HOOD KIVER GLACIER, THUhlJDAY, AUGUST 3, 1905 i ODELL HE IS SURPRISED AT ODELL'S GROWTH !y Roewoll Shelley. Odell, Kast Hood River Valley, Aug. 2. L. N. Blowers and family and Sam I'.lowere and family passed Odell last Sunday morning on their way to the bridge ou the Mount Hood road Ke turning in the evening, they lunched at the Little White Htore park. Although w arm and duBty, they enjoyed the day's outing. In speaking of the develop ments of this eection, L. N. was eur prised at the improvements here, and ventured the prophecy that Odell would foon develop Into a respectable village. The advent of the railroad will hasten this result, for then it will not be necei sary to haul the ranch products to town, and the apples and othur products from this and the Mount Hood section will be shipped from Odell. This accomplished, the mercbanlse stocks will be increased, for whenever there is a demand the sup ply soon follows. James Kggart, his father and Frank K. Huncorn went to snow-capped Mount J lood last week. Mr. Huncorn climbed to the summit, while some of the party looked at the mountain top from a point eighteen feet below. Recently there have been some able ministers at the Union church here. For a week past Rev. II. W. Jones, who was formerly pastor of large church at Buffalo, N. Y,, has been conducting meetings. Mr. Jones is an earnest, forcefulspeaker. With choice language coming from the heart, he holds the au dience. Quite au interest is manifest and a number of persons have respond ed to his call and Bignilied their inten tion of leading a higher and better life. Mont people, 1 think, desire such a life, yet for reasons which do not reflect upon the efforts of the most consecrated niln inter of the gospel, they listen to the most touching appeals from the pulpit orator, still failing to respond. And why? Most of us who are in the shadow of the evening of life have had lessons burned Into our hearts with letters of fire, until we are compelled to think and act our real selves. Intelligence and reason make demands upon tin that we cannot, try hard as we may, discard Hence a certain class of people are con stantly misunderstood and cons I'tieiitly misjudged by those conducting evangel istic work. And sad as it limy appenr toothers, there are many persons in thin world, who in mature years, are forced to change the convictions that youthful environments had made, and perhaps in so doing they get upon a broader anil higher plane of life, rather than being in a lost condition. We are always glad to note and commend any gxd work of this kind, for we realize that the rise and fall of nations depend upon their moral standard, Cities and government) builded with blood money cannot Ion endure; yet remembering this, it is well not to forget that you "cannot gather grapes from thorns, nor figs from this tles; neither can the leopard change bin spots." The writer is In receipt of a letter from J.L. Ferguson, of Minn., who is to arrive here on Thursday, the 'M of Au gust, to investigate coinlilioi s here with reference to the immediate building of a creamery. Mr. Ferguson has large ex perience in the creamery business mi l writes that he would like to meet the people interested in this enterprise. In asmuch as the IliueUood people. Iiadii' ready taken the matter up, there is little encouragement to offer -Mr. Ferguson. I mention this that your readers may lie informed that ti.ere is good prospeci for the building of a creamery if the people want it. Tills must he it good field and the creamery businessa paving one from the fact that people of experience ami with capital are readv and anxious to engage in the business. Let's have one and on the right kind of basis when we get it. At a sohool meeting laHt Saturday veiling, the 2'Jth, the directors wore authorized by a unanimous vote to Issue warrants in the name of the dis trict to pay for the enlarging of the sohool house. The now building is rapidly assuming shape and v.ili I e enclosed this week. It will bo an im posing structure and complete in every detail, and a credit to the dis trict. The Odell brothers. Will Smith and D. R. Shelley left Odell lust Wednes day afternoon on a prospecting trip In the mountains. They visited Lott Lake and Lako Chitwood and not satisfied, scaled tiie mountain fast ness (f mi almost impenetrable region and discovered another lako, the banks of which they claim no white iiihu had over trod. These fellows were flushed with victory ou their return and are now the only or iginal Wild Hills, of the woolly West. Tho music of tho hunter, his horn and his hound is a precious rnlio of