The Hood River glacier. (Hood River, Or.) 1889-1933, October 12, 1905, Image 7

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    Qat3LL I " ' ' M " '.! ! '. lg?:f
! --
o Our Great Incorporation Sale makes it easy as well as comfortable. Your Winter outfit is here,
ready for wear, just as reliable as ever, only much less expensive. rRAINK A. CRAM is surely
Cutting the prices.
Ladies' Empire Coats
and Rain Coats. A large assortment again arrived.
Newest things. Prices fully 25 lower than Portland.
Ladies' and Children's
Outing Flannel Night Gowns, Skirts,
Kimonos, at less than goods are sold from piece.
Acorn Brand. Garments full width.
Ladies' and Children's
Wool and Fleeced Underwear
Union Suits and two-piece garment. Every item necessary
4,. .......I ,,ff 4-1,,. .r..r Jnnnmi' Li'llo 11'luLll II
warm garment will ward off the sick spell.
The Uptodate Store
sJ A i ''
ymim mm
SSr' rJrmk. r jA : - make ft a Chicago
Men's Cravenette Raincoats B
Arc the accepted items for Fall and Winter wear. Cram
lias them in a vast assortment. Prices range from
$7.88 to $20.00
See them before spending more inuiiev elsewhere for
'"J inferior goods.
N.':i i.y
W 1 i :. j
Wool Underwear
I'uion Suits and regular garments. An immense stock.
At prices less than raw wool costs.
Men's Outing Flannel
Night Shirts and Pajamas
we oner ior less man me maienai
costs by the yard.
Just Watch Our Business Grow g
Rubber heels at Donovan's.
Sliinstles. See us for beet
Oregon Lumber Co.
Mantle, wall and cookoo clocks on
easy terms at Clark's.
Use Williams' anti-septic bair tonic
and keep off gray bairs.
Sidewalk lumber. Delivery same
dnv order is received. Oregon Lumber
I guarantee a lit in glasses. Clarke,
tbe optician and jeweler.
The Troy laundry does good work ;
you know Unit.
To make room for new stock all cut
glass will be closed ont at cost. Clarke
the jeweler.
Do you use Lath? Get our price and
compare it with that of competitors.
You will make money this way. Ore
gon Lumber Co.
Well, don't you see that if you wish
to vee well, you should see Clarke tbe
optician. Guaranteed work in glass
Closing out all but millinery, Knafp.
Now that all important question is
settled the next thing is tbe ring a fine
new line of engagement and wedding
rings. Trices right. Ciarke the jeweler
I "or surveying, see John Leland Hen
derson & Son.
All watch, Clock and jewelry repair
work guaranteed by Clarke.the jeweler
Kverv man owes it to himself and
his family to master a trade or profusion.
Head the display advertisement of the
six Morse Schools of Telegraphy, in this
issue and learn bow easily a young man
or lady may learn telegraphy and be
assured a position.
Hard wood baskets lor picking apples,
onlv !0c at McDonald's.
(io to Mr. Ontbank for abstracts and
notarial work, renting and collecting.
Legal papers carefully drawn.
Do you HKB Naptha soap? 5c per bar
at McDonald's.
.-hoes at manufacturer's cost, Kuapp.
Mr. Bartmess is on a cash basis.
for work where satisfaction is guaran
teed, patronize the Troy laundry. Agen
cy at O. K. barber shop.
Ladios' hand turned and sewed shoe
work a specialty at T. H. Donovan's,
aero?s from William's Pharmacy. All
work strickly first-class.
Those contemplating putting in wheat
this fall should see tbe Hood Kiver
Milling Co. first.
In order that their patrons may take
advantage of tbe discount allowed on
bills paid before the tenth of the month,
t he Water and Light Co. has arranged
to keep their ottiee in tbe Davidson
building open till 8 :30 p in. the first,
ninth, tenth and every saiuruay ere.i
ing of each month.
Groceries, flour and feed at Lamar A
Dunn's , . ,
Men's hats and shirts at wholesale
price at Knapp's.
Mayes Bros, get a fresh supply of
meat every morning.
Mayes Bros.' meat market has been
supplied with a cooling fountain for
keeping vegetables fresh and clean. Buy
your vegetables where they come fresh
as from tbe garden.
John Leland Henderson and son are
equipped with two Gurley transits and
will be reaily to do surveying for the
next two months. Katis per day are
$5 and (10.
