.Or HOOD RIVER GLACIER luunu cvurT Tliurtday bj A HI HUH D. MOB, PuMUtaar. Tanni o! ubwrlpUon UA) iu wMl THURSDAY, JULY ii, I'M,, Id the bour of the downfall of 111 a political, yoa, peraoual enemy, Editor Scott refraiua from auy comment other tbau the following tbree-liue stanza : The purest treasure mortal time affordi la epolUMR reputation: that way, Men are but irildwl loam and paintad clay. The trading atamp iocubuti titill weighs heavily on the shoulders of the merchant! of town and city. When the merchants can educate their cus tomers to a realization of the fact that nobody frets something for notta lntf, half the buttle for independence from this eril will be won, says the Oregon Tradesman. Mount Hood people show the stuff they are made of. They bold a rousing meeting last Haturday and organized a Development league. They intend to have a telephone system commensurate with tbeir needs, an extension of the the railroad to their valley ,and a cream ery. Keep your eye on Mount Hood, and watch the upper valley grow. During the progress of the Mticbell trial it was Interesting to note the manner in which the little dailies of the state would permit tbeir strong prejudice to creep Into the beadllnfg of tbe dispatches covering the case In court. Too often the real point in the story was lost sight of In an effort to have the proceedings come the way they would like to have een them. Hood River will vote again next week on the proposition of bonding fora municipal water system. Mr, Davidson, at Monday night's council meeting, intimated that his company would consider an offer to sell. The new ordinance enables the city to conisder suoh an offer. No one wants to see a confiscation of private prop erty ; therefore as a majority of tbe people have declared themselves in favor of municipal ownership of the water system of Hood River, let us all got tognther and work on a business basis for the best Interests of the city. The Fourth in Hood River was a glorious success. The parade and other futures of the celebration were a credit to the enterprise and enthu siasm of tbe city. Half a thousand dollars was given by the business men for the expenses of the day. The business houses will all tell you it was a paying Investment, and that tholr trade last Monday exceeded any previous on day's business in the history of the city. Every one cele brated and all were happy. Those lu charge of the preparations of tbe celebration, Chairman Hartley and all his assistants, are deserving of praise for their successful! work. John II. Mitchell, Oregon's senior senator, bns beeu oouvioted of receiv ing moneys for services rendered the laud grabbers in work before tbe fed eral departments at Washington. He has fought a hard fight, and still clings to the hope that higher court niayyet free"ahlm from the disgrace of paying the penalty of his crime. 'Tin a sad ending, Indeed, of an able man who, though be has done, much for ' his friends and tbe state of Oregon, bus borue a reputation not altogether Jfeed from stuln. There are many who, after a careful reading of the proceedings of his trial, still believe the aged senator guiltless of auy overt attempt at crime. He that as It may, we cannot see how the jury could have rendered any other verdict on the overwhelming mass of luorimlnat lng evidence produced against tho de fendant by the lnterpid Mr. Honey. To us it seems a harsh, yet just ver K. Hospital for Hood River. Mrs. Anderson and Mrs. Wall, two trained nurses, giiinliiHteaof Minneapolis City Hospital, have rented the Mar rellus cottage on V street, and will con duct a modern hospital. The house has been renovated and equipped with all nudum appliances. There will be accommodations for live or six patients. In connection with this they propose to