The Hood River glacier. (Hood River, Or.) 1889-1933, October 12, 1905, Image 2

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(nurd t-verT f Luridly I7
AH I 111 W O. MOB, Publlihac.
Irmi ol lubscrTptiou-ll.jO 1 year "
fB advance.
It will be noted that Wbhco county
comes in foi her Hharn of the 81000
prize for beat dinpluy at tlie exposi
tion. Jackson ami Polk count e,
where apples are prowii "just as (food
us tlioso at Hood Kiver," aro found
iu the aocond class.
The matter of taxing the property
of the O. R. & X. railroad iu Uma
tilla county Iihh been compromised,
the compuny sitfiiifyinK a wlljiiinnene
to pay on a vuluation of $10,000 a
mile. The county assessor wanted to
make the valuation $12,000, and the
road took the matter into court in an
effort to defeat the payment, but lout.
It in understood UioiikIi that the com
pany will brintf suit in equity to
show that the amendment is unjust.
Thetihicier is in receipt of a copy of
"Abroad," published by Mr. Ed
Falk, Keneral aent for the Harrimiiu
lines in Kurope. The greater part of
the issue is occupied by excerpts from
the recent 0. li. & N. booklet descrip
tive of the l'acillo Northwest, and that
portion of the article relating to the
fruit industry in Hood River is given
considerable prominence. The article
iu question was published in full in
the Glacier early iu the summer. Cop
ies of Abroad are distributed by Mr.
Falk through the various agencies in
Kurope, which goes to show that the
Oregon Railroad and Nariagtion com
pany is doing much for Hood River
In tho way of exploiting the fruit in
dustry here.
- -
Portland papers announce that L.
N. Itlowers of Hood River is under
consideration by Presidont Roosevelt
as receiver of the Koseburg luiid olllco.
Mr. Hlower's many friends iu this oil j
and other parts of the state would be
pleased to see this honor conferred
upon the young man, who Is honest,
competent and capable in every way
for the posiiton. He came here 18
years ago, the greater part of which
time he has been pi eminent ly ident
ified with the business interests of
the town, which shortly ufter it wut
incorporated as a city elected him
mayor. He has since been a United
States Deputy Marshal. He standf
high In the opinion of his friends,
and is a man willing to have his rec
ord Investigated. We sincerely hot e
this responsible position will come to
Mr, lilowers, whom we know can fill
it very acceptably to Mr. Hitchcock
and President Roosevelt.
Hood River people who do more 01
less shopping in Portland, would do
well to get prices of Hood River mer
chants before buying their goods out
of town. A good many Instances
have happened of late whero parties
have found out after returning home
that articles which were bought In
Portland could have boon purchased
at homo for less money than was paid
for the samo goods there. It will cost
nothing to at leant get posted before
going away from borne to buy. Thore
is not a merchant in town who will
not gladly show goods and give prices,
and it will be a rare case, indeed,
when these prices will not be as low,
if not lower than out of town. Ho
much for the cold blooded bushiest'
standpoint. On the other hand, the
money left at home will help to build
new residences, stores, ami other im
provements; there will be more money
left to be giveu to public subscrip
tions for a needy citien or a public
beuellt; more money loft to advertise
Hood River and make it attiactive
more money loft to build chuiohoi-
and school houses iu fact, every dol
lar kept at home will liouollt the one
who loaves it here as well as the mer
chant who receives it in exchange fur
a dollar's worth of goods.
Meeting of the State Hoard,
The October meeting of the Oregon
state board of hurt Iculturo was hold
in Portland, Monday. All the mom
hers wore present. One of the issues
brought up by President 10. K Smith
was that ot the appointment of county
fruit Inspectors under the provision)
of a law passed by the last Legisla
tore. He urged that appointments lit
made as rapidly as possible, and Mint
caro be exercised to select competent
men. Ho called attention to nri-ouiiti
of lead as an elllcaeious spray t'01
codlin ninth, and recommended sill
phur and lime, boiled fur au hour,
as the host spray for the Nun .Ion
scale. The ropoits of the several comiiiis
siouers, stiimniiricil, follow:
V. K Newell, tlrst district, em
bracing Northwestern Oregon Crops
light; tipples lightest in yours, due to
long, dry Summer; prune yield about
two thirds of a crop, withgood prices;
growers encoiiriiged ; new orchards
will lie planted as a result. Of truits
shown that att meted most attention
at the Imposition was Oregon cher
ries, (irapes about an average crop,
but danuu,'ed by rain.
