The Hood River glacier. (Hood River, Or.) 1889-1933, August 24, 1905, Image 8

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Mr. und Mrs. T. S. Handsiikpr,
whoe ortraiU are shown above, will
Ix'k'in a serins of nieetiiiKs in a Ihtkb
tent noiir tlio old uniiory building on
Jvivnr Htreit thn Hint Kmnlay in Hep
tomber. Mr. and Mrx. llttndHuker
lmve Leon very wiMiflimful In their
work and win tint hixheHt rogitrd of
the people of all dohotiiitiutioiis whor
over they go, by ttioir upright, gener
ous, gemul cnrlMttHii conuuot. It will
be remembered that they conducted a
very successful series of meetings at
the Valley Christian church lunt win
ter. The Christian church in growing
very rapidly and Ih becoming a strong
organization in Hood Kiver valley.
In IK'X), this dononiination ranked
eighth among the chnrchnH of the
United States. It now ranks sixth.
The net gain in membership liiHt year
wiih '2il,1h!t and the niotnliorH uuinber
1,:VK),IKN) in the nation while in thin
state the nieinberHhip in round nuui
berH reaches 10,1)00, with a net gain of
1'JK), lant year.
Tli is body of christians hold and
advocate the Divine iiiHplrutlnu of the
Holy scriptures the all sulllclout rev
elation of Jod to man and the only
rule of faith and practice; the Incar
nation of the lodges the ctorual word
of God in the person of tlio Lord Je
ua Christ ; that redemption from sin
and the gift of everlasting life can be
received only in JIih name, thioiigr.
faith, repentance, and baptism; the
necessity of a righteous, iieuevolont
and holy life as an evidence, and the
fruit, of repentance; the desirability
and necessity of christian union; of
their mission to turn the world from
the service of Hiitau to the service
and worship of the Living (Jod; the
fullness and freencss of salvation offer
ed in the gospel to all who will accept
it on the terms given in the Won),
and of the final everlasting separation
of the ungodly from (Jod and those
who are saved in Chrint, and their
eternal punishment by banishment
from his presence and glory. All
these things and many otlierj will be
fully and clearly set befroe tlio people
by Mr. iliiiiilwiier, who is a clear,
logical, and very pleasant and inter
esting pplilio speaker.
(Mauler readers will enjoy the meet
ings if they attend, no mutter of what
faith they may be; because there will
not be heard a single word of abuse
upon any denominational peculiarity
or belief, it Is not Mr. Jlandsiiker's
method of work. All are cordially in
vited and will be heartily welcomed.
About That Cider Factory.
Hood Kiver, Or., Aug. 14, 1!KJ5.
Kdltor (llacier: 1 was somewhat
amued and considerably disgusted
with the cider factory proposition in
last week's Glacier. While I readily
admit that such an institution is bad
ly needed, the supreme gall displayed
by the parties making the proposition
is enough to knock a wooden Indian
olf his pedestal.
Those gentlemen ask the Hood Kiver
people to pay them IPIO.UUU with which
to build on HOm plant, leaving them
9'JKKl with which they can buy, at the
prices stated about i:i,:iUO bushels of
cull apples; then they most magnan
imously propose to take charge of
tills plant and capital, run it to suit
themselves and pay the Hood Kiver
investors a dividend when they see
lit to declare one on lf'f per cent of
their investment they taking the other
HI 'j, per cent of the prollts to re'-lin-burse
them for possessing the magic
name of Jones.
As 1 stated before I believe that
Hood Kiver needs a factory of this
kind, but if it must he built by
Hood Kiver capital 1 believe that
Hood Kiver capitalists should leap
the proliU on their investment.
As to the value of the name of
Jones as a commercial commodity i
will venture the assertion that not one
person in one thousand on this oonst
knows that Jones Hros. of Louisville,
Ky., are making cider, but there are
few who do uot know about Houd
Kiver apples, and the name of Hood
Kiver would therefore lie cmnpara
tively more valuable than the ancient
and honorable name of Jones.
Now, while the writer does not re
joice in the possession of the name of
Jones, he knows bow to make cider,
and if the people of Hood Kiver wish
to put up the money to build and on
erate a plant, he will, in the kindness
or his heart, agree to run the concern
and give them M per cent of the pro
ins, lie inking tlio hnlance and a com
fortable salary of course for "know
lug how." This is ill1,, per cent bet
ter than they are olfered by the Jones
bunco game and yet the writer
expects to have to remain
Stale Nerds Haiti limllf.
