The Hood River glacier. (Hood River, Or.) 1889-1933, August 24, 1905, Image 2

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Issued vitn Thursday by
Ttnns ol subsorlptloo-l.Ki Jt lUi raid
In adYanea.
Sloau P. SImtt, who one time con
ducted a newspaper In Hood River,
receutly purchased the Drain Noupa
rleL Knlus last week cleared the atmos
phere, making sightseeing from the
niountain peaks better than ever. The
air this summer has been remarkably
clear from the smoke of forest fires,
thanks to an efficient forestry patrol.
Governor Cumiuiugs of Iowa gave
the "stand patters" some bard jolts
in his speoch at the reciprocity con
ference in Chicago last week, when he
remarked that people were tired of
paying more at home for American
goods which sold abroad at greaty re
duced prices. Reciprocity is merely
a phase of tariff reform, which tbe re
publican party must wrestle with
sooner or later. If the democrats ever
do get back into power, It will be on
tliis one subject of tariff reform. The
old saying that all the people can't lie
fooled all the time still holds good.
And now comes tbe report that tbe
crafty band of E. II. Harriman cau be
seen behind tbe railroad movemeut
on the north bank of tbe Colubmla.
It seoms plausible enough that this
should be so. It will be remembered
that when Mr. ilarrlamn came to
Portland last month, he got off the
train at The Dalles, and made the
river trip aboard the Bailey Ualzert.
Is it not very likely that he did this
to secure some idea of the oharaoter
of the country down the north bank
of tbe Columbia? The steamer on
which he rode belongs, to the new but
unknown purchasers of the Colubmla
River Northern line. If Harriman is
securing this right of way, be means
to keep competitors out of the field,
for be doesn't need the road himself.
Progress on the Mount Hood railway
has been seriously blocked by three
or four parties with whom tbe rail
road builders have been unable to
make satisfactory settlement for right
of way privileges. While the Ulaclei
must admit it is not conversant with
the claims of tbe various parties with
whom the railroad company has been
unable to make a settlement, we be
lieve this is a question of suHlolent
publlo importance to warrant imme
diate and definite action by both
sides. If tbe matter cannot be settled
by a board of arbitration, let it go to
court. Completion of tbe road will
alford transit for passeugers and
freight to a soetlon of the valley sufll
clently populated to demand a rail
road, and at the same time give the
lumber company an opportunity to
bring put sawlogs and start tbe ml IN
agoing. With the big mill, logging
camps and a railroad In operation, a
payroll of uot lens than 11000 a day
would be opened, and business
throughout the valley and town would
ut once feel the benefits. The Glacier
hopes the parties can come together
and effect a sottleuieut, for it wants
to see the railroad completed.
A oorrepsoudunt takes exception to
tho older and vinegar faotory propo
sition offered by Jones llros. of Louis
ville, Ky. There are differences of
opinion concerning tbe same, and
there are those who believe Jones is
asking too much for a name. This
Louisville company comes highly rec
ommended to the Hood River Com
mercial club by the wholesale houses
of Portland, and tbe same Portland
people wish to see this firm locate In
Hood Kiver. Many people may not
believe It, but there Is much lu a
trade name. Tbe Davidson Fruit Co.
of this city spent several thousand
dollars experimenting in the cider
and vinegar proposition, but Mr. Da
vidson says there are trade secrets In
the mauuafcture and sale of these
commodities which he uever did learn.
It is uot so easy as some people think
to make commercial vinegar, and It is
a still harder proposition to market
tho goods after they are made. If
Jouos llros. can brings money into
Hood River valley from tbe manufac
ture aud sale of cider and vinegar, let
tliem do it. In a few years there will
lie thousands of bushels of apples In
Hood River for making the finest of
cider and vinegar. Hood River chain
paigu cider should command the
highest market price.
.hues at manufacturer's cost, Knapp.
Mr. lturtmesH is on a cash basis.
Men's lints and shirts at wholesale
price at knapp's.
The Secret of Sum's.
Forty million bottles of August Flow
er sold In the United Stales alone since
Its Introduction! And I lie demand for
it is still growing. Isn't that a line
showing of mux?? Ihin't It prove
that August Flower lias had unfuiling
success hi the cure of indigestion and
dyspepsia (lie two greatest enemies ol
licaltli anil Happiness; lioes It not af
ford the best evidence that August
Flower Is a sure sih-cIHc for all stomach
and intestinal disorders? that it has
proved Itself the best of all liver ri'k'il
lators? August Flower has a matchless
record of over thirty-five years in cur
ing the ailing millions of these distress
ing complaintt i success that is be
coming wider in its sco;eevery day, at
homeand abroad, s the fame of Aug
ust Flower spreads. Trial bottles, 2fc:
regular size, c. For sale by C. N.
