The Hood River glacier. (Hood River, Or.) 1889-1933, July 13, 1905, Image 8

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('Half a thouHHiid roonlo enthornd on
the creen about the (Juler hotel (or
the Fourth of July celebration in the
Trout Lake country last week.
more orderly and well-bohnved gather
Ins would nave been nurd to nnu
For miles around came the prosperous
farmers and their happy families.
The Camas prairie country had
lame delegation. Every ouo was
good spirits and patriotio enthusiasm
ran bluti.
Chris Guler, the general boniface
of the (jiilur Inu.accommodated over
hundred with a splondld dinner, while
others of the crowd enjoyed a picnic
spread under the shade of the trees
Ilerr Uulor hospitably invites all
who comes to the use of his camp
grounds, and many each year take
advantage of the kind offer. There U
but one consideration which the pro
prietor asks of hi i guests, and that is
that they behave themselves. Those
who don't are not welcome.
Mr. Guler has permitted Tbode Bros,
to erect a dance hall and amusement
pavilion on his grounds, which these
enterprising young men throw open
to the publio whenever the occasion
demands it. No intoxicants are per
mitted about the premises, and the
gay revelers are never disturbed by
rowdyism. Dancing la thej cblof tea
tu re of all celebrations at Trout Lake,
On an occasion like the Fourth the
floor of the pavilion is cleared for ae
tion early lu the afternoon, and the
merry musio of the danco ceases not
until daylight calls the revelers home
the next morning.
The ball on the Fourth was under
the management of the Tbode Uros,
and K. A. Myrkett, zuber buhler
John Wyers aud William fierluser,
floor malingers. The calling was done
by Mr. Wyers. Fred Cutllh made
musio on the violin. Mrs. Peets ot
Portland, one of the campers, kindly
accompanied Mr. uutlltl on an organ
in i no forenoon there was an ora
tlou by Professor W. K. Miller, prin
cipal ot the Trout Lake school. The
foot ruoe was captured by young
man from the city, who was too fleet
of foot for the boys who operate the
piow aim nay raKe on their fatber'i
farm. K. M. Filloon of Tbo Dalle
won the bicycle race aud a 13 prize,
In the afternoon there was a horse
race with four eutries. The contest
ended with Uuy Chiuunau winner
V. E. Witt, seound; Elton McCrea,
third, and Paul McKercher, fourth
lhe purses were 10, $1 and 12. Fred
Dantzer was seoond In the bicyol
Evidence of the prosperity in the
upper valley of the White Halm on U
demonstrated by a donation among
ine rarmera or viau for the erection
of a Presbyterian church. The church
organization will grant other denomi
nations the privilege of meeting
the new church. This structure will
be a credit to the couimuuty.
On the day of the Fourth, Miss
Jimot Looy, teacher in the primary
room or me xrout lake school, left
for her home at Uolilendale. The
hearty goodbyes accorded Miss Looy
on ner ueparcure was a llrm testlmon
lal of the esteem In which she is held
by her pupils aud friends at Trout
Lake. This closes her third term In
the irout Lake school.
Tearing l)own the old ISiiIldlntrN.
N. I). Hunford, who was In the city
iaai xuursuuy irom Cascade Locks,
says the government Is tearing down
the old buildings whioh have stood
unused so long at the Cascade Locks,
A peculiar thing about the removal
of these buildings, is the fact that the
men in charge of the work are not
permitted to dispose of the lumber
or material to private partios. Mr.
bitnrorcl says anoyne could atford to
give IMKJ for the buildings and re
moved them for the good lumber
there Is lu them. Home of the mater
ial Is being saved for the construe
lion or other buildings fur the govern
ment at the Locks.
Mr. Hanford savs tho oouutrv about
Cascade Locks would be first-class for
dairy ran (dies. Grass keeps green
there all the year round. While the
farming lauds about tho Locks are
not extensive, there are several good
tracts there which could be utilized
for growing furm and garden truck
to a prollt for the owner. Nearly 100
uimi are employed ill ine wind Kivor
saw mill at this point. As a conse
quence the stores of Cascade Locks
have to import a large amount of pro
duce each year, which might Just as
wen ie raised almost wltlilu the town
Cascade Locks went dry at the re
cent prohibition election, and two
saloons will have to go out of busi
ness, '
Extend Head From Nlianlko.
