The Hood River glacier. (Hood River, Or.) 1889-1933, August 24, 1905, Image 7

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    flfli.." ' 111 af-
Why Pay More Elsewhere?
PPANkT A CPAM 18 8l,owins st,,ck
ST tStY 1 IV f. V ttL T 1 (no,g.h for a trade a large
City would justify, and we are selling the goods, which proves that
low prices, fair dealing, new stylish goods will draw the
Ice Cream
Ice Cream
Today at the parlors of Sheets &
50 acres on the East Side, 2 miles
out. 10 acres in young orchard. A snap.
Shingles. See us for best prices.
Oregon Lumber Co.
Wall paper remnants for ten days at
Hunt's Wall Paper Store- Sit
Mantle, wall and cookoo clocks on
easy terms at Clark's.
Use Williams' anti-septic hair tonic
and keep off gray hairs.
Sidewalk lumber. Delivery same
day ofder is received. Oregon Lumber
Call and examine my new line of
watches. I can save you money .Clarke,
the jeweler.
I guarantee a fit in glasses. Clarko,
the optician and jeweler.
To make room for new stock all cut
glass will be closed out at cost. Clarke
the jeweler.
Do you use Lath? Get our price and
compare it witb that of competitors.
Ynu will make money this way. Ore
gon Lumber Co.
Well, don't you see that if you wish
to see well, you should see Clarke the
optician. Guaranteed work in glass
Tired out, worn out woman cannot
sleep, eat or work; fee ins as if she would
fly to pieces. Hollisters Rocky Mount
ni'ii Tea makes strong nerves and rich
red blood. 35 cents Tea or Tablet". C.
K. Clark's.
Closing out all but millinery, Knaip
Dr. E. T. Cams has returned t 1 1 - - m 1
Riverand resumed his practice at tin
same place, over Bartneas store, where
he is prepared to attend those wishing
his services.
Now that all important question is
fettled the next thing is the ring a fine
new line of engagement and wtdding
rings. Prices right. Clarke the jeweler
MeGulre Bros, offer boiling meats at
your own price, 5c, tic and 7c r pound.
For surveying, see John Leland Hen
derson & Son.
Be sure to go camping, hut first get a
supply of ammunition and fishing takle
hum McDonald. He has the right kind.
John Leland Henderson and eon are
equipped with two Ourley transits and
v ill be ready to do surveying for; the
n xt iwo months. Ratis per day are
f and 910.
It is to your interest to refer to Mr.
llirtniess' ad under the new system.
All watch, Clock and jewelry repair
wort Bliaril'itPcn nv t;mrnw,mw jeweicr
Have you seen the new things
School Aprons.. Your Boys' Knee Pants. IT" HandKerchieh
little irirl may nee" some new ones. Prelty patterns in worsted, che- For school use ; very good quality,
We are showing some very pretty vlot and tweed, well made, light hemstitched lace insertion in
materials at lOc per yard and dark. Special, 6Qc pair, corner. Special, 3 cents each
StocKinga. We carry the Boy7"ci For school Sunbonnetl. Misses' and
Armor Plate, the kind that wear wear. Neat shape, dark colors, children s sizes, pretty colo s;
like iron; they're good, that's all. nicely finished; well worth the just the thing for school wear dur-
" ' iSc and 23c per pair price- 23 cents mg the Fall. 13 and 2Q cents
a L" ..t k i i. Imt tlm alwtSkl hi .v unit irl titxxla Win
m . f I
lledUqUanerS Or XnOOl JUPPIICS niake it a point to
ties that are noi U) oe nan riKwimu.
Waihday Necessities
Tubs, wash boards.boilers, bluing,
.clothes pins, wringers, mops, scrub
brushes, soap, etc. Little prices
Hop PicKers' Supplies
We can fit you out with tents, bed
,i;n.. Mtun t,uiU. rnokint? uten-
sils.c'anvas gloves and other neces
sities at little cost. Come and see.
r. un uti h,M hv Mrt w
VUUUUU llUi W mviw mj -
Lewis and
Clark Fair
At less than material would
cost, This means
New Goods
such as you can compare
with any city styles at twice
the money.