Three cars of Hartlett pears were
sent East this week by the Davidson
Fruit Co., the third car going out
last night. This will complete the
carload shipments, tbe balance of the
crop going to Portland and other lo
cal markets.
The California pear crop being light
this year, prices on the Oregon goods
were never so high, $:15 a ton being
tbe ruling price. Last year fJ a
ton was considered a good figure.
Gravenstoin and King apples are
being packed and several cars aie ex
A..t.,,l Ia Ivan tMu wftnlr. (friiviin-
I""'" ......
stein apples are bringing from Hoc to
fl delivered at tue warenouse oi me
Davidson Fruit Co. The price keeps
up well in Portland, Gravensteiiis
wholesaling there at 11.50.
Fruit Scarce In Spokane.
Special to the Glacier.
u,,nLu,,o WmhIi . Auif. ''!. The
Spokesman Review market report this
morning says:
All of tho commission houses were
practically empty last night. An un
usually large demand for fruit clean
ed them out. Wholesale commission
merchants say that the sides of f mil
yesterday were unusually large. One
firm alone disposed of a whole carload
of Wonatohee watermelons before 2
o'clock in the afternoon. There will
probably be a shortage lu tbe fruit
market today, for no very large ship
ments are expected. Small shipments
of black berries aud tomatoes arrived
yesterday, but they were sold before
they were taken from the cars. Prices
remain stationary.
fire all night
Special to the Glacier.
Chenowlth, Wash,, Aug. 23. The
Oregon Lumber Co. 's saw mill whs
forced to shut down this week and all
bauds turn out to fight a tire which
ranged dangerously close to the mill.
Hy hard work of the mill aud logging
crew the flames were kept within an
old burnt distrlot, and no greut
amount of damage was done. For a
time It looked as if the mill and a large
portion of the flume would be des
troyed. Bevel al of the settler's homes wero
in dan '(en William ( truer came near
losing his house and barn. With the
aid of Torn Newton and II. F. Fuller
be fought the fire until 2 o'clock at
night, and his proporty was saved.
Considerable timber was destroyed.
The fire 'ikoly originated from sparks
from the logging engine.
While fighting the fire at Mr. Or
der's, II, F. Reals was struck a severe
blow on the back by a fa ling timber.
The Chenowlth people have enjoyed
the cool weather the last few days.
Miss Lizzie Ubse is visiting Mits
Maude Fuller.
Mrs. lllanche Kantz is visiting her
father aud mother, Mr. and Mrs.
Mrs. Fuller, Mrs. Kantz, Maud
Fuller aud Lizzie Uhse took dinner
at Mrs. Tublis Sunday.
Miss Sadie Orser made a very pleas
ant call on Mrs. Fuller Saturday.
Chenowlth seems to lie a great place
for pleasure seeking people. The
creek is lined with campers.
Chenowlth was visited with a nice
little shower of rain Monday evening.
C. H. Cromwell Is at Mr. Orser's,
helping to piotect his property from
Mrs. Notenian's Itesblence Humeri.
Mrs. Noteman's resdeuce at llel
inont was burned to tbe ground Mon
day evening, entailing a loss of about
WH), with f.KK) Insurance. Mrs.
Noteman bad been ironing late in the
evening. As she was preparing to re
tire, siie heard the roar of llunies, and
stepping outdoors, lieheld the roof all
The flames soon gained headway,
aud it was with difficulty that a few
personal effects were saved. Neigh
bors diil all possible to save the house
hold goods.
Notice to Contractors
The time Ar cloning bldn on iraidt'ne of
h , iv Micrman hus Ikvii exloiult'tl until noon,
tin Monthly, (ht tli of August; notice ot
which watt given In last week h Uinoter.
Jh I'. M. IlAl.M.KWlH A ro.( Arvhlleetti.
Or Ulen, 1 brown mulie cow; white aitot in
forehead; hat) on nturul hell ami woul polk. Ke
want for information loarimir to recovery, n. C.
Ihuigv, Dukes Valley.
