The Hood River glacier. (Hood River, Or.) 1889-1933, June 29, 1905, Image 7

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THE RELIABLE OUTFITTER ll l Up-to-date Clothier
0 '
,Iut n'c-ivi'il N.' lin Lewis ami
Clark j i . h . l) ci'e tliem
lit t'la I'kf's llli' jfWl'liT.
50 new (in liir l-'.as't Side, 21 miles
out. 10 urn bin . n;ni(j orolianl. A snap.
I ) you wai t l! at proscription filk'il
BiTiinitcIv ion! i li just what tho doc
tor orileivil? 'i'' i"i take it to Clarke's.
Sliiui;!-;). Si-' ii- for best prices.
( Iriyou ! .ii iti her Co.
I'se Wiliiaiiii' iiicli-Heptiu liair tonic
anil keep off ynw hairsi.
Siilewal!; In iiiln-f. Delivery Slime
ilny (inler is iviviveil. Oregon I. umber
Co". .
All WBtcli, i' k anil ji'welry repair
work siuaraiiteeil liy Clarke, the jeweler.
Mantle, wall aii'l enolioo clocks on
easy term-' at Cl.u k's
Call and examine my new line of
watches. 1 can save you money. Clarke,
the jeweler.
I L'uaiantee a lit in glasses. Clarke,
the optician and jeweler.
Do vu live in this part of the coun
try? 'Tie n Ijiiv I e-iuade fruit boxes.
They lire all riht and the ppices are
rijjlit. At Davidson I-'rn it Co.
To make room for new stock all cut
tilasa will he closed out at Cost. Clarke
the jeweler.
Do you ui I.'ith? (Jet our price ami
compare it with full of competitors
You will make muiicy this way. Ore
gon 1. umber t'o.
If you J i ".- - ' d contracted your
berrv'crates vb n the Davidson Fruit
Co.," belter ' i si juiek and get the
benefit of the red c-ed prices at which
contracts ure now hein made.
Well, don't von s ., that if voll wisl
to see w
uld see (Marki! the
S!KH); ii
on coiiiLi'
ket soon
I inul'.iutei'd work in glass
! wo l.ts on the hill for
.i i . n ; u room s : rents fur IfS:
;,! t.row of bill ; off the mar
l; , in A Henderson,
i to- i .-'ailment plan in Cue's
Lots on
addition; -jri per cent down; naiance f.)
per month ; S per cent interest. Kdwin
A. Henderson.
liny your b rvv crates and fruit boxe
at the lined River box factory. They
are homemade and the fruit sells at top
prices wle n packed in them. Hood
lliv. r fruit de-m-M- uon.l lioxes, and
when ycai Imv from the Hood liiver bo
foctorv vou are Mire ot a supply whei
you want them. Our pries are right,
jiavidson fruit to.
Tired out, woinoiit woman cannot
sleep, eat or work ; seems as il'she would
fly to pieces. H i liters Rocky Mount
ain Tea makes strong' nerves and rich
red blood. :'..') cents Tea or Tablets, t'
N. Clail.'s.
For Sale.
Ice cream if il l.akciy ii"id ; flood lo
cation for a an of sn i ' moans.
fMwanl A Ibndersoii.
New Glassware Beauti
ful t bines in gold and color-.
Fruit, salad and Hower bowls,
trav-, plates, lein mule sets, etc
I.itt'e prices.
New Music We
M:otlv getting ail th
are con
t popii'ar
pub'.ic ,
Little Bov Ca led Tap-'
!!..!; Among the Clover an I
tl.e'li-.-" . ,,
Mr.-t a Bit of Heaven in Met
r. s
My old Oregon Home
"Xit ."- - a prettv song.
Wli'"!' Rolls the I Iregoii
Cupid :,i,.l the C .w Boy"
X,-aiii S.iuihern Skies"
"Saoet Repose"
(Vac'; o--lhe Whip" March
the Sultan's Dream" ! step
cstc'-n Oirl lo siep, .''
tho 1-aii'ls -,f others.
Wanted Six hoys 12 to l'l
years old tor tlie l ouiui jui;
parade. Apply at once.
