HOOD RIVER GLACIER JmikhI evtr? TliurKUy by AkltlUR D. MOB, PuMUktr. Ttrmt al ubtcriplloo ll.tO yw Ml 14 IB tdVtnM. THURSDAY, JULY 13, 1905. RS The presence of the Prloeville news paper men and entire office force was demanded tbia week at the Williamson trial by Mr. Heney, and aa a conse quenoe the Review and Journal came out on half sheets last week. Mr. Bhelley and son Ralph of Odell are deserving of much commendation for the initiative steps they took tow ard Interesting the Portland creamery company in establishing a route here. The monthly roll of checks which this business should bring to Hood River farmers will insure added prosperity to all. All doubt has been cleared away as to the building of the road down the north bank of the Columbia In railway circles. The ranchers along the line have heard a great deal about rail roads before but all are now ready to believe that a transcontinental line is soon to be pushed down the river bank. Hood River baa not dealt hereto fore with million dollar propositions, but if Mr. Tarr can capitalize his pro ject for a ootton mill for Hood River, the people here will assure him of a location and water power. Faotories are what we need, and au Institution employing 500 to 700 people would mean an additional population of 2000. With the Orient calling for American cotton goods, a manufacturing plant at Hood Uiver would have exceptional transportation faollltlea with Port land, where the goods would be load ed on ocean liners direct for the ports of the Far East. The project deserves consideration. The Common Council of Hood Riv er have called auothor election fur tomorrow on the question whether the city shall put In ita own water aystom. While the majority of the taxpayers declared at the lust election that tbey wore in favor of such a move, yet it failed to carry by niue votes. A number made the objection that the ordinance failed to carry a provision for buying the present plant, if deemed advisable. The new ordinance contains that provision. The counollmen are nneuiraoua In the opinion that the time Is at hand for au up-to-date system, one that will provide for an adequate supply of pure water for the future, serving the entire city, Bud providing Are protec tion. It will probably not be necess ary to issue 100,000 worth of bonds, and only the amouut absolutely nec essary, possibly less than 150,000 will be called for. If the present water system is purchasod, It will be paid for out of the money derived from the sale of the bonds. It is up to the tax payers to decide. The Glacier believes it shold carry. When your Eastern friends Inquire for figures on Oregon fruit, let them read the following statistics compiled by the Portland Chamber of Com merce Bulletin : In the last decade Oregon has trained more honors and medals for ita fruits than any other state in the Union It swept these away from all oompet itora at Chicago, Buffalo, Charleston and elsewhere. At Buffalo, Oregon won 18 goia medals lor its horticultur al, pomologiaal and vltioultural ex hihlt. At Charleston it gained 34 and 14 silver medals, aa well as one bronze medal for its fruit exhibits, At Kt. Louis, Oregon won 07 gold medals, 162 sliver medals and 72 bronze meduls, as also three grand prizes, making a total of 2SU medals and grand prizes, its Hood River atrawWrles and apples are noted the world over, and its cherries are widely celebratod. The Oregon prune crop hi un.i.1 amounted to ir,iKiu,iuu pounds, and its peaches are !eooniing yearly more famous. The total of the fruit output for im was 12.413,600. dlvid ed as follows: Apples, 0;fi,000 prunes, Mai, 000; pears, $245,000 peaches, 1H0.(X)0; cherries, 25,XX); grapes, mw.uuu; strawlierrloi. 1250. 000 ; small fruits, 1255, (XX). Oregon apples are to lie round In all the priu clpal markets of the world. One man at 11 odd Klver last year netted near ly 11000 an acre from lesa than 300 trees. An Eastren Orgeon apple tree alone produced 40 boxes of choice fruit, and a Jackson oounty farmer netted 050 au aero from his apple crop. Illllnols Is one of the pioneer states in rural free delivery. The Rock Is land (Illinois) Argus says: "This statu leads all others In the rural free delivery service, having a total of 5, 478 rural free delivery routes. 