The Hood River glacier. (Hood River, Or.) 1889-1933, July 20, 1905, Image 7

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3 C
aM VtMti
SliBBgliF ltteahfBMB7 BHgT
J o
144 pair of P. N. & G, D.
Corsets-regular values,
at 75c, $1, $1.50, $2
38c 50c 75c $1
748 Pairs of Men's
Rplmh!f Trnnwrc
0 7 k
Thfl nrndtifit of thft hast. flf 111. 3 .Lfc
" . w-JJl
Looms and Tailors in fcft $fj
and always in shape.
Entire lot at COST
Good for Sore Feet. Every
pair warranted.
Just at HALF PRICE. Buy
a pair of these corsets. Do
it soon.
m, .. -.-j e::::n:3 cii;,,,,,.,:,::! crri3 c
p - ? i
if fc 11
S Beatiful Waists
The heights of fashions,
95c $1.12 1.361.56
ft H 1
Ice Cream
lee Cream
Today at t lie parlors of Sheets &
Gail w a
Ire at Tonipkin B,
PI. one Tonipkin Bp b. for ice.
Just received New line I-ewia and
' Clark souvenir pi us. Call to Bee them
ct Clarke'B the jeweler.
50 arres on the Kaft Side, 2) miles
out. 10 acn b in voting orchard. A snap.
Shingles. See lis for beat prices.
Oregon Lumber Co.
Wall paper remnants for ten days at
Hunt's Wall Paper Store" !it
Mantle, wall anil cookoo clocks' on
easy terms at ('lark's.
Use Williams' anti-septic hair tonic
ami keep off gray hairs.
Sidewalk lumher. Delivery same
clay order is received, Oregon Lumber
Call and examine my new line of
watches I can save you money .Clarke,
the jeweler.
I ijnarantee a tit in glasses. Clarke,
the optician and jeweler.
To make room for new stock all cut
glass will he closed out at cost. Clarke
the jeweler.
Do you use Lath? Get our price and
compare it. with that of competitors.
Von will make money this way. Ore
gin Lumber Co.
Well, don't you see that if you wish
to see well, voii should see Clarke the
optician. Guaranteed work in gla?8
Tired out, uirn out woman cannot
sleep, eat or wnrk; eenisas if she would
fly to pieces. Ilo listers Rocky Mount
ain Tea inu'.e stioug nerves and rich
red blood. :'." cent Tea or Tablets. C.
Sheets G nlwa is the place to get
the celelri el llazelwood ice cream.
Try one "f tl.eir waffles when yon are in
Dr. K. T. Cains has returned to llood
Kiverand resumed his practice at the
name place, over Birtness Btore, where
he is prepared to attend those wishing
his services.
1M) acres," 1. J miles from Mosier sta
tion, on main road; good spring ; $25 an
acre; will divide; tine apple land. Also
other Mosier property. W ..I . Baker & Co.
Now that all important question is
settled the next tiling is the ring a fine
new line of engagement and wedding
rings. Trices right. Ciarke the jeweler.
I'll re cider vinegar for sale.
When you want a pleasant laxative
that In es'sv to take anil certain to art,
use ('hiiiKlWlnin'" Stoniii'-li and Liver
taiilet-. For sale by VUhiams' Phar
New Home Sewing
V.'e have the latest at) le drop
head machines in Btock, and can
sell them to you at less than trav
eling agents. Machine supplies
for all machines.
Warm Weather Goodi
Lawn Pressing PRques, Percale
Wrappers, Children's Dresses,
L;nen "Buster Brown" Suits,
W hite Apr-ms, White Lawn Shirt
Waists, White Pintle Caps, Shniil
derless Under ei-to, Sle veless
Vests, Combination Suits, Light
Knit Pants, Mulin Corset Covers
White-footed Hose. Litt'e prices
Treat Your Wife
I tn a Wue Flame Oil Stove, to save
her tliebe warm days. They are
fine; not expensive.
The Opportunity of a
Have own the greatest success. We have not heard anything but
praise for the stylishness, beauty and moderate cost of our splen
did line. Any one desiring a ready-to -wen r Suit, Skirt Or
Waist, may trust us to give you the most sought after garments
shown in America, The prices are paralyzing to people who have
priced the same goods in Portland.
Patronize home industry by buying
ranch butter at McDonald s.
McGuire Bros, offer boiling meats at
your own price, 5c, tic and 7c per pound.
For surveying, see John Leland Hen
derson & Son.
