The Hood River glacier. (Hood River, Or.) 1889-1933, October 05, 1905, Image 3

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The Harrinian lines lu Oregon are
1 BKiimiiiK early this year on an active
campaign for adtertiiriiK the :
KonrceM of the ntute to the people
the Kant'whr have been attracted
the West ly the Lewis and Clark ex
position. Speaking of this work. R.
M. Hall, the advertising agent of the
u. Ii. Jc in. and Southern Pacific lines,
Oregon's golden opportunity for
puuiicity ana settlement Is at baud
and nothing will be lett undone by
uie passenger depaituieiit or the Ore
gou liailroad & Navigation company
aud lines or tie Southern facino 1
Oregon, to grasp this opportunity
Two years before the opening of the
Lewis and Clark exposition a heavy
campaign or education was lnaugur
ated by those lines to direct attention
to the fair and to the Pacific North
west in general. Every one of the
riuii.uuu books, booklets, maps and
folders issued contained articles and
illustrations upon the exposition, urg
ing Eastern people to take advantage
.t tne very low rutes to tins section,
How well this was heeded is beet told
by a glance at our advertising store
i ml shipping rooms, whose shelves
J .ok as though u cyclone had struck
l.ieiu. Despite the fact that extra
1 recautiou was takon to lay In an un
usually large supply of printed mat
I nr, so great has been the demand for
literature that it will be necessary to
issue new printed mutter lor IDOu con
sidi'rahly earlier than has been our
The advertising campaigns carriod
on by the railroads are so enormous
(hat but few realize their magnitude.
During the mouth of May, 1U05, the
advertising department of the Oregon
liailroad & Navigation company sent
out .Ji.oiO pieces of advertising mat
(or, and during June about 42.000.
These went to all parts of the United
btutes Riiil to foreign countries, an
many there are who do not appreciate
what the general passengor agent is
doing; that iu advertising travel he is
incidentally advertising all other
commodities; that every new settler
brought into a community means
new subscriber to one or more news
papers, a new factor iu the neighbor
hood and therefore a means of increas
iiig every business necessary to supply
his wauts.
lOver westward lias leen the march
of civiliaztion, and today the eyes of
the entire world are upon Oregon
Washington and Idaho, where the
I e.-t of everything grows to perfection
nixl where there are more openings iu
ovury lino of industry than anywhere
.else in the United States. No section
enjoys such a high degiee of prosper.
it y as do those three states. While
drouth and flood ure busy with their
work of devastation in many parts of
the l,ust and Middle West the fertile
lands of these three states, with their
clock-like regulaiity, barken to the
houshaiiflniHii's song and pour Into
his In i mighty yields of golden grain
and truit. And no one year is an ex
reption to the nue.
W'ouderftil, indeed, has been the
impressiou made by Oregon, Washing
ton and Idaho, upon Eastern visitors,
and already requests for advertising
i; 1 1 Iter upon the three states have be
C ti 11 to pour into the general passen
ii r department. Iu todiy's mail i
n letter from agontlemau iu Ohio who
i i tod the exposition, saying that he
v. us so impressed with the opportun
t ies that he intends to bring bis fain
1 1 v and become a citizen of Oregon.
Now, that the exposition has been
(lie means of attracting so many vis
itors to this section, it remains for
the city of Portland and the states of
Oregon, Washington and Idaho, to do
the rest. All pull together and so
wonderful will be the results that all
w ill be surprised. What we need is
more people in every section, and
v ith united action after the close of
I lie exposition-our biggest advertise-
blunt thousands and thousands will
Kealiziug that the time is ripe for a
golden harvett, the Oregon Railroad
A Navigation company and the South
i rn Pacific company (lines in Oregon)
have already begun a campaign foi
big results, and predict a big influx
.f settlers into Oregon, Washington
Mid Idaho during liHJO.
New City of Strawberry.
II. A. Hover of Kcnnewick has an
rnnnred he will plut a town and sell
1 is '280 acre alfalfa ranch in five acre
1 1 nets.
The new railroad now building down
I lie north bunk of the Columbia passes
t iiongh the proposed townsite and a
nation is to lie secured. Hie -North -
e ii Pacific will build a station adjoin
1 s. The nariio of the town will be
".-Strawberry." It will be iu the
midst of five acre tracts especially
adapted for raising strawberries. For-
tv-otie residents have petitioned for a
1 o-tortico and word has been received
tint the petition will be granted.
