The Hood River glacier. (Hood River, Or.) 1889-1933, August 10, 1905, Image 4

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l!y Koswell Shelley.
Odell, Kast Hood River Valley, Auk
8 A. I. Mason called at the Little
White store last Friday in company
with JohiiHon Bros, of Portland. The
Johnson liros. are connected with
Kasmiisoii A Co. of Portland. Their
minds are made up, after looking the
valley over, to purchase land here.
Ve are always lad to record audi
iloins, and Mr. Mason la capable of
showing the valley up in a proper
manner. Mr. Mason is enthusiastic,
mid one thing should be remembered,
that the fellow who doesn't enthuse
cannot transmit enthusiasm.
Harry K. Buxton of Corvallis and
Misa Lucile Jane Koberts of Hood
ltiver were married at tbe home of
the bride's uucle, Upward Fairfowl of
Portland, on August '1, 1905. Mrs.
liuxton is a daughter of C. U. Rob
erts, and is a graduate of the argiuul
tural college of Corvallis. Her friends
extenu congratulations.
Miss Mae Hull of Salom and Annie
)!. Thompson of The Dulles have been
employed as teuehera of the interme
diate and primary grades at Udell.
These young ladies come highly rec
ommended, each of them having a
llrst grade certificate, as well as a
slate life diploma. The new school
building is rapidly approaching com
pletion and will meet the demands of
the growing district, and we feel safe
In predicting good work from the
(Moll school this coming year. The
principal has not yet Inten named.
(). J. (lessllng of Hood River called
at Udell lust Sunday morning. Mr.
and Mrs. Cornell of Lock, Ohio, ac
companied him. Mr. Cornell is a
brother of Mrs. dealing. They are
looking Hood River valley over and,
while here expressed themselves as
highly pleased with what they saw.
They intend to locate somewhere in
t he West.
The Hood River spirit is akin to
that of Seattle. Every resident of
Seattle has a good word tor their
town. This is hs it should be, and
especially applies to llooi. River, for
there la no place in the .Ncithwest
where a safer investment run he
found, and If each resilient would
devote a little time to bin friends the
population of the valley should double
In the next year.
We notice that there is to lie an
election in the water listriot over in
the liurrett and Crappor sections on
Saturday, the 1-tb iiiht, to deter
mine the Question of bonding that
section for irrigation purpesea. This
appeals to me as being a very import
ant question, as ti uehing the future
of that section. There need be no
question to establish the benefits de
rived from water, the onlv question in
as to a practical solution us to the i e t
method to adopt. It is my opinion
that the bonding system is the cor
rect one. Then, under proper eco
nomical management, the consumer
(who is the owner) gets the water i.t
Water is Salvation to
valley. So let us diuw from the . K
lug waters of Hood River as it inns
the gauntlet to the sen, ami nn.K (
green our valleys by reclaiming ti e
waste places that respond so quickly
and profl ably to the touch of wuter.
The revival services under t he lead
ership of Rev. Mr. Jones, which cov
ered a period of two weeks, closed liu-t
Monday night. The services were in
teresting and faily well attended, es
pecially so considu iir; the busy mi
E. C. Miller of Mount Hood passed
though Udell after having spent the
day with his family. Air. Miller is in
specting and securing railroad tie
for the Denver A Kin (irande rittlnmil
compauy. He has spent Uui hint two
weeks at Troutville. His work calls
him part of the time at tbe In man
Paulsen mills there.
). L. Robinson and family of Pine
drove were callers at, Udell lust Holi
day afternoon.
Chris Dethmnu and family ill on
over to Udell last Hominy at'ternoi u.
Chris Informs the quill driver that a
picnic for the Iowiiiih has been ar
ranged for Thursday, ',ho tilth Inst.
A band will be in attendance and a
rattling good time is expected. We
were born in Iowa a long time ago
and will be on hand at the picnic,
and it is safe to predict that the com
mittees in charge of the affair will
n ake it a great big success.
