HOOD RIVER GLACIER, THURSDAY JULY 13, 1905. ScT OFF RED EIRE ON HOOD'S SUMMIT 11. c.o of (lio putty who touched t,M the leil lire on the summit of Mount Hood on t he niht of July 4 were (ieorKB WeicUr, W. M. WoyKnndt, II. M. ilocklon, K. II. Moorehouse Hiul thenuide, Peter leldhauen. The party started Irum the Inn at 1 o'clock in the afternoon. '1 lie m cent was ac-coiuplish-jd without accident, the summit hoint,' reached at C o'clock. The tinio tchciliiU d for the illumina tion wkh !) o'clock, um) (he members of the party wore, therefore, com pelled to spend the three inteiveuiiiR hours on the enl;. "The wind was blowing a perfect gale when we reached the summit," said Mr. Weister, in spetikiiiK of the trip, "and it was bitterly cold. We came near freezing and during the three hours we Lad to do the 'war dance' to keep ourselves in condition to accomplish the illumination. "Peter I'eMbuusen, the guide, ar ranged the powder and set it off. He de; erven all the credit for the success ful event, f holographs were taken of tie fire, but they veio not very good, as the wind was Llowiug to ttrougly. Wo started on the t'esceut about 9:13 o'clock. V'e would tee the lights of Portland plainly, could distinguish the exposition grounds and could Fee the toner of the ( re'rninu building' illuminated. We c.dd alo see Hood River and The Dulles, and witnessed the I'revorks in thoto towns. We eleaily ta.v the rc kot lire at the Fair grounds. "Ibe descent, bring mode at night after the i n tv hi d tioien, was very diclliult. We walked down an incline of ice, in which footholds had to lie cut at every step. It was very diffi cult, but vo iiccnnn inr.i (1 it success fully. San l.lirht Prom Mount liund. Forest drove. '1 hues. The red (hire on tho top of Mount Hood was very plainly .-een from here on Fourth of July night by those who wore watching for it. 'Ihe Hash came almost exactly at ') o'eh ek and lasted probably about a minute. It teemed like a bright red star in the sky, a very littlo larger than the brightest star visible, hut nowhere near as largo as the, moon. OREGON FRUIT IN GOOD CONDITION ARRANGE TO FORM AN IOWA SOCIETY W. F. larnway, the Iowa jeweler, located in the Slooom building, it arranging to form an Iowa society in Hood River. Dr. Lai away has a book ou bis counter in which" he is asking nil lowaus to register their names, date when they left that state fur Oregon, and thoir present occupa tion. Later in the summer a genuine Iowa picnic is being planned for. it is thought this will bring out the lowaus in full force. Over 40 names have been registered with Mr. Laraway, and he says only a beginning has been made. It is surprising bow many residents of Hood Iiiver once lived in the state of Iowa. Fruit conditions are now favorable throughout Oregon. While i.s a gon er ! tiling no fruit v.iil yield a record breaking crop, the quality of the fruit bid f dr to l,e g .oil in d the yitld will be sat sf ;ct( r tr in the market stand point. Apple in i ll pirts of tho state will yield only I n!t' a crop, but ou 80 count of this very t.iot tho fruit will be of much hotter rjcnlity and a more marketable product than were it a full crop and the trees heavily loaded. In tho eastern (ait of the state, poaches, pi ars, nines and plums will all yield n full i r p. In Southern Oregon and tho W illbimotto Valley, either of which sections produce more fiuit thmi Ki stern Oregon, prunes and plums will yield 70 per cent of a crop, peaches about (JO per cent and pears, half a ciop. These figures are biisml upon careii 1 estimates and are reliable, (.'berries are everywhere yielding about 7" per cent of a full yield, while r iiiiill lYuils are yielding a full crop in all parts of tho state. (rowers and dealers figure on l'JO, (XtO bales ns Oregon s probable hop yield for V.i't. '1 his is an increase of one-third over last year's yield. A part of tlii-: estimated increase is due to a larger aciia,'e. but ti e crop is at least oil p r cent better in a nount of grovti now than at this time last year. 