The Hood River glacier. (Hood River, Or.) 1889-1933, July 27, 1905, Image 9

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Sici Cm "vspondence.
Mount Hood, Or., July 25. Things
re ou me uoom nere, aud that in
uo in intake. The wjcond meeting of
the Mouut Hood Devulopmeut league
win m new auturday atteruoou iu
the rouma of the Mount Hood hall,
when uumeroua projects for the ad
vancement of the interests of settlers
here will be brought to a culmina
tion. Thirty contracts have been signed
for a telephone service. A company
has been formed to construct a three
circuit line to Odell, where connec
tion will be made with the PaoiUc
States Telehpone Co., for the Hood
Kiver aud long-distanoe circuit. Mr.
Mcltaacs aud W. S. t rlbble were in
Hood Kiver, Tuesday, conferring with
Manager Wood of the valley system,
and received bis assurance that the
Boll Co. will do their part of the
JOugiueer West aud some of the
other members of the construction
party of the Mount Hood Railway are
expected to be present at this meet
ing, when they will investigate for
themselves the feasibility of immedi
ate construction of their road to
Mount Hood.
Twelve milk caus arrived from Port
land Monday, and as soon as the sep
arators are received the cream route
will be established. This looks like
Mouut Hood farmers meant business.
Despondent, He Takes His Own Life.
Walter, the 23-yeur-old sou of B. F.
Gerking, residing on the Disbron
plat-e near the Valley Christian
church, was found dead Monday morn
ing in his tent near Camp Overall, on
me west, iorK or nooa Kiver.
The young man suffered a partial
snustroke when at work two years ago
in tnej Harvest fields of Eastern Ore
gon, aud since then had never been
the strong man be formerly was.
Within the last few mouths, his mind
became weak and he would brood over
an unknown trouble. His friends be
lieve tins young man broke down from
Besides bis parents, the voting man
leaves two sisters, Mrs. K. H. Ureske
of White Salmon, and Miss Mary; two
brothers, Benjamin and Joseph. His
mother is a sister to M. Willis ol
Coroner Burget being unable to be
present, Justice Nickelsen empaneled
the following jury Monday eveuiug
and went to the scene of the young
man s deatn : i rank Chandler. Lieon
M. Bimtloy, S. K. Bartmess, M. E,
McCarty, K. S. dinger and Lou
Morse, lhelolyof the young man
had been undisturbed. He lay there
with a revolver in his hand pressed
close to the side of his head. That
he came to his death by a gunshot
wound inflicted by bis own hand, was
tne verdict or tne jury.
People about Camp Overall state
that the poor fellc w showed evidtune
of an unbalanced mind during his
stay there. Karly in the week he pur
chased a handsome buggy from Nick
elsen the implement dealer and Thurs
day morning went alone to the moun
tains. Saturday he went to Lost Lake
'on a fishing trip.
Funeral services were conducted
Tuesday afternoon at the United
Brethren church, Kev. W. A. Klkins
of the Valley Christian church, hav
ing charge of the services.
Tell of Their Trip In Verse.
A bunch of mountain climbers re
turned the other day from a trip to
tne top or Mount Hood. Tuey styled
themselves the "Happy-Oo-Luoky"
climbers, and have told their story as
follows :
We left Pine Grove to seek Mt. Hood,
Aud found it iu the air;
Over nook and babbling brcok,
And up the winding stair.
On July seventeenth,
We started neat and clean ;
We little thought that very soon
We'd care not to be seen.
With wagons loaded high with grub,
And a smile ou each dear face,
We clambered up ou top the load,
And found each one a place.
In consultation on the way
To tiud if. all nere brought,
We discovered iu dismay
That frying pans were forgot.
fiat thanks be to good luck,
Of which we had our share,
We soou came to Mount Hood store
And got a supply there.
We spent the noon hour at Hoed river,
To feed both man and beast;
The lunch box being then unpacked,
On its contents we did feast.
We reached the Elk beds early,
Camping there for the night;
Very soou our second meal
Went quickly out of sight.
After supper was over,
We danced upon the green,
But such clouds of dust arose
The Uddler could not lie seen.
