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About The Hood River glacier. (Hood River, Or.) 1889-1933 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 19, 1905)
r" VOL. XVII. HOOD RIVER, OREGON, OCTOBER 19, 1905. No. 2- a SOCIETIES. HOOD KI VKIt UHXf K NO. 1(6, A. K. and A. M. Meet Kuiurdity evenluK on or before cucli lull moon. Tki'man Bltlkk.W. M. A.D. Mok, Hecrelary. HWJUKIVKRI HAITKRNO. 27. B. A. M. Menu ttrst and ILld Friday ulk-litsof eaeh monin. r. iuahulu, h. r. A. IJ. Mok, Secretary. JIOOll KIVKK CHAPTER NO. . O. E. 8, Meets wiml and fourth Tuesday evening of euch month. Visitors cordially welcomed. al KM. J. u, HKKHHNKH. W. Mi Mrs. Tjikkksa Castnkb, Secretary. IIM.KW1I.DK I.OIKJEN0. 107, I. O. O. C Meets In Fraternal ball, every Thursday night. WM. uahuis, N. u. n. 0. Smith, Secretary r.irr.11 r.iov.n.Hi .nc.-i, i.v. v. v. -. Kea-iiiar meeting second and fourth Mondays ... r... ... i i. u.,uuu u Ul rttl ll 11IUI1LI1. A.. J., iuvnou, v.. H. R. Entkican, Scribe. LAUREL KKBKKAH UKUREE LODGE NO. HI, 1. O. O. K.-Meets Bret and third Fridays in each nioniu. Mrs. E. W. Udell, N. U. Mrs. Dora Thomson, Secretary. WAUCOMA IX) DUB NO. 30. K. OK P. Meets In K. of P. ball every Tuesday n.gut. v . c. chock, v. . H. T. DkWitt, K. of R. and 8. HOOD RIVER CAMP, NO. 7,702, M. W. A. Meets In K. of P. hall every Wednesday night. CHAS. JOMCS, v. 1 C'.U.DAKIN, Clerk. ROOD RIVER CAMP, N0.77, W. O. W.- MeeUou first and third luesuay oi eaca nioutb In Odd Fellows ban. F. II. Ui.aou.C. C. H. W. Wait, Clerk. HOOD R1VF.RI lRCLE NO. Ml, WOMEN OF Woodcraft-Meets at K. of P. hall on the first and Third Fridays or each mould. Lou, U. N. F. VV. McIUvnolim, Clerk. HIVEliSIDE LOHOKNO. (id A. O, U. lV. Meets first and third Saturdays nf each IIIOIll.ll. C. L. cupplk, M. w. K. R. III1A1H.KY, Financier Ch khtek SH l'tk. Recorder. RIVERSIDE LODOE NO. 40, DEGREE OF Honor, A. O. I). W.-Meels first and third halurdays at S p. ni. M iss Coka COPI'I.E, C. of H. Miss Cahkik Coi'i'LK, Recorder. ORDER OF WASHINGTON HOOD RIVER Union No. lU-Meela In K. of r. nan me second and lourth Saturdays In each mouth at 7:;0 p. in. E. L. Rooo, President. C. U. Dakin, Secretary. OLETA ASSEM ULY NO. 103, UNITED ART-l.-uiis. MeeU. I lie llrsl and third Wednes days, work; second and fourtli Wednesdays Artisans' hall. J. H. KoBKHU, M. A. C. D. Hkmku 11, Secretary. COURT HOOD RIVER NO. 42, FORESTERS of America, Meets second and fourth Mon days In each month In K. or P. hall. Guo. Fox, C. R. F. C. Brush's, F. C. CANUY Post, NO. ICG. A. R.-MEETS AT A. o. U. W. hall, second and fourth Satur days or each month at '2 o'clock p. in. All G. A. R. members Invited to meet with us. A. L. 1', Commander. Thomas Uohs, Adjutant. CANHY W. R. C, No. W MEETS SECOND and fourth Saturdays of each Monlli In A. O. U. W. hall at i p. in. Ki.i.k.n Ili.owmiH, President. Liz.ik (IKK, Secretary MOUNTAIN HOME CAMP No. 319, R. N. A. Meets al Hie K. 01 P. Hall on the second and fourth Fridays ol each month. Mas, Carrie bRosius, O. Mrs. Ella Dakin, Recorder. Wauna Temple No. 0. Rathbone Sisters. Meets secon .i and fourth Thursdays of each inoiiih. Amanda Wuitkhkau, m.E.C. Stklla Rhhakdson, M. of R. & 0. J. F. WATT, M. D. PHYSICIAN AND SUKGEON. Telephones: Office, 281; residence, 811. SURGEON O. R. A N. Co. U.S. MAHY JOHNSON, M. D. Physician and Surgeon. Olllces and Residence In E. L. Smith Building Over First Nut. Hank. Eulruuce, rear of bank, on Third St. Phone 311. H. L. DUMBLE, PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON. Successor to Dr. M. F. Shaw. Calls promptly answer ;d in town or country, Day or Night. Telephones: Residence, 01 1: Office, 1113. ofllce in the lltoslus Building. DR. J. EDGINGT0N, Physician and Surgeon OHice over tlio First National bank. Olllce phone 14:13. Res. phone 76X1, M. F. SHAW, M. D. (Mice in Jackson lilock. Olllce phone, No. 1171. Residence, No. C. H. JENKINS, D.M.D. DENTIST. Specialist ou Crown and Bridge Work. Telephones: o'lce, 283; residence, 104S. Ofllce over Bunk Hldg. Hood River, ore. M. E. WELCH, THE VE1EUIXAKY SI KG EON. Is prepared to do any work In the veterin ary line. He can be louud by calling ator phouiug to Clarke s drug sture. E. H. HARTWIG, - LAWYEK. Wlil Practice in All Courts. Office wirh Geo. D. Culberiaon & Co. Col lections, Abstracts, Settlement of F-slates. HOOD RIVEK, OKtw lN. - JOHN L ELAND HENDEiiSOll ATTORNKY-AT LAW. AB8TRACT. TARY PUBLIC and RIAL K8TATI AGENT. For II Tri a waldant of Oragoa an Wash. irrton. Ha had anr years xparlano la Real Kitau mattari, u abstractor, Maroher of titles and agenk gatlataeUOD I uaraatMd at Do charga. A.JAYNB. LAWYER. Abttracta Furalihed. Honey Loaned. Hood Biter, Oregon. p C. BR081U8, M. D. ' PHY8ICIAM AMD 8URQE0N. 