.Mr. Hover, the founder of the new
ton n, was largely responsible for the
i ipid building i p of Kennewick. He
si iitos that a commodious school house
v 11 be built at once. There is now
Hi the ground a hotel, livery stable
a .(I blacksmith shop. A general mer-
('iiuudise store will be built shortly.
A boat landing will be located in
f i (Hit of the town.
Don't liorrow Trauble.
II is a bad habit to borrow anything
but the worst thing you can possibly
borrow, is trouble. When sick, sore,
heavy, weary and worn-out by the pains
and poisons of dyspepsia, biliousness,
llriglit's disease, and similar internal
dis inters, don t sit down una brood
over your symptoms, but fly to relief
to l-.ectric liilteis. Here you win lino
sure and permanent forgetfulness of all
vour tioubles, and your body will not
lie burdened by a load of debt disease.
At C. X. Clarke's drug store. Price 50c.
Complete Survey at Kennewick.
The party of Northern Pacific sur
veyors, numbering 14, have finished
their survey of the new road through
the Kennewick valley. The new road
strikes the Northern Pacifio an eighth
of a mile from the bridge over the Col
umbia near there. There is little val
uable laud cut up by the right of way
through the valley. Iu several places
ri. iuable tracts of fruit and strawber-riet-
are cut into, but no very serijus
injury is looked for except in one or
two instances.
Nans To Get Rich
arc of;en frustrated by sudden break-ilo-.n,
due to dysepsia or constipation.
Krnee up and take Ir King's New
Life Pills. They take out the materials
which are clogging your energies, and
jjive you a bew start. Cure headache
mill dizziness too. At C. N. Clarke's
drug store; 2x-, guaranteed.
An alumnus of the McMinnville
high school has a letter in the Telephone-Register
in which he makes a
plea for more Latin in the high school
curriculum. He signs himself "an
alumni," thereby furnishing proof of
toe limlta'lons of the Latin course in
the oounty seat. However, the editor
mane wise comment to the effect that
the letter really pleads far more
strongly for a more thorough training
in cugiun inasmuch as In his "copy
the high school graduate made not
fewer than 30 errors in spelling, pane.
tuation and capitalization. A point
well made. JNewberg Urapbio.
The Effect of a Bad rack.
Field and Farm.
While the comnilssirn men are al
ways accused of double dealing In
handling Colorado products no one
outside the trade can imagine the
trouble every bouse has In securing
an Honest pack from the growers.
We were talking the other day with a
prominent commission merchant
when by way of illustration he unfold
ed a few of his troubles. He said
"Much of the fruit handled by our
house last fall was manifested to us
as fancy. Many of these cars were
rejected two, tbiee and even four
times and were finally sold by our
men at what they would bring al
though at serious loss, not only to
tne snippers but to oursslves as well.
as it is Impossible to handle these
cars for the small commission which
we get. We sent some apples to Cali
foruia and with the execution of one
car, they were all refused. One of
the firm went out to dispose of these
apples, and the sales were made to
the very best advantage. He reported
that in every case there were good
grounds for refusal or complaint.
"it was my misfortune to have to
dispose of a certain car load the last
of February that had been stored in
St. Louis. It was supposed to con
tain all faucy fruit, excepting eighty
Doxes or sso. 'i lien Davis. They were
rted Genetons. Black Twigs. Ben
Davis and Ureenings. The market
was in good conditiou Receipts were
very light from the east and the price
tor fancy apples was ruling at from
$1.20 to $1.40 a box. I had succeeded
in getting four of the largest and best
fruit men to go down to look at these
apples In examining the fruit, they
round the pack absolutely irregular,
running from culls No 2, to faucy,
mis-marked and some of the fruit
wilted, evidently caused by being
frozen or frosted on trees before picking.
"They would not consider the car
at the price which I had quoted them
nor would any of tbem even make an
offer of freight and refrigerator
charges. I hud this car of apples
drayed up town, repacked and de
cided to sell it to best advantage, let
ting tbo desirable varieties like the
Oeuetons go first. Four men weie in
the market for good Genetons at $1.40
a box. They came back and looked
at the fruit after it was repacked, and
one of tbem who was entirely out of
Colorado apples, after examining
eight or ten boxes, turned away in
disgust and said be did not come over
to look at or buy culls. As it was im
possible to sell them at any price to
the legitimate trade, the only thnig
left to do with these apples was to put
them through the auction, which was
attended by about one hundred Ital
ians or peddlers. The car sold for
"After deducting the charges of re
packing, drayage, freight, storage and
$18.70 commission, which was only
one-fourth of my expenses, tho net re
turns left the shipper was ?d(i !)!. 1
must say that iu my experience ol
nearly thirty years iu handling and
selling fruit, this car of apples was
the hardest proposition to tell or
lace of any oar of fruit I ever hand
led and the principal reason for it
was the irregular pack, mi -marks and
fruit not up to grade Part of this
fruit was No. 1. tepecially the Black
Twigs, but the buyers were afraid for
the reason that the fruit was not regu
lar and they did not bare time to
open up every box and examine it
through to the bottom."
