The Hood River glacier. (Hood River, Or.) 1889-1933, August 03, 1905, Image 2

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Imii1 ever Tuoridar by
ARTHUR D. MOB. Publbhtr.
Ttmi of iutacrlplioa 11.60 7 MX MI paid
In tdTtuM.
THURSDAY, JULY 27. 1906.
Has anDyody Heard anybody say
that anybody baa been eiinntruck in
Oregon during the late hot stioll? aikn
the lrrigou IrriRator.
The Chinese boycott on American
cotton goods will likely put
dumper on the million dollar
cotton mill project which wag present
ed to the people here a short time ago.
The BHHeesor of Multnomah county
found only 110, WW people within the
city limits of Portland, and forthwith
there has gone ub a howl that no
doubt delights the hearts of the Seat
tloites, where such a thing as an under
count was never known to happen.
The publishers of the Newberg
Uraphio did themselves proud the
other week in a special edition de
scriptive of Newberg and the sur
rounding country. From the boauti
ful illustrations of city and farm
scones, we would be forced to admit
Old Yamhill was the prettiest part of
Oregon, were It not for Hood River.
The thirteenth annual session of the
National Irrigation association will be
held at Portland, Or., commencing on
August 21 and continuing four duyt
There is every indication that the meet
ing will be largely attended and a great
amount of business transacted along the
lines of the Irrigation work in progress
and to be commenced in the arid land
portions of the west.
The treasury deficit is causing i
good dual of anxious thought at pres
ent, and various ways for remedying
the evil have been suggested. Among
them are an iuorease on the tax on
beer, a 5-ceut tax on coffee, and
stamp tax on checks and other nego
tiable paper. It has also been suggest
ed that another and popular way
would be to reduce national expendi
The short comings of this weeks' Is
sue should be overlooked. We have
suffered the throes of moving for the
past seven days. With carpenters put
ting on the finishing touobea, and
plasterers slapping on knlsomlne all
around the reporter's desk ; type plod
in the composing room, and a thou
sand and one things gone wrong, we
beg our readers' pardon for a poor pa
per this issue.
The people of Hood Kiver are right
ly indignant over the action or the
water company in frequently shutting
olf the supply without the leant noti
fication to the patrons. Now and thou
there is an aocideut which may be ex
cusable, but this shutting off the
mains to make repairs evory now and
then, a thing which has been endured
piitiontily for a year or more, aroiiHos
a righteous indignation in the best of
us. In other cities the water compa
dies are compelled to give some sort
of notification, the ringing of a boll
of blowing of a whistle, but here the
wator is shut olf evory now and then
with no forewarning whatever. The
people have endured it long enough,
and there is au end even to patience,
"In Oregon, for the first time iu my
experience, 1 nave seen Kuropuan
miu uuyers engaged in visiting or-
('harda Mini (tLnriiiir mi mint pint u
the aiiplo crop to be shipped abroad,"
iii iMiiiiun iu, IIYIIIO, IIIUIIHUllllf ttUll-
II... 1.1 SA .... ... . .
urui iuii rruu urowor, hi. Joseph,
Missouri, who is in Portland a few
daya to see the exposition and visit
his friend, It. M. Hall.
Mr. Irvine has just visited Hood
Kiver, and will continue his trip to
Rogue river and other parts of the
state. He is making investigations
ami collecting data for a series of hi
tides in the Fruit (I rower, says the
Portland Journal. At Hood Kiver he
met a uumlair of buyers who have
crossed au ocean and a continent to
purchase the Hood River and Rogue
river apples, mo crops Doing yet on
me irees.
"lliev have not yet arrived at a
stage of the negotiations where prices
are agreed upon. The growers are
asking hluh prices." said Mr. Irvine
"The apple crop is short nearly all
over me country, in too states oi
Missouri and Iowa there is reported
to oe only '. per cent of a crop. In
Michigan tho crop is fair, but in New
York the red apple crop is a failure.
The apple growers of Oregon will got
good prices this year for those rea
sons, as well as on account of the
quality of their fruit."