Charles A. j 'ark , second district,
embracing Central Western Oregon
One fourth apple ctop; two thirds
prune crop, with better quality ami
liettoi prices; cherries half a crop;
pears two thirds, with prices double
that of last year. Inspectors appoint
ed for Marion and Polk Count es.
A. 11. Carson, third district, cm
bracing Southwestern Oregon Only
llM.lHKi bushels of apples raised ill the
district, which is much short of the
Usual output; quality iiijuicd by
Summer drouth ; many too small for
market. Inspectors appointed for
Douglas ami Jackson Counties; good
work done.
it. II. Weber, fourth district, em
bracing Central Kastorn Oregon -Loss
fruit handled this year, but at better
prices than usual; growers will plant
many trees of all sorts, but mostly
pears ami cherries; arsenate of lead
spraying shows splendid results in
light against cod 1 111 moth; piecent
age of wormy apples reduced to only
1 per cent.
Judil Goer, fifth district, embrucir.g
E istem Oregon Light crops goner
ally Piunos about one-iwro. o
variety yielded full crop. In some
localities growers did well with
prunes. Driest teason ever known.
Apples did well in well cared-for or-
elialds. Ulieriios, uucuni" " "i
Pears crop good. Fruit inspectors
appointed from Union and Umatilla
Announcement a made or nine
prizes to lie given at the January
stale iiorticiiivujiH
best apple exhibits. They Bie hand
some copper cups, and are olfcred by
the following business house:
(ilufke 4 Co., orinern npiva;
f f ...1.. .....,la. Puuryrm .V Pnin.
ltaldwins; Hell A Co., lellow New
tons; Dryer & O'Malloy, Winesaps;
Page 4 Son, Jonathan; McKwen
McKlosky, Spitzenhregs; Charles
Levy, Arkansas lilacks. A handsome
sweepstakes cup is ottered by James
II. Reid for the best commercial ex
hibit of live varieties, exhibitor's
'I I, r, ,,i.i-mmoir. survev or the big
,iii,.t. i ti,n llnnil Kiver Irrigation
district has been completed, W. T.
.... ... - a, C . . . .
Kddy and nis men coming 001 nun
day. Grade stakes have been set and
the cross sectioning completed.
Everything is in readiness, says Mr.
SnoeuiHker for the contractors to be
gin construction work as soon us the
contract is let.
F. C. Sherrieb and party will go
ul., net Lo xrinrun of the nronosed ditch
next week, and tie up the canal to the
government corners, for the purpose
. . t . . I .. A
or reserving rignis or way. a 110 uram
of dir.uitnrs does not exiiect to en
counter any delay in right of way
Tho Imunl iy untried somewhat be
cause of the long delays incident to
the great amount or "rea tape at
tached to methods of procedure in the
sale of bonds and calling for bids.
Between Dead point aud Green point
there will be more tliiuiing than was
at first expected.
As soon as possible, an examination
of the diteli will be made north ol
IHtol, nroulr rlown Ihrntiih UlA Jordan
and Rordan section, aud also the
country from tne neail 01 me ary
hollow above Ditch creek, to ascertain
On, fuuuititlirv nt riiL-im? water for this
section from the ditch of the Supply
c;o. u necessary.
The warehouse of the Davidson
Fruit Co. presented a lively appear
ance yesterday afternoon, with a force
of 12 or more apple packers wrapping
and olishing the handsome red
Spitzeubergs, as they were packed in
boxes and made ready for shipment
to that great world an le market, the
eity of Now York.
Mr. Davidson is putting up an es
pecially fine pack. The apples are
highly colored, and will doulitless
bring a record price when placed 011
sale in the East. Some particularly
line Hpitznnhorgs came from the farm
of Losllo llutlor, formerly the proper
ty of Joseph Wilson. Home of these
Spitz are tlireo-tier fruit. The farm
ers throughout the valley aro tmsy
gathering their apples. There were
heavy raius all last, week, but, witli the
frost mornings coming 011, tho fruit
Is coloring up rapidly.
