The Hood River glacier. (Hood River, Or.) 1889-1933, July 06, 1905, Image 1

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No. H
iiihiI) ItlVKIt MHXiK ND. 1(0, A. F. and A.
M. Meet Silt iirilii v evening on or before
mi ll full moon. Tui m an lil'TLKB, W. M.
A. It. MoK, Keeielnr.v.
IKMlll KlVr'.lli'H AI'TKIt No, 27. H. A. M.
Meets first and Ihi'd Kiidav ninlilsm" each
A. 1. MoK.jecrctary.
ll7l(mll Kll CHAITKR NO.IB.O. E.H.
Meets second arid fourth Tuesday evening
ol each month. Visitors eordiaPy welcomed.
Mils. .1, I,. HKIIS1INKH, W. M.
MltS. TllKKKMA ( AST.NKK, tSeerelnr.V.
llll.KWtl.HK LOIK1K NO. KIT, I. O. (. F -Meels
In Fraternal h ill, every Thursday
nichi. W. i a ni.kk, N. li.
II. C. Hmitii, Secretary
rfl'KN ENCAMl'.MKNT, NO. 4H, I. O. I). K.
Kcitnlar meeting second and fourth Monday!
of null month. 1. K. MonsK.C. V.
B. KNTitii'AN.i-enne.
SI, 1. o. I), r . -Meets llrst and third trldaya
in each muiiili. ., . .,
Mas. K. W. Piiki.i., N. O.
i Mrs HoitA Timmso.n. Seereuu ;y.
Jleets In K.ol 1'. hull every inesdiiy night.
V. U. Miuck, C. C.
H- HkWitt, K. of R. and 8.
HOOD iilVKH ('AMI', NO. 7,702, M. W. A
Meets in K. ol 1'. null every Wednesday
night. I'll as. Junks, V .
.'. U. i)AKIN, Clerk
iTooI) ( AMI', XU.7TO.W.O. W.-
.Meels on first 1,11,1 mini lue.sday of each
month in odd Fellows' hall.
K. 11. Hl.AUii, ( . C.
II. W. WAU'.elcrk.
Vvoodciail-.vieeisat K. of o. hall on the
II rut and Third Friday-of eaeh month.
l.KNOItA Simla, (i. N.
NKM.IK lloul.ow El.l., Clerk.
ltlVKKSIDIOl.OlKil'.NO. A. O. U. W.
Meets llrst and ihlid satin days ol each
monih. ( I.. 1'oi'i'i.K, M. W.
K. K. IIHAIH.KV, Ftlml.e er
Honor. A. O. I-. W.-Meeis (list nud tlllld
r-nlurilays at & i. m.
MlSsCnKA L'l'I'I'l.K, (.. Of H.
Miss CAUCIK ( oprl.K, Kecoiuer.
I innn NO. ll'J-Mecls 111 K. of 1. hall the
second and fourth isalimluys In each month
hi 7:;!0 p. in. K. I.. Uoou, President.
O. V. DAKIN, Secretary.
tii.Kt a AsF.Trii.rsuiTiiirt' s itki a rt-
bans.-.Ueei- .he lll-l and third Wednes
days, w,n l: I'coud and foiirtli Wednesdays
Artisan,.' nan. ! I ' KoltKRU, M. A.
C. 1). llKMtli II, Seen uuy.
t'oliilT iiool. IIIVKII No! FoltlvsTKKS
oi Allicl l. a,--Jo els serolul and tunitll Moll
ilays in eiii i. iii.ui h in K. . I', nan-
IS Mi. K. noNiir n, C. K.
F i lluosirs, I', i'.
t'AMlV I'usT. mi li.. (i. A. it.-MF.KTS AT
A. o. V. V. . I, ii.. sivonu and louiili Hutur
iliivs of each inoiitli at 2 o'elock ). in. All
(i 'a. 11. n, I is invited to meet wl'.ll us.
,. i. I'iiki.i', Coinuiauder.
THOMAS (los A .j.itaul.
amli,.uiiiiMii,iro"s"i e.u'h Month In A.
O. U. W. hall i ; .. hi.
1 ; i-1 . i-.m lihowKiis, President.
I.1ZZ1K (IKK, He. I 1.1 y . . .
Meets in IheK.oi I', null on the second and
fourth Fridays "i ''h month.
Aliis. l AKKlE HKOSILS, O.
Mum. F.i.i-a Iiakin, It corder.
WAI'N Tf.MlM.K No. i,. RHlhlmne Slslors.
MeelR seion . nnd lotnth Thursdays of each
Hl'Kl.l-A ItH'llAlllWoN, M. Of R. & ('.
Olllee in Minltli Kuildlng.
Ollice phone Ufd. Residence phone 1KB.
J. F. WATT, M. D.
Telephones: Olllee, 281: residence, Nil.
HIllIOEON o. R. A; N. Co.
Phvsician and burgeon.
Olllces anil Residence in E. L. Smith lliiilding
Over Flial Net. Hank. Enlralice, rear ,
ol Imnk, on 1'hird Wt. J
I'oone :lll.
Wuccessol io Dr. M. F. hliaw.
falls promptly ausw. i ;d In town or country
liny o imkiu.
Telephones: Item.,, nee, nil: Ollice, DM.
Ullice in In,- i.iosltl.s lluilUllir.
Physician and Surgeon
Ollice over the. I irst National bank, j
Ollice In IlicSmi'Ji HiiiIoiiik. Phone Ihil. ;
Dl'LNTlS'l'. I
SiM'Ciulist on I row I'.i itl' WorlC.