Ihe climate and Crop llulletin for
the week ending Tuesday, August 15,
reports conditions throughout the
state as follows ;
Dry weather continues and the
need of ram is becoming more uruont
Htreians are getting low and pasturage
is becoming very short, except on tide
iitniis linn on me mountains ranges.
htock, up to within a few days ago,
Kepi in goon coiiiiiiion, nut now vat
tie are losing tlesh exceiit where they
me noipou ny an extra reed of hay.
the harvesting and tlio thrashing of
grain are lining rapidly pushed and
some larmers are tnrouga with theii
work. Full wheat and barley yields
continue good. The straw of" spring
wneui as noavy and tiie heads were
largo, but the berry shriveled during
the recent hot weather, with the re
sults that the yields in nearly every
section of the state uro less than ex
pected. Oats sullered similarly, aud,
while the damage was possibly not so
great as in the case of spring wheat,
oat yields are also disappointing.
Corn and late potatoes need rain;
the hot days curl the corn leaves, but
they freshen up again during the cool
liens of the nights. Hops are uneven,
and reports regarding the condition
of the crop are conflicting. Sugar
beets in the Grand Kondo valley are
promising, but the crop is not so good
as it was last year this time. 1'eaches
are plentiful in the markets. Apples
are smaller in size than usual, but
otherwise the yield in the well kept
orchards promises to be nearly an av
erage one. l'runes have dropped more
than usual at this season of the year.
1 1). Hiuriches, reporting for Hood i
Kiver, says: j
"Weather is cooler; ground very dry !
where not irrigated ; second crop of
clover partly cut and cured, yield good ; i
early pot oates ripe ; Hnrtlett pears and
Grarenslein apples will soon lie ripe, I
the crop will bo short; a garden
We had several doctors but I bey did
ti i in no good, due bottle of this reme
dy cured him, as our neighbors will
testify. 1 1 hunk God for m valuable h
medicine." I 'or sale by Williams'
Frank J. Ginger of Heattle, Wash.,
who for many years has been in the
mail service between Hpokuue and Se
attle, last week took a weeks' vacation
and spent it with his brother, Frank
Colonel Lou Ginger and wife of
Colorado Springs, Colo., have lieeu
the guests of his nephew, Frank (lin
ger, for the past week. He attended
the fair and it is his intention ot
returning, and making a more thor
ough investigation of the country.
Mrs. Lillian Johnst f South Ha
ven, Kan., accompanied by her sister,
Mrs. 10. I j. Graham, spent three day
at the fair las, week. It is the inten
tion of Mrs. Johnson to return alter
tier stay at the fair and visit Mosier
in re thoroughly.
Miss Kva Ginger of Kidgeville, Ind.,
who has been the guest at the home ot
Frank Ginger, for the past week, has
gone to the fair, aud will return idler
she has visited the linn surroundings
there for a nice visit at the Ginger
Horn, to Mr. and Mrs. K. T. Green,
a daughter, Saturday, August 1'.).
Horn, to Mr. and Mrs, K. 1). Hos
kln, a son, Tuesday, August lfi. Mr.
Hoskiu is the inuuuger of the Hue
ranch owned by Dr. C. A. Miicruin.
Mrs. George Woods, returned last
week after concluding a week's visit
with her sou, Chief Woods, of The
Speaks In City of Mexico.
The Mexican Herald, under date ot
July 31, has the following to say of tin
address made in the City of Mexico
by Kev. K. L. Conger, brother-in-law
of Hon. 10. L. Smith of this city. Mr.
Conger It will be remembered visited
here while euroute to the City of
Mexico :
A cougregtion that packed the
Union Kvngelicl church to the doors
greeted the Kev. 10. L. Conger, D.
!., brothre of American Ainbnssndoi
Edwin H. Conger, at the 11 o'clock
services at that church yesterday
tnorning. Mr. Conger, who is a Uni-
varsaiiai Clergyman, mid lieeu nil
nouueed to deliver his llrst sermon in
the city in the Union church yester
day morning, and many who attended
were no doubt actuated by curiosity
lu desiring to hear him, but everyone
in the church was richly rewarded bv
the profound address that was uttered
by Mr. Conger.