W. J. linker reports the following
sales: Mrs. enlmson to C. 1'.
VValo, house and lot; C. F. Waldo to
A. J, Hood, house and lot.
Hay a season ticket for the coming
lecture course and help to establish
permanent means ol pleasure and
Scott ami William Fdwards of Ore
gon City stopped oil' for a few days in
our city while enroute to I he Dallei
where they expect to secure employ
ment. They aro recent arrivals fron
Pennsylvania, and are much in love
with our western country.
Mr. Johnson Planning Trip Mast,
W. V. Johnson, who sold his East
sido farm last week for rusK), is plan
ning au enjoyable trip East. At Dar
by, Mont., he will spend some timi
with J. II. Overtoil' aud others of his
old time friends aud neighbors. Mr.
Overtoil' is a brother-in-law of Mr.
Johnson, who deeply regrets that his
wife is not alive anil able to take this
oatsorn trip, in which he is nnticipat
ing so much pleasure. "My success
in life remarked Mr. Johnson "I at
tribute to my devoted wife who was
always willing to leave a comfortable
homo and help me to seek our fortune
111 new and sparsely settled sections
or this great vt est.
Whoa iu Portland last week Mr.
Johnson secured several real estate
investments in St. Johns. He is now
looking for a visit from his brother,
D. M. Johnson of Elhron, Iowa whom
he has not seen for over ltd years.
Prompt Drcialnn.
The secret of getting through work Is
method. Order, it has boon said, In
God's tlrst law. Let It be yours. Do not
let your work nooumiihito upon your
hands. It is not work that kills, but
urrenrs of work. Work put off is work
put on with heavy Interest. "Sullldeiit
unto the day Is the evil thereof." It
becomes Intolerable If It be laid upon
It I may ivoominoud you three rules
for saving time and economizing
strength they shall be these: Answer
letters, keep appointments, make up
your minds. In the affairs, of this life
a prompt decision is often more linpor
taut than a right decision. One man
makes up his mind and acts. It may be,
wrongly, but if so he finds out his mis
take, corrects and retrieves It before
another man has acted at all. It is
possible to waste a great amount of
time hy thinking, and still more by
talking over actions. First thoughts
nre sometimes w iser than second and
generally w iser than third. Couteui
purary Review.
The HrltUh Empire
Tho ISrltlsh empire occupies about
one fifth of the surface of the habita
ble globe and consists of the Fuited
Klnu'doin, with Its attendant Islands,
and about forty-three dependencies un
der separate and Independent govern
ments varying In size from Canada,
which is thirty times the size of the
United Kingdom, to Gibraltar, the area
of which Is two square 111 lie. Thus
the area of the Hrltlsh empire Is ninety-eight
times that of the Unite! King
dom, while the area of the self govern
lng colonies alone is nearly sixty times
as largo ns that cf tho mother country.
Lord ThritiL' in Nineteenth Centurv
Adversity is the only bnlnuce :o
weigh friends.-riutarch. '
pH Never
M Undersold
'l, Wff':Jn
j In Work Shirts we have
Men's oollen Shirts in
Hand's Bankrupt Stock in
in WiLL ' r ' t
u wM'-rif -ra
Ladies' Dress and Street Hats
We have this Fall the nobbiest line of Dress and Street Hats for Ladies, Misses
and Children that we have ever had, and at our usual low prices. You will have
to call and see them to appreciate the styles and extremely low prices asked.
They are all hew this Fall's styles.
We have on display one of the finest assortments of Ladies'
and Misses' Tailored Skirts that can be found outside the large
Ladies' and Misses' Skirts for $1.50, $2.25, $2.50
New Idea Paper
One oC Yalliimllu-liHiii's Replies.
Tom Carter hwmI to tell u Btory that
llluDlrnU'd the inetlioiU uf Vullaririlf;
lmm an a political orator. The Ohio
iJeinocrat was making a npeech In an
Illinois town durliit! one of the enm
pnlBnu. Curter wus n boy nnd wont to
hoar him. In tho mlilHt of the oration
some one got up ami nsked:
"Where won Vnilnmllglinm during
the war?"