do hourly, daily and wotikly nursing in the homes. These ladies ci me highly receommeiidod and are sure to meet with the hearty sup port and good will of the community. MIhs Jesslo Crlftlohl of Wulla Walla is visiting with Mrs. V. 0. Hrock of this city. Rev. W. A. Klkina is home from Tur ner where ho ussisled in revival work. He will preach nt bis church next Sun day, both morning and evening A New Yorker was visiting iu Roston. Seeing a parrot in a cage, ho asked: "Does Tolly want a cracker'" "I require no sustenance, from you whatever," replied the Hack Ray bird, with hauteur. GEO. E. FOURTH, GALA DAY IN CITY The booming of cannon nt daybreak announced the arrival of the Fourth in Hood River. Ihe small boy wa up and doing shortly after, mid not until the strains or "1101110, tweet. Home" floated to the morning air of Wednesday, did the patriotic people of Hood River cease their rovulry iu celebration of the grandest day iu the Americun calendar. July , l!X)o, will long bo remembered in Hood River. The parade was thintrong feature of the day. The line of march wan not loiitf. but the arrangement vvu such as to allow all the residents, an well as tho visitors, an opportunity of witnessing it and enjoying the many novel hits. The movement clearly showed that at the head was a general, evreything punisug oil in apple, pio order. There is a greut ilea of credit due the committee, iwr chants, and to the ladies iu the 1.1 rangemeut of tho floats, many colin not only many dollars, but long bouts of labor. As tho parade pasiied along the line round after round of applause burst from tbe crowd, as this one and that one was noted. H. K. Rurtmes's "old mule Maud," that has caiiesd so many smiles in the sydnicate .Sunday pa pers, was one of the strong cards anil received a glad baud from eveiy one. Major J. H. liooth clearly showed how easv It is for him to arrange some thing original. I'rank A. ('ramV float WRi attractive and came in for its share of attention. Luckoy & Mullen were there in all their glory, so were many others. H. M. Abbott handled tbe parade with becoming graco. One of tin striking features was the mounted ladies, clearly showing that Oregon ladles are burse women who also en joy demonstrating their patriotUni on the glorious day of independence. To them was extended the positii.n of honor, and it was an attractive and happy escort that followed the hi 1 dierly bearing marshal. The publio sneaking and other exer cises of the ilay were conducted in the opera house. An opening song was rendered by a chorus of yoiinn neopje. Kov, VV. (.;. (iilmorn, pastor of the Riverside Congregational church, rendered the invocation. There was more musio by the choriiH, and Chairman V. C. Ilrooks intro duced Miss Maude Million of The Dulles, who in a beautiful and clear voice, recited that grand old docu ment which made tyranny tremble in tho days of '70, the Declaration of Independence. Hon. A. A. Jayne delivered an able and well rendered address. Mr. ,layue referred to tho many children befoic him, remarking that the scene at the parade that day would have made glad the heart of tho president, who would be forced to admit thorn was 110 ten dency toward race suicide in this city. The main theme touched upon by (Speaker iluyne wus a plea for a true patriotism of honesty and decen cy, as preached by the head of the tition, Theodore lioosevelt. There was a base ball game and races at Columbia park iu the after noon. At night the streets were bril liantly lighted by additional lights, and the young folk enjoyed the throw ing of confetti, while the merry crowd waited for the darkness and the lire works A ball at the opera house closed the day's fentivit ies. it wus comment, from nil the visit ors, and they were many, that it was one of the