The Hood River glacier. (Hood River, Or.) 1889-1933, July 20, 1905, Image 5

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By a Stalf Correxpoudeut.
W lute Salmon, WuoU., July 18. A.
K. Upright, right of way nmu fur the
Columbia RaliwHy mid Navigation
coiupauy, lias ljeeu lime for tlie f ast
four days cloniiiif tip on the options
made wince May 1. Wheu be com
menced making options ne informed
tue land ownora tiitit six months' time
was all noodml, and be bus made good
bin word. Tbe old eurvey of the Co
lumbia Valley railway baa been fol
lowed and everything hg been closed
out of Kennewick from Caatle Rock to
Major creek thin side of Lyle.
It is along the Columbia valley
where tbe trouble is encountered.
Mrs. 'lbeodore Shopler, who has a
homestead at tbe point this eide of
Major creek, made a contract and her
father, T. Wyers, is ready to close.
He has a lease on school laud this
aide. The Hue holdings of Mrs. Warn
er, managed by her son, J. A. Hen
demon, is encountered next, and the
proposed right of way will use over
seven acres, say at $fU) an acre would
mean heavy lo.-s. JuJge Byrkett is
in the tame position, but will not be
injured as bbdly as Mr. Warner. D.
1). McClure escapes with less damage
than tbe others.
J. P. Kgau has so far been the only
bolder who baa made a price. Mr.
Upright told me that Egau had con
sented to close on a basis of $fU0 per
acre. S. C. Zieglur, who will be tbe
heavy loser if the old survey is followed,-
has atked $7,.r)U0. C. D. Moore
baa not given any definite answer,
but has expressed himself in favor of
the road. (!. l' Adama demands
From the Adams ranch everything
has been closed to the bite Salmon
river. Amos Uudcrwcod, who owna
tbe town site, ia lesidy to close if be
ia convinced that it is on tbe square,
and tbe project is going to be pushed
through, Iroin Lmlurwood it ia
smooth sailing till the apple ranch of
Keed is encounteied in Clark conuty.
Then it is all done to Vancouver.
Summing it pll up, the right of way
ia completed with tho exception of the
bad spots in Klickitat and Clark
counties. The deeds have been sent
to French &. Co. of The Dalles, and if
the abstract ia flawless, the money is
The duties cf a right of way man
must surely bo strenuous, lo me
Mr. Upright said: "1 can't go ahead
and make setllen.euta on a basis tbat
land ia worth W.CMO or even SI, (XX) per
acre. The men in whose emfloy 1 am
are loath to believe that any snob laud
exists. Then on the other baud, there
are many who raise the minute there
is railroad talk. 1 am forced to loave
tbe situation as it ia and wait until
tbe otticials of the load make a care
ful investigation for themselves. It
is up to the legi 1 department. I did
not make it as an olfer. but asked
Mr. Zieglcr if he would consider
81.0U0 per acre. Others beside me
will have to decide this question."
Mr. Upright and N. W. Bethel, the
chief engineer and general manager,
who baa been in the section with hie
corns looking tho survey over and try
iug to find a way around the land and
preparing an estimate of the cost per
mile of construction, were noncom
mittal, but it ia taken for granted
that in all oaten where settlement can
not be made after what the railroad
people believe to be fair and just, con
demnation proceedings will be inaug
mated immediately.
There are two aides to the question.
There are many of tho ranchers who
are convinced that the Northern Pa-
citio ia lack of the movement and
tbat tbe company means business, and
hail the coming of tbe road, and if
the land was situated in any other
spot would not hold out for such
heavy damages, but on the other band
would do like many of the others, and
give the right-of-way foi a nominal
su m.
If condemnation f roceodinga would
allow them fay 8.",(io per acre it would
mean a loss of tho"' ands of dollars,
The land along tbe river in the valley
ia netting many of the ranchers 20 per
cent; in fact, many acres that will
necessarily be destroyed are worth as
an investment 'J,()((I. hi. Lt. U.
Xoles From the Kiiterjtrlse.