Be sure to go camping, but first get a
supply of ammunition and fishing takle
from McDonald. He has the right kind.
John Leland Henderson and son are
equipped with two (lurley transits and
will be ready to do surveying for the
next two months. RatJB per day are
$5 and $10.
Mayes Bros, get a fresh supply of
meat every morning.
Do you use Naptha soap? 5c per bar
at McDonald's.
We have installed In otir shop a new
meat machine and can furnish yon veg
etables as fresb as the garden. Mayes
Bros., Oak street.
For trout flies that catch the fish, go
to McDonald's.
Clearance Sale.
Extraordinary values in millinery to
be had at our store. In persuing our
usual policy, we hold a clearance sale at
the end of every season. We-do not
aim to carry our stock over. By this
method, we are able to place before our
patrons a fresh stock every season.
Avail yourself of this opportunity to se
cure head wear at reduced prii-es.
Removal Sale.
We offer our entire Btock of feed, flour
and groceries at redift-ed prices to save
moving. Call and get onr prices and
save money. CHAPMAN A CO.
At Menominee, July 5, to Mr. and
Mrs. Fred II. Lewis, a daughter.
At Ruthton, Saturday, July 15, to
Mr. aud Mrs. Henry N. Stuuu. a
Offices and Rooms.
The very best for rent in Smith Block
C. D. Meeker of Portland is a guest at
Twin Oak farm.
Mr. and Mra. Thomas Calkins were
in Portland last week, visiting the ex
position. '
A frog weighing 60 pounds has been
ftuiiihth in F.niluiiri It nmhfc to make
a valuable museum attraction if they
can Keep it irom croaKing.
Forced to Starve.
B. K. Irf-ek. of Concord. Ky, says:
"For 20 years I suffered agonies, with j
-y l: ....
a sore on my upper up, eo pniuiui,
sometimes, that 1 could not eat. After
vainly trying everyihing else, I cured
it. with Bucklpn'a Arnica Halve." It's
great for burns, cuts, and wounds At
C. N. Clarke's drug store; Only 25c.
Coupon No. 521
held by K. W. Gihl'S, drew the
lewH and Clark Fair ticket last
week. Why not yon this week.
A coupon with every dollar pur
chase. Screen Door
Hinges and Springs, Fly Paper,
Fly Traps, Window Screens, Mo
squi'O Ne, Lemon Squeezers, Ice
Picks, Ice Hatchets, Ice Shaves,
lemonade Shakers, Lemonade
Seta, Ice Cream Soda Glasses,
Wine Glasses, Whiskey Glasses,
Water Pitchers, Water Tumbler.
Japann d and Nickel Travs, Sugar
Sifters, Strainers, Paper Napkins,
Wood Plates Little Prices.
Ice Cream
Sherbets and WaW Ices can be
made to perfection in our Ice
Cream Freexers. All sites.
Little Prices.
Tine Uf4
Mr. and Mrs. II. M. Dewey of Ken
osha, Wis., are the guests of Mr. aud
Mrs. Moe.
S. P. Pouts was up from Portland,
Friday, to exercise his franchise at
the city election.
Miss Pearl Bradley is home from a
visit of three weeks with friends and
relatives at Dilley. .
Rev. and Mrs. Earl M. Wilbur of
Oakland are spending a couple ofl
weeks at Cloud Cap inn.
L. K. King has gone to Gilliam
county, where he will worn during t he
summer lu the harvest Holds.
I Miss Idell Woodworth left last week
for Portland anCi the coast, where she
will visit toj a couple of weeks.
R. Field a member of the White
Salmon Laud Co., was transacting
business in Hood River Tuesday.
W. II. Buskirk is down from Uma
tilla, where he and his brother John
are spending the summer, watching
the operations of the government irri
gation project at that point.
Henry Blackmail of Kenoshe, Wis.,
was iu Hood River lust week, the
guest of Mr. and Mrs. A. D. Moo.
Mr. Blackman came west by way of
the Spokane and Seattle, visiting at
the various cities, and spending sev
eral days at the Portland exposition.
L. K. Kerbaugh, business aud ad
vertising manager of the Morning
Tribune at Pendleton, accompanied
by Mrs. Kerbaugh, spent Thursday
and Friday iu Hood River. Mr. and
Mrs. Kerbaugh where returning from
a visit to the exposition at Portland.