1111 uois will continue in this position, the poatotllce department having made a statement that it is hardly probable any other state will overtake her. In diana has more counties in which have beeu ittHtalled complete service, but the lloosier state can not compare with Illinois in the total number of routes in operation. Ohio ranks sec ond with 2,15 routes, Iowa third, with 2,008; Indiana fourth with 1,934; Pennsylvania fifth with 1,7:57; Mis souri sixth with 1,589, etc, showing Illinois well In the lead. This means much for Illinois. This state was rec ognized by the department as the best state In which tj initiate it the to Viography of the state, ita population, the character of its people, and all con ditions pertaining to the installation of rural service being such aa to ln tvie the rapid etxeusion of that great connecting link of city with city, couuty with county and district with district, insuring a convenient deliv ery of mail undreamed of a few years ago, but which has proved ona of the most practical systems ever afforded by the government to its rural citi zens. May 1 the total number of routes in the United States was 30, as against 24,550 on the same dat of the preceding year, showing a rapid growth in the service all over the United States. E I In the recontly issued summer book I of the O. R. A N., Hood River is put down as a pomologlcal paradise. A glowing account is also given of the enchanting trip to Mount Hood. Mr. Craig of the passenger department at Portland will be pleased to send a copy of this ttoellent descriptive pub lication to an eastern friend of yours for two-cent stamp. The booklet la very attractively gotten up. Rln- aldo M. Hall, publicity promoter for the O. R. AN., prepared the book for publication and took a personal in terest In seeing the work turned out by the printers and engravers. Mr. Hall's own ideas prevail In the taste fulnesa and originality with which the splendid illustrations are ar ranged in the book. It is altogether one of the best pieces of advertising literature tent out by the railroad company. Hood River has a population of 1808; and Newberg, 1606; Hillsboro, 1447; and Forest Grove, 1620. All good towns, too, saya the Forest Grove News. TO VOTE FRIDAY ON BOND ISSUE Hood River will hold a speclul elec tion Friday, the issue before the peo ple being a proposition to bond the city for MKI.OUO. or what sum under that ngure is required to nriug water In from the Tucker spring five milos distant, and to either buy the piping system of the pieseut company or con struct a new system. The present water company is mak ing every effort to defeat the issue. The same question was voted npon last month, when it failed by nine votes to secure the necessary two thirds majority. A meeting of citi zens Interested in municipal owner ship was held last night, when a cam paign committee was appointed to pro mote the Interests of the bond sup porters. Both sides feel confident of victory. Only electors who are free-holders have the li ght to vote on the proposl tlon, Big majority for Water Bends. Covallls, Or., July 7. At a special election held here yeaterady to deter mine whether or not Cor vail Is should Issue 175,000 bonds for the purpose of Installing a mountain water grav ity system, the vote was overwhelm ingly In favor of such action, the vote being 278 for and 100 against, APPLE UNION BUILDS A LARGE WAREHOUSE Construction work has begun on a frost-proof warehouse for the Hood River Apple Growers' union, located just east of the O. R. & N. freight depot. F. O. Btought of Belmont secured the contract at t'-WOO. The building is 40x100, two stories in height, the lower portion to be con structed of concrete. The work is to be completed by October 1, in time for use in shipping this fail's apple orop. Addition to Freight Depot. It la understood that the O. R. A N. Co., In order to meet the demands of a rapidly Increased business at thlt poiut will make a 30-foot addition this summer to their freight depot iu this city. CREAMERY MEETING AGAIN' ON SATURDAY A representative of the Hazelwood Creamery will be here Saturday to do olde for certain whether or not a