Preparations for tho gathering of
the Udell clans on the shores of Lost
Lake on their annual outing has al
naly began, and before th's goes to
your readers the pat ty w ill bo on their
way. The chaperon and manager is
tbe village blacksmith, Hurry Kemp.
Harry enjoys mi enviable reputation
as a mountain climber and guide, and
somehow the Indies feel safe while
under bis guidance. Next week we
may have something concerning the
bravo adventures and hair breadth es
capes while on ti e trip, and it might
happen that it fell to our lot to report
some of the young ladies as saying,
"Oh, it's all so sudden. " Under the
gentle wooing of nature in the depths
of the forest there is rest and inspira
tion, and we almost envy them this,
bltsstol trip.
Lfirt week Miss Nettie Kemp and
Marguerite Shelley came up from Port
land for a months' vacation. They
w ill swell the lake i 'ally. Mrs. (iuy
Tultnage, si.ter'of Mugueriti Shelley,
returned from a lew days in Portlsiud
with them.
.Miss Kulh and Wallace Bradford
and Raymond Dnnziger of Sun Fran
cisco are the guests of Miss Nan
Cooper. They have fallen in love with
our mountain air and beautiful sur
roundings, ami we predict that Calif
oniia will lose some of its citizens.
Mr. and Mis. Strong, old time
friends of Mrs. J. H. Thomas, stopped
here a day or two while en route on a
pleasure trip to Alaska.
Miss Ruth Wilson, who has been
visiting on the Owen ranch, leaves
this week for Davenport, Iowa.
Mis. Warren Cooper has returned
from a two weeks' outing at Lost
Lake, Hhe reports n pleasant time.
D. L. Davidson lias been painting
Oscar l'lvdcnburg's house during the
past week.
Mr. and Mrs. (1. D. Woodworth are
again in our midst. This time thoy
are in camp at the foot of the "lava
beds." Mr. Woodworth camps with
For Chapped Hands, Sunburn and Rough Skin
Superior Toilet Cream
It is tho finest preparation for chapped hands, stin
btmi, rough skin, smarting from shaving, dialing from
raw-edgod collars, and other skin ailments. It has de
lightfully soothing, cloiiring, softening and healing quali
ties, and is just the toilet cream to use for cases of sun
burn. It is not greasy or sticky, drying in quickly, so
that gloves can bo worn immediately after using, and
leaves tho skin soft and white. Try it once, and you can
not help wanting to use it again.
Price, 25 cents per bottle.
Smith IMock.
Reliable Druggists.
Don't try cheap cough medi
cines. Get the best, Ayer's
Cherry Pectoral. What a
record it has, sixty years of
cures! Ask your doctor If
he doesn't use it for coughs,
colds, bronchitis, and all
throat and lung troubles.
" I tinva found that Ayer' Clierry Peetnrat
11 the beat nillciiiQ 1 cn preicrlh for bron
CbllU, luduentft. eoiiffhi. nt hard eolfli."
M. LobtMAN, M.D., Ithaca. N. T.
2Jf..,50(! 11.60. J. C. AYIROO.,
All SriiKirHta. f T.nw.'ll. M.
iur i
Correct any tendency to constipa
tion with small doses of Ayer's Pill.
us every year, and appreciates very
much our pure cold water and speck
led mountain trout.
Tim youngest child of Henry Toni
liiiKOii lias been very Hick, but lateit
rrp'ii ts stute that she is much im
proved. F.lmnrdrilible has departed for Lout
Lake to act an Forest Hanger at that
Miss Morgan and lier nephew, Willie
Morgan, who have been visiting with
Mr. Morton, have gone to Portland.
aiciies $
Eye Glasses and Spectacles
Specially Ground
No extra charge for engraving.
Dont' forgot to attend the bond
election at tho Ilnrrett school house
next Saturday, August 12.
