The Hood River glacier. (Hood River, Or.) 1889-1933, August 03, 1905, Image 6

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No more acaly or infected fruit can be
Hold in the markets of Portland. The
tratlic. branded bv the Legislature aa il
lcurtl. baa been brought to a atop, and
the firat atop taken toward improving
the quality of the orchard products of
the Htate and at the aauie time protect'
ing Hie consumer.
A local fruit inapector Jma been ap
pointed, who began work Saturday
morning bv condemning a mans ol un
wholesome stuff at the Hu.a market,
says a Cortland paper. There wore five
tons of apples, peaches, penrs and apri
cots in the lot aeizctl, all ol wlncn was
immediately sent to the creamatory,
The fruit was brought in by fanners liv
ing east of Portland and in Clackamaa
countv. It was badly infested with
scale, and Borne of it was positively dis
gutting in appearance. Had not the
nalo been stopped, the stuff would have
been boughtby Italian and Chinese ped
tilers, hawkers and retail grocerymen
and by this time moat of it would have
been consumed by persons ignorant of
its true quality. There was much sur
prise and indignation on the part of the
growers, cut tliey couiu notdootnerwise
than obey the orders of the insiiector
and see their scaly produce dumped into
eariiage wagons.
The new local fruit inspector is James
II. IujkI, who is working under the or
ders of District Commissioner W. K.
Newell of the Htate Hoard of Horticul
ture. Mr. Keid is well qualified by ex
perience for the work, and is determin
ed to Bee that the law governing this
matter is rigidly enforced, lie will not
confine his inspection solely to the pub
lic market at tlie 1'laxa blocks, out will
see that the law is obeyed on Front
street as well, lie has given the jobWt
notice of his intentions, but will not be
gin examining fruit on the street until
the middle of the week. That will give
the dealers time to dispose of stocks al
ready bought, and will enable them to
modify orders already placed at Han
ranciflco for shipment by the steamer
due here Wednesday.
The fact that California, Waahington
and Idaho maintain a strict inspection
service has caused Portland to lie used
as a dumping ground for all diseased
fruit that cannot be sold in those states.
Clackamas and some of the other conn
ties that will not permit the sale of fruit
that is infected have also been sending
uch fruit here for disiiosal. All this
will now step, and the people of Port
land can rest assured that the fruit they
buy from now on will he healthy. The
natural result of the law, and that for
which it was originally intended, will be
tlie improvement ol Oregon a orchards,
which will give the fruit of this state
once more the fine reputation that it
once held.
The wholesale fruit merchants of
Front street are almost unanimously in
favor of the new law. They believe it
wilt work some hardships at first, but
they realize that in the end it will prove
most beneficial.
"The law is certainly something we
should have bad long ago," said Mark
I-evy. "Kvery day tons of fruit are
brought in covered with the San Jose
scale and codlin moth, fruit that is ab
solutely unlit to eat. As long as the
farmer is permitted to shove in such
stuff, it keeps the price of good fruit
down. When the price of fruit becomes
so cheap, there is no encouragement
whatever for the man who tries to rail
good fruit. If the grower is satisfied
that he will get a good price for his pro
duct, he will be more (Imposed to use
care in the cultivation of his orchard."
Charles Davenport thinks the Inspec
tit hi is a good thing. "It means that
there will lie better orchards in the
state in the future," he said. "We
would sooner see no poor fruit at all on
the street.
"This law will have the effect of weed
ing out the poor, indifferent grower,"
said (ieorge l'earsoii. "When a man
can find a good market for good fruit,
ho will be more willing to spray hit
troes and try to improve the fruit. We
are heartily in favor of the law, and
think it will lie a good thing for the
state at large."
"In the end the law will be all right
for us," said John Koskey, "but, of
course, it will hit us hard at first, par
ticularly on California fruit. Anything,
However, that will cause a hetntr oual
ity of fruit to lie grown will be betler
for all concerned.
