live it
in our i is i oi sausiieu ciisl oniers.
goods at honest prices.
Smith lllock, Hood liiver
C. L. lingers lian recontly remodeled
and phiHter hiH cottage on hin Odcll
ranch. It in now very comfortable.
Mr. and Mm. Knnis are occupying it.
With apple picking, potato digging
and road working everybody it busy,
and when people are busy they are
out of mischief. Lets keep busy.
Wm. li. Quartz, tun party referred
to in lant week's (ilacier, who reside,
at Craflon, Pit. , writes mo from San
Francisco on hin way home indicating
intention of returning to Hood liiver
and locating here permanently, Mr,
(Jiuirtz is one of tlie many Kastornor.s
who have been attracted to Hood
Kiver by reading account of our
fruits and other resourced through
tlie enlumns ' the (Jlaeior.
""' w(irl K '"(
May the ;
Kev. and Mrs. H. C Clark were vis- j
itoiH in this neighborhood on Tiles- j
day of hint week.
Supervisor It. I'. IJudclniiiu lias a
force of men at work on the road
in this district.
F. S. Perry came up from Portl iml
on last Sunday to visit his nephev.-, j
Master linlph Owens Lyons.
,t T,ivm. j,, ,uil iing n new house
,, i...i .i,.., i,H iw houeht. from
ulasper Wickham.
H. C. (Mark preached at the
house on lant Sunday after-
K. Hillman, a brother to Mis.
Pregge, arrived at Hood liiver with
I his family from Santa iiarbara, Cal.,
on September lilt. During his viHlt he
went out driving, ami fell out of the
buggy and broke his collar bone and
dislocated his shoulder. His brother,
K. 0. llillmnn of Napa, Cal., came
for him on October ! and they left
for their homes on the loth.
Johnny Liudsey retrueil home from
Itytur on last Sunday.
William (J. Flint, ji., will preach at
the Crupper school Iioiihh Sunday
nt'trenoon at ll:)i() o'clock.
llert Kami of Portland has been vis
ifiug the pant week with his sister,
Mrs. li. F. Harbison.
Mr. ami M s. Slocuin and friends of
Illinois called on soinn of the l'itic
drove people to get some of t he Spit
zenlieig and Joiuit hall apples to lake
with them to their home as an adver
t ineiuent of Hood liiver.
Mr. liaison and deorge Winchell
spent a few dayH in Portland huit week
visiting at the fair.
Messrs. Jerome and Warren Wells
an I families returned from the Vaki
ma hop Molds last week. They are nil
viry glad to be at homo ag'in.
Miss Plunc'io Harbison was given a
pleasant surprise paity by some ol
her school unites on tier seventeen. Ii
anniversary and was the recipient of
a number of gilts. The evening was
spent pleasantly in playing Hindi and
similar games.
Mr. and Mrs. 'Will Smith took a
largo collection of iipph s from this
ulistiict with them when they return-
do you ( on
e. pen-
to e(
di the
;i tria
. Your
."() cent
5 Cm
KhMAlflJ'i DKI litilSTN
1 hive
adliale of
es, t heir i
, result iii'
Ayer s f SSJew A
Doctors first prescribed
Ayer's Cherry Pectoral over
60 years ago. They use it
today more than ever. They
rely upon it for colds, coughs,
bronchitis, consumption.
They w ill tell you how it
heals inflamed lungs.
" I IihiI a very Imil ivmirh for three yours.
Then I ti it'll Avttr' olierry I'toral. Mysore
Iiimkh werti duuii lit'iiledaud niy cough dropped
Man. 1'earl HYDE, Uuthrle Centre. la.
.'V.. ,Mlc. nl il. J.c. AYBROO..
Old Coughs
One Ayer's Pill at bedtime insures
a natural action next morning
ed to their home iu the Kant.
Miss Margaret Wells apent last week
visiting the fair in Portland and visit
icg her brother, Warren Wella of
lieavi tti n.
Sii trinlt ndent Nelf made a very
ploihii;t call on the Pino drove school
Tuesday, October 1 1. We hope that
nil the parents, will call and see how
their children are doing.
There was a large attendance at the
entertainment given Thursday night,
October !-al the Pino (Irovo school
There has I een scleral piecos of
laud sold during the week; among
tb uu are Ji acres of C. A. (iilmore
which whs sold tu Mr. Davis for i?.jr(H)
and the I') acres of (. ('lough to Air.
Coulter at fiioO per acre.
William Campbell of Portland is vig
iting his mother Mrs. U. T. Kice of
Pine drove.