OlllcitiU of the Harrtntnn Hues in
this state have returned from a ton
days' tour of inspection of the oouii
try between Hhaniko aud Horn! and
I'rineville, anil stuto that their oil
Nervations have coiillrmed the belief
that a branch of the Colubmla Houth
eru railroad from Hlianiko to Hend
should be constructed. A roport fa
voring this extension will be made
and it is expected that orders for the
extension will be issued soon. The
new prospective road will be about !0
miles In length. All those who made
tho journey were agreeably surprised
at the appearance of the laud they vis
ited, and none of them had any Ides
of tho VBlne and productiveness of
tills section of tho central part of the
state before they took the trouble to
Wheat, o:its ami barley grow pro
lillcully without Irrigation on a great
plateau of 100,000 acres ou Agency
Plains ; near by are :tj,0lH) acres more
all under cultivation. Madras, Cul
ver, Forest and ltodnuind were in
spected and all found to lie remark
ably promising. Tho Deschutes Irri
gation company has about 21.r,000
acres of laud ready for settlement aud
ultimately tho d Holies and canals of
this organization will to extouded
to Include great tracts that ar now
waiting the revivifying elfecta of
Priueville is the center of a great
stock raising district, and uear by,
great agricultural lands are already
bearing crops of immense value. The
possibilities of this entire country are
aimosi uuumiieu. xne sou Is so rich
that with water anything which can
be growu east of the Cascades can
be produced there. A great market
will be built up in the future and it
is not likely that the railway officials
will overlook such an opportunity of
securing the first fruits of enterprise
by projecting a branch line with all
speed to the center of the district.
ufliicllon I was recwd by F.lecf ric Hit
lers, which restored my In-all li and
strength, and now I can walk n
straight m ever. They arc simply
wonderful." Guaranteed to cure stom
ach, liver and kidney disorders; at C.
N. Clarke's drug store; price SO cents.
Looked Like" Kldknopplnp.'"
For an hour or more last Thursday
night thero was every appearance that
the two chih ren of Mr. aud Mis. n,
L. Young had peeu kiduspiied. It
was rather a trying experience, to
say the least. Mr. and Mrs. Young
returnod from the country shortly af
ter 9 o'clock, and on arriving at their
home, their littlo girl and hoy, five
and three years old, were missing,
It was soon learned that the chil
dren had been seen up the street in
company with a man. Mr. Young
rushed to the depot and was told that
the man and children had been seen
there. Ibis made things look like a
kidnapping, and word was at once
sent to ollicers at The Dulles to March
the train as it arrived iu that city
Mrs. Young collapced in a faint
Another report came in that the nnu
whs still iu town. Starting up 11.
street Mr. Young found a Mr. Cook
of Mount Hood walking leisiierly alone
with the children. The father knock
ed the man down at once. Coot
scrambled to bis feet and disappeared
so quickly that Young was unable to
deliver a second blow.
Cook might have meant no harm In
his work, but Mr. Young had suffered
anguish iu the thought that his clul
dren had been stolen from him, and
was In no mood to ask questions. "It
I could have only hit biin again," re
marked Mr. Young, "he would have
felt good and sore this morning."
Itaptlsts Planning to llulld (iinrcli
The lisptlsts of Hood Klver hnvf
purchased a lot west of the 11. II
uuiley residence on the heights, and
are planning, If all goes well, to erect
a church house this fall. It is theli
intention if they build to put up
structure whioh shall be a credit and
a pride to the city
liuv. J. li. Hpight, who is piihtor ol
the liaptist organization in this city
has endeared himself to the iiiomhor
of hli congregation in the few ruoutui-
be has boon located here, and bis wise
counsel is already showing results for
good ia the community. In addition
to his duties in Hood Kivor, Mr.
Hpight has charge of a congregation
at Mosier, where ho holds services tin
second and fourth Huudays of each
The people of MoHlor built a church
last full, the first church house lu that
valley, lhe chapel Is located in the
town of Mosier. Iho structure and
grounds have a value of gU'ioo, Other
denominations are grunted the privl
lege of worshiping Iu the Mosier
ohurch when not used by the Baptists,
Last week, Itov. J. It, Lister of tin
Christian church closed a series of
evangelical meetings thero, securing
a number of accessions to his denomi
Sunday morning, 1'ev, II. Wysc
Jones, state evangelist of tho lluj;tint
ohurcn In Oregon, began a series ol
special meotings iu tho llatelmni build
ing, next door to the Hill store. lev,
Mr. Jones Is an able speaker. He hoi-
aroused a strong Interest in his meet
lugs, aud is mooting with pleasing
Newspaper Advertising
What newspapers havo known these
many years and wondered that some
part of the world could not know Uf
well seems at last to lie rnrrying
weight with the lagging railways that
Is, that newspaper advertising is much
says the American 1'ress. uuailes H
more profitable than any other kind,
Young, advertising niuiinger for the
Chicago, Milwaukee and St. Paul
railroad, has declared In u recent uni
versity extension lecture that nows
pupers are growing steadily iu tin
estimation of the triillln corporation
and are even now looked upon as tin
best sources for coniiuaudiiig the at
teution of tho traveling public.
