The Hood River glacier. (Hood River, Or.) 1889-1933, October 05, 1905, Image 2

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iMiird nverr liiurdr 1T
AKTHUk D. MOH. PuhlUhw.
Trmi ol iutoripllon-I.M J who paid
IB advanw.
THURSDAY, (KTOP.KU 5, lft05.
?! The fanaticism of the silvei agita'
ors waa overcome by a capnign of ed-
uoatioa oil the money quostion ; just
such a campaign must bo conducted
In a few yearn on tho subject of the
tariff. Tarilf reform will como sooner
or later.
The fair management aimed for
100,000 attendance on Portlnad day
last Saturday. The admissions at the
close of the day niiiiilmred 85, WU.
Hood River aimed at 1000 for her day,
and the actual results were almost
half as much again. Hood River still
The Penilletou Tribune states wisely
enough that the present congressman
is out of the running, and goes on to
aay that Kastorn Oregon should have
the oongres nian this time, if you
think you havo a good man t ot Mm
out, for only six months remain until
the primary nominations.
Hood River apples are noarly the
whole thins at the state exhibit as
they are in the Wasco county booth
at the exposition. The Wenatehee
valley puts up an excellent dsiplay of
lieitlgheimers, Wolf Rivers and (lloria
Mundi, but when it conies to the ap
pies of quality, Nowtowns and Hpitz
en bergs, Hood River shines out above
all the rest of the Pacillo Northwest
Hood River has two good friends
In A. L. Craig and R. M. Hall of
the O. R. AN., both of whom took a
personal interest in seeing that Hood
River day at the exposition was
made a great success. Mr. Hall an
companied the excursion from Hood
River to Portlnd, while Mr. Craig
and his assistant met the apple grow
em on their arrival at tho Union de
pot. Both those men are proud of our
little city and fruitful valley.
Mr. Hill stated the other night in
Portland that his road was not com
lug down the north bank Just for the
fun of it: there is business hero for
his road. Hut the people of Oregon
will be expected to moot him part wfy
with a deepened channel from Port
land ta the sea. Government assist
ance is required in this work, and it
behooves us to soo that business in
terests rather than sentiment predom
inate in next year's selection of con
gressmen and a United Statos senator.
"Kveu the record of enterprising
Hood River was broken," is the way
the Oregonian tells of the Walla Walla
excursion of Tuesday, when that city
sent down 1100 visitors to the exposi
tion. Hood Kiver had 1015 aboard
the special train, and the 150 or '200
who went down the day before on the
boat and cars should not bo over
looked. There is a touch of pride
in the mere comparison of VVaile
Walla's crowd to that furnished by
Hood River, but it should be romem
beied that Hood Kiver has a popula
tion of I. Si W, while that of the south
eastern metropolis is between 15,01k1
and 18,000. Other towns will have
to go some to outdo Hood River.
Tho demand this year for fancy
Hood Rivor apples is far in excess ot
the supply. Mr. Khepard of the ap
ple growers' union is in receipt of a
letter from a prominent dealer in
Liverpool, who regrets that he can
not get all tlie Nowtowns he wants
this year, but he is pleased to know
that this valley will be producing
these apples by the bundled thousand
bushels in a few years. "The Hood
River Nowtowns are the finest apples
which reach this market," writ en the
Liverpool merchant. Other dealers
send in similar letters.
Mr. Hliopiird was asked the othei
day if he considered that the market
for Hood River fancy fruit would ever
bo over supplied unt il it would not
pay to grow apples hero, lly a pro
coss of deductive argument, t he mini
agor of the loon I apple growers' union
stated that if liHHl cars of apples wore
distributed in Kngliind and Ger
many, whose combined population
exceeds 100,000,000 people it would
moan only one car to every UHi,ooi
people. "Ami do you think that one
car of apples in a city the size ol
Portland would swamp the market,"
asked Mr. Hhopnrd in return.
The union is sending a cur of North
ern Spy apples this mouth to tho fan
cy trade in .New York city. This is
something new in the apple business
to be sending Spies to the Atlantic
coast. This and similar varieties have
herotofoie lieen marketed solely on
the coast.
Tho present heavy rains are dis
pleasing to the farmers, as it gives
tile Spit.enberg apples little ti no to
color properly. The winter apples are
now ready lor gathering, Many ol
the growois will make two pickings,
taking only the matured fruit the tlist
time, and giving the greener apples
a longer time to Open.
Kxceedeil Their Kiecliitloin.
As K. A. Fianz was coming down
tho street the other day, ho noticed a
couple of well dressed Kastorners gaz
ing at Mount Adums ami the Colum
bia river. As they wore conversing
in Gorman, he stopped up and intro
duced himself. The strangers ex
changed the compliment ami explained
that they wore in Portland from New
York, where they had hoard so much
of Hood Rivor, and being so near
when at the fair, decided to see for
themselves what there really was here.
Their names w ore I '.rnst, I toll man
and Kred W. Uncivil. They were sur
prised at grand beauty of the scenery,
and declared that tho way the fruit
rauches here were hewed from the
forests beatjaiiything they ever saw.