cream route will be established here. A meeting of all interested is called for Batruday afternoon at the rooms ol the Commercial club. Turn out ; II meaua money iu your pocket, whether you expect to enter the business oi uot. ROSWKLL BHKLLUy, Chairman. WILLOW FLAT Born To Mr. and Mrs. F. A. Mass ee, Wednesday, July 5, a twelve-pound son. The Hood River Orchard Co. has had a force of men lioelng their potatoes. Mr. Bone of the Irrigation Co. has been putting in a lot of water pipe to irrlgatet his tract. Joe Lawless has grappled the water 3uestlou by the horns aud is putting own a well. Lawn Serial Tuesday Evening. The Epworth League of Belmont will give a lawu social Tuesday even ing, July 18, at the home of Mrs. Potter, opposite the M. 11. church. The Hood River baud will be present to furnish music. Ice cream will lie served. Everybody come aud hare a good time. Prominent Eastern Guests. Many eastern visitors have been making abort stays at the Country Club cottage, aud all are enthusiast ic about the climate and scenery of Hood River aud the good table and home comforts of the "Cottage." Among the prominent people who have registered during the past week are: frofesenr Klcharda, instructor ol mining engineering at the Massaclm setts Institute of Technology; Mr. llorton of Boston, Mr. and Mrs. Whit ney of New York; Mrs. J. S. Dillar, of Washington, 1). C. ; Mr. aud Mrs. Banks of Portland. Dr. Day g family are enjoying the Country Club and will renin In throughout the summer. ICuthbert Powell, commercial editor of the Kanasas City Journal, hat carefully compiled the figures repre senting the earnings of the beef trust, going iuto details of the business with which he is perfectly familiar. The work was undertaken after the remarkable report of Commisisoner Garfield, who placed the net protlts at two per cent. Mr. Powell shows there Is an average profit on each ani mal killed for beef by the trust, of 17.41 or 15 per cent, and that the en tire product, including hides, fats and offals. Is turned into cash in from two to four weeks, thus permitting the turning of the money used in the business from 12 to 20 times per year. Two-quart combination hot water bottle and fountain syringe guaranteed for one year. Only f 1 .N) at Clarke's. FIVTinrV he PARIS Never Undersold A 9c vSale at The Paris Fair. ConniKJiiciDg Friday, July 13, and continuing through Monday, July 10. wo will noli tho following standard articles at Nine. Cents: 1 qt. Tin Coffins lotn '. : 90 1 qt. Tin Tea PotH 90 Oentleinen'H Initial Handkerchiefs 90 Good grade Ladies' Hair Retainers 90 Celluloid Combs 90 3 Tumbler Jell v Glasses 90 0 qt. Flaring Pails , 90 Japanned Cuspidors 90 Largest size Chip Paskets 90 Clothes Prushes 90 Tooth Prushes 90 Ladies' Turnover Collars 90 Infants' Moccasins 90 Canvas Gloves 90 Playing Cards 90 15c Purses fe0 Men's Garters 90 Whisk Prooms 90 2 bars best grade Toilet Soap 90 Poys' Suspenders 90 Ladies' Sleeveless Vests 90 Ladies' Wing Sleeve Vests , 90 Ladies' Plack Hose, double Toe and heel 90 Children's Black Ribbed Hose 90 doz. h avy steel tinned Spoons 90 Men's VVf Handkerchiefs 90 Men's 4-ply Linen Collars 90 Men's and Poys' Midget Ties 90 Men's and Poys' Silk Row Ties 90 Celluloid Collars 90 Link Cuff Puttons 90 J n panned Tea and Coffee Canisters 90 M.n's Plack, Tan and Grey Mixed Half Hose 90 Lantern Globes 90 Prcnstpins 90 Returned Saucepans 90 10 qt, Tin Milk Pans : 90 3 Pie Plates 90 Revolving handle Rolling Pins 90 Scrubbing Prushes.' 90 Men's Work Sox, 2 pair Q0 Our Stock of Dry Goods is always complete. We sell the best Goods at the cheapest price. Hood MARY P. JOHNSON, M. D., Sir-. IDEAL HOME FOR INVALIDS.... Climate and view unsurpassed in the United States. SCALE THE SUMMIT OF MOUNT HOOD Fifty-seven mountain climbers, rep resentatives of the Sierra .dub of Sun .'rancisco, and the Appalachian club of Hostou, trained thii summit of Mount Hood Tuesday. A luruo por tion of the clliuhcra made the trip from Portland tho day before iu auto mobiles to (lovornmont Camp while others took the stiiiies ut Hood Ulver Monday for Cloud Cap Inn. Tho air was very clear, enabling the climbers to obtain a nuiKiilIleont view of the country in all directions. A snow