The Hood River glacier. (Hood River, Or.) 1889-1933, August 31, 1905, Image 4

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iy Koawell Shelley.
()111, Kiwt Hood River Valloy, Aug.
29. The day was ideal. The gentle
breeze through the tall pit) en came to
is with healing on its wingi. Little,
liig, old aud young seemed to lay aside
t he burdens of life, and the day pass
ed too swiftly by. The great grand
fitther was there. 73 years old. He
has 35 gtund children and eight great
grand children. The cooing babe in
mother's Brma wai there. The child
ren, the middle aged and last and
perhaps most Interesting of all was
thesrdint lover full of warm young
blood, looking out into the untried
future, eager for the fray sur of vic
tory and brooking no defeat. -
Standing close up to the 3 score
mark and looking backward through
the lights and shadows of the check
ered pant, from the day when Hope's
buds and blossoms shed fragrance into
our lives, aud when the world lay at
our feet bidding us onward to vic
tory, we sat and thought. And not
for all this world would we say a dis
couraging word to snob. Oo forth
into the thickest of the fight but do
not forget that there comes the reap
ing time. There bas always been both
h seed time and harvest; and there
always will be.
On the whole the first Iowa picnic
was a success. Looking over the reg
ister, we see the foundation laid for a
strong society in Hood Kiver valley.
The fact is the social side of life in
Hood Kiver valley is somewhat neg
locted and the organization of the
Iowa socioty and similar organiza
tions will have a tendency to build up
a different social oondition and enable
us to know our neighbors when we
meet them. A day now and then
xpent in a social way will prove excel
lent recreation and good medicine.
It might be a good Idea to look
about for a permanent site for these
iinnual gatherings, one that could be,
let to other organ izations.$If this
were done and some amusement feat
ures added, Hood Kiver valley would
have another opportunity of convinc
ing the "show mes" of their ability
to entertain their neighborx, while
tbey are waiting and watching for
their two dollar apples to grow.
Things are humming about Odell.
The enlarged school building is nearly
complete aud is a beauty. Udell no
longer takes a back seat in school mat
ters. Mr. Boyd the contractor has
done excellent work aud the building
is an ornament and a credit to the
Mr. Fike aud family of Pine Grove
with guests and friends from Iowa
were callers on the Little White store
people Sunday. He says thnt during
the pUHt two weeks that the Udell mau
bas taken a lay olf on news gathering
there has been many things taken
place that should have been recorded
and that a special correspondent cou d
find a good field for work In Hood
Kiver valley.
L. D. Roved bas on exhibition at
the Little White store a plate of fruit
consisting of Crawford peaches, (Ira
venstoln apples and peach plums that
would do credit to the Lewis aud
Clark tables.
We think the time has come when
Odell should organize a development
league. The Mount Hood people are
wide awake to the situation aud are
banded together for mutual develop
ment of their section, and already are
experiencing good results.
The water question is perhaps the
most important just now. The Odell
peoplo should lose no time but take the
matter up right away and bond the
district westward in order that vie
have water next year.
The Lost Lake crowd after their
week's outing are about all home. If
the lake would give up its secrets
many a thrilling tale would be told
and the old saying that truth 1m stran
ger than fiction would be demoiiHtrat
ed. Troy Shelley aud sou Kalpti are
still somewhere iu the mountains, ex
ploring new territory. Troy is a typ
ical westerner, and the Auguxt days
develop the camping fever, the only
relief for which is a trip to the moun
tains. Velvety deer horns and deer
skins were strapped to the wagon of
one of the parties on their return,
but never the taHto of one of the juicy
titoaks they talk so much about.
J. Wyorx, J. C. MacImieB and Pro
fessor Colbiiru made a trip to (Jolden
dule lust Saturday, to attend a meet
ing of the Klicki at county central
The (irangers held their monthly
picnic iu the park last Saturday.
