The Hood River glacier. (Hood River, Or.) 1889-1933, July 27, 1905, Image 6

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There 1 one thing sure, the people
of White Salmon and vicinity can
pride themselvea on the fine itore of
U. M. Wolfard & Co. It is an excep
tion to all rulea to find auoh a perfect
department store with a atook of goodi
exceeding 15,UO0.0O in a little city
the aize of White Simon, but that ia
the real condition. The writer made
a visit and put in a few hours at the
store lant Saturday afternoon and
soon realized Juat what an important
trading point it is. Ranchers from
a distance of twenty miles were
there and all hands were busy, and
while the ranchers were loading up
and taking the goods away teams were
at the warehouse unloading goods to
replenish the stook. Mr. Wolfard,
the bead of the firm, Is loath to state
just how much business is done an
nimllv. but it is based upon the Judg
ment of the writer that over J75.UOO
in merchandise leaves the store every
' When one stops to consider the de
partments it is no wonder that the
ranchers from Oilmer, Trout Lake,
Ulenwood, Camas Prairie, Husum,
and Pine Flat, center at this store for
supplies. Mr. Wolfard has long en
joyed the reputation of selling goods
cheaper by 20 per cent than any of his
competitors. He does this not to un
dersell tbe small merchant, but to
meet squarely the big fellows of Port
land. One of tbe Interesting features
of bis trade is that be draws trade
from Hood River. Of course be was
for many years a merchant of Hood
River and still baa many friends here,
but it would appear that the real cause
was owing to the fact that the assort
ment and the price appealed to bis
Hood River friends.
Other than a full and complete line
of provisions, he bas a dry goods
department that would do well for a
cltv many times the size of this city.
His druif department is one of the
bent on the Washington side. He
makes a strong feature of his clothing
denurtmeut. and bis furniture ana
hardware stock will equal that of m jst
of the cities many times larger, men
comes his jewelry, crockery and china
ware and his flour and feed ; in fact,
it is a ueneral department store such
us nne would expect to find ill a city
of at least '25,(100. The large building
is (10x70 fuet on the ground. In ad
dition to the big store and one ol the
features tbat adds to tbe trend that
way. Is the postolltce. Mr. Wolfard
has been looking after the affairs ol
Uncle Hum for the past six years. Mr,
W oil lire) is a native of Oregon, and
for many years conducted a store It
Hood River, and for several years be
fore he permanently locatod in Whitt
Kid mi on was a member of tbe Hrm ol
Wolfard & lloue. Since he has tukei.
hold be bas made it a big success ai d
the people in general have ltaiued U
regurd til tn as a of his wold, and
oue wlio at all tines mnlnaoi-H to In
andgitetlie po ie the terybetc
values uml Mt tho ery bett o.' prices.
A j ear ugo be added moie depart,
in mi td and took in u ore capitiil, tak
in as a paitncr S. C. ZioKler. In
bus jimt added many improvement
to his home and now has oue of tU
rrtstty residences in White Salmon,
lie and bis family take great luterest
in all things socially that tend to add
to tho bright side of life In the prom
ising and hustling oity of White Sal
mon. Experts In Their Line.
Cue of the busy firms of White Sal
mon Is the linn of Rosegrant & Ever
hart, the contractors and builders.
Tbe Una makes It a rule to carry ev
erything iu stock that Is needed for
tbe construction of a house, lioth
members of the Arm, F. L. Rose-
?rant and O. W. Everbart, came from
lutte, Mont., two years ago. Uoth
were enthused with tbe country and
purcrised property erecting the build
lug i jw occupied by A. W. Ilulslger
and vi , Illesunz, and are at present
in nit ng au extension of twelve feet to
tbe bulldliiu. Most all of tbe new
woik that bus gone up during their
resilience lu the oity has beeu done
by the linn. Mr. Rosengraut baa had
twelve years experience lu contract
ing. He baa a 100-aore homestead and
au HO-uo re timber claim. He is doln,
a treat deal of work on his ranch am
it is bis iiiteutlou to go heavily In the
fruit business. O. W. Everbart bas
been actively engaged at his trade for
eight years ami contracting lor nearly
three years. He baa 100 aores In the
Pine Flat country, twelve miles from
White Salmon. It Is his Intention to
W. S. Locke, 1 miles
north, has
KiO acres and twelve acres in fruit
trees. He is oue of the old timers
aud successful ranchers of this sec
tion, having lieeu continuously on the
same site for 18 years. Ha la confi
dent of the soil, aud will add more to
his orchard.