'JVU;ilmiitK; lHf.'( resiUfiicu, lu .p. 1
OlHi'e over Hunk. Iluitf. Huod iiiti, .v.
& H. ilARTWIG,
LAW thi.
Will Pia. ticc ii All Courts.
Office wlrli (ieo. 1). Cuiheltsou 4 Co.
leetlous, AhslrucLft, rM-uieiueiH o F slates.
HOOD hUfcil. Olti'-.lA.
For S8 yean a realdent of Oregon and Waah
Inaton. Has had manf years . TpeneDC In
Real Eatate matiera, aa ahatraotor, loarch.r ol
Utlea and agent Batlafaction guaranteed or
Bo charge.
Abstract Furniahed. Money Loaned.
Hood River, Oregon.
r C. BROSiUS, M. D.
Phone Central, or 121.
Office Honrs: 10 to 11 A. M.; J to S
tnd 6 to 7 P. M.
iAy.NES 4 GREY, Paora.
The place to get an eaay ahare, an up-to-date
talr cut, and to enjoy the luxury el a aoroelala
batn tun.
Four Chairs
Jti'ip and satilai.tury work. Two haili
tolw in iiiniieitiiin.
flue and Fireplace Work a specialty.
Arrival and iM-purturc of Mails.
T he postoftlce Is oHn dally between m.
nud 8 p. in.; Hunday Irom 12 to 1 o'clock. Mulls
for the Fast close at 11.20 a. in., S.20 p. in. and
a p. m.; for the West, at 2.M p. m. and p. m.
The curriers on R.K.I'), roules No. lands
leave the postottlce flt s.:) a. in. Mail leaves
For Mt. Hood, dally at 12 in.; arrives
a. m.
For Underwood, Wash., at 12 m., Tuesdays,
Thursdays aud Saturdays; arrives same days
at II a. m.
For While (salmon, Wash., daily at 12 in.:
arrives at II a. in.
For Hood River, dally at 9 a. in.; arrives at
2 p. in.
For Husum, Trout Ijike and (lulor, Wash.,
daily at 7.3U a. in.; arrives 5 p. m.
Kor Olenwood, Fulda and Gilmer, Wash.,
dally at 7.110 a. m.; arrives at ft p. in.
For Pine Flat and Hnowdell, Wash., at 1 p.
m. Tuesdays aud Saturdays; arrives same
daya at 12 in.
For Blnnen, dally at -Mi p. in ; arrives at
8.4o a. in.
0. 11. & X. TIME TABLE.
East bound
No. 2, Chicago Hpeeial. 11:43 a. m.
No. 4, Himkane Flyer, 8:4(1 p. in.
No. 6, Mall and Flxpress, 10:40 p. in.
No. 24, Way Frelxht, 12:lf p. in.
No. 22. Fast F'reighl, 4:0u a. in.
West I'uund
- No. 1, Portland (special. 2:5(1 p. m.
No. H, Portland Flyer, 6:i a. in.
No. S, Mall and Express. 4:4S a. in.
No. 28, Way Freight, 0:2.") a. m.
No. 55, Fast Freiijlit, l:0j p. in.
and Union Pacific
3 Trains to the East Daily
Through Pullman standards and tourist
leeplnir our dully to Omaha, ('litclitfo, Sjhi
ksne; lonrlst sleenlntf ears dally l Kioisjik
I'lty; throuiih Pullmiin tourist sleeplm; csr
Inersonsallv eouducted) weekly to t'hicai:o.
Recllnlnit chair cars (seats free) to the East
Chicago Bait lake, Denver, 6:24 p.m.
FortUnd Ft. Worth, Omaha,
Special Kanaas City, St.
:16a. m. Ixiula.Chlcanoand
via Fast.
Atlantis gait Lake,' Denver, :00 a.m.
Kxpreia Ft. Worth, Omaha, p.m. Kanaaa City, St.
via IxiiiU, Chicago and
Huntington. Eaat.
Walla Walla. Lewia-f
Bt. Paul ton, gpokane.Wal- T:Ua. a.
Fat Mall lace, Pullman,
:16 p.m. Mlnnaimli, St.
via Paul, Duluth, Mll
Ipokaaa watikee, Chicago
and bay!"
River Schedulo.
FOR AS K llll A and :ii P. M. 5:UI V7 S
way points, connecting Dallv I Pnllv
with steamer for 1m aco, except except
aud North liesch steam-! Hunday. I Htinday.
er nassaio, asu streetxaturMiiv
d(K-k (water ht.) 10:00 P. ivi
KOR Dayton, Oreiron 7:00 A. M.IWW P. M.
t ity and vanihlll Rlv i Daily Daily
er points. Ash street except. excenl
dock (water per.) Sunday, j Sunday.
FOR LEW IS TON, 14:00 A. M.I About
Idaho, and way points,! Mondav, ,6:00 P. M
from Rlparln, Wash. W edn'd'y , Tuesday,
! Friday, j Thursday,
i ! Sunday.
General PaaaanMr Afant, Poa-tland, Or
T. J. KINNAIRD, Agent, Uood Kiver.
If your tickets rend over tin Penver
mid liio (intnilo Itailriiad, the
"Scenic Line ol' lint Worlil,"
There nre so niany scenic HltruclioiiH
and poin Is oi in Iciest alon t lie line
lietween Oilen iiml Denver thai
the trip never l.peonien Inesoine.
I If you are KiiiK East, wrile for infor
! iimtinii itnd et a pretty iHiok Unit will
; tell ymi all uliont it.