It is to your interest to refer to M r.
Bartmess' ad under the new system.
Watch our windows for Kail Styles.
Mmk. Ahiiott.
All persons knowing theniHelv- ose
be indebted to Frohn & i teuton are ret
quested to pay same at my nlliee within
It) days from this notice. K. H. Hart
wig. Remember Kings' shoe shop, next
door to McGuire's meat market. AH
work strictly first-class. Also hoots and
shoes made to order.
Don't forget tbe new shoe shop across
from William's Pharmacy. All work
strickly flrst-cluss.
Call and examine my new line of
wateheB. I can save you money .Clarke,
the jeweler.
Watch tbe Troy grow.
Patronize home industry by buying
ranch butter at McDonald s.
Shoes half soled while yon wait in
20 minutes. All work tirst-class and
guaranteed. Ladies' sewed soles and
O. Sullivan's ru Idier heels a specialty.
Donovan's Shoe Shop, opposite Wil
liams' pharmacy.
Chicken dinner at Kmstrum's every
Do not waste money buying a poorly
finished fruit jar, but get the genuine
Mason jar at McDonald's.
For Sale.
One safe, cost :i00; will sell for17.r.
One oil tank, cost $45; will sell for $25.
Large counte.- scale, cos' $2:t; sell $l.r.
(ieo. P. Crowell.
New Today.
Benefit dance at the Opera House
Friday evening.
Fresh Olymnla and Eastern oysters at
the Gem Candy Kitchsn.
See that dandy line of Folders at the
Deitz Studio.
Fresh vegetables, butter and eggs at
McGuire Bros.
For rent Two or three good houses,
furnished rooms for light housekeep
ing, or nieely furnished house for a
short time. See W. J. Baker.
The first entertainment of the Hor
des of high class entertainments to be
given will be October is.
Tbe Great Western Lyceum Bureau
plan to bring only such talent as will
give entire satisfaction. Get your
tickets and seats resorved for the com
ing concerts.
The quarterly business meeting will
lie held Wednesday evening, Oct. 18, at
the Valley Christian church.
The Gem Candy Kitchen makes fresh
candy every day.
All the latest Btyles Photos at the
Deitz Studio.
MeGuire Bros, have an up-to-diite
meat market, clean and neat, and rol cit
youi patronage. Their meats are the
best, and orders filled promptly. Phone
Main 7:1
Some men spend their money and
time for things ; others invest time and
money. Invest in a season ticket to the
lecture curse and you will make an in-vc-iinciit
in yourself.
Tieke's for tbe entertainment course
on Mile n Clarke's drug store, Monday,
October !l S.-Mson ticketf $1.50; in
jle iiiliniss oiii. 50c; children 15c. No
charge fur resi ixe teats.
Two-q'i.'irt combination hot water
bottle and iouotain syringe guaranteed
for one war. Onlv $1.50 at Clarke'a.
A. W )iitha"k invites his friends to
call on him at bis new office on Third
street. He would like to include all
aninng his hi mis.
Ileserw) jour date for the dauoe
Frd ,y ewn ng, October 12.
At (lie Churches.
Kiwi' ido Congregational W. C.
Gilmore, Pastor. Sabbath school at
10 a. m. A special service for the
Sahlmlli k hool, church and home
will lie conducted at 11. Christian
Kiideavnr at 7:15 p. m. Hhoit address
and u.iii-io at 7 :30.
IbiptUt services are now held in the
Boyd building on tbe heights, instead
of Carmichael ball.
Methodist Subject of sermon at 11
a. m. : "The Day of Prosperity."
7::t0: "Paul Obtaining Meroy". All
cordially invited. Rev. W. C. Evans,
Unitarian Sunday School ut 10
o'clock. Rev. W. O. FJiot jr. will
preach the morning sermon at 11.
The discourse on "The Public
Schools" announced for next Sunday
will be postponed to a later date. O.
J. Nelson, minister.
Belmont M. E. Church. H. C. Clark,
pastor. Services, Belmont: Sunday
school at 10 a. m.; Class meeting at 11
a. m. ; Kpworth League 7 p. in. ; preach
ing every Sunday evening and 2d Sun
day in month at 11 a. m. ; Prayer meet
ing Thursday 7:30 p. m. Services at
Pine G rove same as above except preach
ing, which is on 1st and 3d Sundays at
11 a. m. Crapper. 1st and 3d Sundays
at 3 ; Sunday school at z :su. Mouin
Hood. I he 4th Sunday at 11 a.n t,
Sundav school at 10 a. m.