peak to the south ofjotfersou was pointed out by; some aa Mount Shasta, but is doubted by others whether this peak can really lie seen from Hood, owIiik to the curviture of the earth. The party from the south side left the snow line at 1:30 and reached the summit about noon. Those from the inn loft at 7 :30 and did not got to the summit unt il 'i o'clock. It was quite cold on the top of t he mountain, al though many stayed there Ions; enough to make the return trip down the north side. Those of the party were: E. U. Kunpp, San Krancisoo; Miss Lila Mr Kin no, Sau Francisco; Miss K. It. Cuttou, San rrnnelsco; Miss Flroence Mayhew. N'ilos; Osgood Put nam, San Francisco; A. T. Harton, San r rancisco; Professor Joseph N. LoConto, University of California; Mr. aud Mrs. Willougby Rodman, Los Angeles;, 1. X. llinsey, Des Moines; I'. Salmon, Vancouver; Walter H. Kadelitfe, lSorkeley; Miss Mary Rad- clitl'e, llorkeloy; Miss Kdiia Cadwalad er, Sim Francisoo ; Oleutt Haskell, San Ivnfuel ; Miss liiicia lhonipsou, San Francisco;!'. J. I'ilkiugton, Sebas- liiiul ; Jnlin It. (iladcock, Oakland; Ivussoii A very, Ios Angolott; Knss Vvery, Los Anifelea; Miss liertha Knox, Oakland ; Arthur FJston, Sao rameuto; William K. Colby, Sau Fran cisco; J l. A. lioese, hau r ranclsco; J. li. Fren, Chicago; II. S. Allen, Los Angeles;!'. d'Kstrella, llerkelev ; Mr. Kand, Los Angeles; lieoiye 11. lveeves, Los Angeles; Dr. Cohen' Smith F.nan, Minneapolis; Miss (irace liruckmeti, Palo Alto; Amy II. Conler, lieikeley; W. K Colder, fierkeley; I1. A. Sher wood, San Francisco; Master Warner Sherwood, Sun Francisco; Miss E. W. Averill, Sim Kraneisoc ; Joseph Hutch inson, San Francisco; Mr. Xickel hurit, San lVanoico; Julia Cahn, San Francisco; Miss Cora Foy, Los Ange les; Henry Wight, Los Angeles. Appalachian club William A. Ilrooks, host on; E. W. Harudeu, host-on ; O. T. hroderick, ltoston ; J. V. liarlier, .Newton, Mass. ; Dr. Stella Crane, host on; Dr. Clarence Crane, host on ; Mrs. L. W. Prince, Xewton ; Miss Mary E. Haskell, lioslou; K. A. liullock, lioston. Miss Ella Mchride of Portland rep- ' resuted the Maama club. Others who reached the summit were Lieu- 1 teuuat ti. E. Lancey, U. S. A. ; X. S. I Bennett, Medford. ! Peter FVlthausen piloted the party -up the north side of the mountain from the inn. ' 1 River Iilrthdav Party at Evans Home. Miss Jesise Evans entertained her friends with a birthday party lust Sat unlay afternoon, at the home of her parents. Key. and Mrs. W. O. Evans, on State street. Light refreshments were served between 2 and 5 o'clock. Those present were: Florence Hros ios, Madge Hollowell, Hetta Parsous, Erma Eccles, Marion Eccles, Helen Draviduon, Katheriiie Hartley, Ethel McDoniJd, Ella McDonald, Aldine hartniess, Marie liartmess, Colin cles, Katherine Learner, Vera Uano, Kuby Hehall, Kuth Hchall, Vera Picjf ett, Kuth Hauuah, Kuth Evans, Jessie Evans. New Munaiftir Takes Charge. Marcus Talbot, formerly assistant general Hgent of the Paoifio Coast Steamship company at Seattle, has succeeded H. O. Campbell as manager of The Dalles, Portland and Astoria Navigation company aud the Colum bia Sl Northern Railway company. Every sign in tho traillo world has pointed to the Northern Pacitlo as the buyer of the two companies. The announcement has never been denied. The reiu-ous for the purchase were ob vious. Just what will happen to the present oragniazt Ion of the two companies is what every steamboat man iu Port land wants to know. It is generally expected that the boats of the Regu lator line will continue aa before, and that tho agreements with the other st cum boat companies regarding divis ion of territory will still obtain. At the Churches. Riverside Congregational. W. C. iluioro, pastor. Sahbath school at 10 a. ni. ; morning worship 11; sub ject, "The Persistent Attractiveness of Christ." Kvenlng worship nt H. F.piscopal. There will be services at the Episcopal church uext Sunday, both morning and eveniug, 11 a. m., H p. m. Rev. H. D. Chambers will he present and will conduct the ser vices. All will be welcome. I'nitariau. Rev. Fred Alban Weil of Chicago w ill till the pulpit Sunday morning. Mr. Nelson will preach at Odell iu the afternoon. Lutheran. Service will