So the time was spent in singing,
Aud making the welkin riug
With merry peals of laughter,
As on us tiie 11.0011 did beam. ,
Next moruing ou again we went
Up the mountain with steady pace;
At noon we reached Cloud Cap Inn
And found our camping place.
Tuesday, after dinner,
We went to Hood river's source;
Wednesday to Eliot's glacier,
Where we had nn:ch fun, of course.
Thursday, at 7 to 10 a. m.
Up Mount Hood eleven did start,
Each as black as any coou
Look i i g very smart.
Alice and Mildred Mark,
Copr le, Dragsetb. and Magill,
Also Lut'llu Hunt,
Climbed the Mount Hood hill.
Then Grace L'ronkhite, Peter Mohr,
Joe, Clara and Ralph Jarvis,
Going i p with such speed
It made the watchers nervous.
Those who did the watching,
Their I'll try to tell:
Mrs. Jarvis aud grandson Gerald,
Nettie Gleason and Mabel Kiddell.
The scene from the top was grand,
Of this 1 am sure, so
If you do not believe me,
To that phice you'd letter go.
We climbed the mountain in 5 hours,
Which is considered quick time,
With one and one-sixth hours ou top,
Viewing the f eerie subline.
We reached the camp at 4 p. in.,
Happy and hungry, too.
Net forenoon some of us went
The Hard Scramble Falls to view.
Our uext move was to Hood river,
Hoping there to pursuade
Some of the tiuuy tribe,
To visit our sylvan glade.
This they did in a hurry,
When Peter held the liue.
The verdict ol the Ulteen is
Mountain trout are Bne.
From the camp we started
At 7:30 Saturday night.
Thus succeeding iu getting home
Aud keeping out of sight.
"We feel glad that we're alive
The Mount Hood climbers of 1905."
-Special to the Glacier.
Uoldendale, Wash., July IK!. J
Conch Flanders and Marcus Talbot,
president aud manager of the C. K.
N., are In town for the first time look
ing over the valley and the road
1 hey are well pleased with the city
and the prospects of the country in
general. Both these gentlemen have
made a good impression with the citi
zens here, and all unite in winning
tnem success in their new enterorise.
They will betaken for a drive through
the surrounding country today by
some or tne leading men, to see the
resources or tne valley.
Harvesitng is in full blast ; headers
are running all over the valley, and
all unite in saying this will be the
banner crop of many years.
lne weatner Has been very warm
nere ror tne past week, tne tbermoru
eter ranging as high as 104 iu the
shade. It is the longest hot spell ex
perienced here for many years,
dinests Enjoy a Potato Bake.
The Country Club Inn has been tax
ed to its fullest capacity during the
greater part of July, and in spite of
the unusual, hot spell the guests have
round in tne woods aud river both
pleasure aud comfort.
Saturday evening a picnic and "po
tato roast was enjoyed on the sand
bar in front of the Inn, Dr. Day, as
usual, leading in the fun. All enjoy
ed a plunge in the Columbia and two
more daring than the others, Mr. Hor
ton of Boston and Mr. Calkins of
Berkeley, Cal., attempted to swim
across the Columbia, but when near
the Washington side, they met the
cold water of the White Salmon river
and like most people, decided they
liked Oregon best and returned.
Those registering at the Inn this
week: Mr. aud Mrs. J. L. Burns,
Denver, Colo. ; P. Teichmann, wife
and child, San Francisco; W. H. Park,
wife and child, El Paso, Texas; Mrs.
C. Wilson, Oakland, Cal. ; Mr. and
Mrs. Calkins, Berkeley, Cal. ; Fred W.
Hortou, Boston, Mass. ; Harman V.
Morse, Baltimore, Md. ; A. W. Love
laud, Eureka, Kans. ; G. H. Shadiug
er, Snohomish, Wash. ; Mr. Davison,
Washington, D. C. ; Dr. M. Boyes,
Portland, Or. ; Mr. aud Mrs. Geo.
Hatchelder San Francisco ; Mr. O. T.