"The inspection of fruit on this mar
ket," said John Hell, "will lw an excel
lent thing for the orchard industry ol
Oregon. There is too much disease in
the orchards and we want to see it
eradiculed, Conditions lately have been
growing worse every year. '
V. II. (llafke thinks the law will be
a good thing in one way, but bad In an
other. "It will mean," he nald, "that
we will have better fruit on this market
and that Portland will no longer be the
dumping-ground ol other sections, w hue
gooil fruit is sent to markets where they
have inxpcctorH. It will he a had tlimj
for the follow w ho does not raise gooi
"I think the law should work well
and reHiilt in great good," said J. II.
Page. "It will cause some immediate
injury to some growerB, hut will even
tually lie of great advantage to the
turmerH, as it will educate them Up to
growing good fruit."
Inspector Held received his appoint
inent Friday evening. The law under
w hich he is working has liccn on the
aliitue Ikioks for some years, hut wan
only made operative by an appropria
tion ai inc last session or the legisla
ture. When the great betelits ot the
fruit-inspectioii act are considered, the
cost seems very small. His not be
lieved that the expense of the entire in-
HiK'elion service of the stale will exceed
lff,tHX) a year. The state of Washington
last year spent $0,tHK for the inspection
01 n un aim iruii trees. King I otinty
has one inspector w ho receives flOOO a
year and his expenses ami also has an
assistant at (3 a eav. The Portland in
spector will receive $11 lor each working
day, and will cost the slate less than
f KH) a year.
years 1903 and V.iOI. Ho rapid is the
growth of this immense industry that
the products of 1!)4 were 42 per cent
greater than the total of fr,,K)0,(MXi,K))
reported bv the census for r.KH). N-en
tary Wilson further asserts that the
bank deosits in the agricultural states
are growing faster than in the manufac
turing states. Thus from June :tu, is'.Ml,
to October 31. 1904, while the increase
for the entire country as 01 percent
itself a proof of astonishing national
prosperity the gain in bank deposits in
Iowa was KM per cent, in Kansas L'10
per cent and in Mississippi 301 percent
In view of this advance one is not sur
prised to learn that the average month
y wages paid farm laborers throughout
the country increased Irom 3. 1 i 111
1885 to $22.14 ill 1902, the last year for
which the data have been completed
Thev are undoubtedly higher today.
Turning to specific crops, Mr. Ilewes
analyzes the growth in these from 1850
to 1900. pointing out tie) influences of
growing population and manufactures,
of railway development, government sci
entific work in improving seed and the
other factors that mould the agricultur
al output. There iH room here merely
to quote hiH summary f'r the greater
food crops: Corn increased Irom .V.12,-
000,(KX) bushels in 1 8.' I to 2,ir.i0,000,oii0
in 1900. ('lhe corn crop was approxi
mately 2,000,000,000 last year. I The
same half century saw the oats cr.
grow from 147,000,000 bushels to 811,
000,0(10,000 bushels. The wheat yield
increased from 100,090,000 bushels to
632,000,000 bushels. The production of
potatoes increased from 0ll,lXKI,0lKI hush-
els to 273,0OO,OtHI husliels. liarley rose
from 5,000,000 to 85,000,000 bushels.
Agricultural (irenth.
The magic that lurks in the apparent
ly dry pages of crop report statistics has
never heeu more vividly exhibited than
in a remarkable paper by F. W. ilewes
In the current Harper's Weekly, the
tirst of a series of articles on Fifty
Years of Progress in America," It is an
attempt to "take account of stock" in
the farm industry of the country to
answer questions which every one asks
but for w hich few have the putience or
the means at hand to seek out answers.
After outlining the agricultural de
velopment since the earliest settlement
on the Atlautic coast, Mr. Ilewes cites
data collected by the department of ag
riculture showing that the annual in
crease in the value of American farms
ami farm property during the four years
passed since the census of 1900 has leeii
I 00,000,000.
The secretary of agriculture is quoted
as authority for the startling declara
tion that all tl e gold mined in the world
since the time of Columbus (which total
by the way, according to estimates by
the I'nited States mint, is approximate
ly 11,300,000,000) would not pay for the
products of American farms in the two
. Cuban Diarrhoea.