Will iam Wostorluud of Chicago, an
Immigrant agent, is in Portland, en
route to Medfoid with a party of
homo-seekers. He savs there is iu
creasing interest shown iu llllnoU
and other middle states in the reports
or Oregon's resources and opportun
ities. When you find It necessary to use
salve use Dt'Witt's Witch Hazel Salve.
It is the purest, and best for Sores,
liurns, Rolls, KczeiiM, Hlmd, lileeding,
itching or Protruding Piles, liet tin
genuine lteWltt's Witch Ha icel Salve
Hold by (t. K. Williams.
All rosidouts of Hood River and vi
cinity who once lived iu Iowa, are re
quested to meet Saturday afternoon
at the store of W, K Laraway, at 2::h
o'clock, when the time aud place foi
holding the picnio of the Iowa society
will be decided upon, and committees
named to make necessary arrange
ments for this groat event.
Hy a decision of Circuit Judge
Krazer handed down on Saturday,
July 2!, Trail concessionaires, whu
conduct the amusement feat ures of the
Lewis and Clark exposition were
granted the privilege of running theii
shows ou Sunday aud this will be the
rule from now on. The exposition
from the first has favored Sunday
opening on the grounds that on uo
other day was it possible for working
men and their families to vinit the
fair. A Sunday mliiiiwioii foe of
twenty five cents with children undi r
twelve free bus done much to popular
ize the exposition on that day.
President Karlv of the Commercial
club has receiveif word from hnperin
tendent Itucklcy that tlicO. It. A N. Co.
will install a telephone in the. local
freight ollice, This convenience will he
greatly appreciated by the farmers utid
business men of the valley and town.
The Commercial club took this matter
up some time ago, and now ban the as
surance that the request for a telephone
will I complied with.
Special to the (i lacier.
Hpokane.Wash., Aug. 2 The Spohcs
Review Bays:
The predominating feature of the
wholesale fruit district the first of tin
week was the marked absence of many
varieties of fruit, and the tcarcity of ev
erything. The only receipts of any con
sequence were two rar loads of water
melons from California and a car oi or
anges. A few crates also of apricots
and plums and some liartlett pears
were received from Nnuke river and
Wenatchee. It will be about a wee k,
the jobbers say, before the situation will
be releived to any great extent.
A general decline was noted ycstenluy
in potatoes and onions. These products
are becoming quite plentiful, the crops
this season being large. Potatoes form
erly selling at about f I wIioIvmiIc are
now quoted at 7'c a hundred ; onions
now sell for $l.5l) a bundled, wholesale,
a decline of 25c. Tomatoes are quoted
at $1.25, a rise of 25c since Saturday.
A few crates of lemons were received
yesterday, but were all mid before ni;;ht
at $7.50 a case, wholesale.
A car load of mixed fruit from Scake
river is expected today.
o Fruit at Walla Walla.
Walla Walla, Wash, Au,.'. 2. l-'ruil
on the Walla Walla market ih almost an
unknown quantity, as it is between sea
sons. Peach plums in very small lots
are Itoing purchased ami packed for
shipment by the produce houses; also a
few apples, although the latter are very
scarce. Vegetables are more plentiful
than fruit. Potatoes and unions crln
stiluto the greater part of the ship
ments. The first home grown musk
melons are coming in, and are pm ted at
about $2 a box. Tomatoes have fallen
from the opening price of $1.21) a ho.v to
an even dollar, with quite a few coiuiiiu
into (be market. Cucumbers are sell
ing for 50 ami DO cents a box, and Hum
mer squash aliout the same.
The usual shipments are being made
through the express ollices to the .Mon
tana anil Inland Kmpire markets as
usual. The scarcity of fruit is made up
greatly by the good vegetable crops, and
the produce growers are not sultcring
for stuff to market.
Mrs. (Joorge Weygandt iH reported
dangerously ill.
Mr. Hagerman and son huvo re
turned from Portland. They report
having had a very enjoyable time,
Joe Oimmifk has just finished bal
ing his clover hay, having secured 2n
tons from H acres at first cutting.
