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About The Hood River glacier. (Hood River, Or.) 1889-1933 | View Entire Issue (July 6, 1905)
OCDi 3C DCS 3 C 3C 3C 3C 3C 0 8 END RUSH II jniiiL Ji if US of the last few weeks has caused some of our patrons the inconvenience of not getting as quick service as usual. We beg to apoligize to any who were obliged to wait, and assure you we will make every effort in the future to give all prompt attention. We hereby an nounce that prices will be slashed all through the season until Febru ary 1st., 1906. There is great values here for everyone. We have our immense stock which must be reduced. otscr TO ESHECT SSRffign ta?iziE3S griyrrni c,?5Wg? gSSSIO SI!3 fru 1 1 IHtlF.F LOCAL .MATI'KR!. Just received New line l.ewie and ('lurk souvenir pin. Ci.ll to see them lit Clarke's the jeweler. 50 acres mi the Knst Side, 2 miles nit. 10 acres iii wmng orchard. A snap. W. J. I1AKER. Shingles. Sen us fur best prices. Oregon Lumber Co. Use Williams' unti -septic hair tonic and keep off gray hairs. Sidewalk lumber. Delivery same dav order is received. Oregon Lumber ( '('. Call and examine my new line of watches I can save you motley. Clarke, the jeweler. I guarantee a lit in glasses. Clarke, the optician and jeweler. To make room for new stock all cut class will be closed out at cost. Clarke ill" jeweler. Do you use I.ath? Get our price and compare it. with that of competitors Yon will make money this- way. Ore gon Lumber Co. If you have not contracted your berry crates with the Davidson Fruit Co., belter do so quick and get the lienelit of the reduced prices at which contractu are now being made. Well, don't you see that if you wish to see well, you should see Clarke the optician. Guaranteed work in glass fitting. House and two l"t on the hill for $!HH); fWifi down ; li rooms: rents for ifH; on corner and brow of bill ; off the mar ket soon. Kdwi i A Henderson. Lots on the installment plan in Coe's Addition; 'J" per i t down; balance $5 per month ; H per cent interest. Kdwin A. Henderson. Buy your berry c-ates and fruit (sixes at the 'Hood River box factory. They are homemade and the fruit sells at top prices when pm ki-d in them. Hood Kiver f'uit le-crcs good ltoxes, and when you bnv from the Hood Kiver box foctory you a".' Mire of a supply when you want 1 1 1- n i . Our prices are right. Davidson Kruit Co. Tired out, worn out woman cannot tleep, eat or work; seems as ifshe would Ily to pieces. Ilollisters ltocky Mount ain Tea makes stronir nerves ami rich ri d blitot I. ;,h cen is Tea or Tablets. C. N. Clink's. 51 eets & (bidw'a is the place to get uie celebrate I llazchvood ice en am. Try one of their walllcs when you are in tow n. Dr. I". T. Cai ns has relumed to Hood Kiver and resumed his practice at the wime place, over HaMness store, where lie is prepared to attend those wishing Lis services. ItiO acres, 1J miles from Mosier sta tion, on main road; good spring; $25 an acre; will divide; line apple land. Also other Mosier property. W..!.HakerSc Co. Now that all important question is settled the next thing is tin- r 'in a tine new- line of entrapment and wedding rings. Trices right. Ciarke the jeweler. C. C. Massiker terms cash, East Fork Irrigating company, by C. R. ISone, president. C. R. Bone has a few tons of wheat clover and timothy hay left at hie ranch and at the Livingston place that he will sell. Houses ami cottages for rent by Kd win A. Henderson. Hazelwood Ice Cream Ice Cream Today at the parlors of Sheets it Gadwa. Ice at Tompkin Iiros. I'hone Tompkin liros. for ice. Ladies' shirts at cost at Vogt Bros. ' Wanted Intelligent men and women; guaranteed salary $21 per week and ex penses ; send stamped envelope for re ply. Mrs. Jesse W. Rigby, Hood River. Have You Sprayed Yet? Get your material of Clarke and" save money. Wall Paper KemnuiitH. Not old stock, nor otitis and ends of old stock from Portland, but remnants from a new and clean stock of paper can be had at Hunt's Wall Paper store for ten days at bargains. 