U. B. soldier-i who served in Cuba
during the .Spanish war know wind
this disease" Is, ami that uidiniiry rem
edies have little more ell'eet than ho
much water. Cuban diari hoeu Is a I
most as severe und dangerous as 11 mild
attack of cholera. There Is one remedy,
however, that can always he depended
upon as will be seen by the following
certificate from Mrs. I Minnie Jacobs ol
Houston, Texas: "I hereby certify
that Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera ami
Diarrhoea Remedy cured my IiiihIiuiii I
of a severe attack of Cuban diarrhoea.
which he brought home from Cuba.
We hud severul doctors but they did
hi ill no good. One bottle of this reme
dy cured him, as our neighbors will
testify. 1 thank (mil lol' so valuable 11
medicine." For sale by Williams'
Reproduce Custer .Massacre at Fair.
Special to the (llacier.
Portland, July 2f. The Custer nuts-
sure, which marks the greatest Indian
outrage of recent times, w ill be rc ro
duoed with wonderful fidelity to detail
at the Iewis ami ( lark expoNition on
Thursday, August 10, when I nialilhi
Indians and soldiers of lhe Oregon
National (luard and the Tenth I'mteil
States Infantry will lake part, lhe
massacre promises to prove lhe most
interesting and instructive of the big
free outdoor attractions which have
been provided bv the exposition man
agement for the patrons of the western
world s lair.
It was 29 years ag 11 June '-'", 1870,
that Custer and bis troopers rode info
the death trap on the Little 'ig Horn
river. Shortly after crossing the river,
hundreds of Sioux attacked the little
baud, which resisted heroically, making
a last stand in a haud-lo-hand contest
in which every trooper was killed. The
survivor of the dreadful massacre w as a
trumpeter whom Custer hail sent, early
in the fray, to Major for re-ln-forccmenta.
The reproduction at the Lewis and
Clark exposition will have for its loca
tion a plot of ground on the government
peninsula in Guild's Luke, near the riv
er entrance to the fair. The lay of the
ground at this place is similar to the
geography of the liittle Ilig Horn, ami
this circumstance will add much to the
interest of the bloodless massacre. In
dians from the Umatilla reservation,
garbed in the war clothes of the plains,
will form the attacking party, an. I the
attack will be maintained by them un
til the last of the soldiers representing
Custer's hand have fallen.
(lame War'cn f.. P. Fritz of The
Dalles was here last Wednesday and
assisted bv Duputv .Sheriff dinger he
planted 5,'OOOJrainbow trout, 3,000 of the
young fry being placed in the west fork
of Hood river, and 2,000 in the stream
of (ireen Point. The fish are from the
Clackamas hatchery. Warden Fritz
says he expected to have 30,000 trout for
the streams of Hood Kiver valley, but
the allowance for bis district was short
this year.
The people of Hood Uiver are very
lax in the observance id the Mate game
laws, says. Warden Fritz, ami it bis in
tention to keep closer watch on the
sportsman here. He has served notice
that the payment of the hunter's license
will be demanded.
It w ill wash and not rub off
This complexion all envy me;
It's no secret so I'll tell,
Take thou Pocky Mountain Tea.
For Irrigation of City Lots
Notice should be given at the office of
the Light and Water Co. when wate
is used for sprinkling. We sav sprink
ling Ucause it is the only method bv
which we agree to furnish water for irri
gation, iieware of the man with the
wrench. If this point is overlooked, like
wise the proper time to sprinkle as no
further notico will he given.
Consumers whose residences front the
-oiilh sides of the streets named below
will sprinkle between hours of 5 and 11
a. in. ; those 011 the north ride between
t ami 9 p. 111. : Columbia, Kiver, Oak
and State streets, ami Sherman and Ha
Sic I avenues.
In case of alarm of fire all sprinkling
lould he stopped promptly.
K. K. (iOFF. Mgr.
Ankle, St 111'
Neck, Lame
These are three common ailments for
which which Chamberlain's I'ain Calm
is especially valuable. If promptly
applied it w ill save you t ime, nnuiey
and suU'erlng when troubled with any
one of these ailments. For sale by
Williams' Pharmacy.
Skiiiiiiuila Favors State IC11111I.
The county commissioners are circu
lating petitions to liml out how the tax
payers of the county stand oil the state
proposition. The only petition we have
seen is that being circulated by Com
missioner Skaar, and if this one is a fair
sample of the other petitions, nearly ev
erybody is in favor of the state road,
says the Stevenson Pioneer.
