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About The Hood River glacier. (Hood River, Or.) 1889-1933 | View Entire Issue (July 6, 1905)
KOUJ KIVER GLACIER, THURSDAY, JULY 6, 1905 HOOD RIVER, HOME OF PERFECT FRUIT The Orugoii KoouU-r of Portliind, nndor date of June 17, issued a hih ciul Hood River minilier, which will mnke good arhortininf? matter for dis tribution amonK Eatttornurs who in quire about this country. Tho de scriptive matter was written by John Michel of The Dalles, and is takou from the Whhco county booklet nowr being published by tho county court for distribution at the Portland fair. The articlo was well illustrated. It follows : This is tho nocond city in the county, and is situated on the Colum bia river, on the O. It. & N. com pany's line of road, CO miles oast of Portland. There are tbroo dally trains east and west, the same num ber of boat linos to and from Port land and way points, and stage lines to points in the valley. Iu the last few j ears the town has enjoyed a phenomenal growth, and from a ham let has develoved to a ctiy of 2iKJ population a ratio of over :K) per cent increase since 1X) with substan tial brick blocks, elegant church edi fices and beautiful dwelling houses. As a site for a city it is an ideal one, lying on a gentle slope towards the river, and the streets shaded in many instances by giant oak trees, indig enous to this locality. Knrlngs of pure, cold water abound in many places, and the city receives Hh suruilv from one of these. This makes the element as puro as possible, and the quantity and full are ample for home consumption and protection against fire. Unquestionably tho pur ity of the water adds largely to the healthf ulnes of the loculity, and for many years Hood Klver has been a summer ami lieaitn resort ror people iu different portions of the state. The fruitful valley stretches for a distance t f 20 to ' miles south to tlx foothills of Mount Jlood, a largo por tion of which is cultivated ill fruit and berries. For scenio beauty a r do throuuh this valley cannot be surpassed anywhero on the coast, and the artist and tourist will le shown views of mountains ami fruitful plains which will command their hi I mini tiim. Hlopiug gently from the foot hills of the grand old upheaval, there is presented a continuous panoramu of orchards, berry Holds and shaily, sylvan retreats, and in the distance can be discerned tho snow peaks ut Hood in Oregon and Adams ami Ht. Helens in Washington, mountains that rise 11,000 to 11,000 feet above the level of the ocean. The ride to Cloud Can Inn. a distance of 'il miles, Is an Ideal one for the lover of mountain scenery. At tins hostelry, at an elevation of over (1,000 feet, the summit of Hood is euslly attained In from four to six hours' travel, -and from the door of the inn can be dis cerned the grandeur and beauty of Oregon. Mountains, valleys am' riv ers are apparently spread out before the enraptured gaze as though on a map or u at ii re superl) Handiwork. Tho fertile fruit and berry lands ex tend on both sides of Hood river, nod the soil, consisting of a strong volcan Ui ash, seems Inexhaustible. In IHH!) the lirst strawberries wore raised for export, and last year's crop produced from SM.OOO to 100,000 crates, which netted the growers about vl'iTi.lHK). These berries are carefully graded ami packed, and are generally marketed 111 the Mississippi valley states. Af ter being transported i!,lXK) miles they arrive almost as fresh as when picked. Of the r0,000 acres of tillable laud, about !H HI are planted In strawberries. The cost of picking and preparing the berry for tiie market is about 7u cents per crate, and a ?xate of berries will command from ti to J2.7& In the market, lierry fields yield from 100 to '200 crates per acre. From an acre 'Ml crates have been gathered in a season, and in one instance from 10 acres 2,(XK) crates wore marketed in a year. During the picking season fully ;i,(K) people came to tho Hood Kiver valley, and these earn from L to fci.!iu a day. The