The people of (ilaoior are smiling
over the rain that fell on the Ifotli.
Mrs. Sandman, formerly of Mount
Hood, is camping at the Campers.'
Paradise with Ralph Sh Hoy's child
There are lots of campers in om
vicinity at tho-present time.
Sarah Weygandt has returned home
from Hood Kiver, on account of her
mother's illness.
Trout Lake Willing to Help.
Flint llradford, who is interested iu
seeing Hood Kiver tanners take up the
creamery business, was conversing the
other day with Kul'iis llyikelt of Trout
Lake, who Informed him that I he peo
ple of that section tried shipping
cream to Portland, but for them it
was not satisfactory. They Inter or
ganized a co-operative company ami
are now manufacturing cheese in the
summer anil butter iu winter, 't he
business is returning tho furmres a
good prollt.
Mr. Ityrkelt is willing that tho Hood
River people scud a committee to
Trout Lake to Inform themselves ou
tho workings of the co opciutiwt plant
there. Ho says the books will be o,icii
for them, ami the management of the
Trout Lake factory will furnish any
desired information regarding the
success of their business.
Tho Mount Hood farmers made
their II rst shipment of cream Tuesday
morning. The people there are taking
au active Interest in the cream route,
aud It will pay the farmers of I he low
er valley to keep posted on how the
experiment pays.
The recent prophecy regarding the
direful catastrophe that was prcilictcd
to overtake tho valley of Hood Kiver
and its inhabitants reminds us of tin
story of a Missouri Advent ist who
prophesied that the world would come
to au end ou a certain day. He
preached the coming event to his thick
and invited them all to join him in a
large meadow, where they would await
the end of time together. A hen tin
day arrived tho Adventist put on his
ascension rohes and made his way to
tho appointed place. After waiiing
quite a while and llmling any of h i
congregation ou hand, lie grew some
what weary of waiting. liscoering
a large haystack near at hand, he
cliinlH'd up ou the same. Finally he
fell asleep, and a couple of hoys puss
lug by saw him peacefully slumbering
on the pile of hay. In order to have
a little sport, they set lire to the hay
and waited results. The prophet sooii
awakened when the heat becitme in
tense, ami quickly jumping up, he
stared wildly around, ami sceinu
flames iu every direct ion, be e.claimed
in a despairing tones: "In hell, just
as I expected, "
Where are you sick'.' Headache,
foullongue, no appetite lack energy,
pain in your stomach, constipation'.'
Molhster's Kockv Mouiiuin lea, ereal-
est bOHiitiller know n. ;i," cents. C.N.
Infant I ncii haters' Hciini
At the Waldorf Astoria in New York
recently was assembled one of the
strangest collections of people ever
known. Thev were incubator babi..
young lives saved from the brink ot
eternity by science and skill. The !
were from llulfahi. St. Louis. Cliicue.i 1
and other cities where the human in- j
euhator has been in evidence. The
ages of the participants ranged from j
three years down. Their mothers
9 Tha
6 1 06
CXaoia "The Home of Low Prices' Sau"
7 This week we have on display a complete assortment
of all kinds of Kitchen Hardware and Notions. We
y can save you big money on these goods, which an in
L spection will prove. We are offering:
fja Full Plated Nickel Tea Kettles, No. 8, each 950
fcj (inmile Tea Kettles, No. 8 gg0
fm l'etiiiiied Water Pails, 2 qt 00
Covered Tails from .'50c to 30
j I 'it! and Cake Phils from Cc down to 20
fj Wash P.oilers, No. H, Tin, Copper I'.ottom 800
h find hundreds of olher artielcH too numerous to mention.
Our buyer, Mr. M. E. McCarty, is now on his way
to New York to select our Fall and Winter Stock, and
we are making room for the same by slaughtering all
odds and ends. We have some rare bargains in almost
all departments.
Every Day
Climate and view unsurpassed in the United States.
were proud of them and thankful for
1111 all 1 iml and merciful providence
Unit had permitted them to eliiiK to
the slender thread of life that limy
le broken any hour. They were
' hinkful too Mint seienee had Kiven
I he world the infant ineiihiitor, which
mis collided MioiihhiiiIs to live thai
ii iith would have claimed otherwise.