For womankind,
Our suits are
wherever ladies are found. Wo aro selling
Particular Trade..,.
who had tho impression that they must go to the
city, when in need of
Ready-made wear ?
W e have sold hundreds of suits, skirts, jackets and other var-j
inents. We are able to fit and satisfy tlie most exact ingj
lady. We have the
....Best Manufacturer's Efforts
taken in connect ion with a first-class fitter and the n-si.l! is
very satisfying to all. We are sellinjr every article fit prices
which makes it easy to wear stylish garments.
C. V. Massiker terms cash, Kast Folk
Irrigating company, by C. K. IlofTt',
V. U. Bone has a few tons of w heat
clover and timothy hay left at his ranch
and at the Livingston place that he
will sell.
Now that all important question is
settled the next thing is the ring a line
new line of engagement and wedding
rings. Prices right. Ciarke the jeweler.
Makes Digestion and assimilation
perfect. Makes new red blood and
bene. That's what llollister's Rocky
Mountain Tea will do, A tonic for the
sick and weak. :)" cents, Ten or
Tablets. ('. X. Clark's.
I Houses and cottages for rent by Kd
win A. Henderson.
Ice ('renin
lee ( ream
Today at the parlors of Sheets .v
Ice at Tompkin liros.
Phone Tompkin liros. for ice.
Ladies' shirts at cost at Vogt liros.
Wall paper remnants for ten days at
Hunt's Wall Paper Stone L't
Sheets A (iadwa is the place to get
the celebrated Hazelwood ice cream,
fry one of their wattles when yon are in
Dr. K. T. Cains has returned to Hood
River and resumed his practice at the
I same place, over Bartness store, w here
j be is prepared to attend those wishing
j his services.
j im) acres, 1J miles from Mosier sta
S tion, on main road; good spring; $2") an
acre; will divide; line apple land. Also
i other Mosier property. ..I. Maker & Co.
j Have Vim Sprayed Vet I
i (iet your material of Clarke and Have
Wall Paper Remnants.
Not old stock, nor odds and ends of
old stock from Portland, but remnants
from a new and clean stock of paper can
be bad at Hunt's Wall Paper store for
ten days at bargains. 'Phone 071. L't
For Sale.
Two show cases, one cnok stove.
Mrs. Brown's Bakery.
(iasaline F.ngine fur Sale.
The Davidson Fruit Co. have left in
stock a new No Stickney three-horse
power gasoline engine arranged for fast
or slow speed suitable for pumping
water for irrigating purposes or other
I power. erv simple ami ei'sy to oper
ate, l'or sale at a nargain. i ms is um
a second-hand, cheap affair. Price. $175.
Blue Vitrol nt Clarke's 7c a pound.
Fur Sale.
Household furniture, chairsand tables,
di-hes, cooking utensil and many other
things. Call or address Mrs. Brown's
riRlWORKJ Remember
we are lieH.I'piancis, a very large
stock t select from.
CAXXOXS, powder, paper caps
PISTOLS, blank cartridge, cap
and magazine.
F.XPl.ODIXi; CAN ICS make a
loud noise.
LADY FlRF.CliACKF.IiS, little
but Ion I.
CHIN KS K CRACK IC R -' "e to 7.V
per hunch.
CAXNoX CI! ACK1CRS lcto 2'n;
T'OIU'F.DoF.S, new kimls, little
and big
SKY ROCK ICTS Beautiful ef
fects lc to each.
ROM AN CANDLKS,-.'-ball,9)ball
COLOKFD FIR1C red, green and
STAR MINF.S ls-aiitiful effects.
Snake Nests a-lounding effects.
IUI.LOONS, ea-v to send up.
CHINKSF. MINICS-verv pretty.
Little prices.
no mat ter what they wear. )-gr& y ct&fTjiVr
nddinjrth. - irlM.auty to Hie m
I mXZZlSZ 2SES 22S32SD f I
The laxative riled of Chamberlain's
tomach ami Liver Tablet is so agree
able and so natural that you do not re
ili.e it is the affect of a medicine. I or
sale by Williams' Pharmacy .
New Toihl.v.
