The Hood River glacier. (Hood River, Or.) 1889-1933, September 28, 1905, Image 1

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1 i n
- I
t 1
t . -e : I ,
V ft
8 i
Nc 3 1
liOOli KIVKIt l.i H i-K NO. l(d, A. K. and A.
M. Meets tsm in . . evening on or before
CUch lull MMMIIl. 1 IUMAN 1)1 IT1.KK, W. M.
A.D. Ml'K, tSL-ITflMl'J .
11(101) im Kit i II Al'i Kit NO. 57. It. A. M
.Meets Hist mel tln.d Friday ninliisof each
llll'llUl. K.CHAKM.KB, H.F.
A. 1). Mob, Secretary.
HOOP It IV Kit (11A1'T1- K NO.Sn, O. K.
Mects scond nil. I lourlti Tuesday evening
ol each month. Visitors cordially welcomed.
MlW, J, I,. HKIlsliSEIl, W. M.
Mils. Tiikiiksa ('ASTNiiii, Secretary.
Illl.KWll.JiK I.OIKiE NO. 107, 1. O. O. K.
Meeis in Kruierniil lill, every Thursday
infill. W.masuiii,N, U,
II. ('. HMITH. Mecri'lliry
U.'iiiilar meeting second and fourth Mondays
(reach liioulli. L. K. MuKSK, C. 1".
II H. Kktkk an, Scribe.
I.Al'Klil. IiKllliKAIl DKIillKK l.OlKiK.NO.
M, I. o. o. K.-Meets llrst unU llilrd Krtduyi
111 eacll inulltll.
Mas. K. VV. Udki.i., N. O.
Mill' Doha Thomson, sieeretury.
WAIVOMA Ullitik; NO. 30, K. OK 1
Ateels iu K. ol 1'. bull every 1 uesdny n glit.
V. U. lill(l( K, C. 0.
H. T. DkWitt, K. ot R. and S.
Hoop KIVKIt i:AMl', NO. 7.7UJ, M. VV: A.
Meits i" v. oi 1'. Iih.I every Wednesday
nielli. t'UAs. Junks, V. C.
V. li. I'AKiN, Clerk.
i'lOoi7l;iVi:.( CAM!', NO.-70, W. O. W
.Mei is on In -I . an.i mini Tuesday ot each
liioulli In cuil fellows Hall.
t. II. Ill.AUO, U. C.
II. W. V. 1 1 . 1 it?: k.
until) HIV 1 H I Hit l l'i Nll.621, WOMKN OK
Woouci.iii .Mivls.u K. "I t". nail on Hie
li -i mcl 'I hud I' ' inn ol each mouth.
l or VIi', U. N,
V. VV . Mi'IlF.y h is, i.'.ork.
UlVI'.l'SIPt, l.OllllKNO. Mt A. O. u. w.
Meet!, lnsl i.i".i ti.nn Satin iliiys r each
nmnih. C. K. l.nlTI.K, M. VV.
i:, H. ItitAM.rv, Kl'cinc it
( iiksi i;k ."ill t l.. H ot. .:,
I'I-K!PK M.POi., Ml. 4U, llialKKK OK
IIi.iioi, A. .. U. V. .-Aiee llll fci.U lhll '1
,-.!ilt'iui';. ut 'r p. n'..
A. .., i OIIA Col'l'I.U, C. (Il II.
Mlt'Ali!r!KU'l'l I.K. i;i:(oiuei.
ZiO't Iti"' V..-iilNti'!ON IIOOK 111 V EH
l:i.ii.nK... IK-el.ei !! ii. ol i'. hall Ihe
,,l.i ;il,.l iol.i i l-.n in i; - in i-;ich moll 111
in ;:.,) j.. iii. I. i.. ivooii, I'lvmucut.
(.'.l.i W I ', S' I'!'! iM.V.
(TTT.7.', A-i .-.l i.l Ml. 1(0, U.MJT.P AKT-l-iu;i.
- .'.iiil a.i-M.. 1. 1 nl tit II (I Weill. (-I.IH-,
Willi,: ..!,. u ..lid lllllllll Wi diic-idiiv h'' (jiii l . ). il. KoliliiKO, M. A.
L. II. lii.Mili 11, l.ti-l'i lal.
loUKT H(iuPlili:ilNO. -12, FOKI'XTKIW
ol A m i i.ii.-Mii'U m ml hikI Ion i ill iiim-
Uais in eacii ni'ui li In K. ol 1'. hall.
UKo. KoX, I', 11.
K. V. Hiiosil-s, I . ('.
CANIiV I 'Oh I', Ml. Hi.O. A. K.-.MKKW AT
A. O.K. V.. imli, mvoiiiI mid IDiaili Salur
diiof each inonili ill 2 o'clock n. ni. All
U. A. K. imliili.ia invile.l lo unci with n.
A, I,, 1'HKi.r.i, Commander.
Thomas (..iovi, A.ijuiunl.
anil linn lb hitluritio h ol chcIi .Monlli lu A.
. I . . hi.ii hi :. i. in.
I .i.i,i;.n lii.owiiiw, 1'iesliii nl.
1.1.ZIK lilK, !-i-i iviniy
MOUNTAIN llOMI-. CAMl No.34 iil, It. N. A.
Alei ts a I ihe K. ol I'. Hull on Uie second and
liiurlh Kildajsol each niolllll.
.MRS. I'ahkik II in is 1 1 'H, O.
iliw. Kl.l.A 1 UK l N, Hi colder.
