BOCD filVEB GLACIER, THTJKdDAY, JULY 27, 1005 FAMED AS AN INDIAN FIGHTER Little diil the pioneer who eroMed the Columbia river in 'b6 dream that Skamania county would become one of the groHt counties iu Washiiiuton. How it niUHt have thrilled the sturdy explorer us they crossed the moun tains and gazed down the slopes to the Columbia and White Balmon. One of the very Brut to cross over and identify bimnelf with the country and suffer all the privations and hardbiptt and enjoy all the beautiful surroundings waa Amoa Undewrood, who la now dean of the city of Under wood. lie crossed the plains with an ox team and settled lu Oregon near The Dulles. During the early OO's when the CayuHe Indians were on the war path he enliBted with Company U, Or egon volunteers and waa one of the prominent Indian fighter of his day. He came out of the war with dis tinction and since his realdence In Washington learned to know the In dian well and has been responsible In many instances of settling differences without trouble. The Indian learned JL v. I Amos Underwood, as he appeared at the close of the civil war. to regard as well as fear him. They discovered that he was determined, yet fair and square and that Is why they pinned their faith In him. T. A. Wood of Portland, lute grand commandef of the Indian War veter ans, of the Paclflo Northwest, and who was a member of Mr. Under wood's company, states that to his knowledge, "Amos Underwood made more good Indians than any of the rest of us. " He left Ohio, the state of hia berth, strong and was deter mined to explore the west. He stopped lu Iowa but it was too slow he wanted to push on, aud that deter mination will result lu a flourishing little city on the Columbia, culled Un derwood, that will stand as a monu ment to his pluck and the generations ' to come will lie told who A me Under wood was and what an Important part he played in civilizing the natives aud in many inatauoos "making good In dians out of them. " "Those who have known A me Un derwood for years," writes Mr. Wood, "when looking into his kindly face would never suspect that he adopted the methods of warfare of the savages and beat thom at their own game. Hut the time required Just such men as Amos Underwood and bis associates In the Oregon volunteers aud their methods of warfare. Their work at that time caused the Indan to respect the white man aud made a lusting peace that could not have been con quered by any more lenient meas ures." There Is no more interesting persou on the Washington side to converse with than Amos Underwood. He Is a man of a good education considering the time when he was a youth the boys were fighting Instead of pouring over school books. On certain occa sions you II ud him In a remliilsoeutial mood aud he will spin a "yarn ' that Is Interesting indued aud Cannes the lialr to rise. Ou severid occasions the newspapers have sent correspondents to get "a story" of the old Indian lighter. aud he is always polite aud courteous and no one Is ever disappointed If be gets started. The correspondent for the (1 la leer found htm freshfrom rounded with Indians, fighting them off, the red devils waving the scalps of our comrades. In many instances it was a hand to hand mint, in an effort on the part of the get toeir chief most ail were muea. Olney wbo bad rode on ahead heard the shooting and came back, and kill ed Old Peiie. saying, 'you old rascal. I'm satisfied now.' The dead chief had attempted to murder Olney about six weeks before on the beer gume. That was the end of Old Pepe. 1 was said to be one of the best shots if not the crack In the regiment. I shot away one engagement OU bullets and only got Ave Indians." The old man who has celebrated his 70th birthday and who is now in the evening of his life, lire up when re calling the stirring duys of the 50' The coming of the railroad seemed to be occupying bis attention more than the days of warfare. Mr. Underwood has 40 acres in Klickitat county and 30 acres in Ska mania. He recently sold most of his holdings to the lumber company thus giving them the right down the White Salmon. One year ago he placed on int market a town site and since then n new store has gone up, a hotel is un der the course