'Phone Central, or UL Office Houra: 10 to 11 A. M. I to I and 6 to 7 P. M. JAS. McBAIN, Hood River Marble Works Am prepared to execute all or(ler for granite and marble work, monuments, tombstones, etc. Also contract for all kinds of stone masonry, con crete, f to. Arrival and departure of Mails. HOOD RIVER. The bostofflce Is open dully between 8 a. ni audi p. in.; Hunday Inmi 12 to 1 o'clock. Mails lor ine cast close at u.a a. in., s.'ju p. in ana p. in.; for the West, at '2.40 p. m. and p. in Tha carriers on R. F. 1). routes No. 1 and S leave the postofllee at 8.30 a. ni. Mall leaves For ML Hood, dally at 12 in.; arrives 10. a. ni. For Underwood, Wash., at 12 in.. Tuesdays. Thursdays and Saturdays; arrives same days at n a. in. For White Salmon, Wash., dully at 12 m.; arrives at II a. in. WHITE SALMON. For Hood River, dally at 9 a. in.; arrives at 8 p. m. For Husnm, Trout Luke and Gulcr, Wash., dally at 7.30 a. m.; arrives 5 p. m. For Glenwood, Fulda and Gilmer, Wash., daily at 7.30 a. m.; arrives at 5 p. in. For Pine Flat and Snowden, Wash., at 1 p. m. Tuesdays and Hattirdays; arrives sume days at 1'2 in. Kr Blugen, daily at 4.45 p. in.; arrives at 8.45 a. in. O. K. & N. TIME TABLE. East bound No. 11, Chicago Hiwclal. 11:43 a. ni. No. 4, Spokane Flyer, 8:40 p. in. No. 6, Mall and Express, 10:40 p. m. No. 24, Way Freight, 12:15 p. in. No. 2& Fast Freight, 4:06 a. in. West bound No. 1, Portland Special. 2:5tl p. m. No. 3, Portland Flyer, 5:.'W a. in. No. 6, Mull and Express, 4: 18 a. in. No. '23, Way Freight, U:2Ti a. in. No. , Fast Freight, 1:05 p. in. Oregon Shot line AND Union Pacific 3 Trains to the East Daily Through Pullman standards and tourist sleeplnir cam daily to oihhIim. Chlcniro, Hn kane; tourist sleeping cars dally to Kansan City; through Pullman tourist sleeping chi fnersonsally iiiiidueted) weekly lo t'hicngiv Reclining chair cars (scats free) to the hast dally. TIME tCHEOtlLEl Pertltnd, Or. Dinar Aiairs Chicago Portland Special :16 a. m. via Bait Lake, Denrer, Ft. W orth, Oraaha, Kansas kf, 8c. Loiiis,Cbicagoand KasL 6:24 p.m. Bnnttugton. Atlantlo Ii press l:U p.m. Tla Bait Ijike, Denrer, (KM a. m. ft.nortn, umana, Kansas City. Ht. Ixnls,chlcagoand Buntlugtoa. Cast. Walla Walla. Ixwls Et. Paul Fast Mail t;16p. m. Tla Ipokana ton, Spokane, Wal laca. Pullman, MlnneaiKilU, Hi. Paul, liuluth, Mil waukee, Chicago and feast. T:16a. m River Schedule. FOlt ASTOIllA and slKl P M S:U0 P. M Dally except Hunday. way points, cnnnictlnei Dnllv Willi steninerfor II ncn e.-c'pt and North Beach flcnni-j Siinr'ay, er flassalo, Ash' i,rceti'(iitur!nv. dwk (water per.) (MM P.M. FOlt Ilnvtn nrp-riiirTlrt l ft::l P. M. 1 m i I v except Sunday. City and Vanihlll Hiv ! lhii'lv er points. Ash slreei except dock (water per.) , Sunduy. K(IK I.KWINTUN I l A M. M.r.1,1 Idaho, snd way isilnls. MmihIiiv. sin 1' M from Klparla, Wash. , MVdn'd'y ; Tnesilav, j rrhlay. :Tliiiiilny 1 i Siimlsy. aTlTcraic, (ieneral Passenger Aecnt, l'ortliinil, (r. K. H. SMITH, Aijent, Hood Hlver. BON TON .Barber Parlors... The place to fct an easy shave and first-class hair cat. Our shop is metropolitan in every respect. Porcelain Baths in Connection DeBORDE & GREY. 50,000 WELL BRICK 350,000 Building Brick For Sale at the BRICK YARD A. T. ZEKK. PR. JONES, Dentist Crown and Bridge Work. Teeth Without Plates. Trf-atment of (liHenserl teeth and gums. Office Hrottius Building. Plione ltnil. W. A. Morgan & CO. SuccesKor to Omirrr & Jfurtiy Heavy and Light Draying and Team Work, etc. Phone 1421. HOOT) KIVKU, OK. F. G. COE Carpentering Phone 1413 F.H.KTAM.IY, K. L. Smith, K.O. Hlanciab 1'res. icei-res. t asiuer. The First National Bank OK HOOD EIVKR, ORKOON. Capital and Surplus $30,000. Kslabllshed June 1, 1904. P. M. Hall-Lewis & Co. ARCHITECTS Civil Engineers & Suryeyore Hlxteen years' actual experience In New York, Ksn Francisco ard Portland enables us to offer the latest ldeaa ID style, finish and economic construction. We submit sketches and prell inary specifications for dwellings, hotels, schools, churches, mills and business blocks on short notice, subject to approval. Satisfaction cuaranteed. Davidson Hld. HOOD Hi VKR, ORE. MURRAY KAY, Civil Engineer and Surveyor HOOD RIVER, OREGON. Accuracy guaranteed. Twelve years' experience on some or tile best Ameri can railroads. Consultation free. J. F. STRANAHAN, Architect Of 25 ysars' eiptrlsnM. Will tar. nlsh plans and spclnwtiont for air kinds of buildings. Strictly o to daU. Located at Hood Rlrar. W. 0. SANDERS & CO. ArclBcts,BflMinsGontractors We nre prepared to make plans for up-to-date buildings, and handle all Kinds of bulld iiK counsels. See us before bulldluf. STRANAHAN & SLAVENS, Contractors and Builders HOOD RIVER, OREGON. S. H. COX Contractors and Builders PLiS AND BSTIMATH FVBMISHU). B. F. BELIEU, Contractors and Builders Plans and Khtimates KUhNiniin.