Vjtsa 'Ikmfi.k No. o. llmhhonp sworn.
Aireis Kecon , and louiili T'luixlayit ol' each
liioulli. AMANHA Vl liri'KIIKAIl, il.K.C.
M tl.LA Hll'll AlillMlS, M. ol It. 6i V.
J. F. WATT, M. D.
Telephones: Ollli e, M; residence, 811.
Hl.MCIKON O. It. iV N. L'o.
Physician and Surgeon.
Ollices ami llesiilence In K. K. Sniltli liulldlng
OverKir.l Ni t. liuiik. Julraiice, rear
ol hiii.k, on i'lnrd St.
I'lume ;lll.
Sucn'sir to r. M. 1'". Slmw.
Oil Ik ininil ly ihimv.i .-d in town or country,
1 'a o:' Ni,ht.
IVii'iilioiio: Kt'vM.-mv, ill: tJlllcc, til;l.
Ollict! It) tlH' lil'J.sUIS liulliiiu.
Physician and Surgeon
Ollicc uvur I liu Hret Naliunul bunk.
Ollli e phone 14:i;l. lies, phone 7HX I ,
M. F. SHAW, M. D.
t)llice in Jackson Block.
Ollice plioiie, No. 1-171. Kcstdcnce, No, ,M):i.
Dit. U. 0. DEPUTY,
Ciradnale of iho Anioricnn ScIhm1 u
of Kirksv lie, Ain., iii'irt's lo tinnoiinrc to the
(.'ili'-iiMil' Uo.m lUviT hihI aiij;icfnt muntry
thai tie iias loi'ii ifd in Itnoih a una 6, isetumi
tslory ol tin .snnin tiuilUintc, tor the practice
(li ( t,1l'0Httl .
iif win belad lo mwit t lie frlfiids of thin
druaWsn si inn.v, ami e.sptfiully ttie hopelft-s-
JV HH-it.
Couif In and talk with him.
Consultation Free.
Smith Mock. IMione 9i
Specialist on Crown and Hi idge Work.
Telephones: olue-', '2s;i; residence, KW5.
Olllco over I'.ank Iildg. Hood lliver, ore.
Is prcpur it to lo i.ny woi k in the veterin
ary tine. He can bv iouua by CrtlliiiK ut or
phoning lo . iui III t at More.
Wril I'nuiiiv in All Court.
Urttce wim utw. i). iuiIk'Umiu dc lo. O i
le Jtious, Ahti tic-i, iXilk luent of hlattit.
or 28 ti iii ruldcnt o( Oreton and WmIv
incton u hi-d mny yeM experience In
I nl I'KtHie miier. M btrctor, ierclier ol
titien nd eiit. btilsction turnil of
Lo (barge.
AbitrcU Furnished. Money Loaned.
Hood Kiver, Oregon.
C. BR0SITJ8, M. D. .
'Phone Central, or 121.
Offic Hour.: 10 to 11 A. M.j t to I
md 6 to 7 P. M.
Arrival ami Departure of Mails.
The poxtnfllce Iwopen dully between 8 a. ni.
flndM p. ni.;Htinday Iroin 12 lo 1 o'clock. MhiIk
lor the Kast close at U.'JU h. in,, H.2U p. in. mid
p. in.; for the West, at 2.) p. ni. mid p. m.
The carriers on K. K. P. routes No. 1 and t
lenve the poslortiee at 8.30 a. m. Mall leaven
For ML Hood, dally at 12 in.; arrive! 10.20
a. in.
For Underwood, Waah., at 12 tn Tuesdaya,
Thumduys and HuturdayH; arrived sameday
at II a. in.
For White Salmon, Wash., dally at 12 m.;
arrive at 11 a. m.
For Hood lliver, dully at 9 a. ni.; arrive at
2 p. m.
For Iltmuni, Trout Kake and tinier, Waah.,
dally at 7. an a. in.; arrives 5 p. m.
For Ulenwood, Fulda and (lllmer, Wash.,
dally nt 7..10 a. m.; arrives at h p. ni.
For 1'Iiih Flat and Snowdeii, Wash., at I p.
m. Tuesdays and Saturdays: arrives aame
days at 12 in.
For liliiKi'ii, dully at 4.4) p. in.; arrlv. s at
8.46 a. in.
O. li. & N. TIME TABLE.
East bound
No. 2, Chicago Sneclal, 11:4.1 a. m.
No. 4, Mnokane Flyer, 8:40 n. ni.
No. H, Mall and Kxpress, 10:40 p. m.
No. 24, Way Freittbt, 12:1S p. m.
No. 22. Fast Frel(!lit, 4:05 a, m.
West bound
No. 1, Portland Special. 2:50 p. m.
No. 3, Portland Flyer, 5::i a. m.
No. 5, Mail and Kxpress, 4:48 a. in.
No. 2:t, Way Frelxlit, 9:25 a. in.
No. 5n, Kiimi FrelKht. 1:U p. ni.
i fi.-y
AND Union Pacific
3 Trains to the East Daily
Tliiouch Pullniiin slaudnrds and tourist
sleoiilnir curs dully to oinnhu. Chlcoiro, Sh
ksne; tourlit steeplmr cars dally to Kansas
City: tlirotmli I'ullutnn lourlst sleeplntf car
nersonsnlly condncled) weekly to Chicago,
HoclltlhiK chair cars tseala free) to the East
T E't
DfAT PortUnd. Or.
rhlcsifo Pnlt Lake, Denver, 6:28p.m.
forlland Ft. Worth, Omaha,
Rpeclal I Kaunas City, Ht.
