The Hood River glacier. (Hood River, Or.) 1889-1933, July 20, 1905, Image 3

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"That was u splendid meeting this
efteruoon, ami to ma the prospects
look brighter for a cream route here
right now than they did a year ago at
Sunnyside, iu the Yakima valley,
where we are now sending iu a
mouin for cream." lJavid Drown,
president of the lluzelwood Creamerv
Co. at Portland made this) remark last
Saturday afternoon, uftor the iu melius
of the farmer in the rooms of the
Com mure lal club, whore they had
(fathered to talk about matters per
taining to the efctablifhmeut of a
cream route in the Hood Kiver valley.
Tills wax the largett meeting held
so far. There were three representa
tives of the Portland creamery here.
and one of them, Mr. Sherwood, has
remained over to make a personal can
vass of the valley and ascertain just
how many cons there are at present
to supply cream for a cream route,
and who of the farmers will give as
surance that they will secure addition
al cows should a route be placed here.
It may be that there are not suffi
cient cows just at present for this
proposed route, but many farmers are
anxious to swrue good cows and en
ter the creamery business. R. Leae
ure was down from Mount Hood.
where he says there are at least 20
cows which could suprly cream at
once. He also says that Arthur
Rhoads will buy 20 cows if the route
is established. Other farmers of the
vnlksy w ill begin at once to send their
cream to Portland w better the route
is established just now or not. They
believe this to be the iiest way to get
a good price for their hay, and to se
cure a return to the soil on which
their clover bay is raised.
In the absence of Mr. Shelley, Vir
gil Wineuell of Pine Grove presided as
chairman. "This mutter of building
up a cream business here depend
wholly upon the farmers," remarked
Mr. Wiuehell. "It will lie impossible
to place a wagon ou the route here
unless there is cream to gather."
J. H. Shoemaker stated that in con
vert atiou with the farmers of the val
ley he had gathered the impression
that the general sentiment was strong
ly in favor of a cream route for the
va'ley. There were some, he (aid, who
are backward in the matter, those
having four or lire cows and who are
now supplying butter to local parties.
To this Lee Morse replied that be
ex looted to buy cows at once, and
to make butter if he had to peddle it
on the streets. He thought that when
the price of butter iu the local market
wiih thus brought to bed rock there
wo; lil be- mor con erts to tho cream
ery route idea. "I'm looking for
cows now," said Mr. Morse.
Dr. Shaw asked that Mr. Leasure of
Mount Hood make a statement. Com
plying with the request, Mr. Leasure
said thnte had been two or three
meetings on this subject by the peo
ple of Mount Hood, and they are very
anxious to co-oprete with Hood River
in a creamery route. "We have the
clover," said Mr. Leasure, "but we
cau't keep cows it a profit nuless we
have some way to dispose of the
cream. "
Jack Hinns, who lives high np In
the foot bills, thought this subject
was being agitated too soon. "Some
of the farmers have been accustomed
tn getting H to 20 a ton for their
hnv, but let tbera wait another year,
when the price will be so low they
will all want to get cows and feed
them the hay," said Mr. Binns.
H. F. Shoemaker thought Mr. Binus
had sized up the situation just about
right. His brother, J. H., was of the
same opinion. "Iu a few years," re
marked Mr. Shoemaker, "there will
bo at least 1)200 inches of water turned
upon the farms of Hood River valley.
All this cannot be used to grow apples
and berries.. There must be a succes
sion of crops, and bay will naturally
be oue of them. A irearacry route is
bound to come.
Jack N'euleigh thought there should
1)0 a creamery heie and not a cream
route. He would keep all industries
at Dome. Mr. Lea of the Maze wood
Co. assured the people that if they
wanted a creamery h re, re Jwould be
. pleased to lend all assistance in the
matter he could. "But first let me
have you examine tie merits of the
cream route, said lie. "If you value
a creamery more tlmu the larger cash
returns to the farmers, well and good,
but 1 am tlinlv convinced we can
offer you the better proposition."
Mr. Brown was also anxious that
the farmers iure.-tigate the creamery
idea anil find tut why they should
pay better, if tl.oy do. He consid
ered the STjOUO it would require to es
tablish a creamery plant would offer a
bettor investment if placed in cows for
a cream route.