attention of the people is being called to apple orchards more than to berry patches, and this season from 1100 to 4(H) acres have been planted iu young trees. Iast year it was esti mated Unit 2H00 acres In the valley altogether were devoted to the growth of apples, and this year it will be in creased to considerably over ;KHI0 acres. Of the Into plantings over 00 per cent are Hpitzeiiburgs and Yellow Nowtowns, varieties of (lie highest excellence. In live years the yield of apples in the valley will bo fiOO.dOO boxes, or lnoO cars of this rich and mellow fruit will leave this station on the railroad for tho markets of Amer ica and Kuropo. iu 11)01 about loo, 0(H) boxes were produced, anil it Is a sate estimate that these sent in circu hition $li')0,(H). Trees bear fruit three years itftvr planting; but the best yield Is realized after seven and eight years. We creditably in formed that, iu one instance, from three acres were realized t!H)0 in a single year, ami In one season tUHHi boxes of apples were taken from 110 acres, IllHHl of which brought tl per box and the remainder tfl.i'i a box, niakiug a total income to tho apple farmer for his yoHr'a work of 10,fiHi, The Hpitenhurgs appear to command the highest price, and theso can read ily be sold for from ft!. 10 to (i.'Xi per box at Hood Kiver station. Kight year old trees product) from 7 to 10 boxes of these, and there are, on an average, from 02 to UH) trees to the acre. Making allowance for bad veins, one can readily see there is no iietter paying crop tiutu apples. The (arm ors, now that their reputation is es tahlishcd for producing good fruit, are very careful in cultivating their tlcl Is, and the ground is loosened and every blade of grass removed. The climatic conditions are such that the qualities of tho fruit are peculiarly developed, and there is no apple in any market that has the same Haver and beautifully attractive colors, or brings as high price. Tho valley is watered by three Irri gation systems one on the east side, owned and operated by a private cor poration, and two on the west side by the farmers themselves. Ity these means every acre of land can bo irri gated, and the lack of rain iu summer has no deleterious effect upon crops in this favored portion of Oregon. Henries require frequent irrigation; hut apple and other fruit trees flourish well on the annual precipitation. The country homes of Hood Hivcr valley are almost ideal in the beauty of location and surroundings. With orchard trees or berry patches in close proximity, the view of valley, forest and snow capped mountains iu tho distance, the scene is made one of practical lieauty and grandeur, which would be most attractive to the artist or poet. The water for house hold purposes Is generally taken from a spriug on the hillside, and this in sures a healthful and invigorating beverage; and the air, ut the altitude, is clear, ami made ibfWliiiiK ly the snow peaks of Hood and Adaiiis, and is free from all gi ruis i i iii-en-e ;i malaria. The different fraternal orders are well represented, and there tint lodgf. of nearly lilt the ilill.t. i.t order-. Large and commodious l.ali- are owned by the Mason, Odd 1-VJlows. Kniglits of I'.vUiiii and United Artis mis. Tho llratid Army of the liepuii- lie has one of the ftrongoj-t pf,M.s an the coast. There are two banks a private cor poration mid a national bank. A sav ings depiiitment has recently been added to the latter. The Glacier, published weekly, is considered one of the best papers in the t-t.ate. It has a large ciioullion, and copi-'c of each issue are sent ha ft to inquir ing immigrants. Two rural delivery routes supply tho residents in the un rounding country with a il.iily imiii. The valley is well supplied with tele phones, and altogether there an over f00 In ue. Two llrM.-elii.