"Sly friend," said the orator, "yon
have n perfect rlht to auk that ques
tion, and I Hhull answer it nt the proi
er time. Next winter I will oome to
Illinois, and you and I will choose a
day when the thermometer In at zero
anil the wind is Wowing the Know
acroHH the lleldH. We will ko far out
upon the prairie, and there I will tell
you where VallandiK'ham was during
the wnr. It will he more pertinent and
timely on Riich an occasion than now
and will have as much Hlgnltlcame to
the winds of winter as to this cam
piilKU." Carter mild VallandlKham was not
BK'lIn Interrupted. -Washington 1'ost.
A Btory which Is lold of a Biuall hoy
who declared that he would be neither
soldier nor sailor lest he should he
killed or drowned, hut would he n vol
unteer like his father, Is rather severe
oil the citizen soldier. 'Twits eer thus,
l'ltt, provoked by the venditions Im
posed by volunteers when Napoleon
wan eipected to bob up In England
with an army at his back, mado a mar
ginal note umiii the memorial In which
they nddresscd him, "These volunteers
are not to be sent out of the country
except In the case of actual Invasion."
lint the boy In the case cited placed
his father In no more embarrassing
position than that In w hich the I Hike
of Wellington found himself at the in
Btance of a child by whom he was
uravely saluted. "There's o Hue little
fellow!" Bald the duke, putting the
child on the head. "I'll give you a com
mission Iu the guard as Bonn as you're
old enough." Ills little admirer looked
up reproachfully and In tears ex
claimed, "Hut, please, Mr. Hook, 1'se a
little dlrl!"- St. James Gazette.
Two lens of Sport.
Pport comes In as a sort ot safety
valve, as plenty of riding und walking
minimizes the effect of too luxurious
living, always supposing that the hitter
hns not already had the effect of he
gi'ttlng a disinclination for anything
approaching strong exercise, a fate not
nt all unlikely to overtake those who
are too capon lined London Field.
We are growing accustomed to being
called a nation of shopkeepers, and we
seem to be going the light way toward
earning the still less enviable title of a
ntitloti of game players. Let Us re
member while there Is yet time that an
empire almost as great tottered to Its
fall when the citizens of tho mother
city grew- too serious over their amuse
ments. Hluck wood's Magazine.
A MnsTpl' Conscience.
Why does the magpie construct a
ioitie of twigs over its nest? Most
readers will any as a shelter, but It
Joes, not in the least answer to such a
description. The twigs are only a net
work through which rain may pour
and cold winds penetrate. May it not
b the cass that the magpie la con
scious of 'ts own sins, and guilty
mind, apprehensive of reprisals, causes
the bird to build this over IU Best? '
Tke magpie Is an egg stealer and
liu:kes use of knowledge, gained while I
carrying out Its depredations on the
contents ot other nests, to protect I
those o' its ow n. Country Oentleuuuk '
River's Bargain
Men's and Boys' Shirts
We have the largest and best line of medium
nripoil Kliirta to he found in the citv. Our line of
00c and 75c for elsewhere. Wenavo th-m in all the
latest patterns, with and without cuffs. We also
carry an excellent line of Men's Dollar Shirts, in
Negligee and Golf Shirts, that are real bargains at
this price.
them in dark, medium and light
dark blue and gray for 950, $1.00, $1.50 and up.
Men's and Boys' Hats
We have the largest and best assortment of Men's and Boys'
Hats and Caps in the city and can supply your wants in whatever
you might need from a man's knock-about hat for 500 to a gen
uine John 15. Stetson. We have some exceptional bargains in
this line. You can save money by looking these over.
Patterns, any Pattern 10
The Paris Fair
The Home of Low Prices.
Hazelwood Cream Co.
U. S. Cream
I J i ft -1
JLjmV ' r J
Writo for Catalogue.
Portland, Oregon.
1 hold license from the State Board of Oregon and Washington, and am qualified
to chip lxdies to any point, l'rompt service either day or night.
Phone at both Parlor Schitller Building,
and Residence Hood River, Oregon
English Walnut Trees,
Plants, etc. Oregon is developing as a wonderful walnut prod u ing section. Big
proli s, wi li small outlay of capital. Cliiineo of a life time. No spraying nor
ex pensive divers. e nave me naniy
ill bring you walnut catalog, a treatise
si inl for niirscry catalog. IlliOOkS A
Apple Shippers
Your shipments, large or small, re
sputiiillv solicited. We can get von
gi'il prices. Prompt retlirns. Send for
slopping stamp.
