The Hood River glacier. (Hood River, Or.) 1889-1933, October 05, 1905, Image 4

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liy Roawell Shelloy.
Odell, Kant Hood River Valley,
Oct. 4. This is Wednesday morn inn,
and as we have juist returned from the
fuir, it is too late (or the usual grist
of notes for this week, but here is one
which promises an extended story for
next issue:
Will Lenz and Walter Silliman left
(bis morning for a bear hunt in the
mountains Like the Alaska "mann
ers" they carried their pack on their
Aftermath of the Fair.
Od oil people are home from the ex
position, poorer but wiser. We all
had the tine of our lives, and no one
regrets tie money it cost to help ad
vertise the wonderful Hood River val
ley at one of the greatest and most
successful of the numerous world's
Mr. Wagner, the gentleman in
charge of the Denton county booth,
said to me, while seated at the dining
table: "I have asked 100 men why
Hood River apples are better than any
other apples. They could not tell;
and I'll bet yon can't."
1 was glad of the opportunity to ex
plain, and in a voice loud enough for
all at the table to hear, gave an analy
sis of the soil of Hood River valley,
telling of the certain elements which
go toward making the keeping quali
ties, high color and rich flavor sur
passed by no other apples in the
The laugh was turned on Mr. Wag
ner, who hauled in his boms and ac
knowledged the corn.
fierce animals and branding them in
the corrals. The wild and fascinating
life thus vividly portrayed held me
as one enchanted. Like the boys ot
Wyoming, it was dying bard to give
up the strenuous lifo of the plains to
fall in the procession of civilization.
While at the exposition, I met
three schoolmates of the clans of 18.7 ;
who can beat this?
To me the moving pictures of the
cattle roundup in the Wyoming ex
hibit was the most interesting of all
the features of the exposition, having
myself been a oowboy at one time,
and assisted in herding the wild cat
tle of the ranges; rounding up the
The gentleman in chargo of the
Wenittchne valley exhibit said to nic
that at St. Louis last year the fruit
display of the Winatchee valley took
the lead up to the last minute when
Hood River stepped in with a big
hunch of fruit and captured the grand
prize. He says he is afraid this will
happen again.
Hundreds of our nickel souvenir
budges could be sold at the exposition
now. This badge was pronounced bj
all as the most unique at the fair.
Hood River and Tiiconia are acknowl
edged to lie in the lead in the matter
of advertising their respective Mic
tions. Now watch thorn both grow.
Hood River Day at Portland ! Well,
wit,h thirteen cars well packed with
men, women and children, full of lite
and fun, bound to make merry the
day, we left Hood inver ai i a. in
With the veil. "Who are no.'" we
sped along beside the old Columbia,
whose waters have rolled on for ages.
If they could but speak what talcs
might be told. Wo pass t lie towering
mountains and rocky blulfs, with
little streams and rivulets and high
towering falls. Wo cross the old Will
amette river, arriving at Union depot,
Portland, in good shape at '.i:'M.
The boys gave the yell, "Who are
war" in good shape; lined up in cn
street for tho march with Colonel
Shelley mounted on his charger as
marshal of tho day. Following i;i the
line are largo wagons loaded with pur
school children. Nearby may be seen
Professor Thompson with his big red
apple hoisted on a long gavel. After
parading the street we llnd ourselves
seated in street cars on tho way to
the fair grounds, were we are soon
separated and lost in the throng of
pleasure seekors.
A visit to Agricultural hall, where
No trouble at all
to keep clean
If you have plenty of soap and
water. Nature will furnish you the
water and we will furnish you
and you can do the rest. We know
you wish to use the best Soap, and
in consideration of this we have
placed in stock the famous
Armour's Passion Line of Soaps
noted for their cleaning qualities
and delicate perfumes. We believe
we are justly proud of this line and
I wish you to see them.
iney cost lUc per bar or zbc
per box.
smith mock. Reliable Druggists
every one is looking for their own
comity exhibit, everything was just
grand, and many I found who were
inquiring for the Hood River exhib
its, thowing that our valley is knoau
far and near. The Roosevelt cabin
will not be forgotten because of tho
man who occupied it in days gone by.