Many were present, and a good time
was had. A table wbh spread to tl e
satisfaction of all. After the picnic,
the members went to Lauterbach ball,
when the following new members were
art miUted to the Orange: Mr. and
Mrs. lialsiger, Mr. and Mrs. (1. II.
Thomas. The Grangers are enjoying
a great revival in White Salmon. The
membership will soon roach W), and
more members were to come in next
The old soldiers of the White Sal
mon country held a meeting lt Sat
urday in Lauterbach hall, with a viev, (
to organizing a pott here. Some oig'it
members were present, and a meeting j
was set for two weeks later for organ- '
isatiou of the potit, when the depart ,
ment commander will bo present. !
Twenty-two passengers left on the
steamer Regulator last Monday morn
ing for Portlund, where they will visit
the fair aud the hop fields.
Frank Oroshong has disponed of hi,-
blacksmith shop to his sou, Udesa.
and with Mrs. Oroshong has gone hop
picking. He has rented his boarding
house to Mr. llentoi), the butcher.
The new building of the White Sal
mon Land Co, has been completed,
and tlio real otato firm is moving in
this week.
There was a meeting of the farmer"
last Thursday in I.auterl nch hall to
take up the matter of securing irri
gating water for White Salmon. Sev
earl committees were appointed to
find out who wanted water, and the
most feasible way of getting the water
into the country.
Misses liessin Webb and Genevieve
Taylor of Kansas, cousins of Mr. .lew
ctt, havo been making a visit at the
jewett home. They came in company
with Mr. Jewett's sister and husband,
Mr. and Mrs. L. C. Morehouse. All
aro now on their way home. Each
This is Not a Spiel
OfSpiehlcr's Spieling about Spichler's goods, but a Spiel
of our own on the new Toilet Water we have just received
of Mr. Spieliler, of Rochester, N. Y.
What we wish to say is, that we are SO highly
pleased with these goods that we wish to show them to
you. And WO guarantee that you will agree with us
they aro the finest Toilet Waters ever brought
into this City. A superior to them cannot be found
in any city. They aro guaranteed to us to be the best
on the market, and no lady or gentlemun when buying
a toilet water wants anything but the best.
We have a good assortment of odors
Rose Buds, Violet, Carnation Pink,
Heliotrope, Wild Crab Apple, Lavender,
etc. All who havo seen them aro delighted. Let us show
them to you.
Smith Block.
Reliable Druggists.
Over forty-five years' experience in our line stands behind our guarantee, that
we can give you the best goods and do your work in the most satisfactory
(loods wo sell will be engraved free of charge-
We do our own Diamond mounting at home.
No watch so complicated we cannot repair it.
Our long experience, superior equipment and methods of tit ting glasses places
us on an equality with any house in the large cities. l?eing a graduate of three
colleges, the latter as Doctor of Opthalmology, we understand the eyes, their delects
and their relation to human ills. For headache, nervousness, etc., resulting from
eye st rain, we invite you to call.
Why not add your name to our list of satisfied customers'.'
Our motto: Honest goods at honest prices.
Smith Work, Hood Kiver
Why is it that Ayer's Hair
Vigor does so many remark
able things? Because it is a
hair food. It feeds the hair,
puts new life into it. The hair
Hair Vigor
cannot keep from growing.
And gradually all the dark,
rich color of early life comes
back to gray hair.
" When I nr,t nla, A;r'l lllr VIor mf
linir was About all itry. Hut now It U it nlr
rii-ri folurk, and ai tlifr-k ai I could with."
MlUi. gUHAN Jf.i.ut'KJfNHTIKN, TltlCUlllbiu.
(il.oo a bottle.
II. M;i.
and all expretmed themHelves well
ileaxed with the went and toe (Jolum
:iia river wjenery in particular.
.Tiilin Wvflra' nAi hnnun 1uut nn Ion
of tlie blurt ih going ahead rapidly
now ana will hooii be ready for occu-
tilltinv. It. iu in a varv InpA.