! W. C. Mt UKIIiE, (Jeneral Agenl,
1.4 Third Street,
Z R.JONES, Dentist
, Crown and Bridge Work,
j Teeth Without Plates.
j Treatment of diseased teeth and gums.
Offlce Droning I!uildiii. Phone 10!1.
! M. E. WELCH,
! 'tUC VL'llDIV lUV Wl'IHll'llV
I II Ij I L 1 I, It I .1 .1 H I t1lltMliU.ll I
Im inv(ar'd toitu Miiy work in llin vettTin
' nrv line. He i hii tf imind ly cullltiK ut or !
i.tiiininu tix I'lnrku at ilrnix .It iff
Joseph A. Wilson
Aficnt for
Wire Wound
Wooden Water Pipe
j BY
j Prof. Sizer
! Over Spot Cash Corner Grocery Store
The First National Bank
OK Hooll III V Kit, OHKliON.
('ui)ital iiml Surplus, :10,(I(K).
I ,;i,til,ll, ,1 .lllne 1. VMH.
Civil Kno-inocr and Surveyor
Accuracy piiarnnti e,l. Twelve years'
expei'ieni'c ill mine., of the foremost
American railroad.
Civil and Architectural Engineer
and Surveyor.
Olllee, Second St., adjoining Whiicomi'i lintel.
Itesldeiu-e alter April im, ( oiiiurv i nm inn.
hoop liivi'.ii, oi:k;.
Developed Water Power
for sule. Partus desiring
power lor
iiiiinufacturiiiK purpos-es w
write to him.
do well to
R. P. ORR,
Hrk'k-work, l'lastcniiy
Contractors and
and Builders
Plans and Estimates Furnished.
25 years' experience. Will fur
Dlans and specifications lor all
i hiiildini?s. Htrtctly up to aaie.
Located at Hood River.
Estimates furniBlmd on u!l kinds of work
Wir.Tifiu" Arnold. Main Hit,
A 11U1K n. Krederleli. Mats
and Builders
jTJ'I.ANS anp Ksi imatki KcKNisunn "t
Architects and Builders.
Iieenriilive'l'iiiiitiiitriiMd liiier IIiHiiriiii;
I'lann furiilsheil. I'lstimatcs care
ftlllv niHile.
Window (i)itl Dour Krr( us, Yiiidnir
nm! Dnitr Frmiit , )j)irt nnd Shirr 1'i.r- J
"'", . ,
ltirii)(,C(irt t Jhinltii;. ( 'ivaiiiii'i mid
turix. Iniiilnlrriiiiimiil fitriiiiitrr ,
Hood River, Ore
Hood River Marble Works
Am prepiiivt! to execute
all orders for granite ;iinl
marble work, monuments,
tombstones, etc.
Also contract for all kinds
of stone masonry, con
crete, I'tc
MlGI'IHK RROfl., Prop".
Dealera In Frelh and Cured ileati, Lard,
Fouitry, Fruits and Veuetablaa.
Timber and Homestead
I have for location -otue choice apple lands
ami 1111, ip'r claim-: also n limt'ii-liiiieiits and
laud In script, ' all on or address.
. I Kivcr. ( )ie.
U.-. I'iiotie
. I am iiiaiiuiV.ct urin
yard near C(iliii!,l)ia
south i)t' tow n. as lini
ity of coiniiK n lu ick
be found in the stale
2()().ouo to :', :
hand for inspection.
x at 1 1 iv
. ll.ive
rick on
at yard H per thousand.
Come out to the yard aud
see how we make brick.
a. t. zi:i:k.
Water and Light Notice
All water ami light lulls mn-t l,e paid
at the cotn,any nltire eat h nionili in
advance, on or liclore tiie llllli day of
the month. No collector will lie sent
out hereafter In ail cases, where hills are
not i n 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 v paid when due, the ser
vieen wiil lie di-cont .tiitod itnsil all
arrearages, are i.tti i.
noon i;ivi;ii i-:i.i-:cti:i" I., v. &.
w. c.
Hv E. K. (iOKK, Mr.
Ties. Nliel'ii-s.
KXKl TfOUV No'l'H'l!.
Notice in hereliv iriven that Hie iin,li rsluiie,l
liave heeli )), luted executor-ol th l.,-t will
and tivtiiliienl ol I'eter !'. Kiuid-mi. i1,-, .m-,-,1,
and ail pirlle- lolvlliK I'lnlm- 1,1:11111-1 11
tiiteol Kaul deeeiiaed are heiei.v 1 1 it to
iirc.-enl I hem. with 1 1"' proper v,,ii. h. 1-. hi,.
In -i iiionlh- 1'ioin Hie 'I'd'' 01 tin 1 , io
toiid exwlllora at Hie otriee ol ;.,..-.- I i'n!
I.itI-OII ill II 001 1 H'Ver. V.ll-oe., i n ., ! .O'l
l'al"dal Hood Klver Oil- -n, .. "l May,
PUS OKOlidK l. CI'l.l'.I.KT.-oN,
Kxecntorn of Hie last will acd tc-:i nt ,,
I'eler Krederlek KnndMin. dii-.-i-e.i e.:i i-
AllMlMSTR.U'Oirs SAi.i:.
