HOOD RIVER GLACIER luticil every Thursday by AttTHUR D. MOB. PuMtobsr. T.nns of iub.orlptlon-ll.6Q lu H4 THURSDAY, AUGUST 27, 1905. Hood River should bo jiiHt the plane fur the location of a cider aud vinegar factory, such as the Jouea Bros. Co, of Louisville, propose to place here. It ia often tbe by-products which net the Rreutest profits. While at preseut there are pogHlbly not a very large supply of cull apples In Hood River valley, when tbe orchards come to bearing half a million boxes a year, the amount of apples fit for a cider factory will amount to something, and if dixposed of to a factory at even the small sum of 25 cents a hun dred should net a profit to the grow ers. Cull berries can also be disposed of to advantage for tbe manufacture of vinegar. Hood River cider ought to bring a good price wherever Hood River apples are known. Mr, Jones will be lu Hood River at some lator date, when the matter will be more fully explained to the people. Tbe Oregon lan has made a compila tion of the 1004 wheat crop from dis tributive sources, and finds that tbe crop for Oregon, Washington aud Idaho reached a grand total of 44,095,- HIK!, or about 0,(XX),0(IO bushels less than the government figures for the three states. Tbo actual dimensions of the crop, exclusive of any padding, wore suftloiontly gratifying to plea the moHt captious,' for only once in the history of tbe trade have they been exceeded, aud in that record year of 1!K)1 the carry-over from the precedlug year was so much smaller than that which was available with the 1SXI4 crop that the shipments for the seaaon which closed June 30 wore not very far behind those from the l'JOl crop. Exclusive of the sales made for home consumption, tbe farmers of the three states sold more than 35,000.000 bushels, from wbiob the net returns were more than $25, 000,000. On account of the much higher price prevailing throughout the season, this is a much greater sum than was realized from the 37,000,000 busbelH marketed from the crop of 1001. BRAGG & GO. BUY THE CROWELL STOCK R. li. llragg i. Co. have purchased the merchandising stock and business of Ueorge P. Croweli. Mr. llragg has also rented the Orowell buildnlg, and expects to move his entire stock Into that building, after the same has been remodeled. It Is Mr. ilragg's Intention to place a new front to the building facing Oak street. What was formerly the wareroom of the Croweli store has been remodeled for the grocery de partment. The Croweli stock of goods Is being offered the public at bargain prices, and It Is tbe Intention to have this all disposed ol before the otheifgoods are moved lu. Read tbe ad of llragg & Co. lu another column, and then take ad vantage of the prices this firm olfors you. Mr. Croweli has opened au ofllee In the lirlck Imilulng opposite Clark drug storo, where the postomce way formerly situated. Here he is pre pared to make collections on old an counts. LIGHTNING STRIKES BOX ON ML HOOD along that part of which extends over the lake. This is the main section of the Trail. The roof will afford pro tection from the sun aud make the Trail more popular than ever. This is said to be the biggext cuuvas roof ing job ever undertaken. APPLES ARE VERY LARGE Horace (1. Mooklau of Cloud Chi Inn reports that during au electrical Htorm one day laat week, the copper record box ou tbe summit of Moun Hood was pierced by lightning. Hap pily tbe record book, lu which Is writ ten the names of all those who have made tbo asceut of the grand ol mountain, was unharmed, but the lii of the box was perforated with several boloa, made by the electric sparks. Tbe government heliograph lustru tnent, by which signals have been seut during tbe summer to the exposition grounds at i'ortlaud, was also destroy ed by the lightning. The storm was quite severe, and nfforded the guest at me Inn a magnificent pyrotooliulc display, which was thoroughly enjoye by tboni. Too (Joed for Them to llclleve. "1 could bring to