The Hood River glacier. (Hood River, Or.) 1889-1933, September 28, 1905, Image 2

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Issued etr? Tharidar 7
AkTHUK D. MOB, PblUhr.
Iimi ol ubsorlptloii-41.60 a year tm id
Hood Rivet never doea things hy
halves and in going to Portland to
day with the largest excursion ever
dent from here. Other sectlna of the
state will doubtless have another op
portunity to complain bieause Hood
River will secure soma more good
New York' anti tipping law took
effect September 1. A New York cop
respondent (or the Chicago Record
Herald says: "It hai been eHtimated
that in New York M0,XX),fXX) in given
in tips annually. Probably half this
sum ia given in gums of from 10 oeutg
up to the waiters in the cafes. The
other half la ugo' in bribery pure and
simple, meaning bribery to influence
trade, not to induce a man to do the
wock he ia supposed to get a aakry for
doing. "
Some lnteregting expert figure for
the lagt flgcal year are presented bj
the Manufacturers Reoord of Ilaltl
more. Among export exclusively
from the south it include Cotton,
1:179, M5, 014; oottonxeed oil, $15,125,
802; cottonseed cake and meal, $13,-
W)7,178j naval stores, tl6,10u,5-l.'l;
phogphatos, $6',8H51274. Commenting
on these figures, the Chicago Record
Herald iiiys "This makes a total ol
$451,080,0il, and that alone was nearly
one-third of all our domestic exports.
Rut beside the articles named, the
south export other product which
it r nines or manufactures in common
with other part of the country tim
ber, tobacco, petroloum, cotton goods,
provisions, grain, coal, cattle, fruits
iron and stool, wood manufactures,
leather and its share of suob export
U roughly estmated at $iai,000,000.
Hence a total of $014,900,000, or 41
per cent of the value of all the expoitt
of the country. The flguers prove the
wealth of southern field, and unques
tionably oottou is still king among our
exports, The value of export of raw
cotton alone exceeded the value of the
combined export of breadgtuffg, oat
tlo, hogg and sheep, provision and
mineral oils. It was almost three
time as great as the value of our iron
and steel export, and two-thirds as
great as the value of all our manufac
tured exports. With such a staple and
with its gain in new indugtrtes, the
south Is certainly eutlltod to foel fair
ly well satisfied."
That the advertising campaign car
ried on last winter by K. II. Hhopard
in the Interest of the Hood River Ap
ple (J rowers' union ha been prod no
tive of results i shown by the fact
that within the past few weeks the
manager of the union ha received
letters from Mexico, London, Liver
pool, Hamburg, Paris, New South
Wales, Westminster and othe foreign
cities, and fiom nearly every state in
the union.
All the lottors were add roused to the
Hood River Apple Growers' union
and contained orders for fine fruit.
As the crop of Newtowns and Spitzen
bergs has been sold to a New York
house, Mr. Shepard in all lustanoee
has endeavored to hav the partitw
supplied from that city, the greatest
apple exporting center in the world.
Last week Mr. Shepard received a
roin mini lent Ion from the commissary
dopnrtment of the army and navy ol
Knglnnd asking for Hood River New
towns. The leading clubs and hotels
from ail part of the union are calling
for the fruit. The price I no object!
to them. They want the liest applet
they can find, and willingly pay the
high price which the Hood River ap
ples bring.
Mr. Shopard estimates that the ap
ple crop of the valley will go IwtWHtm
40,000 and 50,000 boxes this year. Of
this the association controls between
; !u. OOO ami 40,000. Each apple snipped
by the association will be wrapped in
tissue paper bearing a picture of
Mount Hood, and tho words:
"(Irown and Peeked by the Apple
Growers' Union, Hood River, Or.
Orders have recently leen seourod
from New York for the crop of Arkan
sas Murk, Mammoth lllaok Twig, Red
('hook pippin and Hydes King of ti e
West. There will be a total of about
aix cars of these varieties. Hereto
fore tho apples have lieeu sold in
Western markets, and the shipment
to tiie Fast is an effort to introduce
them to new buyers, who are this
year offering more for them than war
ever soon red before.
Fine Country at Klamath Falls.
E. L. Smith, who spent lust week
Ht Klamath Kails, says that part ol
the state has a grout future. The
work of the roolaiimtiou'sorvice of the
government will place thousands of
acres under cultivation, and it menus
thousands of settlers in that county
within the next few year.
Klamath Kalis, while less in size
than Hood River, has a line itO.UOO
court house, and is erectiug a large
12,000 school building. The altitude
there is over 4iXK feet. The land is
especially adapted to the production
of hay ami cattle, ami a large amount
of money is made annually from these
Mr Smith mot Harry llamlsliorry
there, and took a 20 mile ride ou his
aton m boat, which operates on Klamath
hike. Mr. Smith also met many old
acquaintances in the office of the rec
lamation service.