New Shipment of
Just Arrived
Including sunburst effects in
Henriettas, Panamas,
Voiles, Sicilians,
$2.92,3.52, 3.96, 4.95
The equal of regular
7..r)0 Skirts.
3 C
Patronize home industry by buyin8
ranch butter at MeDonald's.
Mayes Bros, get a fresh supply of
meat etery morning.
For trout flies that catch the fish, go
to McDonald's.
If you have heifer calves to sell, see
J. VV. Anderson.
Fish, salmon and halibut, at McGuire
Bros' market.
BlueVitrol at Clarke's 7c a pouud
Phone Tompkin Bros, for ice.
Two-quart combination hot water
bottle and fountain syringe guaranteed
for one year. Only $1.50 at Clarke's.
If you require accnrate surveying, see
Murray Kay, civil engineer. Consulta
tion free. High-class work guaranteed.
Mayes Bros.' meat market has been
supplied with a cooling fountain for
keeping vegetables fresh and clean. Buy
your vegetables where they come fresh
as from the garden.
Cold boiled ham at McGuire Bros.
Fancy creamery butter at McGuire
Bros. Ilazelwood and Washougal
Groceries, .flour and feed at Lamar A
Those contemplating putting in wheat
this fall should see the Hood Jliver
Milling Co. first.
Watermelons and muskmelons on ice
at McGuire Bros.
The Glacier office is now located in
the northwest corner of the Davidson
building, the concrete building on River
Every Man owes it to himself and
his family to master a tradeor profesion.
Read t'le' display advertisement of the
six .Morse Schools of Telegraphy, in this
banc and learn how easily a young man
or lady may learn telegraphy and be
as-ured a position.
Ail persons knowing themselves to be
indebted to W. Haynes & Co., will
1 1 -ase call and settle at once.
Dr. and Mrs. G. W. Bueklin.of Mun
cie, lii'l., are visiting Mrs. Bncklin's
brother, G. A. Wright and daughter.
They are delighted with Hood River.
Having disposed of my stock of
goods and rented my store, 1 have an
office in the old post olliee building,
where I with to collect all accounts due
me, so I can pay what I owe. Then all
of us will feel better to be out of debt.
Nursery Trees.
Twenty thousand, carefully grown,
choicest varieties Apple, Pear, Peach
and Cherry trees can be found at our
True-to-Name nursery for the coming
season's planting. We have never been
able to supply the demand and hence
you should file your orders at an early
date to Insure attention.
Hood River, Or.
In our 5, IQ and 15 cent Store ? Better
I r ! - k
Outing Flannel. Lots
of new patterns just in; they are
so pretty this year and make fine
school dresses for Utile girls. Dark
and light patterns lOc per yard
Need a go-cart? Look at
our $5 folding cart. Very strong
ly built, rubber tires, silk pinch
cushions. Excellent value for 95
Fike drew the Lewis and Clark Fair ticket
This Suit
At the Churches.
Lutheran. Services will be held
again next Sunday , August 27, at the
Advent church about three miles south
of town. Sunday sohool at 2 p. m.,
regular services with preaching at 3 p.
m. All not worshiping elsewhere are
cordially invited. H. J. Kolb, pas
tor. Valley Christian Regular Services
Sunday, both morning and evening.
W. A. Elkins, pastor.
Baptist. Regular preaching services
at Carmichael's hall every 1st and 3d
Sunday morning and evening; Sunday
school every Sunday at 10 a. in. CrVe
nant and business meeting the first
Wednesday night in each month. J. H.
Spight, pastor.
Methodist Preaching at 11 a. m. and
8 p-m.; Sabbath school 10 a. in.; Ep
worh league 7 p. m. Prayer meeting
Thursday evening. All cordially in
vited. V. C. Evans, pastor.