(:16 a.m. I Ixiuii.Cblcanoand
via taut.
" i
Atlantis Bait Lake, Denver, 1:00a.m.
Express Ft. Worth, Omaha,
1:1 p.m. Kansas Uty, St.
via Ixnis,rhlcagoaud
Huntington, haul.
Walla Walla, Lewis
fit rnl ton, Sikane,Val- I:16a. m
Fast Mall . lace, I'ullinnn,
6;lfip. m. MiiiiienM)lis, St.
via Paul, Uuluth, Mil-
Bpokana waukee, Chicago
and East.
River ScKedulo.
I-Olt aSTOIilA and 8:01 P. M
way points. connccihiKl Pnllv
with steamer fo- II lie .1 ex'-ept
and Norlh Heschsie-on-l Snmhi.v,
er Hnssalo, Ash si ri i i ! iiiiinlji v.
dock I water per.) i ):) I'. M
I'Olt Piivton. o- n'-:00 A. M
City and Yiinilill1 i:,v ! lintlv
er points. Ah hlireii excepi
dock (water pel .) Siriday.
I'Olt 1.KW ISTON,4:C0 A. M
Iiltlllo, slid Wrt.v jMiluts, MiuiMnv,
from Itlliarla, Wiish. Weiln'ii'y
i Friday.
5:00 P. M.
5:: 1'. M.
(Icin ral I'asseiiKer Aifent, I'oitlund, Or.
F. S SMITI I, A Kent, Hood Itlver.
...Barber Parlors...
The place to get an easy
hi i m ve and first-class hair cut.
Our shop is metropolitan in
every respect.
Porcelain Baths in Connection
Building Brick
For Sale at the
Crown and Bridge Work.
Teeth Without Plates.
Treatment of diseased teeth and gums.
Office Hrosius.ISuildinif. Phone lOtil.
W. A. Morgan & CO.
Sweriumn to (Ixnyrr A llttrtlry
Heavy and Light Draying
and Team Work, etc.
Phone 1421. HOOD RIVER, OR.
I'iione 1413
Mi? s-pii
Pres. Vlce-Prea. Cashier.
The First National BanK
Capital and Surplus, $30,000.
Established June 1. 1W4.
P. M. Hall-Lewis & Co.
Civil Engineers & Suryeyors
Sixteen years' actual experience In New
York, San Francisco ard Portland enables us
to oiler Ihe latest ideas In style, finish and
economic construction. We submit sketches
and prell Inary specifications for dwellings,
hotels, Bchools, churches, mills and business
blocks on short notice, subject lo approval.
Satisfaction guaranteed.
Davidson bldg. HOOO HI YER, ORE.
Civil Engineer and Surveyor
Accuracy guaranteed. Twelve years'
exierience on some of the bert Ameri
can railroads. Consultation free.
Of 26 year' experience. Will fur
nish plans and epeciflrationa for all
kinds of building. Strictly up to date.
Located at Hood River.
ArcMtects, BoUflliiE Contraciors
We are prppared to mnke plwns for up-to-date
building, him! handle nil Kinds of tutild
riK contract. Ste ut betVtre huHdliipe.
Contractors and
and Builders
Plami amd Estimates FoaKisniD.
Developed Water Power
fur sale. Purties desiring mvo inr
nuttiufactuiinir purposes will tio well to
wrile lo irui.
and Builders
Estimates fiiruisheil on all kinds of work
I'l l iiiiiu- Arnold, Main M.
i Id HP S. K.ederlck.
Architects and Builders.
Ilrrnrntivc I'.iiniitiir and Paper Hanifiiig
I'l iti" f in, lulled. Estimates care
fully made.
1 1001) RIVER, OREGON.
Flue nt'il Fireplace Work a Hpeeially.
orMi'Miimville. Oregon, will insure your
protierty at (HI tier cent less cost than
any other institution.
fKAXR J. rt.KHMJS special Ajrent.
Room 7, Vogt building, The Dalles.
Hood River Marble Works
Am prepared to execute
all orders for granite and
marble work, monuments,
tombstones, etc.
Also contract for all kinds
of stone masonry, con
crete, etc.
Four Chairs
Quick and satisfactory work. Two bath
tubs in connection.
Timber and Homestead
I have for loom Ion some choice apple lands
and tl inner clul ma: a I no rrllniUiliiiientH and
land to script. Call on or aililreHK,
Wm. f. hand,
Res. Phone 37fi. Hood River. Ore.
Joseph A. Wilson
Agent for
Wire Wound
Wooden Water Pipe
Teacher of Piano
Will receive piano pupllft at the residence
ofMnt. H. I). Stewart, Hood Kiver. Tenon
reammable. Call afternoon or 'phone i4.
Is hereby Riven to the stockholders of the
Mountain Valley Water Co., that all who are de
linquent on their stuck and do not lay the full
amount due thereon; on or before Sept, 15, 116,
aid stock will be sold for the indebtedness, Spt.