At this point Mr. Staten offered the
following letter from James Withy
combe, director of the experiment
station at the Oregon Agricultural
college at Corvallis:
"Have your letter of the Nth, and
in reply beg to say that I doubt the
wisdom of establishing a creamery at
Hood River. I think the better plau
would bo to ship the fresh cream to
Portland. Portland is one of the best
markets on the continent for fresh
cream, and with the splendid train
service at Hoed River there should be
no difficulty in having the cream
reach Portland in good condition.
The tendency is for each section to
manufacture its products ready for
consumption. While this is desirable
in many the case of dairy
ing it is more profitable to ship the
freest cream, where it can reach the
Portland market in good coudition.
Without you have a number of cows
so as to justify the employment of a
first-class creamery man it is very ex
pensive to make butter.
"As to the arr.ount of butter fat you
can expect from a ton of clover hay,
will say that clover hay alone will not
be a successful feed. Iu fact no for
age plant in the form of hay furnishes
a properly balanced ration so far as
nutriment and bulk is concerned.
Ordinarily 20 pounds of clover bay
and six pounds of mill feed will sup
ply the wants of a cow giving from 25
to 30 pounds of 4 per cent milk a day,
hence you will see that cost of the bay
and mill feed will be about equal, so,
estimating 20 pounds of 4 per cent
milk per day, this would equal about
CO pounds of butter fat to be credited
to a ton of buy, which is certainly a
very large return for the hay feed "
"There is no difficulty in making
dairying pay with a good class of
cows, intelligeuca and proper feed.
Mr. Staton was of the opinion that
each farmer should take his penci.
in hand and figure out the proposition
for himself. Taking bis deductions
from the letter jus-t read, be has
figured -out that 14 cents a day will
keep a cow in feed, allowing 910 for
the price of hay, and mill stuff 5 per
cent of a cows feed. A cow giving 30
pounds of milk a day should snpply
3b' pounds of butter fat in a month,
which at 20 cents chould return the
farmer $7. 20. Deducting the cost of
feed, there it left 12.67 as a margin
for the trouble of feeding and caring
for the cow, while a farmer's hay has
realized for him $12 a ton. In addi
tion to this there is the skim milk for
pigs and calves.
Mr. Brown explained that when his
company entered the field at Snnv
side hay had got down to M a ton.
and the farmers were seeking some
means of making a profit lrom their
farms. A half dozen meetings were
held, which finally resulted in nam
in K someone to go out and buy cows
by the carload. Some 115,000 was
raised to secure the cows. The
banks were anxious to advance money
on the undertaking, and today 3200
a month is being distributed among
the Sunnyside farmers by the Hazel
wood company in exchange for their
cream. There is prosperity in the
Mr. Winchell has carefully estimated
the hay crop iu the Pine Grove dis
trict, and finds that the local con
sumption will take 100 tons, leaving
000 tons to market. "WhereT That
is the Question." said he. "1 am ao
ing to buy cows and ship my cream
to Portland whether a route is put on
this fall or not. A neighbor of mine
will go in with me on tbe proposition.
And now tbe question is where can
we find the cows, good cows:
In reply to tbe question whether the
creamery business could be made to
pay on the high-priced Hood River
laud, Mr. ijea said that In Tillamook
the farmers are making money. In
tbe Erie valley in New York state
here tbe land is valued at $150 and
more per acre the dairy business is
very profitable, as It is in the Sacra
mento valley on $.'100 land.
Axel Kahni added here that in
northern Europe where farming land
cannot be bought for less than $2T0
and $300 an acre, dairying is so profit
able that butter is packed and sniped
all the way to Japan. England is the
chief butter market for tbe farmers of
Sweden and Denmark.
Tbe question was asked as to who
paid tbe express on cream ent to
Portland. Mr. Lea replied that the
farmers did, but that the railroads
bad made a special rate on cream, and
that the. empty cans wore returned
free of cost. Farmers in the Sacra
mento valley find it profitable to ship
all the way to Portland, as do those
in Boise, and iu the winter months
cream is sent from Utah to Portland
lined Kiver Farmers Show Wisdom
Rural Northwest.
