HOCD RIVER GLACIER, THUKriDAY, AUGUST 10, 1005 CIDER FACTORY FOR HOOD RIVER A elder aud vinegar factory wants to locate at Hood River. Hani P. Jones, vice president of Jones Bros. & Co., manufacturers of cider and vine ear at Louiuille. Ky., wag in tbe city one day last week, aud outlined his proposition to Mr. lilancbar, presi dent of the Hood Kiver Comercial club. A mcetiiiK of the members of the Couiurcialcliib was held Monday even ing, when the subject was informally discussed. Tbe proposition met with favor with the business men, it being recognized as an excellent opportunity for the fruit growers to dispose of their second grado fruit, much of which now goes to waste, but which, if carefully bandied, could be made a paying by-product of the orchard and berry fields. It is epxected that Mr. Jones will be here later to present the matter in person to tbe people of Hood Kiver. The date and time of meeting will be mado known, and every farmer in tbe valley is invited to be present and hear what Mr. Jones has to oifer them. His proposition as presented to Mr. lilunchar was substantially as follows : Organize a stock company to engage In the manufacture of cider aud vine grain Hood Kiver under same name as above company with a capital stock of tr,(XX) distributed as follows: Cit izens of Hood Kiver, 110,000 paid up ; Jones & Co., fcW.OUO" paid up, and $:I5,(KX) stock as a bonus for the trade name and their coant trado. Their state trade, which will be suppliod, comprises the following territory: Arizona, California, Washington, Ore gon, Nevada. British Columbia, Alas ka, and foreign trade, which amount ed in gross sales to 114,HH In I'M, and will be heavier in llXXi, and a pnillt ot 7,(KK) to them after shipping product from Louisville. This new company to build a fac tory aud equip it, frame building, apparatus, llrst-class. up-to-date in all respects, and which will cost about N,0UO to 110,000, leaving a working capital of at least I'JO.OOO, which they state will be ample. Tbe oompnny to have 5 directors, two being represen tatives of the Hood Kiver iuterests, three of Jones interests, of which one would be the manager of the plant and in that way have a quorum fur transacting business, eto, Plant to have a capacity of 10,000 barrels per annum. Prod not made from apples and berries, using all that can be had. The stock taken by Hood Itlver can be H per cent preferred stock if de sired, and all other stock will be com mon stock. They pay 2 to S cents per pound for berries and 26 to X cents per 100 pounds for apples, and are de sirous of starting to build immediate ly, that they may bave grinding ap paratus iu place for this fall's crop, the balance of apparatus can be in stalled later on as fast as time per mits. Proilts will not fall below 20 per cent whon apple crop is large ouoiigh to run plant to its oapacity. Market Is assured and above trritory will be absolutely lilled from Hood Kiver if company can supply it. One of the the Jones llros. will superin tend building of plant and a compe tent man placed in charge when ready to operate. They olfer the following references Mason Khrnmn. Portland, (their present Portland agents), Americau National Hank and Louisville Nation Their present capital is AlUri.OOO fully paid up, as Dun's or Dradstreet's will show. Joues stated that they could organize this company entirely among themselves liut preferred to enlist lo cal interest in the industry if possi bl and at present preferred not to take the whole amount out of their Kastern business. This plant will only use 0 or 8 men in tlie factory the whole season and perhaps 'JO men during the grinding season wit li 2 or it In tbe oltlce. A site of at least an acre proferred If possible, giving ample room for 2 one-story buildings and 1 three-story building aud a chance to enlarge as needed. Ijcss room will answer. Hun Extensive Ileal Kstato KiihIiiihh, Lelaud J. Henderson, member of the Henderson-llrown lioalty Corpor ation, J i in nod, or JNew Orleans, was in the city Tuesday, the guest of his father.Judgo John Loland