C. A. Slssou, for eleven years has
lived on his i;ki-acre ranch, two miles
north of the cltv. He has four acres
in fruit trees. He is chief engineer
at the saw mill.
J. II. Evans, Ave miles north, has
10U acres with 2', in fruit. He has
oue of tbe best apple orchards In tbe
valley, and Is an expert in a sense.
Thirty acres have been cleared, and
if he remains be will go more heavily
iu the fruit . growing.
Abe Urosboug, four miles, north of
tbe city, bas one of tbe fleuly im
proved ranches of 120 acres. There
are over 30 aores under cultivation aud
about three acre in fruit. ,
kJ I , v y- t , . (
. i jt pjjy,. , jM m-mJ-::,f pj Vx ' r,
' v. "
go into the fruit business as last as
tbe land is cleared. Both members
nt th Arm are married and bave add
ed great deal to tbe social side of
life in the city.
Prominent Uefrrj Orower.
J. P. Egan bas one of tbe flue berry
ranches along tbe beautiful Columbia
river and Is one of tbe Influential
citizens. He holds the ottloe or jus-
ti of the neace and Is :.ooiiuiycom-.'
miwtion and treasurer 'of the 'White
Rulmnn Km It union. His ranch is
one of the best in tbe valley, and bis
returns have been large. ,IIe Is of
Irish birth and bas all the- wit and
good nature of the sons of the Emer
ald Isle. He bas by prudenoe and
close application to business accumu
lated a comfortable fortune, and will
be able to rest on bis oars when creep
ing old age incapacitates him from
active duties. He is happily placed
so as to feel assured that the work
will go on, for be bas stalwart sons to
relieve bim of tbe burden. , .
Oosslp About Merchants and Ranchers
C. A. Nichols, up tbe mountain in
the Pine Flat country, bas 160 acres.
Ha is just at present constructing a
new residence. It is bis intention to
go Into tbe fruit business just as fast
as be clears bis land.
O. E. Larsen, 3 miles uortbeast of
the city, bas 150 acres of choice fruit
land. He bas live acres in strawber
ries and over 400 apple, peach and
pear trees, and was most successful this
year in bis crop, and it is bis inten
tion to put in more trees as fast as
be clears the land.
A. W. Balsiger one year ago last
June opened up his general store and
bis business bas beeu increasing day
by day. He curries a general stock
and has everything that one would ex
pect. Mr. UBlsiger is Interested in i
two lariw farms In Eastern Oregon and
It is bis intention of closing out there
and investing it all in Washington
soil He is forced to have more room,
it ia bis intention to erect a new mod
ern store building. During the course
of a year he has more than tripled bis
John Traua, constable and painting
contractor, is one of the busy men of
the city. He does a great deal of
good work in the city, and besides be
lug a flrst-cluMs contractor, is a good
peace otllcer.
A. II. Jowett's Picturesque
W. II. Cook Iiai one of tlm flue
oomesteads and be Is eoiug into the
fruit propostion as fast hh he cun
clear up. He bas great oontldenoe lu
the White Salmon valley ana believes
that in time it will be furnishing the
apples for the eutire world.
W. J. Fursusou, in the Cook addi
tion, has one of the line berry farms
lu the valley. The past year whs a
most successful oue for him. His hur
ries are early and bring big prices.
IU is another one who does not have
to irrigate.
Frank llurdoin, up the mountain
about two miles from White Salmon is
oue of the big fruit growers ou the
mountain. His place commands a
beautiful view of the country aud his
apples are very Hue Indued. Mr. llur
doin ia going Into fruit as fast as he
clears his land. He bas just complet
ed a trail dowu the mountain from
bis home to the city.
J. B. Denton, the proprietor of the
meat maket Is fastly establishing a
splendid business. Ho is thoroughly
conversant with the business and the
trade Is finding that when he serves
meat that It is the best that can be
K. W. Dreske, the jeweler, has beeu
in White Salmon for eighteen mouths
and has established au excellent busi
ness. He makes a specialty of wstch
repairing and has more than he can
do. He is a mail of a family aud is
oue of the hustlers of the city.
C. S, ISanoroft is one of the bustlers
of the city. He has been eugaged iu
the mercantile business for the past
year and has established a splendid
business. He carries a full line of
goiHl goods. He has a tine ranch of
120 acres four miles from the city and
is making many improvements ou the
land, lie now has a tine apple or
chard and expects to add more trees.