Notice is hereby iriven that un,i,'i un.i ,m imrsii
Bliee of an onler of the County Cun t ,,f il. Stale
of Oreirun for the County of V iim-o. made on the
tilh tlay of July. I IN 14 , the und, tiKiml. inlmiuis
trutor of the eatate of John W. Wurphs. Ilei-esl,
on Saturday the I.'itli day of u 1.. . .it the hour
of one o'clock p. 111.. at the Com eourt house
(I, Kir in Ilallea City, in iv. Oiivoii. will
sell al nulilie auction the follovunr iIcmtiIuhI rail
estate iM'loi.irimr to the esuo .-;u,l ,l,.ceii-l.
to-wit: The south half of (he lortiica-t cjiiartei
and the north iuilf of the so.iihcurt (juartei
of sei'tion eleven, in township one liortli, uinKe
ten east. W. M.
The terms of said sale will ! 4" pel cent of the
solium price, cash in hand at the hn.e of the sale.
:lu per cent in one year thereafter. :o.,i .111 per cent
in two years thereafter, with 1111, rest at K per
cent per annum on wiid deferred panieiUs.
Said sale will be made subject lo c, normal ion
by the Court.
Dated at Hood Kiver. Oreiron.lhis lL'lti day of
June. 1 90S. 0t0. T. I'liATilKlt.
jtfijljl Ailnnioslriitor.
NOTK'K FOli rUBI.If Ti!..
Iiepnrliiieiil of Hie Interior.
Clliled Slates Land lllllee,'! lie I ml !,-, ireuon.
.lime PMi,. Notice Is herehv t: 1 -ti that t In-lollowlnK-iiained
seltler lias ill, ,1 notice of lii
inlehlioii lo iiiiiae tlnal pioot 111 -upporlol
his claim, and Hint said in i will 1,0 mioie
heroic (leorxe T. l'rnther. 11. S. commissioner
at hisotllceal Hood Klver, Oregon, on Au
gust, ;i, putt, vi:
of II, Mid lilver, Ore., II. K, No. Mill, foi i;.e K'
N'.,', of Section '.".I, V'-.j Ntt'',i. N-clloll as,
lownslop I Nortll, liilllLi-H K11-I. W. M.
He tiaiiies Hie lollowilu; wilne-se- lo
pro e his eolilililloiis residence upon tin, I e'li
tiviillon of said land, via.: fen s K. .M,,i-e.
Ciie-ter Siilite, Charles ( 11-ilier, John W.
.Moore, all of IIimiiI lilver, oiclmii.
MK'HAKl. T. Nol.AN, Ihui.-l, r.
.1 J3-J12U
Deiiartment of Hie Interior, ljoi.l Oil!
Dalles. On-iron. June 27, I WIS.
Notice is hereby iriven that tlie followinR-naieed
set I let-has tiled notice of his intention to ini.kt1
linal prtHif in support of his claim, an,! said pr, of
will lie made before (ieorrfe T. Prattler, t'. S.
Commissioner, at his ollice at Hew, River, Oregon,
011 Aiiiaisl :l. va:
I.KWIrt C. WKYflANDT, J it.,
of Mt. II.k.I. Oret-on; on U.K. No. mall, for the
S'-Sr'.,. NK'j SW4, SK1.! NW"i, of Section a,
To". 1 South. Uanire 111 K W- M.
lie names the foil,, winir witness's to prove bis
continuous residence upon and cultivation of said
land, vi: James N. Knili'ht. (onrne Perkins.
William S (o ilible. James R. H, e. all of Ml Hood,
jaijW MICHAEL T. NOI.AN. Ileuister.
Slieriu's Sale Foreclnsiiri1.
Mto'' 1.. Harbison, by Robert K. Harbison
I her iiHorne.v in I'aei. ilalnlill. vs. Iionulns
Iss'iiuiii" and Annie Locklmiii. loimeriy lius
billiil and wile delen, bints.
Il virtue ol an execlltion. ,t, nud order
of sale, dulv Issm d out of, and mi, b r tne seal
of Hie circuit eonrl ol tile lnle ol Oreuon,
count v of U'aseo to me dlreeled dill. ,1 llieJTHi
day ol June, l!if. upon a decree for 1 lie lore
eio'sii eol 11 eertaln inorluaee, and ludijtiionl
rendered and entered ill said court on I lie
"llll dav of Juno. pHli, 111 the above enllHed
eau-e. in favor of the plnlntlll', .Mary I.. Har
bison, and iiU'ilost Hie di fenilaiits Houirliis
i.ockiinoi and Annie J,oeij:n, Jndirmelll
debtors iu Hie several Hiiins on three eeilaln
promissory notes, to w It: tin note No. one,
principal. Hie sum ol Hiiee hundred ( :MK) doll
ars, lonvlhi r Willi Interest at the rale of !(i per
per cent per 111:1,11m from Hie It'll ll day ol A pi II.
I'.ltll, till the mil 11 day of May. It'll"., "tiioimtini!
to tne sum ol three hundred, Hiiny lwo and
Ml ltitl (-.;.a..",ui dollars, Willi Interest on said
amount 110111 May mini, I'.Ht'i itnlil paid at the
rateol in percent per aiiimni
on note No. two, principal, live hundred
liMlm d, dials, louelher With interest thereon
aiilienneoi per cent per minimi
for said time alilotilltlnx In l'11 lo Hie sum ol
live li 1 1 ii . . e,l. loi'tv-tlnee, and ,'CI H iftii:l..'l'n
dollar- wl.:, InP'iesi on said amount from
.Mn.vHuili. mil, until paid, at '.he raleolsper
cent p.t annum. .... , . j
n note So. three, principal, live hundred
1 .'4 a n doll Is, logetlier Willi Interest thereon
fur s'i d , line a mil 1 in.' Ill a 1 1 to Hie aiim ol
live l.'tindred', fntv-lhree and S.MU.I (tfttU)
doll'ii- with iiileresl 011 said aliioiitil from
.Mavi'ilili l:n..". unill paid at the rale of s per
oon'l pit cenl per nullum, all 01 Culled Slates
-old coin: ini.Unitf an nuirregale a nit ol
rourleen lllindr,.,!. Illllteell. 1:1-10 1 lilll'l IIP
dollars principal and int. with Inlered there
on fr-.111 Mm li'illl. llKI'Minlll paid, at rateaf it
esaid and farther sum of twelve and MI-HI)
,- . .p. dollars lor (axes I'aui oy me p,a,,,,,i,,
VIJ, i,.,i,.,v,i tiiereon from the :ih day 01
.iiiiv, 1: 11, no pni". , - ' : .
