.'"''" . ' a HOOD KIVER GLACIER, THUKtJDAY, AUGUST 17, 1905 ODELL NUMEROUS VISITORS SEE ODELL COUNTRY l!y IioHwell Shelley. Odell, Kast Hood River Valley, Aug. IS. Our pencil is almost worn out. Much of the time during the harvest time of the weekly notes I wag i. linen t, and this must I my apology for the grist this week. Last Saturday, Mr. Whitehead and wife and Deacon Davidson, in com pany with T. M. Payne, an old-time friend of the Davidsons, passed up t he road, calling at the Little White Store. Mr. Payne arrived at Hood ltiver the same day and was not in position to express an opinion con cerning our county, although he said lie had already seen many things that were revelations to him. He, how ever, said he was not looking for a lo cation, being well lixed and sutisflid with bis Ohio home. Ho expressed himself as believing that great Ihiuo lits would follow the work of the Lew is and Clark fair which would red own to the upbuilding of Oregon. He will return by way of Colorado. J Wm. Kemp and wife, after an ex tended trip through Eastern Oregon and Washington, covering a period of a month or more, returned last week. They ate wiser for the trip, yet upon their return are much more content with their Hood Kiver borne. We learn things by comparison. They are glad to be at home and their friends are glad to welcome them back again. The personnel of tlif Odell Lout Lake party, who are now sojourning there, is as follows : Harry and Win. Dane, Miss Nettie Kemp, Mrs. Wm. Kemp, Mrs. Uuy Talmage and the MisHes Kditb and iiortha Lalferty. That they are having a good time goes without saying. Mr. Harvey the nursery man from Milwaukee, Is upending a few days hree. I should have said last week that through the assistance of the county court anil under the personal dine tion of Frank A. Massco, our very efficient road stipcrvisoi, some very excellent work has linen done on the Tucker hill. This cniuiuunily is un der obligations to the county board for imbstnritiid aid, and to .Mr. Mai-see for the splendid work done from the amount contributed. Such work tells, and we trust that the good work al ready done will prove a stimulus for more of the sninn kind. l' ICggert of Portland was transact ing business t the Little White Storo lust Saturday. Mr. liggnt's Milium r borne at Kggorinont overlooking the watem of Hood Kiver and Neil creek is a charming spot, ami is a luxury to such as Mr. Kggcit, w hone nerves aiu constantly overtaxed, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Davis are en tertaining friends from Tygh Kiilge. A gentleman who lives high up on the bill east of Neil creek called at ti e Little White Storo Saturday, who in speaking of the prophecy concerning the Mount Hood blow up, said : "V e live up there above the fog and n i-is of the valley where ue, can talk lo (iod, and we asked him about it, ami he told us not to lo Icary; that v. e were all right. " This thought can e to me: Perhaps thine is Mich it thii.g as living above trouble. There are times when we would like an elevator that would carry us cpiirkly to such a place. We understand that. Hood ltiver will have her day at tint fair next month. Perhaps a little drumming up for a big crowd would not be out of order. Hood Kiver has the reputation abroad of doing things about right. Let us all don the llooil Kiver spirit and gi t In and whoop 'or up and give the country editors a text for a half col uinn editorial about the Hood liivcr spirit. Hon. I). L. Smith says if we go 000 strong they will think t hine wero ten thousand. So let us make it a day long to be remembered. Harold rioi'solier and sister, .Mr. Dauo, jr., and a young lady were callers at Odell Sunday on their way home from the falls. Miss Helen Lewis of WosUlcM, Mass., noice of Mrs. Troy Shelley, ami Miss Jean Manila of North Dakota, daughter of State Senator llannn, are guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. ' Troy Shelley. Those young ladies are Unking their first look at the West. and are delighted with what they are s'eing. Miss Lewis was a caller at the Little White Storo the other even ing and seemed jubilant O'er the pros I poet of climbing to the top of Mount Hood. 