As soon as Mr. Smith reached Kla
math Falls, the general public sus
pected at once that he was there for
political reasons, because his name
has been so prominently mentioned
for governor. The uewspapeis were
anxious for an interview, and he had
a great deal of dilltculty to convince
the good people of that part of Ore
gon that he is not rnnniug for gover
nor, much as they would like to have
hi in.
5 Evangelist Handsakor announces
that the service at the tent will con
tinue indefinitely. Up to yes onlay
there had been ;i9 additions to the
Christian faith. Spcial women's
meeting, 3 o'clock Sunday aftemoo .
Special Correspondence.
Mnulnr Mr . Sent. 27. Sunday.
September 17, 1905, is a day in the
history or juosier, wmiii uu un
will long be remembered by the peo
ple of this place, us it chronicles the
occasion of the dedication of the new
Uuptist church, the llrst structure ol
the kind which has been erected in
Although tho gospel has been spread
throughout these hills and dales, long
before Mosier was in us iniHiiey, jn,
there never seemed to have been
strength in one, nor union sufficient
iu ail the denominations represented
hero, to erect a building for the pin-
nnua gxt urnrutiiri filiMllft.
Hut ft length tho Unptists, in some
suave manner, succeed jj hi luieren
iug the higher motives of tho people
ut lura ntwl uu n l'MMllt Ollt
among u's with much prido and sacred
ceremony awl clcmente to me wor-nip
of Uod, a g'riicture highly con.n end
aide to the people of Alosier.
'I'hn 1,,lteufimi exereises were verv
impressive, tho morning strvico of
which waa eotimit ten uy uiu iic.
Swiok, of South lleiid, i ash. 'Ihe
afternoon service was devoted to the
discussion of Sunday school work iu
its various branches. Many import
ant topics were presented and discuss
ed by appointed speakers and there
by n i no h good brought out.
The time Intervening betwien
morning and afternoon service wat
devoted to the partaking of a hoiinti
fill basket dinner, which hail been
prepared and served by the ladies;
a genuine sold. 1 anil good into was
engaged iu by all, win, still recog
nizing the sacredness of the day, were
none the less hearty iu their acknowl
edgement of Ood's abundant provis
ion for tho temporal needs of the
J. J. Lewis, of Portland is spending
a few days in Mosior.
C. I). Morgan and family spent Sat
urday and Suiiday in Portland visit
ing the fair.
A. P. llnteham whs a passenger for
Portland on Friday's delayed train.
Mr. John Carrol and the Misses
Ellio and Jiertha Wright returned from
Portland Friday after huving spent a
week visiting the fair.
Mr. and Mrs. Alex Stewart aoiom
panied by Miss Nora Hunter, were
passeugors for Portland on Monday's
Harold Cook of Portland paid o visit
to his aunt, Miss I), Mosier on Sun
day and Monday,
After a sojourn of several months
visiting his old home iu the e st, W.
A. Davis returned last week to Mo
Rev. an 1 Mrs. Tuber returned from
Tho Dalles on Friday hist, at which
place they have spent a week attend
ing to business matters.
Mr. and Mrs. Akors, who have spent
the Rummer with Mrs. Aker's parents,
Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Stark, have re
turned to their home in South llend,
O. J. Phillips an 1 son, Oscar, ao-
conipiinlel by Miss (lliidya Phillips,
were p ssoiigors on Monday s train
for P rtlaud.
A. H. Stewart was in town Friday
en route to tho MoVey district, where
he located a Portland man ou a de
sirable homestead,
Mr. and Mrs. Deb. Wagner and Mr.
und Mrs. Henry Holder can. from In
diana, are spending the sum rer visit
ing their sister, Mrs. Amos Root.
Rev. Swick of South llend, Wash.,
closed a series of interesting meetings
on Sunday, 17th inst.
The large addition to the HuhIi'iihIs
A Root blacksmith sli p is hearing
oomplotion, an additl.m which will
greatly facilitate the workings of the
John Miller, an old time resident
f Mosier valley, disposed of a 'rnol
of his lund, lying about four miles
from town to Mr. lluxhty of Hood
U'ver for a conlsiieriition f fcifiOO,
O. R. Wood, George Sollinger am'
,1. M. Elliot were visitors to the fair
last week.
Mrs. N. P. Sturgess left for Pint
I did Wednesday to visit her daughter,
Mrs. Archie Graham, and while there
will take iu tho fair.
After spending the summer with Iter
sis' or, Mrs. F. P. Taylor in The
Dalles, Miss Dollie Mosier returned
lo her home in M sler.
Miss Lydia Mosier of Walla Wnlla,
Wash., is viHiting at the home of her
brother, J. N. Mosier.