(ion und will be a Tory pleanant and
comfortable home.
Special Correspondence.
Underwood, Wash., Aug. HO. At a
Hpecial aohool meeting lust Monday,
it whh voted to bond the diatriot for
rtUKX) for the erection of a new anhool
Iiouho. The building will be 42x30.
A site baa not yet been selected.
There are between 30 and 40 pupilH
within thin district, and the patrons
propose harin one of the best schools
iu the county.
Our Hchool is to commence October
2, with U. li. Cromwell, teacher.
Abe Ames vitdted over Sunday with
Mrs. OlHeu left Tuesday for th
Huckleberry mountain.
Camping parties are passing every
day on their return trip.
Air. Cromwell 1ms tukou up tempor
ary residence in the school house un
til he can build.
Mr. Keeley and DuBoise and Mr.
Kullendonk continue to ship loads of
fruit, tomatoes and melons.
A littlo rain would bo much appre
ciated here, along with other niprove
meiits. Hue Thornton is the proud posses
sor of a new Winchester rille.
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Thornton and
daughter made a Hying trip to The
Dulles Friday.
A New York state man passed
through our town Wednesday ou his
way to look ut the Fessel place, now
for side.
The three Misses Cameron and
brother Cttulin are spending the week
on Huckleberry mountain.
The peoplo who bought a part of
Mr. Cromwell's place moved up from
l'ortlund Saturday.
K. O. (ioddard with two gentbmen
friends, is upending a few days at his
summer home.
A. ,1. ilayues and family, and II.
C. Debo left Monday for Yakima for a
pleasure trip, to visit friends aud
pick hops.
A severe wind storm visited this
section Sunday. Several large trees
wore blown to the ground, one of
them striking the fence of J. C. Clark
son, destroying a miction of the same,
Damage was also done to the fence of
lv. 1). Cameron, and several of the
heavily laden fruit trees of C. E. Lar
son wore broken.
Miss Com Clarksou gave a birthday
party on the 2."th. Most of her girl
friends were present.
Mr. and Mrs. Ogilvie and daughter
Miss Hern ice returned to Portland
Saturday. They were sorry to leave
but they had to go on the acoount of
their daughter s schooling. They do
not intend to be up again to stay un
til next summer.
Miss Klnora Larson and Miss Cora
Clnrkson were out to the big White
Salmon fulls for a horse back ride,
and while there they attended Sunday
school ami took dinner with Mrs.
Win. Ol.-eu.
Mr. Allen aud relatives moved iu
on the l'rofessnr Cromwell place, and
Mr. Cromwell moved into the school
house until he gets his house built.
Mr. Debo aud son-in-law, A. J.
Haynes mi. I family, went to Yakima
hop picking, Sunday morning.
We are having fine weather now.
Have hml a nice rain. Times are
quite lively.
Mr. ('shorn, our hotel man, is hnv
in1; a full limine most of of the time
and is doing well.
Mrs. James Trew huso young daugh
ter. 1 1 'iv, an! lsenberg is repairing bis
lb rniiin l.verhart is still working at
the mill.
Mr, .lennie Thorp of Dis Talos,
CnlitVn.i.i, is visiting his cousin, N.
D. S uit il. They had not met for 40
Pleasantly Kflective.
Ncm i- iii the way, no trouble to carry,
asy lo t ike, pleasant and nevj failing
in riMi'ts me DeWitt's Little Karly Ris
ers, riir-e liintms little pills are a Cer
tain cii:ii iii!ee inraimt headache, lill-
i iiiUMiess, tin pill li it and all of the ills
i resulting fioin constipation. They
ionic mid s:ivngthen the liver. Cure
Jaundice. Sold by (). K. Williams.
lies) Spraying Material
at the K.w est prices at Clarke'sstor e.
.1. A. r.wcrs is now a resident of
Lai'iiyette, Or.