Pleasing as this tardy admission Is,
our surprise remains that the rail
ways, demanding the most alert Intel
ligenceiu their operation, should have
gone on stumbling in the dark con
cerning advertising truths accepted
years ago In tho humblest circles ol
trade. Theatrical niiiiiiigers anil other
amusemiit proiuotets, steamship lines,
insurance companies and department
stores lmve reaped fortunes from the
columns of the newspapers time out of
mind, mid today the baker, grocer,
butcher and clothier are advocates
ot tho Immense value derived from
their use.
The era of the sandwich man. tin
decorated gout, the garish billboard
and the Inglorious hand bill is forever
past. Painted rocks on the hillsidoK
and painted elephants in the iiiinIow
stand fortli us amusing reminders ol
misguided advertisers iu days when
business ethics were iu the hud. Post
ers, lithographs, curds mid what not til
the like repute are gradually lining up
with tho tlarlng yellow letters on the
wayside barn as relics of the methods
of our distinguished grandparents.
Newspaper advertising is the ac
knowledged business getter and will
continue to lie. No other tigencv
speaks to so colossal a ol indole. The
magazine has a wide circulation, to
lie sure, but it crawls pokily to its
destination and then falls into a
peaceful siesta for 110 days. Tho daily
and weekly, alive and active, rest not.
Hot from the press they deliver tliier
message and tbo message of the mer
chant. In a few hours their tusk is
repented as eagerly, mid millions pore
over their pages to the magazine V
The railroads are wise, if belated.
in their conversion.
Excursion Hales To The Pair. I
Kent Her Double.
"I knew no one, for four weeks, when
I was sick Willi typhoid and kidney
trouble," writes Mr. Annie Hunter,
of Pittsburg, Pa., "and when I got
better, although I had one of the best
doctors I could get, I was bent double,
and bad lo rest my hands on my knees
when I walked. From this terrrible
The general passenger ileiuirfmenl of
Iho O. H. & X. Co., Iiiih not i tied ntiont
east of Portland that round trip tickets
for the Lewis and Clark exposition, at
ortlillid, June 1 to October 1.1, will Ik
sold under the following arrangements :
individual tickets. One and one-
third fare for round trip; daily from
May to October IIS, inclusive; limil
turn limit SO days from date of sale.
but In no caw later than Octoln'r ,'11.
Party tickets. One single fare ner
apita for round trip lor parties often
or more on one ticket. Daily from Mav
.11 to October IS, inclusive! Continuous
passage in each direction; linal return
limit 10 days from date of sale.
Organized Parties of lot) or More. In
dividual rate of one fare per capita for
round triii will l made for organized
luirties of HHI or more moving on one
d iy from one point; limit 7 days from
date of sale; continues passage luetic
Coach excursions. Individual coach
excursion tickets mot good in sleeping
or parlor cars) Will be sold from time
to time during the life of the fair at
very low rates; particulars as to rates,
etc., covering each excursion will In-
duly announced.
Children's tickets. Tickets mav be
sold to children of half-fare age at one-
half of the sIhivc rales, adding sutli-
cient to make the end iu 0 or S, when
T Ditch nlfairs with the rocontly or
ganized irrigation distrcit on West
Side have a roseate hue, and the fur
mors naturally feel like rejoicing,
Mr. Hhosemaker informs the Glacier
that estimates on tho cost of construe
tion are expected in a few days, and
that soon thereafter a special election
will bo celled for a vote on the (jut
tion or a l oud issue.
Ilotwrrn Green Point and the farm
ii:g lauds fit the district it is estimated
ed that from 10(H) 1200 inches of water
can lie secured by tho farmers. This
should lie ample for several years to
come. It has already boon noted that
after lauds are irrigated a couple of
years it requires less water, and that
the low lands have more tliau enough
water from the seepage.
W.II. Hell of Portland Is tho engi
neer who ran the lines for tho pro
posod ditch. Other members of the
party were W. T. Eddy, assistant en
gineer, W. N. Moses, K. I). Martin,
II. K Macomber, Joseph Oodson,
'May Hadley and Joseph Phillips. J.
