The Hood River glacier. (Hood River, Or.) 1889-1933, June 29, 1905, Image 2

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InuiimI evert Tliuradtr by
Ttrmi ol ulNorlpUon-fl.M a jr WB pld
Id tdvauce.
THURSDAY, JUNE 20, 1905.
Sugar has taken another drop in price
Flour also gives promite of being cheap
er tliis full. This is where the consumer
gets his inning.
In another column of this issue is an
interesting letter from W. C. Weld
ner, forniorly of Mooter, who is now
located In Allwrta, N. W. T. Al
though the Stars and Stripoa do not
float to the breezes of Western Cans
da, many Americans are securing
homes in thnt rich and promising ag
rictilturitl country.
The Willamette Valley Chautauqua
association will hold its 12th annual as
sembly at Gladstone Tark, Oregon City,
July 11 to 23. The program this year
is one of rare excellence, and it seems
certain that no such an aggregation oi
talent was ever before presented to the
people of Oregon to be enjoyed within
the space of thirteen days.
There will he a mass meeting in the
rooms ol the Commercial club Saturday
afternoon, as announced by the Glacier's
Odell correspondent. Tiie question to
be diacupsed is that of establishing a
cream route in the valley. As the sub'
ject of a creamery or cream routo is re
celving considerable attention at pres
ent, it behooves every farmer and bus
iness man interested, and for that mat
ter we all are, to attend Saturday's
Wasco is the only county In the
United States wherein the National
Good Roads association has held two
sessions. That the good work of Col
(met Moore and his able assistants is
bearing fruit is already evident, for
there are more people talking good
roads in Hood Hiver and The Dulles
than ever beforo. This Is all now a
campaign of education. Let us hope
the agitation will continue until we
have good roads In reality.
Eighty-two Kugene business Arms
have signed an agreemeut to have no
thing further to do with trading stamps.
In a resolution adopted by the Mer
chants' Protective association it declared
the system of trading stamps detrimen
till to good busiiiess methods. We never
could look upon trading stamps as other
than a flim-flam game. The Idea that
you are getting something for nothing is
very enticing, hut the merchant offering
rebate checks must still figure in hit
percentage profit.
The Nutionul Good Koad officials
are so much In love with Hood Hirer
that a party of twelve or more have
accepted an invitation totuke a not her
trip into tho mountains with W. Kohh
WiuaiiH, the man who haa a record of
killing over a carload of mountain
lions, wolves and bears. The visitors
will -arrive here Haturduy morning
from KoMolmrg, where a convention
Is being held today.
They will spend Biinduy at Wiiians
City, and some of them have arranged
to remuiii here over the Fourth, to as
sist in the celebration at the Happy
Hunting (iron nil park at Winau City.
Heuator Maun of Jacksonville, r'lu.,
Is scheduled to deliver the oration on
that occasion.
Among the other speakers who will
likely be present at Wiiians on the
Fourth are: Colonel Moore, presi
dent of the National Good Houils as
sociation ; Colonel T. P. Hixey of
Minuend ; Captain William Itradbiirn
of Texas. Local talent will also par
ticipate in the publio speaking.
Prompt ltemills Through Want Ads.
"Take out my want ad. for a girl,"
said H. J. Young, of the Favorite Oys
ter House. "1 had three response
the next day. 1 tell you It pays to
advertise in the Glacier. It saves so
much time in looking around, and
then all seem to read the Glacier."
The little adlets in the classilled col
umns of the Glacier have drawing
qualities. They cost but little, but do
the work they produce results. Mhv
be you want something or have some
thing to trade. Try a IBo want ad.
and Jet 1;VK) subscribers each week
know about it. It is almost sure you
can get together on a trade that will
lie beneficial to both part ies. Kemem
ber the little ads. run four times and
cost but two bits.
Arthur Farnsworth of llutler.Wash.,
came Thursday and went away Fri
day. Ho came to meet bis sister,
Mrs. lilaiiche Cramer, who just ar
rived from Kansas. Mrs. Cramer
brings (lettering reports from Kansas.
She says they are having favorable
prospects fur crops in Osliin county.
Mr. Farnsworth and Mrs. Cramer
were the gueHts of N. 1). Sanford.