-s hotel- -the Waucoma and Mt. Hood hotel cuter to the wishes of the fraviliiu: public. One is it three r-loiy bin i; with electric lights and hot and ct.i water in every room; the other a ler frame building, which li ;-s ".ei, modem convenience tin, I the mot fastidious could desire. The climate is very liriiitliful urn. the rigors of the Kastern winters an unknown, and the summer days lack the extreme heat of the Mississippi valley or Atlantic seaboard, flu; im mini precipitation is from I'.o to X inches, and it is heaviest during tie winter and spring mouths and I w t In midsummer. There is a line belt of timber tiiim tary to the city, and tin re are three lumber mills turning this info tlx Unlshed product. The Oregon Liui; her coinpiiny's mill's capacity is l,'0,. 000 feet per day; the Davenport l.iiiu her company, 7.'i,ooo, and the Menem inee mills about three and a hull iiuln from tho city on the Columbia, about the same output. There are two oi more mills iu the mountains, Inn t.ii. rapacity of these Is limited. The pit roll of tho first iinihcd 'send.-, about $10,000 In circulation every month, and each of the last two about -.-(,u o The Cascade l'louring M ills, of barrels capacity, is u new indusliy. It is about to be enlarged to uuulhci lot) barrels, making its capacity This has the wiry latest nutrlilin'O and full roller process. The stipph of wheat Is di'Hwn from I'.a-tei a ( ire gun and W'anhiiigton. There Is a cold storage and in maiiiil'actiiring jdnnt now in o .'a tion, and this w ill be a great, conven ience for shippers. A new three-story brick building luis been erected I'm this purpose, Mr. II. I''. Davidson i tlie mumiger of this plant. Hood Kiver valley has more Chrht inn denominations represented than any place of its size on the court, ami nearly all of these have eilillces in whhdl services are held every Hub hath. In tho t lly the iircliitectiuu ol tho churches is of (he latest dc-di.'iis, and throughout the valley they an quite attractive and furnish a good setting for the cluster of beiiutilul homes, being so close together in neighborhoods as to appear lit a dis- tsiice like liamlets. A railroad is now being built Is one half miles from the city to I lie timber belt. Considerable gradim has I con done, anil rsils will be laid st an early day. When completed this will be used for bringing logs to (lie mills, and also for transporting tiie fruit in the upper valley to tin stat ion. It is capltaliod in tiie stun or 'i"U,000, the stock being principally owned by the Oregon Lumber com pany, An electric line for the west side is now under coinddernf ion. There are three public school build lugs, with tho fourth lu course o! construction, It teachers employed, and fifil pupils enrolled. Throuhoui tint valley the school system is -. i I lent, ami the schools are graded i riink equal to any In the country dis tricts of the statu. The facilities for dist ribut ii ii el ;h products of the region are un.oi passed, there being live lines of ti uio continental roads awiilahlc. I 'mi! from Hood liivor can be shipped ti Alaska, Kuropo or the Orient ami other countries with as great facility as from any other portion of tin Northwest. ('heap nnd permanent power is one of tho strong inducement s that Hood Kiver can ofl'i r to niiiiiiiiiii'liinis. This Is one of the potent elen.i at that enters into coiisiderat ion ol lis desirability of any local Ion tor iii.iii ufactiiring institution-,, for lu mih before its volume of water is emptied Into the Columbia, Hood river has an average fall of 70 feet to (lie mile, which, accord ing to iiiim.-ni, mm.h made liy engineers. Is equal to.hil oping 100, (HH) hor.-epower, or pi. ore horsepower for each mile of that di. tiiiice. Aliore lite point included ir, this measurement the fall is eici, morel apld, deseendiiei from the hieh er alt it tides of the Cascade range neai the head of the valley. Notwithstanding that measure incuts of this stream, lalvn .