Alfalfa Experiments.
Corvallis Times.
Alfalfa on the Oregon agricultural
college farm made a yield of green
feed this season, (hat measured in
curod weight would have made six aud
one-hblf tons of hay per acre. It is
yield strikingly at variance with
the graiu crop, because., it is 50 tier
cent larger than any fbrmei crop, all
in spite of bugs 'add the drouth con
ditions of the late season. It inspires
wonder that more farmers do not grow
alfalfa, since this college alfafa crop
was produced on land no better than
tho ordinary wheat laud, without a
lckle's wortn of artificial fertilizer.
and under circumstances applicable
on nearly any wheat farm iu the Wil
lumette valley.
1 ho two acres yielded four cuttings
of alfalfa, that all told aggregated Hi-
i.) pounds of green food. The high
est yield in auy former year since the
held was Seeded to alfalfa was 55,744
pounds of green feed, equivalent to
lue and one-fourth tons of hav for
the two acres. The average yield per
acre during the lour years the Held
has been cropped is four and a half
tons of bay per acre. The yield in
greed feed durln'g 'thfe frnir years has
been as follows: V.m, 27, 142 pounds;
l'.IOli, 55,744; 1904. 50.970: 1905. 82.775.
The field was cut during the Beason of
lift u on the following dates: April 19,
ben the yield was 40.080 pounds:
May 31, 22.030; July 14. 10.525: Au
gust 25, 10,140.
Faith Not- Xeressarr.
You may 'be just as skeptical and
pessimistic as you please'. Kodoi will
digest what you eat whether you eat
or riot'.. You can .put yuvr:vfcd in. a
bowl, pour a little Kodoi Dyspepsia
Cure on it and it will digest It the
same as it will In your stomach. It
can't help but cure indegestinn and
DyspepHia.T' It is curing hundreds and
thousands some had faith and some
idn't. Kodoi will cure you if medi-
ne can cure you, w hether vou have
faith in it or not. Hold by G. K. Will
Would Draft Him for Uovernor.
Trigon I rjgator.
Pou. E. L. Smith of Hood River.
discoverer of the Ben Davis apple.
hief pusher of Hood River, the fa
ther of the Hood River strawberry in-
ustry and one of the big, brainy men
of the state, still insists that he is
ot a candidate for governor. No one
ever accused him of being a candi-
ate. But we hope, aud think, the
people will draft him just the same,
and that be will be our next executive.
For all kinds' oT Piles. '
To draw the Are out of a burn, heal
cut w ithout leaving a scar, or to cure
boils, sores, tetter, eczema and all skin
and scarp diseases, use IleW'lIt's Witch
azel . salve. A specific for blind.
bleeding, itching and protruding piles.
Stops the fiain instantly and cure per
manently. Get the genuine, Sold ky
t. imams.
Special Coi reepondence.
Pine Grove, East Hood River, Oct.
2. The directors held a meeting at
Pine Grove Friday evening and decid
ed to add the eleventh grade to our
already leading school, for there is
no other school in the valley that can
claimltbe honor of retaining the ban
uer month after month for the entire
school year.
School began at Pine Grove Mon
day, September 18, with an attend
ance of about 75 pupils.
W. S. Wiuchell aud friends from II
linois were looking over the valley last
week and became so enthusiastic over
the apples grown on the East Side ap
ple belt that they are thinking of lo
cating here.
Mrs. C. P. Kuapp has been very
sick, and it was not until a few days
ago that it was safe to move her to her
mother's home, but now she is rapidly
The committee which was out solic
iting apples for the fair came to Pine
Grove where the good apples are
Arrrived September 11th at the
home of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Board
man, an eight-pound boy.
Watch Piue Grove olimbl as well as
Hood River.
Mr. and Mrs. Newman have spent
the past week visiting at the Portland
C. 1). Moore, with a party of friends
from the East, spent Saturday look
ing ever the apples in Piue Grove.
Mrs. Roy Jackson is again very sick.
About sixty peoplo from Pine Grdve
attended the fair Hood River day.
It takes Hood Riverites to show their
loyalty to their couutry.
Ooldendale Sentiuel.