John Smith has gone to Portland to
ttend tho fair. While absent ho will
visit at different points throughout
the valley, thereby taking a much
needed vacation after yours cf close
application to duty,
Miss Agues (iulovson, who through
love for lior school at Mosier, and a
good siilistanti ''1 'iidiiceuicut from the
Hoard, tlnds herself again on duty iu
District No. 52.
Our school opened with a good en
rollment, considering tho fact that
m 'iiy of tho ohler pupils are attend
ing the fair or engaged iu differ lit
pursuits for the present. We expect
a total enrollment by the Hist of t e
second month, which we anticipate
wid reach the llfty mark.
A. M. Hoop, who made a busint't-s
trip to Hood River Wednesday, is ar
ranging to prove up on his homestead
in a few days. Mr. Hoop lias a very
Hue piece of property, and says he
Minis chickens and dairying very pro
Ill able.
1'eter Saltzinan ha.; a nice orchard
of line two-year old trees, and is pie
paring to set out 'J00O more. His
place is just over tho hill from Hood
Married At the home of Mrs. Har
lan, Sunday afternoon, William Ste
venson of this place and Mrs. K1U
Hoggs of Upland, Oil. ; Rev. W. A.
Stark ollh'iating.
,1. P. Hailey is erecting a nev him tv
Key Hailey and Karl Hailey h:ivc
purchased Hi nud 20 acres respective
ly from their father and will improve
the laud and b iil.l houses t hereon.
William Cook him bought ltd acres
off tho west side of the Joseph llur
lliigame place, and is erecting a nice
Inciting house.
A. M. Roup is living up mi addition
to his barn.
Alhii knl llv a Mch
and I ' to n, in a labor riot, until envoi-'
ed with sores, a Chicago street car con-'
doctor applied Hiu klcifs Arnica Salve, !
and was soon sound and well. "I ne i
it in inv fainilv." writes O. J. Welch. :
of Tekonsha. Mich., "and llnd it per-;
feet." Simply great for cuts and bun s i
Only at C X. Clarke's drug stoic
Off for Mt. Mood.
PsrtleHof two or throe wKlitim t inwkethe
trip to Meiint iltsxt, si h nusonulile l air, cull
! t'honi' l-.'iil, H,shI Klver. i
I 1 he IPAHi r i'tH 6
I Nmver
' Undersold
;.-if . :v;f;i :, . :r.' '
Coats, Capes and Jackets that . ;i ; ; . i ,
lare'e cities. We have an experience:! hdy hi eha-;-.- f ;
partnient, one who known what t-lie talkie r an,!
can Hiie'evst and make eorreci ions in ihe
Ladies' Tailor-made Suits, Irrm irp.
Ladies' Coats and Jaciicla, ironi ; ;
Children's Coats from ,'! u;
Ladies' and Misses' Dim J a:: :!?, Vl.' O
Ladies' bhirt Waists, ah i.ia't. ioi:. o
Do not fail to visit this departme:;! ami ,, !. a' v; ha
&C?,f We now
that in point of "aaa
Kand enrrieil a sweli I
ton l out of, ami to.e'ci '
already had in stock, makes this the i
Come and see. We do not mim
Everything looks auspicious for it
gala day at 1'ortland this Thursday,
Mood Kiver day at the Louis and
Clark exposition. The bushier
houses will close their doors, the pub
lic schools will take a recess, and ev
erybody is liuying tickets for tho big
With Koswcll Shelley as marshal of
Ilia day, the Hood Kiver pnriulu will
lorin at the Union Depot and march
up Sixth street to Washington, i roni
i l ore the parade will go down Wash
ington to Third, up Third to Mori I
on, up Morrison to Sixth, npSi!h
at Yamhill, down Yamhill to I ,ra,
down hirst to Wuxhintgon, whom t';c
parade will disband and the pc.i ic
take cars for t lie exposition grounds.
A striking feature of the parnde will
be a seven year-old Hood Kiw r apple
Ireo loaded with big red fruit. I he
tree was donated for the occasion ly
I'hiis Dethman. The tree, tort i and
.ill, was brought to town 'I uesdiiy,
mid yesterday was taken to l inllaiul
iiccouipiiuied by I'lnnk ('handler.
.Mining r Talbot ol the Kignlntor line
kindly transported the exhibit to
I'ortlainl free of chaige.
On arriving at I'm tin in! the tree will
bo loaded onto a li;igo ant oiimbilo,
and will head the up the .1 recti s
and out to the epo.,ilioii, where it
will occupy a prominent part in tho
agricultural exercises of the day.
1 here are six or seven boxes of big red
I otroit apples ou the tree, and that
this original and unique display Mill
create a sensation at the fair goes
without saying. It mil boa sample ol
Ihe real thing, and an iiiinionsn thaw
ing card for liood liiver.
