The Hood River glacier. (Hood River, Or.) 1889-1933, August 10, 1905, Image 5

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Surveyors for an uloetrio line are re
ported ruuuiutt linos iu the Mount
llood toltloineiit. W. U. Sanders,
wlio was there the first of the week,
says L. O. WyKuiult told him one of
the surveyor)) was at his home Sun
day, and expected to put a crew of
men iu the woods Tuesday of this
Jut whore the surveyors come from
seeuis to be a mystery. Possibly from
the road being surveyed out from Port
land, or it may lie 1111 entirely new
scheme set on foot for au electric line
up llood River valley. The advent of
the surveying crew has aroused a great
deal of exciteiueui and speculation
among the Mount llood farmers.
They realize that better means of
transportation will be the making of
the upper valley.
Mr. Sanders and his wife spent a
few days at their homestead, just
above the L. C. Wygaudt plane. Mr.
Sanders says work began this week
oa the new stage road, which will ex
tend along the section line, and elim
inate the heavy grade on China hill.
The road will come out near the Keis
Hood ltlver Men Lowest Kidders.
Frederick & Arnold of Hood Rivor
submitted the lowest bid, 814,030, for
the erection of five buildings for the
government at Cascade Locks. Six
teen proposals for the contract were
received and opened Friday morning
iu the office of Major W. C. Langiitt.
The tenders will be sent to Washing
ton for the approval of the chief of
engineers and the contract will prob
ably not le awarded fur a couple of
lielow are giveu the names of the
contructrs who bid on the work and
the Ugures at which they agreed to do
George W. Gordon, Portland, 810,
998; J. J. Richardson, Portland. $1C,
399; Pendergast & Clarkson, 819,050;
Frederick & Arnold, Hood River,
814,030; Frederick Erickson, Salem,
815, 855; A. F. Peterson, Portland,
819,170; C. H. Johnson, Oregon City,
815,900; Charles C.Harrett, Anacortes,
817(i(5; Joseph Paquet, Portland,
819,200; W. 1). Sovell, Minneapolis,
818,890; W. R. Gri tilth, Portlaud,
820, WK); llrooks and Downing, Port
land, 823,000; Robert J. Stewart,
Portland, 817,689; Arthur & Heu
drichseu, Vancouver, 614,719; Garrett
& Peterson, Portland, 818,400, and Ed
ward J. Grabs, Portlaud, 819,590.
Take Notice.
Owing to the numerous reports of
nuisances around the Light and Water
Co's springs having been circulated
iluring the present water agitation, a
watchman has been employed to guard
the property ; a tight fence 0 feet high
has been built, and the public is hereby
notified that any attempts at trespass
ing on the property of the company in
the vicinity of the springs will be pros
ecuted without any discrimination.
(Signed) Hood Kiver Electric Light,
Wuter and Power Co.
Was Credible Special Eddition.
Goldendide Sentinel: The Hood
River Glacier gave an excelent six
page write-up of the White Salmon
country lust week. It is a credit to
that excellent paper and will do the
western section of Klickitat much
Tlioy Appeal lo Our Sympathies.
The bilious and dyspeptic are eon
slant sufl'erers and appeal to our sym
pathies. There is not one of them,
however, who may not be brought
back to health und happiness by the
UHe of Chamberlain's Stomach and
Liver Tablets. These ta'jlets invigor
ate the sloiiiaeh and liver and slreng
then the digestion. They also regulate
the bowels. For sale by Williams'
Tlie Centervile Journal complains
about a poor mail service out from Grants
and tSuldendnle, and would like to sec a
route established between that city and
Grants direct or to have the Centei ville
ottice supplied from llood River, the
mail going from here to Lvle by boat,
and thence by the C. H & N. to Center
ville. Take Kodol After Eating.
After a hearty imal a dose of Kodol
Pyspepsia Cure will prevent an attack
of indigestion. Kodol is a thorough
digestant and a guaranteed cure for in
digestion, dyspepsia, gas on the stom
ach, weak heart, sour risings, bad
breath and all stomach troubles. Sold
by G. E. Williams.
Portland Journal: The last edi
tion of the Hood River Glaicer con
tained 70 columns of printed stuff,
half local advertisements, and mott of
the other half live, newsy local news,
which shows that the people of Hood
River appreciate a live, wideawake,
good local paper, and that the Glacier
in turn appreciates tne active enter
prising people of Hood River.