Attacked lly a Mob
and l-enten, in a labor riot, until cover
ed with sores, a Chicago street car con
ductor applied ltuckleu's Aruiea Salve,
and was soon sound and well. "1 use
It in my fumilv," writes O. .1. Web b,
of Teko'nsba, Mich., "and lind it per
fect." Simply great Pirciusiinu minis.
Only 25c at C. N. Clarke's drug store.
Superintendent Wiley feels highly
gratified over tho results of tho lirst
four weeks of school. Ho has just
completed his report for the month
ending September and finds th. t
all the grades have made a splendid
uhnurliii. The attendance lias been
unlmulid. The enrollment on tho
nnnnino ilav was 111), and what is re
markable tiie average for the 18 dajs
of school is tho same, 410.
The superintendent's report shows:
Number of days taugnt, i; enroll
ment lirst duv. 410: t'Hal enrollment,
455; number of cases of tardiness, i";
mhr hf'lonuiiur. 421: aver-
iluilv attendance. 410: percent of
attendance, !Hi,7; percent of punctu
ality. !r!I.H.
Tho rooms of Miss Mathews and
Miss Poole, lirst ami second grades,
have no tardy marks. The same with
tho 4th and 5th grade taught by Miss
Koch .
The number of pupils enrolled in
each grade is as follows:
Miss Mathews, lirst, ill: Miss Poole,
second, HI; Miss lioworman, first, 41;
Miss Hicks, second and third, !!;
Miss Wriifht. fourth and fifth. 4:i; Mr.
Kverett, sixth and seventh, I1H; Miss
Iliotz, third, ; Miss Copple, fourth
and flf'h, i; Mrs. Roche, fourth n nil
fifth, 27; Miss Stewart, sixth and kiv
onth, :i0; Mrs. (love, eighth, 41;
High school, ninth, tenth and ilev
enth. 57 total 155.
The high school with an enrollment
of 57 Is doing splendid work, says the
superintendent, who is proud of this
deiiarment ot the school. The Ml 5
physical labratory for the high school
has been delayed between here and
Chicago, but Mr. Wiley hopes to have
it in place in a few days. Tills lab
ratory is one ot the best In the high
schools of the state.
A 10-inch tiro gong has been placed
in the Park street school, and prac
tice in fire drills will begin at once.
Seating capacity in tho Heights'
school is already overcrowded, and
additional desks will have to be ord
ered. If the Increase in attendance keeps
up at the same ratio as it did last
year, Superintendent Wiley expects
tooe a total enrollment of (KIO pupils
before the close of tho term.
Institute at The llallet Suturduy.
J. T. Nelf, the county school su
perintendent, will conduct a local in
stitute iu The Dalles, Saturday after
noon. The program tho afternoon
is as follows :
La' guage exercise by Miss Tillard
of The Dulles, mid her class ot pri
mary grade; Language in the grades
by Superintendent Landers; Arith
metic iu the grades by W. A. Wiley
of Hood Kiver; History iu the grades
by Mr. Cruse; M iscellanunus topics.
It is Mr. Nell's idea that the prin
cipals of the various county schools
do the instructing at those local in
stitutes, and ho hopes iu this way to
got things more systomiiMsod iu the
country districts. As Principal Wi
ley expressed it, it is not so import
ant how much work the touchers ac
complish, as how well and thorough
It Is done.
It lias been arranged that such local
Institutes shall lie at Tygli Val
ley, October 11; at Dul'ur, October H,
and at Odell, November 11.
Marlon S. Smith, member of the
general merchandise Drill of. Smith A
Clark, at Underwood, who was in tin
city, Tuesday afternoon, says things
havo boon quite lively along the nortl
side the past few weeks. As Mr
Smith was leaving on the ferry, a crow
of Northern Pacillo suiveyors reached
Underwood from tho West. A few
days ago a crow of O. R. A. N. men
wont the other way.
C. O. Williams, tho county survey
or, completed the survey for tho state
wagon road through Underwood sec
tion of Skamania county last week.
Piling has boon secured for tho lien
wharf, work on which will begin as
soon as the pile driver arrives. The
government hatchery men arc
making a remarkable catch of salmon,
having so far gathered ll,000,(UK) eggs.
A crow of about 1- moil are employ
ed liy the llsh commission at 1 1 it
mouth : f White Salmon, under he
Miporvlsion of Mr. Spurgeon, who has
boon engaged iu this work for a mini
her of vears. A butchery has been
established on the Hat, about a mile
west of the month of the stream.
Fish are also being caught in tho Lit
tle White Salmon.
About I,IKHI will be expended bv
the people of Underwood iu tho erec
tion of a low water wharf. The Reg
ulator Lino has kindly consented to
loan a pile driver for the work, while
a number of the farmers on the iiiimn
liati side have contributed piling,
umong them being Fred l.uthy, Hurry
Olosou and I'.. C. Goihlard. Otte rs
will cout ribiite their share in money
and lalior
Mr. Smith says the line mil by the
O. K. A N. surveying crew extends
close to the water's edge, while that
being marie by the Northern Pacific
people runs a hundred feet or more
above the Oleson hotel. If this line
should be followed, the chances torn
lepol at Underwood are not the best.