Henderson. Mr. Heudersou expected to make several other visits with relatives In the Northwest, but fours be may be called home to his family, because of uie spread or the yellow fever epideiu io in the Houth. Mr. Heudersou is a member of the second largest realty coin pan y in Louisnna. A statement of the assets and liabilities of this company, Issued at the commencement of business, June .1, r.M),", aliow a total asset of ?l.'u"i, IKl.CrJ. One of tbe assets is a one foui'tli Interest in a sulphur mine In the crater of a mountain peak in Costa Kica. This bed of sill pbur Is !H miles long, with an average widtu or JO miles, and is 10 feet deep. l tie Henderson Koalty Co. pays omoo rent or fcioou a year In the Hi bernian bank building in New Or loans. We Must Wiis!i. We may live without w:!tr, music and art ; We may live without a nsi itnee, may love w ithout Heart ; Wo may live without mctliers, live without hope; Hut civilized women caliii t live with out soap. Wo may live without bc.ok what is know ledge but sorrow? We may live without beauty it fades on the morrow. We may live without lawsuit indict meuts are eiiiuttliing; lint where if the one who can li.e with out washing. Patronizo tbe Hood Kiver Ktenm Laundry. Ohm r'ubrik, proprietor. Advertised Loiter Ust. For week ending Aug. 7, 1005. lilanche M. llyer, Mrs. K. V. Jen sen, Mrs. K. II. Jenseu, Archie M. Anderson, K. It. Anderson, O. 1. Caples, K. Cook, C. Kmerson, J. Pitz patrick, lxuu V. Puller, Mark Hadley '2, Sewell llooland, W. K. Orr 3, Kev. P. R Kobiuson, lleunie Smith, Car roll Van Skike, Alfred Wood. W. M. YATES, P. M. Dies Prom Itattlesnake Kite. Late yesterday afternoon, while Joseph Kpeldrirh, a German about 45 years old, was working at a cabin ou i tbe Clark place on Ward's creek, gath ering up shingles from the ground which had been takeu from the roof of the cabin, he was struck on the hand by a rattlesnake. Speldrioh went at once to the Iiavigue ranch, a dis tance of two miles, for assistance. Dr. King of this place was seut for, but the poison had done its deadly work, and medical skill whs of no avail. The unfortunate mini died in threat agony at 10:JO last night, ills foody was taken to Shaniko curly this morning for shipment to Portland. Antelope Herald. UNDERWOOD. 1 The Chenowith postolllce is to I re-established, audMiss Sadie Or,-ei is ts be postmistress. The pohtoillee will be located ou Miss ()r.-er h home stead. Service will be resumed with io a few weeks, or as soon as a carrier la secured to carry the mail In. in I n derwood to the new Chenowith ollice The Kerry belt telephone systen has liee'i completed now from hlovon sou to White Salmon. A lurge mini ber of phones have been contracted for by the people of L'uderwood. Manager Wills was here last week se curing orders. Tbe little White Salmon is l.ceoin Ing a favorite summer re.-ort, Hick being a lurge number of camper, there this summer. Pishing is report ed very good. A number of llros, stalling from un known sources, is filling the air stnoKo along iSiicK creeK. Yvftilc. no serious damuge has I ecu done so im, if the careless pui ties who permitted the tires to escape could l,e touml, n example would likely be made of son of them. The law against setting out fires makes the olluiice u serious one, Captain Oleson has about completed ins noioi. When l hit railroad coined through here, the Captain intends to be prepared for the big rush of busi ness sure to come this way. Mr. aud Mrs. A. J. ilayiies are plan ning a trip to Yakima this month. An Easterner, who was looking over this country one day lai-t week, spent an evening at the iioino ot A. J ilaynes. After viewing the beautiful scene from Mr. Hayne's residence, the view of Mount Hood and Hood Kivei valley from there being grand indeed, the stranger remarked that he hud traveled all over the United Slates. hut Jnowir before saw such a gland view. The weather has been very warm to day, the thermometer rose to loo. Mrs. A mini Walters and baby have been quite sick. There seems to be big Hies back in the mountains near Tommy llrothcr ton's farm. Miss Eluora Lurseu went to Hood Kiver Just Wednesday. Jiol'oio start ing home the wind came up, and blew so hard that a person with glasses on oouldu't see half wuy across the river, for the (lying sand, uml she had to stay in the city until the next day. Mr. and Mrs. Mike Thornton were ovor to Little White Salmon on a visit ast Saturday. Professor (!. 