HOOD RIVER GLACIER, THUhtfDAY, AUGUST 24, 1905 i i MASON GIVES THESE AS SAMPLE YELLS A. I. Manna iB determined that Hood River shall tie heard from at the expo sition on Hood River day, September Ti. With the aid of Home of the young people of Pine Urove, Mr. Mason sub mitted tho following sample yells for t he consideration or Ulaclor readers. Tins one it will tie remembered was used when the big delegation from here attended the meeting of the De velopment league last April: 7dra! Zoo! Zuh! Hood River! Hood Klverl Kali! Iiah! Kah! Zim! Zool Zuh! Applea! Straw berries ! Kah! Huh! Rah! The following are Home new ones which may be appropriate: Saoajawea Jawa Juwo 1 Apples and strawberries we Do grow ! Who are we? Von can guess, Hood River's 4(H)? Yes! Yes! Yes! Strawberry short cake Urenn applo pie, Are they good to eat? Well 1 should sigh ! Hood River soil can grow them Hood River girls can make them, Oh My! My! My I Hood River. Hood River, We all well know, The flnest fruit in the world Hood River can grow. Strawberry short cake (Ireen apple pie, Are they good to eat? Well I should sigh. Some catch phrases : It's a Gold day when Hood River gets left. Price Hood River fruit. We are known by our fruit. Our fruit against the world. Hood River Valley, au oasis of the Cascades. Price our lands and fruits. Hood River Is IT. Our Motto, Quality, Quality, Qual ity. Our conscience In each puck ago of fruit. Custer muMicre tpoetnole at tie Lew is aud Clink epxosition, which was postponed from August 10 to Angm-t ). The great tragedy of the Little Uig Horn river, in the summer of 1876, will be reproduced by the use of Indians and United States troops except the actual killing and scalp ing. This is to be followed on til ' ;ilt by Japan's peace jubilee carnival on the waters of Guild's Lake. PARIS FAIR HAS BARGAINS GALORE OPEN SEASON FOR GAME IN OREGON Pieparatious are In prorgesa for the The complicated flsh and game laws of the statu of Oregon give the open season for game birds ami deer as fol lows : Deer (male) AugiiKt 15 to Novem ber 1; (female) September land No vember 1. Ducks aud geese September 1 and February 1. Grouse, quail and pheasants Octo ber 1 aud December i. Light Company In Their Mew Office. The otllce of the Hood River Klnc- trio Light, Power aud water Co. w ill lie found after this week in the new Davidson building on River street. The Davidson fruit Co. will also more their otllce into the same building. The Fruit Co. will occupy the corner otllce, and the Light Co. the first room on the left of the stairway on River street. Kntrance to the Glacier otllce In the same building Is on Third street. Portland Has a til 20,0110 Fire. For five hours Tuesday mi ruing Portland's entire fire department, struggled with a conflagation that swept the east side, devastating four blocks of buildings, rendering scores of people homeless and entailing a loss of approximately 41iJ0,(HH. Twenty-two buildings were completely destroyed, many were badly damaged aud not a few business linns ami in dividuals were financially ruined. The fire started in the kitchen of the Iowa restaurant, at Union avenue and East Stark street, and was caused by the explosion of a gasoline stove. Ice at Tumpkin llros. The Paris Fair presents a livelier appearance than usual these days. A large force of clerks are kept busy wrapping up and makirrg change for the cnoi moiis I'and stock of goods, recently purchased by W. O. Ash & Co. The goods have been moved from the Smith block to the Paris Fair store,, and it is the intention of this enter prising linn to dispose of the stuck in as short a time us possible. Prices have hi en slashed to a remark able low figure, and the goods are go ing like hot cukes. The stock consists of dry goods, clothing, shoos, hat, groceries, etc. Read