Ked brtmlle cow: 4-yeur-olil; brand on
Shoul(ler;tthorl nlmp Iiorim. Hoy Woodworth
Big Sale of Land.
IK you until a ten acre trtwt of tli-Nt-rlftM
Htrttwnerry or fruit land at a bargalnf If no,
examine the M. H. Totter farm near city ol
Hood Kiver, lift aereti. Juttt placed on 'the
market to be no Id In lots lo milt, fall at the
farm or any real entitle firm In Hood Kiver.
J IH 1 ny 13th afreet, I'ortland
(leorge Haacke is attending the fair.
He has added six onions, weighing
seven pounds to the Wasco county ex
Mr. and Mrs. 8. W. Stark of Wasco
are guests at the home of their par
ents, W. M. Stark.
Mr. aud Mrs. William N. Akors and
two sons of South lleud, Wash. , are at
the home of Mrs. Akors parents,
Mr. and Mrs. W. M. Stark. Mr.
Akera is assessor of 1'acitlo county
aud left yesterday to meet with the
board of equalization. Airs. Akersand
sons will remain for a visit of several
Mr. aud Mrs. 0. Willis, and daugh
ter, Maude of Hut te, Mont. , are at ill
home of B. J. Mlddleswart. They hae
concluded a visit at the fair and Seat
tle. Mr. Willis is office foreman in
the large smelter of W. A. Clink and
his duties compel him to return ear
lier tliini his family.
(leorge Chainbctlain, (leorge Huh
key, Mi. and Mrs. W. L. Rowland and
son, the Misses Klsle and Mary Mld
dleswart and Miss Maude Willis are
camping at Long Prairie.
lu Hood River valley, Monday, Au
gust -1, ulno-nioiithti-old child of Mr.
and Mrs. William Kdick. Huriiil,
Wednesday lu ldlewilde cemetery.
lu Hood ftiver valley, Monday, Au
gust 21, Miss Martha C. Thiirinan, sis
ter of Mrs. F. M. Jackson, ami cousin
of Mrs. J. II. (ierdes. Miss Thurnian
was born in Virginia iu 1S4I. She
lived Vi years iu Tennessee, and came
to Hood Kiver in 171, making her
home since then with Captain Jackson
and wife. She is survived by three
sisters, Mrs. Mary Jones, Miss Lucy
Thurnian, and Anna Josephine; and
oiio brother, i'reston C, all of lion
ham, Texas. Funeral services with
burial lu the family plot on the Jack
son farm, six miles south of this city,
were conducted Wednesday afternoon.
In Hood River, Sunday, August 'JO,
Walter, brother of Frank aud A. C.
l'iorce, aged '20. Funeral services
were conducted by Rev.W. A. K.lkins.
Tuesday morning at the United
lirethreu church.
Walter was born iu Hood River '20
years ago. His mother died four years
ago, August 1, aud his father in
r csasassa c::,-: jssl czzzzZ3 csssa err,,1::: , J i. czza o csr
After July .'51 st we ill ho on a cash banis. We fool that in juHtice to our
koIvoh, as well as to yo 1, our cash customers, we must take this course, and
now if you want goods- Ms cheap in price as any one can sell for cash, we
invite you to come.
We me grateful I d you, our time customers, for your support in the
past, hut we are confident that we can show you it is to your interest to
liny for cash, for pay d.iy soon rolls around even on a time sale.
Your dollar will buy one dollar's worth, and we win show you we appre
ciate it.
Trices greatly reduced. Kemeinber we are the leaders in reducing prices.
Building Material, Carpets,
Paints, etc.
Climate and view unsurpassed in the United States.
When planning to make that trip to the
Portland Fair,' call and see our large
assortment of
Suit Cases, Hand Grips, Trunks
Suit Cases from $2 up.
Large assortment to select from.
Hood River, Oregon
March, l'.K:!. There remain of the
family, two brothera, Frank anil Ar
chie, mill h hnlf Lnither, James Cook ;
two 8ittrn, Mih. Webb Jones nnil
Mil. Lillian lint son, ami a half Htxtor,
MiH. h'rcil iMillt'r. The funeral srr
vieea Tuemlay imirniiiK were held na
iler the HiiHpieen ot the lleoil Kiver
foiirt, No. I'lirestirs of America.