For Sale at a Sacrifice.
Fifteen acres close in on the East side
(iood apple land; must sell. What will
yov give lor it', ror particulars see
H. M. Abbott.
- - - - - - - , - , t i
"V Knnw That economy in buying is a matter of intelli
lVAJVy gence. We take it for granted that ourcuHtom
ers arwlsenough to "know exceptional values when they see them, but what
we want to tell them is where they can find these values.
That We are selling boys'
fleece lined underskirts and draw
t.rstinely made earmenU that
sell everywhere for 50 cents,
at 3 cents
That We are selling misaeV
size undervests, warm and com
fortable for fall and winter
at lie and 25
That We are selling onion
suits for misses and children sil
ver gray, fleece lined worth very
much more t 35c
That We are selling tbe re
nowned "Oneita" union suits for
ladies; we've got them in all siz
at 91.00
That We are selling beauti
ful, pure woolen ladies' vests and
pants which you can't get else
where at1.25
That We are se'ling men's
heavy jersey ribbed cotton under
wear that will wash and wear for
two seasons
at 91.00 per suit
That We are selling high
grade natural wool underwear for
men ; light in weight, but warm
and comfortable
at $2.75 per suit
That We are selling good
black woolen hose for men; light
in weight, but warm and durable
at 25c per pair
That We are selling the best
children's stockings you ever saw
for the price We know they're
good at 25c pair
- ... .. I. u , l f ... .IiImob rx 1 r i i 1. in 1 1 I u U.-A .In Xmiv
Wn have live limes as Diaur uuici .. o ...v..,.. . ... -
X flc&l Homes. Tbe reason is their simplicity a child can run them intelligently ; and then the price
-lust one-half what you'd pay for a poorer machine than the New Home.
Dance at the Opera House Friday
W. H. Peugh went to Condon
Tuesday to visit his eon, 0. K.
Tbe Male Quartette and bell ringes
will be here October 18. Bo sure to
hear them.
S. M. Kelr and Mrs. Cass and son,
of Viroqna, Wis., are visiting A. S.
Keir at Hood River.
Marring i lioense has been grunted
at Goldendale to Stephen L. Billings
and Amelia Stadeliniin of Trout Lake
II. C. Kaue, salesmai for the liem-
ingtou Typewriter Co., Portland,
spent sevoral days lu Hood Kiver
this week.
Mr. Davenport, member of the com
mission firm of Davenport Bros.,
Portland was in Hood Kiver during
the week.
Mrs. W. L. Cams, of Odell, re
turned Monday from The Dalles,
where she has been undergoing treat
ment for several weeks.
You will enjoy Mr. Maiipin, Octo
ber 18. He is a splendid cornet solo
ist, having been conductor of the
Fourth Regiment Band Missouri N11-
tioual Guard.
F. J. Chilcote, formerly of Miss
ouri, but re ently a resident of Port-
laud, is looking for a farm to rent, or
employment. His family are at pre
sent at St. Martins Springs, but w ill
join Mr. Chilcote as soon as he finds
a location.
J. E. Helleiiious, editor and pub
lisher of the Watchman at Seattle,
spent yesterday in Hood River. He
had been seeing the sights at the ex
position for several days, and was tot I
there to make a trip to Hood River
to see the fruit.
S. N. Riade, formerly of Grafton.
N. I)., now in tho hospital depart
ment of the U. S. S. Paul Jones,
which is quartered at Portland, took
a run up to see his old school mate,
A. S. Kelr, of Keir & Cass, tho llrst
of the week.
D. L. Davidson of Willow Flat was
in the city yesterday afternoon, and
says the fi at meeting of the Duke's
Valley literary society will be held tit.
the school house Saturday evening,
beignning at 7:30 sharp. George Mas-
see the secretary is absent this year
at Salem and it will lie necessary to
elect a new one. President Davidson
is anxious that there be a large nt
tendance at this initial session.