Hood River a ool- onv of 'J.t linonlo if l.hev could nnlv lieliuve what 1 have been telling them about his country, remarked C. D. NickeUen of lleudrick, Minn., who accompanied by J. L. Ferguson, was in Hood River last week, looking the valley over with a view of establish- lng a creamery here. Mr. Nickelsen was reared in Hood River, aud since moving to Mluiie sota he can't help thinking there is no place in the world equal to the Ore on country. "Mr. Ferguson is high ly delighted with the valley," contin ued Mr. Nickeiseii, "and his trip here will be worth a great deal to Hood ivivor, for 1 shall now have some one to corroborate my stories of applet and lierries which 1 have been telling lu Minnesota. 'I really didn't believe tilings could be as you pictured them,' iUr. t'orgusou said to me, 'but now that I can see for myself 1 tlud them even liotter. ' " Mr. Nickelsen lives in the southwes teru part of Minnesota. The coun try is filled with lakes, and mosquito are so numerous that it is impossible to spend an evening on one's front porch without a smudge to drive oil' the tormentors. Rains are very frequent in that couutry, and crops are often entirely destroyed by them. Mr. Niokelsen says there are many people there who would come to Oregon if they could onl) realize tbe true condition of the cli mate and soil of this western couutry. They have beard a great deid about it, but are fearful to pull up stakes and make a new beginning here. The eastern country appears at a standstill. While new houses are go ing up iu all small towus of the West, in the East there may lie one or two new buildings iu a towu of 5000 or OHH) people, but no general march of Improvement. The Trail at the Lewis and Clark exposition is now being covered with a canvas roof for its entire length Notwithstanding tbe dry summer reported In many parts of the state, Hood River orchanlihts say that ap ples were never so large as at tbe present time. A. I. Mason informs the Glacier that there are now New town apples in his orchard which would go 80 to the box. Mr. Mason uses no irrigation water, neither does Mr. Silliman, who reports that his apples are also large aud prospects for a crop of fine large ap ples were never bitter. While the apple crop for Hood River is light this summer, possibly not over 10 per cent of a crop, the quality will l.e ex tra Hue. Reports from the East indicate a scarcity of apples in both America and Europe, which leads the Hood River growers to believe they will get even better prices this year for their fruit than last year. Mr. Vauderbilt on the llulah land place, says be bus infor mation from tbe East, which says the Newtown crop is very light there. He expects to see this variety sell this year for over The management of the Hood River Apple Growers' union has been titer the valley and secured an extlniiite on the number of boxes which the growers expect to ship through this association. While the union has made nothing public concerning the size of the crop, the members state that prospects are very flatering for good prices. Several Eastern buyers have been lu the valley looking at the crop. It is expected that bids on tbe fancy fruit will be opened in a few days. New ItiiililiiigH at Hosier. By a Staff Correspondent. Mosier Ore., Aug. !. While Mo sier has not been booming this year, still a great deal of build ing Is iu evidence. Husliauds & Root are just completing a new wagon shop to their blacksmith shop, giving them a floor space of 40x70. The business of this firm Is on the Increase, and when the woodwork department is complete, will bo one of the bout equipped plants in WaHco county. Geo. Wood has just completed one of tbo cozy residences of Mosier. Alex Stewart has erected a new large barn, and with the box fact.iry under course of construction, keeps all the carpen ters busy. Mosier is considering tbe construe tlon of a new school bouse. During the next few weeks a site will be looted and