Mr. Oliver bought the Van Loan
farm and began al, once' clearing a lot
for the erect inn of a store. Thin, etore
will bo built iu a short time and is
about a (punier of a-inlle south of the
school house.
Mr. Price sold his 'JO acre farm at
iflijni). We mo sorry to lose our neigh
bors but feel that Hood Kiver has the
power to keep lliein hero, hut if they
do leave they w ill come back, for the
most of then cannot remain away
alter once Jiving ln-ro.
Kockford has just installed a brand
new heating stove from the Oregon
Stove Co. , Portland. Its capacity for i
ta.fing in kivo chunks and big hard
knots is '.' 'underfill ami should yon
have some lame burly knots you can
not very well use, just try Iioukford.
No doubt you can trade them olf to
him. It is the intention to have
Kockford warm and cosy this winter.
While prices will bo low, goods will be
up to date. Call at once.
John Hide and Albert dibbons left
Wednesday la.-t. to spend a few days at
the Portland fair.
John dibbons is a busy man those
days having quite a number of hands
picking apples. John is busy hauling
tl.em to the packing house. Ho litis
-onio very line fruit.
C. M. Camp is busy with Charley
digging up potatoes. Camps are reg
ular hustlers.
Mrs. Stninahaii and a friend were
visiting on Tuesday last at Ma
Ingall i. After spending tlio (lay and
when ready to return homo, Mr. K.
Watt was called upon to hitch up the
horse and m they started for homo in
good t lnipo.
W. MoKoynold phoned to Kockford
on Saturday last stating that ho had
a car load of good milk cows ready lor
-ale dood property to have these
days, do anil look at the stock, then
buy it good cow.
Will Kills has put up a neat, now
house. Will is a regular hustler and
wants things tiico ami cosy for winter.
I'r. Deputy and Ii i h brother Kd
wore callers at the Kockford on Thur -day
last. Ilro. Kd is from California
and is looking for a location. We
hope ho may tlud something in Hood
liiver Valley.
II. P. Martin is busy now a days
hauling spuds to town and apple box
es on the return trip.
II. I''. Shoemaker has a now man
from the east working for him.
Men may bo noticed caliug at
Kockford inquiring the way to dreen-
poinf. Wo hopo to very shortly hear
I ne sound of the ( iieciipoint whistle
calling I imo to uommeuco' and quit
w orli.
II. ('. Mi Kamoy left on Saturday for
Mount Jlooil settlement.
1 Mr. anil Mrs. t. 1!. (iregoiy of Park, lown, are visiting with
tla ir daughter, 'Mrs." K. ,. Isaac,
lliey are highly pleased with tho
country ami consider this the best
t in i t district they have seen since
cienin west.
Perry 1 1 ii;gins of t'entrebury, Ohio,
! I ..- I ' en visiting w itli Jesse Davidson.
Mien Macruni is the proud father
a daughter, that came to his hpme
I -! I u-luy.
Mr. , limes, who manages a large
''h.ilesile store in Portland, has
I might leu thousand feet of ten inch
pi ink of Mount Hood Mill ("o. to
bui! I a bridge across the west branch
of Hood river at his ranch.
i.Mi vs MayCuoper has been teaching
in the Mount Hood school during tho
illne-s of Mivs Wigle. TI Mouut
lbs. I seluvil now has GO pupils.
Willi; m I'reileiibiug and family,
t'oimly Commissioner of Pacillc
i 1 1 : 1 1 . Washington, came hero last
Ihursday to spend a couple of weeks
"ilii hi- brother, Oscar Predeulai g of
tin- place.
'. alter ( Iribble is homo for a short
, visit with hU parents, after spending
'tii.idcr.ibli time iu Willamette vul
h'j ; u 1 other points.
I i Spi overcame in from tho moun
tains la.-t I'riduy with a bear skin
ovei liis shoulder, lie promises his
vis I ers a liberal supply of bear meat.
Ne.v is your chauco, boys.
W. s. dribble, tlie Mount Hood
merchant, dug his sweet potatoes the
other day. They are as tine as can be
"i:: il in any country. A taste of his
watei melons a couple of weeks ago
would convince any one that Mount
Hoed product are as tiut as can bo
grew n any w here.
Mi-, li. P. Wygandt is quite sick.
The doctor calle 1 on her Sunday. .
Mount Uood has not a Very licury
'rep ot apples this tall, but when it
.Mini'.-I o potatoes wo have th.'in iu
size i ii. 1 quantity to suit your taste.
1'rother Stranahau's weather pre-
Our Fall and Winter line of Black Cat Hosiery is just in and wo have every
thing in Cotton, Fleece-lined, Wool and Worsted for Ladies, .Misses, Men, Boys and
Children. This is the prettiest line and best Stockings that it is possible to get. If
you buy Ulnck Cat Hosiery you will get the worth of your money and be satisfied.