be held again next Sunday, July 111, at the Advent church. Sunday school at i p. in. ; regular tier man services at li p. ui. 11. J. Kolh, pastor. j Valley Christian Regular Sundnv, both morning and W. A. Klkins, pastor. Haptist. Regular preaching services i at t arinichael s hall every 1st and ,'M Sunday morning and evening; Sunday school every Sunday at 10 a. m. Cove naiit aud business meeting the first W ednesday night in each mouth. J. H. N'ight, pastor. Methodist ('reaching at 11 a. ni. and j for the Uold Run mining district iu 8 p m.; Sahbath school 10 a. in.; K.p-1 Sirrnauia county. This district is at worh league 7 p. in. Prayer meeting j trading considerable attention from Thursday evening. Ail cordially iu- j miuing men, and there is good pros vited. W. C. Evans, pastor. pects of a rich strike in tho near fu- United Hrethren. Sunday school at 10 a. ni. 1'reaching at 11 a. m. Junior Kndeavor, 8:30 p. ni. Christian Fn deavor, 6:45 p.m. rrtwehinu at 7:3(1. All are cordially invited. Kev. J. S. FA R One Price to All Rhoads, pastor. Kelmout M. E. Church. II. C. Chirk, pastor. Services, Belmont: Sumim school at 10 a. m. ; Class .Meeting utll a. m.; Epworth League 7 p. in.; preach ing every Sunday evening ami 2d Sun day in month at 11 a. m.; Prayer meet ing Thnrsduy 7::!l) p. in. Services at Pine (i rove same as above except preach ing, which is on 1st anil Sundays ut 11 a. in. ('rapper. lut mid .'Id Sundays at .'i:;0; Sunday school at li:S0. Mmiiit llnod. The -lili Sunday at H a. in.; Sunday school at 111 a. m. Hand Secures an Excellent Show. Owing to an open date the Hood River baud has secured the National Stock company for a two-nights' en gagement under the band auspices, showing here tomorrow and Saturday nights. This company is one of the very best now in the west and the Diinu uoys are toitunate in securing such an attactiou. The National Stock company is on ita way to Ogden and was to nave played Pendleton on the nights the company plays Hood Riivcr, hut it seems that the scenery in the Pendleton theatre has all beeii lemoved to the summer park. The company played itie Dalles three nights, closing thero last night. Fiilay night the company will present "In Idaho;" Saturday, "The Diamond Robbery." Notice. A special discount of 30 per cent will lie given for cash on all lots sold iu the Kivervlew Park and ldlewilde additions to Hood River for ten days on cash sales only. This is a chance you will not get again. To secuie lots on the above terms, see C. A. Da no, W. J. linker or Mrs. J. F. Hatch elder at Country Club Inn. Married. At the court house in The Dalles, Friday, July 7, at 1 :30 o'clock, Calvin Richa: d.-on and Miss Daisy Katingar of Hood 1 liver. Mr I'llsworth and sou of Spokane are guc-dsof Dr. and Mrs. J. !'. Watt. The population of Kugeno is o71!t, an iticiea.se of'JStil or SI) per cent in Hve j ear. Dr. ,1. l Watt is iu Portland at tending the session of the National Sanitarium j Medical association. Services j K. R lirailley is in Portland, scour evening. I ing i.iiditioual material for his print ing cstal lishmeiit. k 1,'iet mometers about town last Sat- 1 uiday hugged close to the lot) mark. j Sunday morning the wind sprang up itroiu the west and the woKther at I once became cool and pleasant. j S. It. Cox, in company with Harry Rand and Roll Wiuans. left vestetdav tore. Do You SiifTer with Dyspepsia or indigestion? Clarke's Dyspepsia Tuhlets will cure vou. Trice only 50c Wood For Sale lK-lnch body pine 11.30 per rick, delivered. Iirlneb body oak 11.75 per rlck,ietlvered. -fool pole pine or H(,!l per oord delivered, 4-foot pole ualc $4.75 rd delivered. Prompt delivery, phone. Marray Kay. For Sale : MISCELLANEOUS. For Kuie Horses, buggy, hack and farm im )lemrl)t. Weight tii liurseH h!muI lllKlilllll al. Will be found iienr A. Winnus resi dence. Jobn H. DeMotm. au Kor mle Muddle, bridle and blanket. Kood condition; new lam huiiiiiht at willing to sell for tao. Cull hi (lila olllue. u:t For sale Team of black ponies, weight about 75o; good driven) und good saddle horsea: thoroughly broke for all kinds of work: sound: four und nix years old: ,riee, In cluding tutrnexa. tw). White Haliii.in Laud Co., Whit Walloon, Wash. ntt Full-blooded