United Brethren. Sunday school at
10 a.m. Junior
Endeavor, 3:30 p. ni. Christian En
deavor, 6:45 p.m. Preaching at 7:30.
All are cordially invited. Rev. J. S.
Rhoads, pastor.
Belmont M. E. Church. 11. C. Clark,
pastor. Services, Belmont: Sunday
school at 10 a. m.; Class meeting atll
a. m. ; Epworth League 7 p. m. ; preach
ing every Sunday evening and 2d Sun
day in month at 11 a. m. ; Prayer meet
ing Thursday 7:30 p. m. Services at
Pine Grove same as above except preach
ing, which is on 1st and 3d Sundays at
11 a. in. Crapper. 1st and 3d Sundays
at 3:30; Sunday school at 2:30. Mourn
Hood. The 4th Sunday at U a.n t. ;
Sundav school at 10 a. m.
Where are you sick? Headache,
foultougue, no appetite lack energy,
pain in your stomach, constipation?
Hollister's Kocky Mountain Tea, great
est beautifler known. 35 cents. C. N.
KK) acres, 1J miles from Mosier sta
tion, on main road; good spring; $25 an
acre; will divide; line apple land. Also
other Mosier property. W.J.BakerA Co.
Offices and Rooms.
The very best for rent in Smith Block
Ilance at Odell Friday Mght.
There will be a publio dance at the
I. O. O. F. ball at Odell Friday even
iug, August 25, 1!K5, by B. U. Board
man and O. E. Dillon.
Union Picnic on Friday.
The annual union Sunday sohool
picnic will be held Friday, in the oak
grove near the Country Club Inn, in
the west end of the city. All Sunday
school children are tuvited to attend.
Families are expected to provide bas
ket ldnohes. The pleasure seekers
will gather at the gymnasium building
near the U. B. church, at 8:30 o'clock.
Clarke's Congh Elixir
mi re that conuh Price isonlv25
come in and take a saving look
please the children by getting novel-
StorK goods. We ate the
sole agents for this excellent line
of goods. Every lady who has a
babv should be interested in them
For the baby Moccasins,
shoes, stocking', IxHiteev, flannel
sacques, knit ets, bibs, sanitary
diaper cloth, cotton, Ma, nel, lace
and mull caps, etc. Little prices
last week, why not you this week?
i ii -
-L' 1 if" ...TeZZ3t,',-.7,,.,,,.n.l.-Jlr lir
Why Pay More Elsewhere?
School Season
Is next up for consideration. We ve cov
ered the ground thoroughly and are pre
pared to sell your boys and -irIs. Fall
wears at much less than yon have ever
bought goods bourn.
Shoes, Clothing:, Coats,
Caps, Underwear
All reduced in price.
New this Week
Dress Goods, Laces, Ta
ble Linens, Hen's Hats,
Sauford Tate left Monday for a trip
to Denver.
Mair Dauo was a Portland visitor
during the week.
Mrs. S. E. Bartmesa and Mrs. Eurle
spent Tuesday in The Dalles.
Mr. and Mrs. V. C. Brock visited
the Portland exposition last week.
Robert Robertson of Calusa, Calif.,
is the guest of S. E. Bartmess and
Mrs. A. K. Mlddlotou and Mrs.
Cliue are enjoying au outing at the
beach at Seaside.
Miss Brown, who has been visiting
Miss ldel Woodworth, loft for her
home at The Dalles Monday.
Edwin A. Henderson has closed out
his realestate business in this city and
moved with his family to Olympia.
Maurice Jayue should be the proud
est youth iu town on his returu from
Lost Lake. Ho killed a bear last
Work Is being pushed ou the ware
house of the Apple Growers union,
tho frame work being completed for
the second story.
W. H. Wilson, One of the attorneys
for the defense in the Frank lieis
case, was in the city Tuesday iu the
interest of his client.
E.. L. Smith is in Portland this
week, attending the sessions ofthe Na
tional irrigation congress of which be
is third vice president.