Ihe American ambassador, accom
panied by Lieutenant Fiederick ilu-
chan and Mrs. Kiichan. and Secretary
Fenton K. McCreatv. at the American
embassy, were present in the church
aud took part in all the services.
Ihe musical program was extremely
impressive and somewhat moro elab
orate than usual, and all the exer
cises were followed with close atten
tion by the cougreagtion.
Mr. Conger's sermon on "The Unltv
and the Continuity of Life" was one
of the broadest and most suggestive
that has over been delivered from a
pulpit in this city, ami it would be
impossible to adequately convey the
impression that it must have pro
luceil upon the congregation. It. is
safe to say t hat to many of them it
opened up unknown avenues of spirit
uai inougiit and oltered wider concep
tions of the universal life aud love
than they had been A-custoined to.
According to Mr. Conger, life is so
oiniiioii and universal that it is ai
most impossible to dellne it. It is
knowu only through its phases, ami
II is t he same throughout the iinivesre.
lie likened life to the ocean, eaeli
billow of which was distinct, but all
of t hem being a part of and forming
the immense sea.
Mr. Conger rose to his irrcHtesl
height when dwelling upon the con-
iinuily or life
have bad several attacks of colic and it
has proved to tic the liest medicine 1
ever ucd." Sold by Williams' 1'har-inaey.
I Two great national conventions, tin
conference on civics anil the Trans
Mississippi congress, me in session at ;
Pirthiiid this week. The Natioi.a ;
Irrigation congress will meet then'
next week. 'I hese important confer-'
dices are held at. Portland on account
of the Lewis and ('lurk exposition,:
which has provided hcvcral function! !
for the entertainment of the dele
gates. I
Dangerous iiml ('iiccrlaiii. j
For sunburn, letter and all skin and 1
sealp diseases, HeSVill's Wilcli Haze.
Salve bus no equal. It isa certain cup j
for blind, bleeding itching and protru
ding piles. It w ill draw the lire out o'
a burn ami heal without leaving a seur
lloils, old sores, carbuncles, etc., an
quickly cured dy the use of the genu
hie lle'Wilt's Witch Hazel Salve. Ac
cepl no su list it lite as they lire olten dan
genius and uncertain. Sold by G. K
The Trail, with its new roof of can
vas, is becoming Jf in oih popular thai;
ever. The canvas roof is one of tin
many novel sights ;.t the Lewis a. id
Clark exposition. It is said to be the
longest tent roof in the world.
Hardware Stewart's Furniture
Furniture Dept.
Tlit- enlargement of our
More to more than double
c ipacity gives us the wish
e'l for chance of buying in
the closest way from foun
tain head the latest and
pi isi I i hi
Berry Growers.
We want to bundle your sfrawber
ries and other produce, for we are in
to get von the best prices.
A. I). lil.OWF.KS & CO..
Sea'tle. WVh.
Rags Wanted.
The 11. K. I.. I'. & W. Co. will pay lie
per pound for clean cotton rugs at their
olliee, either white or colored. They
must be large cm ugh (or wiping mach
inery. Water and Light Notice
All water and light hi 1 Ih must be paid
at the company's olliee each mouth in
advance, on or before tint 10th day of
the month. No collector will be sent
out licrcaflcr.Iu all rases where billsare
not promptly paid when due, the ser
vices will be discontinued until all
arrearages are paid.
W. 0.
Hv 10. 10. (;()! F, Mur
We are prepared
deliver ICE 1o nnv part o
the city. Thone No. 313
Tompkins Bros.
Please 'phone your (infers 10 a. in
FISH and
it st am i) acinir it in vour
' hands for less money than
small dealers pay. Our ex
j lenses are only oni'-fourth
H hat of the same size citv
store. Our costs are the
same. Can there be any
question of where goods
are sold at lowest price?
We can prove it all in an
hour's inspection of our
beautiful new lines.
Hardware DepL
Here again the enlargement is felt
Vtehiivthe following goods by the
carload and pay cash :
Wire Fencing, Nails, Barbed
Wire, Mouldings, Donrs.Windows
Lath, Cement, Lime, Genuine
Wood Fibre Plaster, Sash Weights
Our contract for tonmie In
Rooting and Paper, Paints Oils
and Class, and quantities in
Cutlery, Axes, Edge Tools, Eish
ing Tackle; Guns, Ammunition
and StOVeS, gives ua the lowest
cost in th8 United States. Who sella
good goods cheap?