p r 1111 1. all in I nifed Mate- to d 1. lo-
eellier W illi Hie furllier
sum ol one iiuudrcn
liny iM.vii
dollars attorney's Ice
the limber
sum of twenty t'-tii doll-
ibe en-Is ,,t anil niw ii tins wi ll:
' and cmnniundiiiK nie to make aale of real pritlierty
1 eml'Uicod in sueli decree of foreclosure, and here
' iniil'ler deHcnls d, I will on Bat 11 rdny : the "In day
of Aus-u-t, lH''.',, at the hour of one o'clock ill the
; afternoon of said day. t,d at Hie front disir of
1 Hie rounly Mi l house in The Dalles ( lly. Wasco
I county, state uf OreKon. sell at public unction Ut
i the hnrhest bidder for ca.-h in bund, all the rurhl.
i title and inleresl whieli thu defendants DoukIus
j l,oekman and Annie l,achnian, or either of I hem.
' bad on the Ullth day of April. 1114. the date of the
niortiraKod foreclosi-1 be rein, or which such di
' feudal, Is or either of them herein have since acqu
ired, or now have, in and to that certain real prop
i erly' situate in the county of Wasco and state of
i Orciion a'al dcscrilK'd as follows, Pewit:
i n, ,0 a ooint forty rods west from the
'norlhoast corner of the southeast quarter of (he
i southeast quarter of section two, in township two
I north, raie e ten east of t lie Willamette meridian:
, runninir llience west forty nsls, thence nortll
forty rods, thence east forty nsls. thence south
! forty rods to the place of beionninK, contniniiiK
, ten acres of land, or so much of said property aa
i wiil satisfy the judgment and decree, with costs
j and aeciuiiiK costs-
I Said property will Is' sold subject to conlirma-
I lion and redemption as by law provided.
' lla'edat The Dalles, drawn, this 27th day of
! June; 1MI5. F. C. SKXTdN,
I Shcrilf of Wasco County, Oreiron.
I John i.ri.Ar :i hknukkson,
' nj ,. Attorney for idanitilf.
Administratrix Notice.
, all oriie
I I'., I III,' I
i lor Vfii-
i eon. M:
. I'.i . lis
Ik heri'hv j;Svi r( thnt in purntuiiw' to
Iskii (I hv I In-Hon. A K. I ,i k'. Mlif'
uiihiv CuiiTt of tlif Siiitf uf on-yuii,
u Cniinlv, fliid-d lit I I if liiilli'i, nrc-
ht'i'il :ipt n'lil
,1 sole admliilstriilrlx
i of Hie est -lie ol W in
of Hood Hiver, Was
1 yon.
All per-ons ha In:!
late ale reolle-ted :o
I led. to Ille. St Die ,
W. Ko-s, lb a-ed, bile
o Coiinly, Hlule of ore
elallns iiiraln-l said es
presi'iil iliein. duly verb
lliee ol Iv II Harlwiir,
. ultliln six I'll Illnlllll
io ,' Ii-f
i of Muv. a. n , I'tfi
I'Hul'.IlK I 'iss,
llooi l.iver. (me
j from t
I lati
d 1 1, is '.
APMi :
sTi;.'!'(ii:'S NoTli'K
Nolle,- i.
,., ,e
c nil,'. lied
aopo ot.'.t b
f U'aseo rot, II-
Paul I'. I'.illl
tlie Honorabli
i v. I he-joti. ie
,,,islr"'"i' o' the estate of
d ,-eil. ..11 persons bavlin.'
-Isines f
laims imuin-t said e-laie are hereby nol III, d
topre-etit tic sa to me. pioperlv lerllled,
or ut Ibe otliee ol my ottoi neys. Menelee A
V l-oti. at I lie I'n h's, lir.von, within six
mollllis from date, if Ibis nollee.
PAt'l. K. I'ACl SKN.
Ad ni :ni-triitor of Ibe Kslnle of
J-tj J'l .lames K. i'o-s. deeeasi'd.
I- hereby eivn to the stockholders of the
Mountain Vallev Water ( o. that all wboare
delill'iuent on their -loek, mid who do not
puv ihe lull amount due on wild stock on or
before .Inly 's pmr,. said -loek w ill be -old for
indebtedness julv , I 'ml. al the hour of i-.m
oclis k p. in . at .1 !'. It'--.-' lu tne-lenil.
Hv order of Hie Hour 1 of I lip etors,
pi ' .1. I.. i.U'H T, secretary.
Land for Rent.
Nine ren- of siiawberrv and clover land,
I situated oil I. viniili smith avenue, near town,
i Water and Hume coveriiuf Ihe place. Cash
rent prelerred W ill rent Irom one to three
1 vears. Apply to .1, X. Teal, Portland, ore., or
j al the premise. J'-Dlf
Fiillm-ia-tic Alcctinir Saturday After
neim Kosnell Shelley I'resldes
hh Cliairmiiii.