-fca FREDFRICK & ARNOLD, CONTRACTORS and BUILDERS Estimates furnislisJ on all kinds of work I'lionea: tWXJtV"; SIM0NT0N & SONS Architects and Builders. Ilcconiiiie I'iilnliiiand Paper llaniug l'laiis rui'iiihlieil. Ktiii)atea care fullv made. HOOD RIVER, OREGON. FRAZIER & SON, PLASTERERS Flue iiml Ki replace Work a npecialty. HOCD RIVER, OREGON. I11E OREGON Fl RELIEF ASSOCIATION r Mi MiniiMlli'. Oregon, will insure your pr.c ly at tM) per rent lifl cost than mix idlier iiiH.itution. M! INK J. PERKINS, Rxcial Agent. K.iiiiii 7, Vogt Liiiildin, The lallen. THE r f BARBER O.K. .SHOP.. Four Chairs Quick and fiitisfactory work. Two bath tiilm in connection. RUSSELL & REES, Props. GOVERNMENT Timber and Homestead LANDS I have for location Home choice apple landi ami limqtT cIhIimh: a I ho rellntiuUhmenUt and land to Kcript. Call on or add reus, Wm. f. rand, lies. I'liune 37G. Hood River. Ore. Joseph A. Wilson Agent for Wire Wound Wooden Water Pipe STEAMER WHITE FLYER Commencing Octolsjr 10, the steamer White Flyer will make regular trips be tween Hood River, White Salmon and other points on the Columbia river. Steamer will leave White Salmon dock at li:.HH a. in. and every 30 minutes thereafter; have Hood River mill land ing tit 7 a. in. and every 30 minutes thereafter. Round trip, 25c ; Sunday excursion rate, round tr p, 20 rents. WHITE FLYFR TRANSPORTATION CO. J. Larson, Manager. C. A. DANO REAL ESTATE noon rivkr ORKOON Intending purchasers would do well to eee my lint of city and farm proierty before pur chasing. Notice A masfjutrade bsll will be fivn at tb. Odd Fellows' hall at Udell Thankirivinr nif ht. M. Ctimran, o5 A. T. Dmtea. IN THE riRCUIT COUKT OF THKMTATK OFtlKK.UON, FOR WAHttl IX)LM V. NKI.LIB B. WKlNlW'UENCK, I'lullltllt' versus F. W. WmNaoiiKNcK, IVfendant To F. W. Welnschenck, defendant above named: Jn tbename of the state of Orciriin: V.n, are bereby reiiilred to aprar and answer the pnmplaliit filed a alnst you In the above eiillllcd suit ou or before six weeks from the Hih day of Heiitembcr, imn, to wit, on or be fore the SWth dav of October, liHIS: and If you fall solo answer t lie plaintiff will take jiniu ment and d cree nalust you for want there of, according to the prayer of said coiiiplalnl. namely, that the bonds of matrimony now existing between plaintiff and defendant be forever dissolved. and that plalntltt'b awsnl ed the custody or the minor chrlldrcn im n tioned In the complaint herein, and that she be allowed to resume her maiden nameoi Nellie Hlalock, and for such other relief a lo the court shall seem. meet. This summon i served on you by publication thereof onee each week for six consecutive weeks In the Hood ltlver Ulacler, a weekly newspaper published In the city of HimhI River, in w asco county, Oregon, by virtue of an order made and entered herein on the lsth day of .......... tulf. 1.., 1I.,. ..klu U7 1. Il,'...lul,. nuguai, i wit vj ....... tnuiv ,,,.. ... Judge of na d court. 1 he date of ttuid order is AuguHt lo, iwb, 41 Dd me uaw? 01 tne nrm ptit UcattoD of tbls auntnions USeptemovrll, A. A.JAYNK, o26 Attorney for I'lainlllI SUMM0N8. IN THK niWlMT COtJHT OF THK HTaTK UFOUKUUN rOK CUUN i l Or WA8UJ: Judith K. Wki.o, IMalntilf) vvrHUS onu lor imvoh u Auovhtus Witi. i, Defendant ) To Au mi stun Weld, the above nHined d- femlHut: lu the nan.eof theiHt of On'tron, you hiv hereby reouiml to aooeur ami hunwit llu- comoUlnt tlleU again hi yon In the utMtve tn t Ulu null, within Mix weekM from t lie Hth day of Heptember, IM)5, tutld dny beint (In1 flint day ol the publication ol'thltf Hununons: and If you fall ho to an is we r, for w ,nt thertoi, the plttlntifl will apply to the court fV the r llef uetnanded In her complaint Klbreisiiil, tiled In tiald ciiiiHe. for to-wit: A Uwrec oi o.lvon-1- -li-KolvhiK the bondH of inadiinoia exlMiii, b.'tween the plain it If and delVntiinii in huu eaue, and ror restoration or pianuirr former i hmic, and for her ooU and dlnbui-hc Uiente In Ui.i xiilt. TIiIm Htiti'iiii iih in published by virtue of tin order. t lit. n.'iHble A. K. Lake, anility Jtnli oftheeoitit .oirtofWaHeo county Htnte m lrrctii. tt;iie t t Till day of September, A VMt ; wUW i o iler Mpeeitlea and provide His wt-ekM Hiitt M'i'ii InnertloiiM p 1 1 1 I , ct 1 1 : i - iuitie"iiiMu liivn Hiacier a weekly new Phikt piiblUhfi w.rkly In HHld county am ntuic, u the Im. , itiitl paper lu which, wtui nuiiimoiix hIiuII tit i itbtlMhed. ' iiatedti'NMl l; v r. trt'Kon.neptemhcr 8, liHi.'), JOH.N Ij.U VNIi HKNDKHSON, oil Attorney lor l'l..lntilt. NOT1CK Hli PUBLICATION. Deimrtiiieut of the I riterlor. Ldind Oftice m The Uallea, Or.