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About The Hood River glacier. (Hood River, Or.) 1889-1933 | View Entire Issue (July 20, 1905)
ANNOUNCEMENT or1 THE Hood River Electric Light, Power k Water Company We fully appreciate the manner in which the public approved of our investment and effort in improving the water service, as was shown by the recent elections. These elections demonstrate conclusively that the people of Hood River believe in fair treatment of large investments, and they .mark an epoch in the progress of the city. Our Company is now building a dam, and installing a new modern electric power and lighting-plant, expected to be in operation by October 1st, which will furnish over 600 horse power, and capable of developing over 3,000 horse power from the same dam. A day current will be furnished as soon as there is business enough to warrant. To demonstrate our appreciation of the manner in which the public has approved of our effort in improving the water service, we take pleasure in announcing that water rates for house service will be reduced from $1.25 to $1.00 per month. This cannot be done now owing to the extreme heavy expense being incurred, but will be effective within twelve months, and probably by January 1st, 1906. The rates for all classes of special service will be adjusted to correspond with the service rendered, and the rates made to compare with, the rates in other cities. We thank our many friends for their support and patronage. HOOD RIVER ELECTRIC LIGHT, POWER & WATER CO. By H. F. Davidson, President. FARMERS FILING ON WATER RIGHTS Special to the Olaciur. (joliloiidiilo, Wanh., July 18. Since the adjournment of Huperior court hint week there ban been u ruuh of lllins on wuter rifjhU. The two chuoh be fore Jiitfde MoCreelie were tnkmi tinder advltiemeut. and will probably be continued to the September term. Kudolph Lauterbaoh of White Bnl mon bai a case in equity axainxt C. 1). Moore, which wan argued before the judtfo hint week, and the demurrer over ruled. The defendant wan grant ed 21) daya to aimwor. Moore it euin hua been UBing water from a Hpring having its sou roe on Lauterbach'a property on the mountain aide. Litu Wbaoh claima Moore haa no right to the water, while the latter declares the owner of the tpring baa no right to divert the atreaui from its uaturul channel. The case of A. J. Taylor va. George W. Moore baa been taken under advia Dieut. This la a on He whore Traylor owna a sawmill on Mill creek. Moore ha taken the water from the stream further up the creek, thua diminlHhiiig the water power for the mill. A question of riparian right cornea up here. Farmers are manifesting consider able interest in the oases, inasmuch as many of them will be alfocted by the decisions. Several have nlreudy taken time by tho forelock and are tiling on their riparian righta. In the case of J. U. Allyn vs. Homer Lee, et ux ; labor lien and foreclosure, plalutilf was awarded till, tho costs going to defendant. Suit waa for $(i5, said to be due for carpenter work. . Death Cornea Sudden to II. 3. llyrkett. lliu'vey J. llyrkett, a veteran of the late war, and a highly respected citl geu of Hood liiver.was overcome with a stroke of apoplexy early Saturday evening, and died at 7 o'clock Mon day morning. The body was taken that morning to Trout Luke, bla for mer home, where funeral Horvloea wore conducted Tuesday. To all respects Mr. llyrkett was In his usual good health. He bad gone into the garden after supper to gather some vegetables, faasersliy uottced him sitting on the ground inquired what the matter was. He replied that he waa not feeling well. Shortly afterward neighbors noticed him pros trate, and he waa carried into IiIb room. He lost consciousness within a few minuets, am lay thus in a com atoue state until he answered the IhhI roll call. His sudden death was a painful stirs prise to all. All day Saturday he wa- arrauging for a trip he was to have made Sunday morning to Trout Luke in company with Mr. Illaneliar. Friends and comrades of the (.Irani! Army did all that was possible for the old man in his dying hours. A sauad of old soldiers escorted the body to the ferry landing with a large Ameri can Hag draped about tho cusket as il was borne through the city. Many of tho members of the