Price, ;
per pair up.
.loliu St rontinan'H line of Shoes for
Ladies and Children in the newest lasts,
are the best wearers, snappiest, styles,
best fitting and most comfortable Shoes
you can get.
Ask to see the
dicti-ous may ccnio true, but the writer
has always boon told that all signs fail
in Oregon, and we should hope lirother
Stranaliau is no weather prophet,
Miss lioss lsenberg came down from
The Dalles last Thursday and spout a
few days visiting her parents at Bel
mont. Kev. J. W. Kennedy will pleach at
Belmont M. 10. church next Sunday
A. Ii. Phelps and family returned
homo form the Yakima bop fields last
The ladies' aid will meet with Mrs.
(leo. Soulo Friday afternoon at two
Mr and Mrs. Siimmervillo and
danghtoi of Lexington, Nebraska, are
the guosU of M. P. Isonh'irg and
Dorsoy and Klmer Smith have re
turned from Pnewawa, Wash., where
they spout the pa t summer.
Kd McParlund of Seattle is visiting
with his grandmother, Mrs. M. 1).
deorgo Smith and Mrs. A. C. Smith
of Washington are visiting their par
ents, Mr. and Mrs. d. W. Smith of
The Dukes Valley literary society
was re-orgaui.ed last Saturday even
ing. Meetings are to bo held every
Saturday night. A program was ren
dered, it being a business meeting
the following olllcers were elected to
serve one month: D. L. Davidson,
president; A. T. Dodge vice presi
dent; Mark Cameron, secretary ; Os
car Cameron treasurer; W. C. Dodge,
sorgoant-at-arms. Mrs. Hello Camer
on was appointed as editor. A. T.
Dodge and Mrs. Wm. Darkham wore
appointed as oonimitteo on program
for next mooting. We expect to have
gooil meetings this winter, ami we'
coi uaiiy iiiviio ajj 10 come ami Help
us to inane meso lllfoiuigs a place Ol
amusement ami instruct ion to both
,,LI TI., ...Ill i
lion box where nuv one will boner
milted to ask proper questions, and
wish to Kay to the young boys who
attend these meetings, that playing
pranks on outsiders who come hero
will not bo tolerate I in the least. Wo
will mention no names this time, but
take warning or you are liable to see
your name where you might not wish
to have It.
Mr. and Mrs. Hall of Cascade Locks
a e visiting their graiiddaiighter, Mrs.
M. Cameron this week.
Dennis Hudson and wife were visit
ing relatives iu the valley last Sunday.
W. (i. Hudson and V. C. Dodge
stinted for eastern Oregon last week
with the intention of giving stereop
ticuu entertainments. They expect
to visit about fifty towns before re
turning and if they inako a success of
thiH venture they will then visit east-
t ,
fcv o I
The above was clipped boi'ily from a
two-coluinn announcement by The Evening
Telegram of a $5000 prize contest it has just
instituted to obtain new subscribers.
This sweeping tribute was absolutely un
solicited. A ALL the business colleges of
Portland use the advertising columns of The
Telegram-the Behnke-Walker College being
by no means the largest advertisers the
Write direct to IVpartnnjU S.
Try Black Cat
In kid, navy blur
which are the very
ern Washington and Idaho towns.
They aim toifit only tov iih 1 ere
there are no railroads as the Kuiiiso i
not so high mid altemh.iice gem i ally
better. They will travel iliogethir
by wagon. We wish them all kinds of
Chas. Stanton who owns a piece of
rough but fertile liiiiiiu the south
end of Dukes Valley, took a ci i.ple U
Baldwin apples that grew on a tour
year old tree down to the fair. Mr.
Stanton says ho looked over all t. e
frii't exhibits but saw no Baldwin ap
ples that came up with his iu either
s zo, shape or coior. Mr. Stanton is
very enthsiiastic over the futuie pros
pects of the hill laud surrounding
Dukes valley as an apple producing,
It appears that the fair did not
agree with several who atteued f o m
here as they came home sick or with
had colds and some have not got over
theii fair yet. But they all say they
wore well repaid fir time and money
spent and would take the trip again if
they had the chance.
The Development League of Mount
Hood is up and coming. At a recent
meeting it was decided to establish
a permanent exhibit of fruit, grasses
and vegetables from the .Mount Hood
valley at some prominent place on
Oak street in Hood Kiver.
