The Hood River glacier. (Hood River, Or.) 1889-1933, October 05, 1905, Image 6

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The "oatofflee department sent out
orders to all postonlcoB from wdicd
there are rural routes ordering that
the mail boxes oil these routes all be
numbered consecutively, beKlnninB
with the box first on the route and
continuing throughout the route.
Postmaster Yates states that in a few
days he will send out notifications to
the natrons of the rural routes from
this olllce, telilntf what their number
will be. Kaon route patron win men
bo expected to inscribe his number
on his box with some durable paint
or other marking material.
While this system of numbering the
boxes might work very well for con
vmitonce in an old settled community,
it will lie of little use here, whore
changes of residences ownership of
farms is an every day ocurrenoe. In
a few mouths there will be very few
numbers running consecutively along
the route. Tho ordor as sont out is
as follows:
To postmasters:
For public convenience and to facil
itate a more accurate handling of mail
bv rural free delivery carriers. It ha
boon deolded that each rural mail box
in use on the rural route whicn, under
the regulations of the di-partment, Ik
entitled to service, shall tie designated
by numlier In the manner and by the
method berulnarter sec rortn; ana me
delivery by rural carriers of ordinary
mail matter of all classes addressed to
suoh boxes by number alone Is author
ised solong as improper and unlawful
business is not conducted thereby.
1. Postmaster! ut the respective dis
tributing olllces are hereby directed
to instruct the carriers of all rural
freo delivery routes which have been
operated sixty day or more, to review
the rural mail boxei in use on their
routes in the interval between the re
ceipt of this ordor and Hejitomber .'VI,
llH'i, and report which of them con
form to the regulations and thus en
titled to designate numbers.
2. The following, when found to
be safe, weatherproof, and fit recepta
cles for mail, are entitled to numbers:
(a) Hoxe "ap, roved" under order
No. 7M; (b) Non-approved boxes
eroded prior to October 1, 11X12.
il. No non-weather-proof or other
wise unfit receptacles for mail shall
be numbered. All such must kbe re
placed with regulation "approved"
boxes by tho owners or no Humbert
will be assigned.
No rural mail box erected within
the limits of an Incorporated city 01
town within one half mile of a post
office at an unincorporated town 01
vitiligo shall be numbered unless such
box was erected prior to October IS,
l'M, or is being served by specific
order of the department.
Service must lie withdrawn, how
ever, from any box now being served,
until such withdrawal is expressly or
dered by thW office.
4. The numbers assigned to boxe
ou each route will commence with
"No. 1," which will pertain to the
first regulation box reached by the
carrier after leaving thu starting point
of his roiito, traveling in accordance
with olflfliiil description ; box there
after to bo counted and giveu tlx
proper number in regular sequence in
order of service "No. 1" to and In
eluding all those boxes entitled to ser
vice on the route.
5. Knell numlier thus arrived at
should be recorded in the carrier's ros
ter book opposite the namo of the
owner of the box to designated, and
also opposite the name of every other
Corson entitled to receive mail in said
ox. Numbers thus applied to hoxet
and registered must lie properly re
ported to and reonrded by the post
master of tho distributing office to
which they belong and must not be
changed thereafter exoept by specific
authority of such postmaster.
i. As soon as possible after com
pleting the assignment of box num
bers ou a route the postmaster will
furuish each box owner with the offi
cial number of his box, and request
that this number bo at once legibly
and durably Inscribed in a conspicu
ous place ou the outside of tho box.
7. lioxos served regularly by more
than ouo route must, iu oases where
such double service is duly author
ised, be given In regular oousooutive
order on each route, by the method
proscribed iu the proceeding para
graphs of numberiii' boxes served by
( n carrier. .
8 New boxes erected aubsoqiiont to
the original numbering between those
already iu position on a route and
consequently numbered, will be desig
nated by applying there to iu tho reg
ular order the next consecutive iium
burn shown, by tho record of numbered
boxes already on the route, to be
It. Tho work of numbering boxen,
on newly established routes must not
lie uiiilertakeu until the great majority
are permanently in place. Not less
than sixty days should elapse, how
ever, after service begins, liefore the
number are assigned.