Commission Merchants,
l-l1 Front street. Portland, Ore.
Could use, if price is satisfactory,
'.V,tkK hewed ties along the line of tlie
Mount Hood Railroad in the next thirty
days. Those interested, please call at
the otlice for specifications.
Moi sr lliion Company.
Fred Monson left Sunday evening
for his home in Franklin, Idaho, after
spending a week with his brother,
l'zra Monson, on Sherman avenue.
Fred has leeu employed at Viento
for the past summer, but resigueud
lospeidthe wintei at bis parental
One Prlc
to All
colors, 300, 450, 500.
and up.
Fruit Trees, Scrubs
varieties, early bearers. A postal card
on their culture and results here. AIh .
S0'S, Walnut Siirsery, Carlton, Ore.
Intending purchasers would
do well to eee my lint of city
and farm property tafore pur-
Big Sale of Land.
IH you want ten sore tract of flrat-rlnx
stntwhrrry or frull land at bsrgaln? Ifsn,
rxsmli the M. H. Fuller fsnn near rlty of
Hood Kiver, US arres. Just placed on the
market to be sold In lots to suit. Cll at the
farm or any real estate tlrm In Itnod Kiver.
V41 liW luti street, IWtiand
fi -;
Wood For Sale
All Kinds at Lowest
Market Price.
Prompt delivery, phone. Murray Kaj.
For Sale
For nl-New net 16 volumes New lnternn-
tlonal encyclopaedia; brand m-w; some lxok
bave never been ox-n. (Ami flUO, will aell tor
Ifio. Inquire Mrs. Hemman. n2
Black Minorca pullets. Kalpb H. Lewis, lk-1-
mont. M
For Hale One very tine Jersey heifer aud
one heifer calf. These are good and will be
sold cheap, or trade lor nay or potatoes, lan
St Hook lord store, Barrett district. Hi
For Bale One horse power sewing machine.
IT. K. Kemp, Odeli. Di
For Bale- Pigs. H. Pregge.
For Bale Jersey cow; price $40.00. A. 8.
Bio went. n'i
For Rale-Team, weighing 2&00, true to pull,
gentle; wagon and barnuw. ttee W.(ianger.
Kor Kale Household furniture. Five blot-It
west of Glacier omee, at tne residence of T. 8.
Weekly. oi
For hale-Figs. B. F. Lamar.
For Sale Two milch cowa. Apply to J. L
He rainier. oly
For Hale Italian prunes, one cent a pound
delivered in town: let if no Id In the orchard.
Phone Farmers' 84x1. Twin Oaks Fur in, oft
Lout Heven-weeks-old Poland China iIk: es
caped from pen. Return to P. J). HeinrtcliH
lor rewara. on
Wanted To exchange one good S1 wagon
lor woou or nay. morgan nrus. oi
For Sale-liny and 4-foot wood at J. W
Jenkins' place. o!2
For Hale-300 gunny sacks, at J. W. Jenkins
Dy praun rossuurg. oi
For Sale-Firs and a small band of Angora
goais Dy ueo. noraen. ui
For Bale or Trade One heavy wagon; will
truue tor a gruooing macnine. Apply to J
W. Strong, Udell. ol2
For Sole We have some good younir horses.
suitable fur farming, for sale cheap. Transfer &
Livery Co. (
For Sale cheap Two large safes, arood as new.
We don't need them now, as we have a vault. Call
on or write Davidson J ruit Co. tiZi
For Sale One bay team and harness, wt. 2IiW
lbs.: Kuaranteeu to be true and sound. One "-in,
waffon bitted with bolster springs; one 2-hoise
spring tooth cultivator; one Dew Moines incubator
and brooder, 200 capacity. All articles almcst
good as new. Call on or phone me. iarl 1 rather,
For Sale Number of nice young Plymouth
Kock chickens. Mrs. J. H. bhoemaker. ob
For Sale A two seated rig. or jou niny ml
itallulit delivery waon, will be nIiI Vfiv
cheap, us we have no room to kiei it. Win
take wood or hay In exchange; price 91ft 00.
ttociciora more. iso
For Sale Fifteen acres land, unimproved
will contract to clear same If purchaser de
sires. W. AUgUS, Hell
For Hale House and two lots on the hill for
sale. House Is 24x24 with kitchen 12x12; hIno
chicken lot and houses. Lots 50x100: price,
M: four vears' time on 9tmt balance will
trade tor farm machinery and stock, or take
Siuu down ana jfiu per month, inquire or c.
