The Hood River glacier. (Hood River, Or.) 1889-1933, August 24, 1905, Image 6

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1 It'
Portlund people may have noticed
in the pant two weeku an improve
ment iu the quality of fruit purchased
at the city stores gave the Ureitonian.
Wormy applet, scaly peacbei and dis
caned fruit of auy kind can no longer
lie found for ttule. For tills welcome
change they are indebted to a young
limn who twice a day maket the round
of tlio Front street produce houses, in
the oarly morning visits the l'laa
market and the rest of the day kepe
his eye on farmers and gardouere who
bring their product to the city. This
uiau is James H. Held, the newly ap
pointed fruit inspector, better known
kissed him. and us hor lips touched
his utio was terrified to lind that his
face wii warm and his lips moist,
She summoned the members of the
burial party and declared she believed
ber son was uot dead. She kissed
him a second time and ci ied out
"He's alive! My boy's alive!' and
then swooned. A call was made for
the physioian who pronounced Lopez
dead, but be could uot be found. An
other do",tor succeeded in bringing the
youth back to lite, lie was uncon
scions for an hour or two, hut he
gradually regained his senses and is
now almost recovered."
the produce quarter as "the bug
Mr. Held knows his business, for
ho is a practical fruit-grower himself,
ile has h farm at Milwaukie wbicb
produces 10,000 baskets of Concord
grapes every year. lie grows other
fruit, too, but be sprays bis yards so
thoroughly that he never has to con
demn any of bis own product. .Since
he stopped the sale of Infected fruit
iu tli s market, prices have undergoue
quite a revolution. Heretofore So
much trash was offered for sale that it
kept down the price of clean fruit,
especially apple, and no inducement
was offered the grower (otake care
of his orchard properly. Before Mr.
Hold's appointment good sound ap
ples only netted the grower about 7fi
cents a box. Now the same class ol
fruit is worth about 11. M).
To the farmers I would like to
give a littlo advice," said Mr. Iteid
yesterday. "Leave your wormy and
scaly apples at home, unless you are
looking lor trouble. 1'ack your fruit
lionestly and throw out the scabby,
misshapen stuff for hogfeed It will
pay in the end.
A lew days ago there was a scarc
ity of apples on Front street, and In
making my rounds I saw four boxee
of passable apples iu front of a mail
order house. The fruit had been
dumped loosely in the box, the covers
were sawed out of fence boards and
nailed up with ten penny nails. 1
bought the four boxes at 50 cents each,
took them to a commission bouse, re
placed them iu clean boxes and the
result was three boxes of fairly good
apples which were sold 20 minutes
later at l.i" a box.
"This was merely an expflilment to
see wnat could lie done with ordiuary
clean fruit. The result fully justified
me eirort. "
Finds (ilacicr Among the llcst.
Portland Journal.
An encomium of the country press
is going the rounds. It is something
on me unamp tJlark style of eulogy
oi me country press nusouie, ornate,
exaggerated, insincere, yet as to a
large portion of the country press
laigeiy true.
Every city exchange knows, how
ever. t.lmt. tllera ura nminfr rormt-u
1 - . . - . " " .VUHI.W. I t '
There are those that rustle for local
news; that discriminate between news
and uonseuse, between sense and
bosh; that watch for ami haste to
narrate ocnurnaos of local interest;
mm ir uiey venture to write or re
I riut editorials do so with good judge
ment and with a sincere effort to in
struct and enlighten thler readers,
Huoh papers are well worthy tbe eu
comiuiu spoken of, even though it be
veruose and vulgarly baited.
Hut there are others somo of them
in Uregoti. The week through "ye
ouiior- can nud no news worth print
ing, has no ideas worth presenting;
mouth after mouth, year after year.
There are specimens of the "country
press in uregou- mat are not appre
olably better than they wore ten, Uf
ieun or twenty years ago; they use
the same type, have tbe same make
up, don't know that the world in that
lime has moved faster than would a
snail in running a race.
There Hre other oountry papers that
"start," merely to get a few land
notifies and sherilf'a advertisements
ami some little pickups of patronage,
and pay no more attention to obtain
ing and disseminating local news than
me spnynx does the movonient to
consolidate religious soots. For one,
The Journal refuses to Indorse this
wholesale eulogy of the "oountry
iibbs, oecause mere are tnose excep
tious, and they are not few.