Order for beautiful Crockery
placed nine mouths since in Ger
many, France and Japan are now
due. We defy the competition of
(mi store.
in Kitchen Goods of any kind -
Tin, Granite, Copper, Nickle,
we are putting out such a change in
pricing as must demand your atten
tion to saving pennies and nicklcs.
Seasonable Goods
Fly Paper, 50 sheets 45
Wire Ely Killers 10
Lawn Mowers 8.50 to 12.00
Ice Cream Freezers. ... 2.25 to 4.00
Baby Carriages and
Go-Carts 8.75 to 80.00
Trout Flies, per doz. . . .25 to 1.20
Imderii, 1 to 8 yards. . .05 to .80
Linen and Silk Lines. .05 to 1.75
Fly Poles 1.00 to 14.00
20 per cent discount on (Shot Guns.t
line of Floor Rugs, ranging from $1 to $30, will
inteiest you. Carpets, Linoleums, Shades, Oil
Cloth, Shelf and Table Oil Cloth, now arriving.
Price, style and quality all guaranteed.
Stoves Stewart's Crockery
(ioods delivered
out for
Fish Wagon
l,. O. HAWN,
One door lnnt of I'mther's olliee.
Do you want a snap?
You can't losi
buy a tract
ll von
in 'anions
ll 1 'I il". l.Jll1 II I
la im Ji mi
f Pefer Painter &&y$
the complexion of
a house like thai of
some girls soon
comes off unless
Patton's Sun-Proof Paints are mixta In exact
proiwrtlon of Urn most durable materials, per
fectly mixed by Improved maohinerr. They are
the best siire&dliiK, longest wearing paints, and
have the most brilliant and lasting colors.
Send for book and color oard (free) to Pattoh
Paint Co., Lake Street, Milwaukee. Wis.
Hardware, Stoves, Ranges
Cut up in t facts to suit yon.
lust sold ten acres for tWO
thousand dollars and the
rest Ihaii that which we re
('.in eet a First-Class 250 MEAL at the
P. F. FOUTS, Prop.
serve vi
soon lie sold
Tlie linoit lierrv and iipple lain) in
tlio world. Williln tlie city limits o!
U Mte Salmon. Ten-aciv or smaller
tracts just tlie tiling fur lieriies mul
After you luie looked aruiiiul
and pee us and yon ill liml just
you luivc have hcen looking; for.
w lint
Cherries from tract this vear
are the v inners
fruit exhibits.
in the yreat
While Salmon, Wash,
Still have left a few pairs of Men's and
Boys' Merrit's Pants and Ladies' Skirts.
.Mens tan Mioes, tfo i Comforts, wplen- or
tfooil values, at wOU didly made, $1 toyl.tJt)
Trading Stamps Qiven for Cash Purchases.
..Livery, Feed and Dray ing.
Hood River, Ore.
Horses bought, sold or exchanged.
Pleasure parlies can feeure first-class rigs.
Special attention given to moving furniture anil
We do everything horses can do.
To him dent h nns lint
products, where watered, are doim- a i'Iiiiiho. "the veil that seoiiriitns t his
well; water supply for Irrigat ion j ild from tho other," "the open
plentiful." door, the gateway. " Life, he said,
. ... , ' "" I and not death, la the great nivsterv,
' """" I'iarrlioi'tt. the great reality, ami love aa 'life in
I'. S. soldiers who served III Culm lt highest form.
during the Spanish war know what
this disease is, and that ordinary rem- i Jit What Kvervone Should Ho.
Moie'l, 'ieo" !' ,"",,VI,,1'1 " : Mr ' T- Il"r1'' ',r Iri"ville. ().,
at i. L of'. li' iT ,,I,KV,,W ''' , ''"'. Cl"ler and Piarrhoea Kemedv
ttackofi liolera. 1 hoiv la one ri'iuedy, ! t ,.,ml ready for instant use. At
owexer. hat cm, always Ik) dended , tucks ol wi,', cholera mortals and diar
upon as will be seen by the follow inu rhoea eome . ., y...l.l....l.- . ... ..
is no lime to hunt a doctor or go to the
store for medicine. Mr. Harder says:
''I have tried Cliaiiila'rlain's Colic,
Cholera and IiiarrliiH'a li edy which
is one of the liest rt'inodit'8 1 ever paw.