of construction, u liv ery is comiuir. blacksmith is to lo- oute there, a big pulp mill is under discussion, so is a cold storage plant, Mr. Undeiwood Is to put iu a large dock and ware house this full, aud when the road gets started Under wood will surely be a town. Canute Prairie anil Trout Lake country are taking hold aud giving splendid support to the city owing to the new road and bridge, it cuts off four miles to the lunding. The city has the very finest of water, liuek creek with IU ice cold, pure xpring water is to be sent dowu uud will give the city the most perfect wuter system lu the world. SPORTSMAN AND AN ELEGANT GENTLEMEN One of the best known us well as oue of the best liked of men in the White Salmon valley Is Mordecal Jones, who resides at "Hunter's UiU near 11 u sum. He has a ranch or l.iiuu acres aud has been the leader lu the raising of fruit. He bus oue of the finest or chards in the valley aud has taken a great deal of pride lu watching it grow aud develop in one of the best of producers. Mr. Jones has done a great deal for the Husum country. iie Is largely responsible lor the de velobpment of thut section. There is hardly a person on the- Washington side, in the White Salmon valley, at least, wbo Is not familiar with the name of Mordocal Jones. He is a native of Urecoushlre, Wales, but for the past nine years bus been a resident of Klickitat county. Washington. Mr. Jones has vast Interests In Wales and his large a Income from his hold logs has allowed him the privilege of enjoying his own Inclination of bunt ing aud fishing. Owing to his steady income that has continuously poured In, has allowed blm to be rutber ex travaguut, as It were, in clearing up bis large acreage. He lias thus afford ed much work to the other ranohers wbo were not so fortunately situated, and baa allowed them an opportunity of clearing, too. There is genernl regret among the ranchers because Mr. Jones has decid ed to return to his native hearth, ow ing to the duties involving his busi ness alfairs. He has offered for sale this magnificent farm, arranged and improved to the very highest notch. Mr. Jones bought the tract because it appealed to him as oue of the wildest tracts he bad hunted over, and he oleured It of its wild beasts, aud then transformed the wilderness iuto a per feet garden. There Is every comfort, a beautiul home, aud all the comforts, such as oue would expect to nnd, arranged by a person of wealth and culture follow ing a pronuuueed bobby to enjoy life. Mr. Jones, other than a perfect gen tleman, is a thorough sportsman. He bus oue of the finest kennels lu ti e west, if not iu the stutos. He takes great pride lu oaring for the gume. and has been oue of the enthusiasts lu stocking the streams with flsb fry. He bas a remarkable record as marksman, aud Mrs. Jones bas to her credit several bears, while Muster Jones, aged 11 years, slew his first bear not many weeks ago. So the family lives iu thls.perfoct paradise of I .. Il N '"'.:.' r S i;- ' ' I I ij i -..1 : - ' "r. srt .-- I . , ' '-.V i1i!--f U-ft-.l-- .,, , f.i -wV. i The beautiful homo and surroundings of Mordecai Jones, near Husum. Portland after a sesslou with com rades of the Indian war. "What about the Cayuse war and how many Indians did you down iu an engagement?" whs one of the ques tions asked. "It Is a long story, but I remember well an engagement thut led to the capture uud later the death of Chief I'epe (Mux-Mux), head of the troublesome and tricky Cuyuso tribe, it was on or about Dec. 7, ISWi. About 4iK of us were at old Fort Walla Wullu and 'J HI of us struck across the bills horseback uud encountered lurge bauds of Indians. The Indians came directly to us, but hud hoisted a white flag, a messenger announcing they wanted to talk with us. Old Pepe said he hud heard of our coming aud bad ordered live big fat cuttle to be slaugh tered and roasted and all were invited for supper. Tho chief and about eight of bis men stayed with us and the others rode off. We were led along a creek aud for two or three miles, the truil passed under a high el iff of per pendicular rocks, leaving room for just one ho-semen. Across the creek was a thicket of brush. Nat Olney saw the trick and we