Paxton, of Portland; Mr. Hart ol
Portland; Mr. and Mrs. H. M. Beall,
San Francisco; Mr. and Mrs. J. H.
Banks, Portland.
A Noteworthy Event All Next Wiek.
On next Monday evening, July 31st,
the popular and noteworthy Madison
Square Theater company opens t
week's engagement at the opera bouse,
presenting one of the strongest reper
toire of plays ever offered to Hood
Kiver theatre-goers at popular prices.
The company is composed of four
teen acting people of high standing
merit, and the ptess and public of tbt
east, south aud west all unite in a
unit of the highest praise, naming this
company as one of the best evei
brought to the coast.
The repertoire of plays speak for
theselves, aud ia composed of such re
nowned successes as "A Woman's Bit
ter Atonement," "The Rogues' Gal
lery," "A Kentucky GirL" "The
Struggle of Life," "Our Summer
Boarder," "A Private Secretary,"
"The Octoroon," "Down on the
Farm," and others, all of .; which are
royalty manuscript plajs.
Special scenery and wardrobe will
be used used for each play presented.
New and refined specialties lietweeu
act", making two shows iu one at peo
ple's popular prices 2T), 35 and 50
cents; seats are now on sale for this
noteworthy event, at the Glacier
W. C. T. I . Women Entertain.
Tuesday evening the ladies of the
W. C. T. U. gave a reception at the
home of R. B. Bragg, presided over
by Mrs. Smith, for the 15 new mem
bers who gave their names to the un
iou while the gifted Mrs. Graves was
here in the interests of temperance
and woman suffrage. The ladies also
bad as their guests their husbands.
aud a very pleasant evening was spent
by those present. Many encouraging
words were spoken by the geutlemen
for the good cheer of the workers.
Au old time "evidence" meeting was
participated in, iu which a number of
the members stated facts aud reminis
Ice cream and cake were served on
the lawn aud Mrs. Smith pro.ved her
self an entertaining hostess indeed.
The W. C. T. U. are proud of their
new members aud expect them soon
to lie in readiness with harnesB on for
the long but sure pull for purer and
better homes and lands. E. C. B.
In Hood River, Wednesday night.
July 19, Alice M. Khouds and Kay
mund Hill, both of this city. The
bride is the daughter of Elder J. S.
Bhoads of the United Brethren
church. Rev. E. Brayford performed
the ceremony. Mr. and Mrs. Hill will
reside in The Dalles.
A mid-summer wedding occurred at
the Poling ho- e Saturday morning,
when Kev. 1). V. Poling united in
marriage Abraham Evans and Miss
Bertha Legrande, H. D. Parkins and
Irene Poling being witnesses. The
groom has been in business in Hood
Kiver, but tbey expect to make their
home in Portland, after a wedding
trip to Long Beach. Chronicle.
Child Not Expecied to live From One
Hour lo Another, Hut Mired by
Chamberlain' Colic, Cholera anil
Diarrhoea Remedy.
Ruth, the little daughter of K. N.
Dewey of Agnew ville, Vs.. was serious-
V or cholera inlanium last Mitiitmr.
"Weg 'velier up and did not expect
ln-r l live from one hour to another,"
be rays. I ba pened to think of Cham
berlain's Colic, Cholera mid Diarrhoea
Remedy and got a bottle of it from the
store. In five hours I saw a change for
the better. We kept on giving it and
before she had taken the half of one
small Uittle she was well." This rem
edy is fir sale by Williams' Pharmacy.
Clarle's Cough Elixir
will cure tha coughj Price m only 25
Best Spraying Material
at the lowest prices at Clarke'setor e.
For M yuri naid.nt ol One on tnd Waih
(ton. Bu btd uny Tera li
Real bUM matter, u tbatrulor. Maroon
tltlM and acauh taUalaoUoo guaraataad a
a chart.
Abstracts Furnished. Honey Loaned.
Hood River, Oregon.
p C. BR081U8, M. D.
'Phons Central, or 111.
Offlos Honrs: 10 to 11 A. M.j J to
and 0 to 7 P. M.
