- " " " - "Vniii ii " - - "- - 1 " " - -- - " " , f ,T77 -Tnif VirT Tf u With due deference to all others, we beg to announce that FRANK A. CRAM has made special 0 prcparauon ior tne r all dctiool oeason which will soon he nere. I he greatest and best line ot BOYS' CLOTHING ever PPgjlgj il jne State of Oregon wi II be on sale at this store at prices much below actual cost today. We bought early and bought right, and while the goods will be strictly uptodate the prices will be lower than you ever heard of Clothing being sold before. THC CLOTHES BEARING THIS LABEL ARE GUARANTEED m jp The Sitnation is peculiar, and you are all to receive the great benefit our cash purchases afford us in buying. free with each Suit, a ball, bat and cap, and with each Single Pants or Shoes, an airship. Don't wait, boys, From now until 0 Try a pair of IRON CLAD HOSE and get Q ca rrr"-a BRIEF LOCAL MATTERS. Hazelwood Ice Cream Ice Cream Today Ht the (illllWtt. parlors of Sheets Ice at Tompkin liros. 50 acres on the Kast Side, 2 miles out. 10 acres in young orclianl. A snap. W.J. BAKER. Shingles. See us for best prices. Oregon Lumber Co. Wall paper rciiinantH for ten days at Hunt's Wall J'aper Store- lit Mantle, wall and cookoo clocks on easy terms at Clark's. Use Williams' anti-septic hair tonic and keep off gray hairs. Sidewalk lumber. Delivery same day order is received. Oregon Lumber Co. Call and examine my new line of watches. I can save you money. Clarke, the jeweler. I guarantee a fit in glasses. Clarke, the optician and jeweler. To make room for new stock all cut glass will be closed ont at cost. Clarke the jeweler. Ho you use Lath? Get our price and compare it with that of competitors You will make money this way. Ore gon Lumber Co. Well, don't you see that if yon wiidi to see well, you should see Clarke the optician. Guaranteed work in glass lilting. Tired out, worn out woman cannot sleep, eat or work; seems as if she would tly to pieces. Hollistera Rocky Mount ain Tea makes strong nerves and rich red blood. :tT cents Tea or Tablets. C. N. Clark's. Mr. liartmess is on n cash basis. Dr. 10. T. Cai ns has returned to Hood Kiver and resumed his practice at the same place, over Barbican store, where he is prepared to attend those wishing his survices. Now that all important question ie settled the next thing is the ring a line new line of engagement and wedding rings. Prices right. Ciarke the jeweler McGuire Bros, offer boiling meats at your own price, 5c, tk; and 7c per pound. For surveying, see John Lei a ml Hen derson & Son. lie sure to go camping, but first get a supply of ammunition and fishing takle from McDonald. He has the right kind. John Leland Henderson and son are equipped with two (iurley transits and will be ready to do surveying for the next two months. Ratjs per day are f and $10. It is to your interest to refer to Mr. Bsirtmess' ad under the new system. All watch, Clock arid jewelry repair work guaranteed by Clarke.the jeweler CET IN THE HABIT OF TRADING AT "DOT! f" TVTl '' l,lMrtunity -vou 'mve of l'kingnver our 5c, 10c --' w -'-" are down over 15 cents New Music All the latest Songs, Waltzes and Two steps. New issues con stantly arriving. Come in and hear some of them played. Columbia Phono- grabs and records. A very com plete assortment in stock. They don't cost much and are a great source of enjoyment, Ladies Summer Underwear. Light Weight Vests, Pants, and Combination Suits, Gauze Shoulderless Vests in white and colon. We can suit you in style and price. Coupon No. 635, held by You have a chance to get it every dollar purchase. Sept. 10th, the above a tsssssss Patronize home industry by buying ranch butter at McDonald's. Mayes liros. get a fresh supply of meat every morning. Do you use Xaptha soap? 5c per bar at McDonald's. For trout flies that catch the fish, go to McDonald's. HSO acres, 1 miles from Mosier sta tion, on main road; good spring; $25 an acre; will divide; tine apple land. Also other Mosier property. ..I. Baker A Co. If you have heifer calves to sell, J. W. Anderson. Fish, salmon and halibut, at McGuire Bros' market. Blue Vitrol at Clarke's 7c a pound Phone Tompkin liros. for ice. Two-quart combination hot water bottle and