Have Vim Sprayed Vet J
(let your material uf I'larke and save
If you are tnuliled with diz.y upellH,
headache, indigestion, constipation,
llollisters Uockv .Mountain lea will
make you well and keep you well. If it
(nils, tot your nionev hack. That's
fair. :kie. ('. N. I'larke.
lion W I.. Ilriidshaw, Jik1k of Hi Circuit
Court lor W'ukco nullity, Orenim, which order
wn maili' unit enliTi'it on the tM day of Au
Kilst. II , unit the ilate or the llrst publication
thcri'ot Is tlie .Mill day nf August, mis.
s Attorney for illntltf.
Taken Up.
Board of Equalization
Notict'lN hnvhy x'iwu tlml tho llmrl of
KtjiiuliHtion " ill iiH-ot itl llio i on ri llmis.- in .
l(tllcs ntv, Oitxon, on tin In! MiMMlny, !'
ln iho .'Mh l,i ot AiiKtM. I'ift. tor tlii'x'r
I'ost iif oxitminttiK iiutl ft j i m 1 1 1 1 1 ii tin1 msm's
moutson nil iiii(rrt los in saiilronnty tor (ho
vi-ar VMi. Mild Hoiod will ii'inain !n m-smou !
tioin duy to tiny foroiif week, nnd till (m-i-smii i
d'hiiiK to m"'H'ai' h fort' Mint Itoiiid will'
I'loitst' tako not :oo.
I'HU'tl M I I'lUU'S t IIV lllis, IIMIl U!l
AlliiUsl, l!Nft . ti. NlOUM'll I.,
Ka AsM'stir of Wa-t'o fount . i n con,
IN THK t'UU'l IT 1 Ol lil" ol'1 T I i K s I' I K
tiK ttKKtJt)N KtU i I ON l OK W ASi:
CllAIO.KM SoKsK, I'tuinlttr
.Iosik SoKK. Itflflldiint
JohU' SofsLy, drf. tidnnt:
In tho nwiof of tho siato of Ori ii.' ft-e
horoby roinrotl 1t uppfar n l uiimut tho
ooniplatnt III d mi.un-t on in Uio nhove onit
tlotl Milt on or hoforr tto lat la.v ol tliotimo
lri'Hf ritirtl in tho ordi i lir tho putdioatUtn f
t his smnnions, to w it; on or hi toio tho tfth
d.y ttf Of tutu r. I'It,-,. s;ii.t t:iif iiuw tin ox pit -anon
of six wooWn horn i:w th i ui'lloHlitn
ol this summons and if o;t iu:l mi tt apfN-nr
and ansuor, for xv.tnt tht-n-oi, tho plaint i tt
willappl toihotsuiit t'ir tho rohot prayod
lor In tho oomplnint, vi: t-'or n doorot
solvlns t ho Nindsot un v m.n y hii 1 mnrnao
iNtntiHot now oilhting notwwn plitmtifl nnd
d fondant.
Thin Kiunmons la puhlishod hy ordor of
Itlftok ho-;, six weok? old, has strayed t-i
my tai in owner Is asked lo call and net him.
Juntos l.aoy.
WiinU'.l A hov to do chores for hl hoard
mm lo school (liirlnu the school term.
Miii Unovv now loinllk. Apply to r. Adams,
I'aiiul .r l'uriu. Us
r - h t market price paid for chickens ot
all k i: I iios. Kherc. s7
Wiu.u l 1,1 trade, a kimmI buckhoiird or
iiii',Imiiii h, ;ivy winroii lor Kmid stH-oiul hand
work hiu o, . Write or cull on A. T. 1 KxIkb,
I'llkc. Valli'y. s7
Hoises For Sale.
Couple bhr teams, weddilng 14IM an4 1.tK;
wilt sell cheaii; also have several lighter
horses and driving ponies. Inquire Wyers A
Kreps, White Salmon, Wash. Mil
For Sale, Almost new 3-ln Htudebaker wa
gon; In good shape. Inquire of J. M- Confer.
Wanti Man fori;eniTal farm worK; must
tie hM. -to milk. Waives $ni to fA (s-r uiontlv
Address I' n. box Hi Hid Kiver, Or. 87
Wist- I'ackaxe foreign stamps; value t-'.01.
lteward for return to U lacier oltlee. Us
Notice to Contractors.