'Phone 071. 2t Gasoline Knglne fur Sale. The Davidson Kruit Co. have left in stock a new No. 8 Stiekney three-horse power gasoline engine arranged for fast or slow speed suitable for pumping water for irrigating purposes or oilier power. Vert simple and easy to oper ate. For sale at a bargain. This is not a second-hand, cheap affair. Price. $ 175. Clarke's Cough Elixir will cure that cough Price i only 25c Berry Growers. We want to handle your strawber ries and other produce, for we are in position tu get -on the best prices. Write us. A.D. RLOWERS & CO., Seattle, Wash. Snow & I'psnn tr t the Contract. Snow & L'pson were awatded the con tract Saturday to furnish li.OOO iron rods for the work of the Hood Iliver Klectric Liulit and Water Co. is doing in the Con struction of a new dam and power house. To fill the contract it will require a w hole car of iron. Several Portland par ties were in the city to tile bids for the work, but the home company was able to underbid them all. Mrs. La lira G( s and son tlrvall of Her" k erlev, ChI , are guests of Mr. and Mrs E. K.'Goff. When yoiwant a pleasant laxative that i- easy to take and certain to act. use Ch.ilidierlaiii' Stomach and Liver tablets. For sale by Williams' Plmr- III IC . Pure filler vinegar for sale. W. .1. Baker. Horn. in The Dalles, Monday, July:?, to Major and Mrs. John S. Booth of Hood River, a sdaughter. In Hood River valley, Tuesday, July 4, to Mr. and Mrs. K S. Harbison, a 12-pound boy. In Mitchell, Or., Sunday, Juiy 'J, to Mr. uud Mrs. I). P. Shiuiu, a daughter. At Mount Hood, Saturday, July 1, to Mr. and Mrs. A. U. McKamey, a sou. Married. At the residence of A. C. Sly, in Stev enson, Wash., Tuesday, Inly 4, Aliss Gertrude Klnora Monton of Trout Lake and M. A. Martin of Hood River; Rev. K.J. Johns of Cascade Locks, otliciat ing. Mr. and Mrs. Martin will reside in Hood River. Joe, Mayes and family will leave today for an outing in the moutaiiis. Luckey & Mullen claim to have tho record in hore-sheoing. LaHt Satur day shoes wore put on sitxy-six horses. That is shoeing gome. At the ('hurdles. Vailey Christian Regular Services Sunday, both morning and evening W. A. JOlkins, pastor. Riverside Congregational W. C. Gilmore, pastor. Sabbath school 10 a. m. President W. X. Ferrin, of I'acilic University, will speak at 11. Kvening service (t. Unitarian Church The pastor ex changes with Dr. Cressey of Portland. Baptist. Regular preaching services at Carniichael's hall eveiv 1st ami :id Sunday morning uud evening; Sunday school every Sunday at It) a. m. I ove mint and business meeting the first Wednesday night in each month. J. li. Spight, pastor. Methodist Preaching at 11 a. m. anil 8 p- ni ; Sabbath school 10 a. in.; Kp worh League 7 p. m. Prayer meeting Thursday evening. All cordially in vited. W. C. Kvans, pastor. United Brethren. Sunday school at 10 a. m. l'reacliing at 11 a. in. Junior Endeavor, lt:30 p. in. Christian En deavor, ti:45p. ni. Preaching at 7:30. All are cordially invited. Rev. J. S. Rhoads, pastor. Belmont M. K. Church. H. C. Clark, pastor. Services, Belmont: Sunday school at 10 a. m. ; Class .net ting atll a. ni. ; Epworth League 7 p. in. ; preach ing every Sunday evening ami 2d Sun day in month at 11 a. in. ; Prayer meet ing Thursday 7 :ol) p. in. Services at Pine (i rove same as above except preach ing, which is on 1st and ltd Sundays at 11 a. in. Crupper. M and ' I Sundays, at 3:!i0; Sunday school at 2:,'i0. Mount Hood. The 4th Sunday at H a., in.; Sunday school at 10 a. in. Do you want that prescription tilled acciuately and w i'b just what the doc tor ordered? Then take it to Clarke's. GET IN THE HABIT OF TRADING AT THF BIG STORE WITH LITTLE PRICES Vases Tall, beautiful shapes, in crys tal, enamel anil blue, very pretty. Th"V are Hammocks Don't you want a pretty new one for your porch or lawn'.' Take a savii g look at ours. Little price. Croquet Is a fascinating game that never grows old. It is good healthy ex ercise for young and old. Four, six and eight ball Fets. Little Trices. Base Ball Mitt, Gloves, Masks and Bats. Balls at ftc, 10c, 15c, 25c, 35c, 50c and $1.25. Coupon No. 409, HELD 15 Y MIIL OLDEXBKUO, DREW THE Lewis and Clark Fair Ticket . LAST WEEK. Maybe YOU will get it this week. Souvenir Postals llnod liivi r specials, (Vluinb'a River views, Lewis ami I link burnt leather and tmrnt "uii I 2."c lo $1.00 per di.z. Fancy Work Materials We have alm-nt everytliiog you want for your summer work Lin ens, silks, needles, li. O)-, cushion lops, c UiIm and pillows. Little Price". If You Lose The key to your door trunk or dresser, come to ih; we can help you. Hundred of keys of every description in stock. Books Wouldn't von like a good, inter esting story to read these davs. Look over our new ones. 10c per eoiv The Dulles city council last wtel. granted licenses to nineteen tuilunii-u LicoiiKt) to wod has been granted to A. Ii. Oiirmichuel and Clara Rull'ner. Mrs. S. V. lllytho returned Satin dav from u visit with friends in Port land. Mrs. Geo. Stoinholf mid daughter from Seattle are guests ol'.l. L. lilouut and family. Dr. Lynch of Vuliscn. Iowa, is in tho city the gtiost of Dr. V. Cooper and family, formerly of Valisca. Miss Eva Xichlaton left Monday foi Portland, whero she will join some college friends for an noting at Va quina bay. Mrs. (3. D. Thompson left Wednes day morning for Oorrallis, where fdio will visit for some time with relatives and friends. Puss ( leyer and Hurry Richardson left Monday aftornoon -for Portland, to take in the great exposition and to celebrate the Fourth. William Kitbol expects to leave for Portland next woek, where he w;illj visit me unr. ne may oontimio on to California before returning. Tho ladies of the Woman's Alliance are invited to meet Friday afternoon with Mrs. Cunning, whero another of Stoddard's favorite lectures will be read. F. M. Shafor, a young business man of Omaha, spent Monday in Hood River, the guest of Ralph Laraway. Mr. Shafer is in Portland attending the exposition. Mr. and Mrs. L. A. Hermann anil family of the East Side left for Poit land Monday, where they will visit with Mrs. Hermann's parents, and take in the exposition. Tho friends of Miss Aldino liart iness will be pleased to know that her recent illness in J,ortland resulted in nothing serious, anil that she is again enjoying good health. Commissioner Hiiilmrd is in The Dulles this week attending the regular monthly session of the county court. Nothing of importance is tbeforo the court for consideration this term, i other than the usual grist of bills. ! ' Mr. ( inlligan is up from Silvertou, ' where the spent the winter. He says! the Wasco exhibit takes the lead at j tho Portland fair. And Hood River apples are the principal feature of the ! Wasco exhibit. I Mr. and Mrs. C. W. Learner and ' (laughter Kathryn, accompanied by 1 their niece, Miss Irene Learner, (if Lacoinpton, are here from Colbv, Kansas, the