Just What Fvei'jinie Should Do.
Mr. J. T. liarber of Irwinville, (la.,
always keeps it bottle of Chaiubci Iain's
Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy
at baud ready for Instant use.
tacks of colic, cholera morbus and diar
rhoea come on so suddenly Hint there
is no time to hunt a doctor or go to Hu
ston' for medicine. Mr. I'.arhcr says:
"I have tried Chamberlain's Cube,
Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy which
is one of the best remedies I ever saw.
I keen 11 hot tic of it in my room as 1
have had several attacks of colic ami it
has proved to be the heM medicine I
ever Used." Sold by Williams' Phar
macy. Practical Work Keller Than Talk.
People are beginning to wonder what
has become of that Douglas Comity
Hood Roads association that wax organ
ized alont a month ago. It lakes nioie
than one day's talk to make good roads.
Talk is all right in effecting an organiii
tion to keep the movement going, but
practical work must he applied in an in
telligent way in building good, perma
nent roads. Wo need them. -Unseburg
Pleasantly K fleet lie.
Never hi the way, no trouble to carrv.
easy lo lake, pleasant and never failing
in results are DeWitt's Little F.irly Ris
ers. I hese I. minus little pills are a cer
tain guarantee against headache, bil
iousness, torpid liver and all ol the ills
resulting from constipation. I'hev
tonic ami strengthen the liver Cure
Jaundice. Sold by (). h. illiams.
We Musi Mailt.
We may live without pclr.-, music and
art ;
We may live w ithout in iim 11 nee, mav
love w it limit neiiit ;
We may live without un ihers, live
without hope:
Hut civilized women caun t live w ith
out soap.
We may live without bioU-whal is
knowledge but sorrow ,
We may live without beauty it fades
on the morrow.
We mav live w ithout lawsuit indict
ments are souashiug:
Hut where if the one who can li e with
out washing.
Patronize the Hood River Steam
Laundry. Ulen Fabrik, proprietor.
E. R. Bradley
Wt! lire here to do your work toiluy
tomorrow nml every other day, and
our money fwliul HlMe wo Imve)
is spent in Hok1 Kiver. Wo want
your work and can do it w .ttly and
-f OR-
H-rooin residence
Compartivoly new, w ith lot 70x75, near
School House. This is a desirable place
situated in the part of the town. Any
one looking for a comfortable home at a
low price should see it. ('all oil W. J
linker & Co., or w rite to owner.
L. N. Blowers
1 innd lii VtT, rvnn.
Don't do Dry
because you are
In a Dry Town
(let your (Want, List) made out read
lor next Saturday tor everything you
need, siien as
Hour, Peed, Stock Pood, Chick
I 'ood, Russian Lice Killer, Blue
Vilrol, Lime, Cement, Salt.
Place your orders with II. V. Wait and
get not only good goods at the right
prices, but also a
lh tuenibor I have it different ltruml o
Hour, and am going to close out a
nearly as possible, (ioods giiaranleei
as represented.
Ice Cream, Soft Drinks
and Confectionery,
Pipes, Cigars and Tobacco.
Hood River Heights
tl. F. JOCIIIMSEN, Prop.
Near I'.as-ball Crounds on lhe Height!
(live I s a Call
Real Estate
w m
Rivcrview Park
Idlewilde Additions
Easy Grades, Fine View and Good Watr
Cheap lots for building: Small Houses near Flour Mill
Office next to Wauconia Hotel
I'd acres, live miles out; uncleared;
No. I e,ooil land; a snap at $ii(l an acre.
1 acres on the Last Side; good apple
land; f'.VlM.
Id acres in W illow I'lat; uncleared, at
.!."( H I.
LM acres, live set to New tow n apples.
halauee in timlier; live miles ti'om post
ollii-e ; pio.l nciihberh I ; if 1 100.
7 acres near town all in berrses and
apples, inelnciiii: si shares of w ater, at
Iii acres miles from Mosier depot,
rLlitintho heart of the li uit belt ; 'JO
acres improved ; 4 acres in potatoes, 10
acre- in Iruit, 1 acre in grapes, L' acres
in pi une ; price aHI.