H. S. Clyde, who owns acres!
northwest of the city, has three acres
in straw berries. He has started one
of the fluent orchards In the valley,
aud bas 200 apple trees, peach
trees and 00 cherry trees. He is a
surveyor and has the distinction of
making the survey of the city.
I). McDonald, flw ; miles east of
White Salmon, has a fine 10U acre
ranch'. ' He bas !J acres under culti
vation with over an acre in bearing
trees. He has splendid water and
during the coming yeure be will go
heavily in the fruit business.
Carl Miller, seven miles from White
Salmon, in the Pine Flat country, re
cently disposed of a part of bis flue
m acre tract.. He is doing a great
detil of inirjrqving on bis farm.
Mrs. Surah Miles has one of the
flue ranches near Husum.- Tbe farm
is managed by her son, James Miles.
Over acres are under cultivation,
four acres in a flue commercial or
chard and nine acres in bay.
M. J. Hast, of White Salmon, bas
ICO acres in tbe Pine Flat country,
end he is making a great many im
provements on it. He expects to go
into the fruit business on a large
scale. Mr. Kust is an enthusiastic
farmer, being secretary of the White
Salmon grange.
William Emmons, the nestor of the
Mountain llrook country, has 30
acres and is the bead of tbe lumber
mill in that section. He bas one of
the line improved farms and goes in
very heavily In the fruit business.
D. W. Plank Is one of the successful
farmers in the Pine Flat country. He
has 150 acres of line land, and goes In
heavily on the fruit proposition.
Sanford Smith, of the Pine Flat
country, or rather ou "apple bill,"
has a line fur in and is one of tbe very
successful ones in fruit. His place is
nll Improved and be is constantly
adding more.
J. O. Wyers, road supervisor for
District No. 4, has been a resident
here for fourteen years and is oue of
the enthusiasts over good roads. He
has a nice ranch north of tbe city,
and has it stocked with 100 bead of
and 20 horses. He bas one
acre in tbe city and has just complet
ed a new residence.
Mrs. C. U Jennings of Irrigon,
Oregon, has recently opened up a res
taurant and icecream parlor. Lunches
and meals are served, lu connection
she has a bukery.
F.W. Lillie, postmaster of Suowden,
sixteen miles from White Salmon, has
a 100-acre ranch and bus ten acres in
a young oi chord. He is one of the
enthusiasts over the apple proposi
tion. 4:
Hunch mid Runitluwe
L. U. Ingram Is one of the newcom
ers in this section having recently
purcbsed a ten-acre tract of J. C. Mc
Coy and has juttt completed a line
home, lie Is one of the trusted men
lu the employ of McCoy & Thomas, the
mill men.
James C. Cox, in the Cook addi
tion, has a producing five-acre berry
ranch. He also raises some of the 11 11 -ent
potatoes shipped from White Sal
K. M. Peck, adjoining has nine
acres In a ranch. He has 21, acres
In berries and has a line orchard.
His crop this year was one of the
llnost in quality.
Ed. Emmons is one of the prosper
ous ranchers In the Mountain llrook
settlement, aud is also engaged iu the
saw mill biiuineHs. He has 1GU acres
of excellent land.
Captain Howard C. Cook, who has
the distinction of having Cook's set
tlement. named after him, is one ol
the best known and respected citi
zens of White Hitlmon. He is a re
tired sea captain and veteran of the
civil war. lie has done a great deal
to promote the fruit interoxts of this
Fred (! rosining has a homestead five
miles northeast of the city. For the
paxt fourteen years he has been en
gaged in farming and has always done
well. He expects to go into the fruit
business as fact as he clears up his
William liiesauz, proprietor of the
confectionery and cigar Btore, has
lieeu a resident of tbe valley for four
years, aud for the past two months
has been engaged in his present busi
ness. He is now adding twelve feet
to his building. He has a parlor for
ladies and makes a specialty of pure
ice cream. He has soft cool drinks
and a Hue line of confe-tions. In
connection he has a Hrst-class billiard
lieorge Tyrell, who leased the C. W.
Chapman farm, is one of the good
farmers of White Salmon, and had
splendid luck during the past year.
He has four acres in berries, and real
ized a flue crop this year. - . j
i White Salmon. Wsih,
FIFTEEN THOUSAND DOLLAR'S worth of goods--the most complete department store out
side of Seattle and Portland-there is no need, of putting it off till you get to Portland or
send to Seattle. You will find just what you want and at prices that will cause you to con
sider sending away to larger cities. Owing to our mammoth stock and many departments
we are able to save you big money on all leading staple articles.