It would also mean a high bridge over
the White Salmon.
Mrs I Meson's hotel is about com
pleted, meals being served there al
ready. Unite a nil in her of people
from Trout Lake are making the trip
to Underwood, to do their trading,
and the prospects are good for a splen
did full business says, Mr. Smith.
I ce It an I ( lark l uir Notes,
Wednesd.-v, October 11, will be Py
thian Day at the Lewis and Clink
fair, ami the day will be fittingly cel
il.J. l udei w ood, home commissioner
at the Lewis and I 'link exposition,
has just received from Alaska a speci
men of tin ore weighing 450 pounds
The specimen contains 00 per cent
tin, and is worth twenty cents a
The total admissions to the Lewis
and Chirk exposition up to Septem
ber 'J7 was 2,MMi,5t"). It is expected
that the grand total will be not less
I linn '',."iiHi,(HHi, a better record than
ever lief ore was made by an enterprise
of similar magnitude.
The Lewis and Clark exposition
closes at half past II o'clock Saturday
night, October 14. It whs originally
intended that October 15 should le
the closing dav, but as this date fell
on a Sunday, the change was made.
The fair lias been a tremendous success.
The PA
P Never
&e Paris Fair li
supply you w ith anything
13 mi Mud flic nrici'M im? ihe
l.J "I I I
fnp fin .lnwt 1 ln 1 binn
are put up in an entirely
We have a few articles left out of
tin; bankrupt stock of Hand's, which
are real bargains.
J ron Tea Kettles, worth Te, for... 300
Granite iron Tea Kettles . 630
Full Nickel plated Tea Kettles,
worth if 1.23, for 950
Tin Cups, 2 for : " 50
Odar Water Rails, worth .Tic, for 150
Steel Door Mots, worth $2.00 ...... 950
Rreud Raisers 750
Tin Dish Tans, down to 150
Granite Iron Dish J'ans, down to.. 480
In fact, all kinds of Tinware at money
sa ving prices.
We carry the largest line of Ladies', Misses and
Children's Readymade Coats, Capes and Jackets
to be found in the City.
y The
W. V. Jobnson of tho l'aist Side lias
bargained to sell his home place, and
will leave shortly on an extended trip
throughout the Kast. The circum
stances of this sale are interesting and
worthy of note.
O. A. Dane, tho real estate man,
was conversing with a couple of East
erners on the street Tuesday morning,
when Mr. Johnson happened along
and whs introduced to a Mr. Davis
of Montana.
"I lined to reside ill Montana," re
ulied Mr. Johnson; "what part do
you come from?"
"From I Inorlodgo, "
"Ves; why 1 used to run a dairy
ranch near there ' years iio, " said
Mr. Johnson.
"What! Are you the Kcnllmnan
who sold to Lynch? Why, I
have owned that very sumo farm for
over -0 years."
And the two men were mighty Kind
to meet each other. Air. Ueed, a
banker of Deerlodtje was with Mr.
Davis, and tho party at once K(t into
Mr. Johnson's wagon and were driven
up the valley. Alter viewing Mr.
Jiihnson'-i farm, Mr. Davis agreed at
mice o take tho same at the purchase
price of ti.'iH, making a deposit of
WHM to bind the bargain.
In relating the sale of his Montana
farm to Air. Lynch about ' years
ago, Mr. Johnson says he mid out
there because lie wanted to get near a
good school. Lynch arrived at bis
home on a Saturday afternoon, and
hearing Mint the farm was for sale,
united until Johnson came home, and
the next day walked over the farm.
Johnson iiad made up his mind to
reserve a fat hog and a barrel ot saner
kraut when he sold the farm. Lynch
mis pleased with the farm and was
willing to give !?!lKHl for the place if
Johnson would throw in tho hog and
the kraut.
"I'll do that if you will pay the i:t
taxes due on the property," replied
"and here
Agreed, said Lynch,
is 'Ji to bind the bar
Johnson and bis wife went to Deer
lodge the next week, and found Lynch
it the appointed lour. The latter
counted out Ills mils, tuim an nun.
"Let mo have fUHi, he asked of a
fi lend, wlio made the loan, and the
Mde of Mr. Johnson's place was tin:
promptly concluded.
When Last, Mr. Johnson will visit
his brother-in-law, J. li. Overt urt id
Darby, Mont., and his two brothers.
one, D, .M. .inn '.son HI i.ineroii.
Iowa, and the other, James Johnson
at Worcester, .V i. .Mr. Johnson
u ill do missionary win k for Hood
Kiver during his trip l ast, where lie
has not been for -1(1 years.
liis broth r -in-law, .Mr. Overtuif,
is iu Hood Kiver this spring, at the
time of theliood Uoads convention in
Portland, to which lie went lis u dele
gate from his bonutate, w here he has
taken an active interest iu public
ulfairs. He is at present a county
The Hood Kiver friends of Mr.
