The Hood River glacier. (Hood River, Or.) 1889-1933, October 19, 1905, Image 2

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iMiit'il ever? 'J hurwifty by
AklHLK U. MOU. Publisher.
finm of nubscripuuii- tl.M i 7ur w P'4
In Bdvtnce.
THURSDAY, ()(TOl!Kli 111, 1005.
The big huncbos of harmony brought
to light t Mr. linker's oonvotition
were from all respect purely unadul
terated. If the party can keep up the
good work, we shall have a republican
governor next year.
After four and u half inonthH, the
Lewis and Clark exposition came to
an end at 12 o'clock hint Saturday
night, the turnstiles having recorded
an attendance for tho Inst day of ."0,
W and for tho entire oxpoHition
Editor LyouH of the Independence
Went Side Eutnrpriso tolls bow to Htop
the mail order business, lie says:
The country press generally is deal
ing th" mail order business gome
pretty hard knock. The most clfect
ivo and really the only way to head it
oil' is through live advertising hy
home merchants.
Heal estate transfers have not been
so brisk in Hood Iliver for months.
Tho rush for fruit lands is without
doubt Home of the direct returns of
the great Lewis und Clink exposition.
The fair has cost Hood Kivor a direct
expenditure of thousands of dollars,
but results are already in evidence,
and there is no pessimism here.
Verily prosperity has ontered tl.o
sanctum of the (ioldeiidale Sentinel.
Editor liyars has purcliasod a type
getting machine, which makes it pos
sible for him to issue an all home
piint G'-page papoi, und the an
noiinoement is mudothatMr. liyars is
likely to be (ioldeiidulo's next post
master. "Thorn that has gits. "
' The prize cups olf'ered for the boi t
apple exhibit at tho January meeting
of the Horticultural society are very
handsome articles made of enamel
tlnish copper with oxydized silver
handles and trimmings und the grower
who carries one of them home may
well bo proud of It for its own beauty
us well as for what it will signify, says
tho liural Nurthwest.
Men of all supposed factions intend
ed the republican love feast in Port
land lust week. There was apparent
from hll sides a disposition to recog
nize th people's choice of tho primal y
nominating law ; that every republi
can should work for his friend before
the primaries, nod support the nomi
nees afterward. If wo bear this in
inlnil next June, republican success is
Now that the apple men are picking
and packing their tine apples, it
would be well to lay aside a few box
es of tho choice ones for exhibition
purposes at the January meeting of
the Horticultural Society. A number
of lmndsouio prize cups have boon
olfored us prizes by the Portland com
mission houses. It wouldn't look
well for Hood liiver growers to attend
tho meeting and say they forgot
about saving uny apples for this con
test. A good many people in Oregon
Came from Missouri, and it will re
quire the actual apples to convince
them that Hood liiver deserves the
prizes. Itemombor now ami save out
sonio plates of the choice apples.
Some months ago the Glacier urged
the planting of pear orchards by Hood
liiver fruitgrowers. Itoguo Itivei
fruitgrowers begun setting pear orch
ards several years ago, und now that
section of Oregon is regarded us one
of tho best pour districts In tho West.
Look at tho remarkable prices real
ized last week by J. V. I'erkins on n
car loud of Cornice pears: From l?7.7u
tolfli. 10 a box, averaging Mi.NO, and
the carload, consisting of 1000 hall
boxes, brought 3120, the highest
price over received in New York for u
car loud of pears. Other Kogue liiver
nrchardista are aiding in establish in.'
a reputation for Southern Oregon
pours. A curlond of liurllett pears re
cently sold at an average of 1.30 a
box und u carload of lleiirro d'Anjou
or?-).:itia box. Mr. I'erkins used hull
boxes holding t! pounds of fruit each,
and muile from (dean No.l lumber. He
used lithographed paper end labels on
tho boxes, fancy lace paper border
and lithographed tup mat. These
stories compare well with returns
from Hood liiver Newtown and Spitz
eulierg apples. Cornice, lleurro d 'Aii
jim thillosc ainljliarl lott do well on
Hood Kiter soil, and live and ten-acre
orchards of these varieties should net
handsome letiirns to t he growers who
plant t hem.
Ask Aid lor Heading liooni.
To all who may be Interested in the
opening up of a reading room in Hood
liiver, so that our boys and young
men may have u ciiiutorlalil.) place
where they can go and spend an even
ing protllably to themselves, we desire
to say that you mo earnestly solicited
to make donations of iniigiiinos, pap
ers, books or money that the tables
may be supplied w it li up In date liter
ature, 1 'lease bring or scud your con
Irihtuinus to ( 1. M. Heeler, at the I'.
II, parsonage.
This reading loom will lie opened
on Tuesday and Friday evenings from
0:30 to H p. m All persons are invit
ed and will li ml a welcome to this
reading room. Ilnsket ball room will
be opened on Tuesday evening.
These looms will lie in charge of
Mrs. Heeler, who will be in attend
ance each even ing to look alter the
wants and needs of the young people.