fountain syringe guaranteed for one year. Only f 1.50 at Clarke's. If yon require accurate surveying, see Murray Kay, civil engineer. Consulta tion, free. Iligh-class work guaranteed. Mayes Bros.' meat market has been supplied with a cooling fountain for keeping vegetables fresh and clean. Buy your vegetables where they come fresh as from the garden. Those who contracted for Sharpies Cream Separators recently from a Port land representative, and have not re ceived the same yet, are hereby notified that they will be supplied by J. R. Nick elsen, local dealer, thereby saving $5.00 commission on each separator. Cold boiled ham at McGuire Bros. Fancy creamery butter at McGuire Bros. Hazel wood and Washougal brands. Groceries, flour and feed at Lamar A Dunn's Those contemplating putting in wheat this fall should see the Hood Itiver Milling Co. first. Sealed bids will lie received up to Sat urday, Aug 12, for grubbing 25 acres of second-growth fir, slashed last year, partly burned this spring in Mount Hood settlement. I reserve the right to reject any or all bids. J. M. Hollowell, Hood Kiver. Watermelons and muskinelons on ice at McGuire Bros. Another Dividend Declared. Salt Lake City, July 12, 1905. Mrs. M. Bronson, Special Agent, Portland, Or. Dear Sir: We have just declared our semi-anual dividend of 6'a per cent to the regular atock holders of the Western Loan & Savings Co., and we hope to increase that in the future. (Signed) P. W. Madscn, President Notice. Having disposed of my stock of good ami rented my store, I have an office in the old post office building, where "I wish to collect all accounts due me, so I can pay what I owe. Theu all of Us w ill feel better to lie out of debt. GF.O. P. CROWKLL. town, ii win pay you wen ior me lime in the whole store. Many Warm Days Yet Why not have a fresh new di minity dress, they don't cost much, and are easily made up. We have some of the prettieBt patterns you ever saw. McCall's patterns to cut them by. Little Prices. Going to Mount Hood? You'll need Linin Dusters, Straw Hats, Driving Gloves, Lap Robes, Goggles, Snow Ghwses, Ice Creeper-, to pot on your thoeg before climbing the mountain. Getthein here. Little prices. James Moore, drew the Lewis and this week. A ticket given away J0 wJm offer holds good. a 100 Tablet FREE jssiss a e Sew Today. Do the flies make your life a burden? Get your screens of F.G. Coe. Phone H-fX Kvery man owes it to himself and his family to master a trade or profesion. Read t'ie display advertisement of the six Morse Schools of Telegraphy, in this issue and learn how easily a young man or lady may learn telegraphy and he assured a position. All persons knowing themselves to he indebted to W. Hayties & Co., will please call and settle at once. W. HAYNF.S & Co. Do you need au odd job carpenter? Phoue 1 O. Coe, No. 1413. Tboso in the country desiring wood sawed by the steam wood saw should get their wood ready so I can do the work at one trip. 1 will commence any time after the 2nd week in Au gust. FKEI) JIOWK. At the ('hurdles. Unitarian. No services (Sunday. Lutheran There will be no services next Sunday. II. J. Kolb, paster. Valley Christian-r-Regular Services Sunday, both morning and evening. W. A. Eikins, pastor. Baptist. Regular preaching services at Carmichael's hall every 1st and 1 Sunday morning and evening; Sunday school every Sunday at 10 a. in. Cove nant and business meeting the first Wednesday night in each month. J. II, Spight, pastor. Methodist Preaching at 11 a. m. and 8 p-in.; Sabbath school 10 a. m.; F.p worh League 7 p. m. Prayer meeting Thursday evening. All cordially in vited. W. C. Kvans, pastor. United Brethren. Sunday school at 10 a. m. Preaching at II a. in. Junior Kndeavor, H:li0 p. m. Christian F.n deavor, 0:45 p.m. Preaching at 7 :'M. All are cordially invited. Rev. J. S. Rhoads, pastor. Belmont M. K. Church. II. C. Clark, pastor. Services, Belmont: Sunday school at 10 a. m. ; Class meeting atli a. in.; Kpworlh League 7 p. in.; preach ing every Sunday evening and 2d Sun day in month at 11 a. in.; Prayer meet ing Thursday 7:;t0 p. in. Services at Pine (i rove same as above except preat:!. ing, which ii on 1st and 3d Sundays at 11 a. in. Crappcr. 