A repri'Mentiitive Kntherinu of farni
oiH nnd othern intereMted in the entah
lislunent of a creamery or cream route
in Hood Kiver valley met in tho rooms
of the Commercial cluh Saturday af
ternoon. That a creamery or cream
unite would lie a tfood tiling tor the
valley seemed to lie the opinion of all
present. Which of the two proposi
tions in the lient to consider, appear
ed to he the unsettled question.
A committee with a member from
each of tho school district!) was fin
ally appointed, whose business it will
to llii, I out the number of cows in the
valley, and how many would likely be
secured if a cream route were estab
lished ; lliis eoipibillee to report at a
meetini; to be cull' d Iv Chairman
Shelley in tl:e near It, lino.
At ihe nol meet inj.', it is expected
that a repri M utative of some I'ortland
cieiiii,"iy will lie present to explain
the uood points of it cream route.
At the mine lin o sumo periuniient or
ejuimit inn will le pei'.ected and a
nioveiiioht. ,-t.irtcd Inward securing a
ereameiy or a crenin route. Mr.
Abbott ex i ds I , ti nt time to have
tp.'im's at Imnd to show the profit ob
tainable, iiori a cii-operntite cream
ery. Tho ineoline; was called to order on
the motion of A. ('. Staten to make
KoMull Sin Hey of the Little White
loin chi.ii ii tin. The objects of the
i eetini were stated by Air. Shelley,
r.d reiimikH called for from those
t 'sent. Views on the subject were
? pressed lit; follows :
.Mr. Slnti it. 1 am deeply interested
I establishing a ereamei y here, be
lirviiu; it is something; far nliead of
any of our ot In r interests. Wo must
not stake all our interests in two
crops, l'liiee jenrs ntfo one of the
business men of the town told me I
was foolish not to plant my IK) .tores
all to berries. 'Why', ho says, 'the
business cannot be overdone. One
coiner of Chicago can take all the
strawberries flood Kiver can raise.'
Had 1 taken tllis advice, 1 would
have been bankrupt today.
II. M. Abbott Statistic.", prove that
i t profitable to operate creameries in
a country of hih-priced lands. It
will pay better than any other crop or
product. Tho creamery business will
return an income to the farmer every
month of the year. What other crop
will do this? It enables the farmer to
lo"k niter such by-products as calves
and link's, which iu turn can lie con
verted into uood money.
l'ersoiiiiliy, 1 am in favor of a
eieiti! cry as against a cretim route.
1 1 1 o home consumption of butter is
no small item. Let. us Kire employ
ment to homo labor, aud work for
home inthistiy,
I!. I' Shoemaker I am decidedly
iu favor of a creamery. I do not
think we could realize as much on a
unite as from a creamery, provided,
of course, that, the farmers hero had
sufficient number of cows. It would
be a l'h" ' establish u route at
first. This would tfivo some idea as
to the profit in the business, aud
would iu no way interfere with form
ing a creamery here later.
lloswell Slielley-1 believe a cream
route the host thinn at present. This
could probably be done at once, and
it would nive the fanners mi oppor
tunity iu tho mean time to tfi't more
cows. Then if they decide that a lo
cal creamery would pay better, we
could arrange lo esinuiisii one tiere,
Mayor A. S. lilowers 1 licliove you
are oil the riulit track. In New York
state where 1 was born, the fanners
Krnw wheat and were poor. They es-
aei.sneu uniry ninctes "t"
can tlii'l anywhere. Laud there is ns
valiuihle as it is in this valley, anil
the dairy business is paying the oper
ntois a handsome profit. This same
thine; occurred in Minnesota. Wheat
niisini; became unprotlitiblo. Cream
eries were stalled and now the farm
ers are iiettiiiK rich. The dairy Itusi
ness would double the value of proper
ty iu Hood Kiver.
A. C. Staten Six years ago land
about Forest lirovo was selling at iW
an acre. Creameries have since been
established, and this same laud can
not be bought for less than su n an
acre. They are ns proud of tin ir cows
in that x'( lion of the state as we are
1 of our ap les and berries.
II. ivi. Abbott '1 his same condition
i pi e ails about lioi-e, IdahA Hay was
a drug on the market at (,i and & a
ton. I'anns wete ali mortgaged ; the
people tui ued their attention to
i creameries and today there is prosper
I ity iu 1 'In lio.
I Five acres of clover w ill keep ten
'cows, which wiil return 10 u month
leach. This is surely a good income,
! from even j?: Kl Jnnd.
I V. Wincliell The iU.-tioii of
i profits in the dairy business appear
settled. 'Ihe question which con
ironts the Hood Kiver farmer is:
'How to get the cows,
prices from a 1'ortland
Here are
dairy coin -
any. v. Iiirli shows Clint tney j am an
HVoiage of "7'n cents last Jear for
' butter fat. 'ibis is within a cent aud
,i 1m Ii of the wholesale price the but
ter hiiitiu-i.l oi tho markets.
We li.u.- t no something. I have Ol
tens of tiny, but the market is, such
that I am not in a position to sell,
aud 1 fear that the market will not get
Buy iicller. mere win lie outers wan
hay on their hands If a cream route
is not established, I have concluded
to s.tai t one of my own, and have ar
ranged with this Portland company
to deliver cream to them. 1 believe
three will bo more profit iu the under
taking anil at the same time by feed
ing my hay ou the farm it w ill not im
poverish the soil.