If you don't provide sonic entertain
inent for young people t hey w ill tlnd
it for themselves. A word to the wise
is sutltcieut. H.
A till lie Training I'nr The linv.
The boys of the Unitarian Sunday
school have formed an athletic club
with the following olllcers: Willie
Chandler, president; I'.verett Kami,
vice president; linger Mco, secretary;
Audrey Itlowers, treasurer.
The purpose of the club is to in
dulge in healthful, recreation, sports,
amusements und reading that shall
contribute to gentle-manliness. A.
K. Franz has been chosen physical
instructor with (leorge Howe us assis
tant. For a few weeks none but the
boys of the Sunday school can be en
tertained, but as the preparations are
perfected others may lie admitted to
membership later.
Special Correspondence.
Underwood, Wush., Oct. 1H. lien
Deals has had a new job of lute night
watching. An old liear and two cubs
have been visiting his apple orchard
and helping themselves. When tin y
didn't llnd enough on the ground
they broke limbs anil have done eon
sidei Bible damage. Charley Tubbs of
Chenowith bus been watching with
him with a 30 -30 in hand.
Will Wendorf lias returned to Un
derwood. Freil Luthy gathered about llfteen
pounds of English walnuts fr in a
young tree in his yard this fall, which
shows what Underwood can do when
given a chance.
A gale has been plucsd uoross the
road leading to the old bridge on
White Salmon, for the purpose f clos
ing the road, but travelers have left
it open ami cross the briilgo ut their
own risk.
The surveyors for the Washington
state road have completed their wnik
through Underwood.
Mr. King and wife have moved on
their homestead on the mountain.
A. J. Haynes and party leturned
Wednesday from Yakima.
Mr. Cromwell purchas ,d tho old
school house.
llert Veatch and son returned Wed
nesday from a visit to the Lewis and
Clark fair.
Amos Underwood made business
trip to The Dalles Saturday.
The government llshory men have
about completed their work of secur
ing salmon eggs for the hatchery ami
expect to move down the middle of
this week to the hatchery.
Haynes, lioseucrans und Luthy
have begun the erection of our new
school house. The board purchased
no acre of land of E. C. Ooddurd for
I he site and he in turn gave the mon
ey back to enlarge our library. The
building bus been delayed on account
of being unable to got their lumber
dell vo. od.
The local football eleven will meet
The Dulles team on the gridiron of
tho latter city Sunday afternoon for
the initial game of tho season. Cap
tain llrock is acting as coach for the
homo team ami will endeavor to In
still. as much football lore into the
Leum us possible between now und the
lay of the gunie. lint live of tho local
eleven have ever donned the mnlo
sk n, but us one game can tench a
player more real football than a
mouth's practice, it has been doeemd
wise to meet The Dalles boys tills
early in tho season, unprepuro I us
tlie lined liiver team is.
Captain ISrock played with the
Walla Wnllu high sciiool mid also the
Whitman college team. Schifllor has
had experience ut Albany college,
while Withrow with his 210 pound has
oilmen himself a tower of strength at.
guard on some of the strongest teams
if tho coast. Kelsey whs ipiarter back
for several years on the 1'orthind
iieademy eleven.
The lails ure enthiiisiistiu and arc.
out for practice each evening. The
lineup for The Dalles game will be as
follows for the local team :
dill, center; Withrow, right guard ;
Eniorick, right tackle; Kopkio, right
end; llnug, light half; Kelsiiy, ipuir
tor; Jones, left guard; Walker, lift
tackle; Howe, left end; Schilller, let t
half; llrock, fullback. Subs: Luck
ey, Hart and Ceo.
The Dalles Has a "Ihiailj'' Teuin.
The Dalles Chronicle.
"The Dalles is going to have u dan
dy football team this winter," said
Arthur Stuhling, who has been chos
en as coach, "and we'll give the peo
ple some good games. We are now
arranging for a game with Hood liiver
Saturday and with many others."
Twenty four of the younger boys have
i(one into tho unionization with a
vim mid ure doing practice work each
evening. Suits have been oidered
which will cost them about ftl.fiO
apiece. The sweaters and stockings
are black, with three gold stripes.
I'o defray tho expenses already in
eurred the boys ure planning for u
dancing i arty to be given either Tues
day or Thursday of next week, when
it is hoped our people will encourage
the boys by giving them their patron
ige. Athletics, and particularly the
training the boys get in a football
nmo, Is good exorcise for tliem und
should be encouraged.
M. L. Kinry has installed a hy
draulic cider and vinegar press in hi
factory located on liaiiroad avenue,
between the tlouriiig mill and the
freight warehouse, where, when oper
ating at full capacity, he is grinding
out (in and ",' barrel of apple juice a
Mr. ilinry has installed his plant
here without asking money or favors
nf anyone. He has had years of ex
perience- in the cider business in the
Kast, while his son Nelson who is in
partnership with him, is an experi
eueed uiuu in u fruit cannery, With
this preparation, Mr. Kinry is coiill
dent of success, behoving that cider
and vinegar is bound to become an
i in J 1 1 it u ot byproduct of tho apple
business in Hood liiver valley.
