The Hood River glacier. (Hood River, Or.) 1889-1933, July 27, 1905, Image 11

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    i f ." ...'"-'"a ea tm3 eszssa o cz3 e3 ciszjsa c "in . u ea crrrrra crjzssD ca o
FRANK A. CRAM, Always Up-to-date S
Corset Covers, 19c to
Drawers, from 19c to $1.87
Hazel wood
lee Cream
Ice Cream
Today at the parlors of Sheets &
Gad v. a
Ice at Tnmpkiu Bros.
fit) acres on the Fast Side, 2 miles
out. 10 acres ill young orchard. A snap.
Shingles. See us for best prices.
Oregon Lumber Co.
Wall paper remnants for ten days at
Hunt's Wall Taper Store- 2t
Mantle, wall and cookoo clocks on
easy terms at Clark's.
Use Williams' anti-septic hair tonic
and keep off gray hairs.
Sidewalk lumber. Delivery same
d:iv order is received. Oregon Lumber
Call and examine my new line of
notches. I can save you money. Clarke,
the jeweler.
I guarantee a fit in glasses. Clarko, j
the optician ami jeweler. !
To make room for new stock all cut
glass w ill be closed out at cost. Clarke .
the jeweler.
Do you use Lath? (let our price and j
compare it with that of competitors. I
You will make money this way. Ore
gon Lumber Co. )
Well, don't you see that if you wish
to see well, you should see Clarke the
optician. Guaranteed work in glass
Tired out, worn out woman cannot
sleep, eat or Work; seems as if she would
lly to pieces. HoUisters Rocky Mount
ain Tea makes strong nerves and rich
red blood. :-!T cents Tea or Tablets. C.
N. Clark's.
Sheets & Gadwa is the place to get
the celebrated Huzelwood ice cream.
T ry one of their wattles when yon are in
Dr. K. T. Cams has returned to IIihhI
River and resumed his practice at the
same place, over Bartness store, where
he is prep ired to attend those wishing
his services.
Now that all important question is
settled the next thing is the ring a fine
new line of engagement and wedding
rings. Prices right. Ciarke the jeweler.
Pure cider vinegar for sale.
W. J. Raker.
Mctiuire Bros, offer tsiiling meats at
your own price, 5c, Be and 7c iier pound.
For surveying, see John Leland Hen
derson iSt Son.
Be sure to go camping, but first get a
mpply of ammunition slid fishing takle
from McDonald. He has the right kind.
John Leland Henderson and son are
equipped with two Hurley transits and
w ill be ready to do surveying for the
next two months. Rat's per day are
and $10.
Coupon No. 559, V. Nelson got the Lewis and Clark Fair Ticket, Saturday. Why not you ?
5ITR.AIGH TTALK You know August is a quiet month for business folk generally. The
country folk are getting their hay in, gathering and putting up fruit, and
in other ways using the ninety-nine out of a bundled ways, to keep busy. The hot weather too, keeps one at
home unless it is their special advantage to come down town, so this all combines to make it a quiet, lazy
month for the storekeepers. Now we don't want any quiet lazy timfs, that's notour style, we want to tie
busy ami in order to do so, we are preparing an inducement for you to come in and do your trading here. We
are fitting a whole store room full of household ne- essitiea that we know you will say are bargains as soon as
y hi see them. Articles that always sell for more will be priced at 5c, 10c and 15"', nothing higher than 15c in
the whole store room. There are many article you would like and can afford at these prices, ami we bel'eve
yon w ill buy lots of them, this will make us bury, and you won't be thinking we are looting around while you
a-p working so hard. We will offer a sjiecially fine lot of premium dishes this month. You can have your
on choice of anv dtsh for f2 worth of our trade tickets, which we give with every purchase these in addition
to the Lewis and Clark Fair coupons. Make it a point to come in and see our 5c, 10c and 15c store; it will pay
you for the effort. ,
SPECIAL On Saturday, August 3, we will serve
had at 1(Hj xt dish and
spoon free. All day Saturday, August o.
Soft sheer materials, dah.ty trim
mings of Embroideries and Laces; full
and roomy, properly shaped, made by
the celebrated Peerless Manufacturing
Company. The entire line at the act
ual factory cost. Lay in the year's
Cool White Waists
Acorn brand, renowned fit
ters, most popular materials
and trimmings; new sleeve
and cuffs. The entire line on
special sale.
The Up
Patronize home industry by buying
ranch butter at McDonald's.