came to a halt. We fouud tons of rocks above that the Indians had placed aud lutended to massacre us all aud if we had passed on the trail not oue would have been left to have told tho title. We went over the bluff but failed to Hud any roast ed cattle or auy sign of a barbecue. When Old Pepe was asked about it, he shook bis head aud replied: "Klouass bius quash tiliicnms." (guess my peo ple are ail scared. ) I was corporal and was placed in charge of the prisoners. It was a hard job, for we were sur- a home, arranged by uuture, aud re modeled by a connoisseur. Prominent Farmer and Kdurator. Professor II. C. Cromwell, one half mile from Underwood, has oue of the liest improved ranches in that district He baa H) trees all bearing. He bus been engaged in teaching tor many years and is recognized as a thorough I educator. He is muster of the Under ! wood grange and iu all matters per 1 tain tug to the best interests of the t community hejs iu thefront rnak. j Always First in the Market. I Johu Klludt, a farmer near The Dulles, seut the flint Oregon grown j cantaloupes to the Portland market last rTlilny. A Port laud paper suys: Air. Mltidt lias the reputation or send ing the first product of most varieties to this market. 1 he Hist Oregon pep pers were received from him, the first tomtaoes came from his place uud the market received the first local out growu eucumhers Iroiu toe same source. Jlr. Klindt secures very high prices on account of making the first shipments uud is well repaid for his Jailors in coaxing bis produce to ripeu before bis neighbors. 1. 1. ilajnes, Faithful Mall Carrier. "Jim, as he is familiarly kuown by bis many frleuda, was for years iu the employ of Uncle Sam as mail car rier from Hood Kiver to Chenowith, until that office was discontinued cov ers! months ago. In this capacity he proved himself conscientious and ettl- oieut public servaut. lie is now clearing laud on what soon will lie oue of the valuable Uudvrwood farms. Underwood's Big Store. On April 1, Smith A Clark took possession of the store at Underwood. Myson S. Smith had fur many years been connected with the Wind River store and the general merchandising was nothing new to him. He had been a resident of Cascade lxwki for many years. Associated with him is W. L. Clark, superintendent of the govern ment property at the Locks. He is well known aud bas many friends. Soon after the new Arm took hold and so much new territory was open ed by reason of the new road and bridge that spans the river, an addi tion was placed on the rear of the building iu the shape of a warehouse for the flour and feed department. The telephone exchange is in the store and Mr. Smith has just been made postmaster aud is adding new fixtures for the postofllce, renting boxes aud fixing it up In true city style. The stock is complete in every re spect Including dry goods, groceiies, boots and shoes, clothing, notions, etc Doth members of the Arm have greut confidence in the future of the country and are doing everything to promote the best interests of the lo cality. About Underwood Folk. W. A. Wendorf two miles from Un derwood bus HO acres. He is going to clear it up and go iuto the fruit business on a big scale. William K. Wheeler along the slope about three-qiuirteM of a mile from Underwood is working a berry ranch of Kill acres. He bus a splendid crop this year. P. T. Finley, two miles from Under wood, hus 80 acres, 'J0 of which is un der cultivation. He has two acres In strawberries. iOd Underwood, has a flue home and ranch up on the hill about one mile irom Underwood. Twelve acres have been cleared and he hus an acre iu berries. He has bjeu a resident of the country for 40 years and for many years was in Alaska. He is secretary of the Underwood mining company, itnd hus charge of the liquor store. Captain Harry Olsen, the Under wood aud Hood Kiver ferryman be lieves iu I lie future of Underwood and is erecting one of the flue hotels along the river. This will be a great improvement to the bustling town wheu it is completed. Kred I.uthy is one of the big far mers and bis toiuutoes and cherries have a wide reputation for quality aud excellent e. J. E. Larson in the Underwood country 1ms oue of the