10. Carriers must keep their roster
bonks corrected up to date. New
boxes erected, removals, change of ad
dress, names of new patrons, etc.,
must be punctually entered up ami
promptly reported to postmasters.
The latter must carefully oversee the
work of the carriers, ami also main
tain in their offices acourate and com
plete lists of the names and box num
bers of all patrons of eacli route at
tached to their olllee .
11. Any instructions issued by tills
olllce coutlu'tiiig with this order are
hereby revoked.
12. On receipt of this communica
tion postmasters will give it the wid
est possible publicity io.tlie patrons of
the rural service, without expense to
the department.
The tinea: (Mil Way.
A severe cold or attack of In grippe Is
like a fire, the sooner you cnnilmt It llie
better your chances are to overpower it.
Hut few niol hers in this age are will
ing to do the necessary work required
In give a good old-t'itliioit'd reliable
treatment such as would tie ministered
by their grandmothers, backed by Hos
ciiee's (ierinan Syrup, which was al
ways liberally used in connection Willi
the hiiine treatment of colds and is still
In greater household favor than (un
known remedy. Hut even without the
application of the old-fusliloned aids
(ieruian Syrup will cure a severe cold
iu quick 'time. It will cure colds in
children or grown people. It relieves
the congested organs, allays the Irrita
tion, and effectively stohs the cough.
Any child will take it. It is invalua
ble in a household of children. Trial
size bottle, L'fic: regular aic, 7.rc. Kor
gale by (.'. N. Clarke,
The fruit crops of Soothe 'n Oregon
have not been a success this year.
The warm weather of last February
brought out the blossoms too soon,
and subsequent frosts caused much
damago. 1 he summer, too, has been
exceptionally dry, and all crops not
tinder irrigation have sulfered. In
referring a few weeks ago to the par
tial failure of the fruit crop, the Ash
land Tidings stated that tho most sat
isfactory crop of the season in that
district was tho loganberry. (Irowers
of this berry, that journal says, re
ceived good prollts. It adds: "It is
claimed that there is more money to
lie mado In growing loganboiries at T.j
cents a crate than Ktniw berries at
$1.50 per crate, and the experience of
the leading berry growers seem to
prove It. "
The Country Weekly.
Irrigou Irrigator.
The country weekly as we see it to
day came into existence about 40
years ago, when the "patents" were
first placed ut the disposal of the pub
lishers, and during these four decades
the rural uowpsapcrs, as a rule, have
deteriorated rather than progressed.
In other words the country press has
not kept stop with tho march tit leai n-
Ina and intelligence.
On the second day of the present
month out of about :!0 country week
lies which came to tho Irrigator olllce,
27 had tiatcnt insides or outside, and
the articles in these patents bore date
lines princiidly of August 2.1, 21 end
25, with now and then a so-called
"special'' dated August 2i.
Wo find then that the so-called 111 v.h
was from seven to ten days old, which
would have been a fair record for the
days of the civil war, or for an earlier
date when It took a lettei two days to
go from Now Voik to Philadelphia,
live days to Huston ami six moulds to
San Francisco.
In the meantime our postal and tel
"graph facilities have been so expe
dited that thoHe days between New
Vork and Huston and Philadelphia
have been cut down to hours, and the
months between New Vnrk and 'Fris
co have been reduced to less than
And ''uring these 40 years the rural
population has grown to be an eager
army of readers of intelligent readers
who want the news, and they have
loaraed to rely upon their home town
miners for local news only and to go
to tho city dailies, semi-weeklies and
weeklies for tho general news 01 me
The country publisher have tried
to see how largo a paper they could
give their readers, regardless of the
mal tv of the matter it contained ;
mid the publishers or furnishers of the
patents have met this uemanii at low
llgures by filling a large portion of
their space with noxious and pemi-
ious advertisements nuaiiiy or tne
atent medicine and get-rich-quick
So today we find the intelligence or
the average country publisher below
the intelligence or Ins readers, lor
they send forth ouch week a great
mass of still! wincli lias neen rend
days before by tholr subscribers, and
the result is that only that portion of
their columns devoted to home or lo
cal news is of any interest to them.
rhero Is a place tor the Utile coun
try weekly, just as there Is a nlcho for
the big city daily; there is a work a
useful work for the village pulilislior
as well as the city publisher llie
work of each is to givo the news of
his field, and the field of tho olio is
Ills little local, or at most c unity com
munity, und tho field of the other,
who Is in touch with tho cable and
overland telegraph, is tho world.