(let your ironing board of l'.O.Coe.
Two nice lots ami cottages, centrally
located, for sale on the installment plan.
Lot 11, Spangler's addition, SfJOll.
.loiiv I. lot. ami 1 1 UNIIKUSOS.
F. (i. Coo makes window screens.
Wanted Intelligent men and women;
guaranteed salary lrL'1 per week and ex
penses ; send stamped envelope for re
ply. Mrs. Jesse W. Rigby, Hood River.
Do you need u meat safe? l' (!.
Cue makes them.
If you want a pretty faeeund delight
ful air, rosey cheeks and lovely liHir,
wedding trip across t lie sea, put your
faith in Rocky Mountain Tea. .'. X
Xo Fireworks Allowed hi City Limits.
As a precaution against lire, the
city ordinance against flro crackers
ami other explosives in the city limits
will be strictly enforced, and Marshal
Olinger will keep a sharp lookout, on
the Koiutli to see that the law hf not
Lraml Bull tit Odell.
A grand ball will bo given by the
Odd Fellows in their hall at OdelJ
Tuesday evening. July 4th. (loud mu
sic will bo furnished by K. i. Liillerty
and 0. W. Thompson. (lood order
will prevail anil a good time is as
sured. Tickets, including supper,
J. J. Jones, a prominent farmer ami
stockman of near Denver, is visiting
his former neighbor, K. I'. Calkins, nt
Roswell Shelley telephoned the (11a
cier late yesterday afternoon that I o
word had come from the Portland
creamery man as to w hether or not ho
will be present at the meeting sched
uled for Saturday. Hut the meeting,
says Mr. Shelley, will be held whether
he is pre-ent or not.
Creamery at WinaasCitv Assured.
Winans, Or., Juno '.M. Ivlitor (iln
cier: In tho matter of a creamery to
locate in Hood River valley, which
proposition we have been pioneering
(see our ad. !, wo can my that wo
have dilfereiit capitalists now figuring
on the proposition, which will be
quickly settled and a creamery of am
ple capacity will soon be in operation
at Winans City, the only tine center
of Hood River valley. Taking into
consideration the country 'vest ami
south of the torks el liood River,
and as the new railroad terminates at
Winans City, the whole problem will
be quickly i-i lied. Brother lancheis.
sow your clover Hint nit oil o. uml round
111) voi r cows.
Uibbons Don't yon want
something bright and pretty for
t,,e 4th. We have all wattle,
sluid-s and colors. Re I, w Idle
and blue, for hietg -. lour, b. '
Seasonable Articles
inc cricam d:siiici:
LKMO.s" S(it'l".l..ICl:s.
II MMoCKS, Riil'IC. llooK--.
III II IKS- -light sui r reading
Cl'SIIIO.NS, lilank.-ts. camp
stools, lawn hairs, etc
prices. ljl
I.' W is IC I'-ik
Courjon Mo. 369
M. L. lialbgan d'ew lie- I
Clark ticket la-t week.
It liisv be you this week. A
coupon withevery dollar pure!
- ncl lii!iVi5rt( '
Ilflf 15'"
J be
we ,
Light showers loll here last Thursday
Miss Lucy Roberts Is home from i he
Oregon Agricultural college at Corvallis,
where she was graduated last week.
Double header trains are an everyday
stght these times, owing to he immense
amount of travel both east and west.
Fr"d Shoemaker returned last Friday
morning to l'endli ton. Mrs. Shoemaker j
will visit, with her mother a part of the
Mrs. .1. Parker ami t'.ro children of
Hastings, NYh., are hero I'm a months
visit w 1 1 1 1 her parents, .i u im-atid ,l rs.
L. Henry.
Misses Mabel Carter ami i'eiii! Tracy
left for Portland Tuesday, where tliey
will spend a couple of weeks visiting
friends and take in tho fair.
Frank Chandler wan a passenger on
Xo. I Tuesday for Portland. -
L'ev. and .Mrs. Nelson ami Mesilaiues
Stewart, Whitehead, lOntricaii and
Shoemaker attended tho I'acilie I'ni
tariiin conference at Port laud this
week, as delegates from Hood River.