local Grand Army post had not received the newa of the death of Mr. llyrkett Monday morning, when the body wiw taken to Trout Lake, and regretted deeply not being able to render their former comrade the military funeral due him. The old soldiers who were pall bearers for the body on its way to the boat landing were 11. If. llai ley, A. U Phelps, T. J. Cunning, C. K Waldo, S. Koplin. Funeral services at Trout Lake were preached by Kov. ,1. S. Khoads of the Uuited ltrethron church, who hud been a neighbor of the deceased a yeur be fore his death. Interment was made in the family burying 'lot, beside a child and grandchild. Hesides a wife, Mr. llyrkett loaves a sou, liufus llyrkett, of Trout Lake, and a daughter, the wife of William t'oate, state representative from Klick itat county. Judge A. it. llyrkett of lllngeu is also a brother of the do ccasod. Harvey J. llyrkett was born in Ohio 7(1 years ago. lie served throughout the war iu an Ohio regiment. In tho early 7l)'s be settled at Trout ljike, where bo resided until coming to Hood Hiver some five or six years ago. In hla death, the town has lost an ex emplary citizen, and a kind neighbor. Advertised Letter List. For week ending July 17, l'.Hft: Geo. Wenger, Myra Hitrnett, K. W. llvslon. Mrs. Phua. Jones. Lewis Johnson, Katie Jones, A. M. Kolley, Martha Kuhn, V. J. Langley, Mrs. : W. A. Long i Jas. K. Law, Huttie Longnin, J. 11. Lombard, Laura Mo t!onkey, Goe. Lucas, Amanda Maple, ! Adam Magill, Alice Meisor '2, A. S. ; Maun, Kttie Moller, Albert Moindle, Naney Mattingley, Harry Miller, Kd- na L. Morse, Alfred Mitchell, Maud ! Mellor. Lee More, Lulu Ott, 2, Win. j Neil, Kdlth Owens, Cbag, Owens 2, j John Anderson (Indian Win. bayers, K. D. Uurnain, Jos. W. Sibley, V. Uoraham, Win. Shardenger, Kalph Harrison, ('has. Stewart, J. W. Hop kins, J. K. Vundeiibiirg. W. M. YATKH, P. M. Tells of Work of Children' Homo. Rev. M. V. Croiine, superintendent of the Children's Home at (,'iiiciiiutl i, and brother of Mrs. S. K. 1'urtiness of this city, preached Sunday morning at the United Jirethron church. lli address told of the work of Children's homes, and was a very interesting and able sermon. liev. Mr. Ciuu-o has been Interested in charitable work the greater part of his lite. In the evening, Iter. J. I), lihouds preached a farewell Koruion to his llooil Kiver congregation. Mr. Khoads has been elected presiding elder of tho ((regon district of the United Urethr al) church, and is preparing to lmive with his family to Philomath, lie will also be in charge ot the church at that place. I lev. Mr. Khoads super cedes liev. Mr. Moll' as presiding older for tho Oregon district. The church in tills city will be tilled by liev. G. J. Heeler, who will bo here from llurlaml, huns,, some tin.e iu August. Fori'Mtcrx Install Ofllecrs. ' Hood Kiver ramp, No, 42, Foresters of America, last week IiiHlulleb the following new corps of olllcors : ( leorge Fox, chief ranger; S. W. Arnold, sub chief; Dr. F. 0. Ilrosius, secretary; H. J. Fredericks, treasurer; Leo Ulrlch, lecturer; Jiuhoh Oellorde, past chief ranger; G. K. Haywood senior beadle; Charles Hoss, junior beadle; Phil Stuhr, senior wnndard ; Cecil Holmaii, junior woodard. Monday night, the 2-1 to of this month, F. T. Ilourgeois, grand chief ranger of the order of Foresters, ac companied by A. ISrnuor, grand secre tary, w ill puv the local camp an olliol- ..I -I 1L I. 1 I - 1 ai V1M1L. 1L lilts iiomi ioiucntuu mfli all members make it a point to be present next Monday night. Indigestion Cured. 'I'll ore Is ii'i case of Indigestion, Dys pepsia r Stomach Trouble that will nut ii Id t" the dige-tivo unci streligtll ouii u hill ienre of Kodol DvHiepniu Cure. Til s remedy takes the strain oft' tin- stouiU"h by digi'Hliug what you eat and a:li iug it to rest until it grows slriioii again. Kodol Dyspepsia Cure all' -ri- quick mill permanent relief from I ndigi i-tion and nil the stomach troiihli H, Imiid- up I Im system and so piirilles Ilia' disease c.i lint attacl and gain a I' liilliold us when In a weakened condition. Sold by (i. K. W illiams. W II HMy in Hood Kiver. The remedy Unit makes you eat, sleep and lti'W hiring, called Inlaw I ablets, will be sold regulailv bv Williams Pharmacy, Hood Kiver. These great nerve and n st it n t e m Innlilers cost only fOo per box, six boxes fJ ;0 Hall Paper lieinniinls. Nut old stock, nor odds nud ends of old stock fnmi Portland, hut remnants from a new and clean loek i ( p iper can be bad at Hunt's Wall l';iur More for ten days at bargains. 