Writer and Light Notice
A.I .:Urr and light bills must be paid
at the company's office each month in
n h.ii'.ce, on or before the 10th day of
tlie mouth. No collector will be sent
out hereafter. In all cases w hore bills are
not promptly paid when due, the ser
vers will Ih) discontinued until all
.' Ti .inures are paid.
W. C.
By E. E. UOEF, Mgr.
oods must be sold
Having bought the Geo. P. Crowell stock of Gen
eral Merchandise, and leased the building, we will
Close Out the Crowell Stock
Regardless of Cost
Before moving into our new quarters. The Entire
Crowell Stock is being offered at prices that will move
it in a very short time. Don't miss this opportunity to
get goods at your own price.
In order to reduce our Regular Stock before mov-
ing into the Crowell Building,
Prices Have Been Reduced
on everything, and now is your opportunity to get Big
Shoes, Hats, Shirts and Underwear
Ladies' Skirts, Corsets, Hosiery,
Men's and Boys' Gloves,
Rain Coats for Women,
and other articles too numerous to mention.
Some Bargains.
Our list contains about 40 different
tracts of fruit and general farm lands in
Mosier; about 600 acres in Underwood,
divided into tracts of from 40 to 320
acres each; also about 185 different
tracts of farm property in Hood River
valley, and some very desirable resi
dences in Hood River and Mosier.
33. 0 acres mile out; berries and
orchard. A beautiful location. Will be
sold at a bin-gain.
24. 42 acres 4 miles out, 10 acres In
orchard, 10 full bearing. First-class im
provements. A beautiful home.
2. 40 acres in the most beautiful por
tion of the valley. 4 acres in orchard
one vear old, 3 acres in berries, 4 acres
in alfalfa, balance general farming.
114. Two lliO-acre tract about nine
miles out; one on east side, other west
side. Choice for $1100.
A number of 5, 10, 20 and 40 acre
tracts of unimproved land that will
hear investigation. Also a number of
large tracts from 100 to 320 acres in Ore
gon and Washington.
Some few residences and lots in every
portion oi tlie city.
Real Estate Agents
Hood River, Oregon.
Williams' Pharmacy
Fine liiie of
Toilet Articles,
etc. Also
When you go Camping
tak along some of
tlio.-e fine
Lunch Goods
you will find at
S, L. YOUNG, Prop.
Phono, Main 55.
The lw1t Phono-Met tie InaUtate And Rrhool for
fttammerera of ltri)tt. Mirhltfaa. Eetafrllehed eleven Hn cured thouanda. Oold Medal warded
V or Ida r'etr. at 1-ootn. iw4. Kecommended by ptarato
laue. educator, clenrvmen.and irrtduate every where.
Thi Institution has a Wetrn Braix-h a Portland witk
a very lenre claw of puptli In attendance men and
Women, trtrlnand boj a all mtf. Un toUI. Many aav
been cunil tn thrve week, but fle to tii weeka li the
ttmeauftlly required. VYtUcloeetn Port land out tetober
Uth. will act-cpt iHtntti unttl Henteniher tit A
V rite at once fur particular and tenni. If yo ntnilot
thtt ieper and tend li cent in atampa. to cover puetajr.
1 win irmi vou our cnuo nouna. nm pave door. - iit
Orttfl and Treatment of ttamuerinf ' free of ekaTfa,
TrVMtarn RepreegDtatlv Aeaoctat Prlaolpttl
ft. W. Cor 18th and RalelhtraaU
Xot-Xo puplU accepted at forttaad after Sept. I
Spray Material
Itring in your l'r seriptions.
The very finest line of Pianos, from the cel
ebrated (.'bickering, the renouned Weber, the
fine Kimball, which is used and known for its
purity of tone and easy action, the silver-toned
Hobart M. Cable, and on down the line of
Pianos to suit your means and pocket book.
Be sure to write for terms, or come and see
The Dalles, Oregon.