We must mention tho exhibit of the
Wadhams and Kerr liros. A crowd of
people are quietly waiting their turn
to be served with coffee in a nice
dainty cup from the hands of the lady
in charge. Of course tlio writer had
a taste of the coll'ee, and must say
that it was tine and was highly spoken
of by all; the brand is Red Cross, anil
you can get it at Rockford store.
The Forestry bulldiug is simply
grand. The California building told
of the land of goli, fruit aud grain.
On the Ti ail is tho din and yell of
men and women olforing their wares
for sale. On the way to the Govern
ment building wo visit the stock
where we see very tine cattle, and as
we view the coach horse and hunters
tho blood warms up, for it carries the
mind back to younger days with our
feet in tho stirrups, mounted on a
dory steed at the sound of the horn
and a liiintsmau's whip wilh the
hounds in full chnso and old Knynnid
leading tho hounds iu an intricate
path Hut tliove (lays are gone. Lt t
us still bo merry and iniiko othir
hearts glad. A visit to the boys' ai.d
girls' home and anil much has been
seen. Asceudiug tho tteps to tint
homo is seen a man with a large giip
full of nice eating apples purchased
from J. J. Gibbous and presented to
the homo for the homeless of the in
stitution. Ho we trust thier little
hearts were made glad. A visit on
i-iaturday to the fair, thousands of
UDople might be seen. In the morn
ing the soldiers paraded in duo shape
Hid were complimented by the peo
ple. The air ship made a few voyages
in space above the earth.
A pleasant trip on tho little boat
from tho grounds to Morrison street
bridge for tho sum of 10 cents was
quite a treat. Wo made our head
quarters at the St. Charles hotel,
where we had good quarters. T..e
gonial proprietor of the restaurant,
W. M. Robinson, served up meals in
line shapo. Ou Friday over 'Mi meals
were served for the small sum of
cents, when across tho way the barber
cliargil 45 cents for a shavo anil a wipe
down on your face with cream.
Much more might be said, but I
must clone by ni-king the editor t"
bear with me in my long writoup. Of
course you know tho writer. It is
Mr. True and family have returned
from tho hop fields.
F. C, Kherrieb and wife wero visit
ing tho Lewis and Clark fuir at Port
land with tho crowd ou Thursday lust.
This was his second visit.
When in Portland Itockford mude
several purchases of new goods, ami
amongst the lot is men's wooicn
Mushroou' are plentiful just now.
What uico puddings can bo made with
a littlo mutton put with them. You
can also make tlio very Ilnest of cat
sup from mushroons.
There will bo a special meeting of
tho Mount Hood Development League
at the ball (Saturday afternoon to hear
tho report of those who attended the
dairy convention iu Portland, and
transact sucu ottier business as may
come before tho organization. The
directors of the Middle Fork Irrigat
ing Co. organized with 1). 10. Miller,
president; li. J. Mclsaac, vice presi
dent; J. 11. Thomas, secretary, and J.
Hansen, treasurer.
Mr. and Mrs. Warren Cooper loft
Tuesday for a week at tho Lewis and
Clark fair.
Mr. and Mrs. Henry llrandliorwt
and Mr. and Mrs Samuel Walters of
I slack Hawk county, Iowa, spent a few
days here, the guests of R. J. Mc-l.-iuie.
Our neighborhood was almost de
serted lust week, the whole communi
ty turned out on masse and helped
mako Hood River day a success at the
Pete Folllmnson has returned from
('loud Cap Inn ami is now making
his homo witli Henry Thomliiison.
Henry Toinliuson has commenced
tho construction of a large b.i-iement
barn. He is putting in a concrete
foundation, ami the hum when Un
it hed will be a strong substantial
Jim Langillo says he w ishes he could
go to Portland like other folks and
not have to spend so much money.