then the work will be rushed through. B. L. C. Examining Class Parent K angers. I). H. Shelter of Tacoina. forest sup ervisor. Is In the city holding an ex amination of a class of 12 men who have made application for tbe position of forest rangers. A written examina tion continuing through three hours a as Held Wednesday morning in the .State streot school house, and today and tomorrow Mr. Shellor will take the young men into tbo mountains for sotip field work. Supervisor Shelter reports verv few fires In the government reserves tnis aummer, but the rangers will keep up a vigilant watch during the noxt two months, when everything Is so ex tremely dry throughout the forests. lie reports II. 1). Langille doing work for the forcHtry service lu California. and Will Langille iu Alaska. Hot h these young men are well known In Hood River, Are 1'leaned With Professor Hurtles. Mr. and Mrs. I1'. II. Barnes of Fran ces, Wash., are iu Hood River, the guests of Mr. andMrs.A.W. Onthank. Mr. Barnes was principal of the Frances public school last winter. At the beignnlng of the new year the board of directors without solicitation gave Professor Barnes au Increase iu salary, and he has been employed for another year with another increase iu pay. Mr. Barnes is well known in Hood Ulver, where be taught school for a number of years. During bis vaca tion he spent two mouths at work in a sash and door factory at Seaside, lie will return next week to Frances, where tbe school reopens September 1, and where Mrs. Barnes has been anointed deputy postmaster, to take charge of the oftlce during the absence of the postmaster In tbo East. Tbe South Bend Pilot, speaking of the commencement exercises of the Frances school, said : "It was a very pleasant and suc cessful occasion and very creditable toPiinclpal Fred B. Barnes and As sistant Principal Miss Clara Murdock, and no less creditably to these two educators is the fact that the entire class successfully passed the severe examination and were graduated.'' TH he Never Undersold "The Home of Low Prices." One Price to All OUT J? WE ARE NOT jsr CLOSING But we are selling goods at prices much lower than the same quality can be bought for elsewhere. Our constant aim is to give our customers full value for every penny spent with us, and judging from, our con stantly increasing trade, the people appreciate our efforts. We have JUST RECEIVED ' A FULL LINE OP Men's and Boys' Hats Included in these are all the latest shapes for Fall and Winter wear. We can please you fn any pi iced Hat you desire, from a Man's Felt Hat for 500, to a gei. nine JOHN B. STETSON Call and gee them. Saturday p Only a he ON Note this Special. Men's Suspenders, including the Police andj Firemen's brand, the Rind you would pay at leasts 35c for elsewhere, our price on Saturday, only 15c. Wood For Sale All Kinds at Lo.rest Market Price. Prompt delivery, phone. Murray Kay. For Sale MISCELLANEOUS. For Hale. Hoiae, wagon and harness, f 12110 One and MUburn wugon. C. U. Frohu. a:U for Male Choice of two horses, one dark brown, the other light bay; price t'O and SI (10. J. W. iugalls. a:il Kor Hale Good common lumber, assorted dimensions at hlf rules. Hee J. W. Hlshv, Hood Klver. a;U For Sale Klrst-class, almost new delivery wagon; suitable for two or one horae. In quire of iiean the Ferryman, at Hood Klver landing. 31 For Sale Lady's ilde saddle. Inquire price of Mrs Bradford. 1'uoneml. u.11 For Hale. Two into beds, mattresses and springs, one uaa dreaser.dinlnif tuble, kitchen cabinet, six chain, g rockers and gasoline stove. A J. Wood, iu Cue s addition. hH For Male-New brown tents; also some household furniture. Telephone Country Club Inn. u2i For sale, fir wood, delivered, Ja.ZT per cor Phone 1M. 24 For sale, dr pine wood, It) Inches loni Price, on Apply to lace, tl per rick, or n;& delivers mnn, B. r. u. No. i n-i place G. W For Hale-Horse, Blowers. price f7S. alu Call on A. 8. For sale, fine and cockerels. For sale, two good cows. Groves, K. F. I). 