The Hood River glacier. (Hood River, Or.) 1889-1933, September 21, 1905, Image 8

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A1. M. Hill, Frank Stanton and U.
A. Newman, who will be recognized
an prominent East Side orchard wen,
with a Mr. Fike Of Black Hawk coun
ty. Iowa, whom the; took along to
catch mountain trout, and accompa
nied by Frank's dog, Dick, to track
the bear, started prepared for a bunt.
The sun had not yet risen last
Thursday morning when theae four
men climbed into a mountain back
behind Frank' powerful bay team,
mid with Dick following behind,
started up the mountain. After a few
hours' drive they reached LonU
Hurkhard'a ranch at the foot of the
Lava lteda. Here they left the team
and engaged the service of the old
hunter as guide. The provisions and
blanket! were equally divided and
strapped upon their shoulders, and
with brave hearts they started into
the forest.
Up, up they went, through deep ra
vines and over high, rocky bluffs,
through the dark forests where the
crack of the huntsman's rifle Is ej
dom heard. The shades of evening
were faat closing when tired and
thirstv thev found themselves on a
high mountain with the cool water ol
the mountain brook far below them.
Thev must reach this before dark.
Hastily they began the descent. The
packs grew heavier upon their shoul
ders, but the inventive mind of M.
M. Hill devised a scheme to descend
with groater ease. Unfastening hit
pack he started it rolling down tht
steep bank. It gathered momeutun
as it went and bounded and roller
Into the middle of the swift stream
Long before the hunters reached tb
bottom it was lost in the darkness.
It contained all the blankets. .
The evening meal was soon prepared
and they settled arouul the oamp tin
to pass the night as best they could
without blankets. And a long night 11
wus. U. A. Newman burrowed a holt
in the soft ground beside the Are.
Kike, the tenderfoot from Iowa, tool
the bark olf a tree and ooverlng him
self completely with it, took his plact
beside Newman. M. M. Hill, dlspon
sing with all preliminary arrange
merits, lay down beside the fire
Frank Stanton and L;niis ISurkharo
took turns at keeping the fire going.
The night passed with but one nils
hup. M. M. Hill was aroused in the
midst of his dream by his bat catching
(ire and it was partly burned before
be awoke. In the early morning un
der the direction of Burkhard, they
separated in search of game. Fike
could not Hsh ; the foxy trout would
not bite. The great forests were new
to him and he gazed continually at
the lofty fir and cedar and did not
wander far from their rendezvous.
Hill walked until he no longer knew
In which direction he was going.
Even the sun was moving in the wrong
direction, lie made bis way over
deep ravines and across mountain tor
rents and as a last resort in the mid
dle of the afternoon, climbed to the
top of a high mountain and found
himself at the very spot where he
started bis blankets rolling the night
Frank Stanton and his dog Dick
farud not so well. Dick led him high
up the mountain far from camp, lie
begun to return, but too late he wan
lost In the forest. He knew of but
one thing to do And a mountain
stream and follow it to its mouth. He
immediately started down the moun
tain gorge, The mountain trout lay
quietly in the brook, but he did not
stop to llsh. He started two deer
from their feediug ground, but he was
too frightened to snoot straight. At
just Bundown be came In sight of the
cabin of a rancher. The most wel
come sight he ever saw. He sat down
to collect his thoughts. His hands
were cut and bruised. His trousers
were badly torn ; one leg was entirely
gone helow the knee. With great In
genulty be took his shoe strings, and
with bis pocket knife for a needle,
sewed together the lemnauts of blr
trousers. Thus making himself more
presentable he proceeded to the cub
in, whore he was hospitably received
ami hit wants supplied.
The hunters that night gathered ai
the cabin of the old tranner OiHeld.
and were greatly concerned about the
non-appearance or Frank Ktanton.
The trapper gladly shared with them
his bed, and they slept that night five
In a row, huddled together like sheep
under two small lilaukets. Jibe next
morning thoy started for home in
search of Frank Stanton. They found
him sittiug lu the door of Burkhard'
on one leg crossed over the other.
his arms folded and calmly smoking
his pipe. It took them one whole day
to recuperate under Louis Burkhard '
hoHiiltalile care, and then M. M. Hill.