The people of the Hood River valley
are taking up tbe matter of establish
ing a creamery in that valley with
great enthusiasm. While tbe dairy
industry is just in its infancy in that
valley, the same spirit and push
which has given Hood River its repu
tation for apples and strawberries will
bring success in their new undertak
ing. It is certain that they are show
ing wisdom in setting about to diver
sify their farming. It is against all
experience to expect permanent suc
cess when tbe land is continuously
devoted to the production of a single
crop. While In such places as the
Hood River valley the fruit growing
industry pays well on an average, it
is even there a crop of considerable
risk. Profits may lie very large one
year and exceedingly hard to discover
another year. The dairy industry, ou
the other band, is probably the safest
of all agricultural industries. It is no
got-rich-quick business, but both in
the United States and in other coun
tries those districts which have been
long devoted to dairying are almost
without exception tbe ones in which
the farmers are iu the best average
financial condition. As carried on
today, the dairy industry, like the
truit-growing industry, requires a
high degree of intelligence and skill
There are no branches of agriculture
u which intellience and mental
ability count for more than in dairy
ing and fruit growing. The condi
tions of the Hood River valley are
favorable for the dairy industry in
that, with the aid of irrigation, great
crops of clover and other forage plants
can lie grown there. It is no place
for the old-style slip-shod pasture
method of dairying. The only kind
of dairying which can be made profit
able there is the highpressure system,
and that is the system which pays
best anywhere. The cow which yields
less than 300 pounds of butter a year
will be the wrong kind of a cow for
the Hood River valley.
Issnse a Coyote Bulletin.
"The-Relation of Coyoets to Stock
Raising in the West," is the title of a
farmers' bulletin issued recently by
the U. S. department of agriculture,
tbe last page of which contains ti e
following paragraphs:
The following conclusions are drawn
from the experiments and from other
data now avaialble:
1. Prairie coyotes w ill uot willingly
jump over a fence above thirty inches
in height.
2. They will readily climb over
fences built of horizontal rails or
cross-bars, especially in order to es
cape from captivity.
3. Barbed wires do not deter them
from crawling through a fence to es
cape. Whether they will go through
a closely barbedwire fence to attack
sheep or poultry is still an open ques
tion. 4. Woven wire fences should have
mesbes, when rectangular, less than 6
by 6 inches to keep out coyotes. For
such fences, triangular meshes are
much better than square ones.
5 In fencing against coyotes with
woven fences care must be used to see
that there are no openings at the
ground through which the animals
can force themselves, since they are
more likely to crawl under a fence
than to jump over it.
6. It seems reasonably reitain that
a fence constructed of woven wire with
a triangular mesh uot over x inches
across and bating a height of 28 to
42 inches, supplemented by two or
three tightly stretched barbed wires,
would prove to be coyote-proof. It is
difficult to make exact estimates ol
the cost. Woen fences differ iu
weigh!, price and durability, and
freight charges on materials depend
on the distance fioni dieti ibuting
points. The cost of posts and labor
varies much. An estimate based on
so many varied factors is of little val
ue, but an average of 9200 per mile
would probably allow tbe use of the
best materials.
Bent Her Double.
"I knew no one, for four weeks, when
I was sick wiih typhoid and kidney
Irnuble," writes Mrs. Annie Hunter,
if Pittsburg, Pa., "and when I got
tf tier, although I bad one of the best
doctors I could get, I was bent double,
anil bad lo rest my hands on my knees
when I walked. From this tWrrible
iitllirtion I was recued by Electric Bit
ters, which restored my health and
strength, and now I can walk as
straight as ever. They are simply
wonderful." (iuaran ei d to cure stom
ach, liver and kidney disorders; at C.
N. Clarke's drug store; price 50 cents.
Tbe small colleges of tbe country
should not give all their thanks to
Rockfeller for that 110,000,000. Tbey
should reserve a part of them for Ida
Tar bell and Thomas W. Lawton.
hose Deering people
the kind of binders and mowers and rakes
that save work at busy harvest-time.
It would be a good idea for you to write
to us about prices and facts hear the
Deering story before you buy either of
those tools. We like to answer questions
about anything a farmer wants ask
For Sale by J. R. Nickelsen, Hood River, Oregon
Good for Stomach Trouble, (oMipntimi
"Chamberlains Stomach and Liver
Tablets bae dune me a great deal of
good," says C. Towns, of Rat Portage,
Ontario, Canada. "Being a mild physic
the after eH'ccts are not unpleasant, and
I can recommend (hem them to all
who sutler from stomach disorder."
For sale by Williams' Pharmacy.
She Mama says girls ought to learn
to cook instead of to play the piano.
What do you think?
He Well it all depends on whether
it would be worse to eat what they
cooked or hear wlmt they played.
Buy It Now.