1. young Plymouth Koclc hens MaodeU. aI7 Inquire of J. II. For Hale Team, good sound horses, weight obout 2,(i00. F. A. A'aeyganilt. ah) F'or Hale 10 acres tlrst,chuu fruit ladd; un cleared. Frlce, cheap lor cash. J. A. Wilson. Real Estate Bargains. AT THE EMPORIUM. for Hale One all around fumllv mare- ,i,k brown, weight about 1100 lbs, 12 years old; one Jump seat, canopy top surrey In good repair, one good sow. Phone 4U. Address Thomas va.rs.ms, noou liner, ur.; tv. D. No. 2. 10a For Hale One Jersey cow, No. 1 cream co one young horse, weight 1100 pounds, gentle; one 3-Inch wagon: will trade for wood or l,v Also one piano for sale, or trade for cows or real estate. Will sell for part cash, balance uu biiuv. - a. in. auuuii. lua For HAfa HnnM hlllW haffa anil t I ... plemenfs. Weight of horses about 1100 and w. n mi w luuuu near a. w inans real dence. John 11. DeMoss. ai i. .... i .. (....I . ... . . . rur hiv rwuuie, onuie ana-Diatiket, good condition; new last summer at 37.oU: willing mull r,.,,i ... .hi , . .. oi hub uuiee. ad ens Fair River anitarium For sb It leu in of black ponies, .weight about 750; good drivers and good saddle horses: thoroughly broke for all kinds of work; sound; four and six years old: price, In- , ...P. ""'"ess, ffoi. none naimou L,ana km., nuiie salmon, wash. a3 REAL ESTATE. for Hale- Ten, 20 or 30 acres; apple and B. F. D. no. 1. ay ror nait-A Dargain who wants It; a nice coiy Dome; house of seven rooms and pantry, 1 lots, large oak shade trees. Call at premises on Hhemun avenue; one block south of ojiera ...... ... .1 . LrUKlini,u, Hl) For Hale Fifteen Acres, mltuhlo fa r,.i. '4 miles from Hood River at tt per acre. Ad dress 0. H. True, Hood Hiver. a 10 For sale, 30 acres of flue orchard land ad Joining new county road: all un.i..r i,..i.. acres cleared; will take contract to clear part of land If contractor peslrea. Call on or write n. ouuiuer, n. r. u. NO. 1, ocla Fifteen acres land for sale, unimproved; will ....,. . vicoi Miiio ii purcnaser desires. i7 F. W. Angus. MARY P. JOHNSON, M. D., Supt. ....IDEAL HOME FOR INVALIDS. .. Climate and view unsurpassed in the United States. He ThmiKht It MlKht lla. When l'nti'lrk ivoi-lvt'il mi order Uo fnllowprt It Implicitly n far as ho could - Noinotlnit'H even further than his Cel ilc liraln realized, "Mo wniitH a pane o' windy kIhx tin Ini heH hy fourteen," said l'atrk-k one day ns ho entered a shop where hln employer, n master carpenter, traded. In tho Bliop wan it yoniiff clerk who never missed n ehaneo fur n little Joko at the Irishman's expeiiNc. If wo haven't liny (en liy-fourleeiiH," he said, "I may havo to Rive you a fourteen by ten." I'atiiek rublied his head thought fully. Then he aloud punderlng fur a moment aud at last remarked: "lie's In the Kiviit roosh fur It, aud there's no other place near to eel It. (live me wan o' tliiin fuurleen liv lins. i ml If ho turniM It Hldevvajs ami oup- sldo down there's nut a sowl would know tho difference."- Youth's Companion. A Japanese tea house anil Kardon, built on the edije of Guild's Lake constitutes u new feature at the Lewis and Clark exposition. The house is built iu the dainty Japanese stylo, aud tea anil rice cakes tire served ou tho cony veranda by'cuto little maids from Japan. The new establishment is located on (Iray's boulevard, at "Mamma." said little Klsie, looking up ironi her Monday school 'book, "There's one thing I can't under stand about Adam and Eve." What is it, dear?" asked her mother. "1 know where their meat aud vegetables came from, " said tusle, "but where iu tbe world did they buy their groceries?" TJIIO GUARANTEE OF THE Hazlewood Cream Co. IS IJ Kill XI) THE Us a Handy. Twenty acres of early stranberrv, ap ple, cherry and vegetable laud with a line southern slope. Only one half mile from town of White Salmon. It commands a magniliccnt view of Mount Hood and city of Hood Kiver. The soil is rich, deep and moist. Four acres