The Hood River glacier. (Hood River, Or.) 1889-1933, July 27, 1905, Image 10

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    J -. -
Down io Skumauia county there in
a miuiug district which promises to
nitika some startling nobis In copper,
cold, silver and load. The minus are
beiiiif worked at present chiefly for
the copper.
H. 11. Cox, was home luwt week from
the Uold Kun dlwtrlct on me neaa
waters ot the WaatioiiKul, and bag left
samplea of his ore at the Glacier
oflloe. H. W. Rand, president of the
Uold Ruu company, ucoompanied Air,
Cox to Hood Kiver,
This company has been Incorporat
ed with a capitalization of 1,UUU,UU0
shares at the par value of f 1 a share.
The oltlcers of the corporation are:
.11. W. Rand of Portland, president;
W. K Jones of Portland, secretary
and treasurer; A. a. Russell, Mr.
Mohr of Mount Pleasant, and Mr.
Rand, trustees.
Kph Winans of this city has been
granted a contract of $550 to complete
two miles or road ana to bidk a uu-
foot shaft into the ledge. There are
four claims on the ledge, with plenty
of tinibor and water power at baud.
The ore has Imen essayed and found
to run from flu to ti'l a ton in oop
per, gold, silver and lead.
On the other side of the mountain,
and above the Uold Kun mine is a
mine being developed by a St. Louis
company with unlimited financial
backing. This is known as the Maybe
mine. The company issatistiud to ex
pend a large sum of money In devel
opment work, and Mr. Rand says a
smeltor will be erected there very
soon. Hie lodge is 3,4 feet wide at
the surface. A 500-foot shaft will lie
sunk, when a wider vein is expected
to lie encountered.
Stock iu the Maybe mine has ad
vanced from 'lo to 15 a share, and has
been taken ott the market.
New Surveying Oflloe.
Murray Kay, who has just opened a
aurvevinu oil Ice which it located tem
porarily in the rear of Prather's real
estate olllce, believes the laud in this
locality has reached a point iu value
where considerable accuracy and blgu
class work should be In demand. His
twelve vears experience on some of
the liest American railroads includes
several years of very particular sur
veying in the cities of New York and
Chicago, where none but the fluest
work is of anv value.
Mr. Kay states emphatically that be
' does not wish to interfere or compete
with local surveyors, but rather to
create a Held of bis own in the mak
ing of surveys whore especial aocu
racy is required. He has already
' done some work for the Oregon Lum
ber Co., 11. K. Davidson, N. C. Kvans
and John Leland Hendorson, and
olfors the names of these gentlemen
as local references. He has also some
very tine credentials from the Kast.
The Ulaoier has seen some of his map
work and stated iu these columns
some time ago that it is the finest
work of its kind ever done here.
Foundation for Catholic Church.
The stone work for the foundation
of the Catholio church, now being
erected in this city, is about complet
ed. The church edifice is being erect
ed on the proprety north of Frank
handler's residence on the heights,
from whore a commanding view is ob
tained of the Columbia river.lor many
milos east and west.
Peter Mohr Informs theOlaclor that
the building will nut be erected by
contract. Fred Hertz baa been placed
iu charge of tbo construction, and he
will have the work done by day labor.
"We will go as far as possible with
the funds at hand, and If we And it
impracticable to complete the bulld-
inir this year, we will wait until the
money is forth-coming, said Mr.
Mohr. "There are no very wealthy
members of our church in the valley,
but we Intend to do the best we can
with what money we can raiso."
The dimensions of the church lot
are 110x75. The main part of the
building will beti'2x'J(i, and 20 foot to
the eves.
We Must Wwdi.
We may live without poetry, music and
Ave may live without conscience, may
love without heart:
Wo mnv live without mothers, live
without hone:
Hut civilized women cntinot live with
out soap.
We may live without bookwhat is
knowledge but sorrow?
We may live without beauty it lades
on the morrow.
Wo may live without lawsuit indict
ments are squashing;
Hut whore il the one who can live with
out waxhing.
Patronize the Hood River Hteani
Laundry. Ulon Fabrik, proprietor.
Kent Her Ihmble.