II. Hhnemaker and F. C. Klierrieb
were with the surveying party most
of the time.
A prelim inary line bus beeu run
from iladley's gap to Green Point,
short di.itiinco above the forks of the
stream, and from there to the stream
of Hood Kivor above tho Jones place,
formerly the lluskirk property. A
uomi nratively easy route has been
found by way of Iladley's gap to
Green Point, and tho farmers are
hopeful of comtruotii'g this ditch at
t much less cost than tho early esti
.lien Hel'ore the Parly.
Fruit Grove Times.
Several of republican exchanges
notably certain lending dailies at
Portland, Kaleni and Astoria are
keeping up a wail because the people
have elected democrats to the fore
'Host positions in tho state and its
lihief city. They bitterly assail those
republicans who failed to support
l.'iotr nominee, as being responsible
lor the demoralization of the party
and would cost them nut of It if they
could. While The Times editor is a
republican and regrets to see tho do
feat of a r imdidate of the party, yet
he chiiiii t join those who are roasting
the vot' i w I o declines to support the
nominee, lie lecognizesthe privilego
of every n un to place whut he thinks
right above n.oro party name. Unfor
tunately, i i. icpulilictin nominees for
several i.i poitnnt positions at late
election.- h.ive been men who have by
their per (mil habits or by their asso
ciations, ilieiuded many of their
party voters. '1 hey were nominated
by a faction, forced onto the party in
against the ( ai not protest of a large
number ol conscientious voters and
their deb i t vim due to the refusal of
these iron lo vole for nominees they
did not I elicto worthy. In every case
the objection to the candidates was
well known before they wore nominat
ed, and those who forced their nomi
nation must have known aud did know
that they were inviting defeat when
they did it. Party loyalty will not in
fluence many men to disregard their
conscientious scriiples,aiid no amount
of scolding after election will help
matters. The better way is to nomi
nate men who lire above reproach. To
force uuy other kind on tho ticket
seldom lesults in good to the party
even if the candidate is elected.
lleiiey l.ancos (lie Hull.
Condon Globe.
A few newspapers in Oregon seem
llsposed, to the best of their ability
which is not gigantic to "roast"
one Francis J. Honey, who bus been
designated by the president to prose
cute the land fraud cases in Oregon
and other Pacillo coast states Mr.
Ileny seems to havo accepted Ills com
mission. in the samo spirit in which
I'reeident Koosevelt tendered it to
him, which means that he under
stands that all rascals are to be prose
cuted to the full extent, of tho law
without regard to their age,politics,or
previous condition of servitude in
public ollleo. Of courso it is a darned
name that any president or any pros
ecuting attorney should have tho Im
pudence to undertake to intorl'ore with
the hitherto undisputed prerogative
of these dearly beloved public ser
vants it) of riddling the people every
chance they got or could make ond
no must not even wonder at the dis
consolate wails of these party blind.
boss controlled servile sheets. Not
ing personally acquainted with Mr.
Honey wo are net in a position to as
sort that ho is a w ingless angel, of
spotless purity and dazzling whiteness
but, accepting the general newspaper
reports that ho shows earmarks of be
ing a devil or a bright lawyer we
would prefer to assert that the ungel
role does not suit him perfect lv.
However, it is not angels so much as
intelligent, Inmost, fearless prosecu
tors whioh are needed in Oiogon just
now and for our part we are w illinc
to lot Honey hold Ids job until the
lulter end It always hints like
to lance a boil, but it nearly always
cures the boil.
We Must Wiij.Ii.
We limy live without poetry, music and
art ;
V'emav live without conscience, may
h' o w ilhout licai t :
Wo mav live w ilhout mothers, live
w it hunt hone :
Hut civilized women cannot live with
out soap.
Rivcrview Park
Idlewilde Additions
Easy Grades, Fine View and Good Water,
Cheap lots for building small houses near Flour and proposed Woolen mill
Office Next to Waucoma Hotel, Hood River.
HE fall line of new and popular books
are arriving. Fifty titles are now in.
New ones will be added as fast as they leave
the publisher. For this year's trade, I have
bought a large and well-selected stock. Don't
wait until holidays to select your gifts in
this line. Come in and look them over; ivad
them, and then you will know what you are
Refrigerators! Refrigerators!! Refrigerators!!!
Hot weather is near at hand.
Ice will soon be delivered at your door, buy a
and be prepared to keep cool. Wo have just added
this line and can save you money.
"North Coast Limited"
The Electric Lighted
Observation Car Train between
Portland and St. Paul.