the primitive Western days and Is sweeter music to the writer than "Lilwratti'i bund." Such incidents remind the old pioneer of the days of long ago, when he watched by night for thi deer to come into the lick, or took iiis stand by duy with his ear tunocl to the first fresh sound of the hound on the hot trail, and as the souud irow louder and maror. how hi- I nerves toned up and his blood bound ed through his veins on the approach of the stag in his race into the jaws I of death. Then the pride that follows I as he nails the velvety horns over the doorway of his log cabin, a trophy ol I tho chase. With the parting of the I ways and tho passing into the history i of the West the days of the hunter, I comes many a regret to those who j blazed the trail and who only knov I tho rure sport of a free unfottorod life i in the once far off Western couutry, I where rolls the Oregon. Such mon got I moro out of life than does the trust magnate or the bloated millionaire of tho 2'ith century. Mrs. Crockett left last Monday night to join her daughter, Ola, who is now at Moaoliem in the Blue mountains. Trouble, illness and death have visit ed the Crockett family during the past year, and her friends wish her n respite from trouble soon. Tiie Only Way. There is no way to maintain the health "nil strength of mind and body except by nourishment. There it- no way to nourish except through the stomach. The stomach must he kept healthy, pure and sweet or the "trenuth w ill let dow n and dis ease will set up. No appetite, loss i f strength, nervousness, headache, con st ipal ion, I m I breath, sour risings, rifl ing, indigestion, dyspepsia and ull stomach troubles that are curable are quickly euied by the iw of Kodol Dys pepsia ( 'ore. Kodol digests what you eat and strengthens the whole digestive Ml I Ml i For Chapped Hands, Sunburn and Rough Skin use Superior Toilet Cream It is tho fluent preparation for chapj.ed hands, .-sunburn, rough skin, smarting from shaving, dialing from raw-edged collars, and other skin ailments. It has de lightfully soothing, clearing, softening find healing finali ties, and is just the toilet crenm to use for eases of .sun burn. It is not greasy or st icky, drying in (piickly, so that gloves can be worn immediately after using, and leaves the skin soft and white. Try it once, and you can not help wanting to use it again. Price, 25 cents per bottle. REIR a CASS, Smith Mock. Reliable Druggists. I mm Ayers Falling hair means weak hair. Then strengthen your hair; feed it with the only hair food, Ayer's Hair Vigor. It checks falling hair, makes the hair Hair Vigor grow, completely cures dan druff. And it always restores color to gray hair, all the rich, dark color of early life. " Mr hntr wu fulling out badly and I wai frmd I woitl loft) It all. Then 1 tried Ater'i iUir Vliror. It quickly stopped the railing aud made my Imlr all I could with It to be." ItKiitoicA K. AI.LKM, Elizabeth, N. J. 91 oo a bottle. J o. ater cn., A II ilrui'tfUti. T.nwHt. MuM. I''' IUI mmmmmtmmm FaUhHajr apparatus. Sold by G. K. Williams. . CRAPPER. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Taylor and baby Ruth returned on latit Thursday after a week's visit to Mrs. Sbippey of Liyle, Washington. Mixg Vina ilackett returned on Sat urday, after upending several weeks at Portland. M w;i,. nt n,.,,..,,.. n,,i ..... it iiiuv;ig ui rvt . vv1. , vinii. ed with L. Ji. WiUon on Thursday of lust week. MrH. Llndsoy in seriously 111 at the present time. Albert A. (Iraham, F. C, (Florida Cracker) of Hood Kiver spent a few days litHt week visiting at K. Duncan Martin 'h. I j. B. Wilson and his friend Wilmore of Denver left for Portlnd on last Fri day. They will visit the coast and various points of interest in Western Oregon before returning. There will be au ice cream social at the school hoiiHe on Friday evening, August 4. Mrs. Goddard, a well known elocutionist, will entertain the company with a recitation, and Mrs. Kogestor will render gome flue music. Voylo Lindsey met with a serious accident at Carson, Wash., on last Saturday afnrnoon. I!y the fulling of a tree lie got his leg broken just above tho ankle, lie is now in the hospital in Portland. Mount l'ood is still doing buisness at the old stand. The predicted flood failed to materialize and the farmers still have to irrigate. We have not heard any unusual complaint of Hies or yellow juokels. Mrs. lielle Knight, aftor visiting eight weeks with Mrs. Charles Ctiun lor, left for her home in liutler, Ky , on hint Thursday. While here she and Mrs. Chauler visited the seaside, tho Lewis and Clark fair And Mount llouil. BARRETT. Dr. K. Morton