"I knew no one, for four weeks, when
1 was Hick Willi typhoid and kidney
trouble," writes Mrs. Aiinlo Hunter,
of Pittsburg, Pa., "and when I got
better, although 1 had one of the best
doctors I could get, I was bent double,
uud had to rest toy bauds on my knees
when 1 walked. From this terrrihle
Hllliction 1 was recited by Kleetrlc Hit
ters, which restored my health and
strength, and now I van walk as
straight as ever. They are simply
wonderful." (iiiaranteed to cure atom
noli, liver and kidney disorders; at (.'.
i. Clarke's drug store; pi ice 50 cents.
Wise Advertiser Helps Himself.
Moro Observer.
The hutt edition of the Hood River
(iluclor comprised 70 columns, 10 full
pages, half of which was home adver
tising. That is the reason for Hood
River being selected as the site for a
million dollar cotton factory, llraltiy
people are guided by the life of ap
pearances. The man of "busiuess"
helps himself, and helps his town also,
by keeping a lire advertisement of
that liusiuexH iu the home paper.
Indigestion Cured.
There is no rase of Indigestion, Hys
pepsia or Stomach Trouble that w ill
not yield to the digestive ami strength
ening Intluciice of Kodol lyspepsla
Cure. This remedy takes the Hlralii ot!'
the stomach by digesting what you eat
and allowing it to rest until it grows
strong again. Kodol Iysepsia Cure
atl'ords quick and permanent relief
from Indigestion and all the stomach
troubles, builds up the system and so
purities that disease cannot attnel and
gain a foothold as when In a weakened
condition. Sold by U. K. Williams.
Lady And you escaped from the
Indigent Seaman Yes, mum.
Lady How did you feel wheu the
waves broke over you?
Seaman Wet, mum ; worry wet ; but
now, mum, 1 feels dry ; werry dry.
One Dollar aved Represents Ten
Dollars Earned.
The average man does not save to ex
ceed ten per cent pf bis earnings. He
must fKMid nine dollars in living ex
penses for every dollar saved. That lie
Ing the case he cannot be too careful
about unnecessary expenses. Very of
ten a few cents properly Invested, like
buying seeds for his garden, will save
several dollars outlay later on. It is
the same in buying Chamberlain's
Colic, Cholera and Hiarrhoea Remedy.
It costs but a few cents and a bottle of
it in the houseoften saves a doctor's lull
of several dollars. For wile by Wil
hams' Pharmacy.
County Has to Hury Old Woman
After applying to the Whkco county
court for 110 a month foi the board of
Mrs. Kate Grossman, her step-ton and
family refused to bury the old woman
who died last Wednesday, July l'J, at
the age of HI. The body lay in the
house of ber step son. John Urossruan
until Saturday, when it was taken in
charge of by Undertaker liartiness
and buried at the exinse of the
According to data furnished the un
dertaker, Mrs. Grossman lived '21 years
iu Htearus county, Wis., four years in
Lot county, and two months in Hood
River. Her husband, Jscol) crom
man. died throe years ho. She has
one son. John, a resident of Stearns
county, and three step-sons, John, fa
resident of Hood River, hut at pres
ent in Eastern Oregon; Christ and
Matt, both of Stearns county. Wis
The family reside four miles south
of town, near the Davidson hill. Lit
tie is known of them. The old woman
thev seem to havo regarded as a use
loss charge, and no etlort was made to
care for the body alter tier soul nan
departed this earthly life. There
were no funeral services.
The (iiiod Old Wuy.
A severe cold or attack of la grippe b
like a Hie, the sooner you combat il the
better vour chances are lo overpower n
But few mothers in this ago are willing
to do the iievcHHiirv work required to
give a good old-fashioned reliable treat
ment such as would le ministered by
Ihelr irrandinothers, hacked by Uos
ehee's German Syrup, which was al
ways liberally used In connection with
the home treatment of colds and Is still
ill greater houshold favor than any
known remedy. Hut even w ithout the
application of the old-fashioned aids
Herman Hyrup will cure a severe cold
in uuick lime. It will cure colds in
children or grown people. It relieves
the congested organs, allays the irrila
t on. and ellecluely stops iiieeougn
Anv child will take It. it Is invalua
ble In a household of children. Trial
size-boltle. 25e; regular size, 75c. For
sale by G. N Clarke.