Tlie Infiiiit iucuhutoi'H nt the I.ewih
mid Chirk ceiilenuhil expoHition and
Orientiil fair nre e.Miet reproiluctionn
of (hose used in lleilin, The tiny i:i
li.diiluntH of these crystal castles, me
I reinaturely horn infants, sent into
I he world "scarce half made up" as
Avon's gifted Lard so truly said. Kv
er.v hotly should see the ineuhafoi'H
and watch the infants tirmv. I Inch
day the little cherub is weighed and
every condition noted. Trained
nurses and skilled doctors: ulteiid the
oil. .print;. It, is a rare educator and
II disseminator of useful knowledge.
It is intensely interesting, and it has
a fascination that is lunncloiis. It is
worth it journey of a thousand miles
to see. It is the premiei attraction
of the ion.
Ollices mill Iteoins.
The very best (or rent in Smith block
Klickitat l iiill Itellcr This Year.
N. A. liiKi'iim. county fruit inspect
or for Klickitat county, says that
tliere is not one third as much wormy
Iruit in Klickitat this year, which is
ouiiiK to the yrcat care now heiiiK ex
ercised by fruit nun in niiiirdinu
auainst pests. However, the pear Hint
cherry shin, says Mr. lucrum, is prev
alent in many arts of the county.
The shin is easily killed. The follow
ini; spraying solutions, which were
1 1 ied during' the past season, when
properly applied, will either kill them
or protect the folium so that they will
W. A. Morgan & CO.
Slli-n N.x'fs' Ixi (t'ltlltt ' ,V' Hiiftlt tf
lleavv and Lio'ht Praying
and Team Work, etc.
l'heiic 1 il'i. noon i;ivi:i;, 01;.
Groceries, Flour and Feed
has heel 1 installed by
at t he old stand, just sont h
of Indian Creek bridge, and
the linn extends an invita
tion to t heir former pat rons
t 1 call and see them.
( 'ordially yours,
F. G. C0E
Carpentering Jj
is a Bargain Day with Us.
e Paris
not eat it. Hoap Solutions Solutions
of whale-oil soap were applied ou in
fested treea. The slugs were nearly
all killed by the first application. A
second application completed their
destruction. Paris Oreon One spray
iiiK with I'arig Oreeii and lime is
Miiltleient to free the trees of slugs,
Hazlewood Cream Co.
U. S. Cream
ff lit IM S-.V
Write for Catalogue.
Portland, Oregon.
The Big Second-hand Store
Ico Cold Refrigerators. Furniture, Stoves. Ranges, Crockery, Tin 6c Granite war
and ii fact everything in the house funiishino- lino. Big reductions this month.
He Exchange New Furniture for Old. Picture Framing. Furniture Repairing. Stove Repairing.
Cheapest Outfitters. 0. P. DABNEY & CO., Proprietors.
provided it is thoroughly done. This
is a good apmy to use before the fruit
begins to ripeu. lluhaou A solution
of two ounces of buhach to Ive gallons
or water proved eltective. Only one
application is necessary. This is a
better spray than either of the arsenic
Wood For Sale
All Kinds at Lowest
Market Price.
Prompt delivery, phone. Murray Kay.
For Sale
Fur Hale. -Two Iron be(U, nmtlretutefl aud
sprtiiKS "e mK rtreteiyhnlnff table, Kltcheu
mhliH-t, Mix ctiairN, 2 nx-kurM and tfuttoliue
stove. A J. Wood, Iu Cta'n addition,
For HhIh-Nhw brown tenU; also Nome
hoiiwtiold turn Mure. Telephone Country
Club Inn. M
For hhIi. nr wood, delivered, per cor .
I'hone USi. a24
For Hale, dry pine wood, IH Inches lonjf.
Price, on place, 51 per rick, or 91.2ft delivered,
Apply to li. W. Hinith, H. F. I. No. 2. uti
For Kale Horne,
price 975. Call on A. 8.