R. P. Sunderland, clerk of Klicki
tat county, was a Hood River visitor,
Saturday. Mr. Sunderland says
Klickitat county furniers feel good
over crop prospects. Headers have
been staited iu the wheat Ileitis, and
a fine quality of grain is being har
vested. esse Imbler has sold his property
near the Valley Christian church, and
is seeking a location iu town. Mr.
Bennett, a newcomer, is the tmrchsaer
of the Imbler farm. Mrs. Imbler is
snendine the summer at the seashore
in Tillaamook county. Mr. Imbler
will follow in a few days.
Rev. and Mrs. W. G. Klliot, jr.,
are expected up from Portland this
week. The children ji Mr. anil Wis.
Eliot have been suffering from an at
tack of whooping cough, and one of
the boys has been very ill. Ills physi
cian has advised an outing at Hood
River as soon as the boy is able to
make the trip.
The Woman's Alliance will meet in
W. G. Eliot bnll Friday afternoon at
2:110 o'clock; Mrs. Whitehead, Mrs.
McGrath and Mrs. Nelson hostesses.
Stoddard's lecture on France will he
read and Mrs. McGrath will talk
about Paris. French music and le
fieshmonts will follow. Ladies inter
ested in these lectures are cordially
invited to attend.
Folding Go-Carts
RnblHT-tireil, strong, light and
durable, velvet cushions. A very
fine cart for a little price.
$5 "ach.
Going Camping?
Then you may need some of these
Tents, blankets, comforts, camp
S'oves, axes, hatchets, lantern",
candles, soap, fry pans, water
pails, dippers, wash basins, stew
kettles, cotl'ee pots, knives, forks,
spoons, granite cups, saucers,
plates, dishes, etc Fishing tackle
ammunition, etc. Get them here
at little prices.
Now is the t'me to enjoy them.
A new lot just In. Very pretty
patterns. 90c to $3.50.
Life Time. We are Selling Without Profit.
wit li
3 Cm
Mrs. Charles Johnson is receiving
treatment at the sanitarium.
Mrs. Ray IniiJer is visiting her par
ents at Pine Flat.
K'ott mid Mra W. C. Krniia left
Tuesday morning for Portland, where
they will visit the exposition.
Mrs. J. Goarlmrt and son of White
Salmon were the guots last week of
Mrs. G J. Gessling.
C. J. Gessling of the Hood River
Mill ig Go. made a business trip last
week to San Franciscof
Mrs. C. A. Nothwang, m e Miss Nel
lie Clarke, was the guest .firing the
week of her mother, Mrs. Clark.
Mrs. J. S. Booth and little daughter
arrived home from The Dull Wed
nesday morning, and the Mijor is
consequently happy. "
E. E. Curtis and wife of Sngin ';,
Mich., were registered at thei;t
comn during the week. They are
looking for a location in the West.
Mrs. Howard Peuler had the misfor
tune to ruu a nail into her foot one
day last week. She was brought into
the sanitarium, and is now recovering
from the injury.
J J. If. Shoemaker left Monday morn
ing for Mosier, where in company
with Mr. Goit and K. A. GrirHu, he
will view a proposed road running out
southeast froji Mosier valley.
Rev. and Mr. Fred Alhan Weil, who
has been residing since July 1, at
Shtishiila, are planning a trip to Trout
Lake, before returning to their home
in Chicago, where Mr. Weil ig pastor
of the Third Uintarian church.
Mayor A. S. Blowers has named
John Leland Henderson as delegate
from this city to the national conven
tion of the Trans-Mississippi con
gress, which covones in Portland,
August Hi to 10. Tlio commercial
club will have the appointing of two
delegates, who will bo named by pres
ident Early.
L. N. Blowers was in The Dalles
last Saturday, where he bid in at pub
lic sale the Murphy proprety, KiO
acres, for $1800. This is the property
for which the court had named George
T. Pruther administrator. It is Bitu
atod near the Art Rhonda place, just
beyond the Booth hill.
J. F. Anderson and family loft Mot.
day afternoon for Cascade Locks, where
he has secured a posit ion with the
government contractor ou gome rip
rapping work at the locks. Mr. And
erson has been in Hood River for a
year or more working with James Mc
llain. Mr. Anderson says he was un
able last week to find an empty house
at Cascade Locks. There is a large
amount of work there, aud times very
N. J. Hall, editor of the Stockman,
Pittsburg, Pa., was in the valley,
Monday, securing data for an extend
ed article on the Oregon oontry. Mr.
Hall was asked to spend a few dayg at
Hood River at the instance of R. M.