J. M. Hollowed made a business trip
to Cascade Locks Tue-day.
Mrs. ,1. Unify, who has been a
guest of Mrs. J. Mohr for the past
few day.-, returned to her home id
Portland Wednesday.
V. (1. Coo will make your fruit lad
der for you, just as you want it made.
Prices i va.-.iitiab!.
.Mis. A. J. Ilaynes ami danghlersl
Fannie and Isabel of Cnderwood aiej
home from a trip to Portland, where i
they visited the Lewis and ' 'lark ex pn-1
silion. !
Dr. Mary Johnson announces that)
her saiiilariuin in Rlouers addition will
lie opened for patients the lirst of July.
A supply of city water has been placed,
in ail p ots of tint building. j
Mr. and Mrs. P. ('. Clausen of Mil
waukee, Wis., and Mr. and Mrs. .
Phi Ips of Chicago are guests at the
home of f. Waldo. They are on j
their way home after a pleasant hip to '
the fair." !
All of the oMjrovernnicnt building- at
Cascade Locks are to be torn down and
burned. TLrco cottages will he erected
bv the government for those employed 1
ai the locks, costing $J,.riOO each tii be
hiliit by contract. Pioneer.
Mrs.' Martha R. Powell, who has
been spending the winter in this city j
with her daughter. Dr. Mary Johnson, i
hit" been -cry ill for a week or more i
with endocaiilitis. She showed a sleight
improvement, Wednesd.iy ino'iiing
If the iudUduals who left the cherrv 1
picker- crate at Judge I leniy's, one night '
last week will call and identify pmportv j
they can have it The judge found it in J
his orchard and is sorry he wasn't at!
home to welcome the intruder with a'
generous ilo.-e of shot.
S. V.. Lartonss received a leYphono
messag" 'I ii. -'lay alternoou loan M'S
Itarllness to liie effect that bis daughter,
Mi-- A b tn e, was very ill. M s. Ilirt-ni"-s
and daughter were at the f.iir.
The ine-sage staled that ymplnic - i f
of scrioi'S bowel trouble wule ill e idoliiv
and appendicitis feared The patient
was taken to a
Mis--es Nellie S
left Tliursila ' in
extended vi-it to
sani'ariuin ! r treat-
ger aue Pe i
uing. .I'llie
I niv-and
r f" ids i
,ie lil.ll.V
rl l!n
'i an
!- in
- "i
I Portland and !
lanelte valley,
these t '-.o young
farew oil pa r '
Mr-. I ... ge I'
f ,ic tle-ir par
P -'1
' r .
ll'llli I
home i
'r, the
Mr and
lodge I. ilc; . . . " ' urn- i I'bui
lav eieuing fr i He- - .lc -ni ainpineni i
of th 1 Oraiid Army ui o, egon City, ib - ;
clare- he had a good I inie.not w d h-land-ii.g
la- caught a severe c old in the r.iiu
There wcio nearly I'll veteran:- in the I
1 parade, and half as many again vv ho did
iet march. The people i,i Oregon City i
City lioai.-d the visitms very n ie..ns
Iv. cliargiiig hut .'' for beds mi I the
' -aine price lor g-od inoaN.
"Thousand -of dollar- in the p. i kets
of the tanners. and ihus to he di tnhuted
I over the eouniry, will be the iv.-uit of
tne splendid rain. was tlie general
comment a- toe rain came down copious
ly throughout the morning. And phono
lue-sages Sin rinuii county and all
through the adjoining country brought
IrepiriBot a steady down pour and a
j b'e-ring to spring-Mov u grain, as well a
' a "liller for fall wheat." While some
bariev and hay w hich has been cut niay
! be damaged siightly, it will not compare
with the betielit derived from the show
er. The fali in town was a half inch.