- .n, Hcpt. I-1, PJU5. is oil w m neiei given that the roiiowuit; named settler b mm tiled notice of hU Inten tion to make final proof In mtpnort of IiIk claim, and that aaid proof will be made U before Cien. T. IVather, United Htaum comnilN Miouer at bU orn.- in Hood River, Oregon, on uctonerzt, iwo, vir..: ALHiKD M. HOOP, of Mooter, Oregon, on H. K. No. T-II7, for the HK'V HKU 8w;. 3 and Ns N E Hcu 10, Tp. i N, H names the following wltneKnes to prove hir continuous rent deuce uptn untl cultiva tion of said land, vte.: Frank (iltiyi-r uiut Parkin Lainb.ot MoNier, oretcon; I'oi-Um- Halt. man aud 1. 1'. Hlioeiiniker, Oi Hood Kivi r, Oregon. 2mm MM HAKLT, NOLAN, IlpgWter. NOT1CK FOH PUBLICATION. United Stiiten I.Htid Ofllce. al The Dalles. Oregon, Aug. 31, m. ih hereby given that the IoHowIi-m-nained net tier hah tiled notice of IiIh Intention to make ilnul urtaif In Hiipport ol Ii Ih clafm, and that Maid proof will be made before the IleglHter and Ktcelver, at Tim lallea, Oregon, on October 11th, 191 ft, NEIiiON O, 11ILLINUH, of Hood Klver, Oregon, on H. K. No. 129 W, ft r uiew'4nw"4, sw'4Nv,amt lots i iuu . ol (Section ft, Tp. 1 N., 11. U fe., W. M. 7 lie namea me loiiowing witneKNeN to pmve hia coutlnuouM reHldence utxii andculilvu- tlon ofaald land, viz.: litHier uieno, Marry Kemp, omar ni. n Witt and Jamea Htrauahau, all of Hood Klv er, Oregon. B7O0 MlUHAKLi T. OL,AiN, Keg lister' IN THK COUNTY COl'UT OF Til K HTATK OF OKKtiON FOB WAHCOltHJNTY. In the-matter of the estate of Davett li era. deccawed. 4'ltatlon. To John Diver. J ante Divert. Newtown H. Dtvera, My I. Hellliiirer. Joel DIvcim uii JtjAeph DiverN), WIlllHin IMvera, Julia rerry a. iuvcim, jniiu Henry iMverw, ijic Divert. Cora htntlirhl. Mrs. Janies Kni'llsli, and Heatilce KngliHh, and the TniNtecN of the I'liia llh.ea VI L' ..t. .,,! of l)avea llverM, dee.aHe(f, and all other tin- kuowu iieifN, Uevlseea and legiilieitM ol sum deceased, grtwtlng: J n tne name ol the state ororcgon; inn urt hereby cited and required to aptieur in Hie County Court of (be Htute of Oregon for W.wo otmnty, at the November term of ntiltl tuiii t, al the court room thereof, al Unllew City, in aaid county. on MondaV, the ith dHy of No vumber, lUU'i, at 2 o'clock lu the afternHiii ol that day, then aud there to hIiow cause, u mij exist, why an order of hhIc Hlnmld n t made of the real estate souglit lo be until In accordance with the prayer ot the iwt If n m ol theexecutorH, W, K. Neffand M. 1. Sell herc tofore tiled lu lhl eauHe, and which h;w n al en t ate la altuate lu Whmco cotint.t, oi.l"'N, aud described aa followH, to wit: Commencing at the Northwest corner nf the Northeaat quarter of wet ion 21, In Tp. - n"i th, range 10 eaHt of the Wlllanielle inei niuni; running thence ttouth Ki.i chaliiH, titeiice east 14 a cIihIiih; thence north rhmns, thence wet H.tiS cIihIuh to the point ol be ginning, containing 1 acres, more or le. This citation Ih tunned by order of tin county court of Wawo county, Oregon, by lion. a. K. ijakc, county jude, eun ii n ou the 2nd day of October, l'.K),'), and publication la made lu "The Hood Klver (.lacier, ' a tn wh om per ol general circuhuiou putiilhhed weekly In said county and Mtale, aud publieulion if. mo made In compliance with the o rm ot said order for four Muceesnlve weekn, tin-tlrst Subllcatlon of thin citation the 2u day ot ctober, A. I). WitneitMea the Hon. A. K. Luke, lmljf'' ot aid county court, with the Meal oi kukI court attlxed, thiMiud day ofOctoher, lt 5. OCt5 nov3 CleiK. NOTICE OF HALK OK BONUS. Notice la hereby given that the Hoard of Director of the Hpod Hlver Irrigation Dis trict In Wanco county, Oregon, will sell the bonda of aald district In the Hum of mm'0 on Tuesday, thelWthday of (Ktober, l ft. at the hour of 10 o'clock a. in., at the otliee of aald Hoard of Directors at the residence of H. Hhoemaker In wild district, and that ealed propoaalM for Wild bonds will be re ceived by aaid board at said place for the purcnaae oi aaia iMtndii uniii ine nay anu hour above mentioned, at which time, On board ahall open the proposals and awtird the purchase of the bondM to the highest re spoiiMlble bidder, the board reserving the rlicbt to reject any and all bids, bids to be ac companied by a certified cheek for in per cent of the amount of the bonds for which the bid HubintUed. Hald bonda shall be payable In money of the United Htatea, In 10 aeries, us follows, to wit: At the eipiralton of eleven years, live percent ol the whole number of said bonds; at the expiration of twelve years, six per