1st and 3d Sundays at 3 :30 ; Sunday Bchool at 2 :30. Moii'm Hood. The 4th Sunday at U a.nt. ; Sunday school at 10 a. m. Nursery Trees. Twenty thousand, carefully grown, choicest varieties Apple, Pear, Peach and Cherry trees can be found at our True-to-Name nursery for the coming season's planting. We hawe'neyer been able to supply the demand ami hence yon should file your orders at an early date to Insure attention. SMITH & GALLK1AN, Hood River, Or. THF BIG STORE WITH LITTLE PRICES and 15c Store the firt time you speni. Keiiieiniicr tlieie is nothing Camping Season is here. We have the goods.Tents, Camp Stoves, Bedding, Fry Pans, Tin Cups, Plates, etc. Granite cooking utensils and every other requirement for the camp. Little Prices. Jelly Classes Plain and fluted, with or with out tin tops. 35c per doz. Tin Fruit Cans Quart size. You'll need them for Tomatoes etc. 75c per doz. Clark Fair Ticket, last week. every week, a couyon withl Yours for business, Mr. and Mrs. Lei he of The Dalles were in Hood Kiver Tuesday. Ed Rand ami family of Sumpter are visiting relatives in Hood Kiver. Sunday the thermometer registered 0'J degrees in the shade at The Dalles. Mr. Kakeutraw of Fraukton is erect ing a new barn to accommodate the size of this year's hay crop. Mrs. M. P. DeWolf and A. H. Do Wolf of Grand Forks, N. I)., register ed Tuesday at the Hotel Wauconm. Mr. and Mrs. Tom Brico expect soon to occupy the Byrkett cottage on Kiver street. Mr. Price is a book keeper in the banking house of Butler & Co. Mrs. Clara II ulbiird and Miss Ksther Cable of San Francisco, Cal., arrived in Hood Kiver last Wednesday. They are tho guosts of their aunt, .Mrs. A. Butts. There's no need of any one going hungry for lack of work in The Dalles. Farmers are busy harvesting, and the Great Southern are in need of a large number of track-layers. Mrs. J C. Ruff , who was down from Mount Hood Tuesday, sbj'h that on Monday afternoon the tliremoineter in the shade on the uorth side of the house registered au eveu 100. The watermelon season Is now fBirly opened at The Dalles, and the yield is very abundant. Wagonloails arrive ii the city every day, and are shipped to Portland and other less favored points. A. M. Hoskina returned from Hood River a few days ago where he spent seeral days,calllng on Cyrus Vaughan, J. L. Davies and other former resi dents of this community. Newberg Graphic. Tho Dalles public schools were the recipients one day last week of a sil ver medal for work exhibited at the St. Louis exposition, and a bron.e medal in conjunction with Ashland and McMinnvillo. Mr. and Mrs. Hermann Cornell and little daughter of Locke, Ohio, are the guests of Mr. and Mrs. (I. J. (less ling. Mr. Cornell is a brother of Mrs. Gessling. They are on their way to tho Portland expostiou. Mr. and Mrs. Mitchell Aye of Man hattan, Kalis.,- were guests during the week of Dr. and Mrs. II. L. Dmn ble. Mr. and Mrs. Aye visited at the Portland exposition, and left Tuesday for their home iu Kansas. Gladys, the 12-year-old daughter of T. A. Keavis, was badly scalded about the knees and feet Sunday morning. At last reports she was resting easy. The young lady accidentally upset a teakettle of water as she was remov ing it from the stove. A Hood Kiver man is experiment ing witb a hop yard with such prom ising results that already the Hood Kiverites begin to think their hops will yet rival their famouy strawlior riea for a profitable crop. Forest Grove Times. Mrs. Mary A. Kickert and Mrs. John Alspagh who have been visiting Mr. and Mrs. A. Butts for the past four weeks, left Hood Kiver last Fri day. They will attend the fair in Portland for a few days before start ing for thier homes in Iowa and Illi nois. A large rattlesnake having eleven rattles and a button was killed on the Billings ranch ono day last week. Mrs. Billings drove the rattler into a log, where he waa held at bay until a gentleman happened along with a gun, and bw auakeship was promptly dispatched. Harold Billings killed another rattlesnake a few days after ward. Mr. and Mrs. James Dirge and chil dren arrived this week from Marion county, Illinois, and are visiting rel atives in the valley. Mrs. Birge was formerly Mrs. Cameron, and conduct ed