best celebrations ami the most attractive parades that, Hood liiver had ever had. They enjoyed it and went home feeling that the merchants, the committee and the citizens iu general had more than kept their word in giving a day of rare en tertainment. Nates ef the Day, Among the little girls w ho rode in the liberty car wore : Alice Taylor. Lela MeCrory, Laura Rand, Catharine Hartley, Marguerite Reld, Helen Stewart, IjiiuIh Stewart, Florence llrosius, Florence Could, DeForresit Could, France Cast tier. Velum Richardson, Madge Hi)Uiiwll Iteth Kdgington, Orva Wright, ivian limes, Helen Orr, Ruth Haniia, I'enil Curtis, .Mary llawn, Martha Flood, Mildred Huxley, J ruin Yates, Kay Luckoy, Allie Moody, Kthcl McDon ald, ill tit McDonald, Lulu Truthcr, Wllma Thompson, Kuth Lvans, Jessie Fvans, Myrtle Howe, Koasio Wheeler, Lena Root, Mara Young, Marguelrte llowen, Cludys Mullen, lioHii Johnson, Ollie Mayor, May Hhay, Catharine McCoy, May Coulter. II. M. Alilnitt wiiH uriuul nmrlml of the day. Ill aliltw wore Heir Wen thor mill A. J. I'looil. Two neeliliintN ocpiirreil ilui-intr tin day. At tin' ciineliiNioii of tine, of the Iioi'ho rm'oH, I'.hIoii llrnwiiiH wiim run in to ll.V OHM Of till) llOI'Hl'H. 111! WIIH thrown to tint Kroiiinl, iiml Mis lioiul mil client Imilly liniimil. It wim thoiiKht for a time. Ills Injuries wore very Ht'rloim, hut h kooiI niKlit 'a reel lirciiKUt the. 1ml Mi'iiniiil in lino form. I I, lUIn r'ruiik llulliiril chiiik niar losini; tlm Hinlit of one of lii.i even hy 11 lln orHokor uxpUmIiiik utnr Iiim tnon. W liilo tlm woiiiul wim pnlntiil, it u:.h not HO MIliDIIH hh whn nt Hl'M llllirt. ml. . .InniOH Oi'lloidn win in I'limw of tho ilinpl iiy of llio workH. TIhto wiimi ttnoil Koni'i'iil viirloty, Hiul the imuinur of net tintf t in-in oil' cimlil not, Imvo boon imirovi'il upon. Sovonil Hums nml pooplo at horoit In front, of tho Mount llooil hotot to view tho pyro ti'ohnir ttinplny. Tho llooil liiver Ihhsh hiinil ilU- WHARTON, Agent for Creditors. Never "TKo f-TsmA T Never Undersold GLOVES Our line is the largest and most Men's (,'aiiv;is (Jlovcs, 'A i.iir Men's (.'an v.-is (llovcs, leather tipped finder and thumb .Men's Canvas Gloves, leather palm, finder and thumb Men's Mule Skin and Horse Hide Gloves '. A first-class eiiaranteed buckskin doves Ladies' $1.00 Kid (llovcs, only Ladies' best, enule Kid Gloves', Ladies Lisle Gloves, two-button snap Ladies, black and white lace Lisle (Moves Ladies' white and colored Silk Gloves andMits If you want shoes that are nice, new, clean goods, come to us. Wo have the largest stock and sell the most shoes, consequently we can carry more styles. MORE STYLES TO SELECT FROM. The BEST WEARING SHOES ON EARTH. Sold for less money than .you pay elsewhere. HOSIEY Ladies' Black and Tan Hose, double heel and toe, only 100 Ladies' Tan Lace Hose, only 250 Ladies Black Lace Hose, 25c, .'!5c, 40c, 50c 750 Children's Black Hose, 25c, 1 5c mid , 100 Infant's Lace Hose, blue, white and tan 150 Infant's Mercerized Tan Hose l()0 Infant's White, Bed, Pink and Black Ib.se 100 No. S Tea Kettles, copper Small Tin Tea Kettle ( Mie-I'int Cups, 2 for Men's All-Silk Midget Ties M We have a large line 9 1 he Paris Fair MARY P. JOHNSON, M. D., Sup . ....IDEAL HOME FOR INVALIDS. .. Climate and view unsurpassed in the United States. ooih'hmI patriot In iiir (lining tho i!ny, I'oniloriiitf Hovurnl enni'orU on tho troi'tn. Tlm ImyH lmvo hoon prm' tioinn ililiontly of Into, hiii! thoir ivork Hlmwrt it iniirkoil iinprovmnont. Tho Iminl l.oyn mo h lino lot of fol Iowh, Hiul iloMorvn much croilit for thoir hooiI work on tho fourth. Tho pronriui'H for tho ilay woro turnoil i:ut hy llrinllny, tlm joli print or. It was a two color jol, woll oxe cutoil. Thr, iHpiosl.riounoH who forninil an ('.hoi t for tlm ptiniilti