guests of Mr. and Mrs. i Truman Kutler. Mr. Learner, who is i a brother of Mrs. Duller, is a leading ' merchant of Colby. Mrs. Dr. Chapman, who has been! the guest of .lodge and Mrs. Ilenrv and Mr. mid Mr. ,). li. Hunt tor the piist two weeks, left for her home in Illinois Thurday morning, going via : California, Colorado and Kansas, , where she will visit friend and rein - : tive, arriving homo some time In; August. i W.'H. II. Taylor of Portland, who : is nursing a severe case of rheumatism ! at Collins Springs, came op to spend the It h in 1 1 noil Iliver. .Mr. Taylor! served during the civil war in an llli- j nois regiment, mid while here bunted j up an old comrade in the i erson of S. V. Hlythe. Tin- two served to- ' get her in tin expedition from Fort! DoneNon in Febrimry, 1K02. ! .1. I. Miller te; i its a great H'liieity ; of wild hi (!;!' ri i at lis i bice. He; says t'"i e lire 1 1 r '' in the n nun'.- ' ainst his year. I1 believe-- the late j frosts destroyi I the ler-ics in tip bloom. Those of us who regard the: wil l blackberry an an indispensable I luxury will have to go hungry for this i kind of pie until another year, when . nature may be loss severe and freakish , w ith her spring weather. j There waa a happy reunion at the homo of A. HutN oti last Fridnv. ' Two sisters of Mrs. Butts, Mrs. E. ! ! Cable of (Jridlev. Cat, and Mrs. John Alspaugh of Nupcrville, 111., and a cousin, .Mrs. Mary Rickert of Water loo, Iowa, all came to visit for a month or two. ami also to take in ; the PiTitalud fair. Mrs. ('able and , Mrs. Rickert had net met each other for fifty-one years, that being in their I early girlhood, and the meeting was a very enjoyable one. Mrs. Alspaugh is a librarian ami a reporter for her home paper, so her visit is one of study as well as recreation. They eniiiB just in time to get a taste of the Hun Hood River strawiierries. which they helped to gather in the foothills. Miss Kiilliryn Davenport of Mosier Uthoguesl of Mrs. II. L. Duinble. Frank Button is home from Eugene to spend the I'tuiith with his family. Miss i'mima Khrch returned Mon day from a trip to Portland, where she visited the exposition. Mrs. (ieoigc 1-iiio oi Portland is the necst of her s sti r, Mrs. . C. Pace oi this city. Dan Mears and Jack llagley have purchased ItiO acres of hind near the Mordecai Jones place, at lltlsttin. Among the Gr.ldendale visitors to Hood River on tie Fourth wore no ticed County Clerk Sunderland and Editor iiyars of the Sentinel. Morrow county bus a hog weighing 11('" pounds and is still growing. He will be entered in the prize list at the Lewis and ('lark exposition. Mrs. (!. '. Jones attended 'the an nual conference of the Uniled lirethi' cn church at, The Dalles last week as a delegate from Hood River. William Peterson of White Salmon expects to leave this week for Portland, lie will later head for Walla Walla valley, where he will do work in the Inmost lields. L. Henry of t his city is empaneled on the jury called to appear in J'ort land Friday of this week, when Ct u grcsstuun Williamson will face t' 'hi on the charge of subordination of per jury. J. (1. Machines of the White Sal mon Land company was ii. i be city yesterday on his way ho:, u He spent the Fourth at Goldendnle, and while there purchased one of the llnest teams of roadsters on the Washington side. Ho drove to '1 1 o Dalles, where they received tho admiration pf all good judges of horse flesh. Mr. and Mrs. John .lames of Linn con n t v are visiting at the home of Mr. and Airs. II. (i. Mi-ko- ,-, at Alt. Hood, Airs. McKamey bein their daughter. AI r. .lames i a native of England. He lias traveled