Mrs. Lev. is received a letter from
Mrs. Couc'on the other day in which
she states thi.t the iamily is now set
tied in San Diego, Cal. They like
their new hrmo. They speak of the
city possestii.g h semi-tropical climate
which seems to mit Mr. Condon very
agreeably. His health has improved
since settling there.
Charles Waters received 10,000 trout
fry from the government hatchery at
Oregon City last lhursday nignt and
on Friday morning took them out to
KaHlesnako creek and the small lakes
noi tli of Trout Lake and planted them.
Tbe old gentleman had to stay up all
night in Hood Hirer with his fish and
keep fresh water on them, which was
quite a stunt for a in n K5 years old,
but he is too enthusiastic in bis work
for it to have any la-iting effect on bis
health. There will be some tine fish
ing in those lakes now iu a few years,
and that region will be more popular
with tourists than ever.
Frank Thornton baa bought the
one-third interest of bis brother,
Moses E. Thornton, in tho mining
claim on McCoy creek known as the
Elkboru claim, consideration $200.
A. G. Amea and Mike Thornton are
the other two ownors of this property.
Frank has sold bis interest on tbe
mountain, including his lease of the
Hendeson place, to johu Leland Heu
dersou, of Hood Kiver, aud will now
devote bis time to the mining propo
sition. The boys are preparing to go
into tbe mines in the uear future to
do development work, and if there is
anything in the mine they propose to
get it out. Frank Thornton believes
there is a big thing in tbe Elkborn,
and tbat all it needs is development
to becoiuo a paying property.
The Only Way to Cure.
To cure a cold when you bave no
cough to eure a cough when you
bave no cold to cure yourself when
vou have lxtli take Kennedy's laxa
tive Honey and Tur. Acts on the
bowels. Best for coughs, colds, croup,
w h.Mipiiig-cougli, etc. Kennedy's Lhx
alive Honey and Tar is the original
Lax -tive Cough Syrup. It contains no
opiates and cures by strengthening the
lmiKS, throat and chest, expelling colds
fivin system by gently moving the
. butt i-Ik,' and an ideal remedy for young
or old. Once used will lie renientliered
an sure as a cure. Sold by U. E. Wil
liams. Clarke's Cough Elixir
will cure that cougb Price m only 25c
"G.-orge certainly is a man of action."
"What has he done?"
"Whv the very next day after the
lieiremVivpted him be gave up bis job
t the b.iuk, and joined the 'Don't
Worrv Club. "
The city of Hood River will refund
to the four former saloon men the
amount of tbe unexpired licenses,
made invalid by tbe local option elec
tion last November. Tbe saloon men
put in claims against tbe city dating
from tbe first day of January, when
tbe prohibition order from tbe county
court went into effect, but the coun
cil Monday night decided to allow all
of them only fA0 each, refusing to
grant tbe rebate for the six weeks they
kept open after tbe first of January.
J. Ll Morrison had tiled a claim
against the city amounting to $322.46.
This included interest since January
P. r. Fouts, who secured a judg
ment against the city some time ago,
for refusal to pay the rebate when he
asked for it, had a bill against the
city,. which was U. K.M and returned
for tbe order of tbe court showing
judgment, lt will be paid in full on
receipt of the same by the council.
Other bills allowed Monday night
by tbe council were Marshal Olinger's
salary of $50, and 8.1 for C. C. Feck,
extra police on tbe Fourth.
A communication was received from
Huntington&Wilson at Tbe Dalles, rel
ative to the Bale of a horse belonging
to Mr. Burlingame. The animal
brought $50 when sold from tbe pound
some time ago. Burlingame has taken
up tbe matter witb attorneys, and
wants $100, in addition to loss of time
wbile the animal was in toe city
pound. Tbe council considers the sale
was legal and refused the demand for
On motion of McDonald, the prop
erty of the city in tbe west eud of
town, where the pest bouse is located,
has been ordered sold to tbe highest
bidder. Mayor Blowers was of tbe
opinion while considering the sale of
this property to include the Tucker
spring, but Councilman tally stoutly
The vote of last Friday, wheu the
bond issue was defeated, was can
vassed and found to be 88 for bonds
and 82 opposed.
Special to the Glacier.