Baptist Meetings Close. -The
meetings conducted by Evan
gelist Jones Iu the iiateham building,
closed Sunday night. The meeting
was a line success. Notwithstanding
the warm weather, the interest con
tinned to the last. Mr. Jones won
the esteem of the entire community
by his gentlemanly bearing and his
earnest efforts to win people to the
biuher life. Many wore helped dur-
Inu the meotiiius. and a large number
came out ou the side of Christ. The
Rant st church received moro than 'ii
additions, and the work is very hope
The Only Way to Cure.
To cure a cold when you have no
cough to cure a cough when you
have no cold to cure yourself when
vou have Isith take Kennedy s Laxa
tlve lloney ana lur. Acts on uie
bowels. Rest for coughs, colds, croup
Whooping-cough, eto. Kennedy's
alive Honey and Tar is the original
Laxative Cough Syrup. It contains no
opiates and cures by strengthening the
lungs, throat and ciiest, expelling colds
from system by gently moving uie
bowels, and an ideal remedy for young
or Old: Once used will lie renieiiiiicred
as sure as a cure. Hold by U. K. Wil
Improvements at Cascade Locks.
People coming up the river toll ol
work Kolng ou at the locks, where a
force of men are repairing one of the
principal valves and riprappmg and
paving the slopes ou either side of the
locks. They say it is no easy task to
remove the valve which is as large as
a ttood sled door and very heavy.
Thirty men are now employed and in
August twice that number will go to
work, when 15,000 will be spent in
three dwellings, a machine shop and
The Pills that act as a tonic, and not
ana drastic purge, are Hewitts i.ittie
Karlv Risers. Thev cure Headache
Constipation, Biliousness, etc. Early
Risers aro small, easy io take aim easy
to act a safe pill. Mack Hamilton,
hotel clerk, at Valley Cily, N. 1., says:
"Two bottles or these r anions l.ltlic
Pills cured me of chronic constipation."
(lood for children or adults. Sold by
(i. K. Williams.
mitl Crop In Rogue Valley.
Reports from all parts of Hout heru
Oregon are that the orchards are in
uood condition mid the shipments
from the Rogue River country will
probably show considerable Increase
this fall, owing partly to the increased
acreage in orchards just beginning to
Ixrnr well, says the Oregon lradosman
liny It No vt.
Now is the time to buy
Diarrhoea Iain's Colic, Cholera and
Remedy It Is certain to
be needed
sooner or later and when
that time
comes you w ill peed It badly-
you will
need It quickly. Buy It now. It may
save life. For sale by Williams' l'har
Klirht Acres Not S7IS.N5.
Klght acres of berries on the Kent
lug place near the Davidson hill ou
the West Side produced strawberries
which sold for J1UM.55. Taking out
JIH5.70 for expense of cultivation and
marketing, there was ielt a net protll
of 71iH."i. Can the Iowa corn far
mers make as good a showing?
Three (iood and Just Reasons.
There are three reasons why mothers
prefer One Minute Cough Cure: l ust,
It is absolutely Harmless; eeoiui, it
lasles good children love it; Third, It
cures Coughs, Croup and Whooping
Cough when oilier remedies fail. Sold
by (1. Williams.
'Tills little bill, sir," said the
would be collector, "has lieeu stand
ing for several inoulis, and
Hints nil right, interrupted the
easy going debtor. if its tired ot
landing, suppose you let it run
awhile for a change.
Not a cent wanted, unless you are
cured. If you are sick and ailing, lake
llollistcr's KiH'ky .Mountain Tea. A
great blessing to the human liiiuil v.
Makes you well keeps you well. .(.)
cents, Tea or Tablets. I , N. Clarke's.
Gerald I wonder whether 1 shall be
numbered with the sheep or the goats
ou the day of judgment?
Ocraldine Well, you are always
butting In.
Just received New line Ix'wis and
Clark souvenir pins. Call to see them
at Clarke b the jeweler-
Uood for Stomach Trouble, Constipation
"Chamtierhiins Stomach and Liver
Tablets have done me a great deal of
good," says G. Towns, of Rat Portage,
( intarlo, Canada. " Being a mild physic
the after elt'cels are not unpleasant, and
I can r-eomnieiol them I hem to all
who sutler from stomach disorder."