Frank Stanton and U. A. Newman re
turned home, where they will verify
l Mo tiutn ot tins bunting trip.
Kills Neighbor In Self-Decence.
Dufur Springs was the scene of a
tragedy last iuesday morning, when
Charles Underwood shot and killed
JJlcK Darnell or Dennett as be was
conimouly known. Underwood sur
rendered at once to the authorities,
and was taken to The Dalles last Wed
nesday by Shorltf Sexton.
llio Inquest conducted by Coroner
imrget revealed the following facts:
Bennett had leased a farm to Un
derwood, reserving the right to so
much garden truck, lu which apples
were not meutloued. The meu had
frequently quarreled over the division
and Monday when Mrs. Bennett went
over to get some apples they were re
fused her. Her husband was workinu
with a threshing crew and when he
returned that night was informed of
the treatment given. Bennett, who
was a hot-beaded fellow, tired up at
once and, compelling his hired man,
Simmons, to accompany him, started
out for Underwood's. Kuteriug the
house, armed with his usual weapon,
a Winchester, he informed Under
wood and his brother-in-law, Wood
ward, who with Mr. and Mrs. McCabe
were in the house, that they must go
at ouce and apologize to Mrs. Benuett
or he would settle with them. There
was no bing left to do under the cir
cumstances but go, and that without
shoes, as Bennett would brook no de
lay. On the wsy Woodward, who is
hut a boy, started to run. Benuett
llred a shot at him, but he g t away.
Underwood climtied the hill in his
bare feet and apologized to the lady.
As he left the house Bennett said to
him : "If you're not out of the coun
try tomorrow I'll kill you."
No sooner was Underwood home
than with Woodward he went and bor
rowed a neighbor's gun, and goiug up
the road laid la wait until Bennett
passed going to his work in the morn
ing. Theu, hid behind some tree,
he tired. A number of shots were
tired, but although there was a shot
out of Bennett's gun, it was not de
termined whether or not he fired it at
that time. One of Underwood's bul
lets killed Bennett's horse also.
The sympathy of the neighborhood
seems to be with Underwood, who is a
young mau of 2i years aud has always
No woman can look beautiful without
Sood health. A woman's good health
epends on those organs peculiarly femi
nine, and which so often become disor
dered, causing misery and drawing-down
pain. Nature's laws are perfect, health
endures If you obey them, but disease
follows dlsoU-dleiice. The distressing
complaints of women are often brought
about by catching cold at a critical
period, breathing foul Indoors' air and
long hours of work ami nervous tension.
Go straight to Nature for tbo cure to
the forest. Dr. 1'icrcc's Favorite Pro
scription Is Suture' cre for the dis
tressing complaints of women, l'rof.
King, Af. D., In his American Ilispeiisa
tory, says of Black Cohosh or Black
Hnake root "our early American In
dians set a high value on this root In
diseases of women. H i KurpiUHid hu
no oilier dnm, in amijrMlve ctmdUhim
of the part where titer are rulm
pufrif and teiuUrnem."
Lady's Slipper root Is a "nerve stimulant
and tonic, Improving Isith circulation and
nutrition of the nerve centers favoring
sleep and cheerful condition of the mind;
of service in mental depression, nervous
headache, Irregularities of women with
despondency."-fni. Klii. Besides the
hove Ingredients there are Ooltlen heal,
Unicorn and Blue Cohosh roots In Ur.
Pierce's Favorite Prescription.
Dr. Pierce's Common Sense Medical
Adviser will he sent free, paper-lsmncl, for
1 one-cent stamps, or cloth-hound for .'II
stamps. Over im pages and Illustrated.
Address Dr. It. V. Pierce, Buffalo, N. Y.
Dr. Pierce's Pleasant Pellets should Is)
used with "Favorite Prescription" when
ever a laxative is required.
been considered a quiet young fellow,
while Bennett was known to be quar
relsome. His victim was about 4!
years of age and leases a wife and
jbree child) en.
Pleased to Secure Mr. II all.
Dallas Observer.
The jurisdiction of Rinaldo M.
Hall, advertising agent of the O. It.
k N. Co., baa been extended to In
elude the Southern Pacific lines in
Oregon. This will be pleasing news
to the people of the Willamette valley
and southern Oregon, as this some
what neglected portiou of the state
will be sure to receive attention from
now on.