11. Cromwell was oxer to Little White Halinini Hulling last Sunday. As he was drawing a 11,-h out of the water it fell from the hook into a yellow jackets nest which he (lid not see until he went to pick tin the ll-h. aud then we think the yellow jackets saw him, fur he has an extra big hand. Mrs. Ogillre, her daughter lieruice, Miss Louise, Miss Coru Clarksou and Mr. McNemee were out on a picnic to the big White Salmon falls lied Sat urday. They all reported a line time, out. didu l catch any llsli. One of the most pleasant social affairs ever given in Urn Now Grange hull at Underwood occiiried one week ago lust Friday evening. It was a success In every respect. The crowd was not large owing to the absence of so many to tho mining camps ami of others who were out on suuituci vacations. It whs under the inuiiage moiit of Messrs, William Underwood aud William Wheeler, and nothing whs overlooked to make it a grand i suc cess. Tho striking feature of the evening was the supper served by Mrs. William Wheeler and Miss Lena Kid leudouk. These two ladies have long been known hh the very tlnest of ca ters and on this occasion an i H urt was made to outdo themselves. The supper was a grand spread, indeed, ami it was the comment of all that it was one of the most elaborate culla tions ( ver olferod any tur ty iu Wash ington, or any other state for that matter. Mrs. E. A. Ogliue, who recently purchased the C. II. Thornton ranch, Is preparing to make inuny improv -iicets and has already commenced to build. It is her Intention to make it one of the very lluest ranches in the country aud she is going about it with that end In view, A. O. Marsh of The Dalles, who now owns the Mike Thornton ranch, is erecting a new residenci mid in many other ways improving the ranch. CHENOWITH We are not all dead yet, though it Is pretty warm hero, everybody i hunting the shade. The new postolllce has been estab lished. Miss Sadie Orser iapostmis tiess and II. P. Puller is mail carrier. Mrs. Cora Iseuberg of Hood Iiiver IniH been visiting her mot her and fa ther. Miss Jessie Hughes of Stevenson is visiting her friend, Mrs. Ale.vandci. George Fisher of Portland is here on an outing, lie is spending Ids time in llshing. Frank Wilcox went llshing last Sun day aud caught several trout over a foot long. Tom Newton has been to visit the fair. Mr. Newton savs it is a grand sight and everyone should see It. Ask to Have the Pastor IJeliirncil, At tho fourth uuiirtrolv conference of Ashbury M. H. church of this citv. a petition whs framed for present at ion lit the annual Columbia river confer once, which convenes this year at Moscow, Idaho, August i'l, asking for the return of Kev. W. C. Kvans to his charge lu llocd Kiver. lhe conference was largely attended last Friday. While tho construction ) a parsonage last year ent died a considerable expense, the llnances of the church were found to bo in very good shape, liev. Kvans reports the work of the church progressing very nicely, lie of course is gnitilled at the action of his parishioners, und will be pleased to remain here for the coming year. Kev. Air. Kvans says he has never missed an annual conference of bis church for 'JO years, and is planning to attend the meeting id Moscow the latter part of the moot h. Key Itltlcn by lUUli'sniikf. A boy near Kent, Sherman county. displayed the right kind of nerve and grit one day last week, lie was nome distance from home, and his brol hci was bitten by a rattlesnake. Taking his pocket knife from his pocket, he cut out the piece that was punctured tiy the poisonous fangs, and bound it up as well as he could, lie then made for towu as rapidly its possible, aud Immediately placed his brot her under a doctor's care. The little fellow w ho was bitten wns only l'J yaers old, and though a silent tear courted down h s check, he bit his lips and bore the pain of the dull knite cutting into his Ileh with truly Spartan fortitude. 