William Carlisle and daughterllazel
of Atoheson, Kaus., are guests of S.
E. Bartmesa and family. Mrs. Hart
mess and Mrs. Carlisle are oousiua.
Mr. and Mrs. H. N. Onstead of Daw
son, Minn., are guest, of Mr. and
Mrs. C. A. Dauo. Mr. Onstead will
likely buy some Hood River farming
W. U. Stranahan of Minneapolis
Minn., is in the city; the guest of bis
brothers, O. I). and C. H. Stranahau,
and sisters, Mrs. Geo. P. Crowell and
Mrs. C. J. Hayes.
W. O. Sanders has socured the con
tract to erect an 8- room cottage for
A. C. Staten. Work will beign about
the middle of September, and is to be
completed in 00 days.
Dr. O. J. Sweetland, who has been
visiting friends in Hood River for a
couple of weeks, loft for home Tues
day. Dr. Sweetland is a teacher at
the state university, at Grand Forks,
N. D. ,
Mr. and Mrs. Pritchard of Memphis,
Tenn., were guests during the week at
the Bartmess home. Wbeu they left
Tennessee, they had to secure health
certificates to pass the quarantine es
tablished iu the yellow fever district.
August Paasch returned last Friday
from a trip to Germany. Mr. Paasch
says in all bis trip he did not find a
community whore the farmers had
such conif oi table bousea and thrifty
appearing farms as in Hood Rivet val
ley. Mr. and Mrs. Husbands of Santa
Cruz, Cal., are In Hood River visit
lug the families of their sons, Robert
and Wallace Husbands. This is Mr.
Husband s first trip here for niue
years and he sees many changes and
P. M. Hall-Lewis, the architect, has
changed his plaoe of residence from
the cottage in the west end of the city
to the house on the corner of Sher
man avenue and C street, recently va
cated by E. E. Goff, who has moved
into his new resilience on C street.
A. E. Adams of the Western Pub
lishing Co. of Spokane, which com
pany is preparing a history of Interior
of Oregon, was in the city last Thurs
day, with a large bunch of manuscript
containing the historical review of
Wasco county, which was perused by
E. L. Smith, and found to be well
written and accurate. Mr. Brooks of
The Dalles was another member of a
comimttee of three to examine the
Wasco county writeup.
There is a good story going the
rounds of Mpsier. The little daughter
of Mr. and Mrs. J. N. Mosier, had
been attending the Sister's school of
the Catholic cburcb at Walla Walla,
and returning home, her mother was
interested in knowing how observant
the young lady had been aa to the
size of the city, etc. "How big is
Walla Walla, Alice ; is it aa large as
The Dalles?" "O, my mama, it is
fourteen times aa large as The Dalles;
why it la very nearly as large as Hood
River." The absolute simplicity of
the child in telling the truth aa she
saw it, is very good evidence of how
Our Young Men's
Is reliable, both in style and materials used, inside
and out. Hundreds of well pleased customers have
been fitted out for the Fair from head to foot for less
than ordinary stores ask for just a Suit alone.
(PU: l't
all visitors to this section Mo up the
Newton ('lark was up Ifuin I'ciitliind
last Saturday, returning the m.'iio ila;. .
J. R. Phillips is logging fur the Me
nominee Lumber Co. at White Sal
mon. Absalom Ames of ViiiKpi ,Yis., vis
ited last week with J. 1.. Davis of the
East Side.
William Martin ami wile of Addi
son, Mich., are the guests of Porter
McMillin and Alex ami Matthew Mar
tin. Tho C. E. of the Valley Christum
church will hold a business meeting
at the parsonage Tuesday evening,
August 211. A full attendance desired.
Miss Lulu A baton was tip from Port
land last week visiting her parents,
Mr. and Mrs. F. Ii. A listen. Her sis
ter, Alma, returned with her by
steamer last Saturday.
Will Potter of Spray, Morrow coun
ty, is in Hood River visit ing rela
tives. Mr. Potter is in the general
merchandise business al Spray and is
also tho owner of a largo stuck ranch.