W. Parsons or at Hartwtg s oftlce. 24ntf
cleared. Price, cheap lor cash. j. A. Wilson.
For Sale Ten, 20 or 30 acres; apple and
ltVtf Uttlo in airaa Hrulluun ffiilt luiirl mv
ciover; ' ciearea; unuer aitcn. u semmiiu
K. F. I), no. 1. n2M
For sale. 30ucre8 of fine orchard lund ad'
joining new county road; all under ditch; 3
acres cleared; wi:i take contract to clear part
of laud If contractor pes! res. Call on or write
a. Pk-nuier. n. r uo, i. win
For Male Klve acres Irrlgstert land 2l6 miles
wtstit oi irngoij; in in itiiertu wiinnid rous oi
nuice; casn, uatance in any pay
menu. (J era Id K. Wood, Ciem, Idaho. 12o
Notice to Contractors,
Notice is hereby given that the Hoard of
nirecuirs ot tne Hood Kiver Irrigation Dis
trict In Wasco county, Oregon, will receive
bids for the construction of the necessary
canals and works lor said dlwtriet to be i-on-
structed In accordance with the plans and
sieclHcatiolis thereof. Healed bids for such
work will be received al tlie utllce of the
Hoard at the residence of .1. H. .shoemaker,
secretary of the Hoard In said district till .Sat
urday, the 2th day of October, liHli, at the
nouroizo inns must do accom
panied by a certified check for tlve per cent
of the amount of the hid. The Board reserves
the right to reject any and all bids. I'lans
ana specincanons may be procured by ap
plication U the secretary of the board.
ltaled at Hood River, Oregon, this 19th day
oi nepienioer, iww. j. li. wtior.M A k rj tv,
s21 ol (Secretary,
Ill the mailer of the estate of Duves Divers,
ueceasen. citation.
To John Divers. James llivers. Newtown U
Divers, May li. Mellluger, Joel Divers (or
Joseph Divers), William livers, Julia Katcy,
rerry A. Divers, John Henry Divers, l.ucy
Divers, Cora Htraight, Mrs. James Knglish,
and Heatiice Kniillsli, and the Trustees of tlie
11 tie tJrtive M. K. church, heirs aud devisees
of Haves Divers, deceased, mid all olher i
known heirs, devisees and legatlecs of said
ueceasea, grming:
In the name ol the state oforeuron: Yon are
hereby ciled and required to apiiear In Hie
couniy court ol tne slale ot Oregon lor Wasco
couniy, at tne November term ol said court,
at the court room thereof, at Dalles Citv. In
said counly, on .Monday, the lit li day of No
vember, llr, at 2 o'clm k in the aflerniHin of
that dayt then aud there U) show cause. It any
exist, why an order of sale should not he
made of llie real estate sought to be sold in
accordance with Hie prayer of the petition of
tneexecuiors, n. Ken and m. r. etl liere-
urore nied in this cause, and which said real
estate is situate in Wasco count,', Oregon,
and described as follows, to wit:
Commencing at the Northwest corner of the
wortheastquarteror section 27, in Tp. ' north
range 10 east of the Willamette meridian:
running thence sou Hi lu.'jti chains, thence
east H.ti.1 chains; thence north lti.JH chains;
thence west 14.(3 chains lo the point of be
ginning, containing 1 acres, more or'less.
This citation is Issued by order of the
county court ot i asco counly, Oregon, by
Hon. A. F. Lake, county Judge, entered ou
the 2nd day of October. l!a,, and puhilcatlon
Is made in "The Hood mver Ulaclcr." a news
paper ot general circulailou published weekly
In said counly and slate, aud publication is
so made Iu compliance, wilh the terms of
said order for four successive weeks. Hit- tlrst
publication of this citation the 2nd day of
CM'ioocr, A. I'. ItMl.