fox terrier pup. perfectly white bodiea, black and tan head and earo. better cannot be found; IheAe pupa will make prize winner: splendid house dutta and fine companions: very gamoon rata, dttorera or atitrrela. Call at Rock ford atore, near Barrett school. j27 New 2 3-4 farm waifon; cheap- Call on J. M. Stone, Hood Kiver Milling Co. j27 Two 6-year-old hnrsea. weight 1(X1 and 1200 pounds. Inqxire at Glacier ottice. j27 Ice cream and bakery atand. Good location; near depot; cheap on account of illness. Mrs, Browne's Bakery. j27 Dishes, tables, chaira, cook atove and show cases. Mra. Browne's Bakery. j27 Fresh micih cow with calf. Er. Edningtim. Fnriale, fresh Jersey cow, with calf three weeks old. Geo. Horden. J2j For sale, a good paying teaming business cheap, If taken at once. Inquire of A. C. Stev ens, on the Heights. J 20 For sale, a good matched span of horses; weight noo lbs; sound, well broken, four years old. Inquire of A. C .Stevens, Heights j'jl For sale, a few tieod of good youn horses, broken and unhioken. Cm tie seen ut Hart ley's corral. A. C. Mtevens, Ilelglils. jai For sale, apun of driving horse-; family train; will work tingle or double; price, i also heifer Jersey slock, coming 2-yeur-olu; Cull at ranch or phone liM. tj. L. Copple. J20 Jersey bull; full blooded; iVt yeara old; must oe sold to prevent Interbreeding; price low; would exchunge for another bulloisHiue breed. llK. Harbison. Ji-.u For tale, Remington typewriter No. 7; per fect condition, practically uew. (ieorge I'. Knowlet. J20 For sale, good timothy hay, baled. Last yeur'a crop. Jao For sale, young Jersey cow, fresh May 25. 1'uoue 12(11. , u2u Five year-old mare of Kpoluty stock; only Sif; broken single or double. Call on or 'phone Huny Huckett. JIKt For sale, single top buggy, with harness, at u reasonuble price. Apply Ui Miss Teal, Ly mun Smith avenue. J 211 For sale, fresh Jersey cow. Ml. Hood. Hee M, liiimas, 1,2(1 REAL ESTATE. SO acres of land 7 miles west of Pul'iir; easily cleared; hull mile from school; price sMO. Ad dress Geo. W. Handera, Hood Itiver. JI13 10 acres, :t miles from town; Improved, ber ries and hav, house snd barn: good well, price JiffiO. Inquire J. K. Hubbard, K. I . 1). Nil t. Jli:t Homestead relinquishments for sale or trade. Address Box :,'). Hood Klver, nr. J2u The Gardener house and lot at Hliigen; price reasonable. For further particulars apply to Tlico. Hulisdorl, Hlngen. Wash. J15 10, 20 and :) acres of land: live-sixth cleared clover und apple trees; Kust Hide. I,. Killll nian. Jj-,,0 For sale, 30 acres of tine orchard land ad Jolnlng new ounty road: nil under flitch; 3 acres clenred; will take contract to clear part of land If contractor pesires. Call on or write A. SVhlller, It. F. 1). No. 1. nelo Big Sale of Land. Iio you want n ten acre tract ol tirsl-class slra wherry or fruit land at a bargain? If so. examine the M. H. Potter farm near city of Hood Klver, lift acres. Just placed on the market to be sold in lots to suit. Call at the rami or any real estnie nnn in Hood Klver. FHANK McFAKI.ANIl, J12 IS!i Utll street, Portland. Horses for Sale. Tluee fi-year-old teams for sale; welulit froui HIKIto Mil. Well-matched: cheup. Wvers X Kreps, White Salmon, Wash. Jl'vc A line span of work horses, 8 and SI wir s old; weigh 122! pounds; gentle ami kind; sound and true. Ao hie Isiics ol any kind. I'l- ce S22. Inquire of John U. Wyers, White Salmon. Wasii. Rooms To Rent For rent A nice front room suitable nr two: gentlemen preferred. Hoaid If desirt I. I'lioneTlU. Mrs. H. A. Coyle. a:; Two ft-n,m cottages fur rent at $H eu,-h- Mis. II. F. Frederick. j27 Twos-room cottages, well finished, or Inquire of .Mrs. II. .1. Fredericks. For comfortable rooms on car line, Mrs. Henry H. I.cls. II-: Central I'ortland, Ml. Tabor station. l'lione jii:::r ilddrevs avenue. j-H Lost. Lost carpenter's level, rip-saw, new pair of slioes, horse blanket, halter, square and other tilings, between town and Mount Hood. N-i-tlfy A. Hudson, at Mount Hood P. O. a:t I,ost-Soinewliere helween liukes Vallev and Hood Klver, a Utile girl's clonk; color, red. The tl oiler will please same nt the Glacier of fice or ut the Little While store. a;t I .est A plain go'd huk-Ii