Jim is always pcsMiuihtic, and is even
complaining of the good luck iu not
doing kicked to death by one of the
Hue horses at the stock show. Lan
gillo was looking over the fancy
horses with a great deal of interest.
As he passed the lust stall, one of the
15 Y (iOINd TO
Over forty-five years' experience iu our line stands behind our o-unmntee, that
we can give you the best goods and do your work in I he most satisfactory
Goods we sell will be engraved free of charge.
We do our own Diamond mounting at home.
No watch so complicated we cannot repair it.
Our long experience, superior equipment and methods of lilting glasses places
us on an equality with any house in the large cities. Ueing a graduate of three
colleges, the latter as Doctor of Opthahnology, we under.-.tand the eyes, their defects
and their relation to human ills. For headache, nervousness, etc., result ing from
eye strain, we invite you to call.
Why not add your name to our list of sat isfied customers?
Our motto: Honest goods at honest prices.
For coughs, colds, bronchitis,
asthma, weak throats, weak
lungs, consumption, take
Ayer's Cherry Pectoral.
Always keep a bottle of it in
the house. We have been
saying this for 60, years, and
so have the doctors.
" I hi id Ayer'i Charrr Paetorat In mf
family for l jenrt. It It the bmt mheln
In the world, I know, for U threat ad l
MM. J. K, Nobobom, Waltham, Maw.
AM tlnnfirUt..
1. O. ATI OO.
t,owetl, Weae.
The Lungs
Dally action of tho bowel la necw
ary. Aid naturo with Ayer'a Pills.
exhibit stalllonH let out vioious kick
which caught Jiui on tho thigh suffi
ciently iittttr to make black and blue
xpot. Had he beeu four inchei closer,
like as out bin leg would hare been
Hlmltered. "
l'red RoHegrant - retnrned from
Weyth, Oregon, Sunday, having com
pleted the school building at that
place in jimt four weeks.
A, I). Mitine is under his own vine
and Hg tree (so to spenk) once more,
having his new house on Wyers ave
nue so far completed as to be able to
occupy it, though there is considera
ble work to be done yet before it is
A party of surveyors passed through
liiugeu Suturdy and White Salmon
tho first of the week. They were in
the employ of the Uerlinger railroad
and were relocating the stakes of the
old (). li. & N. Burvey wbioh was run
six or no re n years ago.
Fred Purser, who has been sick
with typhoid fever for some time is
now rapidly improving and will soon
lie itble to be around again.
The improvements on the dock have
beeu completed, and it is now in
better condition than it has ever been
before. New caps have been put on
the piling and the latter have been
thoroii ilily sway braced and a new
warehoiiHO constructed.
P. W. liulsiger and his family have
been having a serious time with ty
phoid fever for the past few weeks.
but we are glad to announce this
week that all are rapidly improving.
Mr. and Mrs. Balsiger and three
children were all down at one time
with the disease. Mr. Balsiger'i
brother, Dr. liulslger,came down from
Colfax and Is now iu attendance on
the sick. If there are no backsets
they will all be out now In the course
of a week or two. The brother mem
bers of the grange have been attend
ing to Mr. llulsiger's crops during bis
As there bus not been anything from
this place iu the Olacier for some
lime, a few notes might be of inter
cut. Tho all absorbing question now is
tho railroad, or rather, as the railroad
seems to be an assured fact, where
the depot is to be; and as there has
boon no announcement made by the
company where the station will be,
the question is open for the people to
talk about.
Three places are taken into consid
eration by the people Underwood,
White Salmon and iiingen. Under
wood claims the short route to Camas
i'raii io and Trout Lrfike. White Sal
mon: Is it the little town on the
blulf. lt is rather doubtful that a
railroad will climb the celebrated 350
stops to make the town a station.
Or is it greater White Salmon includ
ing a part of the bottom?
lint the Portland big dailies, the
(loldondalo papers, and even the (Ha
uler have It on maps, or otherwise,
that the north hank railroad will be
located through White Salmon ; there
fore, it ought to be otrrect.