cent; at the expiration ol thirteen years, aeven percent; al the exnirittlon of fourteen years, eigui per cent; at ine expiration ot fifteen yeara, nine per cent; at the expiration of slxun year, ten per cei.t;at the ex pi rat ion ot seventeen yeara, eleven Mr cent; at. the expiration of eighteen yearn, thirteen per cent; at the expiration nineteen years, 11 ft ecu percent; at the expiration of twenty yearn, Mlxteeu per cent; and shall bear Interest at the rate of six per cent ier annum, payable semiannually, on the first day of .l;iiiusr ana July or each year. The prineipui aim in terest shall be payable at the plwr deMK'.ated In the bonds and bidders are given the option of having said bonds payable at INirtlaudin ine suiie oi uregon, or in ine cu m ri w York la the slate of New York, and said bonda will tie Issued In accordance with the election of the successful bidders., Haid ImmkI sbsll be each of the denomination or not less than tlOU and not more thay sVrfa and shall be negotiable In form and cousms for the In terest shall be attached loeach and mgned by tne secretary. Dated at Hood Hlver. Orearon. this 1'Hh dav of tiepUwiber, )W5. J. H. HoKM AK KK, si oap we- n-tary. Notice. I will rive t& for the arrest and conviction of anyone who attempt to sh.sit any d.sjsor came DeiongingoD my premise. KfiUAL MEETING DITCH COMPANY BOARD OF DIRECTORS ELECTED ' V . 'i n,;.! iu-t- of I he MiicklioliltTS - Sen , i.irj Ni l,i'siii Make ( oiiijili ii' IiYiorl. 'I'lio iiiiiiniil ii v. t j ii- i,f runners' liTimit nit; Co. I . I I l:n.t Siittinliiy in Artii-ims Imli. win l.n-olv iittom'loil, tlioro lu'ini; ;m j :; i;,r,.s r,.u 'osouUiil out cif ii total .1 1 1-:; ;;, . nitiulicr of tho n -I' oio mil fliiotU in oiil or, linl t '. u.lJr I int ,-r.T-t In I Im ni'S-i-iiin, mill fi riol in im o t tt lit witter Uii'i'tliiUM nro not nluavs ilry. After M.,ie I, a, I niuveil Dint tlie ii'iint of hecioiary Niekelsen, U8 jn.-t leail, s 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 . 1 l,o n,loiteil, A. (iiiii;nanl Mi.-i:ite,l Hint (lie luuiks of tlie enini-any i-lionl.l he nmllleil, inso Uliii'li n.- I line ha.- Iieeii nen.-nt iiniH of into ill mallei.- of liih ilnnneo in nil I'lirts of tl.e i.iinl. Theie was a illini;iies on lielmlf of tjie ollieers to fliis ilune, ami (Jen.uie Knowlos niuveil to ainenil I lie unit ion ot Mr. .!..i-e, Hml the n urt Im i-eteriifl lo a eoioui it lee iininteil by the i 1 .i.ii man and if t his eoininil lee alter ia, .-i ii i.t ion eonelmleil tlmt ' h'"'l of t 'en' miy sliuiilil Im miiliteil Ly mi evi,n, tl.iy wotilil Imve the o,el to soelile the sel'VK'e. of siieh an . s i 1 1 . aiol that liis in i(ilt lie iml.lislieil in r j 11. The im. linn i'ioaih il ninl Chnil'- mini hh'x i nai I on t his eniiiniit- Kuiiwlr.., 1 .00 .Morse nml tee I o !.! lie i A. ( Moi ,e thou .-u,.; steil t hut July 1 wiis an iiicoiiMMiii nl date for ninny uf the waler iim is to ay then' rent", ninl ho v.ouhl hmo the ilnte sliifteil to Auoii-t 1. nml erniit fhose who fiiniiot hay on t inn- lu to ay interest nit her thin hao ih, ir water shut oil. lieii.J on then I. ml an eleinhil story to I'el.ilt of tile il l ilieiill ies elieulintel' eil ly hi in a.- la.-t year, when the ieoi'anizeil coini any undertook to lirinn oi'dei an I n eved dileh from eliaos ami a dela hinted irriKiiUliK system. A. ('. Sliilen had a few wnl'ils in reply, and siii;o, .- ,., t lint t'luules Ueid he htm i i 1 1 fill In iiinke an ex'ln nnt inn of eerlain points uf the con troversy. Mr. lieid nlfO staled that ho did not consider the hridno over Hood lliver .-ullieientiy stroll),' t il re inain inliiol. tin- another summer It inioht la.-t, said he, hut the risk is (rent. The following lion; j mil in H wer then made Ii r n embers of the hoard of directors: ,. S. Hluvvers, A. Stnten, ,M. II. Niekelsen, ('. I). Thomp.-nn. 1'red M iller, Morse, Charles 1,'ml, ,1. W. Andei'snn, lialpli KUis, A. Hulls, It. Wallace, S. Cocll ran, !',. N. liensmi, A. (iiiiiiiuiil. A ni4iiher declineil. Jlorse hikI II. 0. Ilnleliiiin wero iinineil iih tellers, nml lifter ii teilioua eoiint of the bnl !nfn v.- juir'ti!- nci'i'! ''.id bourn, it mum foil ml Unit (ho folluivhltf seven had received the highest niiinlier of votes mid were iluiy declareil elected nioinlxil's of the bonrd of directors of the Funnel's' I rrint iny t 'o. A. S. HlmverH, .M. II. Niekelsen, Kred Miller, Lee Morse, A. HiitlH, It. II. Wallace, A. C. Sliilen. The Mite on lie ai ii ns candidates was us f i. llo .'.,-: I'lowi is i s 'i-.'l, Nick el, en .-'I:. 'I !..!!:; .V..-S 2 :i. Miller ll!l, ,M oi sc 1, .Mi.lei'Miu (illij,' nard 'Jill 'J :i, Units Cnl 'J II, Wallace ."i7'2 -:i, Cocliiiin Kill ! il, liensiin Trl, Stnten Til 2 .1, The newly elect. 