J. T. Holnian was in I'm t land last
week receiving treatment, for a cancer
on tho lip. This eaneei' has bein
troubling Mr. llolnian for over live
years, but did not become serious un
til recently. During his absence, I'd
Holman was iu charge of the store on
tho heights.
George Wilson and Marshal Isenberg
captured a black cub bear last Satur
day morning. They brought the little
felliw to town and sol, I hiiu to Mor
gan Bros, for 6li. The cub was
chased across the Ileitis by sum" dogs.
After cutting down several small
pines tho boys succeeded in making
him a captive.
Percivul Adams, vh i has been a
student for two years at, the Oregon
Agrictiltriial college, Corvallis, will
leave about tho middle ol September
for Boston, where ho will pursue
electrical engineering Hoik in the
Massachusetts institute of tieliunl
ogy. Mr. Adams is a sun of Dr. and
Mrs. M. Sue Adams.
M. A. Cox, of Phillips inly,
Kans,, accompanied by liis daughter
Lydia, is in Hood River the guest of
Mr. and Mrs. Ii K. lielieu and family.
Mr. Cox is the father m Mrs. lielieu.
Mr. Cox'reports farm crops very good
this year iu his part, of the state, lie
is IH years old, but one nmild hardly
take him to be over ."in.
Harry DeWitt, junior member of
the real estate llrm of U .1. liakir.V
Co., loft last week for Irglrs. dr., the
Oregon Lumber Co. ha lug telegraph
ed that they were anxious to h ive
him do some work in the olliee
there. Mr. DeWitt may accept a per
manent position at, Ingles, lie was
for a number of years in the employ
of the company in this city.
B. F. lielieu has completed a barn
for Mr. Morris on the East. Side, mid
this week is putting in the new front
for R. Ii. liragg's store, in the Cro
well building. Mr. lielieu says he
hopes now to bo able to take a moot h's
layoff. Ho has hardly missed a day's
work since the llr.-t of . la unary.
While his father in Ian, .Mr. Cox, is
hero from Kansas, his family are
planning a trip to the fair ami to
Mount Hood.
James Farley, the Hood River
heights merchant who disappeared
from town last April so completely
that his friends feared he had met his
death somewhere, re'iirned la-t week,
and after spending a few days here
left for Tho Dalles to take an exami
nation for railroad work. Mr. Farley
was formerly in tho employ of the
railroad, and after a tramp of over
5U0 miles through Eastern Oregon,
Washington and the Paget Sound
country ho concluded to return to
Hood River and take up railroading
R. M. Reed. publisher of the lloutz
dale 'Pa.) Citizen, stopped oil' at
Hood River Monday (veiling to make
a short visit with Mr. and Mrs. A. W.
Marklo. He had been associated with
Mr. Markle in the new-paper business
in Pennsylvania for several years. and
his visit was greatly appreciated by
the latter. Mr. Reed and w ife had
speut the past several weeks visiting
his brother iu Poillan I and also tak
ing iu tho fair. He is very favorably
impressed with tho stern country
iu general ami helieus Hood River
has a great future before it. It not
at all unlikely that ere many years
have passed ho will he numbered
among the inhabitants of Oregon.
Why Pay Hore
Boys' Knee Suits
An endless variety, all sizes
from .'5 years to K years.
Nunierous colorings, the
w hole line bargains.
Iiuys regular f 2 to $:i Suit.
Nice Blue Serges, Cheviots, Clay jj
Worsteds, are found here at prices fj
to take the breath away. j
Why pay more elsewhere :
C. W. Khnrte was down from Arling
ton during the week.
W. Jt. Davidson of Mouut Hood was
in Hood River, Wednesday.
Miss Clara ltlythe returned Monday
from a visit of two weeks iu Portland.
Mrs. A. D. Charlton and son of Port
land were guests at the Mount Hood
hotel during the week.