Peculiar Disappearance.
J. I). Runvan of liutlerville, )., laid
the oeculiar disappearance of his pain
fill symptoms of indigestion and bili
ousness to Dr. King's New Life Pill
He says: "They are a perfect remedy
for dizziness, sour stomach, headache,
constipation, etc." Guaranteed at (.
N Clarke's drug store; price ?5c.
Track-laying on the Great Southern
Railroad is progressing very rapidly,
and, with the exception of the bridges,
the road will le completed to Dufur in a
little w hile. There are several bridges
to 1 constructed, and these will take
some time to build.
If you are troubled with dizzy spells,
headache, indigestion, constipation
Hollister's Rockv Mountain Tea will
make vou well and keep vou well. If it
fails, get your money back. That's
fair. 35c. C. X. Clarke.
'There's so nmchgoodin the worst of us,
And so much bad in the best of us,
That it ill liecomes any of us
To talk about the rest of us."
Wilbur K. Newell, who is in oharse
of the Oregon horticultural exhibit at
the Lewis and Clark exposition, was
in Hood River Tuesday, endeavoring
to secure specimens of ripe apples for
the Oregon exhibit, which is being
put somewhat iu the shade at present
by the fruit from Washintgou and
other Northwestern states.
I he telephone was used, and efforts
made to get some apples, but it seems
that most of the farmers don't raise
summer apples, and Mr. Newell was
forced to return to Portland unre
warded. The Oregon display must
have some apples, and Mr. Newell is
anixous that as soon as Hood River
farmers can gather some good-looking
apples that they send the same direct
to Mr. Newell at the exposition. A
bill accompanying the fruit will be
promptly paid by the exposition management.
The third crop of hay is now being
harvested, and is making a good yield.
A great deal ot the bay raised here is
sold for 89.50 a ton in the field, the
purchaser, who is generally a farmer
from up iu the foot hills, hauling the
buy with bis own team. Haled bay
brings 811.50. A. R. Byrkett, who
has a large quantity of hay, is holding
for a higher figure.
Tomatoes are being shipped in large
quantities. The liyrkett ranch is
sending out 40 boxes a day. Una
number w ill soon be increased to 00
cases a day. Will Rankin and Fred
Purser, who have a lease ou a portion
of the Warner property, are also mak
ing large shipments of this fruit.
Mrs. E. O. Carson, a Portland ar-
tist,accompauied by a party of friends
from the East, among them Mrs.
Theodore Radclilf and Mrs. Austin,
were guests during the week at the
Maple hotel.
Business is rather quiet just now at
Biugen. The people here are waiting
for something to turn up, most of
them having faith that the Northern
Pacific will soon show its band in the
great amount of railroad agitation
which has been going on now lor tne
past three mouths. If this road ever
does come dowu the north bank of the
Columbia, the people here are count-
ins ou securing the depot location,
and then look out for that long-expected
boom. Better get in on the ground
Boor and purchase property now.
Theodore Suksdorf is home from
Camas Prairie, where he finished har
vesting his crop of bay on his so acre
farm there. The crop was a good one.
The weather is some cooler at pres
ent than it has been for two weeks
past. We have had a few very warm
days, but have heard of no sunstroke
or prostration trom heat.
J. O. Cameron finished stocking his
immense crop of hay last week. Mr,
Cameron intends baling his entire
crop of both cuttings, which will
amount to between 150 to 175 tons
Mr. Cameron's hay press was pulled
in home last week, and will probably
not start out agaiu until Mr. Cameron
bales for himself.
Hansen &. Thomson's saw mill closed
down for the summer last Saturday,
they having enough lumber sawed out
to last tti e in turougn ine season, ine
mill will start again in the spring, and
will run steady thereafter.
Oscar and Murk Cameron's mother
and other of their relatives from Illi
nois arrived iu Dukes Valley Sunday.
They will visit here a while and will
take iu the big fair and will return to
Illinois in about a month.
F. A. Massee, our road supervision
bud a force of men at work on the
Tucker hill, taking out rock aud wid
eiiing the grade. Frank knows how
to build roads all right.
Chus. Stanton took a trip to Dog
river lust Mouday on a fishing excur
sion. We haven't learned what luck
be had, but we suppose he had the
usual fisherman's luck.
Milton Biugaiuon and Del Hudson
went to Carson last week to work in
the logging camp.