'd board met in the rooms of the Couiiiiercial club Mon day iillernoon mid organized with the election of I lie following ollieers: A. S. Idowol.-, j .i-.i-i dent ; It. II. Wallace, vice p i s i J , -1 1 1 ; M. 11. Niek elsen, secrelary: Leslie liuller, (reus urer; A. C. Melon, inaiiager, Secretarv N ickel-oirs reooi-l eoverim. the ieriod belween (Irtnher I, Hull, nil. I ( Ictolier 7, l'.iil."i, showed (lie linniices of tne comi'iiiiv lo In- us Inllows : Kl.i l.ll'l's I' roll! side of Mock sold li. t '!,m:l IM Kroiu siile ol -lo.'V. -old l;illl I. :'i 711 MiiliiU'iiiiai s I. .' ol' I. n:. ilplr. ' Mnlnleniii)i,c H i' of I'.hiI : !.':. 7(1 Mm lor A- ( o . note :,ishi lie Int. on -lock lOI'l . I . :l 1 1 1 1 ! i a I io.- Ice :i.i 71 VVlllersol'l lor ''I "l' ill' Il :i.l'l Ml Old llllllber. '.I In III shlll'i'- '. I. Co -lock. ST'l !HI shares K I I '( Hoi k lie, H 1'roltl by lioiinliii i'liiiip ij!i Sl..,7i:l ill llllfl:M-:.i i:is llutler .V Co., moI. .. )f :i,iniii en lllteresl on nole III 7,, Intei'i'sl on lioait- . i.r.KI (li ( iinnri-r's nh inrv. l.d.'l ihi lilreetoi'H' lull liik im. ( ire'on I .aiiilii r i 'o. iiMi '.a (iverilriifl.. r. I l (II .MuniiL'cr's -alio .Vi; 7.- St creliiry's -al l ' 1 1 1 lie N. C. van-, -ii. a i H) Interi'-t li 'li i a l.alaiii'i- ill liank.. '.'.' '.C. I.i'KhI ex .i'ii-.'- . I 1 1 iH' Imuui'..' .-Iniiif- ;::i ihi Colnpuny cioni' a:i7 7: Corp.. nil Ion In .hi III Ad, prillliln;. -'aM'.ai'iy, li l,, -lamp-. Ill 71 ltli;lil ol wu.v- iin l l ".' .1 .1 1 17 hft Kxpense by mini cit I III KxpeilKi' hv seel '.il'V 1. If, 111 sln.r.'S ol V. I Co -lo.' H.'ll IHI '.' stiar-'s ol 1 . I, - .!.-k . i,:i mi h: ..-li.-.'S on ln:0'i 'lil.'ll '.',5 :1 7n Kxp.'ii-.'s on lao ; i-. :i,7.m 7- Sl.v'.'l (II I 1 l.l.s AN Mil l - i:l.i Kl AP'I.K On tck sold I ' J M7-. ht, ( in stoi-K j-ol.l ii i; ,mn in on iiinlai. iiio.i' I'H'I . '.'a in on iiialiit.'iian j I "'.'.. 'j.'i :'.'. S-H7 10 1)11. 1.s .'. -i .S.l'll.s PAV.M.I.K To note of I. c ' . I. 8 ihi ihi T. diroci"!- la f l ii':, asi .hi 'I'oA.C Slal.c i Oor fuel ilo', a ions ;'.' 7f, To (i. Saii.ti-ts. . . oiiin; l'J ) To A. ( uiiniliL'. ' ' .r. II 'Si To M. II. Nick. : . ,i,a ino.-. r. ,v .am. :ii .(ii To li. II. V'i."l " . 'li, Itllin .'i"-:a pi (ll 'I'd .1. W, Anil. a ..I il'IiI of w.. v 1 in To M V, Hem . riitht of wi.v. 1 II' To (' I.. Mo".. l ol -:i . . I (O To ' Ireeoll 1.111. 1 ' o.. :t ".I 'I', lilaci..!' '.' Kll To (I. T. I'nill i .li leu.. 2 Hi To P. A. i m.. i , labor. -' in To A. I.. I'lielp-. '. ,i 7 In S ..I J II To hulaac. I - '.. 2MI l V. I Co. Hlo.'k 11..' I."!".'ll,i ., I'li.iHl Claim- (. I I'm On I ,il I a: cliiiniH A rl i-ii a h.i II r. iil , . TWO cheek- ol Inne. Ilm!. 1 1 Jo al,. .. lo lilll- on ban. I no in led i!o"M . C. K. SlllllliHrf, wal el. I o' II ii lie Jl :rj 1 III I ollowiin.' bill- an.t cl.oln- ol ill I have been p.-e-ellle'l to III.' er.-' Ill I. Kt il of .lire.'lois und have i.eea pai'l in--.- lull- w.-ic not re srt.-d at l.i.-l uii ii mi I iiie.-tiiii;: O. W. liruwn, lulair I 700 A. Hulls, luiiilliiK IiiiiiImt.. M N. r. Kvhiin, teleiilioio. tilll forHept... I .McDonald Helnrlcti, imlse m i' N. IUhmI, (Htwder 6 K. W. .Miilkey. uttorney's fw l'ii s. A. Skinner, labor 1 It. Hodijers, lslsr I John Kelley, latsir 1 K. H. HIhkk. labor M It. Huvis, liilsir y Wm. Nt'lson, Inlsir 7 Joe i'urser, liitmr ft K. H. HHrtwlK, right ol wsys li U. T. l'mtlior, hall rent I. 1'. Neul. IkIi, damage KM II. J.CXsik Hi IHVi is These bills were reported: lilnvtors' bill (JiuiKer's salary ( trefoil l.uiiitHir Co Overdraft f '.UK IK l.Mi im I'll ;i' MH '.H l,:i'.'l! 70 Kills of l'.Kil, total IKM, Oct. I I. bills reported nsvable . t-Jnt 11 Collected 1,717 Hslanee lo collect.. Hills (.alitor lMVI Collected S IU l if. ll.TW IS . 1,717 4U l'sldoutovercolleetloii J71 im Total shares sold, IW',. About HO Inches lias not been used. At a business session of the directors Mondny iiftermwii, Treasure' llutler suhinUled the following rejxirt : hkiiitm Oct. 10, l'.HM -- ivldl balance to bank.... I 7l i l'aiil out on checks HI l aid liileri-si on bonds 77u (Hi raid Interest on ImiiuIs 770 m I'ald note to liuller . t'o H.OHO im I aid on nntc. Ill l'aid Inleiesl on debit bank '- I 'IS Total SH.IOT ai ( let. fi-Present debit balance !!:! w rilKKlTH Kcceived froin payments on stivk. liucrest on slock and mafulul nance lies Nole In llutler A Co I tn In nee I1I..VO Nil 3,1km (h ,l:tl in Tolal 8II,'.U7 '.".i lleiiileil stateinents hnve bwn tiled wtlli lie Kcreiary nioiithly, Irom which I have HKen ine aitove imais. I.KS1.1 K IIUTLKIi, Treasurer. LEAGUE MEETS NEXT JANUARY Tho miil-wlnter ineetiiiK of the Oro- Kon Hevoloi iinen