The Hood River glacier. (Hood River, Or.) 1889-1933, July 27, 1905, Image 8

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My Koswell Shelley.
Odell, East Hood River Valley, July
2! After about a week' absence, the
Odell man ie home again and none
the worse for the trip, save for the
fnnt of the thermometer bobbing
around and below the 100 mark, he in
inclined to be lazy, and will probably
not catch half the items that are
worthy of note tbla time.
The fellow who said that we never
had more than three continuous days
of warm weather at a stretch in at
present conspicuous by bia absence.
Like the Hon. O. B. Moore said the
other day at Gladstone Park, in intro
ducing the famous cartoonist, Homer
Davenport: "1 am not going to rink
my reputation by prophesying that
Davenport will make you a good
speech; decide for yourselves after
hearing him." 80 the weather prophet
along with some other prophets now
in our valley, bad best subside, for we
can do without them. After all, these
warm days bring their reward, for
these are the days when we like to be
the ice man. Itight this way, plenty
of ice cold soft drinks at a nickle a
glass at the Little White store. This
ic was harvested from pure spring
water, when the thermometer regis
tured 108 degrees coldei than at this
Rev. J. II. Carnes of Terre Haute,
Did., la a guest of his brother, W. L.
Carnes. Last Nuuday at 11 a. in. be
preached an earnest, eloquent sermon
at the Union churob at Udell, taking
for bis theme the consecrated life of
Daniel, arguing that to do right was
easier than to do wrong, and paid
abundantly in this life, to say noth
ing of the future that awaits us. Mr.
Carnes is educated, cultured and ex
ceedingly graceful in the pulpit, and
soon convinced his hearers that he
needed no holp. He strikes from the
shoulder and hits hard. The crowd
seemed to enjoy the sermon Immense
For Chapped Hands, Sunburn and Rough Skin
Superior Toilet Cream
It is tho fluent preparation for chapped hands, sun
burn, rough skin, smarting from shaving, chafing from
raw-edged collars, and other skin ailments. It has de
lightfully Hoothing, clearing, softening and healing quali
ties, and is just the toilet cream to use for cases of sun
burn. It is not greasy or sticky, drying in uickly, so
that gloves can be worn immediately after using, and
leaves the skin soft and white. Try it once, anil you can
not help wanting to use it again.
Price, 25 cents per bottle.
Smith Mock.
..W. F. LARA WAY..
Diamonds Watches
Did you ever notice the Italance wheel in your watch'.' The balance wheel ot a watch gives five vibrations even
second, three hundred every minute, 18,000 every hour, 4:!'.',0(K) everyday, and I,"r.4S0,iHM every year. Ateacii
vibration it rotates about one and a quarter times, making l!Ui,S,"0,000 revolutions everv year.
In order that we may UUter undertand the stiendous amount of labor performed by these tiny wi.rks. let us
make a comparison with n locomotive having six-foot driving wheel'. Let it Iv run until its wheels shall have
given the same number ot revolutions that a watch balance gives in one year, and it w ill have covered a distance
equal to twenty-eight complete circuits of the earth. All tins a watch docs without other attention than winding
once every twenty-four hours.
Now, suppose both machines started in good order. The locomotive is oiled every titty minutes, is carefully
wiped and cleaned before being oiled. So that while doing the work of a watch for one year, it has been cleaned
6,if5 and oiled 23,010, (and is now in the tdiop for repairs.) While vour watch suppose it doen't look very dirty
and eveo it It still keeps pretty fair time wouldn't it do liettcr service and wear much longer if carefiillv cleaned
and properly oiled ONCE to every 14, (KM time a locomotive is?
ly, each one of us consoling ourselves
with the thought that he meant the
other fellow. We enjoyed tho sermon
and have heard many similar expres
sions concerning it. There were four
of the Carnes brothers present J. 1'.,
W. L., the Rev. J. H. and S. R.
There are six brothers in all, two of
whom reside in Powder Run valley.
Concerning this large family of hoys,
the preacher assured us publicly that
he would tell no tales out of school,
and we gladly pay ill 111 this compli
ment, that if he is as good a initu an
his brother and our neighbor, W. L.
Carnes, he will pass muster even as a
Last Saturday the families of Mr.
Carter and Mr. Marshall of the east
side settlement passed through Odcll
lu search of a cooler place, some
where up Hood liver 011 the falls
Many camp outfits have passed this
way recently. Indeed, there is a
strong temptation to follow the trail
of the soft whispering broe.a, as it
comes fresh to us from the depths cl
the forest, hut Duty's lash whips ok
Into line. These hot days will pigt
ail too quickly Ly, ami then again
the winter days on. So as the
f ears speed swiftly by, the winter of
ife comes too soon. To those who
improve the opportunities that sum
mer offers, winter has no dread. May
this not apply to Lie?