Mayes Bros, get a fresh supply of
meat every morning.
Do you use Naptha soap? 5c per bar
at McDonald's.
We have installed in our shop a new
meat machine and can furnish you veg
etables as fresb as the garden. Mayes
Bros., Oak street.
For trout flies that catch the fish, go
to McDonald's.
100 acres, 1J miles from Mosier sta
tion, on main road; good spring; $25 an
acre; will divide; line apple land. Also
other Mosier property. W.J. Baker A Co.
If you have heifer calves to sell, ee
J. W. Anderson.
Fish, salmon and halibut, at Mctiuire
Bros' market.
Blue Vitrol at Clarke's 7c a pound
Phone Tompkin Bros, for ice.
Unices and Rooms.
The very best for rent in Smith Block
Do You Suffer with Dyspepsia
or indigestion? Clarke's Dyspepsia
Tablets will cure von. Price ouly 50c.
Attteiitlou, Campers. .
Nearly new brown tents for sale. Tel
ephone Country Club Inn.
Take Notice.
Owing to the numerous reports of
nuisances around the Light and Water
Co's springs having been circulated
during the present water agitation, a
watchman has been employed to guard
the property ; a tight fence 9 feet high
has been built, and the public is hereby
notified that any attempts at trespass
ing on the property of the company in
the vicinity of the springs will be pros
ecuted without any discrimination.
(Signed) Hood River Klecttic Light,
Water and Power Co.
Removal Sale.
We offer our entire stock of feed, dour
and groceries at reduced prices to save
moving. Call and get our prices and
save money. CHAPMAN & CO.
Clearance Sale.
Extraordinary values in millinery to
be had at our store. In persuing our
usual policy, we hold a clearance sale at
the end of every season. We do not
aim to carry our stock over. By this
method, we' are able to place before our
patrons a fresh stock every Reason.
Avail yourself of this opportunity to se
cure head wear at reduced prices.
The Lincoln home, as reproduced
at the fair, is a centet of interest.
First Small Boy I wish I had that should write at once to M. I). Wis
5 cents back I spent for caudy. dom, superintendent of the livestock
Second Small Boy What would you exhibit, Lewis and Claik exposition,
do with it? The livestock show will lie held in
First Small Boy Buy more candy. September.
give every person the beautiful
Skirts from
Newly Arrived
Mohair skirts, Henri
etta and Panamas, worth
Special this week,
- to - date $tore. Everything' Reduced Jj
jjjjJjJ) fZZm!immmS3) hmSZIimimIhmmm) CwHMWMBMHMnMMNiMi CiiZiMMiZaiZ) SiaZwHiZL CwIwwuZiWd Q Cmh3 CIS2SittIi(iIIS3 O
New Today.
' Cold boiled ham at Mctiuire Bros.
Watermelons and muskmelons on ice
at Met; ii ire Bros.
The Madison Square Theatre com
pany at the opera bouse all uextweek.
If you require accurate surveying, see
Murray Kav, civil engineer. Consulta
tion free, fligh-class work guaranteed.
Mayes Bros.' meat market has been
supplied with a cooling fountain for
keeping vegetables fresh and clean. Buy
your vegetables where they come fresh
as from the garden.
Professor W. DeWalker, foot spe
oialist, Is located for the week at the
Van Allen bouse. Corns, bunions,
moles, warts, etc, removed without
pain. Alsatian system exclusively.
Those who contracted for Sharpies
Cream Separators recently from a Port
land representative, and have not re
ceived the same yet, are hereby notified
that they will be supplied by J. R. Niek
elsen, local dealer, thereby saving $i.00
commission on each separator.
In Hood River, July 23, to Mr.
Mrs. Ed Phelps, a son.
Where are you sick? Headache,
foultongue, no appetite lack energy,
pain in your stomach, constipation'.'
Holhster's Rocky Mountain Tea, great
est beautitler known. 35 cents. C.N.
The state of Nebraska, which has an
interesting display iu the Palace of
Agriculture and Horticulture at the
Lewis and Clark exposition, bus
adopted a novel method of exploiting
its resources, by means of free bio
graph lectures. The lectures are in
teresting, and the pictures are dis
tinct and wonderfully true to life.
The lecture room is. filled at every
Two-quart combination hot water
bottle and fountain syringe guaranteed
for one year. Only f 1.50 at Clarke's.