Mealed tmiposals will be received st the
office of V. M. liall-lwls A Co., Psvldaon
Hldg., Hiwd Kiver, ore., for the erection of a
two-story and basement frame dwelling
for A. o. Mudes, Ksq. 8ieclt1cttons can
lie seen at said otttcu from this dale until dale
ofclosliiir at nisin on the .til h Inst. Iliddera
will be mini red to furnish satlslactory bond
to secure the completion of the building
within 10 days frtim dale of delivery of the
material upon the ground. For further infor
mation see the architects. . '.Ma
House for rent, known as Hie Hullon place,
ti. I'. Wooodworth. 24
Wood For Sale
All Kinds at Lovest
Market Price.
Prompt deiiwy, phone, Murray Kay.
For Sale
For Sale-Small size No. 8 cook stove; in use
s trifle over out year. Phone Main 111-). 1
For Sale Good Jersey cow, also light Stude
baker wagon; good driving horse. J. C. Boggs.
For Hale Good milch cow, K'S; 8 good heif
ers, fresh next March, J0. Address J. H. Kub-
luson, vienuj, ure.
"FoTSale A two-seated'flg. or you may call
It s Unlit delivery wagon, will be sold very
cheap, as we have do room to keep it. vv 111
lake wooa or uay in vauuauge. pi
Hock ford Htore. '
For Bale. Are yon looking lor full blooded
Plymouth Kock roostemT If so, we suggest
that you call and inspect our stock before you
maks your purchase. We have thein up to
standard, and will make prlue-wlnners; nice
orange colored legs aud beaks, nice comes,
well built and No. 1 birds, belter deal at
home where you can make your cholc. Mrs.
E. Bray ford at Bock ford Store. uo
For Hale-One bay horse, eight years old;
broken single or double; stylish, good road
ster, weight about 11)00. Enquire al office. V .
V. Willis, Hood Kiver. 7
For Hale N. D. Ranford has a Young Amer
lean cream separator, also an Ideal waier sep
arator nearlj new, both lor sale cheap. Those
wanting separators would do well to write or
call on nlm st Cascade Locks. 7
For Hale or Trade Team 2700, will trade fur
team itOO or 2400. tt. W. Caldwell. s7
For Hale. Hot He, wagon and harness, il'AiO.
One and Mllburn wagon. C. U. Frohn.
For Hale Choice of two horses, one dark
brown, the other light bay; 4rlce lao and $100.
J. W. Ingalls. aill
For Hale-()(Mid common lumber, assorted
dimensions at hair rales. Hee J. W. Kigby,
Hood Kiver. a31
For Sale FlrsUclasa, almost new delivery
wagon; suitable for two or one horse. In
quire of beau the Ferryman, at Hood Kiver
landing. al
For Sale Lady's side esddlts. Inquire price
of Mrs Bradford. Phone (Hj. u.ll
For Sale. Two Iron beds, mattresses and
springs, one oaa dresser,dlulng table, kitchen
cabinet, six chairs, ti rockers and gasoline
stove. A. J. Wood, in t'oe's addition. a24
For Sale-New brown tents; also some
household furniture. Telephone Country
Club Inn. 'H
For sale, Or wood, delivered, per cor
Phone 14 a24
For sale, dr pine wood, 10 inches long.
Price, on place, ti per rick, or Sl.ii delivered,
Apply to G. W. Smith, B. F. 1). No. 2. sl'4
For Hale-Horse, price 175.
Blowers. aio
Call on A. S.
For Hale Five seres Irrigated land 21, miles
west of I rrlgon; m in lateral wlthin3 rodsof
nulce; casn, oaiance s-iou in yearly pay
ments. Gerald R. Wood, Gem, Idaho. 12o
For Sale. 40 acres of willow flat, perpectly
level, easily cleared, 8 miles from While Sal
mon; price JSNI. cash. Inquire J. E. Key
nolds. Mount Hood hotel. sU
For Hale House and two lots on the hill for
sale. House Is 24x24 with kitchen 13x12; also
chicken lot and houses. Iits 50x1110; price.
t00: four vears' time on ttiHO, balance KtOO will
trade tor farm machinery and stoek, or take
$100 down and flu per month. Inquire of C.
W. Parsons or at Hartwlg'sotttce. 24atf
For Hale, 40 acres three miles from white
Salmon; IS acres cleared, balance heavy tim
ber; 20 acres can be irrigated from large
spring; price 8'o0- Inquire J. E. lteynolds,
Mount Hood hotel. sit
For Hale Mountain Brook farm, 7 miles N.