worn: Mrn. .hiyno, Mm. Itiililwin, 'MiH (iliulyHl llartloy, MisH 'orn A Hon ami Misai .Majorii) llulior. WinnorH of the vnrioiis mens: Foot race, hoys under bl Austin Ijockmmi. Foot race, irlri under 1:1, Orpha ; FlIsiiiKor. Old mini's, nice, over I'nl years of m;e j .lohu liohind Henderson. j I'luij IVdv rare Jainc." (irnv. i Foot race, iU yind dash l.evi j Sottor of ("liomiuMi. j Foot rare, .'iO yard dash, under 1H; yours llairuel, ChomiiHa. ! l'ony race, boys lOverett Ilnilil, i Howard Hartley second. Horse laee, free for all- Horse .secured by lirt bearing warrants. Sub owned by Ilium. i scriptions of Ir'iO and npiard received Ion above. Address ('. II. Vaujihu, s . . I Hood K ver. Several people on the heights saw I the display of red lire on t ho summit, j "The Savings liauk H.ibit" means of Mount. Hood Tuesday ninht. : sound sleep, uouil digestion, cool jiiduK- The volunteer lire department Hindu u splendid showing during their pi r loiiiiiitu-o ill tlio inonint;. Within six minute after loaviiu,' the engine house, the hlaino; pile of debris on the OuviiUon block was completely smothered out, and the huso caielully wound on the reel of the hose carti. Ihe buys who pm l.ieipal ed wore: Low Prices." M. a a iiuiuc JM. SHOES bottom of ladies' underskirts in Wnj. Shunt i), chiof; W. 8. OiulwBy, ohiof onuiiioor ; W.A. iMorKan, driver; K. K. HnrtiiiPHM, A. 1). Dalirny, K. A. lloiiilomou, L. (1. MoraKii, hosonien. Cliemawa Takos tlm aiiid. Over 12I0 peoplo passed throiiKh tho Ktoa of ('olninliiH park to Hoe the hall k'miie on tho afternoon of the Fourth lietwoou the local nine and the reilskiiiH from the I'heuinwn trniuin nohoi,l. Orihurn for tho locals playeil in hard luck, the visitom liattliiK him nil over the Hold in the Hist Iiiuinit, when they scored a load of three num which the home nine wax iinuhle to overcome. Axain in tho eiKhth, a carolosH throw to second Kve the viHitorn an other chance to ucore oil Oslmrn. The visitors played Rood bull, but wore evidently in to win at nil oiIiIh, there IioIiik several instances of "dirty work. Thescoro; Chciiiii'ia, Hood Hiver, liattories H. II n o o (i o o l :t 7 (I. 0 (I U 0 0 II ! 0 -2 I'olmid and Tebo; E. 5 2 H ;i Os- burn and Slavin. Umpire I hikes. - - Wanted loan of $2,0iHI by School lis- I riot No. H for two years, $I,1)IH) (or throe yours at l! per cent interest', same to lie inriit ami manly inilopeinloiu'e. Come in toiliu' and open an account w ith hat on have. No mutter how small, make i ho start. IVi not wait for the Inrre amount to start with; it may never come. The First Nalional bank. Savings Mopartment. Ilo You Suffer with Hvspepsla or iiid''stion? Clarke's Dyspepsia FA R One Price to All complete in city 2-"0 100 150 250 .f 1.00 750 ? 1.00 250 250 50c to 250 550 150 50 100 both black and white Tablets ill cure v. rii'ii on I v "Hie, hev. Jl. Wyse Jones, Uaptist state evangelist, will conduct revival nieet iiiKa in the llntidiam store building, next to (Jill's, lieKinuiiiK July 0. .Mr. Jones is an able and successful preacher of the gospel. All are cor dially invited. E. A. Jerome, who has beeu at Hood River the past winter on ac count of his health, returned to this city Wednesday, very much improve Forest drove News. Hrih'ndier (ieneral Jones, prominent in Woodmen Indue circles, mid traveling- representative of Tilton liros., Fortlaiid, was in Hood Kiver Thurs day. Tho fine new homo of tho Davidson Hros. at Willow Flat is completed. Mr. and Mrs. P. S. Davidson are ar raiiKiiiK to close their house in the city for the summer, and move out to Willow Flat. Mr. and Mrs. L. C. Haynes mid children left the Hrst of the' week to visit the Lewis and Clark exposition at Portland. Later iu the week thoy will no to thoir new home at Kupert. Idaho, where Mr. Haynes has taken a homestead in the Minadoka country. Mr. Haynes has disposed of his inter est in the bar bur shop to James De Horde, who will occupy the Havnes cottage on Sherman avenue. 