For sale by Williams' Pharmacy.
Then Nominate K. L. Smith,
(iervais Star.
It is important that the candidate
for Governor at the state election In
June bo the very best that the Repub
lican party can put forward.
Wil Sluy in Hood River.
The remedy that makes you cat, sleep
and grow strong, called Palmo Tablets,
will be sold lfgtilarly by Williams'
Pharmacy, Hood River. These great
nerve and constitution builders cost only
50c per box, six lioxes 2.50.
Beaulify your complexion with little
cost. If you wish a smooth, clear,
crewnilike complexion, rosy cheeks,
laughing eyes, take Ho Mister's Rocky
Mountain Tea, greatest la-autifler
know n. :i"i eents. O. N Clarke's.
Department of the Interior, Land Office arf The
Dullm. Onwon, Junif 27, IWHi.
Nut ire IB hereby Kiven thai the fuHowinu-named
net t ler ha filed notice of his intention tu make
hna! proof in Hiipport of his claim, and aaid proof
will lie rniule before (iixirKU T. Hrather, U. S.
CoinmiHBionor. at hm office al Hood Kiver, Oregon,
on AiacuMt luor, viz:
of Ml. Huoit. Orciton; on II. K. No. HM. for the
S'n 8r'4. NK'-4 SW'4, HE1. NW!i of Section ,
To. 1 Hooth, Khiik 10 K W. M.
He tames the following wilnessea to prove hi.
conlinumiM resilience mum and cultivation of aaid
land, viz: Jamea N- Knight, lieoore Perkins,
William S. (inutile, James K. Keea, ail of Mt Hood,
Notice Is hereby given ilmt the undersigned
I'alll K. rnlllsen. bus been duly Hiiol!lted I)
Ibe lliiniinilile I'oiml.v 1'ilirl of Wasco Coiill
ly.Oiegoii, as diiiliitHtriitiir of Ibe estate of
limics K. roan, ilereused. All isTwins having
claims against stibl estate are hereby nut tiled
ti prcsl'lit Un' Willie t" me, iltiperly verified,
or at the olllce of my attorneys, Slenefee A
Wilson, at The Unties, Oregon, wlllnii six
months li urn datenfllils notice.
At I li 1 1 ll I s I rit I rr of the Kslate of
j'i);il James K. Fuss, deceased.
liy virtue of mi execution lusaed nut of the
HoiiorHlile ( in ull 1'ourl til the Mlnfe til Oregon
for the Counlv of Wasco, on the istli (lay ol
July, l!ri, In favor of Krank llaveiiiorl, ilaln
lilt, mid against Krank ('. Wilson, defendant,
for Ibe sum of four hundred and forty and
.'ill-Ill) dollars, gold coin, and tf II Hltorney's.
li es, slid ti Ml luxes paid, together Willi Inter
est tin salit toll M from dale ot said Judgment
.May limn, at rate of len per cent per annum
anil accruing costs, 1 have levied upon and
will sell al public auction, on Hatiinlay, the
hull day of Augusl, mvi, al l o'clock p. m., at
the court house door In dalles Cny, Wasco
('oiniiy and Hluttt of iiii'b ill the right,
title anil Interest which the said Krank V. Wil
son, defendant, had on or afer the 1:1th (ley of
October, Won, Iu or lo the following described
premises, lo-wll: The NK'i of NK'-j of Huc
llon IV, In Township 2 North, Uuligetl Kasl of
Willamette Meridian, and lot I III Heel Ion 7
and lol 7 In Heel ion il, In Township t North,
Iliiuge III Kast tif Willamette Meridian, all In
salil Wasco County, Hlale of Oregon. The
said execution being so Issued on a juilgmenl
ami decree duly rendered In saltl Circuit
Couri and enrolled In the office of the clerk or
said Court ou the 2d tiny of May, !., la a
certain soil wherein said Krank Haveiiporl
was plaintiff anil Krank C. Wilson was de
fendant. Terms of salt, cash.