So we say that for a country puli
lislior to send out this "patent" stull
week after week U an insult to the in
telligence of his suhscrihois, and the
sooner this is learned and acknowl
edged tho bolter it will bo for the ru
ral newspaper fraternity ot the coun
try. In tins state we nave a lew uotalilc
exceptions. Three of these wo noticed
on our exchange table, and there are
rirobnbly others. Their fearless pub
lishers are content to fill I lie place al
lotted them and leave tho broader fluid
to lie covered by the press of Port
land, Seattle and Spokane.
Coming home, coining to IrrU'on,
we have noticed lately that many of
our good friends have said in their
columns that tho lrlgator is "differ
ent." They say we are conducting our
paper along new and peculiar lines,
and that we are making it wiu along
those lines.
Wo do not cite the Irrigator as an
example of all that n good country
weekly should or could be. Facli
week when wo grasp tho ilrst copy
that conies from the press wo see it
lucking here and far below our ideal
there; hnd each week we resolve that
we will do ourleiel best to improve it
the following week. And if we do our
"level best" we are doing our whole
We feel that tho Irrigator has a
work to do, mid that work is to edu
cate our people along the lines of in
tiiislvo farming on small tracts of ir
rigated laud, and, incidentally to
build up our town and community.
To that end we fill our two outside
pages with choice excerpts idoug the
lines of actual irrigation and high
class fruit and garden culture, to do
which we take nearly every good farm
paper In tho United States, ami glean
from these thousands of columns of
matter which we think is the heid. to
show our renders what can and lias
been done along the lines they are
And then we have what many we
will say most country weeklies do
not have an editoriel page, upon
which we print from week to week
articles written in our own olllce.
And, by the way, in one of our ev
changes, published iu this stale, we
noticed in the last issue an article of
nearly two columns about the Kusso
Jap war, under the editorial hend
und not a line of original matter on
that page, not a lire of editorial in
the w 'hole sheet.
Then comes our local page, which
enumerates such news as those who
are absent would like to learn of our
lionin doings and a little "stuli" to
till up and make people talk about us
and our tow n.
Tho day of patents is past. The day
when you can buy a box of boiler
plate in January to do tho balance of
t he year t hat- day is also past, the
dillleulty is tlie "boys" are not, wise
to the fact, although their readers all
are and have been for lo these many
Cw J i- s Cured.
V e'-vlworilight.iwcr, Ala.,
relates .; v.'j.y-ipV bad while ser
in: on ;i 1 i ' t 'jvy i 1 a murder ni-c at
KdwsroWi; . it ,' seal of Cli b.ninie
comity, I''i'iani 'lo says: "While
tlietv 1 t 1.1 09 livsli meat and sou-e
mwtt aui it r.v r 'cholera morbus in
l .-ry T?-9 m 1 never w as more
'i: In -:l ? iif -1' sent to the drug
'! tef 1: 1 " f mlera mixture, but
tio :;r;y
ll-. Vf f; .f ... .. I... I, I.. ..I' 1 M
' . n 11 ih'iih- 1,1 , 1 1 a I I 1 -
r 'oleraaiul hiariheca
'end mying that be bad
' " ' it that this medicine
It,, r l;
' ',' "tr be would rather
in' : J he tix I was iu. I
' ' : ' s ' it ami was In tier i:i
five .in In. ' .he second dose fined
me entirely. Two fellow jurors vuiv
alllicted in the same manner and one
small bottle cured the three of us For
sale by Williams' Pharmacy.
Pleasantly Kfl'oetive.