'J he following patty starteii from the homo of Troy Shelley las; j Monday with the express purpose of i climbing to the to mmst peak ofl'tbe 'mother of mountains: Miss Helen I Lewi,-, Mis .lean llanna Mrs. Troy Shelley, her daughter Marguel it, her ! sons lialph and Percy, and 11. S. Leu ! is of Portland, w ho i f an uncle of Miss Helen Lewis. Wo bespeak for them a very plea.-ant outing ami hop.: to have a more extended interview i with the paity on their return. I We think it about time for th" Cloud Cap Inn people to explain (... the public why it is that they charge toll over a road without license ami without, a loll gate over a government reserve and without any authorit,. whatsoever, it, is simply a graft col lecting from those wiio pay, whil i others refuse to be held up escape ; w it .limit, the payment. We kuo.v where of we spool:. About a year ego tin (ilaeier published n h Iter from tie interior dci artnient showing the con - pany who is conducting the Inn has no authority to collect this toll. Mrs. Lee Morse, accompanied by her si.-tor,Mrs. .1. I'. Hubble of Stock Ion, l-ians., was a visitor at the Little White Store Monday. Mrs. Morse al ways brings her friends around by the Little White Store. Vergil li. Black of Texas was here during (he week looking alter the es l ite of his deceased brother, .lohn W. Pluck. He is delighted with Oregon and may decide to locate here. The Onlv Way. There is no way to maintain the health ami strength of iiiinil ami body except by nourishment . Then- it no way lo nourish except through the stomach. The stomach inil-t lie kept healthy, pure and sweet or the strength will lei dow n ami dis ciiM'will set up, No appetite, loss of strength, norvouMii-H, headache, con stipation, bad breath, sour rising", rift iiiL', indigestion, dyspepsia and all stomach troubles that are curable tire ipiiekly curoil by the use of Kodol Dys pepsia Cure. Koilol digests what you Ayer's mi Trusses! Trusses! We liavo just added u new lino f Trusses, mid aro prepared to fit cases of all kinds. Ii'.you nre in need of a truss or an; not Kiilisfieil willi t lie one you are wearing, allow us lo show tvou ours and we will soon con vince you that we have The Truss that will Give You Perfect Satisfaction. They are a new style just out and are rivin such general satisfaction that there is no doubt they are the BEST KIND YET INVENTED. They are a new felco, spring, adjustable lo any spot. Are light, easily worn, cause no dialing, but remain linn and strong in their'position. They nre adjustable up and down, or can be changed from right or left side as desired. We also carry Elastic Trusses for those not desir ing the Spring Truss, and for those who are more easilv fitt'.l. Come in and let us show you our line. REIR (Si. CASS, Smith IMock. Reliable Druggists. Feed vour hair: nourish it: give it something to live on. Then It will stop falling, and will grow long and heavy. 'Ayer's Hair Vigor is the only flair Vigor hair food you can buy. For 60 years it has been doing just what we claim it will do. It will not disappoint you. "Myhatr mA to 1o very ittmrt. Hut fir tiling Ayer's Hair Vn-.f it shot t time it iiet'iii ti ttrow.Hlid now it. ti f.iurtff n inrlii I'-ntf. ThU nemrm a kiWpihIM n itt to me utter Inuitf tllll'tHt Without KI1V l;i,r."' Mas. J. II. i'lviut, Cidorado Pprirtgi, Colo. f I 00 a bittle. j. r. Avitn rn., At! rlni'i'lMH. !.."! Mi' iii ior Shori M:fi t I ' i If: ! ' ?!' ! if ' ! i 1 ! ! Having bougl era i ivierchandfco, ; P 3 '" C" ; ' '4 t . I- i'- '1 J . , r.." irr. !j , :j J U .i rid le H 'l r.i'AA Gov. P. Crowell stock of Gen ;f3?d the building, we will A 3, 3 i WH I '..j V " Stock i D 3 vJ'i J cut and HtromrlheiiH the whole digestive a ipurutiiH. SildliyO. I). WilliimiB. CRAPPER. Jolin Jidiku mid Ili'iiry Stulla neti rutui nod home from thn liiirvci-t HcMh in Klickitat vulluy, Washington, on l;i!