'Ihe "(.liege is very heavy, and the lints urn llo.-son:ing out now in splendid sl,a e til 'course, oveiything hnij.ej en climatic conditions, and the estiim te i f pjC : bales, which will be tl.e Fiigi'rt crop Oregon has ever product d is a;o I ui on the tup position that v e;,! l.i r mnditii ns will be tavoral le on .1 tl cio.i in safely harvested. (.'nod Heads is (lie Latest Hobby. Mojo ! M.Tver. From rcitei to circumference of civil nation.-. Ibis to in is being dis- s oi Hherir.au county greater attention to .j one knows, if they ! value of good ', i.ey should strive to 1 rmi keep them good. iw it doesn't pay to cussed. '(,(:. deserve to ruy the subje'-t. J . want to lii"', roads, trior '' i. make the m goo Some i Pf In i "waste your hive in making good roads. 'J Ley Lino too much other work t ) do in turn an educated or sensil le erson will Ht-k if it pays to have j; d reads. 'J lie haul pull on the b'U es, wagon, iiuri.e.-s, etc., docs thct pay? A n an will start to town with a load on a ui.gon. and because of bad roads he ditches hi-, icad, and Although lie couldn't take time to iix the road, when it was not so bad, ho will now lime to tato time to fix his wagon, replace his lead, ai;d peihnps go to some neighbor for assistance. Then ho will think the county coght to have good roads, but he goes on ju t the same as evr, giumbliag at the roads, I lit never torrl g a hand himself to neip. He hasn't lime: but if no one has time, how v. ill V. ' io--.ds get any hottei ? Never, only getting worse, i:s ti.r.e flies. I.n-tal Hi's IV- lll l'l fanse of Postal DeuYit. The delieit of Sl-'.un.oiH) in ih--deparhuent fur Ibe ti-cid je.ire liewed i1 1 1 1 1 1 1 T1 tu t!;c nutrnj.-.iu lier in which (lit government held up by the rail roads in the iti:i - tor of charges for the traiisp'irt'.iliiiu of 1 1 1 mail", siys Bryan's I'uiiiiiuhI -r. It is well known tint t!.e jr-ner-d puh!:o bus to piy uuf'tir pric hut the general shiiiping public. CM'.ip-s compar atively easy liy t.ie side, of the govern ment. The governnieiit pays about eight, times Hi- inuch, pound tor pound, as thn evpress eoiopinies pay on the came trains, and the government pay s rent for postal car" while Ihe cvpre-s coinpanii's pay nothing for th express cars. Hut every effort to secure fa'r transportation rales In' the mail is pffecimlly blocked bv the railroads. When it is reme nb -red that Ihegov-ernne-ot pays III" railroads iipwoiNo: i."),U KI,!l.) I ii year for tninsiorliiiL' the ma Is ibe public mav have a better id- R if w iiy the railroad managers take to inuc'i interest in electing congressmen! and senators, and securing pliable otli cial ' in tin1 various departments of the postal -erviee. lin'd fur Sfoiiui. il Trouble, Constipation " baniU-i lains Moinaeh and Liver TabU-ls bne d o e loe a great deal of good." s:is C Tow us, of K it Portage, lii'iiiio. Cuiiad.i. "lieing a mild physic, the after ellects are not unpleHsaut, and I en i-c iioineiul them them to all who sillier fi stomach disorder." For sa'e by WiII'kius' Phnrniacy. Blue Vitro! at C arke's 7c a pound. Ten in a Family Group. The dribble-Hillings family at Mount Hood were in this city last Friday for a groupe photograph that should gladden tho heart of Teddy Roosevelt. There were ten in the party. They are Mr. and Mrs. A. II. Billings, W. S. Gribble, R. N. drib ble, W. J. dribble, J3. W. diibble, M. J. dribble, Mrs. J. T.Cooper, Mrs. Kate Cooder' and Bruce Billings. Mrs. Billings is the mother of nine children, all of thorn