carefully the prices set forth I in the page ad of the Paris Fair else- j where. CRAPPER. j Mrs. Delia Hunger of Klgin, 111., is 1 visiting with her cousin, Mrs. Wick-j hull. They had nut n.ct since they were little children. Misses Freda and (Omnia and Anna Pregge, a coinpanied by their brother Herman, went to Puitluud on lust Sat urday. Mrs. P. H. Martin and Misses Inez and Dorothy and Letu Martin and Mrs. Pond of Oklahoma and Warren Lister of Crook county, Or., went to Portland Monday of this week. School at the Crupper will open September 11, with M iss Anna Phil lips of Marion county In charge. L. li. Wilson, John Hicks, James Wlckhaiu aud K. Duncan Martin re turned on Monday of this week after a ten days outing at liadger lake. They enjoyed tho trip hugely. They brought home several messes of bear meat, but the "other fellow" killed the bear, and it is strange to Hay that up to date we huve heard no big fish stories. We nre glad to noto that Mrs. Lind soy, who lius been on the sick list for several weeks, is improving very nicely- Fred Gates sold his farm some timo ago to T. A. VunauHiliile aud went to Seattle, where ho expects to make his Avers MM I I Trusses! Trusses! m Wo havo jiiHt added u new line of Trusses, nn aro prepared to fit cases 01 all kinds. Ifyounn need of a tniHs or nre not satisfied with the one yon wearing, allow us to show you ours and we will soon con vince you that wo have The Truss that will Give You Perfect Satisfaction. They are a new style just out and nre giving such general satisfaction that there is no doubt they are the BEST KIND YET INVENTED. They are a new felco, spring, adjustable to any spot. Are light, easily worn, cause no chafing, but remain linn and strong in their posit ion. They are adjust able up and down, or can be changed from right or left side as desired. We also carry Elastic Trusses for those not desir ing the Spring Truss, and for those who are more easily iltt"d. Tome in and let us show you our line. , REIR (& CASS, Smith Block. Reliable Druggists. This falling of your hair! Stop it, or you will soon be bald. Give your hair some Ayer's Hair Vigor. The fall ing will stop, the hair will Hair Vigor grow, and the scalp will be clean and healthy. Why be satisfied with poor hair when you can make it rich? " My hair nearly nit rime out. I than tried Ayera Hair VlKoraml mill oiih lu.MIe atupiteil the falling. New lialr rama In real UMU and l"" nine curly. on us. i.. al. smith, aratoga., N. y. 1.00 a bottle. a ii nrtn'iftntii. for J. e. arsK en., I."WI. MnM Thick Hair oods must be sold home in the future. Mr. McCurrly, nr., is on the sick J int. His home in with his eon (). A. Mc.C'urdy. Mr. Viinausdide hug the lumber on the ground for the erection of a nice residence on h in new purchase. Hurry Hackutt i the champion snake Icillur of thin neighborhood. He hag killed live rattlers within the last few weeks. ALL READY FOR THE IOWA PICNIC J The Hawkeyea will picnic today on Noul creek, on tho Moody farm, now in charge of Henry Lane. The Hood Kieor brass and will enliven the occa sion, and an extended prt gram has linen prepared. Dr. W. K Laraway will preside as chairman of the day, aud it is whispered by the little birds, ho will be the firnt president of the Iowa society to be organized 200 strong today. The exercises are scheduled to begin at 11 o'clock. There will be a vocal solo by Miss Cooper; a paper on Iowa by Mrs. Laraway; remarks by Hev. J. W. Kigby; violin solo by Willie Chan dler; song by Murray Kay and an ex tended addiess by lioswell Shelley. Dr. Laraway has arranged to have the Iowa state song sung at this pic nic The words are by Tacitus llus sey of DosMoines; the niusio by II. M. Towner of Cuming. The tong is fiing in march time, and is entitled "Ioivii, lieautiful Lund. " The words are : A song fur Our Dear llawkeye State; lown, lieautiful Land ; As a bird sings of love to his mate, Iowa, lieautiful Land. The laud of wide prairies aud trees, sweet clover and humming of bees, While kine bioutli adds perfume to these in Iowa, ISouutiful Laud. CHORUS: Crown her! Crown her I Crown her! Crown her with corn, This Queen of tho West, Who wears the wild rose on her breast, tho fairest, the richest, the best, Iowa, lioniitiful Lund ! Iowa, lieauti ful Laud ! Thacornllnld of billowy gold, In Iowa. Ileautitnl band, Are smiling w ith treasure untold, lown, iieaiitiful Land. Hie food hope of nations is she, with love ovi i'liowiiig and free As her rivers which run to the sea In Iowa, lieautiful Laud. Chorus Her tulo of the past has been told of Iowa, lieautiful Land, The future is not yet unrolled of Iowa, lieautiful Land ; Hie past, how on fame's scroll she has written her dead heroes' roll, the future, fear not for thy goal, O uma, litiautitul Laud i Chorus. Having bought the Geo. P. Crowell stock of Gen eral Merchandise, and leased the building, we will Close Out the Crowell Stock Regardless of Cost Before moving into our new quarters. The Entire! Crowell Stock is being offered at prices that will move it in a very short time. Don't miss this opportunity to get goods at your own price. BARGAINS AT BOTH STORES In order to reduce our Regular Stock before mov ing into the Crowell Building, Prices Have Been Reduced on everything, and now is your opportunity to get Big Bargains. Shoes, Hats, Shirts and Underwear FOR MEN, WOMEN AND CHILDREN. Ladies' Skirts, Corsets, Hosiery, Men's and Boys' Gloves, Rain Coats for Women, and, other articles too numerous to mention. ALL MUST GO AT SOME PRICE. 1 ..W. F. LARAWAY.. Diamonds Watches Pianos Organs Eye Glasses and Spectacles Specially Ground No extra charg'e for engraving. SMITH'S BRICK BLOCK HOOD RIVER Did you ever notice the lialance whirl in your watch? The balance wheel of a watch nivrs live vil.in'ions everv second, throe hmnlr.il every mimito, 18,1100 every hour, W.'.OOO everv dav, ami 1,"7. (S0,i0 ,.Verv veiir. U each vibration it routes alxiiit one ami a ipiarUT times, making UMi.sGO.OttO levuluti.m even year. In order that we may better underlain! the stnpendou.i amount of lalior performed lv these tinv w-.rks let n make a comparison with a locomotive having tux-fool driving wheel.. Let it he run until its w heels shah have Riven the same number of revolutions that a watch balance gives in one vear, and it w ill huve covered a distance e.)iul to twenty-eight complete circuits of the earth. All this a watch does without other attention than winding once every twenty-four hour. Now, suppose both machines started in good order. The locomotive is oiled everv lil'tv minutes, i ca refill v Wiped and cleaned before lH'ins oiled. So that while doing the work of a watch loi one vear', it has been cleaned i,.l55 and oiled L'S.iHO, (and is now in the shop for repairs.) While voiir watch-suppose it d en-t look verv dirtv and even if it still keeps pretty fair time wouldn't it do better service and wear much 'oncer if caiciullv cleaned and properly oiled ONCh to everv 14,1X10 time a locomotive is? zzma Then (dug to the praise of our (lod, of i own, lieautiful Lmnil. And our fathers, whoso feet early trod iniH town, lseautirul land. A land kissed by sunshine aud show eis; of corn lauds, wild rosea and lowers, m, uirica iiiessed land, this of ours, Our Iowa, lieautiful Land. Chorus. The Only Way. I here is no way to maintain llie health and strength of mind and body except by nourishment. uieieis no way to nourish except ti... i. .i. ... .... . iiuoonii mo siomaen. i ne stomaeli must he kept healthy, pure and sweet or the streii"th will let down and (lis ease