-t Haturdny. P. 11. Martin returned home lai-1 iveek.Hf'ter a few weekH vinit tn i'riendH in t.'rook pounty. He brought homo ith him a pnir of line yomiK horse. Mr. and Mr. Vaimuiiilali returned home hint Saturday alter "hitting the trail" ut Portlund for a few days. Mr. and Mrs. U. A. MeCuriiy and their two daughters went to I'ortlaml i'ii Monday of this week. Mrs. Ohnrles Chandler cut her wrist on a sickle last Sunday inflicting a painful wound. Misses Vina Ilackett, Inez Martin and Mary Wickhnui. chaperoned liy Mrs. Dunn enjoyed a jolly little pic nic at Hunsliiuo ranch on Wednesday of last week. L, li. Wilbon, K. Duncan Martin, John Hicks and James Wiclihani left on last Saturday fur Beaver lake. They expect to take an outing of about, ten days. Look out for some big 111) stories when they return. PINE GROVE JnckClurk and family left for Trout Lake Saturday morning, whero they will upend a week camping out. Miss Zena and Viola Miller returned liomo last week from Vancouver, whom they visiteil relatives and friends, also taking in the, exposition at 1'orlland. Mis Su.-hii Mohr is homo from The Dalles for two weeks' visit. Mrs.G. L. Robinson and daughters, Mabel and Verna, leave for 1'ortland Friday to visit the exposition. Miss (lertie Johnson is homo from Monmolh, where she has been taking n thorough course in school teaching. Misses Ada Mark and lilnncho Ameslev wero visitors in The Dalles I -t week. Mr. and Mrs. 1'. Kggerf, after a t inee weeks' stay at Kggonnout, re turned to Portland Wednesday. Miss N'cllio Young and Mi.-sdrace t ronkile of Crookstou, Minn., are I t!ie guests of Miss Nettle (lleason. Mr. and Mis. M. M. Hill, Mr. W. ! V'. Smith and Mrs. lliagonier will visit the exposition in I'ortlaml this I t ei'k. j Miss lilanche Aniesley, after a three n. filths' visit; with Ada Murk, return ' "d lust, week tn In r homii inDi vil's ; 1 like, Norl ll I lakola. Miss lilanche Harbison left for I'oit I ii.iiil Ttli'i day, to visit relatives and I I he ex posit ion. Sho journeyed with 'i: and Mrs. Janus K. Deiior.le ol I ood Kiver. j Mrs. (ieorge Meekish and her youft; , on of Kelmoiid, Iowa, nre the guests ! if her brothers P. A. and S. II. Cox. ; -iiio will visit the fair before return :ng liiilne. W. W. Smith and his niece Mrs, JSi ; 'gonier of bapurte, Iowa, are visiting . -H r. Smith's daughters, Mrs. M. M. i I ill and Mrs. lien Lage. Airs, lliag onier expects to visit California on 'ier ret urn trip home. Beforu iiioving in Crowell Stock is Ik it in a very shore t get goods at your l I w i i v V i I v nmv nuartcrs. The Entire fered at m'icos that will move 1 :.! ai miss this opportunity to iarqasn:: In order to iva ing into the Cro; -: t5 ORES uce our Rc.:;ular Stock before mov- I ' ; T. J Vs..' i -A li uced on everything, anc Bargains. now I your opportunity to get Big 1 r T J 1 L -UT A3 CHILDREN. wear Ladies' Sklili i it)). ....9 and oth;y AT ? ?.: v uioves, a Coats for Women, S numerous to mention. ..? SOME PRICE. 1 ... BARRETT. I I 1 mm a ..W. F. LARA WAY.. Diamonds W "a P ianos Org' ans 1 1 Mrs. Deibley of Seattle is now isit ing at the home of John llelme .1 liockford avenue. (. Oimstenil took a spin on his heel the other day to take in a view ! 1 he count ry. Xlro says it is just, a ie country. Man has no unci to ish for a better. es, e know it i ,1 1 'khl, for ue have proved it. i',. Watts, the mason and plasterer, uill a nice neat tlun at the liockford a Tuesday lad. Should you require is services, inquire at liockford store ir him. More improvements in district, liockford has i! ice add it ion to his d m a eots, aildiii..' live rooms. t he I turret lib just made a i '. Ming npni t ' I hell 10111 I o Lou is a 1 -1 1 -) v a''" ' II . :. will be gld v. hen I ,. I , di-t rid. The nl ing fur in n, , . district look i ).. .. lit : the liarri'U si'tin I ,..i. ... well attended. i ll i , bond ing, S J ; ; 1 1 ; 1 : 1 1 -1 l.i aid 1 1 , : . , expect to get, u ,0 11 A' new baby ithi'i s I i, in a e L Impsoii and iie. .'.;.; : , . I iiliy are doing well. MOUNT HOOD. Mr. ami Mr". A. H. ,loli.oti joioioL' over 1 1-.' an :v;il a lie at, their home. I lie lid ie 01, Saturday morning. D. li. I'lioper and V w it li t heir faiiidi,'" . :,! a I; ,; S uid Canon la -1 . '! a 1 leiil.v of dot a.r, 1 laaaa; u: a ml a few black n I rae-. Walter a"d i;.,yi aaid ( , ; a aseaa' ( hii--e vi il ,' are t ; , :, l.o-t bale. j Mrs. la.iley v.l.i. li i-i !.. :, , t ae sii,ha:ei ' i 1 a ,, : a , , 1 Cooper in. I I'O a,- i : i ' ; ! 