Now is the time to buy Chamber
lain 'a Colic,- Cholera and Diarrhoea
Kemedy It is certain to lie needed
sooner or later and when that time
comes you will need it badlyyou w ill
need If qnicklv. Buy it now. ' It may
save life. For sale by Williams' Phar
macy. Little Mary was discovered one ihiy
by her mother vigorously applying the
oil can to the kitten's month. On be
ing reproved, she replied: "Why,
mama, kitty squeaks so awful when I
pull her tail. "
Beautify your complexion with little
cost. If you w ish it sruooth,' clear,
eieunilike complexion, rosy cheeks,
laughing eyes, take Ho Ulster's Rocky
Mountain Tea, greatest beautilier
known. 35 cents. O. N. Clarke's.
"Do you believe in blowing your
own horn?" "Sure," replied the
autoist. "I got arrested the other
day for passing a street crossing with
out blowing it."
Jasper Jones must bejgetting along
better auil making money now.
Jumpuppo Why? '
Jasper He owes mo money and he
dodges out of my way now instead of
meeting me brazenly as he used to.
Not a cent wanted, unless you are
cured. If you are sVk and ailing, lake
Hollister's Hocky Mountain Tea. A
great blessing to I he human family.
Makes you well keeps you well. 35
cents, Tea or Tablets. ('. K.Clarke's.
Blue Vitrol at Clarke's 7c a pound.
Janitor Work
Janitor work done at rearonuble prices by
esperteiiced man. Apply to fc. W, CKOHH,
1'hone K7.
of McMinnville. Oregon, will insure your
prorty at IK) per cent less cost than
anv other ins.itntion.
FRANK J. I'KlikINN, Special Agent,
Koom 7, Vogt building, The Dalles.
clean unit quiet plnce fur a nlKbt rout. A
new Ullllillnir with new luriilslilnifK IhroiH'h-
ont. The only pluce In the city of Portland In
miring flrsurlass service during Hie COw per
fnlr (mnke re crvnlli.nn earlvi Hl-l(,i,,y
L. A. Henderson, liunil Kiver Agent.
For Irrigation of City Lots
Notice should be iriven at the ollice of
the Light and Water Co. when water
is used for sprinkling. We eny sprink
ling liecanse it is the only method by
which we agree to furnish water for irri
gation. Beware of the man with the
wrench. If this point is overlooked, like
wise the proper time to sprinkle as no
further notice will lie given.
Consumers whose residences front the
south sides of the streets named below
will sprinkle between hours of 5 am II
a. in. ; those on the north side between
3 and !l p. ni. ; Columbia, Kiver, Oak
and State streets, and Sherman and I Iu-,
zel avenues. ,
In case of alarm of lire all mriiiklini
should be stopped promptly.
IV. K. (iOI- K. Mir. 1
T ti. but in keeping.
$A good way to keep
monev is to dettosit nart
of your earnings each
week in :i sia vinos Imnl.-
$1 ii this way you not only
$keep it, but you make it
earn more,
a, We invitevou toopen an
account with us, no niat-
T ter hnw munll vnm-onm.
ings, or how little you
are able to keep.
Interest paid on deposits
t . 1 T 11 .
a oi uiii! lsouur or more.
p Start your boys and
$ girls on the road topros
perity by depositing one
$ dollar to their credit and
securing a Recording
rf Safe in which they may
p deposit their earnings.
Savings Department,
First National Bank.
w AterI
make mighty good
FISH and
Goods delivered daily. Look
out for tho '
Fish Wagon
One door East of leather's ollice.
F "The Ice Cream of Quality"
I'nre, Rich ('renin and the Purest of Flavors
blended with unsurpassed skill.
j& ICE
Try a quart for Sunday's dinner. Special prices for picnics and socials.
FKKE SOl'NKNIK When visiting I'orilantl rail hi Hwt-tliimlVjTS Morrison street,
snrt present this ail. You will receive Kit
WOOD & SMITH liHOS., Proprietors.
Groceries, Flour and Feed
Only Exclusive Grocery Store in the City. Free Delivery. Phone
Hood River Flour
No mutter whether you eat to live or live to eat,
you should eat best; and when you get our Flour
you i'et the best and it is pure and clean.
is the best Flour over put on the Hood River market
is unequalled by any similar prieed flour.
revure of artificially blenched flour you will
live longer.
Ask your grocer for Hood River Orahani and
Hood River
Vehiclesand Agricultural Implements
Sentinel Jr., Bean, Pomona, Rochester, Fruitall,
Also Kxtra Hose, Nozzles and Connecti. lis.