the eating bouse for the lumber company at Viento. Jacob Copple, fattier of C. L. Copple, accompanied the party, also Mrs. Ann Kell, a sla ter of Mrs. J. II. Dukes. Mrs. Goorge iiontz and her two daughters, Agnes and Inez, Mr. and Mrs. Cooley and sou Koy of Waterloo, Iowa, and Mr. Hazelton of Council Bluffs were guests last Sunday at the Billings home on the East Side. Mrs. Cooley is tbe mother of Mrs. Beotz. She was greatly pleased with the beautiful mountain scenery and spark ling spring water on the Billings farm. Although over 50 year old, she walked a mile and a half and gathered six quarts of wild blackber ries, which she preserved and will take with her to Iowa. "' Jl- f , VMa-MC-aattK-yiiatariBb4 Wtiiliiiiltifllili T 1 miiiniii mi I mil mill iiiiiiiiiiMir A. A. Jayne ami family are enjoying an outing in llic mountains. N. Wliealdon of The Dalles was a Hood Kiver visitor Tuesdav. K. C. Sanderson, dean '( the Funcuc divinity school preached Suudav morn ing at the alley t bristian clinch. J. M. I'arry, a bminess man of Moro, was in the citv ilnnim the week, en deavoring to arrange a real ci-tato trade. Miss Ktta Packard of Mani-lirM, Ark., and Miss Rogers of near F.nipona, Kan sas, were guests last week of Rev. and Mrs. . C. J1 vans and laimly. The Glacier olliee is now located in the northwest corner of the Davidson building, the concrete building on Kiver street. Miss Jessie Kverc.tl ofohio is the guest of Mr. and Mrs. .1. 1!. Kinsev ami Professor Lverelt, at their home on West River street. Up to date 1211 hunt ing licenses have been granted in Wiwii county, and two of these are held by ladies, who are considered the best shots in this locality, says tho Chronicle. W. W. Dakin of Seattle, accompanied by his wife and two children, are the guests of C. I'. Dakin and fannlv. Mr, Dakin is in the employ of the Seattle, Klectric Co. Martin F.nistnini is now sole proprie tor of the cigar and confectionery busi ness and the llazelwood ice cream par lors, formerly the business of Will Sheets. S. A. Knnpp is making e.Uen.-ive im provements to bis residence on River street. When completed he will have one of the neatest homes in that part of tbe citv. J. M. Schmelter, clerk in the law and abstract olllce of John Leland Henderson, spent several days last week visifng at llillsboro, Forest Grove and other valley towns. A. Crofton of Portland, accompanied' by bis wife ami child, arrived Sunday morning. They registered at Hotel Waucoina, and in the afternoon crossed the river to the Jewell collage at While Salmon. The assessor's census of towns out side of The Dulles gives the following: Antelope city, 27:(; Antelope precinct, 5011; Shaniko city, 21. "; Shaniku pre cinct, IXiO; liakeoyen precinct, ;i!l; Wasco county, east ot Deschutes river, 11!U. Dr. M. F. Shaw aim aincis that he has opened ollices in tin' Jackson build ing and has again resumed practice in Hood River. Five years ago Dr. Shaw gave up his practice to In. Dnmhlc, and a part of this time lie spent in Southern Oregon. A. W. Onthtink has sold his ten acres one mile south of the Rnrrrett school house to II. ('. Ilengst ami son Joseph, who expect to jinprovo tin laud and build a home there, Mr. Ilengst haling bargained to sell his furui on the banks of Hood River. The skill wit h which the Poith nd street car lines handle the crowds ol visitors to the exposition is a malt ci of favorable comment, from all quar ters. Though fiiiiii Io.iski to :(u,iiuii people rido to the fair every day, there is practically no crowding, ami the conductors are winning praise for their uniform courtesy and attention to the passengers. The exposition is only fifteen minutes' rido from the business center of I'oillanil. A few evenings ago a logger entered a store on Oak street anil bought, a pair of logger's shoes. The customer had just enough jay on to make him loquacious, and us he .