Thousands witnessed the great sham
battle at the Portlaud expoistion last
Saturday. This event will be followed
August 2, by a big navel buttle on
Guilds' Lake, and August II), by the
crowning spectacular event of the
yew a reproduction of the Custer
massacre, in which 200 Umatilla Indi
ans and a force of soldiers will en
gage. All these events are free to all.
When you find it necessary to use
salve use DeWilt's Witch Hazel Salve.
It is the purest, and best for Sores,
Burns, Boils, Kczeuia, Blind, Bleeding,
itching or Protruding Piles. Get the
genuine DeWitt's Witch Ha .el Salve
Sold by ir. E. Williams.
Entries for the gieat livestock show
at the Portlaud fair will close August
1. Auv one who desires entry blanks
the finest ice cream lo be
glass dish and plated
40c to I7.S0. All marked down
downs from 40c lo d 87
Mrs. E. E. Savage was a Portland
visitor lust week.
Mr. and Mrs. George P. Crowell
moved last week into their handsome
new residence on St. Clair street.
Mr. and Mrs. E. W. Cross and
children were in Portland last week.
visiting the Lewis and Clark exposi
tion. Mr. and Mrs. (5. F. Peterson of
Missjnla are the guests of Mr. and
Mrs. C. (i. Metcalf. The two families
were formerly neighbors in East
Grand Forks.
Mrs. F. E Slavin, who was taken to
The Dalles hospital from Hood River
two weeks ago suffering w ith appen
dicitis, was able to return home Sat
Floyd Arnold and Wiillueo Moody
went to Portland hist Wednesday to
visit friends and to take in the fair.
On his return Floyd will stop at Col
lins and join his folks iu camp there.
Mr. and Mrs. S. W. Arnold and
Clyde went in to camp at Collins lust
Wednesday. Mr. Arnold will remain
for a few days, and then return to
business. Mrs. Arnold and Clvdo will
speud some time iu camp.
I). W. CoatoH, Htation BKent at
Shawnee, Okla. , writes to Albert An
son Graham that lie and Mrs. Coutos
will arrive iu Hood River Friday
morning. Mr. Contes is a brother to
Representative Coatea of Trout Luke.
E. O. lihinclmr of thu First Nation
al bank enjoyed an outing last week at
trout Lake. He returued well pleased
with his trip, and was surprised to
Hud such an extensive country to the
north of the Coliimiu, with vast possi
bilities hardly yet touched.
J. K. Kinsey has purchased the
Hemerel property in the west end of
towu at the junction of State and
River streets, paying StXXJ for the
house and a lot anil a half. Mr. Kin
sey has moved into the house, the
Hemerel family moving to Portlaud.
Mr. and Mrs. K. C. (ioddnrd of
Portland, accompanied by Mrs. (. 11.
Marsh of Unit city, and Mr. and Mrs.
L. A. Woodle of Si on roe, Wis., return
ed Monday to Portland, after a week's
outing at Acorn Lodge, Mr. God
dard's farm at Underwood. Mr.
Woodle is editor of the Daily Journal
at Monroe.
Albret Anson Graham, who has been
suffering from an attack of intlamn
tory rheumatism since he sprained his
ankle several weeks ugo, is around on
crutches. He left during the week
for theCrapper district, where ho will
visit with the family of W. C. Martin,
an old neighbor of his from down in
Through her attorney, A. A. Jayne,
Nellie H. Weinscheiick has (lied com
plaint in a divorce suit against her
husband, F. W. Weinscheiick. They
were married at Grass Valley Septem
ber '2, lKlHi, and are now residents of
Hood River. The complaint alleges
desertion, and complainant asks for
the care and custody of two minor
The families of T. J. Kinnaird.
Charles Cast m r and GeorgeW. Thomp
son returned Sumlny evening from a
two weeks' outing at Camp Overall.
They report lots of trout and a de
lightful time. They left Mrs. L. E.
Morse, her neice Miss Crow, and
father, Mr. McCoy, iu camp; also Mr.
McCartey and family of the Paris
F. Teichinann of Los Angeles, who
with Mrs. Teichinann have been
guests at the Country Club cottage,
after a trip through the valley with
Mr.. Dano is so charmed with the
beautiful orchards and berry patches
that he is thinking seriously of in
vesting in Hood River realty. Mr.
Teichinann is a civil engineer, and
has lieeu doing geological survey work
in Arizona.
In W. F. Lnraway's show case is an
interesting relic of bygone days, in
the shape of a hand made "bruss-kiv-ered"
watch, the construction of
which dates back some 200 years. In
those days horn was used instead ot
glass, for the crystal, the latter com
modity not having as yet been invent
ed. The watch has an old chain and
fusel style of winks, just the kind
Mr. Laraway learned the trade on
nearly a half century ago, and ot
course it was to him like meeting an
old friend. The watch belongs to C.