And what of lilngen? . Very little
attention has lieen paid to the place.
though it is without exception the
most beaiuirul town site on the Col
umbia; also tho most practioal loca
tiou for depot and sidetracks. Where
will the station be?
No surveying has been done near
Uingon. One surveying crew is work
ing down from Lyle.
The Maple Hotel has changed bauds.
Mrs. Hanson of Portland has taken
chargo of it.
Ill I II. Snksdorf, having disposed of
ills hotel, is going on a visit to book
ane, but will probably be back before
Petei Tarns. Mr. and Mrs. (Ins Cole
mail and Mi. and Mrs. A. R. llyrkett
lur e heon at the fair recently.
School lias not commenced in this
district, as the directors are unable
to get a toaoher. Have.- you any to
l are at Hood Kiver?
Smith Work, Hood Kiver
"That is one of the best look In
dumps I have ever seen," remarket
.Mr. ISpoiicer, the mining engineer
uio:n S. II. Cox took with him last
week to tlio Hold Kuu mine. "It Is
better than 1 expected to see," con
tinued Mr. .Spencer, and Mr. Cox and
his associates are correspondingly
gral mod.
llioro is every evidence that this
mining district on the headwaters of
tho ashougd is a paying proposi
tion, and those directly interested in
the project are satisfied they have a
good thing. The samples of ore Mr.
l'ox Mrs Drought out, and toe assays
winch liave open made from tne same.
go to prove that there is bound to be
moi, oy in the Hold Kuu.
As Mr. Cox was coming out from
the miip, he not Mr. Maybe from the
oast going in with some friends.
The Maybe mines are backed with un
limited capital. Seven hundred feet
of shafting has already been complet
ed. This mine is about a mile and a
half over tho divide from tho Clold
Klin claims.
The Patrieh A Michale, owned by
White A Hill of Vancouver, has a 100
foot shaft. The lilne Jacket, owned
by Hidden A lieeson of Vancouver,
his a ;'i0 foi t si aft; the ttxeelsior.own
ed by O. J. Moore of Mount Pleasant,
a 7i foot shaft; too Skamania and
Last Chance claims, owned by Ladd
A How on of Portland, have IWO and
To Our Friends and Patrons
Also the buying public generally: We extend te you our thanks for your patron
age in our former place of business and invite you to visit us and continue with
us in our new place (the Crowell Store). We feel we can give you better service,
as this place is more convenient, better lighted and better located.
Most of our Fall Goods are in and we have lots of pretty goods to show at
extraordinary low prices. The goods and prices you can't help but appreciate,
as being the right goods at the right prices.
j? -
Men's Clothing
Mens and Boys' Clothing
is from the celebrated
Hoffman & Rothschild's Factories
These people make as good fitting
and wearing a garment as is possible
to produce.
Our line of Dress Goods in Mohairs
Poplins, Brillianteens, Cravenettes, Al
batrosses and Fancy Suitings are ex
clusively pretty patterns and shades.
We have added a line of Coats and
Wraps for Misses and Children. Also
Cravenette Rain Coats for Ladies, as
well as Mackintoshes for Ladies, Misses
and Boys, that are exclusively low
prices for the quality.
John Stronturan Shoes for Ladies,
Misses and Children have a wide reputa
tion for being the most snappy, best
fitting and best wearing Shoes that are
on the market. All we ask is to try a
pair, and if not satisfactory we will give
you back enough of your money to sat
isfy you; so we take all the chances and
you are out nothing.
We have a large line of Outings in
some very pretty patterns which we se
lected with the greatest of care. Range
in price from 60 to 200 a yard.
We have something new in Petti
coats, without the old drawstring. It
does not bunch easily; adjusted to fit
any size waist. Beautifully made up,
in a fabric that answers all the require
ments of silk, but wears much better.
4000-foot tunnels.
The Gold Bun hag a 200-foot shaft
and tunnel, and is looking up fine.
A cabin, 16x'24, story and a half hag
been erected, and another one ig in
course of construction, A water
wheel will also be placed at the mine.
The last two or three months Mr.