and wife and daugh ter of Green, Kaunas, have been vis iting at the home of C. E. Markham. The Dr. is a brother to Mrs. C. E. .Markham. Mrs. Waldo and Miss Kdria Waldo of Hood Kiver were visitors at the home of C. K. Markham last week. Mrs. Cook and sister, Miss iilanche Woodman, loft for The Dulles ou Sat urday hint, where they expect to visit for a few days. Vo are invited to call and inspect tho new stock of men's, women's and children 'a shoes just received at the Kockford. Abe Olmstuad and wife with Miss F.dith Watts arrived at the Kockford on Saturday. Mr. Oliustead ia from lown, but hearing about the noted Hood Kiver valley, has decided to cast his lot with the people of Hood Kiver. l!y the way, Mr.Olmstead has bail Homo exerience with milk separat ors and is somewhat surprised to know that we have no separators or butter factories in our beautiful valley Mr. Olnisteud can cite numbers of farmers in Minnesota ami Iowa who are mak ing good money every month. We say, let the farmers get right at it at once. ..W. F. LARA WAY.. D iamonds Pianos Watches gans Of f Eye Glasses and Spectacles Specially Ground THORNTON BEND C. II. Thonton has begun keeping boarders. He has one boarder who will stay the whole summer. Allen Campbell, oue of Thontou's boarders, fell in the White Salmon river last Friday while catching fish above the dam, and would have been drowue 1 if he had not hwuiii to a log and got out safely. Three of the honored boys of White Salmon, George Cnrtin, Johnnie and AugiiHtl.autei'tiiich,attended,thedance at Underwood and are sure they had a gland time. Miss Klsiu Underwood is tinder the doctor a care. F.lnier Wise of Cheuowith went to Hood Kiver todn.vand on his way home took dinner with his Uncle Charlie j J horuton. h. N. Wi returned home on a visit trom Wind river li.st Friday, and went to wink again Monday morning in spend tho remainder of the tsuin- mei . F. Thornton and F. Lnrseu were missed very much at tho dance last Friday night. C. 11. Thornton is papering his new house todav. No extra charge for engraving. SMITH'S BRICK BLOCK HOOD RIVER Did you ever notice the 1 win nee wheel in vour watch? The balance wheel id -i w-itrh .ive live vil.r:iti.n ..v,.,-v second, three hundred every minute, 1S.000 every hour, 4. 12,000 every day. and ."7. Mi.UiM evt ry year. At ouch viorauon n roiaies aiHiui one anil a quarter limes, making l!Mi,S,U,00() icvolutions ovorv vcar. In order that we may better underlain! the stunendons amount of labor uci formed lv these t inv w . rL let in make a comparison with a locomotive having six-foot driving whevN. l et it be run until its n heels shall have given the same number of revolutions that a watch balance irivos in one vear. and it w ill h equal to twenty-eight complete circuits of the earth. AM this a watch uWs without other ntwiiti. n t luiu indium once every twenty-four hours. Now, suppose both machines started in trood order. The locomotive is oiled evorv lift v 111 i mites ii !i r.ifnl I v wiped and cleaned before being oiled. So that while doing the work of a watch for one eur'. it ha lu en cleaned 6,9f5 and oiled 23,(110, (and Is now in the shop for repairs. While vonr wntcli suppose it docn'l look very dirty and even if It still keep pretty fair time wouldn't it do lietter service and wear much longer if carefully cleaned and properly oiled ONCK to every 14,OXI time a locomotive is? MOUNT HOOD. A great many people are visiting the "lava beds'' ou tho Louis Hurk lianl place I tu.- days. This is one of tho most picturesniie nluees in the valley. From the top of tho lava beds a view of the entire valley may be ob tained. From beneath the lava rock streams of pure ice cold water flow and wind their way northwesterly, shaded by tho tallest tir trees, making an ideal place to camp ami rest. A party, among whom were Frank Stanton, M. M. Hill and W. Fiko, passed through here Saturday on their way home from a week's outing. They climbed to the summit of Mount Hood, camped on Dog river, Tony creek and other places. Hut they said the prettiest camping place they louiid or in fact ever saw, was at the foot of the lava beds, between Koger creek and the Middle Fork. Our genial postmaster and store keeper has fallen in lino with the general impovement of Mount Hood and is enlarging his barn to twice its original si.e. Next we will hear of his Imying cows and selling cream. W. S. Cribble left for Kingsley yes terday, having heard his lout horse was in charge of Mr. Hix of that place. . Mr. U liooth is visiting frieuds In this place. APPLE CROP GOOD IN MOSIER VALLEY By a Staff Correspondent. Mosler, Or., Aug. 