'lhe boy is getting along nicely, and, at any rate, it would he dillicult to permanently injure a boy with tliHt quality of gi it. Cow Purns $H a Month. T. G. Ilaiiey. who has a dairy farm on tho Wild Horse creek, six miles en.-t of Pendleton, has been milking about 2H cows during the past month, and in mi average has supplied the llluo Mountain creamery between 75 and HO pounds of sweet cream daily. which has tested .'(0 per cent butter fat. At Si cents u pound, his check for the mouth of July will be over 175, or nearly a cow. - (!. ('. lierkeley, who has had a farm on McKay creek, is tho next largest creHin produce!, milking 'JO cows. His statement is not quite us lurge as Mr. Ilailey's but is nearly tho sanio, Other lurge producers receiving good checks reside in the Grande Hondo valley, who ship the surplus to Pen dleton to be mado into butter, us the Lu (i ramie creamery is taxed to its capacity. It will wash and not rub oif This complexion all envy me; It's no secret so I'll tell, Take thou liocky Mountain Tea. Save Something Its tlie sure way to success. Kver) body can mivo some thing, if it is only a small amount, and the small funis saved and deposited KECP I.AIII.Y soon yield large re sults. It may mean the building of a home, the foundation of a business, or a college educa cation. We receive de o-iits of one dollar or more at any time ami pay interest at the rate of (our per cent per annum, ciiinpouudtd seiui-annuany. SAVINGS DEPARTMENT FIRST NATIONAL BANK. For Irrigation of City Lots Notice should be given lit the ollice of e Light and Water Co. when water is used for tpi inl. bier. We my sprink ling because It is the only method by which we agree to furnish water for irri gation. Beware of the man with the w rench. It this point is overlooked, like wise the proper time to sprinkle us no further notice w ill be given. t. oiisuiuers whose residences front the oulh sides of the streets named below will sprinkle hid ween hours of 5 and II lu. ; those ou the north tide between ami 0 p. in Columbia, Iiiver, Oak and State streets, and Sherman and Ha zel avenues. In case-of alarm of lire nil sprinkling shonlil be stopped promptlv. V.. K. GOPF, Mgr. i1 OR SALE 1 OR 1,500 X-room residence CompMitivcly new, with lot 70x75, near School House. This is a desirable place situated iu the part of the town. Any one looking for a comfortable home at a low price should see it. Call on W. .1. Ilak'-r i Co., or write to ow ner. L. N. Blowers II 1 Iiiver, (iii-..'-'ii Don't (io Dry Just because you ,ire In a Dry Town Get your (Want l.lsO made out ready for next Saturday for everything you need, such as ITour, Ivcil, Stock Pood, Chick Pood, Russian Lice Killer, Blue Vilrol, Lime, Cement, Salt. Place your orders w il h II. W. Wait and get not only good goods at the right prices, but also a PRI-I; LLAIONADL. licmclulier 1 have 0 different l'.rand of I I our. and am going to close out as nearly as possible. Goods guarantc as represented. II. W. WAIT. Real Estate 00 acres, live miles out No. I ood laud; a snap at III acres on the I'a.-t Side land; f-'UOii. ; uncleared; do an acre. ; good apple 40 acres in Willow Plat ; uucleal'i at fr !.'.II0. '0 acres, live set to balance iu limber ; tlx otllce ; good iicighbei I 7 ii. ii s- near tow n i apples, inducing si v New town apples, e miles from post iood ; if 1 100. nil in herrses and shales of w ater, at f.V.iKl. Ill acres 1 1 miles from Mosier depot, ri.dd in the hcait of tbe fruit belt ; 'JO aeii s improved ; 4 acn s in potatoes, 10 acre in Iniil. 