Grocery Department
in the grocery line. We wish to call attention of the homesteaders and all who live out on
the mountain or others far away that require and buy in large quantities, we can save you
the freight, at any rate, by the pound, ton ar carload.
Crockery and Chinaware
Complete iu every respect, from
finest china to the plainest
, ii. .. ? V . 1 . . . 1
i i
very. e niniisii me mime,
us be", re Bending to the
catalog Our prices are
very reaso. able ami is nrsi -
every respect.
lli atcrs. ranges, heavy ami s!iel
aud cooking utensils of all kinds,
implements of every description.
White Salmon, Wash.
M. L. Frltts, living four miles from
Trout Lake, has 100 aores of Hue land,
feu acres are under cultivation, eight
of which are iu hay and the rest in
fruit. He has a Hue irrigating ditch
and some of the finest timber land In
his fcectiou.
Fred W. HHlsiger, one half mile
northwest of White Salmon, has oue
of the tine ranches of the country.
He has forty acres, ten of which are
in a splendid orchard. He is experi
menting with English walnuts, one
acre planted and is contemplating the
planting of ten more.
Henry Johnson, six miles east of
White Salmon, has iK) acres. He is
one of the old timers, having been on
his place since '70. He has over a
half acre iu a line orchard and it ia
his iuteution to plant more trees tho
coming year.
P. S. Peck, ix4 miles northeast, has
a flue berry ranch. He had a splen
did crop this year, aud will go heavi
er in the berry business.
I N. W. Freeland, who lives seven
miles from White Salmon, up on the
mountain, has one of the picturesque
spots on the Washington side. The
past year lie was oue of the most suc
cessful ones lu tbe berry raising. His
land needs no irrigation and is rich
aud pronounced to be just right for
fruit of all kinds. He bas three acres
in berries and over a hundred apple
F. a Peck, in the Cook settlement,
has 9 acres, and one acre in berries.
He bas a splendid commericiU or
chard, aud as fast as he clears his laud
it is goiug iu fruit The present year j
was a most satisfactory oue. j
F. A. ThoniHs'owns seven and a half i
acres three quarter of mile north
of the city. He ha four acres in an :
orchard and two and a quarter in her-1
ries. Mr. Thomas ha a grett future
in the city and tbe country an.) is go- i
ing heavily iu fruit. He is a nieni-1
ber of the firm of McCoy fc Thomas, j
L CO.,
Leading Department House
in Western Washington
Clothing Department.
We carry a fine line of Men's
and Hoys' Heady-to-won r Clothing
splendid fitting and stylish gar
ments. We give you all the new
styles. No "kink" known to the
style creators of authoritivre fashion
that is not shown in our clothing.
cr Hats j&
The very best reliction of hats.
Just the proper blocks. All now
styles. The largest stock in West
ern Washington.
0" vShoes JZ7
For Ladies, Men and Children.
The .1. Miller brand is the kind that
wears. Try a pair and he happy.
We are tho big supply house for Western Washington in the pro
vision lino. We purchase in large quantities and consequently
are enabled to sell cheap, saving you 20 per cent on everything
We have a well selected stock
of fine plated ware and novelties of
all kinds. We save you money on
all kinds of jewelry. Xothingmakes
a piet t ier or more appropriate gift
than a handsome piece of jewelry.
Our line is well worth looking over.
class in
hard .vaii' ciitlerv,
The big department store
of Western Washington
(i. A. 'II:. 'iniM. living at the edge of
the oity, hns i jio of the very fluent
homes in the c tv. It ns but recent
ly computed and Lim been thoroughly
furnished thiniighout. It is '10x52 feet
on the ground uud cost about :i,000
Mr. ThonuiM whs iu the mercantile
business for 12 years and it is his in
tention to enter it again if a railroad
goes through the city, lie is the
owner of some of the finest laud iu
the White Salmon valley aud has
twelve acres In strawberries aud a
large commercial orchard.
F. A. Tiradloy has ten acres on the
north side of the city, known as tbe
Seymour Condon ranch. It is one of
the line ranches on the Washington
side. He has six acres iu berries, '.Tut
fruit trees, mostly apple. It is his in
tention to set out many more trees as
time goes ou.