A f'-ll stock of Plows, Harrows, Cultivators and repairs, Grubbing Machines and
AVire Calile, Aermntcr Wind Mills, Buckeye I'uinps, liolster Springs,
Hoyt's Tree Supports, and Uanford's Ilulsain of Myirh.
Kxtra llnc;t;y Tope, Cushion, Dashes, l'oles,
Shares, "inuletrees and Neck yoke.
Planet Jr. and Iron Age Garden Tools. Now's ttie time to choose your
garden tools, and rhoosin(: thetu you have a larger variety to select from than was
ever offered. Whatever your implement wantf, if theyr'e satisfied here, yon will
have cause for rejoicing over their cost and long wear.
It is to your advantage to do so.
Another car just in.
Oregon Lumber Co
B20S., Sole Agents.
KK un attractive Lewis Clark souvenir.
Milling Co.
Sharpies Tubular
We again invite you
"Upper Crust
R. II. WEIlKIt, rrop.
Evergreen, Rosea and Shrubbery.
Remember, Our Trees are Grown Strictly Withaut Irrigation.
AH Repairing Promptly Attended to
with tbe water that K. past, but unlike
the mill, our past orders have been
tilled so successfully that new ones are
constantly coming In from our old
patrons. Are you to be ono of them?
Our Dalles Patent and White Kiver
flour is the finest t lint is milled, and
Is ground from tbe best selected wheat;
in fact the cream of the wheatflelds.
and it makes the most delicious bread
white and palatable.
Hood River, Or.
E. R. Bradley
We are here to do your work today
tomorrow and every other day, and
our money (what little we have)
la aiwnt In Hood River. We want
your work and can do it neatly and
Don't Go Dry
Just lieeause you arc
In a Dry Town
Oct your (Want List) made out ready
for next Haturday for everything you
need, such as
Flour, Feed, Stock Food, Chick
Food, Russian Lice Killer, Blue
Vitrol, Lime, Cement, Salt.
Dace your orders with II. V. Wait and
get not only good goods at the right
prices, but aleo a
Remember I have 9 different Brand of
Flour, and am go inn to close out as
nearly as possible. Goods guaranteed
as represented.
Don't be deceived
by what certain parties tell you about
They are grinding their ax, and you
may leel us sharp eilge.
See for yourself
(io to the depot and examine the
White Salmon Berries
('iiinpare them with any raised in Hood
ft e ... ' " , . .
ui' er lor size, urmness, color anu nsvor.
It takes more than "Kiwkv 111 n ff " I.
raise mi ll fruit.
Come and view our beautiful valley ;
we can cliow you the soil, climate and
locution for first-class fruit and berries.
.Illt u .1 I lanrl ma t..,i will m. ..
" ' ' . ' " inuu RB JU Hill ' J
twh ss lunch for where you buy repu-
iniiuii. j,Hnu mat is sure w auvance in
value as nuf valley develops.
Ca'l st the White Salmon Land com
pany, it if our pleasure to show stran
gers the valley.
White Salmon Land Co.
White Salmon, Wash.
to natron of the Farmer't Irrttratfnsr eompauy:
Ail bills fur rnaintai nance fees not paid by July 10
will be placed in the hands of the irauirer for col
lection. The irairer will be Interacted, lo abut off
tbe water on that date. Hy order of the board of
director, M. H. Nickelaon, Secretary.
to try
Dealer In
Harness Sz Saddles
1111 EE
Ice Cream, Soft Drinks
and Confectionery,
Pipes, Cigars and Tobacco.
Hood River Heights
Near liaxehall tirouuds on the Heights
Cilve Us a Call
Photo Studio
Our lino new studio
is now open for
bunincHH. Every
thing new and up-to-date.
t'onie in and have
your pliotOH taken Jf
Work gin i ran teed.
The Photographer,
8-room residence
Compartively new, with lot 70x7."), near
riehool House, 'i bis in a deximble place
situated in tho part of the town. Any
one looking for a comfortable home nl a
low price should seo it. Call on V .1.
linker & Co., or write to owner.
L. N. Blowers
Hood Uiver, Oregon.
I am prepared to furnish mill and hIiiIi
wood, hImo other kinds of wood.
I have a new stcmii wood saw and am
prepared to do sawing. Also do gi
team work.
Phone 121.
A Family Library
Tiia Best In Current Literature
12 Compliti Novels Yearly
$2.60 pen ycar ; 26 ct. a copy