Johnson wish him bun voyage, and
hope he will return ami sp ud tlx rest
of his days in the best little valley in
Oregon Hood Kiver.
.Mr. Johnson speaks very highly of
Messrs Davis and Ueed, the new pro
prietors of his farm. "Their word is
as good as their bund, " says lie, "and
you will llnd thiMu valuable men for
the comuiiiiiitv. "
Hood River Directory.
Tin' itlnciiT dluvMry f Hhi Kiver city
Hhd vailoy. ami map; showing lM-utUm f
Is i ins, with own ors names, hvittiim or
snvHitiN Htul tstunly ro;u1s, is now rrutly for ;
ilwinhttiion. I'm.' SUM. tibtt'it-r, j
H vt-r, org m. i
River's Bargain
headquarters for all kinds of Rubber Goods. We can
you want in this line, from the smallest child's rubber
hi west. We also have n leather-buttoned Rubber Root
for ilitpli work" mid t,hi like.
new way and cannot help but
We just have a few items left in the
Grocery line, but each item is a bar
Gun Powder and Spider Leg Tea,
per lb 250
Tomatoes, best grade, per case 2.00
Corn, best grade, per case . 2.00
Snyder'.? Catsup, regular 2"e bot
tles, for 17140
Maple Sugar, per lb 150
Spices, half price.
Saratoga Drips, -"-al. can 350
Suits from
H ome of Low Prices.
Frank McUoveru waa crushed to
death Tuesday morning while unload
ing piling for the trestle work of the
Mount Hood Railway just east of tho
O. 1!. & N. depot. McUoveru was as
sisting to unload the piling when the
bracing of the load gave way and ten
tons of logs fell upon the young man
crushing Ids life out instantly.
Met inverti waa Bbout 111 years eld.
He was formerly a member of a K. of
i lodge iu San Francisco, but mes
sages to that city have failed to locate
relatives. AlcOoveru, it seems, had
been shanghaied from Portlaud sever
al months ago, and as soon hh he es
caped from China, made bis way to
Portland, and thence to Hood Kiver,
where he secured work with Tillotson,
the contractor of the Mount Hood
ilia body lies iu the Iiartmeta un
dertaking pallors, awaiting instruc
tions lrom relatives, should they be
Ortfimize a Junior (iuilil.
A number of young ladies, met with
Aliss linker Monday evening, Septem
ber 2.", to organize what will be l.nowu
as tho Junior St. Mark's Guild. Airs.
Murray Kay w ill act as directress and
the following olHcers have been elect
ed for tho coming year: President,
Misa Dane; viee president, Miss Hoad
ley; second vice president, Aliss Ca
mel; secretary, Miss Walton j treas
urer, AIihs linker.
The (inilil will work In the interest
of St. Murk's Episcopal mission in
Hood Kiver and starts with about Ki
members. Any young ladies of this
city who care to join tho organization
w ill be heartily welcomed. An inter
esting meeting waa held with Aliss
Dano hist .Monday evening, and tho
next meeting will be with M isslloadley
on Monday, October l, at 7 :'M.
Initial I in ace ef the Season.
The lirst dance of tho season will be
given by 0. K. McCalley on Friday
evening, October 13. Air. McCalley 'a
dances hn-l season were a decided
success. A latge attendance will,
therefore, lie expected on Friday
evening of next week. Tickets, 81. U0.
M.uli' ii'oin White River ami Golden Crown
I'loiir is fixsilv itssiniilatiMl. This is f;ootl tidings
lo 1 1 1 iso to whom that delirious feast of childhood
is but a memory.
It is berause every tiny particle of White
River and Golden Crown Flour has been
treated by electrified or ionized air that it is more
easily digested and absorbed by tho stomach.
'hie treatment frees the flour from certain oily
properties of the hard wheat, while retaining all of
its nutrition, and leaves it whiter, lighter and more
wholesome than any other Flour.
This white bread we talk of has a w hiteness
and texture that is most appetizing; is delicately
flavored, toothsome and most wholesome.
There's a printed slip that goes with
each sack which guarantees your sat
isfaction or the cheerful refund of
your money. Ask your grocer.
3 C
One Price
to All
(lull nnd wo them. Phev i
be water proof.
Rife Ruoy Soap, 8 bars for 250 El
$5.00 up
Special to the Glacier.
Ooldendale, Wash., Oct, 4. Tl:e
Klickitat White Pine Lumber Co. will
build a large mill here in the near
future, and will coustruct a railroad
to tho timber to haul the logs to the
mill. This will bo a great improve
ment for Goldendalo, as it it will give
employment to a number of men.
Commissioner J. P. Egan of White
Salmon and John Wyers, the popuh.r
road supervisor of District No. 4, are
in town on business before the com
missioners who are in session this
week. The commissioners will be in
session for about two weeks, and a
treat deal of business will como bo
fore the board this term.