The city council failed to have a
meeting Monday evening for lack of
a Quorum, and principally because
the engineers who have charge of the
sewer contract failed to get data into
the bauds of tbe sewer committee in
time for them to make a report. It
la fully expected that all details will
be fixed ud in time for them to make
a report for the regular meeting Mon
day evening and that there win ne no
more delay Id getting the sewer start
ed, f
Saturday morning Attorneys Ben
nett and Wileon filed with the clerk
of the United States circuit court
motions for a new trial and arrest of
judgment in behalf of their clients,
Congressman Williamson, Dr. Van
Uesuer and Marion R. Biggs. The
motions are made for each defendant
separately. They are very brief and
formal District Attorney Honey
said yesterday that he did not beleive
the motions would be heard until after
the Jones-Potter case was concluded.
Government dipper dredge No. 2,
recently brought from the Upper Will
amette river it at Cascade Locks
where she will be employed in dredg
ing tbe upper and lower entrances to
the locks, which have been shoaling
considerably. "A depth of eight feet
on tbe lock Doors at low water is re
quired. While the shoaling at the
canal is not of a serious nature, the
United States engineer's otUce has
deemed it advisable, in view of the
coming heavy grain shipments, to
clear out tbe locks and approaches.
Mra. W. C. Evans left Tuesday for
Midland, Ark., where she will visit
her daughter, Mrs. L. C Packard,
and also her first grand child. She
waa accompanied as far as Kansas
City by Mra. P. A. Eveihart and
daughter, Alice, and Mrs. O. 1). Rea
and daughter, who were bound for
Esmond, Kansas. Tbey expect to
meet Mr. Rea in Kansas City, who is
at present at the Arkansas Hot Springs
being treated lor canoer. -Mr. uea is
reported to be quite pooily, and if he
ia unable to meet tbem at Kaunas
City, Mra. Rea will go to him at the
hot springs.
Mrs. Gil-on ni r.ll.hart, hid., is
visiting her Mter. Mrs. II. .1. Treiher.
The railroad Hater tank near the
depot is now being cmui'leted, the
iron work being erected this week.
Mr. Hughes, nt Hie linn ol Parkins
anil Hughes, Tim I lalles music house,
visited 1'tiud River tho lirst ol tilt
K. P. Orr returned to Condon. Ore.
Tuesday, where lie will soon finish
the buildings he i- eiieting al thai
Famous Ostrich Plumes
A. 1'ranz and Mr.
mi li II 011 tlii early
morning for l'liit-
Mr. mill Mrs. I!
and Mrs. I). Jack:
train Wednesday
Mr. and Mrs. W
lock, Wash., Iiavi
during the week ut.
sou, I). II. ( I ray.
Hood Kiver t 'Implcr No. :
S., held a regular meet ing
II. Gray ol' Win-
lieen the guests
t he home of their
:., O. 10.
tittcuihiucc, lol-
evening vvil h 11 good
lowed by a l'aiHUel,.
Snow ,V I'l'i-on, 1
blacksmiths and uagmi maker
ho 1 nte! -prising
s, report
mid are
in both
w 1 MIC.
iint II I
I at the rail
is I inning
a very heavy run of
keeping a good loir,
departineiit s.
' (). i'YedollhlOV, the M
mail carrier says t lie
road crossing at Me
wit h t he rain- o 1! il ! ! e 1:1
become very
St. Mark's Guild (t v
Hundley ,M on, lay eti-nbir ;;it
on lulls i r- for I lie eluu 1 -. an I ;
plans for the h;,,,uv, nlnri.
held some t illle III I 'eeeiul.i I'
Mr. Ilrnadh, ad of Ka
accepted II pesil ii I, Hit
of I iidhirde ,V Griv, 1.
Mr. Ihoadhead 1- a in p!
Blount if t !;.. I' net I. di I
The Hood I'i'.i I' IVnt la.!! Lain will
give a la in lit. dance at the 1 ipcni
I loiisn l''r iday I'M'ii i in'. haiii ing w ill
he continued a- l ii;g a - ,'iny one wish
es to danee. I'lrl.els, ,1 cents, til'
M. ii. MiCarty uas a pas-en; er fur
Portland Monday iniuning. The I'm is
Fair had some goods in the wrick
down the linn the Inst, of the wei k
and Mr. Mi'Caily wi nt down to ad
just the damages.
M r. mid Mrs. T. I . Hoilnwell of
KiiIIh City, 1'olk county Ml Wednes
day iiiiiriiing fur 1 'ml land nt'compii
tiled hy Mrs. llullmvell ol Ihis city.
Mr. 1.' I). Ilolliiwell ol Falls City is 11
brother ot ,). M. Hollow, 11.
The genuine Fatton line.
i better can be bought.