2. There never before has been so much activity In a buildings way in this city since its inception. The people of Moiser have awakened to their own importance and while ti e country in and around the city U ins', ly till i Eg up. the town is experiencing a fine growth. There are none who have made a oa refill study of the soil condition in the vicinity of Moeier but what will say that it is splendidy adapted for the growing of fruit. The settlement was made here in an early day, and there are still families or remnants of families who were the early settlers. There ia no prettier or more fertile valley than where grows the. big apples and the line berries. The ranchers who have bad tho nerve and grit to stick to it are today reaping the rewards. While the apple crop this year will be a light one iu the great fruit growing valleys and in many cases only about a fourth of a crop, the yield at Mosier will average over a third, and in many cases a half crop will be iu evidence. Taking into consideration the high price that apples will rule at this rear, the farmers will tare very well. Laat year's crop was so extremely heavy that many of the orchards are resting up this year as a result. GILMER. Will send you a few items to let you know we are not all dead un here. Everybody is busy haying and trying to keep cool. The bay crop ii; Hue here and In Camas Frame. Mr. Holtman built a new barn 24x40. He went to Vancouver last l'riday to commute on bis homestead. Mr. Mauley proved up his home stead last week. Mr. Jones, an old soldier, also proved up at Vancouver last week, Mr. lJbll, a lumber locator, is here locating some people near the sum mit. F. A. Snow is up from Portland ou his vacation visiting his brother Tom, and old acquaintances. Mrs. J. W. Tompkins has gone to Hood River to visit her mother lor a while, Mrs. W. S. Moorman. Will Gilmer and Memor Young went to Portland to take in the fair Hailstorm at The Dulles. At The Dalles, Sunday afternoon a sudden drop in temperature, bringing with it a severe hailstorm, accompanied with thunder, swept suddenly over the city. The storm was entirely unexpect ed, and after the drop in temperature had occurenl the thermometer took a jump and the heat was almost us op pressive as before. The day had been a warm one. About 3 o'clock the temperature began to drop and rapid.y receded from i)4 degrees to t5 degrees, a drop of 2'J degrees occur ring in 12 minutes. Heavy clouds came up from tiie southwest and were accom panied by considerable thunder, hut no lightning. A hailstorm followed of a peculiar nature. Small, irregular chunks of ice, dill'cring entirely from the regular etoneD, poured from the clouds. During the time the bail fell little dif ference was observed in temperature. The storm passed rapidly over the river. Those who had witnessed it from above the city described its appearance as in the form of a white sheet of great di mensions moving over the ground. As a result of utin.ispheric conditions a tlmiider-torin took place there that night. Public is Aroused. The public is aroused to a knowledge of the curative merits of I lint great med icinal tonic, rJectnc Hitlers, for sick stomach, liver and kidnevs. Mary 11. Walters ol ftlti M. v hnr ave., I oliiinhia, ()., writes: "For several mouths 1 was given up to die. Iliad fever and ague, my nerves were wrecked; I could net sleep, and my stomach was so weak from useless doctor's drugs, that I could not eat. Soon after beginning to take Electric Kilters I obtained relief, and in a short time I was entirely cured." Guaranteed at Ciarl e's drug store ; price 50c. lMirliaiii-Xelson. W. A. Durham and Kldora K. Nel son were married at Dukes Valley Sunday, July .'), at 10::!0 o'clock, at the home of J. (). Cameron, a well known citizen of Dukes valley. Mr. Durham is employed by the Thomp son Shw Mill Co. Their niuuy friends wish the young couple a life of happi ness. YV. A. Klkins of the Valley Christian church, conducted the marriage ceremony. They Appeal lo Our Sympathies. The bilious and dyspeptic are con stant siiU'erers and appeal lo our sym pathies. There is not one of them, however, wlio may not lie brought, back to health and happiness by ihe use nf Chamberlain's Stomach and Liver Taldt ts. These -lab lets invigor ate t lie slonuich anil liver and streng then Ihe digestion. 