-on:e t'me since, revealed the possibiiit m of its being harnessed for turine: wheels of industry, application ha unt been made of this enei.'v until recently. Power plant of fl.e Hood Kiver i'.lectrle l.iulit ,V Wafer l'ou. i company is operated with (low e: water from tho river, and recoup, mere nns iieen iiistnuoii a ) q e i.m for power purpo. es that i'ui ni -la . water under a :i.VJ loot In ad tor tin operation of the Cm cade mill me! such other Industrie.', as may iq -i ly for power. Joseph A. Wilson Is the pii r o! water power de olopinc!d at Hi. el liivor, who has demoim I iate,l l. practical accomplishments the p,..-i liilit ies of wat er pouer in oncou at lng founding of now imliH1 ; ie-,. -propriation of the How ol Imlor Creek, a small tributary of the iiv r. is the source of upplv. an ! v.i -r i inveyed through a ditch a ,i;! m, of UK) loot to a reservoir local .1 tint top of the bench thill ri-e -to il.i valley from the Columbia, ;m.i w ,, which Is built a portion ol tho i ,i Here is located a reservoir ol I, ',! gallons capacity, as a gtiiianti Hirainst any break in the ca'i.,1. mi ! at . I1.VJ feet elevation above i he i, of the depot yards. I'roai tor . ,r voir tho water is conveyed 1 1. i,u.. ;, l'' inch pipe line to til.' city, ai.d the Ca-cii le mill ,V hoi-o p, ., r used, which is .! i . 1 'ell on wheel, a I', i'-c.i nozzle. Power for u blacksmith an i wood working shop is supplied four hnr.-o piover Tuthill motor, pacity of t he pipe line laid is t horse power, and less than hi by a C.i ir 'Ji , If ot this has.alreadv been contracted. It w 111 be ut ilized for the cold stela) plant and also for propelling the ma chinery of a vinegar and apple pr ducts factory t hat is now in coiir.-c of construction. Adding to the power that may li generated by direct Use of wat, i motors the immense power thai i i v le generaled electrically on u; pet portions of the streams aii.l Ui:: ted by line.-, enough power could ca lly I o furnished iu Hon! liver valley lo 1 1 ii nil el I lu- mac hinery of On-con. Combined with this opportunity for cheap poui r is the ino.-t desiriib.) rei idence i-ootio!i imaginable, where each resilient, mav L'row fruits and vege tables 1 1 r hoc o consumption on the area i.f an ordinary let. and with cli mnte most equable, vith neither ex c r-.-ive i, oi. line of the wt-nteni or ex t comes i.f the eu.-ti iu districts, an al- oio.-t id' a! manufacturing point is created, whue employes may enjoy luxuries impii-rille In factory dls t.riets of ;;e l it ies. ( 'aniM i y. Fruit preserving and fruit products pli, nt. I'orii'tiire factory. Woodi nware factory. oolen mill. Shoe factory. M -chine shop. 'll,i-o are some of the manufacturing industries for which Hood I'.iver ic t ecoli.-iily abq led by reason of loca lion. pio.imily to raw materials and markets and transportation facilities. Parties seekii.g locations for such is If 1 1 i i f, s should correspond with he I'ood l:ier Coiiiineiciiil club, Charles T. I'.i.ily pn sclent, mid A. D. .'iff, e.e ret in v. Ii a I'einole-ical I'arailisc. Kimd lo M. Hell, in his booklet, "Kcrtfi'l ll'-cn at ion b'esoits," has the follow ing In sjy of Hood Kiver, the pt.moh tr i :-1 1 araiiise: S il h climalo t h;,t is ideal, the rigors of wilder mid the c.' of siimuier ! oing nukiiov. ii, every year adds to the popularity of Hood liivor, sivty si mil' s cast ' I' I r ill iud, on 'he line of the Oregon .V ; !,iu:pnnv. liapiiily indeed is it Com ing to I ho f i (at. v a favorite re sol t of l.e 1. 1 per Columbia liiver, and, hc i g the mart of the famous fruit vnl- ii y ol 111" same name, it is known ;r nnd in i.r. 't In- v.i II kept drifts of this pros- .elolis hl.d 'lit el 1 i-i llg little town lie hieled I v I i u t ii ol and ide jiiading oi,!; tries. I u the fore iiiiiiid is I ho majestic Columbia; ,ero. s the river, iu Washington, is now crowned Mount Adams, l'J,170 ,eil high; in the opposite direetion lo the sol to twenty seven miles in All,. Hood, oi l el nail V covered w it Ii i:o;v, ri.ooe- its land skyward 1I,I2." nit, and io: , ing a picturesque back : loiind to the alley ; and on the east .ml v.. I i n the f ore.