We will sell them to you at man
ufacturers' cost until November 1st,
providing we furnish the hat.
We show the same styles found in
Portland's most exclusive shops at
much lower prices.
Entire Shoe Stock on
Sale at Cost
he :i' v; liil In lug snaked
il tie L'l olllld bus
i!!i Miss
I worked
d-o made
will he
i- City has
;e I in I ershop
1 Oak street.
!.. of .1. L.
Kviingelist. Hum
at. the tent Sunday
ing. Subject uf
"Christian I i . v
Fnpardiiinl I :
The Holy Gl.u ; ".
A. Kohler. v U 1
the ('has. Cbe
Side write.'- t '
Wash., that '
dead in t lad
to get back to
Mr. mid V
Bamboo, Wis
and wife o'i
home Miuidi
have been vi-i
and making a
T. .1. Kim
signed his po
for the (I P
has piiicliasi '
Kiver Trails'
will devote 1 i
-aker will pieiich
morning and even
lei I'll 1 eg d i i'iii'm'.
I " ! -i ' :i g. "Tin
. .. ii.e ,-,lli iigaillsl
1 lvreiitly purchased
1 I null on t he I last
I Linn
i , 1 1 111
,u. I I
i il. I
'dr. v
I. wi
on a:
X. a
iuli 1
nd I
llie tl
from Sumner
11 I 1 e found
i F , , 1 1 -. 1 1 us
-it ai ley. of
1. Flaiichai'
laming for
1 1 s. Stanley
itl'iiid fair
nasi, cit ies.
11! ly re
) ree
stat urn
111. lid
st ill I ill
mi' Ci
tl. .t 1,1
:.S' and
:;. ia-t
h'l V
O. Olson i I
in today from
once erect 11 I
twenty acres I
Wood, at n
Olson's faiiiil .'
and will Fcco!
ley as soon a , i,' !
the ranch.
The Ladie-' '. . i !
gregat iunal ('
noon ten at the .1 -Crowell
on I'l l hu
i:i. "An int.i le.-t n g
prepared ami mi ctijuyal
ticipiitcd. A cordial nn
tended to every one to I.
The first hiio'.v of t he si
t he tops of t he miiui.l
Butte Hinl 1 1." range
Mount Hood. Saturday
has been snow ing ciui-tai
Hood since t lie 1 1 cent 1 a
and u
;.i I '
pi .
will at
on the
1 of Alfred
ring. M r.
1 Portland,
dents of the v 1 1 -gs
can lie put on
:. ' y of t in) Con
' . ive an after
;. . i f Mrs. Geo.
1 ictobi-r
i;.s Feell
1- ex-
I I"' '
cm er
if Bald
extending to
lei'i 'iiim.'. It
it ly mi Mount
iiis, and the
top of the mountain shows up pure
white since the 1 loud.- ch ared away
the first of tin' week, Tuesday morn
ing the lirst frost of the sea.-on ap
peared in the city and nipped a few
liKluemlier October IS, when the
Portland Nmvhiill company will ap
pear. I). 1!. Bradley 'h paper, The News
Letter made its I list appearance lust
Arthur Cunning and his mother,
Mrs. T. .1. Cunning, left yesterday for
Uoproseiilal ivo A. A. dayne is in
Portland, attend ing the harmiiiy
meeting of ( Iregou F'epuhlicaiis.
Among who left Wednesday
evening for Portlmiil were Mr. and
Mrs. ,1. Kami, .Mrs. 10. L. Smith,
Mrs. O. .1. Nelson and Mrs. Watt.
Kuswcll Shelley left yesterday nfti r
noon fur Fort land, w here ho will at tend
the pence conferociio of tho re
publican lenders.
M. L. Emery has installed a hy
draulic cider press at his factory re
cently erected alongside tho industrial
track of the O. K. A N., in tho wist
end of tlie city.
The Apples Growers' union sent a
car of Northern Spy and Baldwin
apples to New Vork the llrst of tho
week. The Davidson Fruit Co. is
preparing to ship a car of Spiteti
liergs ill a few days.
lion, and .Mrs. D. F. Percival of
Cheney, Wash., were guest.H last wei k
at the Inline of Mr. and .Mrs. S. I''.
Blythe. Mr. Percival is 11 pioneer of
Eastern Washington and president of
tho bank of Cheney.