Hut having said this much, and
kicked out the lazybones and nretend-
ors, we cheerfully indorso all that has
neon said laudatory of the oouutry
press. When we get hold of a paper
like the Modford Mail for Instance, or
mio niiuuuiii (nolo) News, or the Jlood
Tells lownn of 1 1 (toil Hlver.
(JeOrge Simpson of Knoxville, lows,
who visited Hood Klvei, during the
month of July, furnished bis home
paper, the Journal, the following de
scription of tbe valley:
Sixty-six miles east of Portland
nestles o prosperous and enterprising
little town, the mart of tbe famous
fruit valley of the same nume. The
climate Is ideal tbe year around, the
rigors of winter and the extremes of
summer being unknown, with pine
and exhilarating mountain air. For
scenic charms few spots equal It. In
the foreground is the Colin bia river.
Across the river in Washington is
Mount Adams, 12,471) feet bgh; iu
the opposite direction, to the south
27 miles, is Mount Hood, perpetuallv
covered with snow, rearing its head
heavenward ll,-i, feet forming a
picturesque background to the valley,
and on to the oast and west are the
foothills of the Cascades.
A cilmb up through streets shaded
with beautiful and spreading oak
trees, to secure a view of the produc
tive bolt, is well worth tho effort.
Nature has designed but tew such
The panorama of river and vallev.
together with hundreds of well-kept
fruit farms, delight tbe eye. For '20
miles tbe fertile tract stretches to the
south with an average width of five
miles, making an area of UK) square
miles of (4,000 acres, of wnicb OO.OtK)
are tllable. It is said to bo the
greatest strawberry and apple place in
tbe world. Hood river bus its source
at tbe base of Mount Hood. The
stream with ice cold water winds IU
wiy through the valley, furnishing
water for irrigating nurnoses the en
tire distance and emptying Into the
Columbia just above the town. And
it is from tbe town of Hood Itiver
that the trip of all mountain trips in
this matchless scenic wonderland of
the Paclllo northwest may be taken.
Mount Adams, Mount Bt. Helens,
Mount Jeiferson and Mount liuiner.
mighty and silent sentlnelH, toworing
nigo atiove the lesser peaks and per
petually crowned with snow, stand
forth in wondrous fascinutlon. Hut
more beautiful and impressive than
all combined is Mount Hood, tho joy
or trio mountain climher and tourist
It Is one of tho most notable peak
in tbe west, serving as a guide Host
to juewis and Ulark on their moiuor
able trip of exploration to the coast
in 1HOO and mm. A trio through the
beautiful valley with one eye
mount noon is dellgntlul In everv
particular, i'asslng over the snlendid
gravel road leading nast scores
well kept annle and strawberry farms.
for which the valley is noted. Of the
many trips none is more delightful
than that to Lost Luke. This beauti
tul body of water is clear as crvstal,
and around it are Ideal spots on which
to camp. From the town of Hood
Kiver until Dassuig out of the Coin in
bia river gorge every mile is so full of
interest and surprises that the memory
oi an otner trips sinks into liisignil
ounce. The grandeur must be seen to
oe appreciated.
It's a Dandy
Twenty acres of early strawberry, ap
ple, cherry and vegetable land with
line southern slope. Only one half
mile from town of White Salmon.
commands a luanuificent view of Mount
Hood and city of Hood Kiver. The soil
is rich, deep and moist. Four acres
cleared and ready to plant to orchard
balance onlv light brush, eafy to clear.
some timber for fuel. It is all under
fence, and a fine well of cool soft water
There is no better soil and location for
an orchard or a finer site for a home
east of the Cascades. And now that we
are Hire of the Northern Pacific build'
idg down the north bank of theColum
nia river it is dirt cheap at f IUU j)(;r
acre. It will be worth three times that
in three years. Terms, $l.r00 cash, bal
a nee in three years. Don t let this slip
u you are looking lor a home.
White Salmon Land Co.
White Salmon. Wash.
Should be d nurds on East Hide Crude
Hood Kiver. Aug. 21. l'JOfi. Ed.