K. M. Clemens, fi1., miles northeast
of White Salmon, has 200 acres anil
over X) acres under cultivation. He
has lieeu on the place for 11 years
and has over 1,000 apple, pear and
peach trees. He has two and oue half
acres in berries, and it is his inten
tion to plant more. His apples were
tbe prize winners last year.
R. W. Clemens, who makes his home
with bis parents, has 40 acres uearby,
and has seven acres cleared. He has
nearly an acre in berries and over a
hundred bearing fruit trees. He also
has a 100 acres iu the Snowdeu coun
try. M. Zimmerman, 5 miles northeast
of White Salmon, bas 100 acres. He
has 12 acres cleared, but does not
think as well of the fruit business as
he does of bay and grain, consequently
he goes in (or stock raising.
C. K. Clyde, 8 miles east of White
Salmon bas a Hue 100 acre ranch. He
bas 120 young trees and as fastly as
he clears his land he will plant more.
(i. W. Snyder, living jutl north of
tbe city, has eight acres, and is rapid
ly improving the land iu view of buy
ing it. He has great hopes of the fu
ture for the Whitfe Salmon valley us a
fruit country.
C. L. Johnson, two miles northwest,
bas a fruit ranch of eighteen acres.
He has one acre in berries that yield
ed well this year, and is going iu fruit
growing heavily, planting many trees.
Apples will be the main feuture of his
orchard, hut peaches uud pears will
not lie blighted.
John Ackley, a half mile east of
Mount. .in llrook, bas a line 100-e.cre
ranch He bus twelve acres cleared
and has 120 apple trees out. It is bis
intention to hint many acres to trees
as time gi es on. lie has oue acre in
potatoes, and iu the past bas been
very succe-sftil iu spuds.
Leou Lefrancz, who recently pur
chased tho 10 acre tract of William II.
Hybeiger in Cook's addition, bas
three acres in berries and about a
hundred young trees. He experts to
go heavily iu (lie fruit aud vegetable
Henry llolf iniin, l1, miles north of
White Salmon, has a o acre tract,
having 2 acres in berries. He has sev
eral acres in tine vegetables, and has
the reputation of growing the thie.t
of potatoes.
X. W. Wood, 2V miles north, bas
57 acres of Hue laud. The soil is
adapted to the growing of apples, and
be has over f0 bearing trees, and last
year be shipped over 70i boxes of tbe
very choicest of fruit. He grows the
Hnest of clover aud timothy, and has!
tbe best watered ranch iu the valley.
Dry Goods Department.
Our line of dress goods is com
plete in every regard. We carry
only the best goods they give sat
i faction and makes us everlasting
friends. Don't think of going away
for that new dress sui pattern till
you have talked it over with us. t
Special Bargains
We are making some remark
able offers in everything that tin
ladies wear. We dot allow it to he
said that we are ever undersold,
but make it an aim to always save
you at least 20 per cent.
Ladies' undermuslins, long aiid,
short chemises,'
skirts, drawers,
corset covers, etc.
Iron beds, mattresses,
eiw I hing to be found ill a first-class-ftirnitun
to be found in this department.
While White
Salmon is on
We are growing-, too. We ha ve a complete stock of
Dry Goods, Groceries, Shoes, Notions, Flour, Feed.
A. W. BALSIGER, : White Salmon, Wash.
E. C. COLBURN, Proprietor
When you visit White Salmon, you will find the
best plaee to get accommodations is at the White
Salmon Hotel. Beautiful scenery; site overlook
looking the Columbia -river. Special weekly rates
to tourists and summer
0- er THE JliWIiLER
1 carry
fine n atches
I'ins. et
One of
Glasses. Kxpert in
White Salmon, Washington
Diamond Brand of Flour. Feed and Chicken Supplies kept
constantly in stock. I sell at prices that defy all competi
tion. My stock of Groceries is complete in every respect
Painting' and Paper Hanging"
OK WOK K. WOliK is sol, 1(1 1T.D AM) K.ST1 WATKS
Extra Copies of
Valley Edition" can
White Salmon, Wash.
Drug Department
We make a strong specialty of
our drug department. We carry a
full line of drugs, druggists' sun
dries, rubber goods and novelties of
all kinds. Also paints, glass, -oils,
w all paper, and everything in the
paint line.
couches, rockers;
in fact, ev
store is
co., J
White Salmon, Wash
Clocks, ltiiiii's. Chains, Stick
strong specialties is fitting
Watch and (,'locl
White Salmon, Wash.
the "White Salmon
be secured ,haL office