W. O. Dodge s oow strayed away
las. Thursday and has not been seen
or beard of since. Mr. Dodge fears
some accident bus befallen her, as she
has a young calf and has awlays came
home regularly at milking time.
Mr. Whistler from The Dalles is
erecting a building iu Dukes Valley
for a store. When completed Mr.
Whistler will put in a stock of grocer
ies aud dry goods. Now all we need
is a good hotel, a livery barn, tbir y
or forty good dwelling houses, barber
shop, blacksmith shop and any other
kind of shop (eoxopt a grog shop),
and we will have a flue town here all
by itself.
Burney Phelps was down from Gla
cier last Monday doing business in
o n burg. He say-i there are lots o
blackberries up there this year. He
says there are enough to supply the
whole valley, if they want to come
and pick them.
Dark Pr41-tloa kr f Baa
lish Caa BUI.
It wu In 1753 that a proposal to
count the people wu first made.
Thomas Potter, son ot the archbishop
of Canterbury and member for BL
Germans, Introduced In that yr a bill
"for taking and regis taring an annual
account of the total number ot the
people and of the total number of
marriages, births and deaths and also
of the total number of poor receiving
alms from every pariah and extra paro
chial place In Oreat Britain." It was
Inevitable, of course, that directly this
proposal was made the precedent of
King David should be quoted. And
many were the jeremiads as to the al
ternative evils which would befall the
country. Those submitted to David
were mild in comparison. Mr. Thorn
ton, member for York city, said:
"I did not believe that there was any
set of men or, Indeed, any Individual
of the human species so presumptuous
and so abandoned as to make the pro
posal we have just beard. I hold
this subject to be totally subversive of
the last remains of English liberty.
The new bill will direct the im
position of new taxes, and, indeed, the
addition of a very few words will make
It the most effectual engine of rapac
ity aud oppression that was ever used
against an injured people. More
over, an annual register of our people
will acquaint our enemies abroad with
our weakness."
Matthew Ridley, another opposing
member, added that his constituents
looked on the proposal as ominous
aud feared lest some public misfortune
or an epidemical distemper should fol
low the numbering." However, the
bill passed the commons, only to be
promptly rejected by the lords. Not
until 1800 was the proposal again
made, and on this occasion It was
brought to a successful issue. The
first census of England and Wales was
taken In March, I801.-Fortnightly Review.
Berry Growers.
We want to handle your strawber
ries and other produce, for we are in
position to get vou the best prices.
Write us. A. D. li LOWERS & CO.,
Seattle. Wash.
Water and Light Notice
All water and light bills must be paid
at the company's office each month in
advance, on or before the 10th day of
the month. No collector will be sent
out hereafter. In all cases where bills are
not promptly paid when due, the ser
vices will be discontinued until all
arrearages are paid.
W. C.
By E. E. GOFF, Mgr.
Mr. and Mrs. Bennett are visiting
their parents this week.
Tildeu Quinn is working at Viento.
Mis. James Snyder has been enjoy
ing a visit from her parents.
Mr. and Mrs. Copple made a flying
trip to Portlaud the first of the week.
Messrs. Ross Rowland, Dickinson
and Forbes are working at Menominee
those days.
Mr. Forbes and family visited at
Green Point Sunday.
Have Vou Soraved Yetl
Get your material of Clarke and save
Another great truth "We ought to
?ive even the devil his due.
"Yes; but the trouble is we often
spend ou him money we owe to other
people. ' '
Clarke's Cough Elixir
will cure that cougl( Price is only 25
Judge "The charge against you is
vagrancy. The ohicer says you have
no visible means of support."
"i's got a means ob suppo't. ledge
but she done took sick an' caln't do
Best Spraying Material
at the lowest prices at Clarke'astor e
"Tell me what you eat and I will
tell you what you are."
"well, 1 s pose 1 eat more Wiener
wurst than anything else. Now, con
found you, go on with your theory if
you've got the nerve."
AtttentioD, Campers.
Nearly new brown tents for sale,
ephone Country Club Inn.
The M4 ! fcr the Greet
Gaa.ral Xmtmm.
The ancient Greeks and Romans
practiced telegraphy with the help of
pots filled with straw and twigs satu
rated In oil, which, being placed in
rows, expressed certain letters accord
ing to the order In which they were
lighted. But the only one of their con
trivances that merits a detailed de
scription was that Invented by a Gre
cian general named ..Eneas, who flour
ished In the time of Aristotle, Intended
for communication between the gen
era Is of an army.