(iluo.or: Dear Sir. Tho same prin
olple of action which governs the
Woman's Christian Temperauce Union
regarding the liquor trallln and social
purity extends towards the kindness
to animals. Pel haps it Is not irener
ully understood a department of mer
cy Is Included In tho list of the mi
tionul organization which rovers over
10 diltcrent departments of work. Tim
"the do everything policv" luuinur
uted by Fruuoes KWillard linds ready
acceptance in every true white rib
boner's heart. Our work being lurge
y educative, moro or less time Is re
quired to bring about certain results
the preventive features being con
sidered tho most important. To each
children as they grow Into manhood
and womanhood that one of the essen
tlnls of true living is kindness to aui
mals, which is too oftou disregard
One of the best books on the sub
Jeot is a stoiy entitled "lihick
Heauty, repie.,cntnd as being written
Kiver t lliif.h.i .i 4I l..!... XT .
the Klamath Fulls papers. or the llrunt l7, V.1" m'rH.e bus a sim
County News (Johu Dav Citvi. or l.lm I ' '. . or language and expression
which cannot ran to impress the read
wrngoii .;n:y papers, or the Day ton
Herald, or If it can 1 classed us a
country" paper, tho Fast Oregonlau
we know there Is work, effort, en
terprise, appreciation of a country ed
itor's and publisher's dutio, behind
those papers, am) that they deserve to
bo supported and upheld and praised.
We do not mean that there are no
others equally or nearly equally wor
thy, nor that all those uot mentioned
are unworthy. Wo do moan to say,
again, however, that a considerable
portion of the country press is uot
worthy of the laudation mentioned.
As a whole the country press is
worthy admirable, influential, deserv
ing or warm npproliutiou and cordial
local support; but when we come to
individualize and ditforentive we
must discriminate. There is a scale
of the country press, running from do
an up inrougn re, mi, fa, sol, la, si.
up to do again all the way from A to
Seeking llettcr llltch Location.
FngineerW. T. Kddy, nccompauied
by F. C. Hherrieb, W. N. Moses and
iv. n. Martin are surveying for the
Hood Kiver irrigating district to see
ir it is possible to find a route below
tho forks of (ireen Point that will
eliminuto some expensive work along
the lino of the preliminary survey.
The directors of the district hope
to have a full surveying crow iu the
Held by Monday thejisth, to complete
the llnid line uf the proposed ditch.
Ah soon as the permanent survey is
completed, estimates on the cost of
construction will be secured, and the
sale of bonds advertised. Mr, Shorieb
is anxious to see water brought out
ny next spring.
Her Dead Hoy Hetiirneil to I.lf,,.
An extraordinary case of the dead
returned to life is reported uuder
date of August tl by the New Oilcans
correspondent for the New York Her
al I World. This correspondent says:
"The supposed dead yellow-fever vio
tim was Kmil Lopez, a young man,
who was stricken with the plague some
days ago. In spite of every effort,
Lopez gradually sank and was at
length declared dead by a reputable
Chysician. Amid the wailiugs of the
ereft family the body was laid out in
a ootlln reudy for burial. Arrange
ments were made for the funeral to
day. A few hours More tni burial
time Mrs. Lopez went in to take a
Just look at ber boy. She stooped and j
er clearly as to its power to intluence.
it should bo In every homo.
It is a comforting belief that in the
majority of cases horses receive uood
treatment from owners and attend
ants, but occasionally one is found
seemingly so devoid of judgment and
IntelJigence as to excite special sym
puthy and recourse Is found iu leual
proceedings. "Personal Liberty"
people might with tho same want of
reasou resist this Interference of the
law as well as that relet iiir to the
drink curse. It is plainly to be seen
whatever distinctly Injures should be
prohibited. A merciful person will
always be found ready and willing to
protect the best Interests of individu
als and animals ami societies organ
ized for tills purpose are a necessity
in many communities.
I do not believe theie is any local
Ity iu the state of Oregon that will
exceed Hood Kiver valley in its desire
to promote these principles, which lie
ut tbe basis of nil good government,
and no doubt It is due in a large
measure to proper education.
We lu Fast Hood Kiver do not. how
ever profess to be perfect iu some
matters. We are iustiy criticised by
far Kasteru friends who have lately
visited ns in not presenting an em
phatic uppeHl to our road authorities
to place more guards on the east side
grade, which, even in its present con
dition, is a decided terror to many
who are uot familiar with the road.
While these friends were enthusiastic
iu their praises of tho scenic sur
roundings and line orchards well mil
tivated, they deplored the manifest
indifference on this particular point
iow It Is up to the hast Side jveople
io exreuii tneir arms or mercy and hi
soon as possible give us a safer grade,
Supt. Mercy Department W. C. T. U.
nerve and constitution builders cost only
.'Mlc ier box, six Isixes fZ.,'HI.