J. T. Neuleigh favored co-opeiative
tieatiii ry, and thought tho time ripe
for establishing one ou each side of
the valley. He wanted a committee
to inte-tigate the matter. The motion
was, however, reconsidered aud at
the suggestion of Mr. Wincliell, a
committee named from each district
to ascertain the number of cows iu
tho valley and to report at the next
meet i ng. Tliia rnuiiiiittet) was nitined
um follows:
Uoml Kiver-H. M. AliUitt.
I'riinkton A. C. Staten.
Pine drove V. Wluehell.
Hnrrett li. V. Shoemaker.
Crapper P. H. Martin.
Mount Hood Jhiiioh LaiiKUl.
Odell-K. 1). Shelley.
Dukes Yulley J. O. Cameron.
Anions the otherH who talked on the
creamerv subject were: V. V. Willie.,
Mr. Siliitnan, II. II. iiailey and A. 1.
.Mason. Mr. Ha i ley helped to estab
lish the Hecond cream route in Iowa
in the early 70's. The hiiHineati paid
from the start, and is paying today.
Wasco county may not have the best
general display as yet at the Lewis
and Clark fair, but the horticultural
exhibit at the county booth excels
anything of its kind to be found on
the fair grounds. The Uood Kiver
apples go outshine those displayed
from Medford, that the gentleman in
charge of the Jackson county display
says there was no effort on the part
of Ids people to make an apple display
from Southern Oregon,
Tho only near conipditor Hood
Kiver has in the apple display is the
Yakima valley. While the apples
from this Washington county are flue
large ones, they are so poorly packed
that comparison is discouraged.
The Hood Kiver pack so appealed
to the eye of other exhibitors from
the valley counties that they at once
begun to pattern after this county,
and to repack their apple display iu uu
effort to come up to Wasco county.
While a (ilucier representative was
loot irg over the horticultural display
one cay last week, a real estate boom
er from Yakimn was telling of the
great things his country can do In
tho fruit line. "Why," he says, "we
can raise apples just as good if not
better than Hood Klver."
When asked what the Yakima farm
ers sold their apples for, he replied as
high as 1.20 a box. He had not hing
more to say when told that Hood Kiver
apples sold f. o. b. for i'l. 15 aud as
high as t'l.'i'i a box.
Many of the valley exhibits are at
tracting a great deal of attention.
Mach of them have large collections
of canned fruit and fruit in jars.
Wasco should have more such fruit.
There is plenty of time, but the peo
ple should see to it that the best of
everything, whether fruit or vege
tables, are saved and sent to the expo
sition. The Dalles has some promiuiu cher
ries on exhibit, as docs Mr. Wood
worth from tho Keystone ranch at Itel
mont. Mr. Woodworth's pack made
a tine comparison. Later lu the tea
sou Kastern Waseo will be ou hand
with grain iu sheath.
She Tasted For Herself.
The Dalles Chronicle.
"I have read time and again of Ore
gon's apples, of how that state sur
passed all others in raising that fruit;
but it was Impossible to comprehend
how excellent they are. Now I see
and taste them for myself," said a
lady from Massachusetts as she stopped
at the Wasco county exhibit and ate
a Newtown Pippin handed her by Mr.
Schmidt. When asked wbyJWasco's ex
hibit attracted more attention than
that of other counties, he said be
cause It is a "live" exhibit. "While
others nave dried and canned fruits,
grasses and other dead things, we
have the real article of fruit, supplied
fresh each day. Through Commis
siouer K. II. Weber ami interested
people at Hood Kiver aud Mosier we
are able to keep a good supply on band
and make It tell for old Wasco." Mr.
Schmidt is up on business and
mturn tomorrow.
; - -
Most Attractive Kxlilliit There.
Kural Northwest.
w . ,H wthot douM .
j Utled to tho credit of having so far
made the most attractive fruit display
at the exposition. Wasco county in
cludes Uood Klver, which goes a long
way towards explaining Wasco s pre
i eminence, and one of Hood Kiver's
! good men, (1. K. Castner, is in
j (diarge. It should not lie inferred
jlliiit Hood Kiver is all of Waseo
! i ouuty, even from tho fruit-growing
stand. oint, for even without the aid
of Hood Kiver, Wasco county could
keep any other county lu the North
west hustling to keep even in the mut
ter of fruit display.
K. K. F.rwin is in Uood Kiver
again. Krwin always gets back . here
every so often. He sas he will some
day come to stay for good.
' That Portland fair is great, I tell
you," remarked Mr. Fd'wlu, "and It
is getting a whole lot of advertising
from the Los Angeles papers. The
Times of that city is devoting a large
amount of space evrey day to the ex
position. Everybody down there is
arranging to visit Portland, and no
! doubt many of them after they get a
, taste of the superb climate here will
want to stay here the rest of their
"You should have heard tho excla
mations of the easterners when we
cnu.e over tho mountains yesterday
from the drouth-stricken Sacramento
valley into the green fields of the
Willamette valley. Ihe people ou the
train, many of them from Southern
( alitorniu, thought tuey Dad come in
to paradise. There were thirteen pas
senger coaches iu the train.
"The Portlnds real estate men who
thought there would be dull times
alter the exposition closed are going
lo miss their guess, as sure as you are
alive. '1 bore is every indication that
P. n thiini w ill receive the biggest boom
rho eer experienced from now on.
Hundreds of people who come to the
l i itlabd fair are so pleased with this
Oitson climate and the inexhaustible
pons ibilities of this Oregon country,
tli.d they wiil return homo, sell out
mill come to Portland as fast as the
trains ill carry them."
ltest Spraying Material
nt the I. west prices at Clarke's store
Right of Way Agent Dispels Fours
That Other Company Seek
North Hank lfti.ilc.