Never in the way, 110 trouble to carry,
It's a Dandy.
Twenty acres of early etrawlierry, ap
ple, cherry and vegetable land with a
fine southern slope. Only one half
mile from town of White Salmon. It
roimnaiiils a magnificent view of Mount
Hood and city of Hood Iliver. The soil
is rich, deep and moist, hour acres
cleared ami ready to plant to orchard,
balance onlv light brush, easy to clear,
some timber for fuel. It is all under
fence, nnd 11 fine well of cool soft water,
There Is no better anil and location for
an orchard or a liner site for a home
east of theCascadcs. And now that we
are sure of Hie Northern Piieitic build
idg down the iicutli bank of the Colum
bia river it is dirt cheap at fflOO jier
acre, it will be worth three times that
in three years. Terms, $1500 cash, bal
ance ill three years, lion't let tliis slip
if you are looking for a home.
White Salmon Land Co.
White Salmon, Wash.
asy to take, pleasant and never failing
in' results urn heWilt's Little Karly Itis
ers. These famous little pills are a cer
tain guarantee against headache, bil
iousness, torpid liver and all of the ills
resulting f'liiin constipation. They
tonic and strengthen the liver. Cure
Jaundice . Sold by . K. Williams.
Skill In Fruit Culture.
In tho September iMSiio of tho Hor
ticulturist of Tneo a appears an illus
traation of A. P. Hatchum's display
ut tho Hood Kiver fr;iit fair last year,
which is uccoini anied by the article
of Ma ager Shepard's, which tho (ila
cior reprinted last week. Comme'it
ing on the skill of fruit packing in
Hood Kiver, the lloiticiilturist says:
"Tho fro it page illustration Indi
cated the caref 1 method adopted by
the Hood River fruit growers, it
will be noted that in some of the
boxes tho tiers are broken, where the
fruit is a little too lurge or too
small to fill packiigo in full rows, and
these are known as .'1 or 4 tier, as tho
caso may bn; but note how even in
,-iH the fruit appears in each box. Jt
is iu getting thousands of boxes of up
l ies of high quality like Spitzenberg
and Yellow Newtown, together i 1 one
section, carefully picked, ouuily grad
ed and properly packed that has ena
bled these growers to attain such high
measure of prollt as they are realizing
today. 'Micro are numerous other lu
cidities in the l'acilhi Northneit where
lis nice fruit may be teen, but either
there is not sullicient quantity to at
tract the highe.-t bids, or too often
when oll'i red, even in smaller quanti
ties, the grading and packing are not
iu attractive stjle. Then again in too
many favored I'niil sections a largo
acreage is devoted to pi oiiiiscnous
varieties of the lower grades such us
will not stand 11 freight tarilf to any
distant market, nnd lealie a profit.
While bringing the example of meth
ods adopted by tho Hood Kiver fruit
growers, to the of son.e
prominent fruit mci! iu a favored lu
cidity of Washington, recently, one of
llieui said to the Horticulturist, that
be did not believe the prices report
ed, were received for this famous,
Iruit. I Iiih man is an hnuivt doubter,
1 1 : . h a desire, anil will soon altaiu to
bettor methods than he is employing.
There are many others liko him for
whoso beuellt we have Manager Khep
ard's statement in another column
anil the illustration indicated. The
diU'cronco in the up to-dute methods
here present ami that of the average
fruit grower represents a variation in
net prollts of from fid cents to 1.00
per box. In the Pacific Northwest wo
have many favored fruit sections, tin I
attaining tho highest measure of suc
cess doesn't depend upon locality half
so much as on how the work is done."
A Splendid Idea.
A new it 1 1 n in a Cough Syrup is ad
vanced in Kennedy's l.axal i ve 1 loney
101 I Tar. lieshlcs containing Pine Tar,
Ib.iiey and oilier valuable remedies, it
is rendered Laxative, so thai its u-e in-
ures a pi'iimt and t llicicnt evacuation
1 I' I lie bowels. It relaxes the nervous
system, and cures nil laughs, colds,
croup whooping cough, etc. A red
('over blossom and the honey bee is on
every bottle of the Original Laxative
Cough Syaup Kennedy's Laxative
Honey and Tar. An ideal remedy for
children. Mothers praise it . it is best
f.rall. Sold livtl L. Williams.
it Out"
says many a dixtor to his
lady patients, because he
doesn't know of any medi
cine that will cure female
troubles except the sur
geon's knife.