J. E. Baud left Wednesday after
noon for Portland, where lie will rep
resent the sewer committee of the city
council nt a meeting of Attorney Wil
son anil Engineer Paget, to pioparo a
llnal lepoit for sui. mission to tln(
council Monday evening.
Bishop O'Keilly, who is ill at lit.
Vincent's Hospital Portland, il mill", r
ing wtili a well deliiied case of ty
phoid lever. The dist inguished
patient is cum-iden d to be in a dan
gerous cond it ion and it will le so no
time before t be eiiiivalecseiit stage is
reulied. lather ProScan is another
member of the Catholic clergy who
is ill at SI. Vincent's.
In the contest conducted by the
Portland .loiiinal to determine who
of the young la lies of the stale shall
enjoy a free trip to Hawaii. Miss
Emiiie Cm-sen of The Dalles leads
the third .Infl ict with lit, 1 votes,
and Miss Lni ile Crate of the same
city is a close sei 1 with lH,:t7H
votes. Miss Stella Kichardson of
Hood Fiver follows closely with 17,07t
votes. M is- ( Sharp of Prinevillo
is a new candidate in this district and
starts with votes to In r credit.
When President Blowers of the Far
mer's Irrigation Co. Hougbt to call to
order the-iiiiniial meeting of the Ditch
Co. Ia-t S it unlay, it was discovered
that a 1 in nil 111 was sadly lacking. Ad
journment was then taken until one
o clock. Satui'iiav iiuernoou 01 una
vegetables, but it will lie a great
help in coloring u ) the apples.
Mr. and Mrs. I). F. Lamar were
visitors in The Dalles last Thursday.
Miss Mabel Carter is visiting her
sister, Mrs. J. il. Tracy, at Canyon
City, Oregon.
Alex Stewart and Frank Ginger
came down from Mosier to attend the
Masonic lodge meeting Saturday even
Miss May Hendricks of Stockton,
Mo., is visiting Mrs. .1. K, Carson.
Miss Hendricks expects to make her
homo in Hood Kiver.
A large O. K. AN. engine, weighing
IXi.iiihI poudns, and drawing a long
freight train, sidetracked at the pass
eager depot, Friday morning, where
it attracted eoiisieralile interest.
Hood Kiver Lodgo No. Klfi, A. I'',
and A. M., coinmuiiced their winter
work Saturday evening with a full at
lenilauco. A bampiet at tho close of
the meeting was an enjoyable occasion.
Dr. F. Cooper, accompanied by
Miss A. .ajicek, left last Thursday,
lor Villisca, Iowa, where MissZajiook
will sret.d the winter. Dr. Cooper
will n tin n s iiM'timo next mouth.
u. C. Dean, tho White Salmon for
ryiii in, who was in the city Friday,
s ,.ys be is taking lots of new comers
into the White Salmon country these
days. There are many others there
iii'piiring after land
The annual meeting of tho Farmers'
Irrigating Company, advertised to be
held last Saturday, was postponed for
one week 011 account or small attend
mice. It is desired that there be a
full attendaiieu next Saturday.
W. B. Strowbridgu is building a
new house on his property 011 the East
side grade, and intends to move into
the place as soon as the house is com
pleted. He will close out his paint
ami wall paper store in town.
Harry Bailey left Friday morning
for Cascade Locks to do repair work
on the telephone lilies. The high
wind of the night before had played
havoc with the wires and only one
of the long distance strings were con
veying messages that morning.
Mrs. E. lipoid and daughter Miss
Mabelle who have been up at Hood
Fiver the past month spent last week
at home, near Thatcher. They start
ed for Hood Kiver yesterday where
they will spend the winter. Forest
(iro e Times.
A team belonging to John Vauthier
of Mount Hood, became frightened at
the cars Saturday and made a spirited
run towards home, there was no one
in the wagon at the time. The team
soon overturned the wagon and broke
loose but were caught before running
a great distance. The wagon was
damaged some, but otherwise no
serious damage resulted.
Clilf ird an I Frank .Jackson of Car
pio, N. I)., visited with A. D. Moo
and family Friday, taking the boat
for Portland Saturday moruiug. They
have disposed of their North Dakota
property and are looking for a loca
tion in the west, having visited sever
al sections of Washington and Oregon
before coming to Hood Kiver. lhey ......L. The farmers are reuuetsed to
were very favorably impressed witb.thel i,.ir thii in mind, and to atteud tbe
valley and may conclude to locate j meting, when some important mattuig
here. I will couio up for discussion.
1 J