Jesse (iroon, after Hpending (soveral
weokn with Frank Gregory, loft for
his home in Howell county, Mo., last
Tho Ice cream Bociul at the school
bouse was a success, both financially
and Kociallly.
tmm Mrs. McCiiine-and family loft for
I their home at The Dalles last week,
..P 1 . .. ..I L . . 1L.
tiller JOUtllUg unoui two IIIOUIUH un
their ranch in thin neighborhood.
One of Harry Hiickett's horses died
hint week.
K. K. Lyons and daughter, Miss
Huinia, returned homo on Hunday, af
ter milking the usual pilgrimage to
the great Anioricun "Mecca."
Professor and Airs. Arneson had the
pleasure of entertaining the Profess
or's sister, Mrs. Keilsou, of Seattle,
Wash., from Saturdiiy until Monday.
It was the lady's llrst visit to this
part of the country, and as a matter
of cour.-io she regards Hood Kiver val
ley, and especially Crupper street us a
"thing of beauty."
Mrs.Abigail Miner left on Thursday
for her home in Hillsborough, after
spending a couple of mouths with her
daughter Mrs. W'olhart.
Miss Oraee Perry of the East Side
is visiting with hor cousin Miss Susan
Mr. and Mrs. Alton Cunning re
turnel from Portland on Saturday.
(!. C Jnntzei) has been on the sick
list several weeks.
MisH Vina Cams went to Portland
on last Friday.
Mrs. Limlsey, who was reported on
trio Hick list last week, is still quite
K. A. Warner of Prosser was here
last week looking tho country ovor
,vith a view of purchasing land. Mr,
Warner's parents aro camped at Lyle,
having come overland from their
home on tho Northern Paciflo. Mr
Warner says Pi osser Is on tho boom
l.lioso days. Haw land thero near
the town sells for $200 an aero, while
as high as jOim is asked for the im
proved fanning lands. Mr. Warner
likes the Yakima vulley, but is tired
el funning with irrigation.
nenmor linker or uolilondnle, now
uepiuy united states maisnal, was
here last week, theguost of J. C. Mao
limes of the White Salmon Land Co.
Constable John Traua served papers
or arrest last week on Carl Miller,
who secured possession of a deed from
the power of attorney without cou-
Tiit of all concerned. Miller was tak
en before .lust ieo II. K. bowman, and
the nuttier amicably settled, the de
fendant agreeing to pay the costs the
ollleers had been put to.
-Mr. iiowmiin it is understood has
handed in his resignation as justice
ol the peace tor the White Salmon
bailiwick. The board of commission
ers who meet this week at lioldondnle
are expected to appoiut Frank Uros-
lioiig justice, wlieu the resignation of
I lie present ineunibent is accepted.
I 1 LI l- I 'r.ui' II... .l....t.tTT .w.ut ni..uAr
is on duty during the vacation of
M iss Anna Wnlfard.
Ir. and Mrs. Hwartz, who are hore
from Chicago for the benefit of Mrs.
Saart's health, tind the climate here
very l enetieial. Their neat little cot
liiK'e is about completed.
Lumber is on the ground for the
const met inn of the Fred Thomas cot
tage on .lewett avenue, which will be
occupied when completed by W. A.
Little Mnu.lo Snyder was taken to
St. .Mart ins lint springs last Tuesday
to see if the waters would not benefit
her health. 1 he last heard from her
was that she seemed to be a little bet-
I ter.
! W. A. Ilii sanz has installed a new
) billiard table in his pool room and
fi I ii. iw, w ith the old pool and billiard
j table lii il un as good as new, he is
: well able to ai i ninodate his customers
with any kind of a game they wish in
this line.
' Lev. II. II. Wykolf, of San Fran-oi.-co,
deli-. ered his illustrated lecture,
"Caliiornia, historical and picture
sque," at the church here Monday
e ening tn a fair audience. The lec
ture was illustrated with a number of
steriopticini views of the golden state.