It consisted of two exactly similar
earthen vessels tilled with water, each
provided with a cock that would die
charge an equal quantity of water iu a
given time, so that the whole or any
part ot the contents would escape In
precisely the same period from both
On the surface of each floated a piece
of cork supporting an upright marked
Into divisions, each division having l
certain sentence inscribed upon ii.
One of the vessels was placed at each
station, and when either party desired
to communicate be lighted a torcn,
which he held aloft until the others did
the same, aa a sign that be was all at
On the sender of the message lower
ing or extinguishing bis torch each
party immediately opened the cork of
bis vessel and so left It until tne sena
er relighted his torch, when It was at
once closed.
The receiver then read the sentence
on the division of the upright that was
level with the mouth ot the vessel and
which. If everything bad been executed
with exactness, corresponded with that
of the sender and conveyed the desired
Information. Spare Moments.
Cblldr.a'a Answer.
'Children's Answers" Is the title of
an English book. Here Is one of its
"What Is a miracle r
"Please, sir, It's a thing that happens
In America."
And here is another;
A Scotch dominie, after telling his
scholars the story of Ananias and Sap
phire, asked them, "Why does not God
strike everybody dead that tells
Her' After a long silence one little
fellow exclaimed. "Because there
wouldna be nobody left."
BUakaaaltha aa4 VuUim,
The making of horseshoes by ma
chinery at first caused a strike among
the blacksmiths, who refused to put on
the machine made shoes, but the work
was done so much more cheaply that
the machine shoes triumphed, and the
result was that owners of horses, as
tber got the shoes for less, bad the
Dorset shod oftener than before, and
the blacksmiths did not lose much, if
any, work after all.
On Rea. Iimt,
A lot of men were playing cards for
money in a railroad car, and an Irish
man waa invited to take a hand.
would," he said, "but for three rea
sons." Being asked to state bis rea
sons, he said: "In the first place,
have no money" "Never mind the
other two," said the man who was run
nlng the game.
A Shi Trftk,
"Does your husband tell you his bus!
nesa troubles?"
"Tea, but be doesn't know It I wait
till he's asleep, and then I shake him a
Uttle and ask him for money." Cblca
go Tribune.
A aVetnettM.
lbs (fiercely) Don't you ever dare to
say again that I'm driving you crazy
Be (meekly) I won't I must have
been that way when we were married.
New Tork Press.
The new box factory is to be com
pleted in time for the big prune har
vest. Messrs. Green aud Heck, the
owners, are rushing the work.
The Baptist church will be repaint
ed and new seats added. The mer
chants and ranchers all subscribed
liberally to make it possible to have
comfortable place to worsnip in.
There is a gieat deal of complaint
over the water question. Wells and
springs that have always supplied large
quantities are giving out, causing
alarm as well as great inconvenience
to many.
A. P. Bateham, manager of the East
Hood River Fruit Company's ranch,
has home returned from the fair, af
ter a week's visit.
There is a big pruue crop this year.
aud iu less than two weeks work will
be commenced ou the pick. P. Ileu
niugsen, the local buyer and packer,
is making many neavy contracts in
this section. He is also invading The
Dulles country, as well as the Hood
River valley.
'ew Ofllce Rooms of Mr. Hall-Lewis.
P.M. Hall-Lewis Co., civil and
architectural engineers and surveyors,
are now located in neat ollieo rooms
in the second story of the Davidson
Mr. HaU-IiewiB and W. A. Martin
are now Iietter situated than ever to
turn out first-class work in their lino.
These gentlemen are kept very busy
drawing up plans for dwellings and
business blocks, and part ot .Mr. Hall
Lewis' time is occupied in superin
tending the coustructiou of extensive
works about the city. At present he
is directing the building of the power
dam for the Hood River Electric Light,
Water and Power Co., also a power
hruse and a suspension bridge for the
same company.
Among the residences Tor which Mr.
Hall Lewis is drawing plans is u '2hihi
cottage for W. K. Sherman, ou his
place adjoining the rriady place on
the East Side.
The Secret of Success.