I keep a bottle of it in my nmm as 1
oertillcate from .Mix. Minnie .laeobs of
Houston, Texas: "I hereby certify
that ChnmlierlaiirH Colic, Cholera anil
IHarrlniea Keinedy cured my liustiaud
of a severe attack of Cuban "iliarrhwa,
which he brought home from Cuba.
The I.pwU rin'tm Mftrto liictitntp nn.l Sohool for
nmnitnen'i or ivn-nti wi.mhhh, flrtl.,llityl flTiri
em. iiiini Ui"i!..ii,i- 0.-1,1 Vf.UI rlt-a
rltl' Kittr SI I .'in-, p.toi UtV.,oinieii,lf.l ,y i,IihI,
Ihiim islu,-Hto- '! t k' iii.u u iH.ltiHlcii ,moVv l'lfrt.
Ihi" hmlitiid- (i li.oi t'-l.-i ii tlinii. li itt fi'rt lam! tlh
ft wry btikitt of ,inU in Ht(t luinutf ttn-n Ami
vnnirn, iri ami Ihm s n, fin intt v ht
twii ciiu-.l in ilnvp wt oJ, l.i,( ru,' 0 w,.,.ii!t' In the
tinuMlMi:i'i '.uiu-.l W in I'.-Mlaii.t.-inVtol-vr
llth. Will H.t . 1 t M tin Until Scl.l. tll.-r nr A
W rllv ( oin-i t.-r fit rli, 'til 'imtiii.l irntis. ll jou iiumhioii
till )m)Hr Hint wini t,.-'iij. in -i inM, t.' i-mvr lsMit-,
1 oii .'..r . 1 "ll. 1 .11 i.Rt-,. Ihvk Tl,d
lritiUAiiJ TivtUiiH ni ..f Mniuiitt-i nij;. free ofclirg.
Wtin HtM'rosoiiiiiuve AitBoi'int Principal
OB W. Cor lrt:h nm lW,.M:h Streets
Mote No tt.vtjitui at l oiiiaml after 8pt.
Stock Grown on Full Roots.
Wo ilt'sire to let our friends and patrons know
that fur the fall planting wo will have and can sup
ply in nny number
Cherry, Pear,Apricot, Peach& Plum Trees,
Shade and Ornamental Trees.
Also, nil the standard varieties of apple trees. Can
supply the trade with plenty of Newtown, Spitzen
berr and Jonathan apple trees. y
RAWSON & STANTON, Hood River, Or.
F. B. STANLEY. Pre. E. L. SMITH, Vice-rrei. E. O. BLANCHAR, Cishier
Us First National Bank
That this bank is a Home Institu
tion and we invite your business on
a basis of mutual helpfulness.
Manufacturers of all kinds of ,
.Rough and Dressed Lumber
Seasoned lumber of all kinds in stock.
We make the best prices to contractors
and builders. It will pay you to see us for
prices before you make your contracts.
White Salmon, Wash.
Mill north of White Salmon.
" fiiJf'- This is tne MiU
5"wiU that makes the I
r' 'j BEST FLOUR 1
II v i , i ever put 01. the Hood 1
I - 'J Kiver market. I
is the Fanry Patent.
is the popular priced Flour.
Ask your grocer for our
Graham, Whole Wheat & Farina
Also Bran' Shorts, Middlings ami Barley
Hood River Milling Co.
and Manufacturers of all kinds of
ruit ooxes
Highest Trices Paid for High Grade Fruit.
WOOD & SMITH BROS., Proprietors.
Groceries, Flour and Feed
Only Exclusive Grocery Store in the City. Free Delivery. Phone
0. L. GILBERT, Proprietor.
Mt. Hood Hotel
Headquarters for Tourists & Commercial Travelers
Regular Rate. 91.25 to 92.50 par dr.
Stwcltl Rtt bj WMk or Month.
UfM Imt dklly for Clood Cap Inn dariof July, AujuH nd 8ptmbr.
Established 1900.
Residontg of Wasoo Co. for 23 Years.
A little reasonable frugality while one is earning money;
a little money put carefully away in the keeping of some
good institution, may mean a bar against want, care and
trouble that the improvident person will fail to coie with.
Why not the old and tried
Hood River, Oregon.
White Salmon, Wash.
General Contractors and Builders.
Estimates on all kinds of work i-liperfully furnished and the best of work
manship guaranteed. We are doing the building of this section at present. Our
work will speak for itself.