over the w hole world, but beleives be found the prettiest, spot right here in Hood River vallev. The grand future of Hood iver pin ticularv impressed AI r. James. Rev. Herbert Johnson of lita-ton, Mass., spent last Friday in Hood River, visiting at. the home of his Biaiidfal her, Dr. W. Ji. Adam. Iter. Mr. Johnson was accompanied west by his brother, Virgil, pastor of the Jlaptist church at Clareinont, X. II. The young men are now visiting their mother, Airs. Helen Joniison, at Kit. gene. Peter Abihr, w ho fur I'll years bus been a resident of Hood River vallev, made his first trip to the Willamette valley below lYrlhiud lnt week. He look in the towns i f V' il' nin. (iarvais and Ah. lint Aloud Tin- Wil'innctte valley i-. m --oleieli I coiintrv i the opinion of Air lohr. Crop are lm. king line, but so much r-iin Ins fallen Hi the last nio'ith I bat wheat and oats are thick with aphis. ,1. Frank Wat-nii. p:, ;d.-nt of the Merchant Nati"ia bank, Portland, accompanied ,y Mrs. Walson and son, weie guests durii.". Hie week til the Ho tel Wau- Itiin-Guin. Among the other L'uesis were Howard L. Mather, of the I'm t hi lid flour ing mill. AI is. Mat tier aid Alls. I'e-anlidl Air. Wat-o i was so pleased with the siuonier tesurt here t hat be arranged to have hi" family re niain a not her w eek . t'li Ship is ib ad ; poisoned. The ancient Persian-: had a philosophy that v. Itii iiwii died another soul came into exi-t'-iKe. .lie Viil.-o.n, who a.oi1:! .- th b if his canine friend, '':lutt.- Il.-d , Inn that limn was lorn woo poisoned bis dog, no other beiiig was born; he has no soul. Joe gae I lie dog a decent burial, and do el. ii".- that if it is the last act of his lit", h" will thrash the man who killed the dog. if lie is ever lu-l;y enough to Mud the villian. The ID-year-old son of Mordecai Jones of Husom killed his tlrst. bear last week. Jack liagley, Dan Alear mid Mr. Jones were at woik in the Held near Air. Jones' house, when the hounds not out and treed a hear ( lose at hand. Seeing the dog had the d rot) on bruin, Mr. June called tor his son. a lad small for hi age, ami weighing m'iuci ly over (V) pounds, who popped the bear with a doe of lead behind the ear, mid he tumbled to the ground, a proud trophy for the youth. Hi father say the boy ha giown a loot since then. Mrs. Jones had been couliued to her room for two v.eckn, but on hearing that her boy was to kill a Lear, ran out of the house and into the wend to see the sport. WE ARE Closing' Out our entire stoek of Shoes, Men's Hats and Shirts, Hosiery, Underwear, Corsets, in fact everything EXCEPT MILLINERY. YVt will contimio business in our prcsciit location wil'i Millinery Exclusively with more room mid hirgor stock wo expect to serve our patrons better thini ever before. In our elosin"- out snle we nre offering genuine bargains in dependable up-to-date goodH bought direct from factories. We have nothing old or poor or shoddy to offer you. Win 'ii we say genuine bargains wo mean genuine bargains NAPP The Ice Cream Ice cf Quality I'nre, Kich Cream and the l'nrcat of Flavors hlenbed with unsurpassed skill. SWETLAND'S ICE CREAM Try a ipiart for Sunday's dinner. Hpecial prices for picnics and socials. TOMriZINS BROS., Sole Agents. Hti:K MI.'M-::.'