Hull, advertising agent of the (). R.
N. Co. He says there is a great deal
of inquiry by the people of Ohio and
Pennsylvania concerning this western
country, and ho is anxious to give
them an authentic account of his
trip here.
Dr. James McAnders of Philadel
phia, accompanied bv A. Gavin, Al
exander Brown an I Dr. McKensie of
Portland wre in the city Holiday, on
a visit to He Dr. McKensie, camped
ou the heights for the benellt of his
health. They were guests at the Wan
coma hotel whila iu the city. A spe
cial engine made thetiip to Portland,
Sunday afternoon, in order that Dr.
McAnders could leach the city in
time to take an East hound train for
William Fairhank of Helvedier, 111.,
is in the valley looking the country
over w ith a view of locating here some
day. Mr. Fairhank has heard a great
deal of Hood River and the fine fruits
shipped from here. He says when he
left home, he began to think be had
made a mistake, and wanted to re
turn, but the farther West he got the
less he thought of home and the more
pleased was he with the country. He
is delighted with Oregon. At Helve
dier he is chief clerk in the railway
depot there.
Last Sunday Mr. ami Mrs. Chip
ititt. their daughter Anna Mae, H. P.
and Mrs. Davidson and Miss Helen
moved out to their summer residence
iu W au-ca-tomica Core, where they
expect to spend the balance of the
summer near by some springs from
w hich tbey how to develop some won
derful curative properties. Mr.
of Men's clothing places every man, no matter how little
money he watns to spend for a new suit in immediate touch
the world's best products
not not 01 ly have the most up-to-date line in America, but our
low prices a re putt irg our ele ant suits within the reach of every
purse. I" riendship for the future is our slogan. We would rather
miss a sale any time than misrepresent anything we offer to sell you
Rev. W. C. Gilmore whs a Portland
visitor during the week.
John Culhertson and Matt Russell
are sojourning at St. Martin hot
springs, tenting under the firs.
The annual meeting of the stock
holders of the Hood River Milling Co.
will bo held at the company's otfloe
iu Hood River, Saturday, July 21), at
"2 p. ni.
Chipping is superintending the con
struction of the new power house for
the Electric Light, Power and Water
company, which they hope to have in
operation before October ilrst.
Kev. W. 0. Evans of the M. E.
church attended the funeral of Elder
Booth, which took place at The Dalles
last Sunday. Rev. Frank Spaulding,
who was visiting iu this city, also at
tended. Dr. It. J. Morton, accompanied by
his wife aud daughter, of Green,
Kuns., after attending the national
convention of physicians at Portland
lust week, are the guests of Mr. and
Mjs. C. E. Maikham. Dr. Morton is
brother of Mrs. Murkham.
va I.1 W Mnllmia refiiritAil Tuna.
dm ft om a trip to The Dalles. Wed-
ne'C v morning in company with her
uncle. W, H. McCunn, and Mrs. How-
ett ftpy California, she left for Mount
Hood lir ? n outing at the snow lino.
Will Crap er drove the party to the
The busi!"1 f of the Pacific States
Telephone CV. has increased to such
an extent th t two managers are
necessary in V"eo county. R. H.
C. Wood has beci made manager for
the western half of the county with
headquarters at ILnjl Kivor. Mr.
Wood will also huverii assistant.
Mrs. John Huttorwort h and daugh
ter Marian of Portland, rccompanied
by Miss Emma Jakway of Van Home,
Iowa, and Mrs Mary Van Vors of In
dependence, Iowa, arrived Tuesday
afternoon, and are the guestg of Mrs.
E. N. lilythe. The Fiastern visitors
were delighted with the steamboat trip
up the Columbia river gorge.
Colonel J. I). Eddy, an erstwhile
newspaper man. ana one time con
nected with the Pendleton Tribune,
but now right of way agent for the O.
K. & ri. Co.. was lu Hood lUver
Wednesday on business connected
with the attaching of the Mount Hood
Railway with the main line at this
Ralph Delicti was thrown from his
hoiso yesterday atfernoon in front of
the Glacier otllco. The lad was car
riod into the store of Wright Bros.,
and it was thought for a time that his
arm was broken. But by the t me a
doctor arrived the lad had leoovered
from the shock, and went home with
no broken bones.
Among the guests at the Country
Club Inn the last week were: Dr.
Boyes of Portland, Mr. and Mrs.