For fwle, fine ynuni? Plymouth Kock henn
ana uockureiH. uueii. un
For anle, two good cow. Inquire of J. H.
Grove, K. F. I. 1.
For Hale Team, good sound horses, weight
oImill 2,ixn. F. A. Waeygandt. aiO
For Hale K) acres flrKt-claM fruit ladd un
cleared. J'rice, cheap for chhIi. J. a. Wiiwm.
For Hale One all around family mare: dark
brown, weight about 11U0 lb, 12 yeara old; one
Jump neat, canopy top aurrey In good repair,
one good mow. Phone 4U. Addreaa Thorn an
Oil Una, iiood Kiver, Or.; H. 1. No. 2. lUa
For Male One Jersey cow, No. 1 cream cow;
one young horse, weight 1100 pounds, gentle;
one :t-tm-h wagon: will trade for wood or hay.
Also one plauo for sale, or trade for cows or
real entitle, Will sell for part cash, balance
on time. n. ai. nuoou. iua
For sale iiorftea, buggy, hack and farm Im
plement. Weight of homes about IHMand
12iM). Will be round near A. Wlnana rest
Uf nee. Johu 11. UeMoss. u3
For sale Huddle, bridle and blanket, good
condition; new luM. summer at ijvU.oO; willing
toaetl lorSAl. t'alWit IhlMi.lIice. u'i
For wile Team of black ponies, welglil
about lfK good drivers aud good nail die
horaeh: thoroughly broke tor ail kinds ol
work: sound: lour and six years old: price, in
cluding hmue.s ?K). White Maimoii Land
Co., White Salmon, a.'J
For Hah A bnrgaiu who wnnta l(; a nice
cozy home; house il m-v 11 room and pantry,
2 lot, large oak xhudi- treea. t'all nl ( remises
on Hheinun avei tie; one block south of ojem
house. 1j. A. iMkluson. alt)
For Sale Fifteen acres, suitable for fruit;
14 miles from Hood Kiver at per acre. Ad
dreas C. H. True, Hood Kiver. ulO
For aale, :w acres of fine orchard land fid
Joining new county road; all under ditch; 3
acrea cleared; will take contract to clear part
of land it contractor pes I res. Call on or write
A. Schiller, K. F. O. No. 1. ocl5
Fineeu acrea land for sale, unimproved; will
contract to clear same If purchaser desires.
I7 F. W.Angus.
Rooms To Rent
House for rout, known as the Hutton place.
U. it. Wooodtvorlli. u24
Hlx-room collage, with water. John IJodo
liut Huoil Kiver.
fur Kent Any gentleman rintirlni; a new
room, nicely furnished, electric lighted and
use of Iml h, in good locality. Apnly to Mrs.
.Icskh W. Iltgby, corner Oak and Hlxlh. aiO
For Kent Two cottages In HlowerB' addi
tion at a un hi 1 h ; free water. Inquire Mre.
II. .1. I'redeitckH. 10a
For icnl A nice front room Htiitahle for
two; gcnl Icnieji iiieferred. Would if desired,
IMioneTUI. .Mrs. II. A. l oyle. iu
Lost-A gold mounted agate char c. Finder
plcuw reiui n name to P. M. Hall-Lewis & Co.,
i avulsou building. He ward.
Lost Carpenter's level, rip-saw, new palrol
shoes, horse blanket, halter, square and other
things, between town and Mount Hood. No
tify A. Hudson, at Mount Had P. O. ad
Uist-Homewhere between I hikes Valley and
Hood Kiver, a Utile girl's clonk; color, red.
The tinder will please same at the Glacier of
fice or at the Little While store. a3
Lost A plain gold watch chain. Finder
please leave same at Itartmess' store and re
ceive reward. a;i
Ited bnndte cow: 4-year-old; brand on
Shoulder;short simp horns. Koy Wood worth
Cycle Repairing.