Mi. Wyki.lf also preached Sunday
n. oi niug and evening at the church,
which sert ices were quite well attend
ed and fully appreciated.
oods must be sold
Having bought the Geo. P. Crowell stock of Gen
eral Merchandise, and leased the building, we will
Close Out the Crowell Stock
Regardless of Cost
Before moving into our new quarters. The Entire
Crowell Stock is being offered at prices that will move
I it in a very short time. Don't miss this opportunity to
get goods, at your own price.
In order to reduce our Regular Stock before mov
ing into the Crowell Building,
Prices Have Been Reduced
on everything, and now is your opportunity to get Big
Shoes, oats, S
hirts and Underwear
Ladies' Skirts, Corsets, Hosiery,
Men's and Boys' Gloves,
Rain Coats for Women,
and other articles too numerous to mention.
The FlKlit-riiiiiQ'i, Mrgrrpt.
They had n 11huIiir club in one of the
middle states; the keeper and factotum
of the club was "Old Kammy." Iiespite
III healthful occupation, age grew ou
him, and unable longer to "watch" the
river, there was only one place for the
lone old man the county Here,
aa the end was surely coming, the pas
tor of the church was asked to see
him. To meet the Great Proprietor
with a vast accumulation of debt Is
an ordeal that every wise man may
well dread and seek to prepare for.
The man with the gospel, trying to in
duce Sam to see the prime necessity of
climbing the cliff to touch the place of
blood, was leading him ,to admit his
bankrupt condition, that he might claim
mercy of him whose "property Is to
have mercy and to forgive." "Sammy,
I expect you've done many things you
wish you hadn't done; haven't you,
now?" Hut Sammy was noncommittal.
"Well, now," pursued his visitor, "If
you had your life to live over agalu,
wouldn t you do dmereully In some
respects?" "Maybe 1 would," was the
cautious rejoinder. "Well, now, sup
pose you had the chance of living all
these years over again, In what par
ticular would you do differently?" Af
ter a minute's silence, the old man,
truo to the ruling spirit, strong even
in death, replied: "Well, if 1 had my
life to live over agalu, I'd lish more
with bait than with fly." Outlook.
Did you ever notice the balance wheel in your watch'.' The balance wheel of a watch uivc- lie vibrations cvery
second, three hundred every minute, IS, IHH) eveiv hour, 4:'.L'.thH even dav, and l.'r. Imi,ii a cw rv war. At each
vibration it rotates aliout one and a quarter times, making P.iii.s.'iO.OiH) lewlutioii-, , i v war.
In order that we may better underlain! the stueiidinifl amount of labor pert ' lined iv these linv uuiks, let lis
make a comparison with a locomotive Inning six-foot driving wheel--. Let il l c run until its w heel shall have
given the same number of revolutions that a watch balance gives in one war, and it ill have covered a distance
equal to twenty-eight complete circuits of the earth. All this a watch does without other attention than winding
once every twenty-four hours.
Now, BiippoBe both machines started in good order. The locomotive is,,ii, d everv t'utv minutes, is caiefully
wiped and cleaned before Indng oiled. So that while doing the work of a w.itch for one". it lias been cleaned
6,iW and oiled L'lt.tllO, (and is now in the shop for repairs.) While your watch suppose il .Incu t look verv dirty
and even if it ntlll keeps pretty (air time wouldn't it do better service and wear much 'onger it carcfullv cleaned
and properly oiled OXCh to everv H.WHI time a locomotive is?
The Onlv Way.
There is no way t maintain
the health and strength of mind
and body except by nourishment,
ilieici) no way to nourish except
tlirnnuh the stomach. The stomach
un.-t he kepi healthy, pure and sweet
a the strength will let down and dis
cavwill set up. No appetite, loss of
-ti'i ngth, nervousness, headache, con
M.pation. bad breath, sour risings, ril't-
1 1 . indigestion, dyspepsia and all
niacli troubles that are curable are
quickly cured by the use of Kodol Dys
pepsia fine. Kodol digests what you
cat and siivnuthens the w hole digestive
appai-iitus. !ulil by ti. K. Williams.