L. I). Iloyed ha the contract of
d.iubling tho capacity of the Odcll
public school building. When the
plans are carried out and the building
stands upon the ground completed in
detail according to the plans (and it
will lie) it will be a credit to the dis
trict. We are always glad to note
such lmpbrovements, foi I ehind such
an enterprise is the spirit of progres
sion that at present is pern 1 iting this
Western country, and which will add
laurels to its future, lint ve don't
heal anything more about tho piping
of spring water to the school grounds.
Is It possible that the district, wide
awake as it is to the necessity of in
creasing the school facilities by in
creasing the number of rooms and
teachers, shall let the time go by and
fail to provide pure water, and this,
too, at the epxenso of the health of
the pupils? We hope not. A medical
lecture last week at Gladstone Park
Eye Glasses and Spectacles
Specially Ground
No extra charge for ene'raving'.
on this part icular question should have
been hoard by every patron of the
Odcll school. And while on the water
question, is it not about time to ask
the question when will Odell be fur
nished with water for irrigating pur
poses? There is little' use to sow
spring crops or even plant gardens
here without water for irrigation pur
poses, and Odcll will continually be
handicapped until she gets the water
she is untitled to.
The big pay roll above here on the
railroad work adds materially to the
business at Odell.
Hansen & Thomson of Dukes Vulloy
are now running their saw mill with a
full force and have a capacity of about
20,000 feet of daily. This is another
new ind istry, through which Odell
derives direct benefit ill the way of
trade. In fact Odell is the bub of a
large section of Kast Hood River val
ley, and within a few weeks even old
residents will be surprised at certain
developments that are almost sure to
materialize, concerning which we are
not yet at liberty to speak.
A few days ago business called us to
the randies of Frank Strang and J.
W. Wilson, a short distance southwest
of Odell. Over there in a sort of bole
in the world we found Frank Strang
with 4D acres and J. W. Wilson with '20
acres, each of which tract is partly
developed. They already have a
nursery stock of 10,000 trees, growing
on land which will prove the home of
the apple. Their land joins aa-i lays
line, with just enough slope for irri
gation, and is situated only a quarter
of a mile from the line of railroad
now lieiug built up the valley. Who
of the old timers when they Hrstcame
ever dreamed of tho iron Jhorse cir
cling the valley and skirting the foot
hills during their life time? Not one
of them. Then who of us if told ot
the wonderful things that will come
to us inside tho next ten years to
come? Not one of us. Think of the
prostrations, suffering and death in
Kastern cities by reason of heat.
Then remember that when evening
comes in Hood River valley and
Mount Hood's gentle breezes Inn our
brows that we can lie down aud sleep
and arise next morning refreshed.
No man knoweth the day nor hour
when tho son of God shall again ap
pear Neither can he tell when some
Losing your hair? Coming
out by the combful? And
doing nothing? No sense in
that! Why don't you use
Ayer's Hair Vigor and
Hair Vigor
promptly stop the falling?
Your hair will begin to grow,
too, and all dandruff will dis
appear. Could you reason
ably expect anything better?
Ajor'i llnlr Vliror ! rrt iiimom whli
me Mr hHlr wtl fMllhiif out very bHillf. lute
th Hair Vigor tmii It null now my Imlr i
ftil riKit." W. C. I.OUBDUM, Uudnf, Cl.
(I Ml hnttl. J. O. AVER CO..
All 'lrm-t;nn. t 1.(.wlt. Mbm
great phenomena in nature will take
place. The man is not yet born that
la big enough intellectually to compre
hend the philosophy of one lilade of
grass. Then why listen to the silly
twaddle of noma self styled inspired
humbug who is telling you that some
thing awful is going to happen on a
specille day. Rotten eggs or tar and
feathers are not too had for the fellow
who works upon the nervous of weak
people who allow some one else to do
their thinking,
Hay halersarein demand aud in ev
idence about Odell these days.
We are well located for the building
of a creamery. We have the hay in
abundance. All we lack is cows in
sulticient numbers, but the herd will
soon lie increased and with the ad
vent of creameries will begin an era of
prosperity never before hoard of in
the vullcy. Let us keep the good work
going until we have accomplished
Last week the following party of
Odellitos left home for Idaho: Clare
Crockett and his sisters Ada aud Vera,
and Wm. Kemp and wife; also Dr.
Howley and brother of Hood River.