'The many Food Kiver friends of Mr. and Mrs. Haynes wish tiiem abundance of success in their new home. Five years in the i iteutiary is the sentence imposed by Judge linid shaw upon Frank Summers, convicted of assault upon Nightuiitcliman Crato, when that ollloer came :'ear losing his lifo by a -revolver shot in the hands of Summers. Summers was beastly drunk at the time of the shooting. He broke into tears when the sent- j once was imposed. Crate, it is feared, I will never be a strong mau again. Clothing dry goods, drees goods, gent's furnishing goods, groceries, shoes, and everything mm 9 Wood For Sale I-lnch body plnll.5tl per rick, delivered. Itt-lDcb body oak 1.75 per rick, delivered. 4-foot pole pine or 111 H per cord delivered. 4-foot pule oak H.75 cord delivered. Prompt delivery, pboue. .Hurray Kay. For Sale MISCELLANEOUS. Fiill-biKxltl fox terrier iiup, pt'ifecLly while bodies, black and tan head and ears, better cannot be found; these pups will make prize winners; splendid house dot; and tine companions; very gamoon rata, dlfTtfer or aqirrels. Call at Rock ford store, near Barrett school. j27 New 2 3-4 farm wairori; cheap- Call on J. M. Stone, Hood Kivur Milling Co. j27 Two 6-year-old horses, weight 1HK) and 1200 pounds. Inqxire at Glacier office, j27 Ice cream and bakery stand. Good location; near depot; cheap on account of illnuss. Mrs, Browne's Bakery. j27 Dishes, tables, chairs, cook stove and cases. Mrs. Browne's Bakery. j2? ihow Fresh micih cow with calf. Kr. Edging-ton. For fttle, fresh Jersey cow, with calf lliree weeks old. Geo. Korden. J2j For sale, a good paylnx teaming- business cheap, iflaken at once, inquire of A. 1'. Stev ens, on the Height. J3I For sine, a good Matched span of horses; weight lX) lbs; sound, well broken, four years old. Inquire of A. V. Stevens, HiokIiis J.h For sale, a few heod of good young horses, broken and unbroken. Con he seen lit Hurt ley's corral. A. C. Stevens, Height. J-JO For snle, span of driving ponies family team; will work single or double; price, ia. Also 7-year-old freslj cow and call; also heiler Jesrey stock, coming -2-year-old; all three for t)o. Call at ranch or phone VSH. C. L. Couple. Jersey bull; full blooded; 21-i years old; must oe sold to prevent Interbreeding; price low; would exchange lor another hullof same breed. H.K.Harbison. jl-jo For sale, Remington typewriter No. "; per fect condition, pmctlculiy new. (ieorire 1'. K nowles. j ju ror sale, good timothy liny, haled. Last year's crop. J-ju For sale, young Jersey cow, fresh May 20. t'bone UtiL aai Five-year-old mare of Epolnty stock; only 15; broken single or double. Call on or 'phone Harry Hnckelt. jn;i For sale, single top buggy, with harness, al reasonable price. Apply to Miss Teal, Ly- man Smith avenue. For sale, fresh Jersey cow. See M. Mt. 1 1 mid, Dumas. a2U REAL ESTATE. HO acres of land 7 miles west of I in fur- esMiiv cleared; hull mile from school; price .Val. Ad dress lieo. W. Hanilcrs. Hood Itiver. JIIH lUaerea, 3 miles from town; improved, ber ries and buy, house und burn: good well price 8-2SO. Inquire J. It. Hubbard, It. F. J. No. -. Jll;( Homestead ri'liuqiiisliinentK for snle or trade. Address Hox :K. Hood Itiver, or. J.ti The (iHrilener bouse and lot at lilng, price ily lo reasonable. For further particuliirs upp j nro. niuisiiori, oiligeil. v tisn. Jl 10, 20 and : acres of land: five-sixth cleared clover and apple trees; JCast Side. I., Sillll nian. Jy o For snle, ;l acres of tine orchard bind ad joining new county roml: all under dlti'b; 8 acres cleared; will tske contract to clear part of land II contractor peslrcs. Call on or write A. Hcbiller, K. F. 1). Na. 1. ocli Big Sale of Land. Do you want a ten acre tract of tlrst-clnss strawberry or fruit land nt n bargain? II so. examine the M. B. Poller farm near city of HimiiI Itiver, Hi acres. Just plnced on Ihe market lo be sold In lots to suit. Call at tlie farm or any real eVinte firm In Hood Kiver. FHANK McFAUI.A.Nl), J12 l!l i:ith street, I'ortland. Horses for Sale. 