-t-covi red foot hill- of 1 ,e ( a-eades. for twenty allies i :' f, ;t valley stretches to ilie ti.t.ih I. i.iii tho town of Jlood Kiver, hi u'mos and iiiuulreds of splendi d . I., i I fruitj farms delight ing II . ', i . Having its source at ,.. I ' , Mi out Hood, the stream of Jlood i.iti r v inds its way through the vail y, ! in lushing wider for in i gating i ,i -if the entire distance, i ml ell i ,, i .' i id o the Colombia just ibove i',!' h, n. '1 l.e pi ' I ei'ie taken ill pildiing, i.i.d hipping Hood Kiver fill i 1 . Iu-ti,i r v il h its wonderful pio'.n qualities, has made the d i aw bur ies, apples ami cherries of I l.m iidle.y known nil over the United Slates and ill foreign coin, trios. Dur ing the strawberry tia.-ou the town and alloy fairly hum with business. Indians from the le.-erval ion bring their tents and rt main for weeks, the lazy braves lying in the shade, while their fail hful squaws, with little red fa I and sunburned papooses on their backs, labor iu the fields. Scores of white pickers are also employed, many s ending their vacation in this manner. The aceomiuodaf ions' id, Hood Kiver am llri-t, class, rest hunters and pleas ure seekers linding I he happy Cultibi- nat ion of rest nnd quiet life with pure ami exhilarating mountain air. Doz ens of side trips may l.e taken from Hie town id: a trille cost. Twelve miles iiwny i, the ''Devil's Punch li.iwl," reached altera most enjov--1 le drive through the valley nnd v Is. Near this interesting spot is Icl'l W i mi ns, oi twenty-1 our rooms, with lu'comntodat ions that are good. I'viiisi'iu K lies In The l air. Ti.e general passenger department of I be ( h Ii. A' . o , has uotihed agent e r I of I'oilhiinl that round trip tickets lor 'he Lewis and ( lurk exposition, at I'orll ami, ,1 one I to ( lelober I ,'i, will lie -old undo) the follow ing a nan geiiif ids : Individual Tickets. -- Uie and one lldid hue for round trip; daily from May L"J tot )i tola r I .". inclusive; linal ret urn limit 110 days lioin date of sale, bin In no ca-c la'er I ban I lelober 111, It'll,".. I'.utv 11. Lets - I h ' ioglc i.u'e pel' capita for round dip I, v pa rl ies of ten oi iinn e on one : ii l,el , I ' il v Ii "in May I to IM..I. 1 ., im-lu-ivc J ('onlhimius p;l-s;l:. e in elicll d o ",t I, 'II ; lllllll let llrll t 10 ibys from dale ,.( sale. . o .inied I'at I a s ,,( s . t i ,,- Alei-e -- In dividual rate "I one hire per capita lor round t i ip wid he made i,,r organizi d ,.i I ies u' loo or more luov ing on one oiy iisiu mil' oiol; limit 7 days from dale of s-.iV; I'oiitiniics a--.u;e inoia direct ion. t o.o h excursions.- - Individual coach i X ' 1 1 1 -.' 1 1 1 I , e k e t led e,.,,tj ii, si, .-piag of pi I lor C.I . Will be Sold 1 1 ..III I lllle o, 1 line din ing tiie liic ol the fair at .vuv I ivv rates, parliouinis as folates, etc, reveling . :o li excursion w,l he dulv aniieiiiiccd. i ' i , i id e 1 1 s I i, ket-.-- Tickets may be -old t,, childicn ol half I'aie age nt'one h nl ol the a1 ov c rales, adding snlli ei id lo ni.ike I he end iu 0 or o, vv hell llc 'c- -11 V. We Jliisl Wash r limy live without I ry, music and Wcieiv j,vc wiliioiil ci m-cicnee, imiv 1,'V v. it In ml lie.i. t ; We licit V c vv il hoot in, .t hers, live vv m bold hop,-; 1 'oil i vv ii cauiiol live w ith- bout book -what s,,i row ',' ail U a u ! v it be ,. 1... ve vv d 0- ad la vv suit shel ve -ooa-hiu.: 1 ', e o:,e vv im can live w ill I'..!. I Kiver St. , p'opri.-tor. Id, 11 I ale Mopes t niiii Will Take Aclien, ( b.l.!. n.lale Sent incl. It i p I I he coio,! y com m iioii- e, .1.1 1 ,'.... so , act I. iu at I he duly j e!t'i 1 il I.! to tie pl-opo-ol t:,to i .'-.ol i a 1 'i i- c. s on v I rum t he moot h i -. the White Silicon tl. l.yle. Will, j t ' ate at r i ri .t ion and w hat t he ! -i'itv will exi end, a good road can j l e I i.ilt. 'I he iu i er . ml of t lie Cook j gislo can be eonoecicd with tl.ei I i i Ice ac; o-s I he White Salmon and j tee i ail . lol lie I O.I, I Can I e follow I'd i I, t ..-a l.v e and W bite Salmon. j I ( anl er Thanks. j C. I . and f.tmily desire to ex- I I 1 . - s their s inee re thanks t o t he kind :rieo !s an I nee-!.! ei -, ami lo Laurel bebekah !e i re ,.,;.! l.dcw ilde lodge I. i ib lb !'