The school children will be taken
through the streets In largo wagon
ettes, and w ill also ast-ist in the l:gri
cultural exercises.
The exposition grounds will be
Hooded w ith cauls inviting the gen
end public to call at the Wasco count j
booth for a Hood liiver apple, lint
ty three boxes of nice Snow appli i
were purchased for the occasion Iron.
Mr. Knowlos, ami the following far
mers donated l'.l boxes of apples and
pears as follows :
One box each id apples by ,1. 1.
Miller, U. K. Harbison, i'oter Alohr,
(. K. Alarkhuin, Mrs. M. K. Swigart.
.1, .1. Jordan, ,1. ,1. (.iibbons, Join
Cnstnor, H. It. Tucker, W. i'ike, J.
A. Knight, I rank t haiullor 1 ; twi
boxoa of pears by R V. Angus, am!
one each by S. R Hlvtho and J. L.
James Lucy will have some I! tie
Ihiidwins ou exhibit, and a seven foot
growth of a young Spit7onborg tree.
Herbert (inlligan will exhibit a yoiwg
Spitenberg loaded with apples.
W". 11. Verrry, a newspaper man of
liclllugham, uns in Hood Kiver the
I' lest of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. W.
II. f erry. Mr. ferry is on his way
lo San l rancisi'o mid l.os Angeles,
where he has been oil ered positions in
the circulation ill at hr.cnts of the
l uge city dailies.
Tho entertainment at theCongre
gatio al church I'liCMlay evening was
enjojcil l y all ho were there. The
recitations and inipeociiat ions ol
Miss Trevitte were a literary treat
seldom enjoyed ii Hood iiiier, and
it is hoped the noted visitor may Mini
it convenient lo iituin at some Inl
ine time. 1
Cornli 'I'I.iIih I' i i,-'i It'ii l)' A iiN
Nil In re.
Medicines licit aid raMPc are always ,
oust ell, 'dual. C'haliiU r ains Coliihi 1
homoily acts mi this p'an. It allays.
I lie cough, relievos the lungs' aids i -pccioiMtioti,
n4-ns the si cri l ions, an I
aids uaMiiv in restoiing the ssl iu t , a
healthy condition. Sold by illiana
River's Ba:
WV liavo just received our F;ili ma1 '''iiiii-i- line of
dim t from tin' !i ; i ' 1 1 n li- in;n h 1 oi f!a
(lsi;;in arc the la and the aa- aa :
compl -le one. We have ail i
find our nYes are wit hin the r ah
then .
Ladies' r:
SiYC s o f-
Vi'e have ivit'n'ii the la rev ha',!
over our dry pioils depart a. .-at. aa
moved our I.adl'io1 Tni.ior-zr.r.'o
Coats and J aol-icta up th-ie. i!
have plenty of r-; aa to I ry oa. :. in! a:
lent lieht, to examine I heui !iy.
We have t he !a i-; e:a a'nl r. ; 1 -.
assortment of Ladies' 'iv.'Jov
Suits, Ladion', ITrrHc- "-d ' i'-
have on l
- I
ay a iiae of IT'
i vera" eanna'
i ! a" i - v. a
aa, i he e;
! I aal of ai
,: i a : a ;a a t
Home o. Lx;-v
6' a
ii-s Sfeihi hi, .'.',i"i.ii (:'
is near I i top ol Urn li -I. i
t l ict ill 1 ic l'oi I land .Join
test to di.ti I'm '.'hi v. Iioin oi
ladies of, s h:.!) I'tL,
this w icii r l liauaii. A
1 tho J'i-jI 1 1 ;:iit. tl.o x nt'1
tric-t i : Mi Ki'..'i!
I Tho I) li. 17..VJ; s j.;
of I he i 1 1 1 . i o cit '. , i o, ! I' 1 ;
Ilichiin . -on o!' I ! . ".. i I i . . i ,
Mi -s Kiclr id,- '., i c!
pn.-l.oi!, co I : r, I a. i i
miring a , n I : v I., i.'l .
CHIl to M :' 1 ': .1. : ho M ','1 1
trip t lo' ,' idi. l.';nd I i ,
Jour id !ur ! rt iciih-ih in
conle: t. a r o c:.,di c ;' 1.1
it for M, i . K' lur .!-,.: .
i: c,l.
At WI do at'l!i:oi:, .an.
ber 'Si, i i.-iii y . .' , 1 . 1 1 . . . i , . .
Johnson was i nt n ' o a
resided m ar W i.e i .
years. I ;, v a:, a pi o.. i in i. .