Horn At rinowden, Wash., August
11, l :if, to .Mr. and Mrs. F. W. Lilly,
a boy, weight 10 pounds. The'young-
ster lias already been appointed assist
ant postmaster.
A meeting is called to convene ut
Luiiterliiicli hall Tliuisday afternoon,
August 21, at 2 o'clock, to take steps
looking to the irrigation or White Sal
nion valley. All Interested in tho sub
ject please take notice and try to
mane it a point to attend. Hie scheme
is said to bo leasililo and only capital
is needed in get mo improvement,
(ritiidpu Waters has gone down to
Portland to attend tho fair on Jlli
nois day. He expects to lie the old
est native of that slate present on
that occasion, mid he is iu his With
year it is not unlikely that his expeo
unions win lie realized, more are
probably older people living thatjwere
bom in that state but it is doubtful if
they will l,o in iittendance at the fair,
The contracting lit m of lloseizrnnt
and Fverhart are still doing business
ut the old stand uh will be seen by the
following contracts which this firm
now has on hand : Tliev have a con
tract for the construction of u county
bridge on the Trout Lake road nr.
Jones'; a school bouse at Cascade
Locks, barber shop at White Salmon
and two sixty foot wind mill towers
for C D. Moore. These boys are rus
tlers and when work is being done
they are very apt to get their share of
Mgbt Fruit Crop in Idaho.
Ktute Horticultural Inspector Hitt
Informs the Oil dwell (Idaho) Kiiral,
that indications u iw .point to a scant
three-fifths crop of apples in Idaho
tiuil about the same of prunes, or pos
sibly a little better, with a light crop
of peaches and iery marly u full crop
of pours, although blight, iu somo lo
calities, is injuring the crop. Mr.
Hitt says lie will soon send out a let
ter warning fruit glowers not to mar
ket, or semi to tho packing houses.
any scaly fruit.
Pleasantly K fleet he.
Never iu the w ay, no trouble to carry,
asy to take, pleasant and nev!r fiiilini
in results are DeWitt's Little Karly Uis
eis. These famous little pills are a cer
tain guarantee against headache, bil
iousness, torpid liver and all of the ills
resulting from constipation. Tliev
tonic mid strengthen the liver Cure
Jaundice. Sold by (I, K. Williams.
Sawdust has become so valuable to
the Minneapolis mills that it is uow
grade I and sold in four grades mid
comparatively little lath is being
n a It) as a more profitable disposition
ci II lie made of the slabs by conver
sion into ot her material.
Save Something
livcrvicw Park and Idlewilde Additions
... ' Easy Grades, Fine View and Good Water
Cheap lots for building Small Houses near Flour Mill
Office next to "Waucoma Hotel
School commences Sept. 4th. The
largest and best assortment of Tablets,
Pencils, Inks, Pencil Boxes, Crayons,
Composition Books, Pens, etc., ever
brought to the city. Special attention
in buying was given as to quality of
paper. The covers are the best ever.
Refrigerators! Refrigerators!! Refrigerators!!!
Hot weather is near at hand.
Blacksmiths and Wagon flak ers
The most completely equipped -power plant in Oregon.
Contract work a specialty. Grubbing supplies and Log
gers' tools always on hand.
The care Of the horse's hoof is essential. We are
experts in that line and cure corns and interferes.
Steam and Hot Water Heating
All jobbing promptly attended to.
Ice will soon be delivered at your door, buy a
and be prepared to keep cool. We have just added
this line and can save you money.
Iln the cine way to succors.
KwhIhhIv can fine hihiic
tliii'K', if it ix inil.v a kiiuiII
iiiiiniiiit, anil tlicHiiuill hhiih
caveil and ilepuxiteil It Ml i !"
I.AIil.V hi ion yieM Imp' iv-
It may mean the building of a
home, the foundation of a
business, or a college educa
cation. We n reive ilcnsits uf mie
ilollar or inure at any time
ami pay Interwt at tlie rate
(if four per cent per annum,
compiiumleil senii-annnally.
Real Estate
2v3n.e. ABBOTT,
ZKigOn. Class Ivlij.lin.er3r
.Natural wavy switches, Enlish wave, Pompadour
rolls and bangs. Hair goods of every description
made to order. Agent for the celebrated Marie de
Aledicis' Cold Cream anp Yucca powder.