16, 1905, at J. R. Keec' ranch, at Mt. Hood, at the
hour of 2 o'clock, p. m. By order of the board of
directorm. J. L. GKOFF, Sec
OF OKEtio.N FOU Cl'OM'Y ot Sokkv, Pliilntlir
Josik SotsKV, Defcndimt
To Josie Sotsky, dcl'eiiiianl:
In the nsnie of the slate of Oret.ui.
hereby reiUlnil to appear ami an
compiatlit tiled auuinst ymi In O"
tied suit on or before the lasl (lav "i '
prescribed ill the order for lint putu
Ibis summons, to ii: on or b, :nii
day ofOclolier. liu;.. said dale l in i
ati'on of six weeks from the first n:
of this summons; and if you lull mi :
and answer, for want thereof, t,.i' ,
will appl lo ihe court f-ir the re ,,
for in tlie couiplaini, vl.: Kor a
solvliiK the bontisof inatrnnony an
(Mlitiacl now existing between 3 ' ' iJ ;
This summons Is puhlUhe;'. 1 y
Hon. V. I.. Hradshaw, Judslf ol i:
Court for Wasco county, orecm, ;
wss made anil entered on the -Jd o i
trust, l:), and Ihe date ol Ihe iln i I ;
thereof is the :.'llh day of auiiiw. ' '
V Attorney !"" !
se rn.:
tllO Stu'c i
In the I'outy Court of
tor Whsoo county:
In the matter of the Kstitte ol ':'
dtecHn-d, hy Leie Biiller, Kxeei'j'i
Notiee Is lierehy niveu that the i
has duly llleil liis tinal tu'eouut it;a : t
Kxerutor ofthe estate of T. r. !..-
ed, late of Hood Kiver, Orey'i, i
clerk ofthe ( ounty t'ouit of W '" -state
of tfregon; and thai the ) :
eourt tins fixed Kriibiy, the '.-h
lember, A. ! lit-a I 10 o't ltn k a. .
dav, as the time, iiii.l th" t'oimiy c.
In;the t'ouiny four I Houe In I',. .
Waseo eounty. Ktate of Uncoil, i.
lor hearing tnld llnal at'count aii'i i i
persotiH interested iu taiil cstmi- a:
noiitifd toapin'iir at said IMih-h.mi ;
show eituse, il any there he, wiiy ...!
should not in all things tie ailowi i
and approved and ennti l ined, mt i -
lor disa: harmed and his tiohtUint h
'lhai I he order ol "nil C)Uii i Ift- ! !
day of Anmtst, J'.H', and pr-'Vi l'- '
weeks puhheatbni ot the sahl w-t'u .
tive in-ei i.- j s thereof in the lli'.nl l;
eler, tht h , mip of u hleii pitiK T is
:j,lst da ot -1. "list. V.hin.
bated .i. - . it day oi Autrusi, 1 n
' . lil ' : '
I . !' ol the 'state o. i . '
s-8 dt i'ea d,
In the i n y i ,.;.:! ofthe Ht.ilc i.
for iNt o i 'iiin
In t U; ina' tei t Ivtale i ,1 ,
llyket,. .. e.1Sei.
totiee N I t-fell.. ' that Ihe t.n-'.
has tieen tiuiy nttp . i, liy the ' :
of the ,sin;j(i iii , , - ; r ase
m!nisti'or th - ii ,r Hiii v y
dei'iM-s si. .-.II j er u A'Wua e; .
s.'t ni esi - te Mr.' iut- n n iile.l t i ..; - .
Kiine, j rojter! v vr !!. i, i.i the i,
at the i-'irl NhiIoiinI r-uik ir,
ijun, v tthhi six Phiiii.ts Itti.u
this notice.
l)nted Senteinher il, I!1
I.. ). HI. A N' '; i . .
2S''Jf.o Adhilf
IN T 1 1 I ClIU'lIT CtH'KT i 1 -OK
uKKioN, lull ( Ol'N'l V i '
Khknkzkk Syri'Toi-:, Pltiintitr)
el .- US ) !
M aiiv K, Stki-i'.-m:, I'efemiant j
'l'o M;i ry K. si Ioo, the nho.i n. .
lent), .ni:
In the name of ihe Stnie of lei :-.'.:,
hereby reqmreil to appear mi." .i i
complaint til'il M'jniiKi you in
titlel Court and uit on or h i . -
from the 7th da;, of -piend !: ..i . .
On or hefore t he i'.H u uay id () i
If you taiito so Miiwer, the pi:: i
ply to the Couit and lake deere ;
demanded in his complaint, t o .:
hoiids of matiiuioti now exl-i ' , '
you Hiid said piainnir he foreVt r . - - !
This Miminons is Merett upon i-c
cation thereol. oie e a week (or "i.
tive, weeks in the. Hood Kiver
ly newspaper of general eiivnl ,!i -u,, ,!
and published in Wumo count v. 1 ht v '
thin .summons is so served by it uie c: :.n
der duly niade anil entered licit in '. tii''
day ol" Auuiist, h5. by the Hon. V I,. U;
shaw, Judye ol ah id Court.
The date of saitl order Is Anuu-I li f ;
the daiu oi t. e lirsl mihhr.'is inn is epi
7, IW.j. L. II. IIAI: f (;.
A ! hit ii' .' 1 'ut : i .