That such a medicine
exists, howevef,is proved by
thousands of cures made by
Cures Worab
It has saved tli lives of many
weak, sick w omf 11 sn.t rescued 0 th
us from a llfrdme of chronic sick
lies. It will cure you tf you will
only Jlv ft a ch.ince. Try ft.
ilJ hy all druiintsts and deal
ers ttl Jl .ill bottles.
' I wore h supporter for four
years, to keep up my worab,"
writes Mrs. S. J. ChrlMiian, of
M.-iiinsv1llo, N. Y. " My Juctor s.iid
no iiieJIcinf would help na. After
taking Cnrdul I gave up my sup
porter ami am new well.
A Family Library
Tha Best in Current Literature
12 Com pict Novels Yearly
Rivcrvicvv Park and Idlewilde Additions
Easy Grades, Fine View and Good Water
Cheap lots for building Small Houses near Flour Mill
School commences Sept. 4th. The
largest find best assortment of Tablets,
Pencils, Inks, Pencil Boxes, Crayons,
Composition Books, Pens, etc., ever
brought tp the city. Special attention
in buying was given as to quality of
paper. The covers are the best ever.
Curries everything in the line, including
Krinked Silks, Sik Embossed, Tapestries, Moires,
ng rains, Varnished Tiles, B anks, etc.
Up-to-date Paper Hanging, Sign,
Carriage and House Painting.
Phone G71. First and Oak Streets.
and Manufacturers of all kinds of
Highest Prices Paid
Cement Work
Estimates given on short notice.
Ruilding Work a specialty.
Phono !)'.)!. Hood River, Oregon.
Hauling, Draying, Baggage Transferred, First
Class Livery Turnouts Always Ready.
Square Deal Store
lo not forget that you will get full value for your
inoiicv every time you trade, with me. When in need of
Groceries, Flour and Feed
Call and soo me. You will find it pays to trade here.
Plow s, Harrows, Cultivators nnd
nil kimlsof Agricultural Implements
Alfalfa, Cover and All Kinds or Held Seeds.
I have iust added a stock of PAINTS and am pre
pared to guarantee price and xuality.
Come in nud wake your wants known and get prices.
It will pay you?" - -
Yours for Business,
3rd and River Strt. -
next to Waucoma Hotel
for High Grade Fruit.
Hood River, Ore.
Blacksmiths and Wagon flak ers
The most completely equipped power plant in Oregon.
Contract work a specialty. Grubbing supplies and Log
gers' tools always on hand.
The care Of the horse's hOOf is essential. We are
experts in that line and cure corns and interferes.
Steam and Hot Water Heating
All jobbing promptly attended to.
Dealer in
Building Material,
Doors, Windows,
Lath, Mouldings,
Has accepted the Hood River agency for the Troy Laun
dry Co. of Portland, with an office in the O. K. Harbor
Shop. Ho will call for laundry Wednesday and Thursday,
delivering Tuesday. These dates will hold for a few weeks,
owing to the rush of work in Portland. Dates will be
changed later and notice given. Wagon will collect and
deliver goods. Phone Main 1143.
"North Coast Limited"
The Electric Lighted
Observation Car Train between
Portland and St. Paul.
Pullman First Class Sleepers,
Pullman Tourist Sleepers,
Dining Car, Day Coaches,
Observation Car.
The Acme of Travel Comfort
is found on any of the
Send four cents for our Lewis and Clark Booklet,
or six cents for "Wonderland 1905."
Yellowstone Park Literatim
can be had for the nskinjr.
The Ticket Office at Portland is at 255 Morrison St., Cor. Third.
Assistant General Passenger Agent,
Portland, Oregon.