'I'hiee IS-yeur-old teams for sale ; weight, from lino to Ml. W'eli-miitched; cheap. Wyers Kreps, White Haliuon, Wash. Ji.ve A fine span of work horses, 8 and H vcars old; weigh 1225 pounds; gentle und kind; sound and true. o hie i.lsiies of any kind. Fr ce !22i. Inquire of John II. Wyers, W hite Salmon, Wash. Rooms To Rent Two 5-room cottages fur rent at JS each. H. F. Frederick. j27 Twos-riMim cottages, well finished. I'ilOlll Jlhlif or inquire of Mrs. H. .1. Fredericks. For comfortable rooms on car line, aililres. Ml-M lll.tll-v M I ..lifio 1 I'ortlnnil, .Vlt. Tiihor station. I'll Hoarding. -Two young gentlemen can S" cure board and lodging In private family I , l.i0 per week. Cull at (ilacier otHce. Lost. Five dollar gold piece was given Journal news boy through mistake. If person to whom same was passed, will kindly call at Glacier otlice. lie may keep the larger half and know he has the good will of the loser. Light-colored buggy rube, Saturday, between Tucker's and Hnlnian's utore. Please return to Mrs. K. B. Tucker or the C Inner otlice. ;27 Lost a gold watch anil watch pin; finder plea.se leave at Heed's olyar store and receive liberal re ward. j27 Gold broach set with pearls, Friday, June 29. Finder will be rewarded by returning same to Mrs. J. W. Rigby. j27 I,ost, between Hrayford's store nnd chm. Keed s, heavy blanket, orange color in the middle, while and black on Isiih sides n,,,i. er will confer favor by leaving a: the lilaci. r office. a20 Pasture. Three or four linn.' or entile ranife ne .r Main Hi!. I aeri s of jriKid Mheen 'ar rlown. r.'lephone Well Digging. Ilorlnu' or drlllinit. Iiuinlrc of It. M. Hunt. LIPFifO! MONTHLY t. .CAZINE A Family Library The Best in Current Literature 12 Complete Novels Yearly MANY SHORT STORIES AND PAPERS ON TIMELY TOPICS $2.60 per year; 25 cts. a copy ;no continued stories EVERY NUMBER COMPLETE IN ITSELF J. Real Estate Bargains. AT THE EMPORIUM. Two nice lots utnl cottases, centrally located, for sale on the installment ylan. Lot 11, Spanyler'a adJition, 'M). 4 room cottage. Kasl 15 by 1"0 feet of Lot 2 block 9, I'aikhurbt, (1050; ("50 cash. House anil two lota in Barrctt-Sipnia ailditinn. ("00. 40 aeres at Mount Iliajd fur sale, run ning $25 an acre. On the county roail opposite Baldwin's. Fine business lot on main street for (li(K) on installment, or (1500 cash. ' acres at Belmont, b aers in cul tivation, cottage and outbuililings, 150 apple trees, 2 acres strawberries, 2 acres alfalfa, (1300; (7"i() or more cash. New ti-roomed cottage, patent bath and cloaet, four lots, 3 blocks from depot, cenierof town, ('.'100; terms reasonable. Two lots centrally located, (550. Two lots, new fi-roomed house, patent bath and closet, 3 blocks from depot, center of town, (1700. Two-story 8-ruomed cottage, lot 70 by 140, on the hill. $1-00; terms reasonable. For Sale 11000 acres pine timber; 1 saw mill, cuts 20,000 per day; 1 planing mill, capucity 30,000 feet "per day; -i store and stock of merchandise, about (3,500; 1 hotel and contents; 1 saloon building, rented; 3 houses, rented; 10 head horses and harness ; 9 road wag ons, H H; 1 logging truck; 5 pair sleighs; 30 head cattle; 50 head hogs; 1100 feet lumber; 2000 cords wood. All located at and near Hilganl, Or. For Sale New two-story 9-room house; Stranahan addition ; (1100; terms easy. 11 acres across the road from the M. M. Davenport