012 Uesidini. at Hoe I ii ci i -
in tiik cim riT ( in i
lHM)Klv.lN, I'dII
F. W. Wkinsch i;.seK, H
To F. W. WeiiischeiHi.
d-'dill'Luit ;i
o:' tlreiian:
.i r and ;u
! i'l i ii llle ,
ueeks tin
In ,'M, on i
I 'in; ami '
ill bike
II I'll' ll.d
: -.tu coin
hi l 11 illlnii
In the name of the stab-
are hereby required t, iip;n
the enmplainl tlie.t a ain-i
enl it led suit on or before si
1 Ith day of Sfptember, IO., i
tore the "J'ith day of October,
fail so to answer f lie phi in 1 1
mcnt ami ib cree aamsi n
of, aeen tlin to t he pru er i!
namely, that the bond.- ol t
existing between plaint tl! ;;
forever dissolved, and tint' pi
ed the custody of the niiiim
tinned in the cumplaint hei. i
be allowed to resume lo r j
Nellie IPalock, and lor .-inn
the court shall seem m -ei . I
served on you by p'inii'ii a
each week lor sis ruii.vrini
Hood Kiver Glacier, a w . .
published in Hie city nt 1 b.o.l
Wasco county, oivuun, by i
made and entta-ed herein u
MtUVh ii
, and tn
ihi. n ji i
iei reh'-:
i MlllJll!'
i Ihei.Mt
week-. 1
IV Ue -Kiver,
lie of ;ih
August, I'.H). i, by lloti' ml
. L. II
JudL'e of sa d court. The dun u sahi
August IS, 11M f, mid the dab ..I ihe li,!
lleation ol this su inmotis i ; u nihe; ! i t
A. A. .1 v NK,
02U Allorn. . lor l'ia;ii!ilr.
IN THK CI Ki l ' IT rol KT '!' Till'; ST'I
l)F OUKtioN I Ol; (tfl M oF Y .si
Jritrni H. Wki.d, IMitihtitf
versus -nit fur Invi'
AruPM-rrH w Ki.D.lieiendair I
To Augustus Weld, tue ;t!i ll.ihie I ie
In the name ofthe s, ntc n: ieu:i, .mci m.
hereby required to njipe.u' :l no-, or in
com piaint liled ay to n -i , . n , n . hw e i .,
titled suit, within si. . i . r iiotn Ihe M;,
day of September, r.o:. s.ri .. y In nu ;.;
first day ol the public at mi. ; i m.i mum;; -m -;
and if you fail so to nu er i'.: w n innv.i
the plaintiff will apply to u,. "urt fu ' n
lief demanded In her com; a! m I,
Hied In said cause, f u- it. .. , A . i ...
i.ivorce dissolving tin' b :i i .1 m. 1 1 : i, -
exist ini bet wet'ii t he p!ai n1 . i: . iu d- n i i
iu said cause, Hiid fbr 1 1 sn e i ' . oj p!;i i : : .
former mi me, and fur Iui e. i aim .
merits in this suit.
This summons Is puhi i.-l .. i ll' v io ,i . .t ., (
order of liouonthlc A. i l. I f . euuul jn !
of the ciuinty court of S 'a-e.. - urn v !
Oregon, dated the Ttii ia -m ,.ietn..ei
o., JiftC), which onb-r si.icihi- Mid or.,v
I. -
six weeks and seven in-ei i "i puhi iea i ni
In the "Hood Kiver liiaeiet' i weekivi,'.
paN,r )utilished wt-i kiy in : i c-iniit au
Ktale, as the time, and p.-tpi .n which i
summons shall tic puhlitie l
latted HiMd Kiver, in -s-'oti. i " ember p u
JollX LKI.AM- Iii !)KKsin,
o2-i Alt"iiii lor I'L.iiii;!!'.
Ileiiiirtment of tlie Inlel i"!
Tile lllllle.l, Ori-K'in, f-i I'l. 1 ',
Notici; is licreliy ii, n in .
naincil wtiler litis tli.-.l n .1
tlon to mnke li mil pri.ei in
clnlni, ami IIihi sinil in-net .
before (ieo. 'I'. I'mtlier, 1 lei- 1
aotier at lil eiilce in ii,,i; e
October 4, i'Jll;., viz.:
AI.Fltl-ili M. II'
of Moicr, (ireunn, on li l i
HE':, MK'. Sec. Hand N' . Me
II. li K V. M.
lie niiini-s the f.illuwiii u .
hlr com union ni
lion of Kiiiit iiiiiil, t.: I 1
I.iirkin l.ainli.ol .l.wiin. 1 n,
ntiiii anj II, K. stii..-;i,;iki :
'Jlwila MII'IIAKI. T. Ne
i.niiil una
ll.e l:i,
II I.,- 11 i
I'-. r 1!
. I'
: I
Who Wants It?
It la an ill wlnil tluit Ijieus m, e(Miil.
II. sid rallrouil iiimeui my tiem in i... r
mid I am Kolni; to m-II 01c- el tie 1:1 c
There Ih ulioiit 19 a.-ri-s, ! ! v liich is :
Newtown and Siiilei,l,, ri,' .ij nl.' lr.-.-i;
HOll; well WHlereil; locHtiun I, hi. lienrl ,
best apple district; clne to n I-i-'khh a
a-hoil bolide, and rural .!..:v.ry niel
phone Hcrvlce at yonrilin.r ''--i nw 1 n.v
par.-nlara. Iiujuire of A. I. M:i-mii.
Onices and Rnnais.
The very best for rent iu fc!iiiitli Uloek
: Tinn 1
iLLM!LS1a ,
V.iU Realize ."i(Ml
t i" her.' Trees
in I'roiirct ,
i i liul, 'min apple,
il l lie ( Tiiwileii il
. :.' i:i mi Oh'iCon l (),
. i' .1 v:e LiiceyV iliM
i" :i ::l . -(iut ii at the
i i, :i i. t l;n o I loud
1 i i vr iiecoinpit
i i on ii trio i : 1 1
i ;.iy, in I ho ea-
: 'i iit out lo
: ' i :M rilutt ion
iii . il :ier lav.
' !r,v l.lll !1 ph'S
- i .. ' !!cy. Alter
r ! :: i nl' t!:o t!uv
..' !. i.. MVIilU liil't
',!: : i ut' n n:e
. . . i .-. III). I I i t 111 II-
' i ii i I" M li'.rj;!'!