Id acres find land near White Sal
mon; I acres unproved, l1., acres Per
ries, loll topralted trees: water and
k.'ood buildings ; an ideal place for a
home, fl'slil.
o acres, "J miles from town, free watei
o rooni house, stable, chicken house,
store house and sheds, some wood:
a splendid place for a veiretahle garden,
t lout pond, i!'od celerv and aparai;us
land; line vi of the river. $1.00.
W e have fmni values in city property.
II. M. Abbott C. Ross
Opposite Post Otlice
III full line of new' and popular books
are nrriving. Fifty titles are now in.
New ones will be added as fast as they leave
the publisher. For this year's trade, I have
bought a large and well-selected stcck. Don't
wait until holidays to select your gifts in
this line. Come in and look them over; read
them, and then you will know what you are .
Refrigerators! Refrigerators!! Refrigerators!!!
Hot weather is near at hand.
Blacksmiths and Wagon Hak ers
The most completely equipped power plant in Oregon.
Contract work a specialty. Grubbing supplies and Log
gers' tools always on hand.
The care Of the horse's hoof is essential. We are
experts in that line and cure corns and interferes.
Steam and Hot Water Heating:
All jobbing promptly attended to.
Ice will soon be delivered at your door, buy a
and he prepared to keep cool. We have just added
this line and can save you money.
Higpla. Class Ivilllner3r
Natural wavy switches, Enlish wave, Pompadour
rolls and bangs. Hair goods of every description
made to order. Agent for the celebrated Marie tie
Medieis' Cold Cream anp Yucca powder.
Dealer in
Building Material,
Doors, Windows,
Lath, Mouldings,
Dealer in General Merchandise
and Lumbermen's Supplies,
Railroad Ties, Cordwood, Lumber and Cedar Posts
Free Delivery. Phone 931 HOOD RIVER, OR.
Mount Hood Store
W. S. GRIBBLE, Proprietor.
Fine Fishing Tackle Ammunition Dry (ioods
Hardware Graniteware Notions
I lav Grain Flour Feed Full line of Groceries
Hood River Valley needs to use good tools, the best is
not too good for him. I am prepared to supply
all your needs in
Plows, Harrows, Cultivators,
In fact all tools that are needed on every well equipped
farm. For orchard tools California Sr. Right Lap Cuta
way has no superior. The
Ohio Reversable Extension Head Disc
.1 1 . liili il 9i
is tiic only one on tlie maruev mat is wormy oi me name.
Acme Harrow is too well known to need a description.
Osborne Combination Spring Tooth Harrows are without
t conipet itor. It you need a good
can suppl y you. For clearing your lamt you need powder
have just received a carload and have it stored in a mag-
iznie here, and can supply vou cheaper Than you can get
it Irom Portland.
Land Plaster, Flour and Feed
in any miantit v and at tlie right prices, l nil lineot staple
roceries. Ammunition and Fishing Tackle a specialty.
tope, Axes, -( ut Saws, Shovels, Spades and
Hauling, Draying, Baggage Transferred, First
Class Livery Turnouts Always Ready.
Phone 131.
ement Work
Estimates given on short notice.
Building Work a specialty.
Phone 9l. Hood River, Oregon.
Hunt Wall Paper Co
Carries everything in the line, including
Krinkled Silks, Silk Embossed, Tapestries, Moires,
Ingrains, Varnished Tiles, Blanks, etc.
Up-to-date Paper Hanging, Sign,
Carriage and House Painting.
Phone 071 . First and Oak Streets.
Ha lb Wire,
Iranian tool.
Yours For Business
3rd and River Street.
Hood River, Ore.
Having a complete
equipment in our
shop for all kinds of blacksmithing, we invite all those
needing work of this kind to call and see us.
Wagon making
is one of our lines.
Mr. Mullen is an ex
pert in this department, and can do anything from
the construction of an entire vehicle to the repair of
any of its many parts in a manner that will 'prove
his skill and thorough workmanship. Full supply of
wood work in stock for all kinds of wagons.
satisfaction is
member the firm.
is our specialty. Cour
teous treatment and
with all our work. Be-
East end of City.