Cycle repairing promptly done. Shop Is 'A
t lucks of ball ground, near Holman's
.store. J. H. 11 ids. a;t
Big Sale of Land.
lo yon want a ten acre tract of tlrst-claas
strawberry or fruit land at a bargain? If so,
examine the M. It. Potter farm near city of
Mood Kiver, lift acrea. Just placed on the
market to be sold In lots to auit. Call at the
farm or any real estate firm in Hood Kiver.
Jia IW titjHtreet, Portland
If yon have a house or barn you want
moved or leveled up, see J. T. Nealeigh. 7
Bids On Wood.
School dlctrlet No. 3, will receive bids at the
otllcc ol 'limlcr A Co., mull SHturday, August
s, nl a p. in., for fill cords of 4-foot tlr wood; a)
cords to lie delivered at the Heights school; 10
cords st the Slate si red school. Right reserved
to reject any and all bids.
1 lHsirlct Clerk.
Off for Mt. Mood.
l'artles of two or three wishing to ninke the
trii to .Mount Hood, al a reasonable rate, call
tii Phone U'til, liood Kiver.
Hood River Directory.
The (ilacier directory of Hood River cltv
and valley, and map; slum lug location of;
liirins, with owners' names, locatlou of
sireams and county roads, Is now ready for
distribution. Price SI .Oil. Olacier. Hood
Kiver, Dreon.
Land Sale.
Sealed bids will be received Atimist T. 8 n m :
by J . k. N ickelsen city rwonler, for the purchase
of the city hospital property, house and six acres
more or less, adjoining city limits; for fulldescrip-
uon oi properly can ui mn'oniers orhce, riKht re- '
asurtsl to reject any and all bids. .
By order Common Council.
Hood Kiver, Or., July IS, lyuft. 3 1
The partnership heretofore existing and do
inu' linsiness under the tlrm name of W.I
II ay nis A I'o. Is hereby dissolved by mutual
consent, W. llaynes contlnuiliK the business i
All accounts due said tlrm will be collected
by H. M. Hlowcrs or W, llavnes.
A.M. HU)VK!t8. I
Real Estate
Two nioe lots and cottntres, ecu I rally, for aale on the installment plan.
Lot 11, Hpangler's addition, $'-'00.
4 room cottage. KaHt -15 by 150 feet of
Lot 2 block i, ParkhurBt, $1050; $750
House and two lots in Barrett-Sipma
addition. $700.
40 acres at Mount Hood for wile, run
ning $25 au acre. Oil the county road
opposite Baldwin's.
Fine business lot on main street for
$lli00 on installment, or $1500 cash.
6 acres at Belmont, B acres in cul
tivation, cottage and outbuildings, 150
apple trees, 2 acres strawberries, 2 acres
alfalfa, $1300; $750 or more cash.
New 6-roomed cottage, patent bath
and closet, four lots, 3 blocks from depot,
center of town, $2100; terms reasonable.
Two lots centrally located, $550.
Two lots, new 6-roomed house, patent
bath and closet, 3 blocks from depot,
center of town, $1700.
Two-story 8-roomed cottage, lot 70 by
140, on the hill, $1200; terms reasonable.
For Sale 9000 acres pine timber; 1
saw mill, cuts 20,000 per day, 1 planing
mill, capacity 30,000 feet per day; 1
store and stock of merchandise, about
$3,500; 1 hotel and contents; 1 saloon
building, rented ; 3 houses, rented; 10
head horses and harness ; ! road wag
ons, 31 H; 1 logging truck; 5 pair
sleighs; 30 head cattle; 50 head hogs;
tiOO I'eet lumber; 2000 cords wood. All
located at and near Hilgard, Or.
For Sale New two-story fl-ronin
house; St riina lum addition ; $1 100; terms
14 acres across the mad from the M.
M. Davenport residence. $til) per acre.
Terms easy.
A 40 acre tract, unimproved, emite
free irrigating water, U miles from Bar
rett school house, $1,100.
Hanna house and lot, $2,000.
For Sale The Henderson ranch, for
merly owned by J. It. Ualligan; 00 acre.