Hy a Staff Correspondent.
White Salmon, July 4. The people
of White Salmon do ut t believe for
one moment that the Northern Pacific
is not back of the railici.d project
along the north lank. Wl en A. .li.
Upright, who is st curing the rigid: of
way tor the Columbia Kiver Naviga
tion company, was shown the state
ment in the press dispntcles that
President Klliott of the Noitleru Pa
oilio had stated that the company
would postively not build ilymi-the-uorth
bank, he smiled I It, i , Iv anil
remarked, "why we are ti e Ctlt mbia
Kiver Navigation company."
Mr. Upright has gi ( t n a trifle con
fidential with a linn. I ii if new made
fi ionds and has coutiind many that
he is working intlirei t !y h r the Nor
thern Pacific, mid flat I e statement
given out by Prciident I libtt was all
a bluff, so as not in (he 1 Bst to inter
fere with or rttard H e v. 1 1 ii of those
who are now out securing light of
ways. The schen e is. it is taid, to
connect with the Nmthein l acifio at
Pa seo.
There has In en a great deal of
trouble so far in gaining i lions.
Those who live along the tc.lloy are
not in the least hasty about signing
contracts. S C. Zicgler (dieted to
sell outright to the comi any, asking
$7,5(10. He states that the survey
that the company is working on w ill
have a tendency to ruin his ranch.
If the survey would 1 e changed so as
to run near his residence it would
destroy that part, aud if it would
be the original survey it would ruin
all his early land, nnd his ranch
would be of little xalue.
K. Adams is one that holds his laud
at $.ri,(MH) and J. A. Hendctson wants
$-1,0(10 for the damage that will be
done him. Mr. Upright, after con
ferring with the ranchers and offer
ing them double the assessed valua
tion of the laud required, departed
for The Dalles for a conference with
the directorate of the road. He w ill
return Monday accompanied by the
chief engineer. It is thought now
that the engineer will endeavor to
change the survey so as to avoid cases
involvng heavy damages.
Judge lirykott is away, but it is
understood that he will hold out for
heavy damages, as tlie right of way
will badly injure his beautiful $IC0,
OOU farm. Tlie statement made last
week in tho Clncior that T. Wyers,
sr., bad made a contract was in error.
It scorn l that the land near the pofnt
tho other side of Kingen was school
laud and under lease only by Mr.
Wyers. The progress iu the work 1
slow aud it will take some time for
the company to get the options.
Tho proposed new road is the chief
topic of conversation on this side of
tho river. The main fear epxressed
is that the (). It. A N. might baio
something to do with it. When tlie
statement was made by President,
Klliot that the Northern Pacific lit ill
nothing to do with the movement,
disappointment was'ln evidence on nil
sides, lint those who had won the
confidence of Mr. Upright knew bet
ter and uniled at the statement.
It took a long time for the cat to
get out of the bag, but when it did it
was as the t ilucier announced, the
Northern Pacific. Mr. Upright, when
asked confidentially as to who was
back of the Ccltinibia Kiver Naviga
tion company aud what road would
be benefitted admitted that it was tlie
Northern Pucicll and that conni ctiuii
would be made at Pusco.
White Salmon is stiired up over the
railroad movement and tlie merchants
are going to make the light of their
lives to hold the city aud lo have the
depot here. If it should In arranged
that Lyle, liingen and Underwood
would lie tlie stations along tho noilli
shore it win Id Injure White Salmon.
It is not diii'eult to figure out thut
there can l( no depot at White Sal
mon if : c is located at liitigeu, and
vice vei ; a.
The White Salmon Land company
has oi obdenoe that it will bo White
Salim i, and have purchased the lot
on the comer of Main and Jewett ave
nue aud will commence immediately
the construction of a two story build
ing 24x: feet. It will lie devoted to
office use on the second tloor and
store buildings below. The c. -.mi any
will have one of tlie title olllcob wheu
the building is completed.
Those who have heretolole beeu
backward in the ii:ouui;ent are now
some of the most enthusiastic over thu
project. You get the railroad on all
bands and there is no other topic of
couversaton. The ladies talk al ( i.t it
over the tea cups and the men ( u tho
road, at the lodge, and on ll i i ( i n
ors. Captain Lnutorbach of the Watdiirg
ton Hotel is contemplating many im
provements. He says Hat he had
confidence enough in tie city fo
spend nearly Hl,(X D in a hotel, 1. 1,(1
now that the railroad is an assuied
fact, he is willing to spend more. Iln
will go up iu tlie mountain and ) ipu
water to his popular horterly. 1 lie
guests will have cold mountain spring
water to drink, aud it will add grei tly
to the fame of the hotel.
A. 11. Jewett, one of the largest
holders of real estate in the city, is
up and doing. Ho sees a t leclid
future for the unloading of I is h.nd
at a handsome llguio. I ir jiara bo
has struggled and labored to n ake the
city a boomer, but for some li i.sou he
would not accomplish what he de
sired. The time was not ripe, but
now he sees it breaking ami he is
wearing a broader smile thi.ti usual,
aud is leaving nothing undone to
i boost White Salmon. He has made u
I careful study of the situation uud has
j gone out ou a tour of investigation to
i find out who is back of the railrccd
! movement. He is oonlideut that he
I has the right fellow.
Mi. Machines of the While Salnu u
Land company can figure it oi.t, and
with the assurance from the staten, ent
made by Mr. Upright that it is tlie
work of the Northern Pacific, lie is
(Continued on pn(e5.)