"I ike all Hood Kiver produtcs, we
intend to turn out a strictly tirst
class ai tiide, " says Mr. Kinry. "It
will not be possible for us to do niuili
in this line this year, but we aim to
lie prepared tor next season when vvc
w ill be able to can berries, cheiries,
tomatoes and other fruits and vege
Mr. Kinry is paying .' a ton lei
cider apples. His main buidiug is
:liMn leet in extent, it lias u leauto
h'2i. He is installing a 12-liripj
power boiler, and will provide the;
factory with evaporating pans, kettles ;
ami apple butter machinery. j
I 1
I .1. 10. llellellius, puhlislier
Wiitehiiian, a Swedish paper
little, spent last Thnmday in
liiver. He was uttrneled heie
i apple display at the Lewis and
j "vposit ion.
I 1 he
ri .'.',v '.i.'rVvV V''-
fa?drt.tkwlM&fc- ' lve just receiv
Wtf''lV y&yrZte&rt li one of tho finest
& '( .V-.-;: KvUViS': i liitrirains here.
tl ',',. .(,.; '-r.'-V? v-a: 4
styles ;ml can iicfonimoilntt1
the Best Hat Values
lints iti'e liest." Men's
Men's, Ladies', Boys' and Girls' Caps
Of every style, iind lop all purposes,
larger ami moie complete lhnn ever.
ranjic ipoiii a loe cinld s
men for HOc. Just the
When it comes to
tors for till kinds. Men's
made in all
leathers and
JF.:r :-.!?. ."
im mv cmv fnmh.
Additional Locals.
K. 10. Allen niiide u liusineFH tri
The DiilleH, .Monihiy,
The hidie' niil noeiety of tho M. 10.
eliureh will meet Kriday iif'ternoou ut
the home of .VIi'H. Ilnllieiv, nt '2 o'leoek.
Mr. mid Mi'H. Williinn II. 1'iijville
of Doleville, N. V,, were nueritn dur
ing the week of Mr. nud Mrn. JO. A.
I'runz. Mr. Fiiyville iH the lrmliutf
hurdwiire inereluint of I lolnevilli).
K. A. 'riionuiH of the I'utthcnd Oiya"
t'o., who wiih it 1 liiml Kiver visitor
during Hie weidt, t-lhli-.i tluit Hood
Iv'iver iipplex urn h-IIuik' for centM
.'!ieh on the fruit st and i in I 'm I land.
l!-ev. O. .1. N'elt-un nf tl.o I'liitminn
e.liundi held HervieeH Inst Sunday lit
t he Columbia M-lnad Immi.-i', Mi'iionii
nee. 'lliere nun a Iiiiko niidieiiee, ami
eh'n M'hU had to l,e t . i . i . ; j 1 1 1 in
to the liuililinK to ueeoininodi.tti
('. I . .Moore, who wan in the city,
Monday, from White Salmon, .says
the Northern l'acillc is air, inning to
eciirti water from the creek near the
White Salmon dock, which leads to
t he l.cleif that a hint ion will lie locat
ed there.
The llrst cur id' Hood
Io'.viim left, the wiu'elaiie e
Kivre Apple ( irow is' t'ni
day livening, l.ruiel for
whine the fruit ill !
an At i i ii t ic liner r 1 1,
in lOuland.
of the
on. V.
llooil 'dlle.H
Vork, roil allium!
The Kn'nthH of thins lod;e looms
were the mm ne i i' a merry party Tues
day evening. With .Mrs. Kinsey at
the piano, a delight lot time was en
joyed at. dam i. a.'. 'I'he Kat lilione sis
l.ers nssifti d il h the eveninn's enter
tainment. Luncheon was served.
I'harles T. Kaily o!' I he Oienon
Iiiiinlier Co. recei', id v. unl yester 'ay
morn iiiK' t lint lii. la n pany had licea
awarded a f.'old me. lid for a display
of eedar shingles ma e Irom live red
ar t i i n I km' and ex hi! il eil at. t lie Lew is
and (.'lark es i o-il The shingles
were umnufui'tiiicd in the mill at.
Miss lOinilie Ciosseii of The Dalles
still leads the second ili.driet with
i1. l!l;i votes and Miss Lucille t'rate
follows very clo-elv ith pi.of,;
to her riedlt. .Miss Stella l.'iel
i i luil ii
of Hood KiM'i' is t !ni d with
voles to her cred il , in t !.e I'.
Journal's conlc:t for tin
lo Honolulu.
free trip
Lowell li. .1 n 1 1
on, pm
the C
I'essor i f
uiversit v
hol t icult in e at I he
of Idaho, at Mo , ov
is in t he valley i
as tot he met li j
uionim;, pick !
securing intoi niai im
ods in veiiiie heie p.
,ii.', packim; and
shippillK' i- pie--. ,
i reel .- t o i.-.-iie a
subject, Itlld COllle-
I'rofessiir .lud-i n
pulilicat icn on 1 1
liere liecaust
the Hood I
he 1 1 1 e lids t lie w m k i f
icr apple tiowcl's us a
staiulard of inn uremeiit
in muvc-s
ful horticulture.