E. White Salmon, Wash.; 12 acres cleared;
small orchard 2 years old; new cottage, four
risims, large barn and other outbuildings;
farm crossed hy 2 living streams, fine spring;
free mail delivery; church on land; 117 acres.
Easy terms; price 2i 00. Call and see A. W.
Emmons, Pine Flat, Wash. s7
For Hale 40 acres first-class fruit land; un
cleared. Price, cheap for cash. J. A. Wilson.
For Hale Ten, 20 or 30 acres; apple and
clover; cleared; under ditch. L. belllman,
II. F. 11. no. 1. s2t
For sale, 80 acres of fine orchard land ad
joining new ixuinty road; all under ditch; 3
acrescleared; will tske contract to clear part
of land If contractor peslres. Call on or write
A. Schiller, K. F. I). No. 1. oclo
Rooms To Rent
For Kent Two cottages In Blowers' addi
tion at K a month; free water. Inquire Mrs.
H. J. Fredericks. Kin
Real Estate
68 seres in section 6, township 2
north, 11 east; 13000.
Two nice lots end cottages, centrally
located, for sale on the installment plan.
Lot 11, fpangler's addition, $200.
4 room cottage. East 45 by 150 feet of
Lot 2 block 9, Parkhurst, $1050; $750
C,Hotise and two lots in Barrett-Siptna
addition. $700.
40 acres at Mount Hood for sale, run
ning 125 an acre. On the county road
opposite Baldwin's.
Fine business lot on mam street for
lUitiO on installment, or $1500 cash.
6 acres at Belmont, 0 acres in cul
tivation, cottage and outbuildings, 150
apple trees, 2 acres strawberries, 2 acres
alfalfa, $1300 ; $750 or more cash.
New -roomed cottage, patent bath
and closet, four lots, 3 blocks from depot,
center of town, $2100; terms reasonable.
Two lotB centrally located, $550.
Two lots, new 6-roomed bouse, patent
bath and closet, 3 blocks from depot,
center of town, $1700.
Two-story 8-roomed cottage, lot i0 by
140, on the hill, $1200; terms reasonable.
For Sale H000 acres pine timber; 1
saw mill, cuts 20,0tJ per day; 1 planinn
mill, capacity 30,000 feet per day; 1
store and stock of merchandise, about
$3,500; 1 hotel and contents; 1 saloon
building, rented ; 8 houses, rented; 10
head Worses and harness ; 9 road wag
ons, 3 H; 1 logging truck; 5 pair
sleighs; 30 head cattle; 50 bead hogs;
tiOO feet lumber; 2000 cords wood. All
located at and near Hilgard, Or.
For Kale New two-story 9-room
house; Stranahan addition; $1100; terms
14 acres across the road from the M.
M. Davenport residence. $00 per acre.
Terms easy.
A 40 acre tract, unimproved, some
free irrigating water, 1 miles from Bar
rett school hoiiBe, $1,100.
lliuina house and lot, $2,000.
For Sale The Henderson ranch, for
merly owned by J. R. Galligan; 00 acre.
30 cleared; orchard; strawberries;
clover and timothy; well irrigated ;large
2-story mansion, new barn ; all fenced.
Price $10,000. Brook runs through ranch.
Kasy terms; telephone; rural delivery.
Four miles from flood River.
One goat ranch on mountain east
of valley on county road. Price $1,500;
has email house, running water, and ia
fenced. Terms, easy.
For Sale Beautiful lots in Park addi
tion, center of town, from $200 to $300.
8. 100 acres at White Salmon; fine
timber land ; $10 an acre.
9. The ri-acre place in Crapper neigh
borhood, known as the Renshaw place;
all improved; new buildings, etc.
Lots 10, 11, 12, block 5, Waucoma ad
dition; improved; price $1,000; or
more cash, balance, 1 year, 8 per cent.
Small house and lot on hill to rent, $24
a year; two vacant lots with privilege of
purchase $20 a year for the two.
For Sale Residence on State street at
head of Front; $2,500, including 3 lots.
For Sale or Exchange for Hood River
property Fine residence in business
center of Sumpter.
Money to loan.
Ten acres improved, on White Sal
mon river; $1000.
21 a. at Frankton; improved; $2200.
First-class Surveying Outfit
At the Emporium are kept 2 first-class
transits and solar attachments, and the
proprietor, a practical surveyor, is pre
pared to do the work of laying out acre
age property in lots and blocks, and do
ing all kinds of surveying and plattir.,;.
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