cl'H'n. please leave same at I'.ai taiess' store celve reward. Flndct and rc Five dollar B-old piece was given Journal news boy through mistake. If person Ui whom same was passed, will kindly rail at Glacier othce. he may kep the larger half and know he has the g,)od will of the loser. Light-colore-l huKKy rube, Saturday, between Tucker's ard Ho'man's sMoiv. I-io-ee ietirn to Mrs. R. B. Tucker or the Glhei, r oltice. j 7 Lost a gold watch a d ' atch tin; lind-r pi ase leave at Heed's olgar stot e u ,ii u ceive liberal re ward. j27 Cold broach set with pearls, Friday, June 29. Finder will he rewarded by returning same to Mrs. J. W. Rigby. j27 Lost, between tirayford's store anil elms. Keed's, heavy blanket, orange color In tiie middle, while and black on both sides. Kind er will confer fuvor by leaving at the Glacier "tllce. n20 Well Digging. Horlng or drilling, lnontreoflt. M. Hunt. Typawriters. No. 1 model fsmith-Premier .ssnnn No. 6 model Heminghin .yjtm No. am del Kemlnifion inewi efuKi Warrented In perfect condition. Can be Men ul the Glacier office. Hood River Directory. The Olacier directory of Hood River citv und valley, und m-tp; shimin location ,',r farms, with owners' moms, locution of streams und connty roiids. i now reailv f,e disirlbution. Price flOi. (ilaeier, i ood Uiver. Oregon. Information fr W. 0. Y. When visitiuK Portland, you are in vited to call at Second aud Morrison streets, where the W. O. W. informa tion Imreau will tell you whereto Hud suitable rooms; which car to lake to different points in the city, where vnu mil ImjiVa friiid ooutbi Atn Mo,,,.. and get acquainted and learn where j places ox interest mav op iouuii. M. O. W1LK1NS. C. C. Portland, Or. Where are jon sick? Headache, (miltoiiKue, no. appetite lack energy.; pain in your stomach, constipa'ion'.' Hnlhster's Koeky Mountain Tea, (treat- est beautifier known. 35 cents. I'.X',1 Clarke's. Real Estate Bargains. AT THE EMPORIUM, Two nice lots and cott 'ges, cenlrnlly located, for sale on the installment plan. Lot 11, SpunglerV addition, JL'IKI. 4 room cottage. Kast 45 by lot) leet of Lot 2 block 9,' Park burst, T10.30; $750 cash. House and two lots iu Bairctt-btpma addition. T700. 40 ncrea at Mount Htxid for sale, run ning lfi'3 an aero. On the county roud opposite Uuldwin'a. Fine business lot on main street for (llilKJ on installment, or $1500 cash. I23' acres at Belmont, ti acres in cul tivation, cottage ami outbuildings, ISO apple trees, 2 acres strawberries, 2 acres alfalfa, $ l.'JOO; $7.50 or more cash. New ti-roomed cottage, patent bath ami closet, four lots, 8 blocks from depot, center of town, $2100; terms reasonable. Two lots centrally located, f.wO. Two lots, new ti-roonicd house, patent hath and closet, blocks from deK)t, center of town, 1 1 "00. Two-story 8-rooined cottage, lot "0 by 140, on the hill. $1200; terms reasonable. For Sale 9000 acres pine timber; 1 saw mill, cuts 20,000 per day; 1 planing mill, capacity ;i0,000 feet per day; 1 store and stock of merchandise, about tHiOO; 1 hotel and contents; 1 saloon building, rented ; H houses, rented; 10 head horses and harness ; road wag ons, :!', H; 1 logging truck; 5 pair sleigh; 3( head cattle; 50 head hogs; 000 feet lumber; 2000 cords wood. All loi uted nt and near Hilgard, Or. For Sale New two-story 9-room house; Strauahan addition ; $1100; terms easy. I t acres across the road from the M. M. Davenport residence. ftiO per acre. Terms easj . A 40 acre tract, unimproved, some free irrigating water, 1J miles from Bar rett school house, $1,100. lhuina house and lot, $2,000. For SaleThe Henderson ranch, for merly owned by J. R, tialligan ; (iOacre. SO cleared; orchard; strawberries; clover and timothy; well irrigated ;large 2-story mansion, new barn ; all fenced. Price $10,000. Brook runs through ranch. Easy tonus; telephone; rural delivery. Four miles from Hood River. One goat ranch on mountain east of valley on county road. Price $1,500; has small house, running water, and is fenced. Terms, easy. For Sale Beautiful lots in l'ark addi tion, center of town, from $200 to $:(00. 8. 