Bunks of Portland. Mr. and Mrs. Ileal
of The Dalles. Mr. and Mrs. Telch-
mann of Arizona, Mrs. Uillar or
Washington, D. C. Mr. Teichmaiin
is a civil engineer in the geogological
Burvev woik of the government. Sat
urday evenings there are many who
come to the Inn from the ljewia and
Clark exposition to spend Sunday In
Hood River.
E. A. Fran, of the Hood River
Fruit Growers' union, tipped it off
to the Glacier yesterday afternoon
that the electric motor brought from
Omaha last month by the Union Pa
cific, bud pussed up the line at light
ning speed, remaining at the station
here just long enough to oil up. This
motor, i seems, was not the success
it wis expect) d to bo on thellillsboro
road, the grades being too steep. It
was also tried on the Milwaukie
1 lauch, but was a failure there. On
a gr de like the one up the Columbia
it seems to work successfiillly. The
railroad management will secure a
larger engine for the Hillsboro divis
ion. J. H. E. Kibeu of Sail F'raneisro, a
tousin of J. H. Gerdes of this city,
accompanied by Mrs. Kiben, were in
Hood River during the week. They
drove over the valley with Mr. and
Mra. Gerdes, and lscanie charmed
with the beautiful scenery, which Mr.
Eiben says excels anything he has
seen. Mr. and Mrs. Eiben are accus
tomed to taking long trips each sum
mer. This time they went as far
north as Victoria, B. C. Ho pleased
was Mr. F'jhen with the valley that he
is anxious to secure property and live
here. In San F'rancisco he conducts
a very successful grocery business.
having been located at oiie corner for
18 years.
in well-made clothing.
Has Largest Store In City.
The aunex to the big store of Will-
lam Stewart, the home furnisher, has
been completed, and the store force
is busy arranging the display of goods
to a much hotter advantage. Mr.
Stewart has added oue and one-llftb
times to his floor space, and now has
the largest store iu the city, and pos
sibly the largest iu the county.
ihe ware room la a great conven
ience. Everything has been arranged
and made by Mr. Stewart to facilitate
the handing of his goods. An over-
bead track with block and tackle per
mits the loading and Ijiiiiloadlug of
heavy lime and cement barrels with
perfect ease. Another invention of
Mr. Stewart's is the placing of all oil
cans where they will be out of danger
from matches oarelessly thrown aside.
liy means of pipes and faucets, the
oils are drawn lrom the tanks, aud all
the waste carried safely away, thug
miininiziug all posslbiity of combus
tion. A large force of obliging clerks is
ou hand to attend to every want of the
customers. Mr. Stewart lielieves in
carrying large and complete stocks,
giving the purchaser an opportunity
tu select just the article in each line
which he or she desires. One of the
now cases contains over ItKX) worth of
knives, something never before
dreamed of in a city the size of Hood
Bond Issue la Defeated.
The city election last Friday on the
questiou of bonding for a municipal
water system, resulted iu 88 votes for
bonds, and H'2 against. This was a
large gain for the opposition, and
was fur from a two-thirds majority for
the pioposed bond issue.
Four weeks ago the result stood 00
for bonds aud til against.
Special to the Glacier.
The Dulles, Or., July It). Evrey
thing is In readiness for the execution
of Norman Williams, which takes
place in the jail yard of the court
house block some time Friday morn
ing. The scaffold has been erected
and tested and is in good working or
der. Sheriff Setxon at the appointed
time will spring the lever.
There has been no perceptible
change in the demeanor of Williams,
and lie steadfastly refuses to make any
statement regarding the crime for
which he must give up his life day af
ter tomorrow.
Scaffold Heady for Williams.
"All time sleep house" Is the way
the Indian woman confined in the
county jail refers to the scaffold which
carpenters have lieeu erecting in the
jail yard, says The Dulles Chronicle.
Mary says when a man goes to sleep
there he "never wake up." And such
will be the fate of Norman Williams
Friday morning. An unpretentious
looking structure VixVi feet iu size,
Hi foot high and with a II foot drop;
just In the center of which is a vis
cious looking hole three feet square.
which tells the tale. It stands in the
northest corner of the small jail yard.
and the steps which lead to it are to
the southwest. The lever wag placed
Tuesday afternoon and tested, proving
Itself In readiness for the awTul work.
Aud all the while the condemned
man, but a few feet away, is aware of
the preparations going on. Still he
preserves the same indifference,
though many give as their opinion
that they see signs of hysteria iu the
sickly smile, the shaking head and
other evidence of the war within.