Harry N. imdl, . eei. 1 eorie
spondenl lor t he Twci.tirth t'enti ry
1'ariiier of Ouiiihn, ami tie l-'anii
! ield ami fireside of ('hmeijo. ac
companied 1 y I'rne.k t!. S'e heiis of
the New York Tri! ;,c, I aniier, the
Orange ,liidd and the Ver
mont I'lirnier, aie speiidim; a few days
in llroil liiver, MCiirinK' material tor
speciai ai t ides on I l.c liuit industry
here. have visited other
sections of the Noit hvve.-t, and arrived
here I'licsilay from Noith akima.
Mr. and Mrs S. ('. liiehio of New
Paris, I'lel-le county Ohio, were
quests hist Thursday at the home of
.Mr. and Mrs. S. I'. Illvthe, at Twin
Oak farm. Mr. liiehio has just coin
plete.l a term as commissioner in
I'lel-le eounty, and is louring the
Western states and inenh iitally cele - uu; Ins .i vve.liliiu' aiiiiiversai v. !
V aw
of the I tie has a In-other, ,1. S. liiehio, lo- -of
Se-'cated at Scotts Mills, .Marion county. 1
Hood ; Oi eyon. Mr. liiehie is iea-ed wild
hy the j Oioiion, and intends to .-end his pi
Clark I J ear old son here that lie icilit se- .
cure a location in the We.-t. j
River's Bargain
Call and
We wish to callyour
attention to our fine
line of Men and loy.s'
Iliits. We have 'all
anv purse. We have
'. i
in the City. "Star Urand
hats from 50 cents up.
Our line is
Our prices
cup 1
i) a fine plush cap for
hin"' for winter.
Shoes, we are hem
und hoy's hi-h tops
work and
shoes for
and hoys, dress
heavy shoes for
'S and misses. We
sell more shoe i than an v
fit Hie
Whv? Because we
tf lmv ever had. We hi
$1.00, $1.25 and up.
.shoes whose im.kers have a reputation at
and because we sell them right; because we
foot as well as the pocketbook, and have the
largest assortment to
Hamilton V liniwn und lirown hlmec, the products of the two largest
liictoriea in the world. Children's ulinea from OQe up. Men's, fl.00 up.
Large assortment of Ladies', Misses' and Children's Dress and Street
HatS. Prices the lowest. Wehaveaharain in a Sewing Machine n
L'Oth Ceiituiy, dro head, hull bearing inarhine worth (10.00, for (25.1X1.
Home of Low Prices.
rak pbw f-i hmh. mm
There Will lie llarnieii), Snjs Shelley.
iioswell Shelley, in speakinK of the
iieaeo conteronee neiii last week in
l'ortJanil, says ho thinks good results
will fellow.
"Harmony now Bennm utmired, for
t ho conditions that luiilt up the op
posiiiK fact ions no longer exist," saye
Mr. Shelley. Personal politics lire
to he dune away with through the
workings of the nominating primary
law, if the intent of the law in carried
out ami the pooplo assume tho power
the law gives them, and with the In
jectiou of the resolution tnerehy giv
ing the republican party county and
nlate conventions, it means organ iza
l ion and leadership without which no
political party nor business orgnniza
1 1 1 hi can prosper.
"As evidence of this you have only
to recall the recent city election of
Portland, which was a campaign with
out a leader, wherein ex-umyor Will
iams with live or six thousand repub
lican voters in his favor was slaugh
tered in the house of his friends.
Neither politics nor business nor
churches nor secret or other kind of
organizations can suocoed without
some sort of intelligent leadership.
Such leadershi does not detract from
the power which now rests with the
people, hut it gives the csndidate
platform of principles upon which to
go before the people, und gives them
opportunity to make him face the vit
al issues ot the campaign if lie desires,
and deserves to lie elected.
"The sentiment of tho conference
was unanimously in favor of carrying
out. the full intent of tins new law,
then if it is not what the people want,
repeal it. Tho thing to do as repub
licans and as law abiding citizens is
to enforce laws that are good and re
peal those which prove bad."
New ((Hirers of Christian Kndcaver.
At tho a'wmal business meeting of
the Christian Endeavor society of the
Congregational Church, held Wednes
day evening of last week, the follow
ing were elected olllcers for the ensu
ing year :
MairDano, president; Leila llersh
nor, vice president; lOva llrock, re
cording secretary; Karl Outhank, coi-
lespoinling secretary; Paul Ireiber,
treasurer; r.llon Ire I her, organist.
The society is reorganizing on
llrnier basis. A constitution has been
draw u up, and hereafter members will
be a. I in it t o I regularly, alter the man
nor of other organizations. Hov. V
C. (iilmoro is taking an active interest
in the woik of the society, and has al
ready ai'oused renewed activity' in the
woik. The llrst regular meeting of
the society was held Sunday eveuiug
I'oierty Social Friday Night.