Teacher of Piano
Will receive uiuno miptltt st the reKldence
of Mrs. li. 1). Mlwwarl, HikmI Kiver. Terms
reasonable, rail anernooim or phone
F.8.8HM1.KY, K.L.Smith, K.O IIi.ancbab
lre. Vice-l'rw. ('ashler.
The First National Bank
Capital and Surplus, $:t0,000.
KxtHhlinhed June 1, ltMVt.
Specialist ou Crown and llrtdge Work.
Telephone)): olllce, 28.1; residence, 1015
Office over Bunk Hldf. Hood Kiver, ore.
In prepared to do hiiv work in the vcterltv
ary line. He ran be round by calling at or
pnomiig to uiarite a uruK store.
Berry Growers.
We want to handle your strawber
rics and other produce, for e are in
position to gej von the best prices.
Write us. A. I). KLOW'EKS & CO.,
Seattle. Wah.
Fancy creamery butter at McGuire
Bos. Ilazelvtcsd and Wasbougal
We are prepared to mike plant for np-to-d.te
buildings, aud handle all Klndi of build
ing oontravta. He u before building.
(Successor to lir. M. F. ISImw.
Calls promptly answer d In town or country
iy or Nignt.
Telephones: Resilience, (ill: Office, MM.
Ottice III the lliosius liullillim.
Physician and Surgeon
Office over the First National bank.
Office phone 1433. Kes. phone 7iX 1 ,
Office In the Smith Building. Phone m
DeaUri In Preih and Cured MmU. Lard,
roultry, rtuiu ana vcgeuoiet.
raoNi m
In the County Court of the Htate of Oreiron
for the County of Wawo.
Iu the mailer of the Kntute of George Owen,
aweawu, uy rawitru i ook, AiimmiKiriuor.
To the tievtHtfwt and helm mid all othtrs un
known, and Oeorice Orton Owen, father of
Ueorge Owen, deceased, Ureetliiic:
in the name 01 tne mate or Oregon, you are
hereby cited and required to amtear in the
County Court ot the MUite of dreg n, for the
County of Wawo, at the July term of Kuid
Court, at the Court room thereof, at Imllett
City. In said county, on Monday, the 2Hth day
of AuieuHl, HKV at ten o'clock In the forenoon
of that day, then and there to how cause, if
any exist, wny an order or HHle should not tt
mtide of the real estate sought to he sold In
accordance witu Hie prayer ol tne petti ion ol
the administrator, hdward Cook, heretofore
hied In tins cause, and which said real estate
therein described Is situate in the county ol
wasco ana HiHie oi oregon, ana is Known ah
the south halt on lie southwest quarter or the
northwest qiiHrter of section twelve, in town
ship two north, of range ten east, of the Will
amette Mtridiun, containing i acres ot land,
more or less, and the part of which said land
Houghtto be sold Is the undivided one-hall
interest Deionging to aatd estate.
This citation Is Issued by order of the Conn
ty Court of Wasco County, Oregon, A. K. Lake,
County Judue, entered on the Mh day of July,
lWfi. and txihli allot. Is made In Hood Kiver
i lacier, published weekly in said county and
state as a weekly newspaper of general circu
lation, n accordance with the terms of said
order, for lour successive weeks, and for five
successive insertions, the first mimical Ion of
which rai er showing this Citation Is the 27 ill
day ol July, A. 1. li 6
Wiihetw (he ilon. A. K IA K K, Judge
nralJ ot the said County Court, with the
rtem 01 sum t oun Hmxeu, mis mm
riuv tf lulu A Ik ItiV.
Attest: S. UoLTON.cierk. '
Notice herehv riven, that at a special moot
ing of the hoard of directors ot the Hood Kiver
Irrigation District, held at their of tie in the
Mt. Hood Hotel, In SHtd district. on HHturday,
lie lfth nay ot July, mi , tl whs estimated
and determined by the Hoard of IMreetorso!
said Irrigation District that It Is necessary to
raise wiu.OiJU 00 for the purpost of coiihtructlnif
the necessary Irrigating canals and works,
and nc(iilrtng the necssary property and
right therefor, and otherwise carrying out
the provisions of the act under which said
district wan org ft nixed.