cleared and ready to plant to orchard, balance onlv light brush, easy to clear. some timber fur fuel. It is all under (ence, and a line well of cool suit water There is no bettor soil and location fur an orchard or a liner site fur a home east ol the Cascades. And now that we are sure of the Northern l'licitic build- idg down the north bank of the Colum bia river it is dirt cheap at flih) per acre. II will be won i three times that in three years. Terms, l.r00 cash, bal ance in three years, lion t let this slin if you are looking for a home. Will IK SALMON LAND Co., White Salmon, Wash. Where are you sick? Headache. (oultoiigue, no appetite lack etiernv. iialn in your stomach, const i pat io'nV Hollisler's ltuckv Mountain Tea. ureat- est tH'uutiflcr known. .Ho cents. C.N. Clarke's. Mirrors In ! Middle tan. In the middle ages, when steel and sllvor mirrors were almost exclusively used, a method of backing glass for tho same purpose with thin sheets of metal was known. Small convex minors of glass were made In (lormany before the sixteenth century and were lu de mand until comparath'cly modern times. They were produced by blow ing small glass globes, Into which while they were hot was passed through a pipe a mixture of tin, antimony and rosltt. When (he globe was coated Inside It was allowed to cool and was afterward cut Into convex lenses, which formed small but well delliied Images. CON.HOI.IPATF.P XOTICF. 1'OU lT'lil.K'ATlON. Pcpnrtmenl of the Interior. Ijiii.I (Ittl.e ut flic 1 'hIIi's, Oregon, Ana. ,H, inft. Notice Is hiMchv a I veil Hint the follun lnr. named setllern lutvc tiled notice ul their Inleli- Inn to iiuike prisif In summit of their n1 pectlve claims lielnre (ten. T I'riillier. l ulled liles commissioner at lloixl Klver. tnivou. in dept. 14, l'.k, as follows: IHANK II. IN lilt AM if Mosier. (irivoii. mi II. K. No. S:lttt. fur 1 lie lols.l, 4 and ' and SK'..NV1.. section ;u. T N . It. IK., V. M. Witnesses t limit's Wells slid Msrk 1-: Thomas, ut Mood Klver. (ire., and tieortu hi.iiilMTlalu and Alvu M. Frlichard. ol .Ho sier, tiro. MAKY 1HINAI.USON of Mosier. Ore., II F.. No. Kill, fur the lots t and i, and K, nf.'. sec. Si. T 2.V. K. UK. W.M. W Uncases Same as alsive. Ha Mil HAfcL T. NOLAN, Kearsler. Wlint Kducatlon Hoes. The average educated tnnn gets a salary of $ l.txn) u year. He works for ty years, making a total of $10,000 In a lifetime. The average day laborer gets $1.50 a day ;!00 days In n year, or $1,10 In n year. In forty years he earns $1H,000. The dltTereuce, or $J'J, 000, equals, the value of an education. To acquire this earning capacity re quires twelve years at school of ISO days ach, or 2,HS0 days. Divide $'J2, 000 by 2,100, and It Is found that each day at school Is worth a little mora (ban $10 to the pupil. U. S. Cream Separator 4 l- A tLiimV' P li : MM W F Wa " ' ar - a , Rooms To Rent nonse for rent, kuown i G. 1). Wooodworth. i the Hutton place. six-room cottage, with water. John Dodo- wuv, iioou niver. ror Kent Any gentleman desiring a new room nicely furnished, electric lighted and use of bath In good locality. Apnly to Mrs. Jeaae W. Klgby, corner Oak and Sixth. alU For Rent-Two cottages in Blowers' addi tion at to a month; free water. Inquire Mrs, H.J.Fredericks. nju For rent-A ulce front room suitable for two; gentlemen preferred. Hoaid If desired. Fhone7W. Mrs. II. A. t'oyle. iu Lost. Ixwt Purse, yeslerda.- morning, between train and hotel; brown purse containing poaU age, cards aud some monev. Reward. Iave same at Glacier office. Mrs. W. B. McKen ' 31a list-Ladles' tight titling tan Jacket. Please leave at the Glacier ofltce aud lecelve reward, a:U lx)st-A gold mounted agate char e. Finder please return same Ui I. Id. Hall-Lewis & Co.. i-avldson building. Reward. a24 Lost Carpenter's level, rip-saw, new palrol shoes, horse blanket, baiter, square ana other tilings, betweeu town and Mount Hood. No illy A. Hudson, at Mount Hood P. O. aa loat-.Somewhere between Dukes Valley and Hood Klver, a Utile girl's cloak; color, red. The tinder will please same at the Glacier of. lice or at the Little While store. a3 i fir Write for Cntaloji'Ut'. HAZELWOOD CREAM CO. Portland, Ort'gon. 68 acres in section 6, township 2 north, 11 east; $3000. Two nice lots and cottages, centrally located, for sale on the installment plan. Lot 11, Spangler's addition, $200. 