!H-Wlien vlHltlnu I'orl lunrt call at Hwetland'a, 'J73 Morrison street, pii'smit Hi In ad. You will receive KltKK an attractive I.' win A (lurk souvenir i- mmnmmmx 4 HSSBKal Serious Injury to Mr Aslicrof'f. Adolph Aschoff, superintendent of the north half of tho Cascade forest reserve, is in a 1'oitland hospital recovering from injuries sustained in an accident on tho Lost Lake trail a few days ago,' which came near cost ing him his life. Air. A hp li off was i:i the vicinity of Mount Hood. He was thrown from a horse, the iron horn of his saddle pinning him to tho ground and tear ing a painful wound in his hip. With extieme fortitude Mr. Ascholl dragged himself to a brook, washed the wound and crawled back to camp. Here he waited for some of his ranger to come up, None making their appear ance, ho saddled a pa.dt animal and rode over the mountain to his home at Alormot, from whero he was taken j to Portland. j While he camo very close to losing ; hi life from bleeding, it is thought j Air. Ascholf will lie out of the hospi tal w ithin u few weeks. I ', Order Another Itoml llbclliin. Tim city council Monday night passed the bond election ordinance without opposition ; audited and al I lowed u number of bills; received the reports of the treasurer and recorder, ami adjourned, I Air. Davidson, manager of the Jight and Water Co., was present, and wanted to know if the ordinance un- I tier consideratiou staled specifically that the city would be empowered to purchase the present water system if it. lit. J ho ineiei.ers of the coun cil hdiete tbat it did, a special clause to this elfeet has been added to t he lot ii ei oidinaneo. The treasurer's report, which was rcbiied to the finance committee, hi eed h I- lance on hand of $U!1.72. C. K. llaywars and Johu Morrison on e resent to learn what the coun ( il ro ivrd to do in the matter of paying the saloon license rebate. 'May or l,o - er stated that action of tiie ei. tu,! il (iej ended on the decision of Uesi.'to niprene court, which has once been tendered. Wlii re me yo'i iek? Headache, fiiultoogue, no appetite lack energy, pain in your stomach, constipation'.' Jlollis'e ' ltocky Mountain Tea, great estbi ati itler known. Xi cent. C. N. Clarki 'it. How to (iauge Irrigating Water. J. II. Thomas, who was down froui Mount Hood last I'riday, say tho farmers there are in a quandary as to the proper method for gauging ii le gating water. The point at issue is how deep should the water lie ubovo the aperture? Some contend tho six inch pressure means a six-inch depth of water above the aperture; others that the six inches should be meas ured from tho bottom of tho hole end still others that tho measurement should be made from tho middle of tho aperture. Tho ( ilacier Hud by inquiry fioin K. N. lienson, who had charge hist year of installing the gauge boxes lor the Kramers' Irrigating Co., that the six inch pressure is measured from the middle of the aperture, and 1 1 at all incisions in the gauge board tor letting out the water are t o inches deep. If a patron of the ditch takes out ltNl inches, hi gauge wooiit lie two incl e deep and ot) liichi s wide. There would have to bo six inches of water aboie the middle of the a) er ture. This was the plan agreed upon I -t season. says Mr. lienson. and it -.vor '1 very satisfactorily to all couc i ied. Dev. Petit returned yesterday from the I'. 1). conference in Tl.e Dalles and informs us that the Dev. D. Mor ris, of Hood Kiver, will lm our past ir for the ensuing year. Tygh Valley lice. Walter Dickey, a former Italics boy, Is up from Hood Kiver and will be employed on the H. S. Wilson house under Contractor Dano. Chronicle. The partnership heretofore existing between Jielieu A Hauders has been dissolved. Mr. Ilelieu will hereafter do contracting under bis owi. r,an.'. He is at prestont completing a $1 1 ') cottage for H. tiro:--r, near the, Clough place. H. F. Italian went to Portland, Fri day, to bring Mrs. Helieu borne from the hospital, where she hi bieu undergoing treatment for two weeks. i