1 acie in grapes, L' acres in prunes ; pri-v f.' ol Ularnshud land near White Sal mon; lucres improxed, acres Per ries, I 'll topgi-.illed trees; water and good buildings ; an ideal place fr a home, $1'IHI. o acies. L' miles from town, free waier " room house, stable, chicken house, store house and sht ils, some wood; a splendid place for a vegetable garden, (tout pond, goo I celery and a-'parauils land; tine vi -w of the river, I'JiHI. We have good values in city property. II. M. Abbott C. Ross HOOD RIVER REAL ESTATE AXD EXCHANGE CO. Opposite Post Ollice ivcrview Park and Easy Grades, Fine View and Good Water ALSO MANUFACTURING SITES FRONTING ON 0 R. & N. TRACK WITH DEVELOPED WATER POWER Cheap lots for building- Small Houses near Flour Mill FRUIT LAND FOR SALE IN TRACTS TO SUIT HOOD RIVER DEVELOPMENT CO. Office T HE fall line of new are arriving. New ones will be added as fast as they leave the publisher. For this year's trade, 1 have 'bought a large and well-selected stock. Don 't wait until holidays to select your gifts in this line. Come in and look thein over; read thcnij and then you will know what yon are sending. Refrigerators! Refrigerators!! Refrigerators!!! Hot weather is Ice will soon be delivered at your door, buy a REFRIGERATOR. and be prepared to keep cool. We have just added this line and can save you money. ,1 NORTON & SMITH, Opposite 2vrr.c. ABBOTT, ZE3IIgb. Class IvIllinGr37- HAIR GOODS and TOILET ARTICLES Natural wavy switches, Enlish wave, Pompadour rolls and bangs. Hair goods of every description made to order. Agent for the celebrated Marie de Medicis' Cold Cream anp Yucca powder. Mount Hood Store W. S. GRIBBLE, Proprietor. 'ine Fishing Tncklt Hardware II IV (in d. Mcdonald, Dealer in General Merchandise, Hardware, Groceries, Flour and Feed Agricultural Implements, In fact, anything a farmer needs. A good stock of Guns I'oth quality and ii ad(iiai'tt rs for All new and up-to-date. md be obliged to come home See the Soap Display. ia bar: "Fels Naptlia, Life P.uoy," "Nysa Toilet," Stock FoodS-LuY8 nml Wilburs, and Poultry. Try a package and losing money without it. 3rd and River Street. CHOICE RESIDENCE LOTS FOR SALE IN- next to Waucoma Hotel and popular books Fifty titles are now in. SLOCOM'S near at hand. Postoffice Ammunition Di v Goods Graniteware Notions Flour Feed Full line of Groceries and Ammunition price are right. FISHING TACKLE Don't buy old stock Tackle and sap the lish won't bite. Your choice of the list foi- "While Linen, "Sunlight, "White Cap Floating." for Horses, Cat tie j be convinced you i Phone 741. D. M'DONALD Hoed River, Ore. Idlewildc HOOD SNOW & UPSON Blacksmiths and Wagon flak ers The most completely equipped power plant Contract work a specialty. Grubbing supplies and Log gers' tools always on hand. The care Of the horse's hOOf is essential. We are experts in that line and cure corns and interferes. R. D. GOULD, PLUMBING Steam and Hot Water Heating All jobbing promptly attended to. Dealer in Building Material, Doors, Windows, Lath, Mouldings, AND ALL GRADES OF JACKSON & JACKSON, Dealer in General Merchandise and Lumbermen's Supplies, Railroad Ties, Cordwood, Lumber and Cedar Posts Free Delivery. Plume 031 HOOD RIVER, OR. H00D RIVER TRANSFER & LIVERY CO. TICLET OFFICE FOR THE REGULATOR LINE OF STEAMERS. Hauling, Draying, Baggage Transferred, First Class Livery Turnouts Always Ready. Phone 131. A. J. FLOOD, GENERAL CONTRACTOR FOR ALL KINDS OF ement Estimates given Huilding Work Phone Carries everything in the line, including Krinkled Silks, Silk Embossed, Tapestries, Moires, Ingrains, Varnished Tiles, Blanks, etc. Uptodate Paper Hanging, Sign, Carriage and House Painting. Phone 071. First and Oak Streets. ! Blacksmithing: shop for all kinds of blacksmithing, we invite all those needing work of this kind to call and see us. Wagonmaking pert in this "tfcpnrtment, and 8 the construction of an entire vehicle to any ot its many parts in a manner that will prove his skill and thorough workmanship. Full supply of wood work in stock for all kinds of wagons. Horseshoeing I satisfaction is guaranteed member the firm. LUCKEY East end of Citv. -o Additions KIVER in Oregon. on short notice. a specialty. Hood River, Oregon. Having a complete equipment in our is one of our lines. Mr. Mullen is an ex- c m do anything from the repair of is our specialty. Cour teous treatment and with all our work. Re- & MULLEN, Work aper Co J