Iinled nt I mllci, city, Oregon, this IKIh day
of July. l'J!r.
J'5) Hherlirnf Wasco County, Oregon.
Slicrla's Sale Foreclosure.
Mnrv I.. Harbison, by Hubert K. Harbison
her nitiinie.v In fact, plnlntltt', v. noughts
l.iHKmiiii and Annie Lick man, foinierly hus
band and wile, tlelentliinls
It v virtue ol an execution, decree and order
of siile, duly Issued out of, anil under tne seal
of the elrcllll court ol the slate of Oregon,
county of Wnsco lo me airevieu.uttu a intuitu
ilttv of June. llHin. uiion m decree for the fore-
citiNioeof h cerinln mortgage, and Judgment
rendered and entered In said court on the
Jllli iluv of .lime, nun, in I lie anove em it leu
iac in fnvor of the liliiliUHt. Mary I.. Har
bison, and ag'ilnsl the ilelendants Douglas
I u'k it i ii ii mill Annie l,iN-k!tuMl, as judgment
debtors in the several sums on lliree certain
.u,rv notes. to-Wlt: Oil noil! No. olltt.
principal, 'the sum ol three hundred (:I0) doll
ma loucthcr with Iniernst al Ibe rate ot to per
i, .,.,,! oer an nil in from I lie. 'lilt h day of April.
hull, till Hie Win day of May. huh, smounllng
,..,i,., ii three hundred, iinriy-iwo and
Ml tun (isi:u..iii dollars, Willi Interest on said
aniouiil liiim May mil, Wi until paid at the
i iiieol In per cent per annum
on mile No. two, principal, nve hundred
itoimi dollars, together Willi Interest Ihereon
at the rale of H per cent per annum
r..r ...i.i time amounting In all to the sum ol
live hundred, forty-three, and IK) dUVIMt)
.i..ii,.t-ti with Interest ou saltl auiounl irtim
May ;mth. Mft, until paid, at the rate of s per
on note No. three, principal, flvo hundred
, jm, lonelie r Willi Interest thereon
i ...... ii, mini
II ve hundred, forty-three and :u-l(W (fiW.:U)
dollars willi Intensi on said amount from
Muv :Mlih. looi'i, tmlll luil'l at the rale ofs per
t ,,rc.-iti oer annum, all Ol United States
Miiltl I lilt'. UUIOUm 1IIU hi an i" I'm "'on '"
gold coin; making an aggregate auiounl of
I..,.. itiiiilred. n ll ecu, 1.1-un (Slieil.ll
dolliirs.prllieipal and till, with Inlere.t there
in trtun siay .miu, i'u' ,....,.
imiiIiI mill lui'lliel HUH! Ill """iu unit iitMiti
en i 'in do Mrs or taxes pain uy ine iiaiiiuu
with lllleresi mere. "j
Mav lt .i, until paid, al me raie in in per eeiii
,r'H on all in Clllted .stales goltt colli, tts
gcilier with Hie further sum ol one hundred
illnl 11 IV O II tlOltuir, 1""""'.' n
..,l I lie' fuilber sum of twenty (JUI (loll
ars costs, and tlie iiosis of anil upon Ihls writ:
and etiinmanding me to make aale of real property
embraced ill such decree of ftireclosare. and here
inafter desirilsil. I will mi Saturday: the ."ah day
nf August, liMlli. at the hour of one o'clts-k in the
aftei noon of said day. and at the front door of
(tie county court house in ine liaues, was'o
county, state of Oregon, sell at public auction to
the highest bidder fur cash ill hand, all the right.
title and interest which the defendants Douglas
Irfickman and Annie lii'hnian. or either of tlienl.
hail on Hie Will day of April. 1114, Hie date of the
iniirtiriurcd foreeloned herein, or which alien de
fendants or either of Ihem herein have since acim
..r n.w tiave. in and lo I hat certain real prop.
rty. Hiluate m the couiily ol wasco and state ol
Oregon, ami ilescrilieU as lollnws. to-wu:
Ih'ginning at a point forty nsls west from the
northeast corner of the southeast quarter of the
Hoiillieast quarter of section 111 towiiship two
north, range ten easl ot me wiiiamene meriiiiiiu.
running thence west forty nsls, Ihenca north
fi.tly rtsls. tlionce east forty rods, thence south
c.i'iv rntlM lo (ho ulace of iH-ginniiig. containing
ten acres of land, or so much of said property as
will satisfy the judgment and deeroe, with costs
and acciiiuig costs.