Witnesses the Hon. A. K. Lake, Judge of
saia county court, Willi llie seal ol said court
stilled, this 2nd day ofOctober, 1H n.
oet 5 nov 3 ClerK.
I nlted States Ijtnd Ofllee, The Italics, Ore
gon, Sept. li, IWft Notice Is hereby given
that the following-named settler hss tiled no
tice of bis Intention lo make ttual hrisd in
support of his claim, and that said proof will
be made before the Register and Kecelver, at
The Dalles, Oregon, on Novemtwr 1st, lr, vly.
ot Mosler, Oregon, on H. K. No. llK.TH, for the
N',NK Hectlon 15, Tp. 2 North, Range U K,
W. M.
He names the following witnesses to prove
his continuous residence uixm and culllva
tion of sstd land, viz.; Cha li-s 1'ralhar, Frank
Sturglss, Reese I'rathar aud Russell Iluskey
all of Mosler, Oregon.
sSloai MICHAKL T. NOLAN, Register.
Foond llrown duck coal and led at the
Ramona hotel. irit
Taken I'd tin sonthwest of snulheast
of section 27. township 8, one black sow pig.
Owner can have same by paying daniagis
and paying for this notice. 1. c. liarru
brant. ni
Found-Hlack heifer, 2 years old. left ear
cropped, upper bit aud lowerbit. Owner will
please call and take away at once and psy
chargea. 'II. I'regge. u-j '
A masquerade ball will be given at the Odd
Fellow.' hall at Odell Thanksgiving night
M. Cameron,
06 A- T. Dodge.
Clarke's ronich Elixir
rill cure that eou(l Price u only 25c
Real Estate
5 acres, one mile from Hood River;
all applet, 1 acre bearing. Price for 30
days, 11850.
40 acte8 6 miles lrora town, east sine;
20 acres cleared, 10 acres orchard. $125
per acre, casti.
10 acres, 2 miles from town; all in cul
tivation. Price, I24D0.
4 room cottage. I'.ast 45 by 150 feet of
Lot 2 block 9, Parkhurst, 1050; 750
House and two lots in Barrett-bipma
addition. $700.
Fine business lot on main street for
$UH) on installment, or $1500 cash.
acres at Belmont, 6 acn-s in cul
tivation, cottage and outbuildings, 150
apple trees, 2 acres strawberries, 2 acres
alfalfa, $1300; $750 or more cash.
New 0-roonied cottage, patent bath
and closet, four lots, 3 blocks from depot,
center of town, $2100; terms reasonable.
Two lots centrally located, $550.
Two lots, new 6-roomed house, patent
bath and closet, 3 blocks from depot,
center of town, $1700.
Two-story 8-roomed cottage, lot 70 by
140, on the hill, $1200; terms reasonable. .
For Sale 9000 acres pine timber; 1
saw mill, cuts 20,0n0 per day ; 1 planing
mill, capacity 30,000 feet per day; 1
store and stock of merchandise, about
13,500; 1 hotel and contents; 1 saloon
building, rented ; 8 houses, rented; 10
head horses and Imrness; 9 road wag
ons, 3 H; 1 loj-ging truck; 5 pair
sleighs; 30 head cattle; 50 head hogs;
000 feet lumber; 2000 cords wood. All
located at and near Hilgard, Or.
For Sale New two-story 9-rooin
house; Stranahan addition ; $1100; terms
14 acres across the road from the M.
M. Davenport residence. $00 per acre.
Terms easy.
A 40 acre tract, unimproved, some
free irrigating water, miles from Bar
rett school house, $1,100.
Hanna house and lot, $2,000.
For Sale The Henderson ranch, for
merly owned by J. R. Galligan ; 00 acre.
30 cleared; orchard; strawberries;
clover and timothy ; well irrigated ;large
2-story mansion, new barn ; all fenced.
Price $10,000. Brook runs through ranch.
Easy terms; telephone; rural delivery.
Four miles from Hood River.
One goat ranch on mountain east
of valley on county road. Price $1,500;
has small house, running water, and is
fenced. Terms, easy.
For Sale Beautiful lots in Park addi
tion, center of town, from $200 to $300.
8. 100 acres at White Salmon; fine
timber land ; $10 an acre.