Seattle, Wash., July 18.-A. D.
Blowers & Co., reporting on the mar
ket situation here, say :
"Local apples are now coming into
the market freely aud the shipmeuts
from California are being stopped, so
that there will be a better demand for
local fruits. Oood Red Astrachans
are selling at $1.25 to $1.50. Four
tier Uravensteius, $1.75 to $2.00.
"Alexander peaches are not very
good, and sell from 50 to 60c a box.
The early Crawfords of good size will
sell at 90c to $1.00 a box. Bartlett
pears 82.25. Apricots 75 to 85c. Plums
85 to $1.00, as to variety. Raspberries
are coming in very freely and sell at
$1.25 a case."
Reunion at Hibbard Home.
A happy reunion is being held at
the home of Mr. and Mrs. H. J. Hib
bard, the occasion being tho arrival
of two sisters, two sisters-in-law, and
a nephew of Mrs. Hibbard, after
many years of separation. Tbe eldest
sister, Mrs, E. Damon, coming from
Somas, Wash. ; the youngest sister,
Mrs. M. A. Owen, from Overholt, N.
D. ; a sister-in-law, Mrs. James Faley
and nephew, C. P. Axtell, from Ma
pleton, Minn., and the other sister-in-law,
Mrs. E. Smith, recently from
Wisconsin, but now residing at Fair
view, Or.
Forty years of experiences and
changes bave passed since Mrs. Hib
bard last saw her sister-in-law, Mrs.
Faley, and nephew, Mr. Axtell; twen-ty-uiue
years since her last visit with
her sister, Mrs. Owen, and twenty
eight years since she parted with her
sister-in-law, Mrs. Smith, in their old
home iu Wisconsin. "The Uirls" are
being royally eutertained by Mr. and
Mrs. Hibbard at their lovely home in
delightful Hood liver. Reminis
censes of tbe past, and interchanges
of life experiences are mingled witb
thoughts and expressions of admira
tion for grandly beautiful Oregon.
By a Stalf Correspondent.
Lle, Wash., July 18. The atlairs
of the C. R. A N. were wound up yes
terday and will be oiate.l under a
uew management, J. coucn riuuaois
having been chosen president of the
company iu pli.ce of Rufus Military,
aud Marcus ialhot ot heal lie vice
president and general manager to suc
ceed H. C. Campbell. The new olllcl
al took a trip over the line Sunday on
a tour of inspection, and from this
date will lie the directing force for the
The Regulator steamers and the rail
road extending from here to Golden-
dale, which is run iu connection with
them, were sold some three mouths
ago, but the identity of the purchaser
was not disclosed, lhe appointment
of Mr. Flanders to tho presidency in
dicates that the property is owned by
the Northern Pucilio railroad com
pany, lt is understood that tbe uew
president will also act as counsel for
the line.
J. Couch Flanders is one of Port
land's prominent attorneys, and has
had considerable experience in the
steamboat business. The Couch street
dick and other front property are
owned by the Flanders' estate.
Marcus Talbot, the vice president,
has been couuected witb tbe Pacific
Const Steamship compauy at Seattle
for many years, and is said to te one
of the best posted transportation men
on the coast. II. C. Campbell, his
predecessor, will take a long rest be
fore embarking iu any other line of
Abstracting Right of Way Heeds.
Special to tho Glacier.
tloldeudale, Wash., July IS). The
firm of Brooks & Smith, abstractors,
rtceived orders for abstracts of 211
places on the north bank of the Co
lumbia river. The order came from
the C. R. & N. Co., but it is believed
to be the N. P. that is back of the
whole thiug. It seems to bo settled in
the minds of nearly every one that
there will be a road dowu the north
bank in the near future, which will
be a great benefit to the people of this
Receive Pay In P. ( becks.
Further evidence that the railroad
operations on the north bank of tho
Columbia eminate from Northern IV
cillcl headquarters was brought out
this week, when tbe members of the
engineer corps at Lylo received iNortti
ern Pacific pay checks, which they
bad no difficulty in cashing.
..Pension and Patent Attorney..