.Saul properly will be sold sunject lo conarma
uii.l riHl..iiiKliitn UK nv aw liniviiltHi. al The Dalles, Oregon, una uay ol
June. lile. r . ('. SK. ION,
SherltT of Wasco tulllty, Oregon.
ilj .i Attorney for plamtitr.
Real Estate
tiO acres, live miles out; unelcareil;
No. 1 nooil hmil; a snap at Haitian acre.
tH acres ou the I'.ast Mile; riuki aniile
lan. I; fJtKK).
40 acres in illow I' lilt ; unelcareil, at
JO aerer, live set to .Newtown Btuiles,
halance in tiinhcr; live miles from tmst-
olllre; ."i"il neighl'crhootl ; flllH).
7 aeies near town all in heirses anil
:iiies, incluciuK six shares of w ater, at
4il acres 1J miles from .Mosier tli'iot,
ruht in the heart ol tlie Iron licit ; Jti
acres improved ; 4 ai t't s in potatoes, HI
acres in Unit, 1 scie iu grapes, J acres
in prunes ; price f J aK).
It) iitTt s hint lit 1 1 il near White Sal
mon; 4 acres improved, l's acres ber
ries, lot) topitratted Irees; water and
gooti iHiiiiiings ; an uteui ptace lor a
mine, f I UK).
A acres, J miles from town, free water
ft -room house, stalde, chicken house,
store house and sheds, some wood;
a splendid place (or a vegctahle (jarden,
ttiiut pond, Kisiil celery ami asparagus
land; line vi?w of the river, fl'Jtlt).
We have good values in city proiierty.
H. M. Abbott
C. Robs
Post Office
Rivcrvicw Park and Idlewilde Additions
Easy Grades, Fine View and Good Water
Cheap lots for building Small Houses near Flour Mill
HE fall line of new
are arriving. Fifty titleH are now in.
New ones will be added as fast as they leave
the publisher. For this year's trade, 1 have
bought a large and well-selected stock. Don't
wait until holidays to select your gifts in
this line. Come in and look them over; read
them, anil tljen you will know what you are
Refrigerators! Refrigerators!!. Refrigerators!!!
Hot weather is
Ice will soon be delivered at your door, buy a
and be prepared to keep cool. We have just added
this line and can save you money.
IE:ig. Class L:illIaer37"
Natural wavy switches, Enlish wave, Pompadour
rolls and bangs. Hair goods of every description
made to order. Agent for the celebrated Marie tit;
Medicis' ('old ('ream anp Yucca powder.
Mount Hood Store
W. S. GRIBBLE, Proprietor.
Fine Fishing Tackle Ammunition Dry (Joods
II a nl ware (Iraniteware Notions
1 la v drain Flour Feed Full line of Groceries
In Hood Kiver Valley needs to use good tools, the best is
not too good for him. I am prepared to supply
all your needs in
Plows, Harrows. Cultivators,
In fact till tools that are needed on every well equipped
farm. For orchard tools California Sr. Right Lap Cuta
way has no superior. The
Ohio Reversable Extension Head Disc
is the only one on the market that is worthy of the name.
Acme Harrow is too well known to need a description.
Osborne Combination Spring
a conipet itor. If you need a
I can supply you. For clearing your land you need powder
1 have just received a carload and have it stored in a mag-
izine here, and can supply you
it from Portland.
Land Plaster, Flour and Feed
in anv quantity and at the right prices. Full line of staple
r .,.,.1 t.i;..i, T.w. l l.x n L..1.v..;.H.-
meet ICS, .I11IHUIIUIUII UIIU r toiling u mi- ci nin-i nm .
Rarb Wire, Rope, Axes, X-Cut Saws, Shovels. Spades and
gaman tools.
3ihJ and Hirer Street.
next to Waucoma Hotel
and popular books
near at hand.