Forty million bottlesof August Flow
er sold in the United Stales alone since
its introduction! And the demand for
t is still growing. Isn't that a tine
showing of success? Don't it prove
that August Flower has had unfailing
success in the cure of indigestion and
dyspepsia the two greatest enemies of
health and happiness.' noes it not at
ford the best evidence that August
Flower is a sure specilic for all stomach
and intestinal disorders? that it has
proved itself the best of all liver regit-
ators. August r lower lias a matchless
record of over thirty-five years in cur
ing the ailing millions of these distress
ing complaints a success that is be
coming wider in its scone every day, at
honieaiid abroad, as the lame ot Aug
ust Flower spreads. Trial bottles, 'Jiit!;
regular size, 75c. For eule by C. N.
Belmont M. E. Church.
During the last month the Belmont
M. E. church has been rerouted aud
an addition been added. On August
13 a re opening of the church will oo
cur. Dr. 1. ij. itador or I'urtiuud
will preach at 11 o'clock. All old at
tendants of thischurch, with all mem
bers and friends are cordially invited
to be present at this occasion. II. C.
Clark, pastor.
'Rolling Pin? Ves, sir; hero's oue
made of glass; the latest thing out."
But good lord, man I that would
parobably break ami cut my head all
to peaces."
There may be some clothing: as good as ours,
but not at the price
Weiss & Segal explains it all
Full line of these goods
just received, the kind that wears. Call now while 1
there is a large assortment to select from.
Owing to the increasing volume of
our trade, we have taken advantage
of early shipments to accommodate
the buying public
of viwm
Groceries, Flour and Feed
has been installed by
at the old stand, just south
of Indian Creek bridge, and
the firm extends an invit.'i
tion to their former patrons
to call and see tlieni.
( t xA i n 11 vniivu
CmMMld) O Caaau
Money Makes the Mare Go. n
After .Inly .'list we will be on a cash basis. We feel that in justice to our
selves, as well as to you, our cash customers, we must; take this course, and
now if you want goods us cheap in price as any one can sell for cash, we
invite you to come.
We are rntefiil to you, our time customers, for your support in the
interest to
past , but we
buy for cnsli
Your dol
cinte it.
Prices greatly reduced
ti re confident that we can show vou it is to your
for pay day soon rolls around even on a time sale,
lar will buy one dollar's worth, and we will show you we a
Henieinber we are tin; leaders in reducing prices.
Building Material, Carpets,
Paints, etc.
C'inaarI W aaWBSaaaaatiBfal
Hardware 3 IE W all S riirnmire
Seasonable Goods
N P Strawberry hull res... 100
Camp stools 250
Tents, up from $4.75
Camp stoves $1.00
Hammocks 750
Wagon covers, pillows.
Folding camp tables.
Fishing tackle.
Guns, revolvers, ammunition
Building Materials
Genuine wood fibre
plaster, per ton $16.00
Yellow lir lath green
perl OOO 2.65
Mouldings, inside furnishings
Columns, porcn g Is.
Doors and windows.
Lime and cement.
Pure prepared paint
per gallon 1.75
Glass in every style.
In more than doubling our store capacity our
whole intention is to be able to purchase all of our
goods in the quantities that secures lowest possible
cost and to be able to handle such slock with the
greatest economy. It will hereafter be impossible
to leaye home for purchases on account of prices or
assortment in
Williams' Pharmacy
Fine line of
Toilet Articles,
etc. Also
Hardware, Furniture,
Glassware, Stoves,
Spray Material
Pi ring in your Proscriptions.
De Yon Suffer witb Djspepsia
or indigestion? Clarke's Dyspepsia
Tablets will cure vou. Price onlv SOc.
Notice ii hereby given tbat tbe Board of
Directum 01 ncnooi uiitrict no. ft ot aivo
county, State of Oregon, will Inane IZKU In
Interevt-bearlng warrant, bearing interest at
tbe rate of ill per eent per annum, and re
deemable aa follow: One-third of aald
mount due In two yean from the Imuance of
aald warrant, one-tblid in four year and
one-third In all ieara. Partlea dealrlng to
ubaerlbe lor the same will communicate with
the clerk of aald dlitiiot on or before Augnat
12th, I t.
Bt order of the Board thitSUt day of July,
lyb. m. i our.i.u
Clerk School OUtrlct No. 5,
Waaco Co., Ore.
and the thousands of articles which go to the
needs and comforts of a home.
We furnish everything forbuild
ing a home. : : : : :
FROHN & HEATON, Proprietors.
Fresh and Salt Meats, Groceries,
iviiverv Flour and Feed, riioneir.o.
Stoves Stewart's Crockery
Can get u First-Class 250 MEAL at the
P. F. FOUTS, Prop.