The Hood River glacier. (Hood River, Or.) 1889-1933, July 13, 1905, Image 10

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By n Staff Correspondent.
White Salmon, Waah., July 12,-Tlie
pant week ha been a remarkable one
for visitors. Weyeru k Krepa report
that it bag been one of the beat weeks
in the history of their stage line.
The irreat crowds to Trout Lake have
stopped and looked the town over and
many are taken up with the beautiful
surroundings and are inventing, and
more than that,they are telling others
about it. The berry returns have
been larue and as remarked one mer
chant, "there is plenty of money in
iuht." There is a great deal
building going on and a great deal
more is contemplated. The mer
chants are in good cheer, for it has
been a tine year, and collections are
splendid. The railroad talk has not
died out, but on the other band, bas
increased, and all now waited for, is
the active Hying of dirt.
There is a difference of opinion
among the merchant and the citizens
In general, as just where the best
place would be to locate the depot.
O. M. Wolfard, the merchant, aaid
"I am in favor of locating the depot
at itingen. I think it would be bet
ter for us on the hilL I am not in
the least bit fearful of the loss of
trade if the depot would be placed
there. It is true that the merohants
of that city could handle their stuff
about 7fo per ton cheaper, owing to
the long haul we are required to make,
"Hut U the depot was placed at tsin
gen it would be cheaper for me. The
dock where It ia now means an ex
tremnly heavy naul and the same
would apply to the farmers if the de
pot wa to go to lllngen. I lo not
Iwilieve the farmer would pass me or
the other meronants to trade, neoessl
tatlng an extra two miles hauL At
any rate, I will be heie to meet the
trade when it goes by, and will take
my chances on selling as cheap as the
other fellows. I am positive of the
fact now, that White Salmon is aelling
at a lower margin than any of the
other towns in direct competition
with us."
"Watch Taooma Grow" has been
heralded all over the country, and
there la no one who bas been to Port
land but what bas witnessed it flashed
on the hill. Well, one of the members
of the Taooma Booster club has been
the guest of Frank Egan for some
time past, and be ha done a little
boosting by distributing hundred of
cards bearing the inscription," Watoh
Incoinu Urow." Every place Mr,
Ugau would take his friend he would
pass out the cards. Not to be out
done, Mr. Kgan slipped into the Ku
terprise oflloe and soon had the presses
grinding out thousand of slips bear
ingthts: "While Taooma is Urow
iug, Keep Your Eye on White Sal
mon. " When the booster attempted
to pas the cards again he wa met
with a bunch of Mr. Egan cards,
It wa a good hit and the scheme will
lie kept up. It will do well, too, to
keep your eye on White Balmnn, for
she is growing rapidly. K L. 0.
Thrjr (Jet Iilg Cherry Price.
Snake lUver cherries sold for the
record price In New York this season.
when t:t.60 per box of ten pound wa
paid for Iflug cherries shipped from
the orchard of W. L. La toilette, at
Wuwawal, iu Whlttnen county, says a
writer from Colfax. Mr. La Follette
shipped a carload of cherries to New
York and received net returns of
tUUU for the carload. They were
mostly Koyal Anns and kindred vari
eties, hut a few boxes of lilug were
pluood in the oar a an experiment,
These took the New York market by
storm and sold for $.'1.50 per box.
wholesale, at auction. It is said the
fruit retailed at 60 cents per pound.
Mr. La Follette had about 10,000
Doxe or cherries in his orchard this
year and shipped to St. Paul, New
York and other Eastern markets. lie
has not had returns from all of his
shipment yet, but the return so far
received show that the fruit aold for
unusuully good prices and that Wash'
lngton fruit is becoming known and
Is in big demand in the Eastern mar
kets. Mr. La Follette expects net re
turns of from 75 cents to II per box
for his cherries this season. At these
prices this is proving one of the most
profitable kind of fruit that can be
grown on Hnake Hirer.
J. W. Ottleld, who owns an orchard
on the opposite side of the river from
Mr. La Follette' orchard of 200
acres, Is engaging extensively in
grape growing, and ha a youug vine
yard of 15 acres, which is bearing its
llrst crop this year. Mr. Oilield said
"Drapes promise to be one of the best
fruit crops we can grow on the river,
and our location 1 one of the best
grape district in the West. Califor
nia cannot oeat u lor quality nor
yield of grapes. I have planted 15
acres of the best varieties obtainable
and believe that grape growing will
soon lie recognized as one of the best
industries In which we can engage.