Pullman First Class Sleepers,
Pullman Tourist Sleepers,
Dininp; Car, Day Coaches,
Observation Car.
The Acme of Travel Comfort
is found 011 any of the
X-EigkL Class lvlllln.er3r
Nat ural wavy switches, Knlish wave,
rolls and bangs, llnirgoods of every
made to order. Agent for the celebratet
Medicis' Cold Cream nnp Yucca powder.
Mount Hood Store
W. S. GRIBBLE, Proprietor.
Send four cents for our Lewis and (lark Ilooklet.
or six cents for "Wonderland 1905."
Yellowstone Park Literature
can be had for the asking.
The Ticket Office at Portland is at 255 Morrison St., Cor. Third.
Assistant (ienenil Passi-ngor Agent,
Portland, regon.
V umv livi" without linok w lint is
know loli' lint sut mw '.'
Wo tiuiv livo w i t tiiui t lu'iiutv it fmlcs
(Hi tin' iiumtiiw.
Wo iii:iv livo without hiw'Hiiil imliot-
nioiitH ro Mii;iliini; ;
lint horo if tho iino w ln oiiu lio w itll-
out wuhIiiiiu.
I'litrniuzo tho llmul Uivor Stoam
I niuiilry. lilon Kiilirik, irnriotir.
Times un t.iuiil nt Condon.
Tho Piilhs Chroniolo.
"Conihm is ih'.st'mo.l to ho ono of
llu hoot towns in Ivistoiu Orofc'on,"
wiij K. W. Wilson, iloimty distiiot at
torney, who, with Andrew Keller, ro
tmiioil homo from tlmt plaoo ye.-tor-lay
afternoon. Mr. Wilson doiivoroil
tho oral ion t hero iiml says they lmil
ii utont time for three ilnys. It was
u novelty to rnlo over tho new road,
and ooai'hes mid freight oiiih wore
ororllowinn. lie says tlioro wore fully
'J.'iiXi ioolo there and that at tho hast
hall name on tho Fourth they took J
in Mm. liuios ar yood up thero
and i-o optoiuistio are the people over
tho opening of the road that thoy
couldn't hardly celeluato enough iii
I hioo days.
r'oMTil til SI ill-vc
It. K. I.oek, of Concord, Ky, says:
" I'or 20 years I Miti'oicd armies, w ith
n pore on my tipper lip, so painful,
sometimes, that I could not eat After
vainly tr.viuir cveivtliin else, 1 oinvd
it. w ith Ituckleii's Arnica Salvo." It'g
V'lvat for hurim, cuts, and wounds At
I'. N, Clarke's iliu; slotv; Only 2,V.
ine Fishing Tackle
ll.i nl ware
(i rn in Flour
Ammunition Dry Goods
(Iranitewnre Notions
Feed Full line of Groceries
In Hood
Kivor Valley needs to use good tools, the best
too good for
am prcpnrot
vour needs in
to supply
up Cuta-i
Plows, Harrows, Cultivators,
In fact all tools that are needed on every well
farm. For orchard tools California Sr. Kight I
way has no superior. The
Ohio Reversable Extension Head Disc
is the only one on the market that is worthy of the name.
Acme Harrow is too well known to need a description.
Osborne Combination Spring Tooth Harrows are without
a competitor. If you need a good
I can supply you. For clearing your land you need powder
I nave iust received a carload and have it stored ma nine-
azine licre, and can supply you cheaper than
it from Portland.
Land Plaster, Flour and Feed
in any quantity and at the right prices. Full lino of staple
Groceries, Ammunition and Fishing Tackle a specialty.
Parb Wire, Hope, Axes, X-Cut Saws, Shovels, Spades and
gardan tools.
For Business,
Stock Grown on Full Roots.
We desire to let our friends and patrons know
that for the fall planting we will have and can sup
ply in any number
Cherry, Pear,Apricot,Feach& Plum Trees,
Shade and Ornamental Trees.
Also, all the standard varieties of apple trees. Can
supply the trade with plenty of Newtown, SpiUen
berg and Jonathan npple trees.
RAWSON & STANTON, Hood River. Or.
All kinds of Seasoned Lumber in stock. The Littlo
.Mill with the Little Prices. Everything as cheap
as the cheapest and good as good as the best.
Mill ono-fouth mile west of S. A. Heliuers store.
Kelly (tl Wishart,
Telephone. Proprietors.
you can get
3rd and River Street.
Hood River, Ore.
and Manufacturers of all kinds of
Highest Prices Paid for High Grade Fruit.