R.Greiseuof Hood l:iver,wbo brought
it in for repairs. The born crystal
gives the face of the watch a sallow
complexion as if it might be troubled
with some disease of the liver.
Men's Canvas
Worth $1.50
We offer thisQCrc
week for yuClo
Boys' and girls' can
vas Shoes, worth $1
to $1.35, we of- Hbp
fer this week....
Straw Hats
Our entire stock at
one-half price
Men's Fancy
The new greys, blues,
pinks and browns
Regular 75c values A
We offer this week t" &
Miss Margie Collins of Verona Wis.,
is a guest of Mrs. E. (). llliinchar.
Mrs. II. S. Dnno was ill last week,
and under the care of a physician.
T'he infant son of Mr. and Mrs. J.
P. Jensen is seriously ill from cholera
Mrs. F. M. Clarke, who sulfered Inst
week from an attack of appendicitis,
is recovering nicely.
Mrs. M. A. Cougdon of Washing
ton, D. C. , is tho guest of her daugh
ter, Mrs. Norman Young.
Mr. and Mrs. (1. E. Williams are
home from a trip to Portland. Mr.
Williams comes buck much improved
iu health.
William Kerr, who recently pur
chased the J. H. D'Moss '27 acres on
the East Side for 2."00, is preparing
to erect au ? IHlK) cottage.
L. C. Stanley of Chippewa Falls,
Wis., and R. Smith of Portland, prom
inent members of the First National
bank, spent Tuesday here.
F. W. Harthel of Chicago, who re
cently purchased part of the Keating
property on the East Side, will move
lii'io in the fall and erect a substantial
The fishermen are operating on the
J. W. Morton sand bar, but mo meet
ing with indifferent success. They
propose to stay w ith it during thu sea
son however.
Tho little son of D. C. Gnrrabrant,
who was taken to the hospital at Port
land two weeks ago, is improving rap
idly and is expected home next week.
He is being treated for rupture.
W. A. Elk ins has been engaged by
tho Valley Christian church to preach
another year. Mr. Elkins is an ener
getic, faithful man and the church
does well to secure his services.
Slier-i (f and Mrs. E. M. Sliutt and
children left this morning for Port
land to visit the fair for a week, when
they will return to Hood River to
spend the summer. Heppuer Times.
L. R. Dano is now owner of the
Gauo house and two lots, on River
street, between the residon-es of A. A.
Jayne ami E. (). lihinclmr, having
purchased the same for jdioo,
Tho rapid advance in the valuo ol
Hood River realty holdings is shown
by D. A. Turner, who three years ago
purcl.aaed HO acres on the East Side
for &!Hon, and a few months ago dis
posed of 'JO acres of this tra-t to Carl
Grosser for i"00.
John Otten has purchased two lots
of Frank Noble on west Oak street,
and will erect a handsome residence
thereon this full. Mr. Otten paid
1000 for the property. He is owner
of the brick building occupiid by
Frank A. ('rum, the Up to-1 late mer
chant. Mr. and Mrs. V. Mathews of North
Dakota, win i has been visiting iu Hood
River for the past few weeks, left on
the 17th for Los Angrles.Cnl , to visit
relatives there. Mrs. Mathews is s
Sister of Burns Jones. They were de
lighted with the climate and country
and may return in the near future and
make their home here.
Luckey & Mullen, tho blacksmiths.
wish to correct the statement that
their shop shod 00 horses one day a
few weeks ago. The mistake was
made in the Glacier otllce, and intseud
ofi horses it was 00 shoes that bad
been put on in one day. This is a
big enough record, and one never be
fore reached in this city.
J. N. Fordyce, who was in town
Monday says reports concerning tin
tornado at Moro were cxagornted
While the storm was a bad one, iu
fact a young cyclone, the damage win
lot so great us given out, owing t
the fact that the buildings damageii
were rudely constructed warehouses,
the lumber in w hich can be ut ilized
again. Chronicle.
Bishop McDowell writes from Chi
cago appointing Rev. Walton Skip
worth to till the position of presiding
older of The Dalles district! made va
cant by the death of Rev. G. M.
Booth. He will serve until confer
ence convenes on the ird of August
at Moscow, Idaho, at the same timi
tilling his pulpit iu The Ihil'e-i.