He li ut - a ib' i ' i i
Iioin 1 1, a 1 1 .- i i i i.l .i '
lie n4 i P'ii l.!.l '.,!.-' , .
from a ai ,o i io -o ' . ;
vices in . i i, ml in ! . i ; ; r
' In li.,1 I.iM'r, ih,..-. " , a; -. M. A I..-;,
ycalh. I trio; d M'i '
dueled lii'l ty ;o i 11 :i b
i.-t llai'd-..:.i i m tl.,' a'., ia .
1 nlei n,.-!it mil ii id li' s
her fills i ii I in Idle dd c
Mis. II . . i' ld. !
in Hi id ,-i! . mill, .Mo. ,
en i i' a , did in I o 1 . i :.
pi H id. ii. -.,1, and : i ' , ,'.
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i: ; ' ! i i ! . t -I to jo.-
:'. ';';..!; . n.-i v- I II begin oil
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'. a'', Si'voi t, :elh-
.. t-i a id lo I'd r, director
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, ,', . I .! 1 ill. ii'.!' I he IP'CI'S-
i. ;:i.i me cindidvnt the
, : I - ..'. i ' i ,.,!!;. iillv sillTI-ss-
X 'o-i ,. am il Apr.lrs. (,'nnv.
. ' ' oi : , r. 1 wile of this
1 : t . f ''iie oi t he lead ing
' 1 1. , I- :, niontli, the
. -,- ; ..a- up. :
a. ' . .'I,,:.' I '.) fatr.ot'.H Or-
!!' i Imr.i.s.
'I:- l"o Mis. M. A.
i i.!, ill, many friend"
, .!!.( and Kind ! vin-':i,.,s-
and ilonlii of
!'s .i verv I ;,.: 1'i'oct on jour sys- i
ai". It t!if.Td-.'rs yi.ur stomach
"i,,! .Vfc.titc npiviratus, taints your
"'-I ' ('.r-."i c. nst, with
a!l lis a.ulul Ills.
it i
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a .' a, r.
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a :i, " "ti;..;!, m.ii.iri.i, chills t
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a a i-airl:;,! :,t .1 . u!e, fJ
'..' '..I'i' i:: a'aiio, vtlikll eases M
i : t Druggists, p
-r.tO I-j ci:-ckholder3
; -r- of .he
1 A:-'ls:, ; s
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1 1'
vt- ch
H ItliilT
a ti. N:,'
I ;. r.
ii ii w "-ii
"S aJ
Wood For Sale
All Kinds at Lowest
Market Price.
from pt del ivery, phone. M UITIf Kajr.
For Sale
for hale-rigs. B. F. Lamar.
For Sale Two nillch cows. Apply to J. L.
iiersnuer. oiv
For Hale lUllan prune, one cent a pound
lii llvi-ri'il In town; less If sold In the orchard.
Phone Kiiraiem tMxl, Twin Ualii Farm. 06
l oKl-Hcvpn-weekH-old Poland China pig; es
CHp,.(l from pen. Return to C. P. Heiurloha
for reward. 012
Wanted To exchange one good Hi wagon
ior woou or uay. morgan ttrua. oiz
For Hale-Hay and 4-foot wood at J. W.
mr Ksle-;iO giinny sacks, at J. W. Jenkins'
jy r rank toaauurg. olz
For Hule-Plra and a amall band of Angora
goals oy ueo. ttorueu. on
For 8a Ih or Trade One hravy wagon; will
,,,,..u .... u.i.g iumuiuci nyyij , ,
W. Hiroug, Udell. 012
For Sale We have some rood youna horses.
suitable fur farming, for aale cheap. Trmnaf er A
lavery ia). 00
For Sale cheap-Two lane safes, a-ood as new,
We don't need them now, as we have a vault. Call
un or write IMvidHon f ruit Uo. a21
For Sale One bay team and harneaa, wt 2300
lbs.: guaranteed to be true and sound. One Mn.
wagon bitted with bolster springs; one 2-horse
spring tooth cultivator; one TJesMoinee incubator
and brooder, 2u capacity. All articles almost
good as new. Call on or phone me. Earl Prmther.
For Sale Number of nice young Plymouth
KiK-k cnickuns. Mrs. j. n. Shoemaker. 06
ForKnle one pe Laval cream separator,
neurly new; eiipudty 8K) pounds per hour.
iso io neHu 01 pure jeraey cowa, Clieap. A
It. Uyrkelt. a28
For Male Hiown leghorn roosters, tl each II
soiu oy sept. su. Mrs. h. u. Youug, Odell.