100 acres tit White Salmon; line timber hind ; $10 an acre. 9. The ti-acre place in Crupper neigh borhood, known as the Renshaw place; all improved ; new buildings, etc. hots 10, 11, 12, block 5, Waucoma ad dition; improved; price $1,000; or more cash, balance, 1 year, 8 per cent Small house and lot on hill to rent, $24 a year; two vacant lots with privilege of purchase $20 a year for the two. For Stile Resilience on State street at head of Front ; $2,500, including 3 lots. For Sale or Kxchango for Hood River property Fine residence in business center of Sumpter. Money - to loan. Ten acres improved, on White Sal mon river; $1000. 21 a. at Frankton; improved; $2200. First-class Surveying Outfit. At the Fp'porium are kept 2 first-class trannits and solar attachments, and the proprietor, a practical surveyor, is pre pared to do the work of laving out acre age property in lots ami blocks, and do ing all kinds of --o'veyiiig and platting. .1011 N I.F.1.AXD 11 FN DKHSON, City Fngineer. New Toil a v. Notice Special Election Notice Is hereby given that on Friday, the Mill of. Inly, nil.", at the city hall. In Hie city ul Hood Kiver, county of Wasco, a special election will he lield.at which election the iiu;tlilied mucis ol s-ml city shall vote upon :l-.e il!estietl whether or not the bonus of iud eiiy ol llie dehuiniiiation of jfllio to si.(kh) :ls lilt- plll'cliUM-r ticiy desire, pu.VMlde ill twenty ycu'-s alter dale, tieulilij; interest at the nde of 5 per cent per annum, puvuhlc -cnii-aiiitu.il-y. with interest coupon's at tached, such bonds to be drawn and issued In Ml respects as provided by t lie charter of said cdyiind agL'p'gaiing In amount the sum of n.ilee- or us niueli theieef as mav he neces sary shall lie Issued tor Die pillposeof huild invr and consruc:ltiu' said water svstcm.und also to rai-c a timd not eveeeoiiiL" rl.niM to re imburse said city of Hood lilvc for llie pur chase prici of said spring and incident!) . ex penses colilicelcd therewith. Which said i-lee-IMI1 will he held at -s o'clock In llie morning and w ill continue until 7 iu the ullei noon ol said div. 1 illicit this :1th day of July, PUIS, .1. K. S'ickelsch, t'ity Iteeorder. Found. I.Hily's tin mil in,', mntitinlrii.' hmuuiki-n luef im'i tnnney. ( Iimht imty huve sntiH' l i itll itiii i Glacier dllh-f, 1'ioviMK judpcri v" nhii piiyina fnr this not ir. j-; Small hand Ivijr, at tins ..(tier. containing handkerchief; left Wanted V anted-lty fruit grower In Idaho, an n. perieiiced Hood Klver apple packer; one capa ble of civiim instruction lo beginners audio leileli tin- Mood Klver method: exnenses and salary. Impure at Glacier ofhYe. a.) Wanted Man and wife to work on farm at Kovvena, u-e. Address J. A. i'ooper, a3 The Dulles, Ore. VVanled-'lo buy, ten acres of fruit land In H'xal liiver valley, .-lose in, somevvliai lin prov. d: to he paid tor at rate of Jo down und Mil cr month. M, Glacier oiliee. At on,-.,, lames W, lo rent or buy driving horso.'l'h'in art, Maine l.';d. 127 Dining lltiin. p'tn girl at (,nc-e. Hotel Wau-Ouir Wanted to reit: at the Glacier olti piano. Iave word !-1l e. I-urn, sued room wanted lor a voting la Iv, wilhor wulioiit ti-, it-1; slate tcrnis. Address l.adv , G-uelel otll,-c. ju;( Man ai d woman lo rent or manage or buy Maple Ii -e! :,t liini:eii: house coiupletv tur-' llish.-d; d.o.tt Imlt a,-,. ,,i ground, call nt o, ice on hd Saks, i .m f, -,inKen. V asli. J 1:1 Land for Eent. Nine p-res of . s til ited oil ,V ilia VVa'ef and tlimi tr.uvherrv and clover hind, n Mnith avenue, near town. covering tile nlHce. ( kIi lent i.reietred. Will rent Irotn one ti Hire,. Apply to .1. N. ! at tin icai, t-ortiaml, ore., J-lilt premises. Cycle Repairing. C.vi repair, ng promptly dime, ftiop Is : cast or rail ground, near Hobnail's, J. II. lin ks. ; Who Wants It? blocks store. It is an ill w ind II.,,,,! i-aoioad hss Unit blows no good. The cut my farm in two tracts. j'',.,,, to seil one of them cheap, acres, !." of which Is s. i ,,s ' about C NYA'own ami xi.ifeiiWrg apple trees: to,,, soil; well wntercii: loealion in the heart 01 our l s i.ppic di-lrl, t; close hi a 4-liami graded sei o ,i house, and rural deliverv and t, le pho lie service at your door. Term's eiisv For patt.cuiars. Iiniuirror.V I. Mason. Pasture. Three or four hundred acres of good sheen. u'tte ranjie near I'urkerlown. Telephone .Mum Hii.