Tooth Harrows are without
cheaper than you can get
Yours For Rusincss,
Hood Rirer, Ore.
Joseph A. Wilson
Agent for
Wire Wound
Wooden Water Pipe
Hood River Marble Works
Am prepared to execute
all orders for granite and
marble work, monuments,
tombstones, etc.
Also contract for all kinds
of stone masonry, con
crete, etc.
' Four Chairs
Quick and atitisfuctury work. Two hath
ttilm in connection.
Flue and Fireplace Work a specialty.
Civil Engineer and Surveyor
Accuracy guaranteed. Twelve years'
experience m entiii) of the hci-t Ameri
can railroads. Consultation free.
Civil and Architectural Engineer
and Surveyor. '
Office, Si'cnnit St., fltlinlnlnir Wmicoma Hotel.
Developed Water Power
fur siile. I'urtics desiring power for
iiiiiiiiifactiiring purposes will do well to
write to liiin.
Rrick-work, Plastering and
Eitimate furnialisil cm all kimls of work
Phones: jftR,
Architects and Builders.
Decorative, Painting and Paper Hanging
l'luns furninlieil. Estimates care
fully made.
Of 25 yeart' experience. Will fnr
olih plana and specifications for all
kinds of buildings. Strictly up to data.
Located at Hood River.
Contractors and
.and Builders
Plans and Estimates Fuinishid.
$1,5 0 0
8-room residence
Compartively new, with lot 70x"ii, near
icliiKii House, litis is a ttesintlile place
situated :u tlie part of the town. Any
one looking fur a coiufurtalile home at a
low price should wo it. ChII on W. J.
Hak r & Co., or w rile to owner.
L,. N. Blowers
MiNxi1 Kiver, Oregon.
I am prepared to furnish mill and ulah
wkihI, nlsii other kinds of wood.
I have a new Bteiuii wikuI saw and am
prepared to do sawing. Also do general
team work.
Phone 121.
Water and Light Notice
All water and light hills must be paid
at the company's, olllce each month in
advance, nu or before tlie 10th day ol
the month. No collector will be seni
out hereafter In all cases where bills are
not promptly paid when due, the ser
vices will lie discontinued until all
arrearages are paid.
W. C.
By E. E. GOFF, Mgr.
IMP fff "
o .
Don't be deceived
by what certain parties tell you about
They are grinding their ax, and you
may feel its sharp edge.
See for yourself
Go to the depot and examine the
' White Salmon Berries
Compare them with any raised in Hood
Rier for eize, tirinnees, color and flavor.
It takes more than a "Hocky liluff" to
raise mcli fruit.
Come and view our beautiful valley ;
we can fhow you tlie soil, climate and
location for tirst-class fruit and berries.
Just as good land as you will pay
twice as much for where you buy repu
tation. Land that is sure to advance in
value as our valley develops.
Call at the White Salmon Land com
pany, it is our pleasure to show stran
gers tlie valley.
White Salmon Land Co.
White Salmon, Wash.
Don't Go Dry
Just because you are
In a Dry Town
Get your (Want List) made out ready
for next Saturday for everything you
need, such as
Flour, Feed, Stock Food, Chick
Food, Russian Lice Killer, Blue
Vitrol, Lime, Cement, Salt.
Place your orders with II. W. Wait and
get not only good goods at the right
prices, out also a
Remember I have 9 different I'rnnd of
Flour, and am going to close out as
nearly as possible. Goods guaranteed
as represented.
Ice Cream, Soft Drinks
and Confectionery,
Pipes, Cigars and Tobacco.
Hood River Heights
Near Paseball Grounds on the Heights
(Jive Us a Call
Photo Studio
Ourfino new studio
is now ojkmi for
business. Every
thing new and up-to-date.
Come in and have
your photos taken
Work guaranteed.
The Photographer.
E. R. Bradley
We are here to do your work today
tomorrow and every other day, and
our money (what little we have)
is spent in Hood River. We want
your work and can do it nuitly and
Timber and Homestead
I have for location some choice apple landtt
mil tinnier cluiniK. also rrlimiiiislimcwui and
and to script. Ill on or address,
lies. Phoue 37ti. Hood River. Ore