Mr. La Follette bad four acre of
grapes, which yielded 2000 boxes last
year, and be sold them for an average
price of 11.25 per box. This is 600
boxes, worth Wi25 per crate. The ex
pense of raising grapes is less than
that of peaches, or several other vari
eties of fruit, and you cau readily see
that there Is a big protlt in the busi
ness. "
The Good Old Way.
A severe cold or attack of la grippe Is
like a fire, the sooner you combat it the
better your chances are to overpower It.
Hut few mothers in this age are willing
to do the newaaiiry work required to
give a good old-fusliioned reliable treat
ment such as would be ministered by
their grandmothers, backed by Hob
dice's Herman Syrup, whlcu was al
ways liberally used In connection with
the home treatment of colds and Is still
in greater housliokl (aver than any
known remedy. Hut even without the
application of the old-fashioned aids
tierman Hyrup will cure a severe cold
iu quick time. It will cure cold In
children or grown people. It relieves
the congested organs, allays the irrita
tion, and effectively stops the cough.
Any child will take It. It Is Invalua
ble in a household of children. Trial
size bottle, 'Sw. regular size, 75o. For
sale by C. N. t'larke.
Spokane is the latest to abolish the
vertical system of writing, the reason be
ing given that it I too slow. The sys
tem adopted is what is known as the
normal or intermediate slant. It is a
compromise between the old slant style
and the vertical. The angle of the fet
ters is about 15 degrees. In appearance
me new system resembles the vertical.
It combines the legibility of the vertical
with the speed of the slant, and should
give satisfaction The vertical system
was good for legibility, but it is lost in
speed. The old slant systhm was speedy
but it lacked legibility. The new sys
tem is expected to combine the good
point of both.
Two-quart combination hot water
bottle and fountain syringe guaranteed
for one year. Only tl.M at Clarke'.
Br a EStaff Correspondent.
Biugen, Wash., July 11 The rail
road talk baa not died out by any
mean here. The delay now In any
activity on the part of the promoters
baa not iu the least caused any
doubt the coming of the road, bur
ing the past week many have dropped
off the boats to see the town, and
on of the captain of the boats re
marked the other day: "People are
commencing to learn that Bingen
on the map, "
Mrs. U. Peterson of The Dalles, for
many years head cook in many of the
best eating houses of that city, Is now
in charge of the Maple hotel, tui
Suksdorf, the proprietor, is making
splendid preparations for the great
cowd he expects to come ttiis rail.
large number of summer boarders are
talcing advantage of the cool quiet
spot to spend the not days. .
Judge Brykett says that the right ol
way men can't talk to him unless there
la 915,000 damage In sight. He is 0
posed to the road and will fight
good and bard. "1 don't want any
road ; I have all the facilities I want
for marketing my stuff, and a road
would bring in a lot of tramps and
objectionable, and in many way in
jura me." i U U
Praises the Kennedy Hprayer.
Seattle Ranch. .
While thla matter of fighting insects
is before u I wish to mention the
fact that I have seen spraying done
right here in the fair grounds without
a pump and 1 don t mean the dim
spray, either. William, Kennedy, ol
llood Klver, Oregon, 1 showing
spraying outfit here that be claims
will do all kind of liquid spraying
without a pump. I saw it work and
am favorably imiiresesd with the out
at. ao far a 1 can see now, it ap
pears to be a complete success wit
but one drawback, and that Is the
matter of cost in some localities. N
pump is used and consequently no en
sine is needed and there la no niimn
Ing dona by band. The one who has
run pumps and engines know that
often valuable time is lost fixing the
pump or the gasoline engine. The
use of the sprocket geared wheel i at
time quite unsatisfactory for the
pressure gives out and yon mutt
drive about the field to get up the re.
quired pressure. All these dltllcui
tie are obviated in thi spraying out
Ht by getting the required pressure
irom a tuna cnarged who Hemmed
oaronlo gas. A fifty pound tube will
spray out huu gallons of mixture. A
even pressure Is kept up.rauglng from
au to lit pouuds, and the pressure i
the same whether you use one nozzle
or dozen. It Is claimed that it does
better work than can be done by the
band pump, gives a more even press
ure and as result 800 pounds of
spraying material will go as far us
1200 pounds when applied with band
pump. A to the correctness of thi
claim I am unable to pronounce judg
meut at present. The nozzle aud hone
used with this spraying outfit arc the
same a used with the pump.