I he ladies of the l'i'st liaptist
church of Hood Kiver will give a
"I'oM itv social" at the Hoyd hal',
1'i alay evening, October at T :;t
oYiock. The general admission will
I "hi cents. Finos will be levied as
fi How s :
Anv liulv or girl wearing swirt or
waist without rent, " cents each;
sloes w it hunt holes, ii cents; ribbon
mound neck or fancy collar or tie, 10
cents; breast pin or stick pin 111 cents;
hair ci'iuiinents, a cents; rings 15
ci at-; watch and chain, '.") cents;
Any gentleman or boy wearing coat
without rent, 5 cents; 'hoes without
holes, ,i cents; white collar, lfPeeuts;
sc.irf pin, l.'i cents; neck tie, 15 cents;
rings 2',; watch and chain, 25 cents.
lliere will lie a short program rend
er, I, after which refreshment of mush
and in 1 1 K will be served.
Ifeal Fstate Transfer.
t.coige P. Culbertsou, the real es
tate ngent, reports the following sales:
Amos Case house and lot in Winans
addition to 10 11. llartwig.
A. ,1. Price 20 acres near Pine drove
to liev. II. I. Chambers of Port'aud,
who included a house and 'ot in Port-na-l
in t he ileal.
Carl lioss 10 arret) to V. 1". Stauf-
One Price
to All
ed and now have on display
assortments of Lace Curtains we
them for 38c5. 500. 750.
There are some exceptional
see them.
other two houses in the
rarry shoes of sterling
select from. We carry the
jm. i
er; consideration, $1000. Mr. Staulfer
is an extensive wheat grower from
near Lexington. Morrow county.
where he owna 1200 acres of land. He
wiil continue to farm his wheat laud,
out win make llooil Kiver nis noma
J. L. Van Loan, 17 acres opposite
the (j II m ore place in Pine Grove to
Franklin Oliver of Greenville, O.
Mr. Oliver will improve the laud aud
set out fruit trees, ile is a former
merchant, aud proposes to conduct
a general store on the place.
lu Hood River, Monday, October
9, to Mr,, and Mrs. J. K .Carson, a
iz pound daiignter.
At Mount Hood, Friday, October
lit, to Mr. und Mrs. I. A. McUrum, a
In Hood River, Saturday, October
ii, to Mr. aud Mrs. J. P. Jensen, a
a align tor.
Mrs. Mary E. Johnson, wife of the
late Henry K. Johnson, died at Pine
f lat wash., October 11, l!)05,of tuber
culosis. She was bom March (i, 18i(7,
in Florence, Washington County, Pa.
Her parents were John aud Mary
Fulton Dunbar. She leaves a brother
and family at Steuhenville, Ohio, aud
O. P. Dunbar, of Pine Flat, and a sis
ter, Mrs. M. J. Mcl'Vlaud of Hoovoh,
Alaska. In lHil.'l she went to Alaska
as a missionary under the Presbyterian
Hoard of Home Missions, New York,
and was an assistant to Mrs. McFar
land lor live years. The funeral was
held at White Salmon Saturday.
In Hood Kiver, Friday, October lii,
Kdna, the lH-mouths-old daughter of
Mr. and Mrs. William Ordway, on
Lyman Smith avenue. Membraneous
croup was the cause of tho little ono's
deatli. I' uneral services were codunct
ed Friday afternoon, with burial at
Idlewildo cemetery.
Card of Thanks.
I wish to thank all the kind friends
aud neighbors for their sympathy and
nelp (luring our sail bereavment. aud
especially Mrs. Robert Jones and Mr.
H. Kelly; their kindness will never be
forgotten by the bereaved husband
and children.
At the Churches.
Riverside Conuregati onal W. C.
Oilmore, pastor. Stibbuth School at
10 a. m. ; worship aud preaching 11
Christian endeavor at 7:15; preaching
i :,hi. miss Lena ilersbuer will sing.
The ministers ol Hood River and
vicinity are requested to meet with
Hev. . C. (iilmoro. Monday. Oct
oler 2.'i, at 10:il0 sharp. Let all be
First Christian church Meetings
nei,i in Artisan nail. Sunday school
10 a. m. ; preaching 11 a. m. and 7 :il0
p. ni. ; . P. 8. C. K. at 6 -M p. m.
Kvangelist Handsaker will preach next
Sunday morning; subject. "The
Lord's Supper. " In the evening A,
B. Cash will speak ou "The Remis
sion of Sius."
Methodist: 11 a. m.. text: "Dost
thou believe ou the Sou of God?"
110 p. m., text: "The Dav ofiSalva-
tiou. " These subjects will lie dis
cussed from a Bible standooiut All
cordially invited. Kev. V. C. Evans,
Lutheran Services will lie held
again next Sunday, October 22, at the
Advent church Sunday school at 2 p.
ni. ; preaching in tier man at. 3 p. m. :
cong egational meeting at 4 p. m. 11.