being dribbles with the exoeption of Master Bruce. This is the first time iu lii vears that all the members of the family have been together, and advantage was taken of the occasion to secure the group picture, of which all should bo proud. All members of the nartv are native uregonians witn the exception of Mr, isillings. Mrs. Billings parents, the r ish family, came to Oregon in 184 the year she was born. Her former husband, Joseph B. dribble, had rre- ceedea tier trom Missouri one year. Ihey settled in Clackamas county near Cauby, where all the present members of the dribblo family were born. W. S. dribble says he remembers attending school in a littlo house formed of hewed logs, where now stands a fine four-room building, lie came to Hood River and settled iu the upper valley 12 years ago in June. Mr. dribble is now a successful mer chant and postmaster at Mount Hood Mrs. J. X. Cooper is a resident of ihe Mallei. R. N. Cooper is here from Montana, whore he is interested in a largo stock ranch. W. J. dribble belongs in Wisconsin, where ho is connected with a company manufac turing instruments for wireless teleg raphy. He was general snpearinteud eut of the plant for a while. Bills LIoHeiniylh rity. Claims against the city were allowed at last week's council mooting as fol lows : Bradley, printing ballots, ?4 ; Re corder Nickelsou, i per cent of licen ses, costs in recorder court, expenses, etc, fi.vj; a. a. Jayue, preparing ordinance, siu; Liigtit and Water Co., lights, 10; Oregon Lumber Co., J1.69; Transfer Co. ?2; deorge I. Slocom, supplies, ?1.75; C. C. Peck, special marshal, $10; ,7. P. Jensen, street commissioner, 851; J. P. Jen son, salary for June, J. M. Lakin, labor, SI. Tho report of Recorder Nickelsen for the half year ending June 30, showed the receipts of the city from licenses issued to be i?2T1.45; lines collected 878.90; pound fees, 105.50; dog licenses, ti'2.50. The report of Treasurer Smith showed the receipts of the city for tho la.-t quarter to be i?'2.')82. IJ9 ; disburse ments, tWT. 85; leaving a balance on hind of 61084.54. The road fund was augmented bv 8109. Of this amount if 2:tr. 02 has been disbursed, leaving a balance on hand of ei:$3.:s. The water fund showed an overdraft of ?:i0(!.2O, the receipts being f-JOO, and teo expenditures, $010.20. On motion of McDonald, a warrant was ordered drnviion the general fund to make up the deficit iu the water fund. Those who served on the election board were allowed a compensation of 2 pi r diem. The following were then named as officers of the special elec tion called for Friday. July 11: Hib bnrd, Hartley and Arnold, judges; Onthank and Osbiirn, clerks. Comity Court Aliens Itills. Checking up of claims against the county occupied tho attention of the commissioner s court a greater pint, of the two-day session last week. It this lick keeps up much longer, tays Ci tnmissioner Hiblmrd, the county will have to resort to interest bearing warrants. A majority of tho bills this time were for expeuses of tho receut local o tion election. As thnro was a light veto, and as tho judges and clerks were on duty but a few minutes after I tho polls closed in the evening, the court naa Mloucd them pay for I i t one day only, thus saving sev tial hundred dollars to the taxpay er... Claims had been put in for a day and a half. Members of the elec tion board about The Dalles wore w illing to accept he one day p ay, and the court concluded other parts of tho county would be willing to do tho same. Taxpayers in The Dalles and the eiisteru pt.rt of the county are inclined to J ok upon the recent election as a iHic'h';? expense. There are some who feel "sore. " The total expense w ill be something over 800. Valuable Mine of Indian liclies. White Salmon Kntorprise. Wo