To Dufur on Augnst 15.
At the invitation of Attorney Jos
eph, of the Ureal Southern. Judg
lMk and Commissioner Stoughton
and lllbbard took a trip over the sev
en mile of road now oomploted
far as the Wlckman plaoo. says The
Dalle Chronicle. Their special car
wa a little flat, but they toll us it was
as good an observation oar as they
ever traveled in and that they got
nne view .or the road. Ninety men
were busily engaged in laying true
and uu lid lug Dridgea beyond.
This short ride gave them a lonulng
to go on, and when they inquired
to when that pleasure could be real
ized, were told that on August 1
they could ride from The Dalles to
me main object or their trip was
to ascertain the purpose of the Ureiit
Southern concerning the oounty road
and their request as to a right of
way over a small piece of the road
leading iuto the city. A plan which
the company i now figuring on la to
branoh off from the U. It. & N. track
at a point were the roads now inter
sect aud to run their track over the
present wagon road into the Jnity,
minding their depot east ot the brew
err, or directly opposite the U. It. i
N. stock yards.
To do this tbey would build about
a half mile of oounty road from the
powder bouse to a point about
third of the distauoe down the brew
ery grade, the road following along
the hillside. The court considered
this a feasible plan, which will no
doubt meet the approval of all as the
present road bas never been satisfac
tory. The depot idea should also be
seconded by Dulles peopjo.
Bound for the Summit of Hood,
A large party of Eastern tourists
and members of the Mazama club ar
rived here from Portland on the noon
ain Monday, and that afternoon loft
for Mount llood. Many of them wore
supplied with camping outfits, aud
evidently Intend tol thoroughly euioy
tne outing. Tuesday tbey were to
ascend the mountain and meet a large
party on the summit, who weut out
from Portland, to make the climb
from Government camp.
The membra of the party are: J.
8. llutchlnsou, E. II. Averell. L.
Mysell, San Franolaoo; W. K. Davis.
Mrs. W. K. Davis, E. U. Farr, Stella
A. Crane, Clarence Crane, Solon F,
Whitney, Mrs. L. B. Tarlton, Boston '
Kusa Avery, Kasson Avery, K. D,
Kaud, Cleorge II. Redd. Los Angeles
W. E. Corder. Miss Amy 11. Corder.
Oakland, Cat i Robert P. Blake,
lierkeley ; Henry A. Holse. Sau Frau-
oisco; James A. Morgan, Berkeley;
John K. Ulascock, lierkelev: lloniv
vtnue. Wilmington. Del: J. A.
Elston, Sacramento; Frank E. Morse,
mosiou; wiuiam rccloy, Man h'rancls-
oo ; K. A. Bullock. Miss A. II. Hum
ohreys, Boston ; Ella Mollrido, Elsie
Hamilton. Portlaud: Mr. aud Mrs. 11.
H. Sherwood. Misses Alice and Marv
anerwooa, Master Warner Sherwood,
san rranoisca
The Only Way to Cure.
To cure a cold when vou have no
cough to cure a cough when you
have no cold to cure yourself wheu
you have both take Kennedy's laxa
tive Honey and Tar. Acts on the
bowels. Best for coughs, colds, croup,
whooping-cough, etc. Kennedy's Lax
ative Honey and Tar Is the original
Laxative Cough Syrup. It contains no
opiates and cures by strengthening the
lungs, throat and chest, expelling colds
from system by gently moving the
bowels, and an ideal remedy for young
or old. Once used will be reniemliered
as sure as a cure. Sold by G. E. Wil
liams. Do you want that prescription filled
accurately and with just what the doc
tor ordered? Theu take it to Clarke's.
Toot Your Little Tooter.
By Ed. C. Barroll.
if you toot your little tooter and then
lay aside your horn,
In ten short days there's not a soul
will know that you were born;
The man who gathers pumpkins ia the
man who plows ail day,
And the limn who keeps humping is
the man who makes it pay.