'Phone (171. 2t All watch, Clock and jewelry repair work uuunmtoed hv ( liirke.tho Jeweler, LKKI.IE IUITI.F.U TRUMAN llUTl.KU LVtulilisliivl WOO. Kcshlentdof Wasco Co. for 23 Years BUTLER & CO., BANKERS. Transact a General Banking Business In llicst! (lavs ii bank accoiinl is no longer a luxury, but a necessity. It lakes but a, small amount to start it here, and it adds to your stummi"' with business men and others, besides helpiii": the format ion of "rood business habits. Interest Paid on Time Deposits. A. J. FLOOD, GENERAL CONTRACTOR FOR ALL KINDS OF ement Work Kstimnles given on short notice. I'uilding- Work a specialty. Phone !)!)!. Hood River. Oregon. JACKSON & JACKSON, Dealer in General Merchandise and Lumbermen's Supplies, Railroad Ties, Cordwood, Lumber and Cedar Posts Free Delivery. Phone IKll HOOD 111 V Kit, Oil. HOOD RIVER TRANSFER & LIVERY CO. TICLET OrPICE FOR THE REGULATOR LINE OF STEAMERS. McCOY & THOMAS Manufacturers of all kinds of ....Rough and Dressed Lumber.... Seasoned lumber of all kinds in stock. We make the best prices to contractors and builders. It will pay you to see us for prices before you make your contracts. McCOY & THOMAS, White Salmon, Wash. Mill north of White Salmon. t F. S. STANLEY. Pren. E. L. SMITH, Vii-e-Pres. E. O. BLAXCHAK, Cashier lis First National Bank OF HOOD RIVER RlCTiLrcm tiitiA Having a complete munuuni equipment in our shop for all kinds of blacksiuithing, we invite all those need ina: work of this kind to call and see us. Hi Wagonmaking is one of our lines. Mr. Mullen is an ex pert in this department, and can do anything from the construction of an entire vehicle to the repair of any of its many parts in a manner that will prove' his skill and thorough workmanship. Horseshoeing 3 Z;,c:;; satisfaction is guaranteed with 'all our work. Re member the firm. . r LUCKEY & MULLEN, East end of City. Remember That this bank is a Home Institu tion and wo invite your business on a basis of mutual helpfulness. Our Motto: "A SQUARE DEAL FOR ALL." R. D. GOULD, PLUMBING Steam and Hot Water Heating All jobbing promptly attended to. H mi fL, -I) KALE It IX- FASHIOIT STABLE ..Livery, Feed and Draying., STRANAHANS & RATHBTJN. Hood River, Ore. Homtg bdiilit, sold or exchanged. Pleasure parlies can secure flrHt-clasa ritfs. Special attention given to inos'ing furniture and pianos. We do everything horses can do. A L. CARMICHAEL HOOD RIVER HEIGHTS Still have left a few pairs of Men's and Boys' Merrit's Pants and Ladies' Skirts. Men's Tan Shoes, (To J A Comfort s, splen- good values, at p.4l didly made, $1 to Trading Stamps Given for Cash Purchases. $1.35 SNOW & UPSON Blacksmiths and Wagfon flak ers The most completely equipped power plant in Oregon Contract work a specialty, drubbing supplies and Log gers tools alwavs on hand. The care of the horse's hoof i essential. We are Hauling, Draying, Baggage Transferred, First experts in that line and cure corns and interferes. Class Livery Turnouts Always Ready. Phone i:U. Dealer in Hazlewood IC- CRT; AM PARLOR Ice Cream, Ice Cream Soda, Ice Cream Waf fles. Best service in new confectionery parlor of ( ream delivered 10 any part of (lie CI.a.Wi .C. "! n ,1 city below hill. Thoiie in orders DlKCld C UuUWU i Building Material, Doors, Windows, Lath, Mouldings, AND ALL GRADES OF Staple and j2? Fancy Groceries AND HARDWARE. SOLE AGENTS FOJt Majestic & Mesaba Ranges and Stiletto Cutlery. HOOD R1VEU HEIGHTS, OREGON. CENTRAL MARKET 31ATE3 BROS., Proprietors. HKALKItS IX ALL KLNHS OK1 Fresh & Cured Meats VEGETABLES AND FRUITS. C. L GILBERT, Croprietor. C. F. GILBERT, Manager. Mt Hood Hotel HOOD RIVER, OREGON. Headquarters for Tourists & Commercial Travelers Regular Rates. $1.25 to $2.50 per day. Sbecial Rates by Week or Month. Btagwi Vv daily for Cloud Cap Inn during July. AURimtand Rept-roher. HitWall Paper Co Carries everything in the line, including Krinkled Silks, Silk Embossed, Tapestries, Moires, Ingrains, Varnished Tiles, Blanks, etc Up-to-date Paper Hanging;, Sign, Carriage and House Painting. Phone 671. First and Oak Streets. 4:....