C. 1). Alooro ia in town on business
before the board. The matter of the
White Salmon ferry road will be up
before the board, and Air. Alooro is
here to represent his side of the busi
ness. Superior court will convene next
Tuesday. There will be no jury in at
tendance this term.
The numerous rains have brought
the fall wheat up and gnus is starting
on the bills, making feed for the
W. S. Warwick la in Spokane this
week on business.
The advertising matter for the coin
ing musicale and lecture course to be
given this fall ami winter hus been re
ceived from the Great Western Lyceum
Bureau of Salt Lake City, Utah.
The lirst entertainment of the series
will be given October IS, when The
Parland-Nowhall company will present
a most varied and unique prrgram.
Alcssrs. Parland and 'ewhall have
both lieeu identified with leading
quartets and have had wido experi
ence in bell ringing.
In lUcember, Dr. V. C. Iiruner cf
Chicago will lecture. Dr. Urnner i
Agents fl
Wood For Sale
All Kinds vJc .'--cwest
Market Price.
Prompt .delivery, phone. Murray KilJ'.
For Sale
For Knlt'-Tcuni, wcitfhitm i'U), irm to puli,
genii; wiignn tni'i httrncsM. St W.Ufiniicr.
For Sfilf HoiiM'Imitl t'ni'uHnre. Kivt hltx'k
weM nf J1nH(Toilie,1 nt Hit resulfiipt- ot'T. s.
Weekly. o2-i
, J(r Sale V. It. V, Kuinnr.
For Hnli Two Milch cows. Apply
to .1. L
For Hale Italia 11 i ihich, hup cent- 11 pnunri
dollvcrcil In town; less if soW m t tn-oi chiipi.
Flume KantHT-t' Hxl. Twin ( nkn I'mthi. m
IiOKt Sfvon-Wfi k oN) I'olrtiid China pin; es
caped from pen, Ht Uiin lo 1'. IK lUini iohh
for reward. ol2
Wanted To exchange one noud wa-jon
for wood or hay. Morgan litus. nli'
For Hale Hay and -Moot wood at J. W.
Jenkins piaee. oI'.
For Sale IKK) trunny Mirk, at J. W. Jenkins
by Frank Fo-vstuin?. ol-j
For Sale I'ijrrs and a small hand of Angora
KouIh by Geo. Korden. dj
For Sale or Tr;i(iiOne bt'iivy wsnrMi; will
(rude for a KrublmiK machine. Apply to J,
W. strong Odell. oi:;
For Sale We have some jjoorl youni hnr. s,
suitable for farming, for wile cheap. 'IVan.der A
Livery Co. oT
For Rale cheap -Two lanro v
We don't, need iliem rmw, as wt
on or write Davidson Fruit Co.
ifes, jrffod rs new.
have a vault. C.iil
For Sale One buy team and h:irnesp, wt. 2'.)Q
llw.; ftuaranteed to lie true and sound. One :-m.
wafon bitted with (mister ypri'iv.s; one -liorse
Hprinjy tooth cultivator; one IhsMi'im"! inenrator
and brooder, 'M) eapaciiy. All avi teles a'tnost
(food as new. Cull on or phone me. Karl I'rather.
For Kale NunilK-r of nice yountr Plymouth
Rock chickens. Min. J. If. Shoemaker. o5
For Hale A two-sealed rig. or yon rimy call
ItalUht delivery uwni, will lie .-old very
cheap, aw we have no room to keep it. Wilt
take wood or hay in ex'ehane; price !" '.
Koeklord store. I ;o
For S ile- Kiflem ilm
Will Con-true!. d clear
s liind, m.Miipi
nine il ui' ioi-.
sires, F. W. Aliens.
For Sale-House .slid lv
hmIi. Hoiir-e i-i l .' w ill
chicken lot jind hniw.
ff'.HM); lour e;us' llf. e uu
H. I ;.
trade nr Iiiiim nun -in et v : n i -! i; , i.i 1 .: .
SlOUdown M.'i M p r n:o:it . Ivji.Me .
W. l'aiOhii ot at Halt wl.ti': .illu-e, ;:i -: , i
For Milt I-'. a'-P-- iii.-i-el - tiiii' ifii' i
Cleiied. I'r.c", eie-i, i.i: f i i . .1 o.
Foi Sd'e 'I en, ; i i-. ; ;(
Clovei; H en;tii(1; 'i;: .1 : U'lfil. ! .' . . 1
H. F. It. no. 1. ic
For wale, .'10 acres nf lite oiv'inrd land :id
JolnlnK new coui. !y road; all under dileb;
acres cleared; wi:i tnk. cmiti net to cumc ;fl
tf hind it con tractor pe-ire. fail on 1 r write
A. Schiller, It. F. 1. No. I. o -r
For Sale Five neiv-j irri;itled ianil -J'., nuies
wesl of I rri;;on; m inla!' ;'l vilhm.'! i'mi-ot
Hnlee; W eali, balance .s'fM n y a
inenlH. Oenild K. Wood, Gem, blah"
Notice to Contractors.