For Sale Two good milch cows. Prlee H0
itch. Imiulrc of D. O. Hatre, Underwood,
VVUsll. iui
For Sale Two Jersey cows and ouel'ollu
ger. Iniilr,' .. lmiiT, Mount Hood, Or. s'il
For Si .;e iui, M'ated rig. or jou insy cal
ItalUnt di livery waa-iui, will be sold very
cheap, as we lisve no room to keep it. Will
take wood or Uay lu exchange; price $16.00.
iuii'k 101 u siiore. i-M
t ui nnii rim-vn Ki-ir-n I ii nil , u II I ill firuv fii;
will (MiiirHfL to Wear Kttintj If purchawr tle-
muTrs 1. , Aii)Jiln. H'U
For Snlo IIoukp Hnd two loin on the hilt foi
Knlf. Hoiisii tH 24x'!4 with kltclinn lxl'J; hIso
chicken lol nnU hoiiN. ljts 60x100; price,
lotit- fnH I i hoy on btiliintr i UU wih
Irihli'iin itirm machinery mid Mock, or luke
sunt tiow u iiiiu 510 iht month, inquire ol c.
v . riirMHii or hi iittriwig b oince. e-iaii
For Kale 40 acres flrHt-claxs fruit land: un
c it-fired. Price, clioup for citah. J. A. Wilson
Kor Stile Ten, 20 or 80 acres; apple and
t-mvi-j; H cumeu; uuuer uiivn, u. eilllimn
ii. F. 1). no. 1. n28
For mile. 30 ncron of fine orchard land ad
JoinlDK new county road; all under ditch; S
m TtH clenred; will take contract to clear part
ol 'land it 'contractor pes i ret. Call on or write
A. hWiillor, K. b. D. No. 1. ocl5
For Halo -Fifteen acres of tlrnt-claf apple
and berry liuid;iood well, large bam; 4 miles
Hani Hood Kiver on K. F. 1. No. 2. Will aell
on ; liacta II 'deal red For terms call on
ir tiiiuress U.C. McK.umey. h26
For Sale Heat bargain In the world. Ten
iii res. live inlleK out, partly rleared, small or
i'IiiuiI, I'.m trees In liurNcry to be set out; spring
un plae. ; on main ditch: two small houses
Terms, ISSIft; (M7,'i down. Kalph Keed, liood
oivi'r,ur,'giiii. alii
For Sale Five aeres Irrigated land 2' miles
west of trrlgonj iu In lateral wllhlnS rodsot
Itiiiee: :iii cash, balance $:K10 In yrarly pay
mruta. Uerald It. Wood, Oem, Idaho, lio
In the County Court of the State of Oregon, for
v uhi-o county.
In the matter of the estate of Roba J. Tucker.
Notice is hereby given that the undersigned
hits been appointed administrator of the estate of
Ki,!a J. Tucker, deceased, by the County Court of
Wasco county, Oregon.
All persons having claims against said estate
are hereby notified to present the same, duly veri
lied, at the office of E. H. Hartwix, in the city of
Hood liiver. Oregon, within six (6) months from
Ihe date of this notice, JOHN H. FHARY,
Dated Sept. 14. 1H05. Administrator.
E. H. Ilartwiit, Attorney Bl4-ol2
Department of the Interior, Land Office at The
Unites, Oregon. September 8, 1906: -Notice is
hereby given that the following named settler has
tiled notice of her intention to make final proof in
support f his claim, and that said proof will be
muiie liefore the Register and Receiver at The
Halles, Oregon, on October 16, 1306, vis: Mary
liiggs. widow of Douglas Riggs. of Mount Hood,
Oregon, on H E. No. 7919. for the SE'i of Section
7. I p. 1 South, Range 10 E., W. M.
She names the following witnesses to pravs her
conlinuous residence upon and cultivation of said
land, viz: W. S. dribble, Robert Leasure and
Henry Thomas, of Mount Hood, Oregon, and Mat
tie Richmond, of Hood River. Oregon.
slloia MICHAEL, T. NOLAN, Register.
i" "nit,D, me un urn. ire-
iron, Sept. l'J, liMft-Notlce la hereby (riven
nun ni luiiunuiK-iiniiifu rwnier nag n leu tut
tu e of ti Ih InU'iiHon U make flnnl broiil In
miihh-i ui dim t'laiiii. hiiu mat kuiu proir will
llie Dul Km, Oregon, on November Ut, lWir, vix
ol Mnler, orejjron. on H. K. No. 137:, for the
He iiHincfi the following wltnewpa to prove
1 1 i u oi. li I I ii II.. lid nisl,loi j . .
i-nimiitv IJJ11II HIIU CUIllVti
Hon oi h. iHi.d.viz.: i barleK I'rHllmr, Frank
sturuisH, Ketse I'mthur und KiiHsell HuKkey,
idl of Mosier, Oregon.
s-MnJ.( MICHAKL T. NOLAN, lleglter.