Mr. and Mrs. Michael T. Nolan am1
-laughter. Miss Kate of The Dalles, ar
rived Saturday foi a few days' visit
in Hood River. Mr. .Nolan is registei
of the United States land otlice in
that city. Sunday be spent the da
on the farm of Jim Lacy on the East
Side. Mrs. Nolan and daughter ex
pressed themselves as being delighted
with Hood River valley.
Men's Outing Suits worth $12,
$12.50, $13.50 and $15, we offer this
week $8.32.
Men's Outing Trousers, worth $, f.l.oo,
f :i.o() and f:i.7r, we offer this week $1.98
Jim Langille and neice from Nova
Scotia are visiting this week at the
exposition in Portland.
Miss E. A. Wharton, a teacher and
writer of Colorado Springs, is staying
at T. J. Cunnings on the Heights.
C. W. Notberwood and wife left for
their home in Wisconsin, Wednesday
after a three weeks visit with their
daughter, Mrs, E. O. Itlauchar.
llrick laying on J. O. Elrods build
ing began in earucHt Wednesday,
Contractor 11. S. Dano is now well
started for a finish. Moro Observer.
Mrs. II. E. Dano and daughter Mrs.
M. F. Logan of Mather, Wis., accom
panied by Mrs. E. 10. Dano, are guests
of O. A. Dano and family on River
IMr. and Mrs. C. E. Rand and Miss
Mary Rand of Grand Forks, N. 1).,
arrived ly boat from Portlaud Thurs
day afternoon, anil are the guests of
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Sproat of the
East Side.
Holiness meetings will be conduct
ed in J. T. Dolman's hall on the hill,
lieginning Saturday July There
will be meetings in the afternoon and
evening, conducted by G. W. Sunders
and Dr. Dickson of the Cherokeo na
tion. The llaptist chruch will give a re
ception to new members next Friday
evening in the Ilatehaiu building. A
very pleasant time is anticipated.
Those who have just come into the
church are invited to attend with
their friends.
Dierke's bund is the musical attrac
tion in cheif at the Lewis and Clark
fair now. Half a dozen other good
hands help to supply the music, so
that the exposition grounds have
plenty of melody. There's iniisio in
the air and something doing every
day and hour at the big western fuir.
Dr. O. II. Jenkins, who attended
the convention of dentists iu Portland
last week, reports u delightful time
there. The men with a strong pull
wore entertained hy a banquet on the
exposition grouiulH, and altogether,
Dr. Jenkins says it was the most suc
cessful mooting of this kind which he
ever attended.
Walter Dickey, writ ing to his mother
in this city, says that at Moro last
Thursday the thermometer registered
bill. Saturday afternoon he saw his
llrst cyclone. There was a terrilii
wind storm from the southwest, which
wrecked several big warehouses, und
torn the roof from some freight curs.
No lives were lost in the windstorm.
A. C. Pnrrott, one of tho jurors at
the hanging of Norman Williams, is a
former trleml ot nlioi ill nexton, tin
two of them having celebrated the
Fourth of July at Abhiline, Nob., in
1S72. They bad not met sinco then
until n little over a year ugo. Mr
1'n ne itt says he is with this
western country. "It may lie hot
here, s. onetimes, but in the East it
gets rod hot," says he.
The funeral of Miles Standish, the
little six-year-old son of W. 1). Rodg
ers, took place from the U. H. church
last Wednesday afternoon. In the al
seuce of Rev. J. S. Rhoads, Rev. .1
It. Spight oltlciated. The little fellcw
met bis death by drowning while out
ptcnicing the day before. Many sorr
owing friends accompanied the strick
en parents to idlewilde cemetery,
where llie liody was interred.
Stuurday, July 'J'.l, is Los Angeli
lay at the Lewis and ("lark Exposi
timi. Several train loads of Angele-
nos are expected. Special exorcises
on an elaborate scale have been ar
ranged at the California state build
ing by Commissioner Wiggins of l il
r.her. Mr. Wiggins is secretary ol
the Los Angeles Chamber of Com
nerce, and has had about 20 years
exposition experience.
Mr. and Mrs. Rnlmrt W. Jiutta of
Chicago, 111., arrived in Hood River
on last Wednesday. Ho is the son of
A. liutts, who has resided here for the
past four yeais. It is the son's first
visit to his parents whom ho had not
-eon for that length of time. Thev
ire quite ill hue with the West, with
its bracing (innate anil lino scenery.