Hill set up. No appetite, loss strength, nervousness, headache, con stipation, had breath, sour risings, rift "tr. indigesiioii, dyspepsia and all stomach trouble: that are curable are (piieU.v cured by the use of Kodol Dys pepsia i ure. Kodol digests what you cat and stivnuthens the whole digestive apparatus. Nuilbyti. K. Williams, lliit Yield Tills Year. lotal wheat yield of the Northest this year will he approximately 50. iiiHi.iHHi bushels. Threshing has begun in .Norl iienstern region and Kouthea ei u Wash i net on, and results are very good, the wheat averaging Ito bushels to tne acre Miipineuts ure beginning in i umi ilia county. Peculiar Disappearance. ,1. 1. hunyan of litillerville, ()., laid tho peculiar disappearance of his pain ful s inploiiis .'I indiircstion and bili- ousue-s to nr. king s ew Life Tills, i lie mivs: "ITiey are a perfect remedy lor dizziness, sour stomach, headache, i constipation, dc." (iuarantoed at C. ; N I'larke's drug store; price Sic. The ("rook County Journal suya that a man fi-oe to death en the streets of l'rineville a few uights ago. He had read the thermometer up side down and thought it was 1." degroesjhelow 7.ero, and expired iustautly. Tbat'a t range, but no more so thau au inci dent occurring in Lakoview about the same time. Dick Wilcox, assistant cashier in the I'irst National bank, hung a thermometer up-side down iu his coa barn and the next morning his cow gave ice cream. Lakeview Kxamitier. I oii Slider with Dyspepsia j oi luuigesiion: i larKe a lyspersia Tablets willeure von. Trice only oOc. IVai ihis: I h.ne solved the mother-in-law problem; just give her regularly llolli-tcr's liocky Mountain tea. It will make her h althv, happv and do cile us a lamb. ;; c, Tea or Tablet's. C. N.CIaike. Ilest Spraylnar Material at the lowest price at Clarke'setor e. 5ome Bargains. Our list contains about 40 different tracts of fruit and general farm lands in Mosier; about 600 acres In Underwood, 1 divided into tracts of from 40 to 320 acres each; also about ISo different tracts of farm property in Hood River valley, and some very desirable resi dences in Hood River and Mosier. 33. (I acres mile nut; berries and orchard. A beautiful location. Will be sold at a bargain. 24. 42 acres 4 miles out, 10 acres in orchard, 10 full bearing. First-class im provements. A beautiful home. 2. 40 acres in the most beautiful por tion of the valley. 4 acres in orchard one vear old, 3 acres in lierries, 4 acres In alfalfa, balance general farming. 114. Two l(!0-acre tract about nine miles out; one on east side, other west side. Choice for fl 100. A numlier of 5, 10, 20 and 40 acre tracts of unimproved land that will bear investigation. Also a number of large tracts from 100 to 320 acres in Ore gon and ashington Some few residences and lots in every portion of the city. W. J. BAKER & CO. Real Estate Agents Hood River. Oregon. Williams' Pharmacy Fino lii.o of Whoa you go Cnainiag take along some of tho. e line Lunch Goods you will find at THE FAVORITE S, L. YOUNG, Prop. Phone, Main 5o. Drugs, Toilet Articles, etc. Also Spray Material G. E. WILLIAMS, Trop. liring in your Prescriptions. A NEW STOCK OF FRESH Groceries, Flour and Feed has boe-a installed bv LAMAR & DUNN at the old stand, just south ot Indian l reek bridge, and the firm, extends aa imita tion to their former patrons to call and iee them. Cordially yours, LAMAR & DUNN. PIANOS The very finest line of Pianos, from the cel ebrated ("bickering, tho renouned Weber, the fine Kimball, which is used and known for its purity of tone and easy action, the silver-toned Hobart M. Cable, and on down the line of Pianos to suit your means and pocket book. P.e sure to write for terms, or come and see PARKINS & HUGHES, At EILERS MUSIC CO., The Dalles, Oregon. P"J"H.iiH.i