'I lie Dalle .'.I . I', .a r ; p anied her aad .Mil , ! and ('In. k .'ail' I i l :-!.e : ! r, some la r elu i ,1 ... , l k. : , ; : Mr. C. A I'l, Idv ! ; e, 1 , ; '' w' "a. a - ,i A h Si. iiarmacy let Articles, erial a in ill, I r the ,:: re u,i h.'l I leted the mailt building V. ill 1 c ', leet long. 1 'la-re is nothing .-mad i client b'ocklord, only the calf. (It Ciaii-,-0 t hal is a Jersey and n t orally 1 small, but that will gnnv in lone and! need more sp.-ii'i like the Korkfonl' store dee-. I l'reddie lagalls has been haiding his w inter wood, lie savs he v .n.l- ! the hoo-e H.,rined up the comiiiL' win- i iki lu i ()'i, i u n: 1 .'( !- CASCADE LO- G. E. WILLIAMS, Prop. yiiii;- !'r, sci iptidiis. Eye Glasses and Spectacles Specially Ground No extra charg'e for enjravin. t r. As i predict' ,1 fieeenp : Mi-. I', l ailll I'l a! the ): John !e I- t hot tia. ' fert and made a i can i. del not have the Hood we may expect a good , SMITH'S BRICK BLOCK HOOD RIVER ad at jn i a .a iota pel I Did yon ever notice the lmlance whi'. l in your watch-.' The balance h, , 1 el second, three litindred every minute, lS.iHH)' every hour, IJJ.iti'O e, t ,la , a numiiuii iiriiiuifi BiKiuioiie ami a quarter times, imikiog pin s aii.oiin i. In order that we may better undertiind the stupcnd.ais 'amount of lain make a comparison with a locomotive having si-l',.o driving whirl-. I given the mime number of revolutions Unit a watch balance gives i equal to twenty-eight complete circuits of the earth. All this a v ;l, h , once every twentv-four honra. Now, suppose both machine started in good order. The locomotive i-.n'ei wiped and cleaned before Mini oiled. So that while doing the w.uk ,.fa wavh I 6,5);5 and oiled 23,10, (and is now in the shop for repairs. i While vour w at, 1, aim even li ll eun Keeps prettv lair time vvouhln t it do hctter service iinl and properly oiled ONCh to every H,0iK) time a loco live is-.' a w.ileli L'ive- live iln.a!i, al l.-.;, Im,0''iI rim M ar. i- eei ear. i Hu d by tin -e I :ny w i k-. it ho run until its w hoc! ,-hal r. and it w ill have o-vi n d a di w ;! ho'.it other at'i-nt ion t ' , , . i j . ovcrv Vt eaeii laive every litty lannp i one v i'.ii , it has Mipl" e il lioeu'l li ir u.iii'li 'ong r if i':ii 1- I'lllellloy 'eeii ,!, aned k vciy dil'lv illiv i'ie.lUe.1 t winter, il'I'oi'.s ami baby and M i . of Walla Walla are vi-il ing ,e cf t!r ndpa (lil.l on-, i t like nil grandpas, n,m y must have all t he i Itontion, therefore Jehu cut of a nice neat hahv t ) Mrs. I-'. Cibbons. hi- d.uigi.ter .:: law, so the Imbv will get l let- I f V. I elHIg. " ! L. K Markliain. the exiiert s,i-h ; r frame inaker, Iihs heen busy I : i 'i the extension at limk ii.dibiys hist week. He is a i kmaii and knows just how ti' al job of work. W e neologize for not being able to' : I ati belli in the last issue. Put ill i.v tiie writer was a very bu-y ! li an la-t week, besides meeting with' a ri.idt ..ccidont. Then it takes unite' a hu'e t a,i to gather news, as our i ae, ie lie not bring any items of news I r t he I arret! district, lint if you wii! I ' ,it it li ye correspondent in la- i a I idling and not very giaiu- i. lii iil "ay of putting things, ye cor- j !' -; -i'ii ! it will write folks up in good ' - ae f course we are Kngli.-h, and of I!. I. J, us and iliingliter of Walla i idi i ! ,ve Ireu visiting at Camp Lookout ivith his tieter, Mifa Jones. 'llie. We i : '.r mil ei lilt.' Mr. ao.v. li. en, i'e lino - n vl IL J) I cl I, ,c tl 1,1 I. Mr (ilk iilf! i I, , u la Ml I I'd IV. I. . lb !! l:,ia 1 . I'i ;ir (in l-la W a d'lel ! .i!i-lel'-- i; al m ike ! i i e :is a lamb. Ciitd.e. I I; a I i I i U J -. t'l-lllll till' ('I'l- ''ncmi.'il Wclit'i-, tlm - 'i .-iinl known for its ilit.' silver-toned wn tin' line of ' il' ill'Mii's nnil pocket book. '' i"i- ti rii.s. op come and see i on i Nenl phone AHtcnti.i y new br .v I'oniit rv Ciub 1 i.n. Do You SnilVr nitli V MUQHES, iLjilS MUSIC CO.. Tho Dalles, Oregon. . -V1 si..'. rr or lllille-tl ai (.';; Tablets will care vou. briee oa!i 60c.