-at lacing his shoes he told of the many places In had been and of the prominent bad men he had met. l'ete I sen berg was one of the group of loungers in the store, ami the propi'-tor, who is known to be fond of a joke, asked tho custo mer if he had ever nu-t Pete I sen berg, known as Mountain l'ete, the celebrat ed desperado of Hole in the Wall. Montana. Tho logger knew- Pete well and gave a glowing description of Pete's career as a hud man of the llrst magnitude. He was then asked if la knew Sam liartmess, a well known faro dealer of Helena. Many a time had the logger bucked the tiger when Sam presided over the cloth, f inally, after several other names that corre sponded with tbe names of well known Hood Kiver citiens had been men tioned, tho logger was asked if fie ever met Dad Fonts, a Methodist readier who at one timo rode the ciicuit in Idaho. At the mention of the last name the logger began to see a light, and as the crowd laughed, tbe custo mer was in a fair mood to clean out the crowd, but evidently he had Vi vfV tl n 1 . CRA learned that "disreotion is the better part of valor, "and he silently left the store. II. V. Davidson was a Portland vis iter this week. Mr. II. M. Wood went to the Locks, ednesilay morning. II. W. Wait spent several days iu iVrthind last week. Sam liartmess is building a new barn on his property on Irving street. Dr. ('. 11. Jenkins and family are camping on the Little White Salmon. A. D. Moo and family were seeing the sights at the exposition last week. Chester Jackson of Portland, is visit ing in this citv with bis friend, Harold Wood. Frank Button is home from Lane county, where he la engaged iu the logging business. Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Dolile of Grays llarlior are tlio guests of his cousin, C. U. Dakin. Mr. and Mrs. L. Clarke are taking an outing at the beach for the benefit of Mr. Clarke's health. Mr. and Mrs. II. M. Wool returned by boat, Tuesday afternoon, from Port land where they have been visiting the fair for several weeks. Miss Alice Yates of Park Rapids, Minn., is the guest of Mr. and Mrs. W. M. Yates and family. Miss Yates is a nelce of Postmaster Yates. Dr. Osburn of LaPorte City, Iowa, is iu the valley visiting his former neighbor, W. F'lko. The doctor 1b also looking for a business location. A. J. Mc Isaacs, who was down from Mount Hood Wednesday, says there are many people from the lower valley camped along the trout streams of the Mount Hood country. Robert McComb of Seattle, accompa nied by Louis Svarz, after visiting the exposition at Portland, arrived in Mood Kiver Wednesday, by boat and are guests at Twin Oak farm. F. W. Andrew of Kast Grand Forks, Minn., is hero visiting the family of ('. G. Met calf, and looking after his young orchard. He reports 8. Barker preparing to move out to Hood Kiver to make this bis home. Miss Lotta Record has returned to her homo in Kverett, Wash., after visiting with the family of W.M. Moses. She was accompanied to Portland by Mrs. Moses and children, who will take in the exposition and visit rela tives at Woodburn before returning. Rev. Father J. M. Hickey of Wasco was in the city Wednesday. Feather Hickey began last March the publica tion of the Occidental at Wasco, a ipimtorly magazine and church paper which is meeting with decided mho cess, so much so that Father Hickey hopes to issue the paper monthly, and thinks ho will be compelled to move to Portland, where he can de vote his entire attention to the work. A party of Kansas editors and their wives passed through Hood Kiver on the delayed train, Tuesday morning. M. P. Iseulierg was present at the de pot to see Ben Mickle, a member of the party from Soldier, Kans. , where Mr. lsenbnrg formerly resided. It was the intention of the editors to take the boat at The Dalles, and make the rest of the trip to Portland on the river, but the train being late, the steamer could not wait for them. Had they made the river trip, Mr. I sen berg intended to go with them a far as the Locks, and return on the train. The Kansas newspaper men were decorated with large sunflower. They were on a special excursion to the Lewis and Clark exposition. Bern. In Mosier, Or., Wednesday, August to Mr. and Mrs. Jefferson Bailey, Married. At Tho Dalles, Ore., Aug. 1, 1905, at the court house, Mrs. Susie Morgan and Humphrey Peugh. Kev. Skip worth of the M. R. Church performed the marriage ceremony. In Portland, Wednesday, August 2, at the home of the bride's uncle, Howard M. Fairlleld, Lucy Jean Rob erts, daughter of Mr. aud