A meeting of the stockholders of the
Trout Lake Dairy association was
held Friday afternoon at the cheese
factory. For some time it has been
discussed by the directors of the fao
tory concerning the building of a
dwelling house for the cheese and
butter-maker, but this body could not
agree, so it was decided to call a gen
eral meeting of the stockholders. It
is reported quite a spirited contest
was had, but when the ballots were
counted the proposition was carried.
The dwelling house will be elected at
once on ground owned by the associa
tion at the factory.
Grandma Frisbee, mother of Prof.
O. B. Frisbee, has gone east to visit
her children who live in Iowa. Minne
sota, aud Ohio. We trust Old Fatter
lime will spare her that she nisy re
turn to her mauy fi lends In Trout
The trustees of the Presbyterian
church held a meeting last Monday
evening at the home of Frank Ccate.
at which time a considerable, ami ui.i
of business was taken up. IU r.
Thompson was present and repotted
that almost enough funds had been
subscribed to build a church. He
nged Unit tho trustees commence the
building at once and after due con
sideiiition tl oy decided to got an es
innate on the building aud have an
other meeting as soon as the estimate
had been icoived, and if satisfac
tory, work v. in commence as soon as
material can be nUr.ined.
("has. Coale m:d F.d. Moore have
"hit the tiail" for (he Portland fair.
It Is K polled that our s hool will
soon have n gymnasium to be used by
the girls and boys. We believe such
should be compulsory iu all public
A remedy Without a Peer.
"I find Chamberlain's Stomach and
Liver 1 alili t-i iii'ire bcnencnlthan an
other remedy lever used for storaacl
trouble," a.vs .1. P. Klote, of Kdina,
Bio. rurany disorder or tlie stomach
biliousness or constipation, these Tab
lets are without a peer. For sale by
luuiams i iiiiiinacy.
Save Something
Its the sure way to success.
Everybody can save some
thing, if It is only a small
amount, and the small sums
saved and deposited REGU
LARLY soon yield large re
sults. It may mean the building of a
home, the foundation of a
business, or a college educa
cation. We receive deposits of one
dollar or more at any time
and pay Interest at the rate
of four per cent per annum,
compounded semi-annually.
Do Yon Suffer with Dyspepsia
or indigestion? Clarke a Dyspepsia
1 ablets willcure vou. Price only 60c.
Another Car of those Fine
on hand. We solicit your orders.
Oregon Lumber Co
Hood River, Oregon.
VehiclesandAgricultural Implements
Sharpies Tubular
It. II. WKliKK.l'rop.
Evergreens, Roses and Shrubbery.
Remember, Our Trees are Crown Strictly Withaut Irrigation.
i. .irxk of Plows, Harrows, Cultivators and repairs, (iruliliing Machines and
V ". e Caulo, Aermoter Wind Mills, Ituckeye I'umpH, Holster Springs,
Hoyt'sTree Supports, and Hanford's ISalwuu of Myirh.
nail Extra Buggy Tops, Cushion, Dashes, Poles,
Shafts, Hiiiuletrees and Neckyokes.
After a visit in The Dalles with her
sister, Mrs. T. I Roberta, M is i Net
tie Kemp returned last week to her
home at Hood Kiver.
With a rate in
effect Ik .ii towns in Oregon, Wash.
iiiKton, Idaho and British Columbia
to Poitlaml and return, aud a cut of
twenty i cr cent in the former special
round-trip rate from Ualirornla points,
there is e ery prospect that the clos.
ing weeks of the Lewis aud Clark ex
position will be the most largely at
tended of any duung tne fair period.
There has been no complaint so far
on account of extortionate hotel and
restaurant charges, aud late visitors
at the fair need have no fear of being
unauie to mid exceueui accommoda
tions at reasonable rates.
Apple Growers
We wish to correspond with vou
about apples. Will pay (cash for right
varieties and prices.
A. 1). Blowers & Co.,
Seattle, Wash.
And a long pull descries the pathway
of a woman alllictvd wfth female weak.
nes unless she la under the cam of a
doctor wlio has had successful experience
in the treatment of such cases or else has
found tho right remedy which can be
safely used independently of the doctor.
Korty yeafs aito. Dr. E. V. Pierce found
that women were being grossly mal
treatedmainly through iKiiArunce and
carelessness, and he determined to devote
himself to study and research till, he
found the real cause of their .suffering
and a proper remedy' for It..
lie found it,- and dug from Nature's
Latxiratory, the earth, A (if ure' rental let
for woman s weaknessrs and ailments.