mentioned some time ago that William Wheeler found a couple of stone sinkers while digging a cellar; w. li, the other dnr there were found, but a few feet from the same spot a small mortar perfect in shape, and part f f a pestle, and snugly placed against a large rock, which was being blasted away, were two more very h.aotifiil ami peifutl., shaped sink ers, about as large again us the first. AT weio three or four feet liclcw the si rfaoo of the ground, having been tl ree perhaps three or four genera tions. The flat around Undrewood seems to be a regular mine where some of the moi-t valuable Indian relics have been found. A splendid building has been erect e 1 for entertainment purposes at the Lewis and Clark exposition by the .M isonic order. Tho struct ;re is lo cated on Lewis and CT.irk boulevard, ai'.d faces the Oriental Kxhibit palace and the Forestry building. The Ma sonic building is finished with green burlap walls, Flemish oak waititcot, and handsome carpets of a pleasing shade of green. Lounging rooms and uj artments where sick persons may be given attention are located upon the second floor. The lower floor is devoted to large reception rooms. During the exposition period, the building will be tbe scene of many brilliant functions held under the auspices of the Masons and the ladies of the Fastern Star. Beautify your complexion witb little cost. If you wish a smooth, clear, "hose Deering people make miehtv good implements the kind of binders and mowers and rakes that save work at busy harvest-time. It would be a good idea for you to write to us about prices and facts hear the Deering story before you buy either of those tools. We like to answer questions about anything a farmer wants ask some. R. M. WADE & CO. PORT LAND, OREGON For Sale by J. Ii. Nickelsen, Hood River, Oregon DR. FETOR'S KIDNEY and Backache CURE All diseases of Kidneys, DiHuuer. urinary urgaas. HI... Dh...m,ll,m fia.l. ache, HeartDlsease. Gravel. Dropsy, t emaie Troubles, Don't become discouraged. There is a Cure for you. If m eesin write Dr. l eioier. IIh Iius spent a lite time curing Inst bucIi cases an yours. All consultations free. "I suffered a long time with what tho doctors claimed was lumbago. Was down in bed un able to move without great pain. Two bottles of Dr. Fenner's Kidney and Backache Cure Completely cured mo and I have had no return of the trouble nor any signs of rheumatism. KURD 1IRAN0T, Dyer, Muncie, Ind." Druggists, 50c (l. AsU fur Cook Uouk-l'ntE KnrMiile by C. K. CI.AItKK. Ilnoil Itlver FISH and VEGETABLE MARKET Look (I ools (lolivi'ivd out for dailv. the ' Fish Wagon L. 0. HAVVN, Ono door Kant of Truther'a oa'nv. PHONE 51. rilONE 51. We again invite you to try I " Upper Crusn I Flours I 0 It is to yotrr advantage to do so. Another car just in. regon Lumber Co. 9 9 (roiinilike complexion, rosy rlieeUn, IntiKliiiiK ivi'. take HolliHtor's Hocky Moiinlnin Ton, greatest lenutiller known. ;i.j centf. C. N. ( IhiIm'h. Soul hern Oregon Stranltcrrios, Almnt throo thousand orator of stiHwIierrioH wore shipped hy the Ash land Fruit Association this toiison, nix hundred or nioro letw than in I'.H'l, Not n cent wanted, unless you are cured. It you are sick and ailing, lake llullistir's lloeky Mountain Ten. A (Treat blessing to the huiiiiin family. Makes you well keeps you well. S5 cents, 'lea or Tahlets. ('.' N. Clarke's. New clerk (in book st're) Have you ever read "The Last Davs of I'onipeii?" Mm. Nellrieh No ; what did he die of? New clerk Some kind of an eruption, I believe liny It Now. Now is the tim to buy Chamber lain's Colic, Cholera nod Diarrhoea Remedy It is certain lo bu needed sooner or later and when that time comes you will need it bad!y you will need it quickly, liny it now. It mny save life. For sale iiy