t IjCiiuo will lie held in Cortland, Jaimnry 1,1 und It. President Iv L. Smith und Seeret.nrv Tom KichiirdMon conferred InHt week and decided this the liest time for the ('iii)vention. It hiiH been decided by the Htute Horticultural sooitey to moot the two days previoiiH to thin, on the 11th and 1-tti. Thin should give inemliors of the I levelopmetit leuKiie an opporln nity to see the Hood Klver fruit (IIh plny tit the meetitiK of the horticultur al Hociety, when prize cups will he Kiven for tho bent exhibits. It Is the intention of the omeers of the development League that the Or: - Kon l'ress Assoeiation shall convene in business session at the same time ns, the leuiMie. A special effort will bn made to secure a large attendant . . ... ... ... . . - or i no uewNpnper men or trie since. PLEASED WITH LEAD ARSENATE That J. V. Perklim, of Mudford Ihih met with splendid success in the tiue of the arsenate of lead spray for the codlin moth is attested by the follow ing letter from Mr. rerkins to Mr. Smith: "Wo used the arsenate of lead spray exclusively in our orchard for both pears and apples. The result was all wo had hoped for. There are prac tically mi worms not one-half of one per cent., and the foliage of the trees was not injured the slightest. We will use no other spray for theoodliti moth from now ou. " The arsenate of lead spray was mod by Mr. 1'erkiiis at the recommendation of Mr. Smith of Hood Hiver who is corrrespnndiiitfly Kratilled at the suc cess of tho experiment. The same spray has also proven a great success in Hood Hiver. One or two of the oiclinrdists got hold of an impure mixture and the foliage was burned, but wherever the proper mix ttiro was used, there are very few worms in the orchards. Chris lletham used this spray as did Mr. Vandorhilt of the Koulali Land orchard, and wot my apples are a rare article in tin : o orchards. .Mr. He ham sprayed but five times w il Ii the in seniite of lead spray, where as he would have had to use the old -pray eight or nine times to secure nearly as good results. Mr. Detliam is well pleased with the experiment, as is Mr. Smith, who will recommend no other spray to the fruitgrowers of the state. The Apple (irowers union will en deavor hereafter to sooure this spray in carload lots for their members. Chris Detliam who has made a thor ough test of the arsentae of lead spray does not expect to have over two per cent, of wormy apples this fall, while one of his neighbors who used the old formula for the codliu moth II nils a in out iniinv worms in the apples. Mr. Dethain made five spray, whereas had ho used the old spray it would nave required eight or nine sprayings to secure nearly as good results. The cost of arsenate of lead is no more than other sprays. Smashed 'Km la Carrie .Nation. Kteveusou I'ioneer. Carrie Nation in Cascade Locks- No it was only the foreman of the wrecking crew, engaged in removing the freight wreck, which was obstruct ing the moving of trains, who, when he found his men were deserting and drinking in one of the saloons rosort e.i thither in Carrie Nation style and demolished the saloon furniture. The proprietor could uot complain for he was doing the business in a dry town. Wards Off I'neuiiKinla. All coughs, colds and pu'monary complaints Hint are curable are quickly lined by One minute Cotigli cure. Clears the phlegm, draws out inflama- t ion and heals anil s situs tne aileeleil parts, strengthens the lungs, wards oil pneumonia. II arm lens, and pleasant BEST METHODS APPLE CULTURE j jSHEPARD GIVES VALUABLE ADVICE I Val ium rrocexM's Which Have I Urolith! Success to Hood Ifiwrlirovfcrs. Hood Itiver, Or., Oct. 17.-Kditor (ilacier: As there are a great many new people engaging in the fruit in dustry in the valley, il occurs to mo that a few suggestions may lie of val ue to them. While our growers very generally know not, only ali 1 muy say in this article and many of them a great deal moid, nevertheless there are quite a tew who, with a little care could improve their work and save themselves a great many dollars. Of course everyone who knows any thing about the fruit business knows that thorough culture nml spraying are absolutely necessary. 