Mr. Hall is a brilliant and forceful
witer, aud his descriptions of the
oouutry reached by the O. K. & N.
lines have been an Invaluable factor
in attracting Immigration to Eastern
Oregon aud the Columbia river val
ley. In addition to his work of pro
paring folders, pamphlets iifid other
publications for bis company, he has
been a steady contributor to the lead
ing advertising ningazlnos end peri
odicals, and his articles descriptive
of the Pacillo Northwest have attract
ed much favorable attention aud com
ment. An important feature of Mr.
Hall's work is his regaid for truth and
aoouracy of detnll. Care Is taken to
avoid exHgeratou and cureless state
ments, and homeseekers huve learned
that they can depend upon any infor
mation contained in a publication
sent out from bis department. Wet-tern
Oregon has long needed some mail
like Mr. Hall to tell the world of its
wonderful resources and advantages,
and now that Mr. Craig hus pluceil
bim at the bead of the new depait
ment, all may rest assured that the
work will be performed thoroughly
and well.
Oregon Exhibit Is the Best.
100(1 First St., Seattle, Wash., Sept.
15, l'JOTi. Editor Ulucier: Arriving
In Portland so late Monday evening
"hitting the Trail" was the only
thing doing, so that wus "hit with u
broad 8111110.'' But Tuesday, by hui-t-
ling, managed to take a peep Into the
(loveinmout, Oregon, Washington,
Forestry, Agriculture aud Oiiontal
Oregon has the best exhibits there.
California and Washington come next,
while North Dakota has the moHt
outline dlsDluv of exhibits. Florida.
my home state, was asleep when this
'05 fair was known to the rest of the
world. Therefore, the "Lund of Flow
ers ' Is not there, riorum tins awaK
oned, and will be at the Jamestown
rair In 1SKI7.
Apple Growers
We wish to correspond with you
alsnit apples. Will pay cash for right
varieties aud prices.
A. 1. Blowers A Co.,
Seattle, Wash.
If ttier art any oliitnm Htfulnnt llio pMiitu of
A. u. MtKmmv, imH'UHf'U, ine wiim win im
paid by UwvtiiK ftmnintH at tliu olllet of John
liCiMUii umtUHrHon, or Mcmiing ini'iu 10 iirn
Mrkunicy hL Ifrowuavllle, Or. ic'S
Milk For Sale.
Have 10 iiuai-tH of iiilik riiiliv to illsismt uf.
Ptione SH, Varniers. PJS.tYKItl l':!'' "6
If you haven limine or harn you want
moved or leveled up, we J. T. Ntalt lh.
No. 1 model Hniltli-I'remlor Hum
No. model KenOuRton .'sum
No. ne del Item Inn ton mewl i0n
Warreuted In pertecl comlltlou, Can litiuten
si the Kinder otttce.
We have disponed of till itmiimU due un to
S. M. ItlowtTK, who will collect twine.
HttyiU'K t Co.
All nmmut due me not paid ty September
lft, will be nut lu un attorney h hattiU.
h.'I S. M mowers.
My wile, I'hoehe Itepp, hnvln left my hed
mid hoard, 1 hereby give notlee that I shall
not be reNpoiiMlhle for debt Incurred by her.
t oo rad ttcpn.
Hood Utver, Or., Sept. 4, VMW iK
Ti !wtd Phono Mrtrl Institute nd School for
Htmmnr of ltrtlt. Mlchltwi. MtuMlalimt )?rt
rn. Umv9 rtiml IhiiUiumtt Gold MmUl awtnttKl
WurM'a Katr Hi l.ouln. IWH. Komimlt hy i)iynto
tani. ltifttir, rlvrtrvnwit. tul irrathmt tctt wher.