Nolli-H Is ln'p liy itlvn Unit Hi" Hou'l nf
Ilirt'Ctnr ol' 1 1 10 i;'u: Ui.i-r Itl'i;i!;un 1K
Irict in Wimcn r-i.u n i orii;(.ii, uil! iti.-'i('
hlds lor tin- emi-ll tM-t mil i.l !lu- rn irs.-arv
oinii!s itlxl vvoik-i liT sai.l i!i-li!r' Iu I... i
Hlrucli'd in m-oi'ihtiH-c wMii tlii1 i,tn-. u 1 1 1
HpccillcHtlnns llicivol' r.ilnl lml. Inl' surd
Wlll'k Will lit' l'l iVt'fl 111 I fit' Dilii'r li' In.'
Ilolinl Hi tin- ri'Sllll'lH'li of. I. 11. S;ni.iii:,k"r.
sciTi'tary ol Hit' llo;uii in saiil ilisini t iili .- h
iinlny. Hit' 2ili diiy ol' ii ihImt, li'ii.'i. :ii Hie
hourof lio'i'lurk p. in. I'.iils inusl l' lu-i'oin-piinit'il
by 11 ct'i'lilii'il 'lii'i-k lor live ht ri'ril
of tlie ll Hum lit of I lie li id. Thr iluanl ri'i"i'Vi
tilt' Hiiht to ri ji'i'l liny :unl nil hi. 1-.. 1'innv
anil siu'citlcaliiiii-; limy I"' "'nruri .1 li- ;ip
plii'lltion to Ilk ec n tary orilu' hoall.
Ilati'flnt liooil llUcr, (Hi u' in. Hi:--U'l'i d;iv
nl Si'iitcinlicl', I'.mo. .1. II. silolvM AK l.:t,
ic'l o'i - Sci ii'hu-y,
il "IIIKSTArlllil
OlU'.liil.N Kill WAS"
In tin1 inalli'r nl' ihe rs!:tti
ll' IVlVt'S lljV.'I'S,
(U'frasi'il. Cllation.
'I'o.loilll livi'l's, .hum:-; I in'l'-. . "A i'.v. :! 1
I'lvcm. May I1. -iimuit. .I.k'I ltv.;n
JoSi'pll IllVi'l'Si, Willliilll I.'IS. -ill'i; I!--'"
1'i'rry A. IUvcrs. .lolm H-niy I'.( i, l.ui
llivi'is, Corn Slraiulil. Miv. .'l;niii's iiiihs
anil Hi'iiti in''li-li. ami : 1 1 1. !.'. ol i;
I'liic ttovr I-;. I'loiii'h. li li ami i:i' ,-i i
of Imvt'S IliYl'l's, 1,'i'i n-i'it, anil ail oliuT til
known ln'irs, il-'U-n-: an. I !".'. tj" s ol ai
ili-i'ca Ji'd. yit'i'tnii::
I n the iiiiim' ol tin' -! ale ol i in'.-oi': Vouai
ht'ii'hy ciii'd ami ii'iiim il lo a pi ai in i!
(.'oiinly Conn of llir !al' nl ' 'iriitii ior W'-i-.
connly, at the h rni oi ;(;,1
ill I ill' court room I hi t'i'i if, al liiiM. v Ci! . i
saui connt, on .MondaV, III"' '.lit 'Uv c . i N
vi'inlar. l!ri,al '.' o'rl.,i U in li.i all nwoni
that (hi , than itml 1 1 . . - '.' In ho'V ra'ivt., il a i
I'Xisl. why an onicr of -.!" vi.ih; ! nn'. I
lliilile of tin- li nl i-lal" M'-iiihl lo he -i.l li
aci'orilani'i' Willi t lu pra . -r . 1 l a- .!,' n": .
Ihci'Xi'l'lllol s. , i;. Ni ll iil'.l M . I'. N, If in
tofori' llltil ill t li is cann'. inn! u n:i-,i -,c.
astala is silu.iHi In W'hm'o iai.n, o-.m
anil (h'si-nhi'il as li illnu -i. In w il:
I oin nirlli'luii al lla' .N o:i Ii a i".: I'.a'iaro! 11:
Nortlicasi 1 1 na it ft oi si'--iiah j;. in Tp .' nm 1 1
rnnao Hi iasi or 1 1 , ,- WiIiih-:Ii- nn nm i
rnnninii thala-a souln ry, chains, ili a,'
oasl 11.11:1 I'hitllis; ihriac horlli la, J, rhaiii
ttll'lll'l' Wist 1 .t,:i i-hiaiis o IP.' pnih! ,il li,
Kiiuiini; nlainiii' 1 a.-n s, nio f or li -s.
This cllation is iMM''! to oiil'-r oi' Hi
county cotirl ol Wa-ro roaiiU. nv"'!i. h
lion. A. I.nlif, roiniH .iiiii'.,'', ihi.-i.l "
Ihe Juil day or i ii'li.liir. in', ana nh, :m
l.s II I1H1C 111 " I lie 1! I II, i r ( , j.i.-ii a h" .' :
paper ol m-hern I e:ii'u!i;l Ion I'liansli'i! .', . :, i
in esalti couiily ami -lale, am! puaiie w i ai ;
ko mailt' in coinpiianee with ihe iiim.-, i
Nlllti order lor fotir SUeee-i " H l'l V. s , t iie hi-
laihllealion of Ihis cilaltoli Ihe Jin! u i v i
tleloher. A. li. !"IS.