' Chronicle.
f H 3
.... :
uvvwh 1111 i
iH":'-: 11 iv- (hi
Is offering and selling
: Clothing and Men's Furnishings
at COSt, yet notwithstanding the above, there will
some trashy clothinjr sold in
wholly out of proportion wi:!i
Who helieve in genuine thinji's and detest sham and despise dis
honesty all tho more, when it tries to look honest, don't let these
thinjrs worry you. It takes all kinds of people to make a world,
am! all kinds of clothes to clothe them. You j'o on
l? Wearing' Reliable Clothing'
ill conti'.'ir.O Polling- them. There is onoujrh of you
' -r I.!'.-.-; Hi the best
. i !.;(:. i i a small t hiiiii" t o look for and a hiir t hin''
tSD 2&X3 ffiSSS
Miss Blanche W ilson left Tuesday
tor her homestead hi ar t loldendale,
' ash.
S. F. Russelof Mci'idan, Idaho, raises
straw bei l ies so large thai all oven doz
en till an ordinary berry box.
Miss Harriet Fish of Oakland, Cal.,
ami Ml. Harold Riiinsdeii of lierkeley.
Cal., were guests of ICdgar Button last
Mrs. IC. 1'. Miller and son, Roland,
of Ap lctott, Wisconsin, are spending
the summer in town with Mrs. Miller's
sister, Mrs. Button.
Louis F. Henderson and family, of
Moscow. Idaho, are spending t he sum
mcr in Hood River, the guests of John
Lelaml llendei.-on.
Mis. .1.11. (iiliuore.uf (iranile Falls,
Minn., is visiting her son, W. C. Oil
more. Rev. llilniore's sister, Mrs.
Flex ICmpey, of Farmington, Minn.,
also is enjoying u visit to Hood River.
II. T. Anderson of Ccnlrnlia was in
Hood River lust week looking over the
country with n view to locating here.
Mr. Andeison has subscribed for the
(ilacier, and will endeavor to learn
mote ahold. Hood River.
Rev. Dr. IC. L. (longer, of Pasa
dena, Cal., was the guest last Satur
day of lion, and Mrs. IC. L. Smith of
this city. Dr. Conger and Mr. Smith
were both members of the class of 'til,
at Lombard college, (ialesbiirg, 111.
llr. Conger is planning a trip to the
City of Mexico, where his brother.
Minister Conger, is now located.
Mrs. IC. N. Hl.vthe and son Robert,
returned last night from a visit of two
weeks in Portland. Mrs. Blytho was
accompanied by Mr. and Mrs, Watson
Charles of Palo Alto, Cal., who will
vi.-it a few days in Hood River. Mr.
Charles is principal owner of the Palo
Allan, and came In Portland last week
with the California editorial excur
sion paity.
Harry Hacked is thoioughy con
vinced that lilnei-r ads. are great re
sult, lii ingers. Last Wednesday morn
ing lie telephoned a "horse for sale"
ad. As soon as the (ilncicr was is
sued I he next, morning, inquiries be
gan coming in to Mr. Hacked, and
his linixi was sold at a good bargain
nlino.-t before the ink was dry on the
ad. Mr. Hacked Mt, S it unlay utter
noon for Portland, where ho will o
siiino his si udies at, the business col
In (he The Dalles at the residence
of Rev. I. V. Poling, who performed
the ceremony. Id, I o'clock Wednesday
altei noon, .liiiio 2I, Waldo .1. ICmersoi)
and Amy A. llrosius, of Hood River.
'.laiklcn Slate.
A unii t but very c-tty wedding
took pi ice rn TT.oi-il'iy evening, June
.'.!. at. Until an O'.mii (ivv in, when
Olivet!. Slate, of liar Harbor, Long
Island, vvi.s hiiiled in marringe to
Horace M. M'leklcii. of Hood River.
Rev. II. l. Chan. hi is, of Portland,
read the beautiful ICpi. copal service
in the pie. i nee i f a few intimate
friends. Mr. and Mrs. Mack leu left
on Friday niotnin" foi'Cini d Cap Inn,
vvlnie they wili spend their honey-
1 'OOll.
Kilch Survey .Nearly Completed.