Mrs. C. O. Roberts of Hood Kiver, to Hairy F. Buxton of Corvallis. Kev. Dr. Hill officiated. No cards. Rags Wanted. The H. K. L. P. & W. Co. will pay 3c per pound for clean cotton rags at tlieir olliee, either white or colored. They must be large euough (or wiping mach inery. WATCH For our Special Sale of BOYS' AND GIRLS "Iron Clad" Stockings A beautiful writing tablet FREE with each pair. We will give you but come at once. o G3Q Additional Odell Notes. B. Jones of Belmont, with his fam ily and the Mathews Bros., one from North Dakota and one from Los An geles, Cal., were iu the party. In circling the east side of the valley strangers always get a peep at Odell and are invariably Impressed with the fact that once here they are at the Hub. These people were pleased with the valley. Mr. Strong, who lives near Odell, has on exhibition at the Little White Store a stalk ot corn H'a feet in lengt h aud grown without water. B. F. Shoemaker of the west side informs us he has live acres of hops growing on his place that promise well. If the valley can develop bops and corn, theu another laurel will be added to our valley. Last S turday the Little White Store shipped its Brat car of wood lor tbe season. The wood business is on the bum this year. It is a fact that wood la being delivered iu town for less than the cost of laying it there, but the advent of the railroad here will equalize tho problem. Frank Neff and wife are rusticating at Collons Springs for a month. August, with Its dust and heat, is the time to seek health resorts. GLACIER. MrB. Oeorgo Weygandt is slowly im proving. Mrs. Lukemirler from Portland is spending a few days on her home stead. Mrs. Kuff and daughter and Miss Teyson will return to Portland Tues day, after a tln-ue week's visit at Gla cier View. We expect to hear of Jbn Davidson making a trip to Portland soon. Mr. aud Mrs. It. II. Morton and Miss Morgan spent Friday and Satur day at the Inn. Miss Morgan will return to Portland this week, after a two weeks' visit at Mr. and Mrs. K. 11. Morton s. A lire was set by some unknown per son near the Hudson ranch last Satur day, which caused considerable excite ment iu the Glacier vicinity, it being reported that the Hudson house was on Are. But on investigation it was found that no damage had been done. 1'rly.e for Portland Veil. Special to the Glacier. Portland, Aug. U. If you want to make t'25 easily, try your bund at writing a yell for Portland at the Lewis and Clark exposition. The date is September 30, but the yell must be in the hands of the committee by August 'M. The exposition com pany offers a prize of t'l'i to tho per son who submits the yell that may bo considered best for the purpose. Contestants should remember that something iu the nature of a college yell Is wanted, but it must be original and striking. The contest is open to all. All yells should be sent to Henry K Reed, secretary of the exposition. the envelopes being marked "Portland Day." Another prize of $i" is olfered. un der the same conditions, to the per son writing the best slogan for Port laud. By slogan is meant a catch phrase such as the one used by Taco ma to eoxellent effoct, "Watch Taco maUrow." The name of Portland, of course, must figure. Tho slogan must have the merit of being lively and convincing something that will cause people to think ami talk about Portland aud ask questions. It must not be more than five words, but may be lesa. The results in those two interesting and novel contests will be announced shortly after the 31st of August. Portland day, September liO, promises to be the biggest day of the entire ex position in point of attendance ami general interest. Passer-by (as drunken man collides with him) "What do you want?" Tippler "Nothing. I've got all 1 can carry now I" If all the free shows inside the Lweis and Clark exposition grounds, such as moving picture exhibits, stereopticon entertainments and tho like, were charged for at the rate of 25 cents a show, the average price for such performances when given out side, it would cost the visitor $'i.'2. to see them all. Thete are nine of these shows, and all are absolutely free to exposition visitors. Kaeh show gives several performances daily. M