Hatd Hoard at the same time and place also
called a secial election to he held at ttie time
and place hereinafter mentioned, at which
shall be submitted to the electors of aald Irri
gation District the question whether or not
me nonoHor aiu nistrici in me amount aoove
mentioned shall be issued; aud the Hoard di
rected that notice thereof he given in the
manner provided by law, the said notice (o
be signed by the secretary of the board of directors.
Now, therefore. In pursuance of the forego
ing authority, notice ia hereby given that a
special election will be held at the Barrett
school house, In the Hood Ittver Irrigation
District, in Wasco County, Oregon, on Satur
day, the 121 h day of August, iiKir, at which
shall beHiihmlttrd to the electors ot said Irri
gation District the question whether or not
he bonds or sam district shall he Issued In
the sum of jKt,0l)tMX, for the purposes above
mentioned, t he pons at such election will he
opened at the hour of K o'clock a. m. and will
be closed at the hour or o clock p. ui., and
said election will be held and the result Ihete-
ot determined and declared in all resjx-cU as
nearly as praciicame in conformity wi.nine
requirements of the law concerning the elec
tion of officers foi said district.
Notice is lurt her iriveu that J. K. Helme. J.
O, Kftsitnan and J. W. Intfails were regularly
appointed Judges of said election, and ,. if.
A meson, J no. t astner and i,. I'lnsmore clerks
liv order of the Board of Directors of the
Hood Kiver Irrigation District.
J ri . PliOKMAKKK,
Secretary of the Hoard.
Dated at Hood Kiver, Oregon, this 15th day
of July. llHk'i. JJUnM
PR. JONES, Dentist
Crown and Bridge Work.
Teeth Without Plates.
Treatment of diwHwd tettli and (rmng.
Ortliv Hriwiim ISuildin-. i'lmne 1011.
Oltlce In Smith HiilMlng.
Office phone i Ittwldciicc phone ma j
J. F. WATT, M D. j
Telephones: offlee, ; resilience, 811.
Physician and Surgeon.
Offices ami H. slilence In E. I.. Smith Hullillng
Over Htm Net. Hunk Kinraure, rear
ol hank, on Third St.
I'lione ail.
The Real Estate,
Insurance, Loan and
Collection Bureau
Edwin A. Henderson, Manager.
Xntarj Public
Five Hi'ii'S, 5 room house, tn miles
west of town, frjtHMH); part cash.
1(H) acres, uirmprovt'il, f 00 per
6j acres. ;l miles out, 2 lionet', fruit
trecH, berries and hay, $I0o0.
fi3 ii'r,,p. r' room house, clover, alfal
fa, 150 apple trees, $i:l.r0; terms.
10 acres near l'arkerton, lo'eil off,
$275 cash.
30 acres line orchard, irrigating witter,
$500.00 per nere; terms.
30 acres Spilzenher's and Nevt towns,
f iHl per acre ; terms.
15 acres, 12 acres cultivated. 3 acres
old family orchard, II acres Newtowns
and Spitzriil.iTus, all kinds of small
fruit, all in hay, ti room house, stone
milk house, $250 per acre; terms.
10 acres unimproved, across road
from above, 'tHI per acre.
10 acres, 2 miles from town, house,
300 Newtowns and Spit.i'iiherns, 2 acres
rotatoes, 7,r) cherry trees, (i acres clover,
barn, chicken house, line well, tl inches
irrigation water, $3000; $1500 cash.
Wanted, proper! v on State road.
Lot 50 hv 11)0 ,2 st"rv N room house.
$ 12(H).
2 lots, nest end town, 5 room house.
$850; below hill.
2 lots, (1 room house, plastered, stone
foundation, on hill, $1200.
Lot 100 (eel sotiare, house, 3 rooms.
$000 on time; $.",i0 cash.
3 lots 50 liy 00, i) room house, ceiled,
buseinent, $2000; two thirds cash.
Beautiful lo's in Cue's addition. 25
per cent down, $5 per month at K per
cent interest.