Williams talks freely now to all but
reporters, whom he still positively re
fuses to see. To all such be recites a
very unsatisfactory tale, blaming every
( nj but himself and declaring his in
nocence. In the past Williams belonged to a
secret order, four members of whom
railed on him last night, and to whom
be talked for over an hour. The con
versation was not repeated, as the vis
itors pledged their word it would not
lie, but as in other cases, gave no sat
isfaction nor explanation worthy of
He Von Suffer with Dyspepsia
or iudigH'tionT Clarke'a Dyspepsia
Tablets will cure vou. Price only SOc.
If you have heifer calves to sell, see
J. W . Anderson,
Boys'Suits-all ages g
$1.00, $1.50, $1.75
John I.olnnd Hendresnu of this city
and his brother, Professor Louis Hen
derson, of the Univeristy of Idaho ut
Moscow, swam the Columbia and back
again Tuesday without leaving the
water. The swimmers left tho Ore
gon shore near the Oregon Lumber
Co. 's mill, kicked their feet against
the rocks of the Washington shore
mldwv between White Salmon dock
and Underwood, returned and landed
ou the sandbar below the city. The
distance is nearly three miles.
Attorney Heudersou is fi.'i years old
his brother live yeaia younger.
Hire Prophecies Made; Fire Hall Seen.
Some preacher from the Willamette
valley, who held services last Sunday
uight at the Valley Christian church,
made the prediction in his sermon
that there would be a waterspout ou
Mount Hood between the 27th of this
mouth and the Kith of August, which
would Bond a tidal wave dowu the val
ley aud drowu every niun, woman and
child in Its path, so wicked are the
people here.
Aud unt to bo outdone by the sea
serpent stories at the seashore, a pipe
dream wan telephoned to the Portland
papers Tuosday afternoon that guests
at the Inn were bewildered through
the presence of a celestial body, high
above the mourtain.
At first the object was taken for a
balloon, but on closer inspection with
fiowerful glasses it was deemed a ce
estial body more or less incandescent
iu coslstency.
MohIi r (bid Fellows Install Oniccrt.
Mosier lodge of Odd Fellows in
stalled the following officers last Tues
day evening:
J. M. Carroll, N. O. ; M. II. Croft,
Sec j II. Evans, Irons. ; C. F. Staull'er,
warden; G. L. Carroll, cord.; E, O.
Wlnans, O. G. ; W. K. 1'uskey, I. G. ;
C. F. Bennett, It. 8. N. G. ; U P.
Hardwick, L. S. N. G. ; J. P. Carroll,
K. S. V. ; G. O. D. Morgan and O. K.
Davidson, S, S. Instilling oltlcer, L.
N. Smith, Diifur.
Hood liber Hay at Hie Fair.
Joseph Norton Dolph, assistant sec
retary of the Lewis uud ('lark exposi
tion, was in the city last Friday, con
ferring with the business men relative
to a Hood River day at tho fair. It
was the general opinion of the busi
ness men that Wednesday, September
27, lie set aside for this occasion. The
matter rests entirely with tho people
of Hood River.
The price of admission to the Lewis
and Clark fair grounds in the evening
has been reduced, by a prov:sion where
by the purchaser of afity-cenl admission
ticket receives with his ticket cupons
which admits him to twenty-live cent's
Real Estate
fit) acres, five miles out; uncleared;
No. 1 good land; a snap at ill) an ac e.
40 acres on the Lust Side; good apple
land: l-'OOO.
4U acres in Willow Flat ; uncleared, at
$35IK). i
20 acres, five set to Newtown apph'S,
balance in timber; live miles fro'o p st
oflice; good ncighherhoisl ; ! Hid
7 acres near town all in nerrses anil
apples, inducing six shares of water, at
4(1 seres 1 miles from Mo-ierd pit,
right in the heart of the fmit '..-It ; 20
acres improved ; 4 ai rt B iu potatoes, It)
acres in iruit, 1 acie in graes, 2 acres
in prunes; price 2.00
10 acres fi uit land near White Sal
mon; 4 acres improved, 1. acres Per
ries. 150 topuralted trees; water ami
good buildings ; an ideal place for a
home, f 1 SHI.
6 acres. 2 miles from town, free water
5-room bouse, stable, chicken house,
store house and sheds, some wood ;
a splendid place for a vegetable garden,
tiout pond, good celery and nparagug
laud; fine viiw of the river, $12tK).
We have good values in city property.
H. M. Abbott C. Ross
Opposite Post Office