I heir stay will lie of short duration
is they expect to travel through Cali
tornia lielore returning hast.
A wagon loud of cans arrived Mon
lay from the Hazel wood creamery
ind were taken to Mount Hood for
use on the new cream route that has
been established there. Jim Langille
says Ail Rhoads and M. Dumas will
both lie in the business iu a few weeks
with 20 cows each. Jim will get some
cows if be can only find a family to
We will
the cover
stay on the farm and look after things.
He did not Irrigate bis clover this
summer for the simple reason that he
didn't want to raise more haythan he
could get iu bis barn.
W. II. HarrlB, brother-in-law to J. C.
Snvder, ij here from Stork, Mont., 40
miles west of Missoula. Mr. llarrii
hopes fo be able to return later to make
his home hen'.
Mr. MeCsnn, editor of the Grand
Forks Evening Press, is in the city, tie
guest of A. D. Moe. Mr, Met arm is
very much impressed with the I'aeilic
oast country, ami especially with llooil
While assisting in blasting stnmps
Tuesday on the Mike Thornton place
at Underwood, Hurt Jewett stuck his
head from behind a uearby tree in
time to receive a charge of wood anil
gravel on tho side of his face. The
sight of ono of his eyes was totally
lestroyed, and his face badly bruised.
The young man was brought to a
hospital iu this city, where physi
cians removed particles of gravel and
wood tllier from the eye socket. Jt
is possible that some of the gravel
went beyond the eyeball. While rest
ing easy, the situation is serious.
Jewett 's home is said to be in Civgnn
Best Cherry Sectloo In Oregon.
E. J. Middles wart of Mosier says he
believes that country can produce the
linest cherries in Oregon. The pro-
luctiou of tills fruit will lie very ex
torsive there in a few years. This
season Mr. Middleswurt, who baa his
fruit ranch leased, disposed of his
cher ry crop to The Dulles cannery at
1 cents a pound, this, be says. Is
about tho same as 50u net per box had
they been shipped.
His poach plum crop was very early
Ibis year, and be had almost half his
crop shipped before plums were ripe
on the farms of his neighbors. For
the plums be sent to Portland he re
ceived tif cents a case. He has not
received returns ou those he sent
At the Churches.
Riverside Congregational. W. C.
Gilmore, pastor. Sabbath school at
10 a. in. ; worship and communion ut
11 ; evening worship at H. The pastoi s
vacation begins August 1.
Lutheran. Services will be held
ngaiu next Sunday, July the Ad
vent church. Sunday school at I p.
m. ; divine services wun r.ngnsn
preaching at p. m. 11. J. Kolb,
Unitarian W. G. Eliot, jr., of Port
land will preach Sunday morning.
.Meetings of the Women's alliance and
Sunday school will be discontinued
until September 1.
Catholic Father Desmarais of St.
Peter's church, The Dalles, will cole-
brute muss ut the residence ot tYler
Mohr, ut 10 o'clock Sunday morning,
July :io. All worshippers of this
church are requested to be present.
Valley Christian Regular Services
Sunday, both morning and evening.
W. A. Eikins, pastor.
llaptist. Regular preaching service
nt Carmichael's hall eveiy 1st and ltd
Sunday morning and evening; Sunday
'chool every Sunday at 10 a. in. Cove,
mint and business meeting the first
Wednesday night in each mouth. J. It.
Spight, pastor.
Methodist Preaching at II a. m. and
H r m.; Sabbath school 10 a. in.; F.p
worh League 7 p. in. I'rayei meeting
Thursday evening. All cordially in
vited. V. C. Evans, paskir.
United Brethren. Sunday school at
10 a. m. Preaching at 11 a. iu. Junior
F.ndeavor, H::i0 p. in. Christian F.i.
leavor, 0:45 p. m. Preaching at7::ill.
All are cordially invited. Rev. J. S.
Rhoads, pastor.
Belmont M. E. Church H. C. Clark,
pastor. Services, Belmont: Sunday
school at 10 a. m. ; Class meeting atll
a. m.; Kpwnrth League 7 p. in.; preach
ing every Sunday evening and 2d Sun
day in month at 11 a. ni. ; Prayer meet
ing Ihursday 7:.t0 p. in. Services at
Pine (i rove same as above except preach
ing, which is on 1st and 3d Sundays at
11 a. m. Crapper. 1st and 3d Sundays
at 3:30; Sunday school at 2:30. Mount
Hood. The 4th Sunday at tl a. m.;
Sunday school at 10 a. m.