Dealer in
Building1 Material,
Doors, Windows,
Lath, Mouldings,
Dealer in General Merchandise
and Lumbermen's Supplies,
Railroad Ties, Cordwood, Lumber and Cedar Posts
Free Delivery. Phone 031 HOOD RIVER, OR.
Mount Hood Store
W. S. GRIBBLE, Proprietor.
Hauling, Draying, Baggage Transferred, First
Class Livery Turnouts Always Ready.
Phone 131.
l ine Fishing Tackle
Hay (irain Flour
Ammunition Dry Goods
(Iraniteware Notions
Feed Full line of Groceries
ement Work
Estimates given on short notice,
Puilding Work a specialty,
Phone 091. Hood River, Oregon,
Hunt Wall Paw Go
Sprained Ankl, Stiff .tck, Unit'
Tluw nr lliive common iillinriils for
wlili-li wliioli rimiiiUTlHin's I'nin Halm
is eMvlally vhIiihIiIc. If promptly
applied it will nave you time, money
and Kiitt'critiK when trouhled uitlian.v
one of thee ailment. Kor sale liy
Williams' Pharmacy.
Will Slay In Hood KUer.
The remedy that makes vou eat. sleen
and itrow Ptronn, called Pnltiio Tablet,
will be void regularly lv William'
Pharmacy, Hood Kiver. These great
lit) iii'ie. live mile. out: n m'!, :i r. . I
No. I eoo.l Kind; n sumo at t,0 an acre.
10 acres on the l'a.-t Side; food aonie
land: r-lHH).
4tl acres iu Willow l lul : uiicIimiv.I !il
LI) acii i, live set to Nch town itn'tilxs
lialance in thnlM'r; live miles from nost.
oon-c ; gotui nt'i(:iiiier 1 ; Jl nil.
7 acres near town all in Ivi res and
ai'i'lcs, incluciiii.' si shares of water, at
Iti acres 1 1 miles from Mosier depot, in the heart of the li uit hell ; 'Jii
acre improved ;! acn a in potatoes, 10
acres in tniit. 1 acre in ;,u,.is, L' acres
in prunes ; price Jf.'nio.
It) acres liuit land near White Sal
mon; 4 acres improved, I1... acres ter
ries, l."Kl topgi-it'ted tnes; water and
good Imildimis ; an ideal place for a
inline, f I ski.
!i acres, '2 miles from town, free water
iVrnoin house, staMe, chicken house.
store house and sheds, some wood;
a splendid place d.r a vegetable garden,'
tiout pond, good cch ry and a-paragu
land; tine vi of the river. Jll'iH).
We have good values in city property.
d. Mcdonald,
Dealer in General Merchandise,
Hardware, Groceries, Flour and Feed
Agricultural Implements,
In fact, anything a farmer needs.
v good stock of Guns and Ammunition
Doth quality and price are light.
Carries everything in the line, including
Krinkled SilKs, SilR Embossed, Tapestries, Moires,
Ingrains, Varnished Tiles, BlanKs, etc.
Up-to-date Paper Hanging, Sign,
Carriage and House Painting.
Phone G71. First and Oak Streets.
All new and up-to-date. Don't buy old stock Tackle
be obliged to come home and sap the fish won't bite
Abbott C. Ross
Opposite l,st Otlice
See the
bC a bar:
"Life Huov,
Soap Display. Your choice of the list for
'Fels Xaptha," "While Linen," "Sunlight,
' "Xysa Toilet." "White Cap Floating."
Stock Foods ly8 aiul Wilburs, for Horses, Cattle
ami Poultry. Try a package and be convinced you
losing money without it. Phone 741.
Having a complete
equipment in our
i r 1 1 i i .rr ; rr .
suup jur an Kinus oi uiacksnuthing, we invite all those
needing work of this kind to call and see us.
is one of our lines.
Mr. Mullen is an pv-
IHTt in this department, and can do anvthin- from
the construction of au entire vehicle to the repair of
any of its many parts in a manner that will prove
his skill and thorough workmanship. Full supply of
wood work in stock for all kinds of wagons.
Horseshoeing isoursi,(cialty. coU.--
teous treatment nml
with nil our work. Re-
satisfaction is guaranteed
member the firm.
3rd and Kiver Street. ... Hoed Kiver, Or
East end of City.