Williams' l'lnir-muoy. Janitor Work .Timltor work iloue at rearonable prlccn liy experienced man. Apply to K. W. CROSS, Phone K7. ON "The Ice Cream of Qua Cure, Rich ('renin and tl. blended with unsuipai-M 1 I'uiTst of Klav skill. SWETLANB ICE CREAM WHOMCSAM-: Try a quart for Sunday' dinner. ial pr'eiw fn : and soeinN. TOMPKINS B110S., Sole Agents. KKKi: SOI NKN I It When vMMnif Port I mil e. II nt SwhIhiiiPh, T. M.iirimiti Klicet, mid present this ail. You will receive KltWF. mi attractive l.i'Wih ,v Clark Miuvcnir. SPOT CASH GROCERY WOOD & SMITH IiHOS., Proprietors. Groceries, Flour and Feed FRESH VEGETABLES RECEIVED DAILY. Only Exclusive Grocery Store in the City. Five Delivery. I'hone ASSOCIAT ol McMilinville. Oreirnn, will insure vour piopertyat (id per cent less cost than aov other inH.itiition. IK A Mi .1. I'KRKI.NS, Special Agent. Room 7, Yogt. building, The Iialles. LI A clean unit ipilct place fur n nlghl x rest. A new lilillillni' Willi new t It I'll Ish 1 1 1 i;s IhriillL'll- iiiil. The i.nl.v pi In the eitv ol'Piirtlmid In- siiiinir llist-chiss seivice iluriiiv the KfVjl tier ni'r imiiKe re ervutlons earlvi iiiwwpi K. A. IIi'ii'Iitniiii, llooit Iiiver matter wliel lier you wit to live or live to eat, inulil eat the best: mid wlieti von pel, niir Klmir you ort tlie best and it is jmre tuiil clean. For Irrigation of City Lots Notice should be given at the ollice the Light ami Water Co. when water is used for sprinkling. We gay sprink ling liecaiiHc it is the only method by which we agree to furnish water for irri gation. Beware, of the man with the w rench. If this point is overlooked, like wise the proper time to sprinkle as no blither notice will be given. Consumers whose residences front the Fouth sides of the sheets ntimeil below will sprii.kle between hours of ,r and 11 n. in. ; those on the north tide between 3 and !) p, m. ; Colombia, River, Oak and State street-, and Sherman and Ha zel avenues. In case of alarm of fire nil sprinkling ehoulil lie stopped promptly. K. K. (iOKK. Mr S' i 1 1.1XJ1JJ.JJJ. M S No I von si IE II lay PJ g is the !,est Fl ii - i is unequal a live loiifi'er. I a Ask youi Sn Farina. flood River Flour CUPID" our ever ut on llie Hood River liiarke HOOD RIVER ed by any similar priced lloui ewiii'e ol artiiKiallv blenched our will firocer for Hood River (iraliain and Hood River Milling Co. J. R. NICKELSEN REAL -DEALER IX- Vehiclesand Agricultural Implements WEALTH roxsrrsxoT ix (;i;t- t ill"', but ill keejiino'. A fi'ood way to keep money is to deposit part of your earnings each week in ;i savings bank. In tliis way you not only keep it, but you make it earn more. We inviteyou to open an account witli us.no mat ter how small vourearn- hi"-, or how little you I lire able to keep. q Interest paid on deposits $of One Dollar or more. Start your boys mid gins onuieroan to pros perity by depositing one dollar to their credit mid securing a Recording $iiw in which 1 hey may deposit their earnings. Savings Department, First National Dank. I'll 1 -..Jfa harpies Tubular THE LATEST A XI) I HOST IX CREAM SEPARATORS AVCORMICK AND DEERING MOWERS AND RAKES Sentinel Jr., Bean, Pomona, Rochester, Fruitall, Also lixtra Hose, Nozulcs and Conueeli. ns. A f"ll stink of Plows, Marrows, Cultivators and repairs, (irulihiiiK Muchinei) and Wire ('aide, Aennoter Wind .Mills, Huokeve i'uinps, liolsler Springs, Hoyt'sTree Supsirts, and Hanforrl's liaham of .Mnrh. Kxtra Bugcy Tnjis, Cushimi, Dashes, I'oles, Shares, iimletnvs and Neckyokes. Planet Jr. and Iron Age Curdcn Tisi's. Sow's the time U cIhh.hi; your garden tools, and choosintr them you have a larj-r variety to select from than was ever offered. Whatever your implement uai.t-, if theyr'e fatistied here, you will have cause for rejoicing over their cost and long