I lull
. -tin air d!
.-.I. .1 t.. n!
i.'i p..--.i
. l I :.!.., i; '. I he
! r V 1 I' i'l i :c
: i.i:- ,fiiir! lov. ( i
; hi Luc
I I lie treop.
i ; i uriicr t ! .:in
I wtu'lli ihiyi.
. ill ri on it
' . : !', t'..e pro i ic.
' i i.'i," lur 1 1 w n
I i.' i'lUt.-
. it I'l'ni.iic
' ' ; ...A ll.e I ( i . : I (I
!.. i't' mill u ill
: !;. :i i:.t.
' . . i , to ;:atllel
... nl , !.'.( i'n in 7'J
.,i an lino ::s cull
'. ; - 1 1 , ' O 1:1 t lil'lil
. an. I li.uii. . ill
;. ! ii' f iii .loiil.l I. ,r
, :'i ; i-i .-.. i ut per
,., I itlei il hundred
:. ae.o ut' K'onnd
' i 'I ii .' A uliincti lit
i i ' i. ,u i u ill i vl. iace
.Ji n ! .a: ry tin. Iiij
'. ii 'I. 'I'l.ey in i
. : .'. i : e M sellt-at ion
: i ! i iii Iii hi at i'iitt-
i ,mi. KIII.S tllht
e euro .ii.( r iccej!
'. Itml l'u'k cxponi-
I ier I'.alit ivin w ill
i v. in ten l nny t.o talk,
i 1 her eiijdn should
!::!'lil -hiili! Uppll'M fill'
.'.I r. I aacil's nr
i i liiaeKi nmke a
..nil miiiio ut the
. ,' held 'Si 1 ilM'd ol
. 1 ,i i.- in chnre ol
i in ir Mr. Van
' iielii l' I ! i i iniiiier-
ne i I I le. old oi'
i I iei l I'eeelltJ.V
i -. ! : li.; ... iiieli (jivi't
, t .! liicll in III
. ::! :.: .'. A. i'. I leekcr
' ' e! "iir anethel'
te m;n nf (In.
i ,i i null! "l eilll ra'lllo.
i... I'll. 1.1 hei; i"l ti)
f! liHi.i River laml.
J .' e I IH lit' liellV-
. ., ; i i ei viie'o nt: y
iiilinii I'l iiw the
' , e in t Lo world.
-I 1 he V i it I. I U tO
: lie,!:- uhieli l.i'
.. . I l l::-il iilil jlll t
I v. ,1 I) l,ii! 1 ed n
. . n yeais r.J.I, mid
'i:l. i.l !iilir-t.ii 1
f .'! I lie ''H:-al leu
i'l . . id 1 he head 111
ii- -l l:i ''I' 'lay.
; "I tlil'' .' yen l -( i lil
it .-: ' h' I';..- V. Ilil'll III
e i.- 1-1 .-i li lur r'l'iu
; e if.:,;., of I humus
, i ,ii, i iiad oppofitc
:.-.t.. Mi'. A very wan
1 1. ii 1 1 '.- which i-t id
I ,- ;. run ml iii hi.i line
'.. '. I ,'eil w a - there
ii. ': .die, and the
Lu .1 1 "it- f',11. And
. . "-. h i.i i .' i. he
. ., I ;.' 1 1 lias i-poiit
iie.i ey ii: ini riiviiic
. a ', ' i : y. hut declnret
d ne i is only wait
i. i 'm t land Inn i
.1 ana tu n end the
i r .'.I l ;','l iniilit.
a . n iieidin ii hmne Hip-
e ill '. en ielieiM which
i. n h ni-" in I he cit V.
i' I. plion '.Miter to nil
.j 'ti";
";im- -
:l " 1,1 '
,1.11 "
j i i lei
il.ri.d 1
lid iii' .
.! n i e
and i-
I: .1 lor I'orthiitd.
1 mighty mid
'lieu lllll'", lil'il
diiys of I ho Mcrt
1 M'nred hiicli u
t .. 11 yenis nKo, ih
1 Hint eily nt the
! 1 e I'm- six 11 it'lits
'tailing Octu
i.'i" w ill I e L,'iven
; 1 1 1 1 r 1 ! , 1 y .1 during the l.l.i.t. (lei-
hi li v cf the
" i 'en l : : ur" from
Liiate 11 1 , r tn the
' I'l
i li. iuu-ly hciii-i-endni
.-en. cut of
ill l-ieiy colll-
lie. h.
i e 1
I lie
i lo i
cl llio
'i'ell Hur,"
. "i I e made to it lis u
1. i .i''-l:t I ietnie illllH
i !..e ,- i.l Ihe Me.-iuh (ill
' ::. i 1 1 j 1 .-1 . i 1 1 1 1 1 1 .s scenes
-ill Me "t ho Star of
. ' 1 l.e ''( ily i,l Jerusalem"
1 . ,: ;r id. n ot t ho I'nhice
1 .d a, "the interior of a
iii'..," 'the ( irovo ot
' lie i mi nt ain ill ( ! stadia, "
1 1 "a in 11 t 'In, riot I.'hco, "
ei' i i 1 n iKiin, " iuni "tlie
1 , 1 . " All lire roinnik
1', . i.f t ho hei-t M'euic
1.1 1- ad h d ,-oin.) won
. i. in 1 1' ctrie lihlint;, ads
I) :;
. , .Lit
iu "the Star of liothlohem," wlieie
over 'i."i,(XKI electric iitfhtnof IK candle
power 1110 lined to furniHh its) power
ful rav.