1 liev also regulate the now els. l or sale by Williams 1'hariiiacy The following business was transacted at The Dalles, Ore., land olliee during the Month of June, 1005: Homestead entries, 72; t inlier laud applications, B8; homestead commutations, 10. Peculiar Disappearance. J. D. Kunyan of lititlerville, (., laid the peculiar disappearance of bis pain ful symptoms of indigestion and bili ousness to Dr. King's New I.ifo I'ills. He says: "They are a perfect remedy for dizziness, tour stomach, headache, constipation, etc." Guaranteed at C. N Clarke's drug store ; price :'5c Card of Thanks. We desire to thank our many friends for their kindness and sympathy iu the hour of oiu bereavement and sor row. Mr. and Mrs. Oerking and fam- iiy. . Take Kodol After Eating. After a hearty nual a dtwe of Kodol Dyspepsia Cure will prevent an attack of Indigestion. Kodol is a thorough uigestant and a guaranteed cure for in digetMiou. dvspei sia, gas on the stom ach, weak heart, sour risings, bad breath and all stomach troubles. Sold by G. E. Williams. Don't Want to Sell. The farmers ground lwiston, Idaho. are holding their wheat for a better price than WS and t! cents, w hich has been offered them. Preparatory to in:. kino; gome changes now under under eon-dderntion, we will make Reductions on all Summer Dress Goods Underwear, Hats, rj 4 it and almost every- Clothing, , ,, Dry Goods, Shoes If you are troubled with dizzy spells, headache, indigestion, constipation, llollister's Kocky Mountain Tea will make you well and keep you well. If it fails, get your money back. That's fair. 35c. C. N. Clarke. Have 'Yon Sprayed Yet! Get your material of Clarke and save money. All watch. Clock and iewclrv renair work guaranteed by Clarke.the jeweler. Batistes and Lawns, ranging in price from 7c to 10c, go at, per yard A nice line of Cotton Challies, in exception all y pretty patterns, for wrappers, Kominos AX.t anil Quilt tops 2 Veils, Mousselline, De Sois, ranging in price 4 OA. from 15c to 17c, at Il Embroidered Panamas and Plaid Crepes, ranging in price from 2"c to .'52c, go at Ofg per yard CUU Ladies' Shirt Waists and Wash Skirts Only a few of them left, but will close them out at exceptionally low prices. Children's Clothing .T) Suits, i to 10 years old, at half price. If your boy needs a suit, you can't afford to miss this salt1. , BRAGG & CO. 000 009 We are prepared to deliver ICE to tiny part of Ihe city. 'Phone No. 313 Tompkins Bros. Please 'phone your orders 10 a. m. Some Bargains. Our list contains about 4(1 different tracts of fruit and peneral farm lands in Mosier; about 500 acres in Underwood. divided into tracts of from 40 to 3L'0 acres each; also about 18-" different tracts of farm property in Hood Kiver valley, and some very desirable resi dences in Hood River and Mosie.r 3:t. 6 acres mile out: berries and orchard. A beautiful location. Will be sold at a bargain. t)2. .to acres one-lnilf mile from Mt. Hood P. O. 14 acres in clover, 4 in hay U in strawberries, 1 share water, bouses, all for $14(10. 24. 42 acres 5 miles out, lti acres in orchard, 10 full bearing. First-class im provements. A beautiful home. 25. 80 acres, 5 acres 7-year-old apple trees, balance in clover and general' farming. New 4-room house. 2. 4ii acres in the most beautiful por tion of the valley. 4 acres in orchard one year old, 3 acres in berries, 4 acres in annua, iialance general tanning. HI. 10 acres 4 miles out: snlendid soil; 1 acre apples, best varieties; one year planted. U acres in strawberries, 2 acres in potatoes, 5 acres in clover. 114. Inn loo-acre t 'acts about nine miles out; one on east side, other west side. Choice for $1100. A number of o, 10, 20 and 40 acre tracts of unimproved land that will bear investigation. Also a number of huge tracts from Kill lo 320 acres in Ore gon and Washington Some few residences ami lots iu every portion of the city. W. J. BAKER & CO. Real Estate Agents Hood River, Oregon. When you go Camping take along some of tho e fine Lunch Goods you will find at THE FAVORITE S, L. YOUNG, Prop. Phone, Main 5.I. White Salmon-I Food River Two big sail boats, two big perfectly safe gasoline launches and two big ferry scows. Expert sailors in charge. Boats leave at all hours. I) KIN & PK ARSON Jjicetmrd Ferrymen. "The Half Way House" The Falls Hotel GEO. W. CARTER, Prop. The most beautiful spot on the White Salmon river. New house, 20 fine, large rooms, newly furnished. Large feek barn in connec tion. Husum, Wash. Well Digging. Itorlng or drilling. Inquire of K. M. Hunt. PIANOS The very finest line of Pianos, from the cel ebrated ( 'bickering, the renouned Weber, the fine Kimball, which is used and known for its purity of tone and easy action, the silver-toned Hobart M. Cable, and on down the line of 'Pianos to suit your means and pocket book. Pe sure to write for terms, or come and see PARKINS & HUGHES, At EILERS MUSIC CO., I The Dalles, Oregon. I