., I' r t!:. inanv acts of kind j m -s a' ,1 helo doriag the la.-t illness, a ad deal h ol t h. i r 1.1, ned wile audi loot her. i Rivcrvicw Park and Idlcwildc Additions Easy Grades, Fine View and Good Water, ALSO MANUFACTURING SITES FRONTING ON 0. R. & N. TRACK WITH DEVELOPED WATER POWER : : : Cheap lots for boilding small houses near Flour and proposed Woolen mill FRUIT LANDS FOR SALE IN TRACTS TO SUIT HOOD RIVER DEVELOPMENT CO. Office Next T HE fall lino of new arc fiirivin. Fifty titles are now in. Now ones will be added a.s fast as tlie.v leave the publisher. For this ye.Mi's trade, 1 have bt)ii'htalai,;,oii!id well-selected stock. Don't wait until holidays to select your gifts in this line. Couie in nnd look tlu'iii.over; ivad them, and then you will know what you are seiulinjr. Refrigerators! Refrigerators!! Refrigerators!!! Hot weather is Ice will soon be delivered at your door, buy a ...REFRIGERATOR... and be prepared to keep cool. Weliave just added this line and can stive you money. NORTON & SMITH, Opposite HAIR GOODS and TOILET ARTICLES Natural uavy switches. Mulish wave, Pompadour rolls and bangs. Hair goods of every description made to order. Agent, for the celebrated Marie do Modicis' Cold (renin nnp Yucca powder. Mount Hood Store... W. S. GRIBBLE, Proprietor. tllMmU.' KB! Fine Fishing Tackl( Ainniunition Dry (ioods Hardware (Jranitewaro Notions llav (irtiin Flour 1'eetl Full line of Groceries EVERY FARMER In Hood River Valley needs to use good tools, the best is not too good for hint. I am prepared to supply all your needs in Plows, Harrows, Cultivators, In fact .all tools Hint are needed on every well etpiippod farm. For orchard tools California Sr. Right Lap Cuta way has no superior. The Ohio Reversable Extension Head Disc is the only one on tho market that is worthy of the name. Acute Harrow is too well known Id need a description. ( )sl 10 rue Con 1 1 limit ion Spring Tot ! ii H .arrows are without a competitor. If you need a good WAGON OR BUGGY I can .-apply you. For clearing yo:ir land you need powder I have just received a carload and have it stored iu a mag azine hero, and can supply you cheaper than you can get it from Portland. Land Plaster, Flour and Feed in any (plant ity and at the right prices. Full lino of staple (iiocefies, Ammunition and Fishing Tackle a specialty. Pai b Wire, Pope, Axes, X-Cut Saws, Shovels, Spades and ganlan tools. Yours For Pusinrss. D. M 3rd and River Street. CHOICE RESIDENCE to Wmicoma Hotel, and popular books LOCOM'S near at hand. Postoffice TFm: a DONALD Hood River, Ore. LOTS FOR SALE IN -TRY "North Coast Limited" The Electric Lighted Observation Car Train between Portland and St. Paul. Pullman First Class Sleepers, Pullman Tourist Sleepers, Dining Car, Day Coaches, Observation Car. The Acme of Travel Comfort is found on any of the 3 DAILY TRANSCONTINENTAL TRAINS 3 Send four cents for our Lewis and Clark Pooklel . or six cents for "Wonderland 1005." Yellowstone Park Literature can be had for the asking. The Ticket Office at Portland is at 255 Morrison St., Cor. Third. A. D. CHARLTON, Assistant General Passenger Agent, Portland, Oregon. C. T. RAW HON. H00D RIVER NURSERY. Stock Grown on Full Roots. We desh'e to let our friends and patrons know that for the fall planting wt will have and can sup ply in any number Cherry, Pear,Apricot,Peach& Plum Trees, GRAPES, CURRANTS, BERRY PLANTS, Shade and Ornamental Trees. Also, all the standard varieties of apple trees. Can supply the trade with plenty of Newtown, Spitzen hergnrid Jonathan npple trees. RAWGC:." & STANTON, Hood River. Or. MT. HOOD MILL CO. All kinds of Seasoned Lumber in stock. Tin Little Mill with the Little Prices. Everything as cheap as the cheapest and good as good as tho best. Mill one-foul h mile west of S. A. Heluiers' store. Kelly . Wishart, Telephone. Proprietors. DAVIDSON FRUIT DEALERS and Manufacturers of all kinds of Fruit Highest Prices Paid Ifood PtivtT THE- F. H. BTANTON FRUIT CO for High Grade Fruit.