With the large number of Eastern
people arriving daily to look for fruit
lauds, the enterprising Mount Hood
people propose to take their light
lrom tinder the bushel and let all
know that good land is plentiful and
reasonably cheap in the Mount Hood
valley, the host dairying section of
Oregon, and a country where winter
a pies and other fruit, including
strawberries retur.i a handsome in-.
como to the farmers.
Hell of lienor at Idikcs Valley.
i .lie following pupils of the Duk
v ajiey scnooi were neither absent nor
laruy tor too month ending October
Wilbur Caruahan, David Carnahan,
Ployd Hudson, Palina llagen, Nellie
llagen, Maude Dodge, Vera Hodge,
Hazel Dodge, Arnieda Murphy, and
Winnie Kessell.
TKOY S1HXLEY, Teacher.
Attacked Ily a Mob
and beaten, in a labor riot, until cover
ed with sores, a Chicago street car con
ductor applied liucklen's Arnica Salve,
and was soon sound and well. "1 use
it in my family," writes ( i. .1. Welch
of Tekonsha, Mich., "and Iind it per'
feet." Simply great for cuts and burns
Only L'.V at C. X. Clarke's drug store.
It is to your interest to refer to Mr.
P'iirt ss' ad under the new svsteni.
7 . V . 0 . .1 mm .
orytt. ir among tho grand tlghti to b
Tlio. i-hclarthlpj vrr, minted after
cona.dfrlng mir.y rolipffi. and wers o
lected bcai:a TS-t T,ejra:i) balltvaa
that the ahnk-Walker Colleae offers
'tti i
the & opportunity to secure a bmiimsa j
' "hi
ivNPi5 vll lut a.ii.i m toe
West. Ttaeae scholarships are transfer
able, and may be used, given away, or
sold to any one In your dutrtot.
sweeping nature of this indorsement came as
a great surprise.
It was in no sense a paid advertisement, but
was the verdict of that great evening daily-it.
fair and impartial judgment after having in
vestigated best business college, in the west.
t Lome to Portland- take advantage of this
twif PPrtUn,ty l fe.Cur.e a bun duca.
bon of any college of its kind in the West"
Uehnke-Walker liusim ss College.. Tortland, Ore.
and Turnovers in the newest styles.
Plain and colored. Embroidered, drawn
and hemstitched.
150, 200, 250, 350, 500 750
Ladies' & Misses' CAPS
New Things in Caps
500, 600, 820, $1.00
, plain
or checked,
Also mixed
it is A. I. Mason's ambition that
liood Kiver capture every one of the
! 1 1 utiful cups offered by the Port
l.inJ commission men for the best
display of individual varieties at the
January meeting of the Oregon Horti
cultural society. To start the ball roll
ing, Mr. Mason has a box of New
towns, 4o of which completely fill the
box, with a commercial pack, lie
also has some select Spitzeu bergs.
"There isn't a variety tliero, includ
ing the Winesaps, iu which ;we can
not excel," says Mr. Mason, who
wants his neighbors to join in the
contest for all the prizes.
Mason has just finished packing
his upple crop, and has :i;il boxes
which have been sold for 8710. The
largo majority ot Mason's apples this
year wont SO to the box. While tho
crop was light the quality was never
Mr. Mason used the arsenate load
spray, ami hus had less than 'i 1-2 per
cent of wormy apples.
Hart I'scs Knife On Dellart.
A cutting scrape at Viouto last
Wednesday, resulted in Foreman De
llart receiving a deep slash across tho
nose. A man named Hart did tho
cutting. Hart It seems was securing
some wood from the lumber yard,
and Dellart sought to restrain him or
make him pay for tho same. Words
led to blows until knives were drawn
and blood began to tlow.
There is dill'eient evidence as to
which of the two men is really to
blame for the rumpus. Deputy Shorlli'
(linger went to the scene of' the fray
the next morning, but Hart had takeii
to the woods with a Winchester.
Later reports state that he has gone
to Tho Dalles with tho intention ,f
giving himself up to the authorities.
Dellart's wound is not serious, but
will leave an ugly scar.
lowiins Think it a llig I'ricc.
Dr. W. P. Laraway recently sold his
.ippie crop irom tns 3J-acre orchard at,
Olenwood, lown, receiving 10(1(1 for
the same. 1 lie sale is the talk of the
community in Iowa, the price being
considered something remarkable.
Air. Larnway used tho Oregon meth
ods in the cultivation and spraying of
his orchard this summer, and is leap
ing tho reward of fliior apples and
hgher prices.
Laraway says at the county fair this
fall, two of his adjoining uoighbors,
one on the right and the other on tho
left, were granted first and second
prizes on apples, while they gave him
third. Ho thinks they wero generous
even in this, for he has an idea the
apples came from his own orchard.
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