4 room cottage. East 45 by 150 feet of Lot 2 block 9, Paikhuret, $10.50; $750 cash. House and two lots in BarYett-Sipma addition. $700. 40 acres at Mount Hood for sale, run ning $25 an acre. On the county road opposite Baldwin's. Fine business lot on main street (or $1000 on installment, or $1500 cash. u acres at Belmont, 0 acn s in cul tivation, cottage and outbuildings, 150 apple trees, 2 acres strawberries, 2 acres alfalfa, $1300; $750 or more cash. New o-roomed cottage, patent bath and cloaet, four lots, 3 blocks from depot, center of town, $2100; terms reasonable. Two lots centrally located, $550. Two lots, new 6-roomed house, patent bath and closet, 3 blocks from depot, center of town, $1700. Two-story 8-roomed cottage, lot 70 by 140, on the hill. $1200; terms reasonable. bor .Sale 9000 acres pine timber; 1 saw mill, cuts 20,000 per day; 1 planing mill, capacity 30,000 feet per day; 1 store and stock of merchandise, about $3,500; 1 hotel and contents; 1 saloon building, rented; 3 houses, rented; 10 head horses and harness ; 9 road wag ons, 3 H; 1 logging truck; 5 pair sleighs ; 30 head cattle ; 50 head bogs ; 000 feet lumber; 2000 cords wood. All located at and near Hilgard, Or. For Sale New two-story 9-room house; Stranahan addition ; $1100; terms easy. 14 acres across the road from the M. M. Davenport residence. $00 per acre. Terms easy. A 40 acre tract, unimproved, some free irrigating water, 1 miles from Bar rett school house, $1,100. Hanna house and lot., $2,000. For Sale The Henderson ranch, for merly owned by J. R. Galligan; 00 acre. 30 cleared; orchard; strawberries; clover and timothy ; well irrigated ;large 2-story mansion, new barn ; all fenced. Price $10,000. Brook runs through ranch. Easy terms; telephone; rural delivery. Four miles from Hood River. One goat ranch on mountain east of valley on county road. Price $1,500; has small house, running water, and is fenced. Terms, easy. For Sale Beautiful lots in Park addi tion, center of town, from $200 to $300, 8. 160 acres at White Salmon; fine timber land; $10 an acre. 9. The b-acre place in Crapper neigh borhood, known as the Renshaw place; all improved; new buildings, etc Lots 10, 11, 12, block 5, Waucoma ad dition; improved; price $1,600; i or wore cash, balance, 1 year, 8 per cent. Small bouse and lot on hill to rent, $24 a year; two vacant lots with privilege of purchase $20 a year for the two. For Sale Residence on State street at head of Front : $2,500, including 3 lots. For Sale or Exchange for Hood River property Fine residence in business center of Sumpter. Money to loan. Ten acres improved, on White Sal mon river; $1000. 21 a. at Frankton; improved; $2200. First-class Surveying Outfit. At the Emporium are kept 2 first-class transits and solar attachments, and the proprietor, a practical surveyor, is pre pared to do the work of laving out acre age property in lots and blocks, and do- tng all kinds of surveying and platting. JOHN LELAXD HENDERSON, city Engineer. Found. I.uilv's haildluur. contalnlne small mi iti of money. Owner may huve Mime byrall- mg hi uiiuMer tmvt, proving properly and paying for litis notice. ji; Small hand ban, containing handkerchief; left at this otfice. j27 Wanted Wai'ted Mood young cows. II. M. Ablmtt. 10a Wanted2.'i or 50 heifer ralvo. derson, Belmont. all) J. W. An- Ixist A plain gold watch chain. Kinder piease leave same at Harmless store and re ceive reward. B3 Bids Wanted. Sealed bids lor the erection and completion ot residence of A. U. Stutcu, one and a half nines weeionown. nuns and specifications muy be seen at the Glacier oitlce. Leave bids ni nan oi miner to. mils close at S i nursaay, August 17. I p. in A. V. STATKN. H.'tl ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE. Thomas L. Chtr't Kstate.