Notice Is hereby given that the Board of
lijicctors ,,f the llisiit Kiver Irrigation Ills,
ii n l in Wasco county, Oregon, will sail the
bonds of sillil district In Hie sum of JiklMlOU
un 1 ufsilav, Hie tilth day of October, UK at
it,,. l,.ir ,,r in ',.i. u.i, .. ' :
'--, , , "- nt ulc iiikiw oi
sulci Hoard of Directors ni ihe residence of
... ., .-..-., in aitiu district, ana that
si'Hled proposals for snld bonds will be re
vive,l by snld board at wild place for the
. ui chase of said bonds until the day Bad
imiir above mentioned, at which time the
iii'iii'd shall open the proposals and awsrd
Hie piiicbiuie ol the bonds to the highest re--I
onsible bidder, the board reserving the
i mhi to reject imy anil all bids, bids to lie ac
iiimpiinlcil by a certified check for lu per
cent ol the amount of the bonds for which the
hid s submitted.
snl.t bonds shall be payable In money of
the United states, In 10 series, aa follows to
wit: At Hie expiration of eleven years, five
per cent ol Hie whole number of said bonds
:il the expiration of twelve years, six per
cent; at the expiration ol thirteen years
seven per cent; al the expiration of fourteen
vi-urs, eight per cent; at the expiration ol
linen years, nine percent; at the expiration
oi si x ic n years, ten per iei.l;at tbeexpirallon
oi seventeen years, eleven per cent: at the
vxpinuion of eighteen years, thirteen tie,
cent; at t lie expiration nineteen years, rlfleen
K'i i-enl; al lite expiration of twenty years
sixteen percent; and shall bear Interest ai'
l lie rate ol six s r cenl in-r annum, payable
semiannually, on Ihe first dav of January
ami July ol cadi year. The principal and In.
t. rcst "hull he payable at III place designated
m the bonds and bidders are given the?ption
; - twjauie ai I'ortiaud in
I ne stale ot Oregon, or In the ctt of New
ork In the Ktnte of New York, and said
hol ds w ill lie Issued in accordance with the
el-ciion of the successful bidders. Hald bonds
shall be each oflhe ilenomlnalion or not less
Hum !UI and imt more thi.n t,VK aud shall
t,e negotiable in form and coupons for the lu
.. n st shell be attached lo each and sigued bv
l he son t try. J
listed at liood Klver, Oregon, this 19th dav
of s.epleinlH-r, l'JO... J. H. SHOKMAKKK "
Se rctary.
f larke's Cough ElTxIr
will cure that cough Trice i only 25c.
Big Sale of Land.
Po you want a ten acre tract of flrst-elass
strawberry or fruit laud at a bargain? If so
examine Hie M. B. Poller fsrm near city of
Hootl Kiver. ll.i acres. Juat placed on the
liiarkel to be sold In lots to suit, fall ,t ..
farm or any real estate firm In Hood River
3j IW 13th street, fort land
Real Estate
C8 acres in section 6, township 2
north, 11 east; f3000.
Two nice lots and cottages, centrally
located, for sale on the int-tallment iilan.
Lot 11, Spangler's addition, 200.
4 room cottage. East 45 by 150 feet of
Lot 2 block 9, Parkhurst, fl050; $750
House and two lots in Barrett-fcipma
addition. $700.
40 acres at Mount Hood for sule, run
ning $25 an acre. On the eoBtity road
opposite Baldwin's.
Fine business lot on main street for
$ltK) on installment, or $1500 cash.
6 acres at Belmont, ti acres in cul
tivation, cottage and outbuildings, 150
apple trees, 2 acres strawberries, 2 acres
alfalfa, $1300; $750 or more cash.
New B-roomed cottage, patent bath
and closet, four lots, 3 blocks from depot,
center of town, $2100; terms reasonable.
Two lots centrally located, $550.
Two lots, new ti-roomed house, patent
bath and closet, 3 blocks from depot,
center of town, $1700.
Two-story 8-roomed cottage, lot 70 by
140. on the hill, $1200; terms reasonable.
For Sale 9000 acres pine timlier; 1
saw mill, cuts 20,000 per day ; 1 pinning
mill, capacity 30,000 feet per day; 1
store ana stock of merchandise, alxiut
$3,500; 1 hotel and contents; 1 Baloon
building, rented; 3 houses, rented; 10
head horses and harness ; 9 road wag
ons, 3 H: 1 logging truck; 5 pair
sleighs; 30 head cattle; 50 head hogs;
600 feet lumber; 2000 cords wood. All
located at and near liilgard, Or.
For Sale New two-story 9-room
house; Stranalian addition ; $1100; terms
14 acres across the road from tho M.
VI. Davenport residence. $00 per acre.
Terms easy.
A 40 acre tract, unimproved, some
free irrigating water, 1J miles from Bar
rett school house, $1,100.
Hanna house and lot, $2,000.
For Sale The Henderson ranch, for
merly owned by J. R. Galligan ; 60 acre.
30 cleared; orchard; strawberries;
clover and timothy ; well irrigated ;lttrge
2-story mansion, new barn; all fenced.