In order Unit the public of this vi
inity may have an opportunity to
enjoy this stupendous utajze offering,
all tlie railroad lines running into the
city of l'o it la ml are to make special
low cvciii'siuii rates for a radius of miles.
M. V. IscuhcrK, the wheel horse of
many a politieai cuiiipaiKn in Waseo
and other emintics of Oregon, mid a
prominent limine at each ession of
the legislature, is conllnod to his room
under the care of a physician, but
found time the other day to express
himself eoneerniiiK the proposed peace
conference of the republican leaders.
Mi: berit doesn't believe there
can lo any radical changes made
thioiiK'h this conference, and is satis
lied the members of the good old party
will 1 nit. up the rilit sort of men
when they enter the booths at the
primary elections next April.
"Before making a statement on tlie
subject, " remarked Mr. Jsenberg, "1
want to siiy to you that 1 am sick in
l.i'd unit forced to take Borne of tlie
must nauseous medicines that the
liiiiin of the doctor chii concoct. 1
am iiiipioviin; under the treatment,
ut that doesn't cliaiigo the taste ol
the medicine. The doctor says it is
my liver (tint Is out of order. The
neighbors und my family encourage
inn by ti lling mo 1 liuve every symp
tom of typhoid fever, and that most
cases of that disease taken at my age
prow) fatal. These things, taken into
ocnsiih ration with the fact that 1
lur, ii never had any practice iu being
sick and having to lie in bed, may ac
count for my following statements, if
they appear to lie out of harmony
with 11 harmonious meeting.
"First, there is no question, in my
opinion, ot the good intention of Mr.
linker 111 issuing this call, and the
fiat, that lie has issued it with hit
knowledge of the work of these 'lead
ers' is proof positive that they have
been working out of harmony, there
by bringing about the present condi
tion ot state a I lairs. The world is
visiting our state of enormous repub
lican majority to bo received by a
democratic governor. This is said
with nil duo respect for tho Hon.
(ii o, 10. ('liam)ieilain, who is certain
ly an excellent man, with nothing to
crit icise except his political faith.
"Well, my opinion is that where a
man gains tlie conlldouce of the voters
tu the extent tiiat he run influence
t hem to follow Ids leadership and thon
because lie fails to carry his wishes
into elfect, goes into the enemy's
camp anil with his followeis defeats
the party's nominees, that man or
men should not moot Mr. linker in a
pulilie gathering, but shoidd call ou
him privately, make an appropriate
i' ni it 1 i 1 111 1 i on to the coming campaign
fund, and have Mr. linker, who is a
good-sieil man, thoroughly kick bis
pants, t hen go away back and sit down
until the morning of the election, and
surprise himself by voting on princi
ple for the party ot his choice, there
by becoming an American citizeu iu
fact for the first time. Hut if they
prefer a peaco convention, 1 have no
"It is the lenders who are called to
gether. 'This must refer t3 hare-been
leaders. They have now lost their
commissions. There is no individual,
or set of individuals who will nomi
nate the next ticket. There will be
no unit rule to favor any special can
didate. There will be no caucus nom
inations outside of the convention
hull which will extend to tho bound
ary of the state. The election board
will be the committee ou credentials
with the registration of the legal
veleiH iu their possession. Kven the
I'l'ivilcgo of reading to a convention
of cheei ing delegates the time honored
resolution: 'Wo point with pride,
etc,' will have to be forfeited under
this new regime, 'The thought of all
this almost induces me to take an ex
tra dose of that miserable-tasting med
icine, and I am no leader.
"lint it is my opinion that when a
republican ticket is selected by this
method with the majority of of repub
licans that are in this state, it will lie
elected, conference or no conference.
I have not heard of any one in Hood
River having received a special invl
tat ion to attend that 'conference.'
There is no reason that they should
attend it. We are in harmony."
For fear that some one might take
advantage of bis prsent helpless con
dition, Mr. isiinberg wishes to state
that he is positively not a candidate
for governor. "There are only a few
of us left iu the state who are not iu
the race, " says he. "Homi of these
will have to till the other ottlcial posi
tions, and 1 have partly promised Asa
StogsdiU to "help with the assess
ment. The fact is, 1 will not tie a
camliilate. This statement is final
and will not be reconsidered. There
has been no serious movement in line
so far, that 1 know of. but 1 am "tak
ing time by tlie fetlock.
Advertised betlcr 1,1st.
For week ending September 2T), 190':
Mrs. Caples, L. Clark, Mrs. R. L.
Ferguson, Mrs. J. II. Holme, Miss
I na Causing, Mrs. K. ('. Nears care
Cloud Cap Inn, Ruby McUouiieU,
Miss Nocking, I.ila Sengstake, Mrs.
K. I.. Ouick. (ieo. liiirrott, Amos
Ca.-e, Timothy (ieorge, (loo. Hurd,
Mr. ilainamer, I. VV. I lawn, 1. I),
La Iluko, A. Nnrder, Thus. Osburn,
M. F. S. fan. I, Harry Rohrhnugh, W,
C. Snders, A. Smith.
I'lace (Inter for Hand Sawn.
The Smith & Stanley Lumber com
pany, who havo succeeded the Daven
port Urns. Lumber company, have
placed an order with McOonough
.Manufacturing company of Kim Claire,
for a complete sawmill outfit
including an eight foot McDonougb
band mill. IU inch shot gun steam
feed, Iii! inch edger, slab slasher and
trimmers, steam riggers, etc. The mill
will be ready for operation about the
llrst of the year.