The man who advertises with a short
and sudden jerk
I the man who blames the editor be
cause it didn't work;
The man who gets the business bas a
long and steady pull.
And keeps his local paper from day to
day quite full.
He plans bis advertising in a thought
ful sort of way,
And keeps forever at it until be makes
it pay ;
He bas faith in all the future, can
withstand a sudden shock,
And, like the man of scripture, plants
bis business on a rock.
If be can't write good copy, be em
ploys a man who can.
And the other fellow in his line is
classed an "also ran."
You can't fool people always they've
liAAn a l,in,r t ( i,i ik Imrn
And most folks know the man is slow
who tooteth not his horn.
Advertising World
But One Week Longer to Lire.
Little is said theso days about the
Wlllams oate at the court bouse or
about the city, says The Dalles Chron
tele. It is an unpleasant subject and
the fact that two weeks from this
morning will tie the 1st time Williams
will see the liuht of dav causes
shudder to all who contemplate it. I
his statement made in the Chronicle
some weeks ago Williams declared
that would be the last be would make
and the reporter has sought no fur
ther Interview though he may be seen
dally In the corridor of the jaiL
Word comes from Trout Lake that the
report is current there that John
Hitchcock, whom many Dallesites
remember as having driven the stage
between White Salmon and Trout
Lake last summer, will lie his heir,
being a couslu of Williams. What
property he owns, if any, other than
the farm at Mount Hood, is not
Child Not Lxnecicd to Live From One
Hour lo A not tier, Hut Cured by
Cliiiinliei Iain's Colic, Cholera anil
lliiiriliiH-a Remedy.
Kulh, the little daughter of E. N.
Dewey or Agnewville, Vii.. was serious
ly ot ilioleiii Infantum last summe
"We give lier up and did not ex pec
her to live from one hour to another.
he sovs. I happened to think of Chain-
berlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea
Remedy and u'"t a bottle of it from the
store. In five hours I saw a change for
tne lietter. we kept on giving it an
before hIic Imd taken the half of one
smiill hottle she was well." This rem
edy is f ir sale by Williams' Pharmacy
.Pension and Patent Attorney,
223 Washington St., Portland, Ore.
IVndon under General Law and
under the Act of June 27, 1HII0
Indian War IVnuloni. Incrpnxeof Deimloim
ren tieiiMlon: I'Iui'hhh penntmiH: Willow's res.
fall..... l.W.ll.U.. . i u .....a. I .... t ami l.ul nki III
tomtlon to pemilou roll; dHertd wile's half
pension; itouuiies ana arrears or pension
Charges of Desertion Corrected.
Claims of all kinds taken against the
tinned Mates and prosecuted.
At Hood River every fourth Saturday
in eaeii month.;
Tropical and
California Fruits
Cherries, Nuts
AT .
Oyster Parlor
S. L. Young
Phone, Main Go.
Wo nre prepared to
deliver ICE to any part of
the city. Theme No. 313
Tompkins Bros.
Please 'phone your orders 10 a. m
Some Bargains.
Our lint, containi! ulmnt ill ,liff..r.iit
nu t h of fruit ami ueneritl farm lands in
Mosicr ; about 5(H) acres in I'nderwood,
divided into tracts of from 40 to 3'JO
acres each; also about ltij different
riicta of farm property in llood River
alley, and some very desirable rem
lences in Hood River and Mosie.r
83. tl acres 'a mile out: berries and
irchiird. A iK-uiitiful location. Will be
sold Hi a turgid n.
til!. Ho acres one-lmlf mile from Mt
Hood 1', (). H acres in clover. 4 in bav
1 in strawberries, 1 share water, 2
nooses, an lor f mm.
24. 4'.' acres ft miles out, ltl acre- In
orchard, 10 full hearing. First-class Im
provements, a licHiililtil home.
L'S. Ml acres, 5 acres 7-yeni-old anule
rees, balance in clover and general
larniing. .vw 4-room house.
2. 40 acres In the most beiuitifu nor.
ion of the valley. 4 acres iu orchard
one vetir old, 8J acres in lierries, 4 acres
I nl lu 1 li , balance general running.
til. Uf acres 4 miles out: splendid
soil; 1 acre apples, best varieties: one
car planted. H acres In straw lierries,
acres in potatoes, o acres III clover.