Wltnessis the lion. A. :. l ake, indL'e
sn id c.uini y conn, wi: h i he .-a ! ei -.aid n an
MlJixed, this Jntl dav ol t aa eaa , :i i
M Ml.ihs Hiii.l'iiN,
oft a llnv (I.IK
a popular speii'ter and pulpit, i.n.tor.
II is lectures are highly npul :r v, il h
hiinilreds of old tol-lier mid ooiv
(iranil Army nuiii will u-iiit to be:.V
1)1111. lie is a member of ?.li ;el 1V-I,
No. -HI, of Chicago and i.N.i I.. a,
to tll llnck Kiver ( n;,iei " t ' ot t l.r
Methodist l''.pi.sfo id ('.'.inch,
A line program wi,. l e ieielMoil in
l-'obriiary, giien l.y l ll ut iih t li ; 1 1 1 -
hteud, a splendid and iiitelli.,
er. Mr. 1 'In m.-t iin I is a i oi el
III II lid
s' leadei
at Clintaitqii'is!, ("ist ami vt -;.
tile pleasing in niauiinr and iiu't.
i r ol
fact, be is nil right .
Tho best company of erhn'iil t.dt i.t
will appear in A nl, when he l i :
giison's IH.vie jubilee coin ell t en, p int
will como. They lei le-ent the he..ii
est type of roilege-l lid ih';..
Among them will be Neaie (leiti'.e.e
lluekner, soprano; lit lie Stone, cen
trallo, and Lillian Uuard. piaiii:!.
Mr. V. C. Hiickner is in'inaci r m ,i
basso. This entnitainmeiil uillsiuel,
lind hearty support.
Tho management have mint her een
ing in view u.-t yet proviiietl for.
"These entertainment.! are net, se
cured as a inoney-ui. .king ;t :.cne and
if tho oonunitteo in i b.n-g " me a! le
to paj expenses they are sat Ulied, "
says nn interested wot Iter in tin: cause.
"For a long time our pee le i,;ue iK -
sircd a course like II ee pmpi;-, ,-.
above, and it is hepi ,1 .-a cure pee
interested in tlie m ei.ii ."
nal bettermoiil of.oiu eu y
ready and hearty I'ssj.t .ee
"ihe ladies of t i e ( ....
church have nndi i l iken
Inent, 1 lit they i t la", i
other progressive towns ;u
can easily do. 'I hey hs.te
With tfreHt OHIO to sel l, I,
ranked as one of the !
tickets are 81. ."0. A I net
singed for tickets. I
needed. '
id lileh'i !
nill f li.i.
ej ,
Koi n 1- liiewn
Kanioii.'t hotel.
Real Estate
4 room ciittiitm. Kant 45 by VtO feet of
Lot 2 block ii, l'ai'kliui-bt, $1050; $750
IIiiiihu nml two lots in liurrett-Sipma
Iplilitiiill. $7W1.
40 acres at .Mount H-od for cale, run
nin;; ...") mi acre. On tlie county road
opposite Kaldwin'i'.
Fine businesa lot on main street for
fHIOiJ on installment, or $1500 cash.
ti'i acres at Ui linont, 11 acrea in cul
tivation, cottafic unci outbuildings, 150
apple trees, 2 acres strawberries, 2 acres
alfalfa, $131)0; $750 or more cali.
.New (S-roonied eottne, patent bath
and elo:et, four lots, 3 blocks from depot,
center of town, $2100; terms reasonable.
Two lots centrally located, $550.
Two It tH, new (i-rooiiied liouso, patent
bath and closet, 3 blocks from depot,
center of town, $1 700.
Two-story 8-rooined cottage, lot 70 by
110, on the bill. $l-'00; terms reasonable.
l'i ir Sale 100'. acres pine timber; 1
saw mill, cute 20,0o0 per day; 1 planing
mill, capacity 30,000 feet per day; 1
store and stock of merchandise, about
j.'!,500; 1 hotel and contents; 1 saloon
building, rented ; 3 bouses, rented; 10
bead horses and liitrncss ; 9 road wag
ons, ",! H; 1 longing truck; 5 pair
sleighs'; '10 head ca'ile; 50 head bogs;
(ion feet lumber; L'000 cords wood. All
located at and near llilgard, Or.
For Sale New two-story 9-room
bouse; Stranabn-. mMitiou ; $1100; terma
I I acres across the road from the M.
M. Davenport residence. $00 per acre.
Terms easy.
A 40 acre tract, unimproved, some
l-t'f irrigating water, 1 j miles from Bar
ett school house, $1,1(10.
Manna bouse and lot, $2,000.