TIiIh InatUutioti It WcHtcrn Hriuu-ta t IVrt laml with
A ry lartra rla of Miilla in atltHulanc men ami
women, irtrUaiut " " iutp, tu tuttity Many hav
hcfti cutvri In tlnva wi'i'kn, lull to all wwk lath
liiut usually rwHiuhwl. Wlllrloa tit I'ortlamt mootobtr
Hth, Will aoefpt pititla until 8'iktMiitfr lat. A
WrUat one for iwrtloHlaraaml tvnui. It you mention
thin imer ami arml It itmu In atantiM, to cover onatatr,
I will tend you our rK-th hutiiul. VtK natf hook. Th
OrltfU) and Tnmlmriit of Stammer! iitf, ire otcbaj-tf,
l.ld reu WILLIAM T LIWTi
WMtern RepreMiiUiUvs Aaaoclat PrlnolpM
, W. Cor 1 8th and KMattfh BlrMl
Hot!o pupil awt-pUni al ivrtlaud ftftr Bpl. lft.
Groceries, Flour and Feed
Iuih been installed by
at the old stand, just sontli
of Indian Creek bridge, and
the firm extends an invita
tion to their former patrom
to call and see thorn.
Cordially yours,
11 IE I Hi
If your tickets read over the Denver
anil Kio Graixlo Ituilroari, the
"Scenic Line of the World,"
There lire o ninny scenic attract inns
and oiiitH ofinlercNt ulonx the line
lictweeii Ojjilen anil Denver I hut
I lie trip never hecomes tiresome.
If you are olng Kant, write for Infor
mation and K't a iiretty hook that will
tell you all about it.
IV. C. Mi llKIDF, (icncrul Ajfcnt,
124 Third Street,
When you go Camping
take along some of
tho e fine
Lunch Goods
you will find at
S, L. YOUNG, Prop.
Phono, Main 55.
Do you want a snap?
You can't lose if you
buy a tract in famous
itt' '"v ,-. IS ' w
J. -Vi 1 - ",r .
Cut u in tracts to suit you
.lust sold ton acres for two
thousand dollars and the
rest, than that which we re-
servo will soon bo Hold.
The finest berry ami apple laud in
tho world. Within the city limits ol
White Salmon. Ten-aero or unialler
tracts JiihI tho thing for berries and
After you have looked around come
anil see un ami you will find jnnt what
you have have been looking for.
Cherries from tract this year
are the winners in the great
truit exhibits.
White Salmon, Wash,
l ulled Stiitea I .hiiiI Olllex, at The liiillca,
ilreuitn, AUK. 'M, IIHCi.
Nollee In herehy iclven that the Io1lowln.
iiHinel Keiller has illeil nollet of IOh intention
to iniike Unit) nritol In Niipoort or IiIm claim,
mid I hut Kitttl priMtr will ne made before the
Itetilxier and Kieelver, nl Tlie iiille, Oregon,
mi nettilier lllli, 111 6, vlr..:
NKI.SitN o. llll.I.INCH,
nf lliind Hiver, Oreuiui, on II. V.. Ni. Ifti. ftr
the N W'.SW',, slI 'W',, mill lulu 3 ami 4.
.1 Siviioii Tti. I N., II. 11 f:., W. M.
lie tmiiieH Hie fiitliiwlnte wilnetiNeM to prove
hu iimtlniiiiuri renlilenee Uhh Hint culUva
ttiin ul hhIiI land, vlK.:
I.eier menu. Hurry Kemp, Omar M. Ixv
Witt unit .Itoneti sirniiiiliHii, all of Hood Klv
er, ori'iion.
.7. vi M I ( II A KI, T. N Ol .A f , H.lster-
Land for Rent.
Nino irrrs of Htraw lirry nml clover laml,
ntlunlctl on l.yumn Miilih avrnue, martiwn.
VVaior ami iliuni' ttiverlnir the iltue. fund
rriit pri'tt-mtl. Will rent Iniio one to 1110
'fiirM. Apply to J, N, Tt'nl, I'ortlaud, Ore., or
Ht the pre hum, j-vir
Horses For Sale.
( nuplo til t4'Hiio, welvhlntr uW And l.'-u;
will M-ll chptip; No tinve srverHl 11k liter
hor-cMHiut driving pontca. Inquire WytmJt
Krem, White Salmon, Wash. ic't
Plymoth Rock.
For ShIc An on lM'ktiiK tor fnll blixnled
IMymotith Kot'k rtKMtrri? I f so, we buj; t
llial )ou eall and inpt-t'l our Un.'k tefore you
nittkc your purelmNe. We have Ihem up t
NUiudtud. mid will in.ike prlxe-wlnuertt; "fee
txanwe iolimMt Wus mid ttoakti, nhe comlw,
W.'ll oullt Hnd No. 1 birds, Itetter deal hi
I ome where you ean make your eholoo. M r.