Tho Odell party went in search of
health for Miss Ada Crockett, who has
been ill for some time. Her friends
indulge the hope that she may Mud re
lief in a higher altitude.
We have some excellent bargains in
real estate and shall gladly show them
to parties looking for snaps.
Last week Henry Walter and J. V.
firnok, two young men from the East,
were touring the valley by way of
The board of directors of the Apple
O rowers union were out last Monday
canvassing the valley with reference
to tiiis season's pack. C. Dethuiau
and (!. II. Sprout called at tho Little
White Store and informed us that the
growers were taking up the matter in
(lead earnest with the union, and
that present indications point to bet
tre prices for this season's crop than
those obtained last year. One thing
is noticeable about the Hood River
apple, to wit: The larger the output
the better the price, provided always
the pack is good. Each season adver
tises the former one.
Mrs. C. E. (topple has returned
home from Eugene, where she bad
been visiting her parents.
Mrs. licit Snyder who hac been in
Washington all summer visiting hag
returned home.
lames Snyder Returned Monday
from the fair at Portland. He says
it is a great show and something there
to interest any one. The mining and
machinery halls is wiiat took his at
tention. Mr. and Mrs. 11. Everhart of Cas
cade Locks spent Sunday at the home
of Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Ross.
Mrs. Nellie Shepard, Mr. and Mrs.
Me( 'amnion and daughter of Eston,
Kas., who have been visiting at the
homo of W. J. Ross for the past two
weeks, left Tuesday for Portland.
They will spend some time at the fair
before returning home. They are well
pleased with the west and may return
some time in the future.
On Wednesday evening. July 19. by
request of liev. Elkiiisniid wife, pastor
of the Valley church, a large number
, or Ins parishioners gathered at the
parsonage and spent a very pleasant
I aud sociable time.
I it was the writer's privilege to he
I pesent at a quiet wedding on Weilnes
1 day evening, July lit. at the United
Brethren parsonage, Hood Kiver, the
contracting parties being Hay Hill aiifl
.Miss Alice M. lilioads, daughter of
Presiding Elder Khoads. Kev. E.
IJniyford tied the knot in a very few
words, after which all repaired to a
richly prepared table, all doiug jus
tice to the elegant provisions provid
ed. John Wilson lias just llnished bal
ing over 30 tons of very fine hay.
1 Nothing better than good hay; then
I w hen you have got your hay, get some
good cows to consume it; then estab
i lUli a milk or cream route, and get
j your cream checks every month.
Prod Dunn has moved his house
hold elfects from the Stewart ranch.
I'red says he does not like to haul
water, so he will locate near the
.Mrs. Lottie Mann left for The Dalles
on Wednesday last, after visiting with
Ma Woodman for a few days.
The prophet with the venerable pa
triarch have moved to the mountains
for safety. It must lie near the time
for the valley to be deluged. Sup
pose Mount Hood must be moving
and the tire so long smouldering must
have waked up as the waters of the
river are turned milky white. Per
haps the angel has been dowu and
troubled the waters as in days of old
at the Pool of liethesda. Suppose the
prophet will be like Jonah will wish
himself dead when his prophecy fails
to inaterilaize, which, of course, will
lie the case, for the end is not yet.
Mr. Dodson with his wife have
moved from Davenport mill toDukes
Valley saw mill.
Having, as we suppose, completed
the survey for the H. R. 1. Ditch Co.,
we have been expecting that the di
rectors would call a public meeting
and then make a statement to the
farmers as to the work done aud who
has estimated the cost of building the
new- ditch. lhere are quite a few
fanners who need enlightening on the
cost of the ditch. We think it would
be much better to get in touch with
eery farmer by discussing this mat
ter of loadiug the dirt, then we be
lieve evey farmer will say: "We will
vote for the money to build the ditch.
In m mmm
Thin Hair
1 ' "fiwnw
This community was formerly known
as Uppei Mount Hood, but as a peti
tion has been forwarded to the de
partment at Washington asking for a
postotJlce at this point to lie called
Ulacier, such will tie its designation
until further notice. '
Milton Pealer of Hood River is vis
iting Mr. Kirkpatrick for a few days.
Frank Pealer, while going home the
other night, ran into a rut and was
thrown from his wheel. He hasn't
been able to be around since.
Father (Jroff, while hoeing In the
garden this morning, heard a teirible
acres m and looking up saw the cattle
running home from the pasture and
behind them was a large cougar.
Chas. Thomas is going on a two
weeks' vacation. We surmise to see a
lady friend.
George Monroe is going to Portland
to visit bis father for a few days.