Kor Sale The Henderson ranch, for
ncrly owned by J. K. (ialligan; 00 acre.
-;;0" cleared; orchard; strawberries;
lover and timothy; well irrigated ;large
.'-slorv mansion, new barn ; all fenced.
'rice $10,000. lirook runs through ranch.
:a.-v terms; telephone; rural delivery,
r'rmr miles from Hood Kiver.
One cout ranch on mountain east
if valley on county road. Price $1,500;
uis small bouse, running water, and ia
iciici d. Terms, easy.
For Sale lli'diitiful lots in Park addi
tion, cooler of town, from $200 to $300.
S. 1'iO acres at White Salmon; tine
timber land ; $10 an acre.
:i. The n-acre place in (.'rapper neigh
bnrliootl, knou n as the Kenshaw place;
all improved; new buildings, etc.
Lots 10, 11, 12, block 5, Wuueoma ad
dition; improved; price $1,ti(M); Yi or
more cash, balance, 1 year, 8 per cent.
Small bouse and lot on hill to rent, $24
n year; two vacant lots with privilege of
purchase $20 a year for the two.
l or Sale Residence on State street at
he. el of l-ront; $2,500, including 3 lots.
l or Sale or'hange for Hood River
properly Fine residence in business
cen'er of Siiuipter.
Money to loan.
. Ten acres improved, on White Sal
mon river; $1000.
21 a. at Fraiiktun; improved; $2200.
First-class Surveying Outfit
At Ihe Emporium are kept 2 first-clase
! transits and solar attachments, and the
pioprietor, a practical surveyor, is pre
pared to do the work of laving out acre
a.",' properly in lots and blocks, and do
ing all kinds of surveying and platting,
City Engineer.
Bids for Wood
il':my kind will he reeelve'l by th Vlento
-'h nl district., U tt Thursday, October 12,
w.i'i-i iniit hi1 drlivcrod In m'IiimiI hoiwe sIkhI.
1.: W. C. UedileN, Clerk,
Ecoms To Rent
N'f. y i'urnisl'.rd Cnnit room, with board;
i!:,hir ;,, two. Mrs. Kntrlcun, Kourlhand
!;iif vllVrlS. oa
l i1 : 1 1 1 n 1 oum', in ( rapper district, free to
" I '.li.' i:iiiv who will loi'k al'U'rthe place
uid i hive rat during t Iu; wiater.
-M it' Louise (Joddard.
S'ntiti il oiini initio Shepard dog or pup.
'In i in '. Murray Ktty. o'JIi
W;,nlr'l-A pvt. yonna mini (single), to
i i . i I Willi : i cretc unit lenrn n eootl paving
n iiitss, i nil snndiiy, !i lo 1'J, Mount iIimhI
ml. . 1 . 11. (lill.iun. trX
'inti'i! - .'I'o iriele .li'i'sey eow for hay. In
ll 1 1 . li. V. Sin illl, K. K. II. No. 2. o"l
l.'i -At oliee,
, N. iliowcrs.
.1.-1- A
i n wan!
.viiinilT farmer with wife and no
i h lilai'e to i-aro fur farm with ev
1. (eKxl refert'tift'S. AtttlrcHS Gia-
-i limwn Nortolli a4-k't botwwn Twin
t;mn ;nid 'own, Fritluy. Leave at (iia
Mi nid'l hftwt'wi Willurdsand hrano
' Whin ilmon river, ti watch and
Fin. ! .,nf notify A.M. Kichtnoml
. M'.hnwU Itl.lg., Tortland.or.
iitiy's smull silver nin-n-face watrh.
k it id, ik;. ir depot. Kindt-r p ease
vi, tn .Mt.-s !Vi.t
1 f'nt' iio-i L'r'ty mar-?. Weight
"1 n itui'N, iihtim In yems old. Hrnn d-
K .mi i n sho ilder. liurns Bro;. oifi
f ir ihe ar.vst nnl ronviction
i Mttt'i'ipt- to hhout ny dog? (tr
: i n my pieoiisi's.
i:. n.siiKiwun.
Notico I all f ill lie Kivcn nt the Odd
Oii-'ll Thanksffivintr nifht.l
M. Cameron,
A. T. limine.
ood choppers wanted
A' "oi conls of wooil meat, l-fool length.
i"e "in in a lo.ils liirnislieil. :e., ml lex out
il 'i isi'le. i IlKsi'KNT I Kt'lTCo.
Big Sale of Land.
t 'u u nit leu tiert' Iniet of firtt-olnss
''!' or i : 1 1 it loin) at r, littryuin? Il so,
' '" '!.' U. Toner Itirni near cliyof
I i; r. tr. I'l-ris. .hist plnent on the
i.. 1.,. s,,i,l in iois to salt, fall at tlie
or any r. iil esiat,. linn in Mood Kiver.
' is 1 l.'lili stnv:, l'ortlund
! l'e
pared to furnish mill and slab
ether kinds of wood.
1 h-ivo a new steim wood saw and am
prepared to do sa w ing. Also do general
, team work.
Time 121.