residence. (00 per acre. Terms easy. A 40 acre tract, unimproved, some free irrigating water, H miles from Bar rett school house, (1,100. Hanna house and lot, $2,000. For Sale The Henderson ranch, for merly owned by J. R. tialligan; 00 acre. 30 cleared; orchard; strawberries; clover and timothy ; well irrigated ;large 2-story mansion, new barn ; all fenced. Price (10,000. Brook runs through ranch. Easy terms; telephone; rural delivery. Four miles from Mood Kiver. One gout ranch on mountain east of alley on county road. Price (1,500; has small house, running water, and is fenced. Terms, easy. For Sale Beautiful lots in Park addi tion, center of town, from (200 to (300. 8. 100 acres at White Salmon; fine timber land ; (111 an acre. !l. The ii-acre place in Crupper neigh borhood, known as the Kenshaw place; all improved; new buildings, etc. bits 10, 11, 12, block 5, Wancoma ad dition; improved; price (1,(00; or more cash, balance, 1 year, H per cent. Small house and lot on hill to rent, $24 a year; two vacant lots with privilege of purchase (20 a year for the two. For Sale Residence on State street at head of Front; (2,500, including 3 lots. For Sale or F'xchiuigu for Hood River property line residence in business center of Sumpter. Money to loan. Ten acres improved, on White Sal mon river; (1000. 21 a. at Frunkton; improved; (2200. First-class Surveying Outfit. At the Emporium are kept 2 first-claw transits and oolar attachments, and the proprietor, a practical surveyor, is pre pared to do the work of laying out acre age property in lots awl blocks, and do ing all kinds of nrV, vitia anil platting. JOHN l.Kl.AMl IIKXDKKSON, City Engineer. Notice to patrons of the Farmer's IrriVatin compauy: All hills fur mnintumanco fL.(.s n.t paid by July 10 will bo placed in the hand of the tfautfttr for lv1 k'rtiiui. The Kaw-will be instructed toshutoif the water on that (Tate. Hv order nf ih h,.nr,l ,,f directors. M. H. Nickelson. Secretary. Notice Special Election Notice Is herehy Riven Hint on Friday. Mm nth of, I illy, VMU at ihe city hull. In the. cltv el Hood Hlver, county of Wasco, a special election will he In-Ill, at ulch election the ilillilllled voteis. of khIiI cilv sin, II voleiii,n the question whether or not Ihe h,iini,,f 11 Id city of Hie itcnoini nation ,,f gnui In .11 urn us inn (iinrmiM'r may uesire, laivahle in I twenty years nl'ler date, lieiirinsr interest at I the late of 5 per cent per annum. nuvahlH scini-Hiinmiliy, with Interest eoupons at tach, it. such li .llits m he drawn anil issued in nil respects as provided hy ihe charter ol said 'iiyanu ausreKiitinii in ninount the sum of S o.imir or as imieh thereof hm mac be imces. sary shall h(. issued for Hie pill pose of build, ins and fimstructlnit said water sstem, anil also lo raise a lund mil oeeeiluitf (l.sin) to re imburse said city of Hood Klvei for tile pur chase plic of said sprinir and incidemn ex peliseseonni'etid tllereivilh. Which said elec. lion will be held at Keylock In Hie riiorini'iir am will continue tint il 7 in the. ufteino f mi lit day. f Haled thlsMth dav of July. pms. .1. It. .Mcliel.-i i), rity Iteeorilcr. Found. I.Hdy-s handl ag. fontn in i n it lianndkercliief and money. ()u,t mav have ..,,,.. i i. ivi , . r.Vr ii.i. . ' ",1J 'r"l'rly unit Smali hand hair, at this olliee. cuntaininit handkerchief; left J27 Wanted Al once, to rent or buy driving horse 'I'l,,. James Wcnrt, Maine l.'iii. y:; " Dininu- rnom cirl al liuin. once. Hotel Wau-lli Wanled lo rem -at tile lilaeierorhe Hood piano. Leave wim) Klirillsned with nr wii bout board; state term's. A.iiin.L" roOIII Wllllle.l f,,r u Lady, ii acler olliee. ,., U,i'l!' luLTTu' '" r''n! '"' "'"ie or h.iy lll-lled; il,.:l ,ll n. le of LT.nind r,l t on. c on Kd Suksdorf. linwn, W"h. j l.j E. RAND.