223 Washington St., Portland, Ore.
IVii.Ioih under Weneral l-w ami
miller the Act of J""' 27. WO
Initlun War tVniloiM, Increawof ptmlon,
fullier. mother, itepnulfiit and helplrss oblij
rrti i-dIou; Nunn peunloun; w id" rr
UrBlioii to tiemlon roll; dwelled llc' half
tt-ltloli: Homilies SIUI Ml rem ii h-miiii.
Charges of Hewnum torrected.
Claims of all kinds taken against the
United States and prosecuted.
At Hood River every fourth Saturday
n eneli month.
Boy Loses Fingers and Possibly an Eye.
The ten-year-old son of Ed Miller ol
Mount Hood lost a thumb and finger
and may possibly lose tbe sight of one
of his eyes by the discbarge of a can
non tire cracker Monday. Mr. Miller
was at Troutdale at tbe time of the
accident aud arrived here that even
ing in response to a telephone mess
Hay harvest is in full blast, the
yield lieing a little above the average.
I. O. Cameron's baler started out
witb a full crew July 5, and was bal
ing last week iu Pine Grove neighbor
hood. Thomson and Hansen bave their saw
mill about ready to go to sawing.
They blew the whistle Saturday even
ing for tbe first time. Now boys, you
can set your watches every night,
without going up on the hill to set
them by the town whistle.
W. G. Dodson says be can beat any
one in Hood River valley for garden
truck and potatoes. Mr. Dodson
surely bas tbe ideal garden spot, the
land being rich black loam, and situ
ated iu tbe south end of Dukes Valley
iu Odell creek bottom. Anything can
be raised there that can be raited any
where. J. R. Carnahan, who went to Port
land two weeks ago to undergo an
operation, returned home last week
much improved in health.
W. II. McClellan, father of Mis. A.
T. Dodge, is visiting friends and rel
atives iu the valley this week.
Child Not Ex pec led to Live From One
Hour to Another, Hut Cured by
Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera ami
Diarrhoea Remedy.
Kulli, the little daughter of K. N.
Iiewey of Agnewville, Va.. was serious
ly of cholera infantum last summer.
"We gxve lier up and did not expect
li' r to live from one hour lo another,"
he says. I happened to think of CIihiii
Ix rlaiu's Cone, Cholera and Diarrhoea
Remedy aud got a bottle of it from the
store. In five hours 1 saw a change for
the better. We kept on giving it and
before she had taken the half of one
small bottle she was well." This rem
edy is fir sale by Williams' Pharmacy.
Tbe equal suffrage club will meet
Saturday afternoon, July 22, in Will
iam G. Eliot ball.
Wlirre are you sick? Headache,
fotiltongiie. no appetite lack energy,
pain in y ur stomach, constipation?
Hollisler's Rocky Mountain Tea, great
est beauiifier known. 3a cenu. U. a
Special to the Glacier.
Goldendale. Wash., July 1!). Com
missioners' court adjourned last Fri
day, having completed the business
for this term. They will meet in Au
gust as a board of equalization. The
following items of interest to the peo
ple of western Klickitat were passed
upon by the Hoard at tnts session ;
In tbe matter of the State road, the
board ordered tbe surveyor to examine
and if noceesary. survey the same.
The R. D. Cameron road whs estab
The report of John G. Wyers, super
visor of rural delivery No. 4, was ex
amined and ap roved, showing the
following amount expended : For ma
terial. $220.54: for labor. $2,440.10.
Commissioner J. P. Egau reports
$150.00 expended on White Salmon
road, aud 1'JG.00 on Burdoin road for
permanent improvements.
E. B. Wise was appointed manager
of Klickitat exhibit at Portland.
It was ordered that 2000 booklets be
sent to the fair at Portland, advertis
lug the resources of this county..
Tbe surveyor was ordered to make a
survey of the State road, and report
at the next meeting ot tlie board.
Tbe White Salmon ferry road hear
ing was sot for October ,1, 1005.
The final hearing of the Spluwu road
was set for October 4, liKU
The county auditor was ordered to
advertise for bids for the construction
of a trussle bridge across Jones creek
on the White Salmon and Trout Lake
Tho sum of $10!) was expended on
the Dry Canyon fill, near White Sal
in on.