best KW-acre tructs iu thut section. Mike Thornton Is one of the suc cessful fruit growers lu the flats. The past eu-ou was a very satisfactory one. 11. Veu tch is oue of the old-timers, and hus one of the best arranged ranches lu the Underwood couutry. C. L. Tublis hus long been regarded as being most successful and his fruit is always ou the market early In the season. William Orserbus a fine farm and is going iuto fruit as fastly as possible. Miss Orser, his daughter bus also a flue homestead ueui by. II. C. Dello, one mile dowu the river from Underwood, has HO acres of flue land, seven of which is cleared. He has 17(1 peach trees, .'14 bearing ap ple trees and expects to do more in the fruit line. George Knapp has one of the good farms along the river in the Under wood country. He has 40 bearing al mond trees thut are good producers. Israel Zingler, t.wo and one hulf miles from Underwood, is oue of the prosperous farmers. While he has not beou there so very long he has great ly improved his 100 acre ranch, and hus some fruit out aud will go in for more. Churles Thornton has just completed his new residence ou his tract of land recently purchased. It is his inten tion to open a hotel aud conduct a livery and stuge. It is nicely arranged to take cure of the travel along the way to Trout Lake aud Underwood. J. C. Clurkson bus one of the fine ranches in the Underwood country. He bus live acres of berries aud this year he realized over $1,000 from the crop. During the coming year be will place out a lot of additional plants aud expects to buve oue of the big ranches in thut country. He is one of the lucky ones who does uot have to Irrigate. A re you looking for a ilt-Edge INVESTMENT Lots in Underwood's Original Town-site and also in First Addition to UNDERWOOD are now selling at the remarkably low price of All Lots 50x100 feet This low price does not mean for purely speculative business, but to . . prospective builders and residents With the assurance of a new road and with the finest landing on the Columbia River, plenty of water, and with the world's famed fruit land nearby, and sure to be a station on the railroad, makes Underwood the most promising young town in the state. The new bridge across tin? White Salmon river and the completion of the road to Trout Lake Husum, Gil mer, (Jlenwood, Camas Prairie territory making all tributary to the cily. Underwood has a fine general store, hotel, saloon, livery barn, meat market, and many new enterprises are under contemplation. A new dock and warehouse is to be built, and a large cold storage plant is considered. Send all communications relat ive to information to , . AMOS UNDERWOOD, Underwood, Washington or John Leland Henderson, Hood River, Oregon "The Half Way House." ..THE FALLS HOTEL. GEORGE W. CARTER, Proprietor. The most beautiful spot on White Salmon Iliver. 't. u i' 1 Large new house, 20 fine large rooms, newly furnish 'd Large feed barn and livery in connection. Husum, - - Washington You don't need a sec tion of land to make money The foremost aim of a man's life should be to gain a home of his own. Some may not be able to get a large farm, but all are able to get a small tract, starting the ac cumulation that will eventually lead to a comfortable for tune, buy 9 f a tract in vaillCI Uil ?5 SMITH & CLARK, General Merchandise Underwood, Wash. FRUIT HOME COLONY ' y $30.00 to $75.00 an acre. 3 to 10 acre tracts. Small payments down Ivulmuf to atiit you. Tho poil is a hegvy rich losm. DronoumtHl bv fruit pviMrt ns t) tvrv lutni. ilm an.l the Yellow Newtown." There is nots lot in the colony but what 'is supplied witli Hittioiriit'wator for domestic purioe, while on the other hand many of the tructa have ilentv fur irrigation wealthy, why not you. Write to R, V. CAMEKO.N, White Salmon, or to White Salmon Lund Co., White Salmon Wash. Come to "clc for 37-cuLr Flour, Feed and Groceries, Dry Goods, Shoes, Hardware, Tinware, Fishing Tackle, Tobacco and Cigars, Rough and Dressed Lumber. Square Dealing Prices the Lowest SMITH 4 CLARK'S NEW STORE UNDERWOOD, WASH. MYRON S. SMITH w. L. CLARK SAMPLE ROOM Underwood, Washington Fine line First class Wines, Liquors and Cigars. Cold beer always on hand. AMOS UNDERWOOD 0