9 TMF, UPT TE ST H always EKES A tracts tlhie prudent buyers of Hood River, and vicinity. j& IS INCO H A LE places within the reach of every one reliable goods, of the latest styles at prices much below the actual market value today. 3 FRANK A. CRAM has an end in view, and is willing to make this tre mendous sacrifice in order to carry out well laid plans for the future. Now this is summer yet, but we propose to make such prices on winter goods, such as Blankets, Cloaks, Capes, Children's CloaKs, and many other staple requirements for fall and winter use that hundreds of far-seeing and pru dent mothers and fathers are surely going to invest in WARM GARMENTS and BED CLOTHING for themselves and children, simply because it PAYS THEM TO DO SO. FRANK A. CRAM is determined to reduce his immense stock before making the future business change next February. We must move the goods at any sacrifice We positively will sell our stock regardless of cost until February 1st, 1906. NOW we must look ahead. Bulky goods, such as Blankets, Cloaks, etc., require a great deal of room, and as our plan of campaign is already laid out, we propose to place on sale immediately our entire line of Wool and Cotton Blankets, and also an immense stock of staple styles in Ladies' and Children's Cloaks, Jackets, etc., which we will offer at prices undreamed of, and wholly out of proportion to the present rising market on the above lines. Not that we will cease our efforts on warm weather wearables; they must go, too, and every article in the store, except a few agency lines out of our control, is reduced and will be on sale from now to February 1st, 1906, when we will incorporate our business, and go after trade harder than ever. We will show similar styles in wraps to what will be in general demand later at prices that won't buy the lining in the garment. We only ask you to investigate and if this is an over drawn statement, don't buy a dollar's worth of goods here. The I hole k is at the Mercy of the People LADIES' CLOAKS, SKIRTS SUITS SHIRTWAISTS - DRESS GOODS SILKS FLANNELS WAISTINGS TRUNKS BLANKETS SWEATERS BOYS' SUITS VALISES QUILTS SHIRTS HATS CLOTHING UNDERWEAR SHOES HOSIERY Gloves Corsets Ladies' and Children's shoes Lace Curtains House Furnishings Men's Furnishings Underskirts Everything in the Hen's Department is reduced during this sale. YOURS TRULY, Huslin Underwear Fabric Gloves Calico Ginghams Single Pants Caps Boys' Furnishings Sheets Ms hi J a