3lotson hill 50 livitll, on hill; $100
2 lots, ii room house, ceiled, piped
with water, free water, $1H0U; $!HKI
3 lots, west end town, $1000; one-half
ash, balance S per cent.
Lots in t'oeV addition, on the install
ment plan.
2 lots, on brow of hill above postollice,
8 room house, plastered, 4 lots, all in
fruit trees, bearint;, $2,100; terms.
Two lots mid (i room house, $000 ; will
sell house and lot for $750.
Lot and one-hull, fi room bouse, barn,
outhouses, $H50 ; cash.
Sightly lots in Coo's addition. Side
Hoii-e and lot ,u f..u's addition, $850:
Uits at $.'!00 each in Hull's addition.
Kine !ot in llarretl S pma, $350.
Lot 8(1 liv 100, fenced, fi room house,
barn and woodshed, below hill, near
school hotisi , $1200.
Two lots, 50 by 100, iu front of school
on hill, (00.
L"t and house one-half block east of
post ollice, $850; 30 days.
Lots in foe's addition, on the install
ment plan. Houses to rent.
I am prepared to furnish water for
lomestic purposes at 50c per month;
bath ami toilet, 25c each ; irrigation, $1
per lot. Edwin A. IIkndkuson,
Agent 'or it. ('. Cop.
Mount Hood will burst forth in
Don't be alarmed, for the fire and smoke this old
mountain wifl send forth will look pale in compari
son to the great
which has been going on all summer at
Better bargains were never offered the careful buying public.
While we haven't been making the fuss about this that some have
about the coming of the great flood predicted for today, wa feel con
fident we have established ourselves firmly enough with our friends
to withstand anything that comes.
Money Makes the Mare Go." n
Aftr .Inly .'Ust we will ho on a cash basis. Wo fci-l that in justice to our
st'lvcs, as well as to you, our cnsli customers, we must take this course, nnd
now if you want roods as cheap in price as any Mie can sell for Cash, we
invite you to come.
We are grateful to you, our time customers, for your support in the
past, but we are confident tliat we can show you it is to your interest to
buy for cash, for pay day soon rolls around even on a t ime sale.
Your dollar will buy one dollar's worth, and we will show you we appre
ciate it.
if! I
Building Material, Carpets,
Paints, etc.
"ttiiffVirt1if fewwswZHMiZb3 Cmmmtmmmt CImmZwI ChmmhZ3 O
Hardware Stewart's Furniture
Seasonable Goods
Building Materials
N rSlriwlMri;viiiillr'H...lO0!(','n"in" W,)1 ,ilm'
, , rtC. plaster, per ton. S10.OO
amp stools 250' .. '.' .
ellow nr lath "Teen
Tents, up from $4.75 ((I. 2.Q5
Camp stoves $1.00 Mouldings, inside funiisliinjs
Hammocks 750 Columns, porcu roods.
Wnjroii covers, pillows. Doors and windows.
Foldin-caini) tables. Lime and cement.
. , . ' Pure prepared paint
rishinjr tackle. i.r-,illii 17R
inns, revolvers, ammunition Class in every style.
In more than doubling our store capacity our
whole intention is to be able to purchase all of our
roods in the quantities that secures lowest possible
cost and to be able to handle such stock with the
rreatest economy. It will hereafter be impossible
to lea ye home for purchases on account of prices or
assortment in
Hardware, Furniture, Crockery,
Williams' Pharmacy
Fine line of
Toilet Articles,
tc. Also
Spray Material
Ilrinjr in your Pr script ions.
FISH and
Goods delivered daily. Look
out for the
Fish Wagon
L. 0. HAWN,
One door Eit ol Pratlier'i office.
Glassware, Stoves, Tinware, The ff
and the thousands of articles which go to the; Fresh and Salt Meats, Groceries,
needs and comforts of a home. j m. i(.iivery , Hour and heed. Phone 15C
We furnish everything for build
ing a home. : : : :
Stoves Stewart's Crockery
Can get a First-Class 250 MEAL at the
P. F. FOUTS, Prop.