F. F. Ricbardon was given tho free
scholarhipat the State College at Pull
Several bills were ordered paid to
various parties in the west end, but
space will not permit mention.
W. R. Neal, au old time resident of
this place, now of Monmouth, Or., is
visiting friends here.
One Hollar Saved Represents Ten
Hollars Earned.
The average man does not save to ex
ceed ten per cent of his earnings. He
must spend tune dollars m living ex
penses for every dollar saved. Thai be
ing the case be cannot be too careful
about unnecessary expenses. cry ol-
ten a few cents properly Invested, like
buving seeds lor Ins garden, will save
several dollars outlay later on. It is
the same ill buying Chamberlain's
Colic, Cholera and lliarrlioea l.emedy
It costs but a few cents and a bottle "f
it in the houe often saves a doctor's bil
of several dollars. For sale by Wil
Mams' Pharmacy.
Money In Skamania County Treasury
The report of the recent meeting of
the commissioners ot hKaniBiila county
shows a balance of $17,11.1.80 iu the
treasury, June Ik), 1005. The books
and accounts of the other otticials
weie examined and found correct, in
orprv tiurticnt:tr
The matter of the state road west
over to the August term.
T.ifiaouM tn uu) Honors wii l'rmitpil
... . .... -"i rs
Amo.1 TTiwlaruoitd Tim old court.
house has temporarily been rented for
use or the county poor.
Bort Reynolds was awaraded the free
scholarship at Piulinan.
The pills that net as a tonic, and not
as a drastic purge, are Hi wills Li I lie
harly Hisers. ihey cure Headache
Constipation, Biliousness, etc. F.arly
Risers are small, easy lo take and easy
to act a safe pill. Mack Hamilton
hotel clerk, at Vadev City, N. !., says
"Two bullies of these Famous Little
Pills cured me of chronic constipation. '
Good for children or adults, hold by
G. E. Williams.
Jones Dont you think that a man is
public benefactor who makes two blades
of grass to grow w here before there was
but oner
Smith Well, I used to thihk po, be
fore 1 owned a lawn-mower.
When you find it necessary to use
salve use Dew ltt s itch Hazel Salve,
It is the purest, and liest or Sores
Burns, Boils, Eczema, Blind, Bleeding
Itching or Protruding Piles, (iel tbe
genuine DeWitt s Wilcli Haze) Salve.
Sold by G. t. W illiarus.
....Our Object and Yours
The Real Estate,
Insurance, Loan and
Collection Bureau
Edwin A. Henderson, Manager.
Notary Public
Five acres. 5 room house, two miles
west of town, $12u0.00; part cash.
lUO acres, unimproved, f 10 00 jier
52i' acres, 3 miles out, 2 house", fruit
trees, berricB and hay, $1050.
(i2, acres, 5 room house, clover, alfal
fa, 150 apple trees, 1S50; terms.
10 acres near Parkerton, logged off,
$275 cash.
30 acres fine orchard, irrigating w iter,
if.'iOO.OO per acre ; terms.
30 acres Spltzenbergs and Newtowns,
$''.r)0 per acre ; terms.
15 acres, 12 acres cultivated, 3 acres
old family orchard, 3 acres New towns
and Spitzenbergs, all kinds of small
trint, all in hay, o room noose, sione
milk house, $250 per acre; terms.
10 acres unimproved, acioss road
from above, $-00 per acre.
10 acres, 2 miles from town, house,
300 Xewtow iis and Spitzen bergs, 2 acres
otatoes, i5 cherry trees, o acres clover,
lam. chicken house, fine well, (I inches
irrigation water, $3000; $1500 cash.
Wanted, property on State road.
Lot SO bv 130, 2 story 8 room house,
2 lots, west end town, 5 room house,
$850; below bill.
2 lots, (i room bouse, plastered, stone
foundation, on bill, 11200.
Lot 100 feet square, house, 3 rooms,
$000 on time ; $550 cash.
3 lots 50 by HO, 0 room house, ceiled,
basement, $2000; two-thirds cash.