wear. J. R. NICKELSEN. THE DALLES NURSERIES II. II. WEBER, Prop. THE DALLES, OREGON. I ! ETA IL ORUWKR AND DEALER IN FRUIT, SHADE AND ORNAMENTAL TREES GRAPE VINES SMALL FRUITS Evergreen. Rosea and Shrubbery. Remember, Our Trees are Crown Strictly Withaut Irrigation. S. J. FRANK Dealer In Harness Sfc Saddles All Repairing Promptly Attended to HOOD RIVER OREGON THE MILL WILL NEVER GRIND witb the water that is past, but unlike the mill, our past orders have been lilted so successfully that new ones are constantly coming In from our old patrons. Are you to be one of them? Our Dulles Patent and White River flour Is the finest that is milled, and Is ground from the best selected wheat; in fact the cream of the wheatflelds, and it makes the most delicious bread white and palatuhle. FOR S.M.K II V STRANAHAN & BAQLEY Hood River, Or. V-. tt.. i- wmmB E. R. Bradley PRINTING 9 1IIOII flRADR PAMPWFT AND COMMERCIAL WOKK rROMF'I'LY PERFORMED Cbkcs always rioht We are here to do your work today tomorrow and every other day, and our money (what little we liave) in spent in Hood River. We want s your work and can do it neatly and SATISFACTORILY Ice Cream, Soft Drinks and Confectionery, Pipes, Cigars anil Tobacco. Hood River Heights Confectionery H. F. JOCHIMSEN, Prop. Near Hie-elmll ( Ii' ioihIs ou the Heights (live I. Call Don't (jo Dry Just because you are In a DryJTown (let your (Want List) made out ready for next Saturday for everything yoii need, such as Flour, Feed, Stock Food, Chick Food, Russian Lice Killer, Blue Vitiol, Lime, Cement, Salt. Place your orders with II. W. Wait and get not only good goods at the right prices, hut also a FREE LEMONADE. Koinember I have 11 different ilrand of Flour, and am gointt to close out as nearly as possible, (loods guaranteed as represented. H. W. WAIT. HOMESEEKERS Don't be deceived hy what certain parties tell you alsiut WHITE SALMON They lire grinding their ax, anil you may feel its sharp edge. See fop yourself io to the depot and examine the White Salmon Berries (' inpnre them with any raised in Hood It i t r for Bi.e, firmness, color and flavor. It takes more than a "Kocky Muff" to raise such fruit. Conic ami view our beautiful valley ; we can ihow you the soil, climate anil locution for first-class fruit ami berries. Jn-l a- i..od land as you will pay twi.- ns mneh for where you buy repu tation, l.iinl that is mre to advance in value h our valley develops. Ca I it the White Salmon Lan 1 c-im-pain, n i-1 ur pleasure to show ftran gei ti.i- ud'i v. White Salmon Land Co. U I, e Salmon, Wash. Notice U)pa! n uf I he Furmer'ii liriifulinK cumpauy: All In t, on nimnUinance fwn not iiatd by July 10 will ls (.liir .1 in i hM hanl of the inuicer for col lection. The na rcr will be intructmi to ahut off the wiUir on that. dale. By order of the boril of directors. M. II. Nickelaon. Secretary. Photo Studio NOW OPEN Our line new studio open for h very mid nii- i.s now business. thing new to-date. Come in and have your pliotos tflken Work fi'iinrnntced. DIETZ, The Photographer. FOR vSALE FOR $1,500 8-room residence Conipartivcly new, with lot 70x"."), near Scliuul House. This is a desirable place situated in the part ol the town. Any one looking for a comfortable home at a low price should see it. Call on W. ,1. liaker & Co., or write to owner. L. N. Blowers Hood Uiver, Oregon. WOOD FOR SALE I am prepared to furnish mill and -lab wood, also other kinds of wood. I have a new steam wood saw nod am prepared to do sawing. Also do general team work. FRED HOWE. Plume 121. LIPPINCOTT' MONTHLY MAGAZINE A Family Library Tiia Best In Current Literature 12 Complete Novels Yearly MANY SHORT STORIES AND PAPERS ON TIMELY TOPICS $2.60 rtn year ; 26 ct. a copy :no CONTINUED STORIES EVERY NUMRER COMPLETE IN ITSELF