Price $10,000. Brook runs through ranch.
Kasy terms; telephone; rural delivery.
Four miles from Hood Hiver.
One goat ranch on mountain east
of valley on county road. Price $1,500;
has small house, running water, and is
fenced. Terms, easy.
For Sale Beautiful lots in Park addi
tion, center of town, from $200 to $:!00.
8. 160 acres at White Salmon; tine
timber land ; $10 an acre.
9. The b-acre place in Crappcr neigh
borhood, known as the Kenshaw place;
all improved; new buildings, etc.
Lots 10, 11, 12, block 5, Waucoma ad
dition; improved; price $1,000; )4 or
more cash, balance, 1 year, 8 per cent.
Small house and lot on bill to rent, $24
a year; two vacant lots with privilege of
purchase $20 a year for the two.
For Sale Kesidence on State street at
head of Front; $2,500, including 3 lots.
For Sale or Exchange for Hood liiver
property Fine residence in business
center of Sumpter.
Money to loan.
Ten acres improved, on White Sal
mon river; $1000.
21 a. at Frankton; improved; $2200.
First-class Surveying Outfit
At the Emporium are kept 2 iirst-class
transits and solar attachments, and the
proprietor, a practical surveyor, is pre
pared to do the work of laying out acre
age property in lots and blocks, and do
ing all kinds of surveying and platting.
City Engineer.
Rooms To Rent
For Rent Two houses on 1'nrHdise Farm:
f 10 and l, respectively, per month; tree wa
ter. Apply to hr. Adams. nil
Furnished bouse. In ('runner district, free to
reliable party who will look alter the nhice
and three cats during the winter.
si4 tr i.oulse (toililiird.
Wanted-To trade Jersey cow for hav. In
quire U. W. Smith, II. K. 1). No. 2. oiu
Wanted At once. Kirl to do housework.
Mrs. L. N. Ulowers. ,6
Wanted A young farmer with wife and no
children wants a place to care for farm with ev
ening furnished. Good references. Address Gla
cier. O,)
Wanted (Jlrl for general housework. Ap
ply at the Hood Klver hospital. s'Jii
Wanted Tenant for ter.n of years for good
fruit and dairy farm. Liberal counsel to
giaid man. Address ,1 , tjtucicr ollli-e. s'is
Wanted-A second bund Imv baler. Ad
dress P. T. Klnley, Underwood, Wash. s21
Wanted Place for lft-year-old boy to work
tor Ills board while attending school. Inquire
of Miss UiuraCtsiuer. sit
Wanted-A young girl to help with general
housework. Mrs. 0. 11. Sletten. s21
Wanted Wouinn who Is first-elnss cook at
Young's confectionery and oyster parlors, sil
lost On road between Wlllards and Drnno
on Little White Kalnioii river, a wutch unit
cnain. r inner please tunny A. II. Kichmond
Room 419 Mohawk Hldg., llirthuid.Or.
T.OH1 ItetU-een tnu-n mt.l hn., 1.. ..!,.,..
containing money; also cards w Hi nitn.e
, i,r,i-, ii ,m .itis, unifies riming, ivciurn toe..
tl. niicflHI ll.
1 u( I a , aa In.Lm , '. . .
' jim ri, s, nor woe re on tne rtsl
Side between Heulah Land and Hans Liige a
K'w. i.eiui u ui utucier ottice. sat
IaisI Kye glasses.
Return to Johu Leland
Ixtst Ijldles' willeh U'pilnMilni' .1 i,n,i ih
Return o A. J. Flood. ' ' . te'l
Ixwt, lady's small silver open-face watch,
Ith black silk fob. near dcoot. Kinder i ,
ralnrn to Mtss 1'isile. i.iii
Konnd. .1 jidv'. A,itl,Ai l..n,ii,.... -
... j .. , , ,,,,,.K. ,,,, t-r
can have same by culling ut this office and
tj ,u( .... u. kjs.
Found Purse Contailiimr mm or rtw,,...v
Owner can have same at Ulacier oitlce liv
proving pniK-rty and paying for lhis,ad. ttl
Feliows halat Odell Thanksgiving night.1
m. ameron,
06 A. T. Dodge.
Wood choppers wanted
Ahnul lllntHanru .Uvl ,An, . ... ..
...... ,vllL, f.M,L H'ligui,
sun) out and lis, Is furnisheil :n. miiu .,
ooKaslHtde. t'KKSt KNT l-'ltl'i r iv ..t
Hood River Directory.
Th. ClIaAtA- A 1 ....... , , ...
.7 . """""j mam ntver city
and valley and map; showing lis-ation of
farms, with owners' names, location of
treami and county roads, is now ready for
distribution. Price 1.00. Ulacier, Jloud
River, Oregon, '
i - C