Beautiful lots in Cue's addition, 25
per cent down, $5 per mouth at K per
cent interest.
3 lots on bill 50 by 90, on hill; $400
2 lots, 0 room house, ceiled, piped
with water, free water, $!S(Kl; $000
3 lots, west end town, $1HKI; one-half
cash, balance 8 per cent.
Lots in Cue's, addition, on the install
ment plan.
2 lots, on brow of hill above posti-llice,
8 room house, plastered, 4 lots, all in
fruit trees, bearing, $2300; terms.
Two lots and 6 room house, $000; will
sell house and lot for $750.
Lot and one-half, 5 room house, bam,
outhouses, $850; cash.
Sightly lots in Cue's addition. Sole
House and lot in Coe's addition, $H50:
Uits at $300 each in Hull's addition.
Fine lot in liarretl Sipma, $350.
Lot Hli bv 100, fenced, 6 room bouse,
barn and woodshed, bulow hill, near
school hons , $1200.
Two lots, 50 by 100, in front of school
on hill, f(HX).
Lot and house one-half block east of
post ollice, $850; 30 days.
Lots in Cue's addition, on the install
ment plan. Houses to rent.
I am prepared to furnish water for
domestic purposes at 50c per monib;
hath and toilet, 25c each; irrigation, $1
per lot. KiiwiN A. Hkniikrson,
Agent for H. O. Coe.
We have three things which we expect to attain by being in busi
ness, and we must attain all three if we expect to stay here. The
first is to make money the second to make friends, and the third to
sell the kind of clothes that will enable us to make both. We might be
able to temporarily accomplish the first without the aid of the latter.
You can figure out as well as we can about how long we could keep
things going on such a plan. The right kind of clothes is the essen
tial secret to permanent success. And our object is to see that you
get them. Black & Co.'s clothes fit and wear and hold their perfect
shnpe in a manner which tells any man plainly enough that he will
go far und look long before ho finds anything of a like quality at a
lower price. We want your trade, and we know you will like the
Black & Co. clothes we tire now offering you. Drop in and examine
the goods.
....Vogt Brothers, The Clothiers....
3 CI
Money Makes the Mare Go.
After July 81st we will be on a cash basis. We feel that in justice to our
selves, as well as to you, our cash customers, we must take this course, and
now if you want goods as cheap in price as any one can sell for cash, we
invite you to come.
We are grateful to you, our time customers, for your support in the
past, but we are confident that wo can show you it is to your interest to
buy for cash, for pay day soon rolls around even on a time sale.
Your dollar will buy one dollar's worth, and we will show you we appre
ciate it.
Building Material, Carpets,
Paints, etc.
3 CI
Hardware Stewart's Furniture
Seasonable Goods
N P Strawberry hullres... 100
Camp stools 250
Tents, up from $4.75
('amp stoves $1.00
Hammocks 750
Wagon covers, pillows.
Folding camp tables.
Fishing tackle.
Guns, revolvers, ammunition
Building Materials
Genuine wood fibre
plaster, per ton $16.00
Yellow fir lath green
per 1000 2.65
Mouldings, inside furnishings
Columns, porcn goods.
! Doors and windows.
I Lime and cement.
! Pure prepared paint
I per gallon 1.75
I (Mass in every style.
In more than doubling our store capacity our
whole intent ion is to be able to purchase all of our
goods in the quantities that secures lowest possible
cost and to be able to handle such stock with the
greatest economy. It will hereafter be impossible
to leaye home for purchases on account of trices or
assortment in
Hardware, Furniture, Crockery,
Glassware, Stoves, Tinware,
and the thousands of articles which go to the
needs and comforts of a home.
We furnish everything forbuild
. ing a home. ::::::
1 Willi
Williams' Pharmacy
Stoves Stewart's Crockery
Fine line of
Toilet Articles,
etc. Also
Spray Material
Bring in your Pr script ions.
FROHN & HEATON, Proprietors.
Fresh and Salt Meats, Groceries,
Free Delivery Flour and Feed, riione l.(.
Can get a First-Class 250 MEAL at the
P. F. FOUTS, Prop.