.1. II. Shoemaker report,- that the
Hii'ii1', ing parly for the new we.-t Pide
0 ll''!i n ached 1 1 1 cell Point t he 111 st of
t he v I'd;, l.av ing i nrveyed a route ten
u, iii .- ti.iiu Dudley's gap, the starting
point;, and will ha-o about, live miles
1 ,1'ltv r to go before reaching the ob
ieiii e I o'at i :i tt e v.c.-t fell of Hood
, i;
I i y i :' 1 1 In .-ti ike tlie river
' .-' '!, i;l.-i nee Sauily Mat, at
an elevation of about, ."jmi feet above
! ;e ' ad c.h1o of the I 'armors' I ri ijrut
in;.' I 'o. ditch.
1 lie it u!i' snrveye I promises to be
a.-y diL'i,'iiin. only about I, midfeet of
1 oe! I'M'ii . at ii II hav ing been eucoiin
teied, and only about l,imi feet of
flume v ill bav e t o be built.
.1. II. Shoemaker and I' ('. Kherrieb
will stait out prospect iiiy other routes
ill a few days, i.nd it is possible Unit
a still more favorable route can bo fe
cund, that vvill rtill further tiduce
the ex; i-ii.-r o! cmi.-tria tion or slu.iteu
tiie di.-tanee of the main ditch.
A Had Scare
Someday y'ii will iji't a bad enre,
w hen vi. u feel a pain in your Vowels,
and bar appendicitis. Sifety lies in
lr. Kiii; N"W Life PilU, a sure cine,
he all I "Wel and toniaeh diseases, ueli
as headache, bilioie-ne-s: eost i veness,
elc. (iuaraolei d at ('. N. Chuke's drug
store, only y.Vv Try them.
the entire stock of
this city, at prices, that
actual clothes values. YOU
and a lot of other genuine
Closing' Out
our entire stoek of Shoes,
Hosiery, underwear, uorsets, m tact everything
We will continue busincHs in our present locution with
Millinery Exclusively
with more room and linger stock we expect, to serve our
patrons bet ter than ever before. In our cloNinr out stile
we are offering genuine bargains in dependable up-to-date
goods bought direct from fiwtories.
We have nothing old or poor or
shoddy to offer you.
Wli en we say genuine bargains we mean genuine bargains
Kepoit reached this city yesterday
of the drowning of (leoriro lioorman
shortly before noon in the water of
the White Salmon river, doore wn
in the employ of the Menominee Lum
ber do., driving bins in the White
Salmon river, tt is said tlie young
man started to wade the stream. "He
was a good swimmer, hut possibly was
carried by the swift waters under the
lojrs, and thorn drowned.
His hrol her, Khen, in company with
Prank Pierce and Will Wheeler, went
to the scene of the accident shortly af
ter noon in search for the body.
(ieor'e wa '22 years old, anil the son
of Mr. and Mrs. W. H. lioorman, who
reside on Phelps creek, two and a half
miles west of tho city. His parents
have tho sympathy of the community
in their sudden Ki'ief. The young
man was strong of physique ami
bright of mind.
Later . leorge, it seems, started to
wade the stream about a mile am) a
half above the mouth. He was cau
tioned not to do so by Frank Pierce,
who was with him. (letting Into
deeper water, the raging current held
him under and the lad was drowned,
while Mr. Pierce, though near at
hand, was unable to render assistance.
At the Cli n relics.
Knion. Rev. Troy Shelley will
pleach at 11 o'clock.
Lpiscopal. Hov. II. I). Chambers,
District Missionary of the Lpiscopal
church, will conduct services and
preach both morning ami evening at
the Lpiscopal chapel. Morning ser
vice at 11 o'clock ami evening service
at H o'clock. All who desire are cor
dially invited to attend these services
and will be made welcome.
Riverside Congregational. W. C.
( iilmoie pastor. Sabbath School at 10
a. m. Worship and preaching at 11
Subject, "How best to Celebrate the
fourth of July." Evening services at
'v. Subject, "Tlie Lordship of Jesus
in lhi.-ine.-s and Politics." The young
people w ill ashist in this service dur
ii.g .Inly. Mrs. C. II. Sletten director
of quartet choir at the morning ser
vice. I'aitist. lvVgiinir preaching serv'es
ai ( 'in mvhael's hall eveiy 1st and Hd
Sunday moiuing ami evening; Sunday
sdi nt every Sunday at 11) a. m. Cove
, a i I net bnsiness meeting the lirst
j We i ... .h v uiifht in each month. J. It.