114. Two IliO-ncre tracts about nine
miles out; one on east side, other west
side. Choice for $1100.
A number of 5, 10, 20 and 40 acre
racts of unimproved land that, will
hear investigation Also a number of
large tracts from ItiO to 320 acres in Ore
gon and Washington
Some few residences and lots in every
irtlon of the citv.
Real Estate Agents
Hood River, Oregon.
Hauling, Draying, Baggage Transferred, First
Class Livery Turnouts Always Ready.
Phone 131.
iuv.v..,.uw.,.(S equipment in our
shop for all kinds of blacksniithing, we invite allthoHe
needing work of this kind to call and see us.
pert in this department, and can do anything from
the construction of an entire vehicle to the repair of
any of its many parts in a manner that will prove
his skill and thorough workmanship.
satisfaction is guaranteed with all our work. Re
member the "firm.
East end of City.
Manufacturers of all kinds of
....Rough and Dressed Lumber....
Seasoned lumber of all kinds in stock.
We mako the best prices to contractors
and builders. It will pay you to see us for
pricos before you make your contracts.
White Salmon, Wash.
Mill north of White Salmon.
Dealer in General Merchandise
and LumbermenV Supplies,
Railroad Ties, Cordwood,
Free Delivery. Phone O.'il
For All Kinds of
Grubbing Supplies, Wood
Choppers and
A full line of stock
Does your horse interfere?
..Livery, Feed and Draying..
iiooi) mvEu heights
Still have left a few pairs of Men's and
Boys' Merrit's Pants and Ladies' Skirts.
Men's Tan Shoes, fl0 iA
good values, at p0.4U
Trading Stamps Given
and Building Material
guaranteed. Call and look through the Stock.
Glad to show vou around.
Undertaker and Embalmer
is one of our lines.
Mr. Mullen is an ex
is our specialty. Cour
teous treatment- and
Lumber and Cedar Posts
Loggers Tools
alwavs on hand.
1'ring him in. No cure no pay
Hood River, Ore.
Horn's bought, cold or nxclinnged.
PU'Bsnre parties ciiu eooure tirst-i'liim rifiH.
Special attontion given to moving furniture ami
We do everything horneH civil do.
Comforts, splen- Q
didly made, f 1 to tpl.O J
for Cash Purchases.
Transact a General Banking Business
In these days a bank account is no. longer a luxury,
but a necessity. It takes but a small an; oi:;:t to start it
here, and it adds to your standing with business men and
others, besides helping the formation of good business
habits. j
Interest Paid on Time Deposits.
F. S. STANLEY. Pres. E. L. SMITH, Viee-Pres. E. O. BLAXCHAR, Cashier
First National Bank
Remember That this bank is a Home InstitU
tion and we invite your business on
a basis of mutual helpfulness.
Estimates given
Building Work
Thone 091.
R. D.
Steam and Hot Water Heating;
All jobbing promptly attended to.
Staple and j& js?
Fancy Groceries
Majestic & Mesaba Ranges
and Stiletto Cutlery.
P. F. FOUTS, Prop.
RATES, $2.00 to $2.50 PER DAY.
Steam heat. Large pleasant rooms. Everything n w.
Sample room for commercial travelers.
iiKULs., proprietors.
i)i;.i.i:i:s i.n
Fresh & Cured Meats
C. L. GILBERT, 1 iu, rietor.
Mt flood Mote!
Headquarters: for Tourists
Regular Rates, 91.25 to $2.50 per day.
Sbecial Ratei by Week or Slonth.
Btgi daily for Cloud Cap Inn during July, August and September.
Carries everything in the line, including
KrinKled Silks, Silk Embossed, Tapestries, Moires,
Ingrains, Varnished Tiles, Blanks, etc.
Up-to-date Paper Hanging, Sign,
Carriage and House Painting.
Phone 671. First nnd Oak Streets.
Established 1900.
Resideuts of Wasco Co. for 23 Y ear
on short notice.
a specialty.
Hood River, Oregon.
all kinds ok
C. F. GILBERT, Manager.
& Commercial Travelers