Am. lie. tlin Mntitit llnnrl furniAru ut-
tending the dairymen's convention in
I'ortlan.l this week were J. u. Mo
Isaac, R. Leasure.VV. A. Otiield, Raw
ley Spatilding, Mr. Oray, William
Huckabay and Henry Ries.
Jochiuisen Confectiouerr and Ruteliani
Hall Ilestroyed by Fire on
Last Sunday
File originating from an unknown
source destroyed tlie H. b Jochimsi n
confectionery store and the Ratehum
building ou the heights, early Sundi.y
morning. But for the efficient woik
of a bucket brigade, who seound
their water from the big ditch of tlie
Farmers' Irrigating Co near at bam',
other buildings would have added
fuel to the flames. To the efficient
service of this voluntary brigade is
due the fact that the store buildings
of J. a. (iill and if. M. Abbott are
still standing.
The blaze broke forth in the rear
of the Jochiuisen store about 1:110
o'clock, aud in a few minutes envel
oped the room containing the faucet.
Had it been possible to attach a lose,
the Uie might have been extinguished
where it started with but little dam
age. The neighborhood was soon
aroused, but no one could llnd buck
ets, hose or ladders with which to
keep tho flames from spreading to the
Uatehntu building. Slowly the flames
crept along the oaves of tlie hall, but
there was no WBy to renoli thorn.
iue chemical engine reached the
scene about an hour after the fire had
boon discovered, too late to be of as
sistance. The boys, though, did good
work passing water buckets to those
ou the ladders, and by keeping the
roofs of the adjoining buildings sat
urated with water the spread of the
(lames was stayed.
Burning embers fell about tlie heads
of the bucket brigade thick and fait,
but the lads stuck to their post, ami
saved thousands of dollars' worth of
propei ty. Lucky it was that the irri
gation ditch ran full of water.
The confectionery business of Mr.
Jochimsen was insured for (i50, which
will oome very near covering his
loss. Fred La r wood owned tho build
ing, which was covered with 120(1 in
surance. The liateham building was
valued at tlSOO, aud was covered with
tlOUU insurance.
The furniture in the liateham ball
waH the property of the liaptlst
church, and was all saved but some
goods and furniture in the second
story belonging to Mrs. Daoou. who is
absent iu the hop fields, was destroy
ed with a loss of probably 1 100.
J. li. 0111 was one of the llrst to
telephone news of the fire to town.
Marshal dinger was aroused, and be
at once hunted up members of the tiro
department, aud secured some one to
ring the bell of the Congregational
oliurch. liy this time half of the tow ir
was aroused and hurried to the scene
of the oontiagatiou.
liy 7 o'clock the flames bad subsid
ed aud the crowd dispersed to their
several homes.
"The Are will doubtless make new
business for the insurance agents,"
remarked Mr. untenant, "and many
were heard discussing the advisability
of having Hie apparatus on tl o
During the past decade especially.
the walnut industry has taken a Hi m
hold iu certain sections of the Pacific
coast and farmers are gradually com
ing to recognize it as one of the great
est of commercial enterprises, says a
writer 111 the racillo Homestead
Walnut trues oanuot be grown in 1 It
parts of our country, and it Is iu only
a few sections that they can lie grown
successfully from a commercial stand
point. The state of Oregon aud pails
of Washington and California in ci i
tain sections lying between the Cas
cades and the coast are especially
adapted to their culture.
The planting of an orchard of Eng
lish walnut trees today is no more an
experiment, but in Oregon, especially
in the section named above, has been
proven to be a great source of revenue.
At the present time tue state 01 t iil-
iloruia probably outstrips Oregon in
its acreage of walnut orchards, but it
is an established fact that this state
produces larger yields per tree than
lues Ualifornia aud In that state snnio
of the very highest priced land is
given over to the culture of the Fin
lish walnut aud has made indcpoin -eutly
rich many of those who hawi
taken up this most important indi.s
try. (iiveu proper cultivation and cine,
Kuglish walnut trees become prodi -
oors to a small extent at five years of
age. The llrst crop will not tie a
largely remunerative one, but it in
creases each year, trees at tho age of
thirteen, years often producing fioui
eighty to ninety pounds annually and
it is a common thing for orchards ot
from fifteen to seventeen years givii g
returns of from .i00 to io0 per acre.
The Kuglish waulut tree is not sin i t
lived. It attains a prodigious age mid
produces an ever increasing yield up
to a great age. Records of early bot
anical writers speak of this tree i s
producing one hundred thousand
nuts, of growing to a size of fifteen
to twenty feet in circumfereiic. .
Such yields aud sizes, however 1110
As an ornamental tree and for shade
the walnut cannot be beaten. It grows
rapidly, has large leaves and statis
tics show that it is attacked hy fewer
insects and fungus diseases than any
other variety. The timber of the wa -nut
is also a very remarkable prodm t,
the market price being often as bih
aud even higher than W) per M.
Duriug tho first few years afli r
planting, the ground iu and around
the trees cau lie utilized for the suc
cessful production of small growing
stuffs, peas, strawberries, potatoes,
and the like.
Walnut producing territory is lim
ited, practically the only section of
the United States where they can I e
raised successfully being along the Fe
ci Mo ooast, as shown by records iu the
United States Hoard of Horticulture.
It. E. Withcrow, agent Troy laundry.
1 ' I
I, , ( '
i i
? ' !
I .1.