John Douthit, financial agent of the
British Columbia Land and Oil com
pany, was down from The Dalles,
I!. F.Gray of Portland, who orders a
a change of "address to 504 E. Coruthorf
street, says the Glacier is a very wel
come visitor at his homo.
Professor and Mrs. L. A. Wiley are
home from an extended visit with friends
and relatives at Albany, Lebanon and
other Willamette valley cities.
L r,U. 11.... O..... Ana
r 1IO III. lliw imilWB, nomi'inj, wm
troyed the residences of B. S. Hunt
ington and W. 11. Wells, with several
barns, incurring a loss of fr.!,U0U.
Because of illness, Miss Katherlne
Davenport, has resigned as a teacher
in Tho Dalles schools. Her position
will bo filled by Miss Gertrude Phil
lips. Fredericks A Arnold of this pity
have secured the contract for the erec
tion of several government buildings
at Cascade Locks. They wera the
lowest bidders at fll.WK).
1. Stone states that the settlers on
the West Fork have completed a ditob
and now have all the Irrigation water
they need. The new system Is called
tho Bonnie Arbor ditch.
Mr. and Mrs. J. II. Khnmaker left
Tuesday for Portland , where they will
visit t he exposition. Later in the week,
Mrs. Shoemaker will go on to the coast,
J. II. returning to Hood ltiver.
Wyers and Krepp have disposed of
I their telephone system connecting nite
Nilinon wild i rout i.ase iinu uniuor, w
Wade Ileiiii;eoiisideration, I'-'SOO. This
system lias over SO phones in operation
Tho following business was tran
sacted at The Dalles, Or., land ollioe:
during the mouth of July, 1905:
Homestead entries, 53; timber land
applications 117, homestead commuta
tions, ti.
Robert Thompson and grand son of
Walla Walla, arrived in Hood River,
Tneidav, and are the guests of C. E.
May. .Sir. Thompson is on his way to
the" exposition at Portland. He hopes
to visit C. M. Wolfard at White Salmon
before returning.
Harrison Miller of Calton, Utah,
ami Robert Gambill of Pueblo, Colo.,
aro new arrivals in Hood River. They
were here last summer, guests of D.
Stone, and became so in love with
the country that they went home to
Mary Cuhoor of Peoria, 111., and
Emilia Cuheer of Albion, N. J., left
for their homes August 17, after
spending a few weeks with friends in
East Hood River. The ladlea will
join Homer Cuheer at Seattle, who
also visited iu the valley. They will
return via the Canadian Paclflo.
E. K. Lewis of Minneapolis is In
the valley visiting his uncle, Herbert
Vannier of the Kast Side. Mr. Lewis
represents the Minneapolis Times and
the Chattanooga Times, and will sup
ply these papers with write-ups of the
Oregon country and the Lewis and
Clark fair.
Monday was the regular council meet
ing night, but with the mayor and two
coiincilinen absent, adjournment was
taken until next Monday, when the
closing of a contract with the Water Co.
for water for flushing a sewer system
w ill come tip (or consideration, also an
ordiuace providing for the preliminary
work toward a sewer fcystem.
H. L. Woodruff from Kansas, droped
into Hood River, August 13, on a visit
to his sister, Mrs. G. I). Eatinger, whom
he had not seen for nearly thirty vears.
He savs of the town and valley, ''I am
surprised, "why you are up to date. I
Buppossed before coining here that Hood
River was way behind the times." Mr.
Woodruff is a large stock raiser.
An unknown man, apparently 'about
X years of ago, was shot and killed at
12:':i5 yesterday morning In the Amal
bar. on Main avenue, Spokane, be-
; tween Stephens and Washington
streets. The shooting was apparently
! an accident. Gus Johnson, one of the
I proprietors of the saloon, waa snow
ing a revolver to two friends. He
; opened it, and five cartrlgea fell out.