J. Kolt), psato .
Untied Hrethren Services ; at the
. H. chtiroh for October 22: Sunday
school at 10 a. m.; preaching at 11.
subject, "The Duty of Shining;" 3:30
p. m., Junior Fludeavor, topic, "The
Woman Who Helped Her Country;"
Y. P. C. E. at 7 :00, praise service,
topic, "Sacred Songs That Have
Helped" at N:iH sermon, subject,
air I
Wood For Sale ,
All Kinds at Lowest
Market Price.
Prompt delivery, phone. Murray Kay.
For Sale
For Hale First-class military saddle, bridle
anil blanket. Address C. 11. VHiiglnin, care
Butler A t o. na
Kor Half Kinull size no. S cook stove; in
nse one year; coat $12; will hell lor I'tione
Main 1115. n'J
Team for sale. H F. Moses.
For Sale Two brood Down, will furrow In
Nov. also Poland China boar, aUx'k can be
aeen at A. N. Foley's. Jos. Frazler.Jr. n9
F'or Hale I'ure bred brown leghorn pullets.
Three mllea out on west aide. Farmers phone
I'M, Mrs. . H. Kobblna, Kotite 1. no
For Hale-About 15 fine young pigs.
J I. Miller, phuue law.
For Hale New net 10 volumes New Interna
tional encyclopaedia: brand new; some books
have never been o-u. st JWU, will sell lor
Inquire Mrs. Heininuii. ni
F'or Hale-Oood wheat hsy, 110 per ton; also
Hlui-k Minorca pullets. Ralph H. Lewis, llei
mont. n2
For Hale One very flue Jersey heller and
one heller calf. These are good and w ill be
sold cheap, or trade for hay or potatoes. Cull
at Kock lord store, Harrett district. Hi!
For Sale Horse power wood saw machine.
I). K. Kemp, Odell. u2
For Hale l'lgs. II. Pregge. m!
Kor Hale-Team, weighing Z(M), true lo pull,
gentle; wagon ami harness. Hee W.Uanger.
Kor Hale Household lurnlliire. Five blocks
west of tilacler olllce, at the residence of T. H.
Weekly. o2i
F'or Hale Pigs. li. F". Lamar.
F'or Sale Two milch cows.
Apply to .1. I..
Kor Sale 40 to !i( acres of orchard hind Willi
pure spring water, situated one hall mile
from Odell. Hargaln. Hee the l.iltle While
store people for particular ,
F'or H.,le Fifteen ai-rcs lioid, iii'im. ;..('
will contract U cleat saint it pin-' n s : i;
sires, F. W. Angus. -7-'l'
F'or Sale Ten. 'JO or ;m acres: ni 'i" in
clover: '.H clcaied; iitulfi- diu-ii. I. Hi-i t ; . io
H. V. 1). im. 1. 12
F'or sale, 30 acres of llni' ori-li ml iir- .
Joining new county road: all lni'l. r ntlco:
acres cleared; wl!t Ink-: coat! h I lo den-
of land If contriicior pclics. Ciiilonoi w i
A. Hclilller, It. F. I). No. I. o- I ,
F'or Sale Five acics Inlgiitiil Inn ! in : I.
west of Irrigon; m liilaleinl vnlnn:l ii;s
tluice; SiU Clisll, IlillMI'l-u s;llM ill y i.iiy ).."
ments. t,eiald It. 'ti..d, in in, ldioi". i:
United Htutes Ijind Olllce, The Dalles, Ore
gon, Sept. 12, l!Kk". Notice is hereby given
that the following-named si ttlcr has tiled no
tice of his intention to make final brool In
siipiort of his claim, and that said proof will
be made before the Kegtster and Keceiver, al
The Dalles, Oregon, on November 1st, l!io., viy.
ot .MoNler, Oregon, on H. R No. I:i7;w, for the
N'aNF;)4 Section 15, Tp. i North, Ullage II F:.,
w. m.
He names the following witnesses lo prove
his continuous residence upon and cultiva
tion of ssld laud, viz.: Chailcs Prathar. F'rank
Hturglss, Heese Prathar and Kusscll lluskey
all of Mosier, Oregon.
Ciloili M 1CH A Kb T. NOLAN, Register.
In the County Court of the Htnteof Oremm
for Wasco CMinty.
In the matter ol (he Flslute of Harvey J.
Ilyrkett, deceased.
Notice Is hereby given that the linderstu'ncd
has been duly annolnted bv the Counlv Coui-i
of (he Htate of Oregon for W asco County, ad
ministrator of tile estate of Harvey J. I j rkett
deceased. All persons holding clai n s tinniest
said estate are hereby notified to present the
same, properly veritled, tn tho undersigned
at the F'lrst National Hank In HihkI Kiver,
Oregon, within six months from Die date of
this notice.
Dated September lit , linn.
2Hs2k Administrator.
Apple Trees for Sale.
The undersigned huh ;i(KK) one nnd two-veiif
old treett, includhija: vnrlt'tieH ns follows: splt-
zennerK, Artit y Mini n(w lork. J'nee from fi
UcentN. J'hmi) K oil am. nJi
Jersey Bull.
Have .lerwy bull ut
my plait', and will
M. DunitiH, .Mount
charge 1 for Hervlce.