F, Ura, foni at Koekford Store. 1A
Fine line of
Toilet Articles,
etc. Also
P.ring in your
. ?
Still have left a few pairs of Men's and
Boys' Merrit's Pants and Ladies' Skirts.
Men h Tan Shoes, tfo iA
good values, at u)04 U
Trading Stamps Given
..Livery, Feed
We do
0. T. RAW80JN.
Stock Grown on Full Roots.
We desire to let our friends and patrons know
that for the fall planting we will have and can sup
ply in any number
Cherry, Pear,Apricot,Peach& Plum Trees,
Shade and Ornamental Trees.
Also, all the standard varieties of apple trees. Can
supply the trade with plenty of Newtown, Spitren
berg and Jonathan apple trees.
RAWSON & STANTON. Hood River, Or.
All Repairing Promptly Attended to
The very finest line of Pianos, from the cel
ebrated Chiekerinjr, the renouned Weber, the
line Kimball, which is used and known for its
purity of tone and easy action, the silver-toned
llobart M. Cable, and on down the line of
Pianos to suit your means and pocket book.
He sure to write for terms, or come and see
The Dalles, Oregon.
.'Peter Painrer SaVS
uqpc 01 an. '
ire cracKs up an
3urds of paint excepting
Patton's Sun-Proof Palnw irlve double the nervlce
of ull-wblte-lead or any ordinary pulnts. They are
made of the most perfect combination of paint ma te
nnis to stand the severest trial the sun and weather
ean irlve them
Send for book and color card (free) to Patkw
Paint Co., Lake Street, Milwaukee, Wis.
Stoves, Ranges
Comforts, splen- tf OP
diuMy made, $1 to tJlsOD
for Cash Purchases.
and Draying..
Hood River, Ore.
Howes lintiylit, sold or exclmngetl.
rieaburo parties can secure flrst-elnas rigs.
utti'iitiun given to moving furniture ami
everything horses can do.
Dealer In
Harness S: Saddles
A little reasonable frugality while one is earning money;
a little money put carefully
good institution, may mean a bar against want, care and
trouble that the improvident person will fail to cope with.
Why not the old and tried
Hood River, Oregon.
Manufacturers of all kinds of ,
....Rough and Dressed Lumber....
Seasoned lumber of all kinds in stock.
We make the best prices to contractors
and builders. It will pay you to see us for
prices before you make your contracts.
White Salmon, Wash.
Mill north of White Salmon.
1 hills
is the Fancy Patent.
is the popular priced Flour.
Ask your grocer for our
Graham, Whole Wheat & Farina
Also Bran, Shorts, Middlings and Barley
Hood River Milling Co.
' WOOD & SMITH BROS., Proprietors.
Groceries, Flour and Feed
Only Exclusive Grocery Store in the City. Free Delivery. Phone
0. L. GILBERT, Proprietor.
Mt. Mood Hotel
Headquarters for Tourists & Commercial Travelers
Regular Rates. $1.25 to 92.50 per day.
Bbeclal Rates by We.k or Month.
Stage leav dally for Cloud Cap Inn during July, Auguit and September.
Dealer in General Merchandise
and Lumbermen's Supplies,
Railroad Ties, Cordwood, Lumber and Cedar Posts
Free Delivery. Phone 9ill
White Salmon, Wash.
General Contractors and Builders.
Estimates on all kinds of work cheerfully furnished and the. b 'St of Mrorlc
manship guaranteed. We are doing the building of this section at present. Our
work will Fpeuk for itself.
F. S. STANI LY. Tut.. . I.. SMI1II,
Us First National Bank
Remember That this bank is a Home Institu
fc.,, tion and we invite your business on
a basis of mutual helpfulness.
FatHhlirthed 1900.
Residents of Waeco Co. for 24 Years.
away in the keeping of some
This is the Mill
that makes the
ever put oi- the Hood
River market.
C. F. GILBERT, Manager.
Y'm-riep. E. 0. H AM 1IAR Ci tlm r