He found In Lady's .Slipper root, lfiack
Cohosh root. Unicorn root, Hlue Cohosh
root and (ioldun Seal root, the required
The remedial virtues of -these he ex.
tracUsl, combined and preserved by till
own peculiar non-alcoholic, glyceric pro
cesses, and the compound is now known
the world over, as llr. Pierce's Favorite
Pr ascription,
"The wearing of corsets too tlirh Doomed
to have brought on an alxlomlnal prmmiro,
weakening1 the 'liffamenU and resulting In
displacement, which troubled me until 1 waa
not St to walk, and at times con Id hardly
bland," wrlts Mrs. Heierly HiurreaTe. of 14
lulu n Hu, San Kranclsco. C'al. "A neighbor
advised me to try Iir. lMcrce'a Favorit Pre
scription. Hefnre the first Uittle wan UHed
.1 fflniucti Imttcr. Improvement went
ifeadilr on. and within four months I was
like -a new and well woman on more. I
am now perfectly well and Htronff, and ex
tremely grateful U you for your blewted
remedy a boon to sick women."
A Oreat Doctor Book Free. Send 21 one
cent stamps to Dr. R. V. Pierce, Buffalo.
N. Y., to cover mailing and he will send
you a free copy of his lOOH-page Common
Sense Medical Adviser, paper-covered.
Cloth-covered 31 stamps.
Pr. Plero's Plsasant . Pellets arejha
best and safest laxative for the use of
delicate women.
When you buy a Wagon
ushtord ii built lor tturdy
use, ol the right (lull and in the
right way the wagon lor the
hardheaded (aimer who rightly
wants full 'value (or every, dollar.
It'l a Wagon that Stands the
tacket has more teal flrength
and wear than you ever saw (or
the lame money; and yet a
Ruihford Wagon is neither over
heavy nor clumsy. :: :: ::
fertf vmh Km aoae to lh Baling of the
AaaUril WafMifttMrttfioa-you'liHewhy
rkri mmb il rWI! look Mf ovr. Waot
t Am YOU Rwhfoid-coiM ia ukI
twa lujtr. M a a ic-suu
All kinds of NoiiKniiiMl Lumber in stuck. The Little
Mill with the Little Trices. Lvcrv tiling ns cheap
iis the cheapest mid "-ood as ;(), as best.
Mill one-foutli mile west of S. A. 1 Miners' store.
Kelly a Wishart,
Telephone. Proprietors.
HATES BROS.. Proprietors.
Fresh & Cured Meats
J.fR. Nickelsen
bf Hood . River, Oregon
Tinners, Plumbers and
Steam Fitters
Pumps. Windmills, Spray Fittings
and Hose
..Mount Hood Store...
W. S. GRIBBLE, Proprietor.
ine Fishing Tackle
Hard ware
(irain Flour
Ammunition Dry (Joodn
(iranitewnre Notions
Feed Full line of Groceries
0. L. GILBERT. Proprietor.
C. F. GILBliKT, Manager.
03 I Lin
Staple and
Fancy Groceries
Majestic & Mesaba Ranges
; and Stiletto Cutlery.
Mt. Hood Hotel
Headquarters for Tourists & Commercial Travelers
Regular Rate, fl.25 to $2.50 per day.
Bbeclal Rat, by Week or Month.
BUgea leara dally for Cloud Cap Inn during July, Aagunt and September.
Monmouth State Normal
Urging ils 2ltli yinr Sotciiilier 2'i.
Throe Courses of Study
ii'niriti(j fur County ami Stiitu rertili
ciilt'H. 1 Holier courwH reco'nimHl in
Wusliitictoii :unl other titutrn.
IIi'imiiikI fur .Norma I Ti alni il 'IVnclicrs,
Longer terms, higher wutfos ami hetter
opportunities for promotion award tho
Normal jjra'luato for his onUrprme.
School directors appreciate the. superior
fthility of .Monmouth KmdiialeH and the
demand far exceeds the tuipply. Special
attention to methods work ill
graded and ungraded schools.
Catalogues Coiiluinin Full Infill illa
tion will he went on application. Cor
respondence invited. Address,
E. D. RESSLER, resident,
or J. I',. V. iM TI.KIi, Secretary.
ig oecona-nana otore
Ice Cold Refrigerators, Furniture, Stoves, Ranges, Crockery, Tin &IGranitc ware
and in fact everything in tho house ftii iiisliiii"-line. Big reductions this month.
We Exchange New Furniture for Old. Picture Framing. Furniture Repairing. Stove Repairing.
Cheapest Outfitters. o. P. DABNEY & CO., Proprietors.