-Notlee Is hereby given that the undersigned tin. been appoint ed Adiiiluislrnuir of the estate of Thomas 1,. ( lark, deceased, by the County t'ourt of the Slate of Oregou, for the couiiiy of Wnseo, aud tlutt he has duly quulincd for ssld trust. All persons having claims against said estate must present the same to ti c undersigned, at the otnee of Ueorge T. 1'rKlhcr, In the clly of Hood Kiver, Wasco county, state of Oregon, within sis months from the date hcreol, duly verified as hy law required. NKWTON CLARK, Administrator or theeslale of Thomas L. Clark, deceused. Dated and first published Aug. 10, l'.-M Wanted To bnv. U-n acres' of fruit isn.i in Hood Klver valley, close In, somewhat Im. roved,; to be paid for at rate of tio down and wiu -T uiouui. ai, uiacicr omce. Young girl wanted In small family, to assist with care of baby and Unlit housework. Must be well bred, honest and truthful. A giswl home and easy employment. References re. uuireo. mrs. r. M. Ilall-bewls, P. O. box 132, HiHid River. phone Ills, al7 Big Sale of Land. Do you want a ten-acre tract of first-class strawberry or fruit land ala bargain? If so, examine the M. H. Potter farm near clly of Hood Klver, H.i acres. Just placed on the market to be sold in lots to snlt. Call at the farm or any real estate firm In Hood Klver. FRANK McKAKLANI), J'8 189 lath slreet, Portland Board of Equalization Notice Is hereby given that the Board of KqiiRllr.iitlon of Wasco oouuly, Oregou, will meet at the oftlce of the coinily clerk ol Was co county. Oregon, In llalles t'itv, on the third Monday, being the 21st day of August, 1W5, for I lie purpose of examining and equalis ing the assessments of all properties In said county (or the year 19U9, as by law provided and all persons desiring to appear bel'oie said' Board will please take uotlce. Hated at llalles City this, the ed day of August, 1MB. A. O. HIIIUSIULL, 17a Assessor of Wasco county, Oregon. ftiircnatle. "I it tu not rich," sold the science crank to the great alienist, "and I have no fortune to leave to the cause of science, but when I die I nm going to beiiucnth my brnlu to the student of your college for dissection." "Believe me," answered tbe professor politely, "we shnll appreciate your gift. We are profoundly grateful for these tiequeaU, however small they may be." i Offices and Rooms. The very best for rent in Smith Block Moving If you have a house or barn vou want moved or leveled up, see J. T. Nealelgli. 7s Who Wants It? It Is an III wind that blows no good. The HiHid railroad has cut my farm in two tracts and I am iroltnr to aii r ,.r ,i...... There Is about 19 acres, 15 of which Is set In nc.Hmii .uu niiiisennerg apple soil; well wstered; location lu the ulnl,,,iHj ciose io a 4-room g school house, and rural delivery and trees; gisMl heart of our wnorn graded phone service at your door. Terms easy. For particulars, inquire of A. 1. Mason. ,,a Strayed. wi,U,!''?i b""rtlr ''; -l-year-old; brand mi " i-m t snuff ii(rii8. Koy Woodworih Notice ' ?"""' re hereby notified not to give credit to my wife, Daisy Richardson, as 1 will not be resKnsible for her d. bui. ":" Calvin Richardson. -TRY- A Hatter of t bsngi. Spawnger I've noticed considerable change about you since you stopped tlrlisJilng. Markley-Well, I've noticed that there's considerable more In my pocket. Philadelphia Press. tiet K. (i. C'oc to make those bouk shelves for vou. The econd-hand war tore FOR BARGAINS IN Ice Cold Refrigerators, Furniture. Stoves, Ranges, Crockery, Tin & Granite ami in fact everything in tho house furnishing line. Big reductions this month. We Exchange New Furniture for Old. Picture Framing. Furniture Repairing. THE BIG SECOND-HAND STORE, Cheapest Outfitters. o. P. DABNEY & CO., Proprietors. Stove Repairing. i