Strayed One Iron ifriiv nmre. We lulit
Alxtut lltiO pounds, about 1U years old. H run ti
ed circle K on U-I't shoulder." If u nis Hros. o-.'ii
renu u io mem wcause tliey are doing
it cheaper than you can do it at home ;
and then, too, it makes life lots easier.
Hood liiver Steam Laundry washes,
starches and delivers ready for ironing
all family washing for
I'iiii ml
This term "family washing
such articles as underwear,
biefs, socks, table cloths, napkins, etc.
All fiat pieces are ironed without extra
This is an innovation which greatly
simplilies the family laundry problem
and will doubtless aid nianv Hood Kiver
housewives in making their daily duties
less to be dreaded.
Do not fail to make iniiiiiy regarding
this offer.
No bundle less than 50 cents.
Phone Main 041.
"Obedience to Ood." The ringing ot
the bell for these services: Sunday
school, first bell, 0:30 second bell,
10; preaching, 11 Junior, first bell.
3:00 second hell, 3:30. P. C. K, tirst
bell, 6:30 second, 7:lX) preaching, 7:30
aud 8:00. ti. Al. Heeler.
Unitarian Corner State and Park
avenue; Rev. O. J. Nelson, minister.
Preaching service next Sunday, with
a germou by Kev. William (i. Eliot,
jr., of Portland.
Belmont M. E. Church. H. (.'. ( lark,
pastor. Services, lieltnont: Sunday; Class meeting atli
a. ni. ; Epworth League 7 p. m. ; preach
ing every Sunday evening and 2d Sun
day in month at"ll a. in.; Pruver meet
ing Thursday 7:30 p. ni. Services at
Pine (i rove same as above except preac ' -ing,
which is on 1st and 3d Nindavs at
II a. in. Crapper. 1st and 3d Sundavs
at 8:30; Sunday school at 2:30. Mourn
Hood. The 4th Sunday at II a.n t. ;
Sunday school at 10 a. m.
Apple Shippers
Your shipments, large or small, re
spectfully solicited. We can iret von
giXKl prices. Prompt returns. Send for
shipping stamp.
Comniissiou Merchants.
129 Front street. Portland. ( Ire.
The Carpenter shop of 1'. G. Coe w i 1
m ove one block west t fourlh sireei
October 2:!.
Real Estate
Kit) aero mountain ranch, all under
irrigation ditch, twelve miles from Hood
Kivor; six acreu cleared, one, acre or
chard; good hunch marketable timber.
Also four lots on hill near residence of
Charles Custner; terms reasonable.
5 ucres, one mile from Hood Kiver;
all apples 1 acre bearing, l'rice for 30
tlavs, f 1830.
4() acres ti miles from town, east side;
20 acres cleared, 10 acres orchard. $125
per acre, cash.
Ill acres, 2 miles from town; all in cul
tivation, l'rice, $2400.
4 room cottage. Kast 45 by 150 feet of
Lot 2 block 0, 1'arkluirst, $1050; $750
House and two lots in l!arrett-Sipma
addition. $"00.
Fine business lot on main street for
$11100 on installment, or $1500 cash.
(i acres at Belmont, 0 acn a in cul
tivation, cot luge and outbuildings, 150
apple trees, 2 acres strawberries, 2 acres
alfalfa, $l;it)0; $750 or more cash.
New (i-roomed cottage, patent bath
and cloret, four lots, 3 blocks from depot,
center of town, $2100; terms reasonable.
Two lots centrally located, $550.
Two lots, new li-roonied house, patent
bath and closet, 3 blocks from de)ot,
center of town, f 1 700.
Two-story 8-rooined cottage, lot 70 by
140, on the bill, $1200; terms reasonable.
Kor Sale HO00 acres pine timber; 1
saw mill, cuts 20,ilo0 per dy; 1 planing
mill, capacity 30,000 feet per day; 1
store and stock f merchandise, alaiut
$3,500; 1 hotel and contents; 1 Haloon
building, rented ; 3 houses, rented; 10
head horses a d harness ;! road wag
ons, 3J H; 1 logging truck; 5 pair
sleighs; 31' bead cattle; 50 head hogs;
000 fed lumber; 2000 cords wood. All
located at and near llilgard, Or.
For Sale New two-story t)-room
oiise; Htranahaii addition; $1100; terms
14 acres across the road from the M.
I. Davenport residence. $00 per acre,
'erms easy.
A 40 acre tract, unimproved, some
ice irrigating water, li miles from Bar-
tt school house, $l,bX).
Hanna house and lot, $2,000.
Kor Sale The Henderson ranch, lor
n erly owned by J. K. (ialligan; liOacre.
-30 cleared; orchard; strawberries;
'over and timothy ; well irrigated ;large
ki-story mansion, new barn ; all fenced,
l'rice $10,000. Brook runs through ranch.
Kasy terms; telephone; rural delivery.
Four miles from Hood Kiver.
One goat ranch on mountain east
of valley on county road. Price $1,500;
has small house, running water, and is
fenced. Terms, easy.