Later he is going up to Starbuck to
Mrs. Ruff aud daughter with friends
from Portland are visiting their sum
mer home, Glacier View.
Joseph L. Groff is hauling lumber
for bis bouse aud barn. We expect
he will be bringing a cook home soon.
Mr. Ilegarman and son are visiting
the Lewis aud Cl.rk exposition.
The weather is very hot. The past
few days being a hundred and four in
the shade.
Mrs. (1. C. Ruff and daughter are up
from Portland and are visiting in
Mount Hood. They are accompanied
by Mrs. Teyson.
Mrs. Morgan and family are guests
of R. 11. Morton.
The Mount Hood Mill Co. are sup
plying the lumber for the new school
bouse at Odell. The mill men are kept
very busy these days keeping lumber
on hand to meet the demand.
O. M. liailey of Fruita, Colo., ac-
. . 1 1 1 . 1. 1 . . I 1!
cuinpauieu uy 111s wiie, spent a rew
days here last week, looking after bus
iness interests.
The Mount Hood Development
league will meet at the hall Saturday
afternoon at 2:1)0 p. m. All resi
dents of Mount Hood are urged to at
tend, as matters of importance will
come before the meeting.
Mrs. Warren Cooper has gone to
Lost Lake to camp a few weeks with
her husband, who is forest ranger at
that place.
James Davidson has at last secured
his greatest desire a new buggy but
from appearances last Sunday it will
be necessary for him to get an omni
bus. ,
Miss Mildred Cooper, who has been
spending the summer with her sister,
Miss Nan Cooper, has returned to her
home in The Dalles.
D. R. Cooper aud family left for
Portland Tuesday to spend a week at
the fair. Miss Lizzie Cooper will look
after the ranch during their absence.
Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Robertson of
the East Side spent a few days in this
neighborhood lust, week ciuirinir uif h
the families of H. li. Lindosy, Profes
sor Ameson aud Charlie Reed.
Mr. mid Mm II A Tlubuff i..t
to Portland on last Wed nnsduv mid re
turned on Monday. Resides "hitting
the trail," they wont by boat to the
coast. They came home smiling. Why
do people always come home smiling
after visiting the fair.
Mrs. Llndsoy is still quite unwell.
John Jakku and Henry Steffansen
left for the harvest ilelds in the Klick
itat valley, Washington on Monday of
this week.
Mrs. P. II Murrin lu u.iifuri,,,, ;..
tensely with a boil in one of her ears.
airs. l w. McCuine, accompanied
by her two young daughters, also by
her father-in-law, Mr. McCuine, sr.,
and her sistei-iu law, Mrs. Hewitt,
and her two young sons of Sail Fran
cisco, also Miss Nettie liello Crupper,
with Will Crapper acting in the role of
"Jehu," returned 011 'last Friday af
ternoon from an outing to Mount
Hood. They looked very cheerful
and happy on their return ami as
Mount Hood is a "big thiug"we sup
pose that they had a line large time.
Old soldiers attention ! All old sol
diers are asked to meet at White Sal
mon on Saturday July 21), in the af
ternoon to take action in the manner
of organizing a post of the Grand
Army of the Republic Uy request
of a number of old soldiers.
At the regular meeting of tho Good
will ;Lodge No. 188, 1. O. O. F, the
following ottlcers were installed: No
ble Grand, Theodore Suksdorf; Vice
Grand, JolinG. Wyers; Seeretaiy,(iuy
Crow; Treasurer, A. 11. Jowett; Sec
retary, Frank Groshong: District Dep
uty Grand Master, Charles L. Greg
ory. The lodge is in a flourishing
condition; new members are being
taken iu at each meeting.
The fact that the railroad company
is now buying the right of way and
paying cash for the same on this side
of the river begins to look as though
we would surely have a railroad here
in the near future. Tho wait for the
railroad has 1m en so long and promises
made so often that many of the old
settlers will not believe they are go
ing to get a read until they hear the
toot of the engine, but all indications
now point to the actual consumatioii
of the scheme. We are yet in the
dark as to what road is belli ml the en
terprise but that is a secondary con
sideration anyway. We want the road
aud do not care particularly who the
owners of it may lie.
Advertised Letter List.
For week ending July 24, 1!KQ:
Maud Cleveland, Mrs. M. C. Foley,
HattieGrittin, Mis. R. Jones, Mrs. S.