Lots 10, 11, 12, block 5, Waucoma ad
dition; improved; juice $1,600; or
more cash, balance, 1 year, 8 per cent.
Small house and lot on hill to rent, $24
a year; two vacant lots with privilege of
purchase $20 a year for the two.
For Sale Residence on State street at
head of Front; $2,500, including 3 lots.
For Sale or Exchange for Hood River
property Fine residence in business
center of Sumpter.
Money to loan.
21 a. at Frankton; improved; $2200.
First-class Surveying Outfit
At the Emporium are kept 2 first-class
transits and solar attachments, and the
proprietor, a practical surveyor, is pre
pared to do the work of laying out acre
age property in lots and blocks, and do
ing all kinds of surveying and platting.
City Engineer.
Department of the Interior, Land Office at The
Dalles, Oregon, September 6, lU0f: Notice is
hereby given that the following named settler has
riled notice of her intention to make rinal pnsf in
support of his claim, and that said proof will be
made liefore the Register and Receiver at The
Dalles, Oregon, on October 16, lyofi. viz: Mary
Kiggs, widow of Douglas Kiggs, of Mount Hood.
Oregon, on H. E. No. 7919. for theSK'4 of Section
7. Tp. 1 South. Uange 10 E W. M.
She names the following witnesses tn prove her
continuous residence upon and cultivation of said
land, viz: W. S. Gribble, Robert Leasure and
Henry Thomas, of Mount Hoisl, Oregon, anil Mat
tie Richmond, of Hsd Uiver, Oregon.
sllol2 MICHAKL T. NOLAN. Register.
Bids for Wood
of any kind will be received by the Viento
school district, up to Thursday, October 12.
wood must be delivered In scIhmiI house shed.
ol2 W. C. Ucddes, Clerk.
Rooms To Rent
Nicely furnished front room, with hoard;
suitable for two. Mis. Entrican, fourth and
River slreets. , oii
Wanted To hire man with family to work
on fruit fiiriu. Kverythlng furnished and lib
eral contract to good man. Address K.tfla
eler oftlce. n2
Wanted Hlda on s cords of wood delivered
weekly nt Underwood. About awcords in all.
Address M, this ottlce.
Wanted Young male Shepard dog or pup.
Phone, Murray Kay. o2ii
Wanted A live young ninn (single), to
travel Willi a Clew and learn a irood paving
bm-iness. I all .Sunday, 0 lo IS, Mount liood
hotel. V. II. milium. (ur,
W anled-To trade Jersey cow for hay. In
quire ti. W. Smith, R. Y. I. No. 2. oli)
Wanted-At once, girl to do housework.
Mrs. I.. N. Blowers. , 5
""'"I n juuiik ,iiiiei wiin woe ami no
children wants a place to care for farm with ev-
iiiuiK lurmsneu. uuui reierences. Aiiuress t, la
cier, 00
Lost Brown Norfolk laeket brtwi-en Twin
Oik farm and town, Friday. Ixave at ttlti
cicr oftlce for owner. ofli
Losi-On mad between Williuds and Drano
on Liiite W hite Salmon river, a watch ami
chain, finder please notify A. II. Kieliinond
Kooni 419 Mohawk Itldg., Portland, Or.
Lost, lady's small sliver open-fare wuleb.
with black silk rob, near depot, finder p ease
roturn to .Mtss I'oole. ulii
Strayed-One Iron erv mare Weiiht
alsiut lino pounds, about 10 vears old. Hnnnl.
ed circle K 011 lefl shoulder. Kurns Hros. o-.S
' ' ' ' nn Blicri nilU VsrllYH UIJII
nf UHViiiiu U'lm ittlutimlu 1, , . ...... , -
I Will uk'ntlAfiirlhaasi
........... .... u, ,1 ... r , mi, nM HU UtrgS ur
caiilt Dt'lnngiiiK on my premise.
Wood choppers wanted
' ' " v t-n t'i it UK 1 11.
( Hinp out mdcI tool., furnished, a1. mlU mit
on Vmm Mile. rKKst'KNT Kltl'iT ".
I AMI Drer.areil to fnrnidV, tTilll a,,,l oUK
wood, also it her kinds of wood.
I have a new steam woo, I saw and am
prepared to do saw ing. Also do general
team work.
riione 121.