1 asked Professor Van Domini, for it long time the government, potnologist, this ques tion: "You have been till over tho valley and have seen our spraying, thinning, pruning and cultivation; in which do w(. do the best and in which are we the most dollcicnt Y" He replied as follows: "Your cultiva tion is excellent,; your spraying good; your thinning mid your pruning; nro your two weakest points. " There are lint few of us who proper')- thin. According to experienced people who have made practical tests and according to expert opinion of our experimental station men who make this business a study, ap les should be thoroughly thinned. Tim general rule may be covered in one sentence: Apples should he thinned so that they do net hang closer to gether than four to six inches, aud no ivvo apples should touch. lu reference to splaying, 1 think I may tie instilled in saving that all those who have used the arsenate of lead, otherwise known iih disparene. this year have secured better results than they had in the past with cither the Paris green or the white arsenic: and, furthermore, 1 think 1 am justl- lled in saying that those who have used the disparene have cleaner crops of apples than their neighbors who have used white arsenic this teason. While 1 do not assume to lie author ity on spraying, it is my opinion from the practical tests made bv Chris Detinuu that live spiayings, if properly applied and at the right time. nre all that are necessary. However, the mint who sprays every two weeks isjooitaiiily playing a safe game. llio most Important spraying is when tho blossoms just begin to fall, which should lie followed with another spraying in about 10 days to two weeks. At, this tune it is necessary to apply a very high pressure in order that the poison may bo forced into tho blossom cud of the apple for the reason that this is tho point where the tirst brood begins its attack. Some people suggest the Uordoaiix nozzle or Valmoree lor this spraying, as you can secure more force than with a nozlo making the mist spray, for tho latter spraying when the apples attain ide it is necessary to thoroughly coat t ho apple, and the mist spray does this most perfectly. There is one point to which 1 should have culled the grower's atten tion, and that is the general rule that some poopo follow of spraying a tree until it drips. As 1 tindersland it, tho proper idea is to spray a tree until tho apples are thoroughly coated and to avoid the dripping. If too much spray i applied it collects in drops and the drops lu forming nil the spray on from the surface ot l he applo surrounding the drop, leaving part or the surlace or tlio apple ex posed. There is another feature in connection with spraying wo us to form drops, anil that is in to the red apple. This is especially true where considerable lime is used in the white arsenic spray. ihese drops form a thick chunk of spray matrial which prevents the sun lrniu reaching the surface of t l.e ted ap le, making the apple when wiped show light spots where a drop of spray has collected. laideavor lo thoroughly cover the apple, forming aa lew drops as possible. There are three general styles of pruning, the vase shape, the crotch, and a training to a central shoot, nil of which have advocates.. 1 he vi se shape certainly iniilo s a very pritty tree and 1 do not know of a prettier looking nine year old orchard than A. 1. Mason's. The crutch shape does not seem to mo to be a very desirable method for the reason that it necessi tates props, und if it man dues not get his props up when a tree is thor oughly loaded one third or one half of his tree may split down ami spoil the tree. If you prune ton single shoot, running the britches out so as to hang down all around when you havo a crop, should a limb break you will not lose half of your tree. The tree can bo built up into what is known sometimes aa tlio two- and three-story tree. A tree should lie branched as near tho ground us us si bin and su us lo permit cultivation. The best part of a tteo on which to grow apples is dow u near t he griind for two reasons. In the l':: -l pi ice you will have letter tipple; and larg er, and ill the ni'.iml plain they will be easier to pick; and 1 might eld u third reason and say that your trees are less likel . to bleak dovn fioin tho weight of the crop. In reference to cultivate u there is little to be said with rig. id to im proving our condition, as we already ilo excellent, work along this lino. Usually our be.-t cultivators use a disk or Cutaway in tho spring, kieping up a dust mulch later in the season with either a Kimball or an Acme, liy this method a iiiaii can conn ive moisture so that it will not be neces sary to irrigate until sometime later in July or possibly the tirst of Anp st. 1 am a linn believer in irrigation, at the same time I hcleivo in as little irrigation as possible and am an ei in est advocate of conserving moisture by cultivation. 1'y Huh method a ti an will accomplish two things; lie will force the roots down into the ground so that tie. y w ill tap more soil und root his tr. e more (irmly so that it is (Continued on pnge S.) ujo ti. nnr.i'Aivu, to take. Sold by u. h . w imams.