A. Norwood, Mrs. J. D. Peterson,
Miss Hello Shields (2), Ordway Alleu
baugh, Hugh Hraskear, Mrs. Myra
Humett, James Chapmau (Hi, Jesse
DeWitt, Ed Duiimire. J. C. Emmel,
Lingi Fautelli, W. L. Fisher, liert
Howe, Chas. Joeohsm, John R. Ellis,
Glide McConnell. C. E. Mason, Hat
Mcvjuin. F. Mnlkins, Geo. W. Nun
nersake. Geo. Ouliu, G. W. Piper,
N. C. Rhoades, Percy Stay, Strauhal
A Co., Ash Wilson, K. J. Vandeuhurg,
J. H Swnebuurie.
W. M. YATES, P. M.
Forced to Starve.
15. F. I.eek, of Concord, Ky, says:
For 0 years I sutlered agonies, with
a sore on my upper lip, co painful,
sometimes, that I inuld not eat After
vainly trying everyihing else, I cured
it, w ith liucklen's Arnica Salve." It's
great for burns, cuts, and wounds At
('. N. Clarke's drug store; Only 25c.
Have Veil Sprayed Vet !
Get your material of Clarke and save
All watch. Clock and jewelry repair
work guaranteed by Clarke,the" jeweler. ,
Preparatory to making some changes now under
under consideration, we will make
Reductions on all
Summer Dress Goods
Underwear, Hats,
Dry Goods, Shoes
Batistes and Lawns, ranging in price from 7c
to 10c, go at, per yard "U
A nice line of Cotton Challies, in exception
ally pretty patterns, for wrappers, Kominos J
and Quilt tops 2
Veils, Mousselline, De Sois, ranging in price 4 0L
from 15c to 17c, at
Embroidered Panamas and Plaid Crepes,
ranging in price from 25c to 2c, go at 9flf
per yard CUC
Ladies' Shirt Waists
and Wash Skirts
Only a few of them left, but will close them out at
exceptionally low prices.
Children's Clothing
.'55 Suits, 4 to 10 years old, at half price. If
your boy needs a suit, you can't afford to miss this
We nre prepared to
deliver ICE to any part of
the city. 'Phone No. 313
Tompkins Bros.
Please 'phone your orders 10 a. m.
Some Bargains.
Our lift contains aliout 40 different
tracts of fruit ami general farm lands in
Mosier; about iMK) acres in Underwood,
divided into tracts of from 40 o 320
acres, each; also about 18- different
tracts of farm property in Hood River
valley, anil some very desirable resi
dences in Hood Kiver and Moie.r
33. ti acres i mile out; berries and
orchard. A beautiful location. Will be
sold at a bargain.
62. 35 acres one-half mile from Mt.
Hood P. O. 14 acres in clover, 4 in hay
1.J in strawberries, 1 share water, 2
houses, all for $1400.
24. 42 acres Smiles out, 1(1 acre in
orchard, 10 full bearing. First-class im
provements. A beautiful home.
28. 80 acres, 5 acres 7-year-old apple
trees, balance in clover and general
farming. New 4-room house.
2. 4ii acres in the most beautiful por
tion of the valley. 4 acres in orchard
one vear old, 3! acres in lierries, 4 acres
in alfalfa, balance general farming.
81. 10 acres 4 miles out; splendid
soil; 1 acre apples, best varieties; one
year planted. 1 acres in strawlierries,
2 acres in potatoes, f acres in clover.
114. Two IliO-acre facts about nine
miles out; one on e:ist side, other west
side. Choice for $1 1(H).
A number of 5, 10, 20 and 40 acre
tracts of unimproved hind that will
liear investigation Also a number of
large tracts from KiO to320jicres in Ore
gon and Washington
Some few residences and lots in every
portion of the citv.
Real Estate Agents
Hood River. Oregon.
The very finest line of Pianos, from the cel
ebrated Chickering, the renouned Weber, the
line Kimball, which is used and known for its
purity of tone and easy action, the silver-toned
Hobart M. Cable, and on down the line of
Pianos to suit your means and pocket book,
IV sure to write for terms, or come and see
The Dalles, Oregon.
and almost every
thin"1 in
Tropical and
California Fruits
Cherries, Nuts
Oyster Parlor
S. L. Young
Phone, Main f)..
White Salmon-Hood Kiver
Two big sail boats, two
big perfectly safe gasoline
launches and two big ferry
scows. Expert sailors in
charge. Boats leave at all
hours. I)KX & PEAKSOX
Lirenurd Ferrymrn.
"The Half Way House"
The Falls Hotel
The most beautiful spot on
the White Salmon river.
Xew house, L'O fine, large
rooms, newly furnished.
Large feek barn in connec
tion, llusum, Wash.
Well Digging
Boring or drilling. InqnlreofK. M. Hunt.