30 cleared; orchard; strawberries;
clover and timothy; well irrigated ;large
2-story mansion, new barn ; all fenced.
Price $10,000. Brook runs through ranch.
Easy terms; telephone; rural delivery.
Four miles from Hood River.
One goat ranch on mountain east
of valley on county road. Price $1,500;
has small house, running water, and is
fenced. Terms, easy.
For Sale Beautiful lots in Park addi
tion, center of town, from $200 to $1500.
8. 100 acres at White Salmon; fins
timber land ; $10 an acre.
U. The b-acre place in Crapper neigh
borhood, known as the Renshaw place;
all improved; new buildings, etc.
Lots 10, 11, 12, block 5, Waucoma ad
dition; improved; price $1,000; ot
more cash, balance, 1 year, 8 per cent.
Small house and lot on hill to rent, $24
a year; two vacant lots with privilege of
purchase $20 a year for the two.
For Sale Residence on State street at
head of Front; $2,500, including 3 lots.
For Sale or Exchange for Hood River
property Fine residence in business
center of Sumpter.
Money to loan.
Ten acres improved, on White Sal
mon river; $1000.
21 a. at Frankton; improved; $2200.
First-class Surveying Outfit.
At the Emporium are kept 2 first-class
transits and solar attachments, and the
proprietor, a practical surveyor, is pre
pared to do the work of laying out acre
age property in lots and blocks, and do
ing all kinds of surveying and platting.
' City Engineer.
I ,iul y 'h hnnrilmg, containing smaH mini
of money. Owner may liave same liy cull
ing nt ilaier oltlce, proving property and
paying for this notice. J27
Small hand bag, containing handkerchief; left
at this utlke. j27
WanteU-Uood yountr cows. H. M. Abbott.
Wanted as or 50 heifer calves, J. W. An
derson, llelinont. all)
Wanted To buy, leriacreof frnlt Ihiij7Iii
Hood Kiver valley, close In, somewhat Im
iiroved; to be paid for at rate of $n0 down and
10 per month. M, (Ilacier oltlce.
Youinj Klrl wanted In small family, to assist
with care of baby and light housework. Must
be well bred, honest and truthful. A kihk!
home and easy employment. References re
quired. Mrs. 1'. M. Hitll-i.ewi8, phone Ills,
r. O. box i:, Hood ltlver. a!7
Land for Rent.
Nine rcres of at raw berry and clover land,
situated ou I.yman Miilth avenue, near town.
Water and Hume coveriutt the place. Cash
rent preferred. Will renl from one to three
years. Apply to J, N. Teal, Portland, Ore., or
at the premises. j-jinf
Who Wants It?
It Is an 111 wind that blows no good. The
Hood railroad has cul my farm In two tracts,
and I am ifolng to sell one of them cheap.
1 here is about 111 acres, 15 of which Is set In
Newtown and HpllienberK apple trees; good
oil: well watered; location In the heart of our
best apple district; close to a 4-rnom graded
school house, and rural delivery and tele
phone service at your door. Terms easy. For
particulars, liiijuire of A. I. Mason. a3
Bids Wanted.
Kids wanted to build a wood shed tor the
('rapper school district No. (II, Wasco county,
Oregon. For particulars Inquire at the (Ila
cier office or of (J. A. McCudy. Bids to belli
by the first day of August next.
Ity order of the school board.
J. J. Jordan, clerk.
Notice to Contractors.
Healed proposals will he received by the
Hchool Boord of District No. 1, Wasco County.
Oregon, until 7.:i o'clock p. in., on the tenth
day of August, lsnfl, and then opened, for the
.rtw.n tf a,1 ... ti- ...
... m lnn uuu.-n, nl wr.Yill, uieaon,
according to plans and specifications now ou
lie with the district clerk of said district. A
.... .,r iLitmnniui uiiiiars win oe requir
ed ot the Btiei-eHahil bidder conditioned ou
the raltbful ieriortnauceof his contrai l. The
Nchool Hoard re erves the right to reject any
ann all hlilu ' "
Cascade Locks, Ore., Julv :i. H05.
District Clerk.