'The Lamb Gourd."
The Duke of Ilolsieln, in his "Travels
In Muscovy and l'ersla" (IikIiII, gives a
full account of a wonderful vegetable
growing In the neighborhood of the city
of Samara, Russia, and known as the
"lamb or sheep gourd." The duke
says: "It most resembles a lamb In all
Its members and on that account Is
called 'the lamb gourd.' It changes
place In growing ns far ns the vine or
stalk will reach, and wherever It turns
the grass withers. When it ripens the
etalk withers aud the outward rttid Is
covered with a kiud of hair, which the
Muscovites use instead of fur. They
showed us some of these skins, which
were covered with soft wool, not unlike
that of a lamb newly weaned."
Scallger also speuks of the "lamb
gourd" In his works. In one chapter
he says that the queer vegetable con
tinues to grow as long as grass is plen
tiful, but that when the grass fails the
"pore creetyr dyes frome lac of nour
ishment" He also says that the wolf
Is the only animal that will feed upon
Dear litis: I have solved the mother-in-law
problem; just itive her regularly
llollistcr's ltocky Mountain tea. It
will make her hualthv, happv and do
cile as a lamb. 3.H1, Tea or Tablet's. I'.
N. Clarke.
Removal Sale.
We offer our entire stock of feed, hour
and groceries at reduced prices to save '
moving, fall and get our prices audi
save monev. CHAPMAN A CO. I
Some Bargains.
Our list contains aliout 40 different
tracts of fruit and general farm lands in
Mosier; about 500 acres in Underwood,
divided into tracts of from 40 to 3''0
acres each; also about lttt different
tracts of iarm property in Hood Kiver
valley, and some very desirable resi
dences in Hood Kiver and Mosie.r
3S. (i acres mile out; berries and
orchard. A beautiful location. Will be
sold at a bargain.
02. 35 acres one-half mile from Mt.
Hood 1'. O. 14 acres in clover, 4 in hay
1 in strawberries, 1 share water, 2
houses, all for HU400.
24. 42 acres 5 miles out, 10 acres in
orchard, 10 full bearing. First-class im
provements. A beautiful home.
28. HO acres, 5 acres 7-year-old apple
trees, balance in clover and general
farming. New 4-room house.
2. 4(1 acres in the most beautiful por
tion of the valley. 4 seres in orchard
one vear old, 31 acres in berries, 4 acres
in alfalfa, balance general farming,
(il. 10 acres 4 miles out; splendid
soil; 1 acre apples, best varieties; one
year planted. 1J acres in strawtierries,
2 acres in potatoes, S acres in clover.
114. Two KiO-acre tracts about nine
miles out; one on east side, other west
side. Choice for fl 100.
A number of fl, 10, 20 and 40 acre
tracts of unimproved land that will
bear investigation Also a number of
large tracts from Kid to 320 acres in Ore
gon and Washington
Some few resiliences and lots in every
portion of the city.
Real Estate Agents
Hood River, Oregon.
When you go Oninpino;
take along- .some of
tho e fine
Lunch Goods
you will find at
S, L. YOUNG, Prop.
Phono, Main o.".
Wo are prepared to
deliver ICE to any part of
the city. 'Phone No. 313
Tompkins Bros.
Please 'phone your orders 10 a. m.
Well Digging.
During or drilling. Inipilre of K. M. Hunt.
The very finest line of Pianos, from the cel
ebrated Chickering, the renouned Weber, the
fine Kimball, which is used and known for its
purity of lone and easy fiction, the silver-toned
Hobart-M. Cable, and on down the line of
Pianos to suit your means and pocket book.
I to sure to write for terms, or come and see
The Dalles, Oregon.