He then liegan to snap the trigger and
at the third concussion a shell inad
vertently left in the chamber waa ex
ploded. The bullet, bit the unknown
Jf S
man iu tho left side, penetrating his
heart. There is no clew to his identi
ty except a letter dated Spokane,
June !, beginning "My dear Frank"
and signed "Maggie."
The infant daughter of Mr. and
Mrs. II. J. Fredericks is seriously ill.
D. McDonald, the River street mer
chant, possesses a handsome new do
livery wagon.
Florence, the infant daughter of
Mr. and Mrs. E. W. Cross, is suil'er
ing from summer complaint.
Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Hrewin and
four children from Canton, 111., tire
the guests of 11. F. Davidson and
Mr. and Mrs. D. McDonald, accom
panied by their son Angus and daugh
ter FjIIb, left this morning for Port
land. Mrs.William Holder was in Tuesday
to meet Miss Florence Buchanan of
Hood River who will teach tho Tracy
sohool in district OH. Escatadu News.
While playing mumble peg, Ray
mond Early suffered a severe cut on
the back of his fingers, by a sharp
blade severing the flesh to the bone.
Rev. and Mrs. O. J. Nelson have
moved into the Rand oottage on Statu
street, recently vacated by A. M. Kel
say, and will bo at home to their
frionds after September 1.
A. L. Phelps will start for the hop
fields of Yakima next Monday accom
panied by half a dozen of his neigh
bors witb as many teams and their
families. Mr. Phelps will captain
the party.
Mr. and Mrs. O. S. Davidson of
Canton, 111., who have been visiting
the Davidsons, Whiteheads and Chip
plugs, returned Monday, taking
steamer for Portland, and from there
they will go East by way of Califor
nia. Fred Bailey and family ere new
permanent residents of Portland,
where Mr. Bailey has risen to the po
sition of first assistant manager of
the Manpiam Grand theater. His
Hood River friends will lie pleased to
know he is successful witli his new
The improvements to the Odell
sohool house are Hearing completion.
Thla will double tho capacity of tho
school building. A corps of splendid
teachers has been engaged for tho
coming term, and Odell people expect
to have one of the bust schools iu the
Sam Bartmess' lawn mower was
stolen Tuesday night. Hum says lie
always keeps the best of lawn mowers,
but didn't think everybody knew it,.
The stolen machine was a Ki-iiich
Philadelphia pattern, with grass
oatcber attached. The mun who stole
the machine may return the same by
paying for this notice.
Mr. and Mrs. S. R. Parkinson of
Franklin, Idaho, and Mis. N. P.
Nielsou, jr., of Pocatello, Idaho, uro
visiting at the borne of Ezra Monsou
on Sherman avenue. Mrs. Monsou is
a daughter of the former and a sister
of the latter. They expect to leinain
a mouth, and take in the lot Hand
fair some time this week.
S. E. Bartmess has erected a neat
little barn ou his residence property,
oorner State and Irving streets. Tho
stalde has been made perfectly sani
tary in all respects. A cement Hour
drains into a large cesspjol, and pro
vision is made for keeping everything
ueat and clean. Over tho carriage
room is a loft with space for 2 tons
of hay. The building is ls- ji). It
oost $-joo.;
School iu tho Barrett distiict, will
begin, Monday, September 4, with tho
following corps of teachers: C. I).
Thompson, principal; Miss Amanda,
Wilson of North Dakota, intermedi
ate; Miss Carrie Byerlee. piiaiary.
The directors of the district are con
sidering the proposition of piping
spring water into the school building,
an Improvement which will be greatly
appreciated by the teachers and pup l-i.
Sew Today.
Do you use Naptha soap? 5c per bar
at McDonald's.
loe cream social at Belmont, on Mrs.
Potter's lawn, Friday evening.
Hard wood baskets for picking apples,
only 50c at McDonald's.
Go to Mr. Onthank for abstracts and
notarial work, renting and collecting.
I,egal piicr8 carefully drawn.
All parties using our pasture north of
the O. R. & N. track, please call at the
office of John Leland Henderson and
settle for same. Henderson & Evans.