Cox hag been placing stock in big
mine among a large number of his
friends in Hood Kiver. Those who
have taken stock and the number of
shares they hold are :
Miss Laura Cramer 400, Miss Marian
Downs 2000, P. A. Cox 1000, J. W.
Ounkan 200 Boise, W. A. Isenberg 1,
000, James Stranahan 2000, Charles
Kathbun 1000, Hort Stranahan 1000,
Charles Jones 200, O. H. Humphrey
1000. D. K. Norton 600, Miss Laura
Baldwin 600, L. Henry 2400, J. B.
Hunt 200, W. J. Wallum 2000, Tim
Batty 1000, O. A. Lakin 100, C. U.
Dakln 200, R. M. Kent 100, II. F.
Lage 1000, J. F. DeBorde 500, O. H.
llray 500, A. L. Mattox 100, J. H.
Koberg 20,000, D. O. Jackson 1,000,
F. E. Jackson 1000, N. O. Billings
100, Miss A. L. Hoadly 200, Mrs. M.
Emstrum 100, Will Boorman 1000,
Joe Porter 1000, Aud Winang 26,000,
S. II. Cox 26,000, . L. Bellknap 600.
R. O. Davenport after a service of
eleven years hag resigned as manager
of the Chronicle at The Dalles an will
take a trip to California. His place
has been tilled by II. A. Wells a for
mer employe in the Bobn printery.
Best Spraying Material
at the lowest prices at Clarke's store
Have You Hp rayed Yetl
Get your material of Clarke and save
Nursery Trees.
Twenty tnousand, carefully grown,
choicest varieties Apple, Pear, Peach
ind Cherry trees can be found at our
True-to-Name nursery for the coming
season's planting. W e have never been
able to supply the demand and hence
you should file yonr orders at an early
date to Insure attention.
Hood River, Or.
Department of the Interior. Land Office at Tho
Dalles, Oregon. September 6, l!(0: -Notice is
hereby given that the following named settler has
filed notice of her intention to make linal proof in
upport f his claim, and that said proof will he
made before the Keirister and Receiver at The
Dalles, Oregon, on October Hi, 9uf, viz: Mary
Kiirga. widow of Douglas HiggH. of Mount Hood,
Oregon, on H. E. No. 7919, for the SE' 4 of Section
7. Tp. 1 South. Range 10 E., W. M.
She names the following witnesses to prove her
continuous residence upon and cultivation of said
land, viz: W. S. Gribble. Robert Lcaxure and
Henry Thomas, of Mount Hood. Oregon, and Mat
tie Richmond, of Hood River, Oregon.
sl4ol2 MICHAEL T. NOLAN. Register.
United 8tats land Office, The Dulles, Ore
gon, Hept, 13, 1!B. Notice Is hereby given
that the followlng-nniiied settler has filed no
tice of his Intention to make llnal broot in
upport of his claim, and Unit Find proof will
be made before the Register and Receiver, nt
The Dalles, Oregon, on November 1st, HNk'i, viz,
ot Mosler, Oregon, on II. K. No. 1:I7.W, for the
NSNEH Section 15, Tp. S! North, Range U K.,
W. M.
He names the following witnesses lo prove
his continuous residence upon and cultiva
tion of said land, viz.: Charles 1'rHlhar, Frank
Mturgtas, Keese I'rathar uud KusNell Huskey,
all of Mosler, Oregon,
sSloJti MICHAEL T. NOLAN, Heglstcr.
Two Performances. Rain or Shine
Monday Afternoon and Evening, Oct. 9
The Great D'elmer Farmer
Austin and the Funny Clowns
3 Dore Family
Wonderful Delwin
2 Hoffmanns
C2 Flying Victorellas
3 Kober Family
Home's Dogs
Jumping De'Omzo
And a Host of Others
Doors Open at 2 and 8 P. M.
Professor Home's High Diving: Dog, DoIIie
Honest, Clean, Inoffensive, Innocent Amusement, Soliciting the Patronage of
Ladies, Gentlemen and Children