S i:l'l, p.i-t'.r
j l i ,, ; i I'learhing at 1 1 a. m. and
s : Sa'.biitli school HI a. in.; l'!p-
."e I., n. in- 7 p. in. Prayer meeting
T U'--.l"v i vening. All cordially in-
. .; i. . ('. Lvaiirt, pastor.
'lid Itrel liren. Sunday school at
in Pleaching at 11 a. in. Junior, :!::',() p. m. Christian Ln
, iiilap. in. Preaching at 7::l.
e cunlinlly invited. Hev. J. S.
i-. pa-t'ir.
inmit U. K. Church. 11. C. Clark,
pa-'.ur. Service-. P. linont: Sunday
school at ilia, in ; ('lust .iieeting atll
Closed all Day July 4th Q
Men's Hats and Shirts,
m.; Lpworth League 7 p. in.; preach-
ing every Sunday evcnimr and L'd Sun
day in month at ll a. in.; Prayer meet
ing nuirnlay i :;tll p. in. Services at
I ine I Hove same as above except preach
ing, which is on 1st ami ,'td Sundays at,
II a. in. Crupper. 1st and .'id Sundays
at H-.'M); Sunday school at Mount
Hood. I he -lib Sunday at II a. in.:
Sunday schnnl at lit a. in.
Lutheran serv e 's will be hold at:. in
Sunday, July at the Advent chinch.
Sunday school li p. m,; Divine 8 rvn es,
.1 p. in.; congregational ineetiiiL'. 4 n in.
II. J. Kulll, punier.
Metes From (lie Kiiterprlse,
Lied l.iilhy of I'nderwiiid ismnhing
regular ship ills of peas to Portia d
every other dav.
Diui't furg"! that there is going to be
a grand bah in White Salmon on ilm
Fourth of .Imv night. Yon should be
sure to H'l h i fur a vv ill do Villi L'oell.
Win. Wheeler, of t'ndeliviod while
shoveli' ' out the earth from the eeller
of Mr- illsnn's new hou.-e fniind two
stone sinkers perfectly alike and of the
same sir.c, anil the two were found chisc
together. They will he a value addition
to his culled inn of Indian curios.
Many stranger going and cmuliu to
ami from the fair are slopping off at
While Siiliniui to lo ik over tlie country.
The extensive advertising if the White
Salmon I an I Company is beginning to
show results.
There wns a meeting of the Hclniol
boaid Tuesday evening and arrange
ments mailt! for the next terni, which
will commence the lir-l Monday in "cp
tember. Piof. Cnlhiirn neceple I the
principalship and a Miss Pa' h' one, of
U-vvis county, has been engaged !! the
primary. I iiere w ill he a special scl ool
election called in the near future. 1 k
out for our notices.
Trout Lak i is going to celebrate the
glorious Fourth in regular old fashioned
way. There will be a parade in the
morning, an oration, basket dinner ml
all kinds of races. An enjoyable da in
promised to all who will attend. Hon.
Win, Con to will be president of the day;
Prof. W. K. Miller, orator; K. C. Ihui-
chii grand marshal, and li. Ityn ett. W.
H. Dean, Tho.le Itros., V.' L. Miller
and I'lrich .iiberbiihlcr the coinittee
of arraiigenients.
Tlie Salve That Pcni'lia'ci
DeWitls Witch Hazel Salve penetrates
the pores of the skin, and by its anti
septic, riibifocieol and healing influence
it subdues iiilhiininatiou and cures boils
Hums, Cuts, l.czeimi, Ti tter, Ling
Worm and all skin diseases. A speeille
for blind, bleeding, itching and pro
truding Piles. The original and genu
ine Witch 1 lael Salve is made by K. (!.
DeWilt (V. Co. and sold by !. K.
Berry Growers.
We want to handle your strawber
ries and other produce, for we are in
position to get vou the best prices
i nte us. A
Seattle. Wah.
Clarke's Cough Klixlr
w ill cure that cough Price n only 2 i :