For Sale Beautiful lots in Park addi
tion, center of tow n, from $200 to $300.
8. 100 acres at White Salmon; fine
timber land; $10 an acre.
Lots 10, 11, 12, block 5, Waueoma ad
dition; improved; price $1,(100; Jj or
more cash, balance, 1 year, 8 per cent.
Small house and lot on hill to rent, $24
a year; two vacant lots with privilege of
purchase $20 a year for the two.
F'or Sale Residence on State street at
bead of Front; $2,500, including 3 lots.
For Sale or Kxchange for Hood Kiver
property F'ine residence in business
center of Sumpter.
Money to loan.
21 a. at F'rankton; improved; $2200.
First-class Surveying Outfit
At the Emporium are kept 2 first-class
transits and solar attachments, and the
proprietor, a practical surveyor, is pre
pared to do the work of laying out acre
age property in lots and blocks, and do
ing all kinds of surveving and platting.
John lf;i.ani hknwckson,
City Kngineer.
Department of the Interior, I.anit OtTu-e at The
Dalles. Ores-im. Septemlier l, l!Hif: Notu-e is
hereliy tfiven that the following- named settler has
tiled nonce of her intention to make tinal proof in
support of his claim, and that said proof will be
made Is fore the Keifister and Iteceiver at The
Dalles, Oreiron, on Ortober IK, l'.mr,. viz: Mary
Kikkh, widow of Douglas KiKffs, of Mount Hood,
(lieif in, on II. K. No. 7i)10. for the SK' of .Section
7. Tp. 1 South. Kanife 10 K., W. M.
She names the following witnesses to prove her
continuous residence upon and cultivation of said
land, viz: W. S. Cribble. Robert Leasure and
Henry Thomas, of Mount Hood, Oreuon, und Mat-
tie Klchmond, of Hood Kiver. Oregon.
Hol2 MICHAEL T. NOLAN, lieirister.
Rooms To Eent
Nicely furniiNhi d front room, with hoard;
suitable lor lvo. Mis. Kntrk-un, l ourlhaiul
lUver streets. i
W iinlcd -To let contract for ifriibli'n
Apply to r, I). Thompson or u. II. Kolitnns.
1 1 :i
Wanted -liooi! farm team nf 1IMI or J-Jili)
loiiml horses; also nice driving horse, weiylil
about llo-i. . A. Jayni. n;i
Wauled To hire iniiii witli fuinllv to woik
on mill l-irin. Kveryihini; liiinlsiie'il and lib.
cnil contrilcl In (fin id Ulan. Address K, ( ibi -cier
olllce. ,,o
Wanted -Mids on n cords of wood delivered
weekly ni I'mlervvnoil. About '.uncords In all.
Address M, Ibis olllce.
WiintcilA live yoiinit niiin (single), to
travel Willi a crew anil learn a good paving
hii-lness. i all Sunday, a to :, .Mount i,,.l
hotel. I-'. II. (iiltiain. (vy,
Wniiled -To trade .lersev cow for liav In
quire li. W. Smith, It. K. i. No. a. - ' ol'.l
Lost, hnlv's small silver,... u-.,i,.i,
with black silk toll, near depot. Kinder p ensi
ratiirn to Mts I'oole.
round Lady's uirscirf in. I ban Ih.iu. Tin
owner can sucuie .viine a! (il icier o llre. n'.l
Taen I'p on soutnwest t of southeast '4
Ol -ci tnin L'T, towiislnu :l. one black i,v
nave same by paying ilnmui'es
and paying
lor this notice. II. c.
( iarra-
round H:a, k. heifer, -J years old. left
cropped, upper im and timer tut. mvn r
please call and take awav at one; and
diaries. II. pregife.
Notice to Contractors.
Notice l hereby given that the Hoard of
I'motor. of the llisid Kiver Irrigation Ids
trict inWiiM'n county, Oregon, will receive
bid- tor the eonsi i net inn the neces arv
ei. mils and oi k lor sa Id ilisltlc' tobecoii
ililicle.lin aecoidance Willi Hie plans and
sl-ecitlcatiotis lliereof. Sealed bids Im sia-li
uoin mil be nceived at I lie ollice ol the
Hoilld at the residence of ,1. II. Shoemaker
secretary of ih lloiud in said district till NntJ
unbiy, (be L'Sth ,rtv or October, l'.Hl.', at Ihe
hour ol i,-cli'k p. in. liids must be' accom
panied hy a cortitiod check ur live per cent
ol tin- amount of the bid. Tlie Hoard reserves
the light to reject Htiy and all bids. Plans
and specifications inav he prisured bv ap
plication lo the secretary of the board
I'.iteda! Hood Kiver. (in-iron, tins pith dav
of s.-pletiiber, in-.",. ,1. 11. rstloKM V K Kit,
s1 "j-1' s,-cn-iary,
1 am pre i aredto furnish mill and slab
wood, also ,,tit.r kinds of wood.
1 luive a new steam wisul saw and am
prepared to do sawing. Also do general
team work.
PI one 121.