A number of our citizens attended
the Kxptudtlou in Portland hiBt week:
Mr. Sanford and wife, Mr. and Mrs.
Osbirn, Mr. and Mrs. Chas. and Mr.
and Mrs. Kd, Trow.
Col. Colis has lieon in the hospital
in Portland but returned Saturday.
i r nnr
1S M llXXlf
' Hii li I iii ii -i -Turn i r---l Ih Til -miiiniriU 11 minimiM I nniiniriiin in
The Kngle will scream and great
chunks of putriotUm will go i-kyward
at Hood Kiver on the Fourth. Over
$5tX) has been raised by the public
spirited citizens of the town, and a
celebration worthy of the enterprise
of this city is assured.
The berry harvest has been a big
success this summer, Biid on next
Tuesday every man, woman and child
in the city and valley of Hood Hiver
will lay aside their work and take a
day off to celebrate In fitting style the
commemoration of that day in 177,
when a little bunch of patriots In the
good old city of Philadelphia tolled
forth the tidings to the world that the
United States of America would hence
forth be free and independent.
The various committees placed in
charge of tho work of Rotting up the
celebration have worked faithfully,
and while minor details are not as y t
oomploted in every instance, the gen
eral program for day is as follows :
Salute, sunrise.
Grand street parade, 0 u. m.
Declaration of Independence, by Mist
Maude Kddon of The Dalles.
Address by Hon. A. A. Jayne.
Sports, races on the streets,
Dinner, at all hotels and restaurants.
Hall game promptly at "2 p. m.
Field sports on ball grounds,
Mardi Gras.
Grand ball at opera bouse.
Fireworks display at dusk on beach,
northeast of railroad depot.
Good night.
An official itemized program will be
Issued for distribution on the strocU
July 4, giving routo of parades and
all information necessary to keep you
informed as to what's coming next.
The first ripe strawberries from the
ranch of V. V. Willis, up near the
suow lino of Mount Hood, airived at
the olllce of the Hood liiver Fruit
Growers' union Tuesday of this week.
The berries are line large ones anil as
firm and solid as the best berries sent
out from hero this season. A good
price is being recoived for the fruit.
The Fruit Growers' union made
their first shipment of berries May !,
an I expect to continue in the good
work for three weeks longer, liotiirns
are now coming in, and. the olllce
force Is kept busy checking up tho
many aocouuts. As each day's ship
ments are pooled according to the
grade of the fruit, full payments can
uot be made to the growers for a cou
ple of weeks yet, as it requires some
time to gather In all tho returns from
the dllferent buyers throughout the
country. The net returns it is known
will exceed those of last season,
Spoolal to the (Hauler.
Hnattle, WaHti., June ZH, A. I).
Blowera A Co., ronortintf market con
ditions lu tills city, atato:
The wiHHon for strawberries la prac
tically over. On account of tho heavy
ralus Saturday and Sunday there were
no receipts this morninK,Bd the rainu
will alao injnro tho cherry crop to
some extent. On account of larue
receipt during tho paat wock, Koyul
Anne, Hlack Kcpulillcanit and vni'le-
tios of tlila kind have been wiling
from 40 to (ki a box. lho price la a
little bettor this morning, mnging
from 5X) to The Ijanibcrt ami
KiiiK cherries aro In excellent demand
and we have sold the Lambert for
l.2T and the llint from to l.7.r.
These are very high prlcea and only
a limited amount of thcae would w-ll,
but we would advise the Krowora to
take hold of them more freely. The
market for pons ia entirely overstocked
and shipments from outside points
will hardly pay oxprosH charges
Wax and Htring beans are In good
demand and are selling from S to lilc
a pound. Hot house tomatoes $l.(Hl a
box (of 10 pounds. Ciicumbera 40 to
.Vto a (lozou.
Small FrnllH Are ricntlfiil.
Special to the llncicr.
Kpokane, WuhIi., June UH. Hpokes-nian-Kevlew
this morning hhj'h:
Local dealers yesterday stated that
no more old potatoes will lie shipped
into Spokane tills season, and ho hero
after the consumers of this city will
havo to rely entirely upon this year's
crop. New potatoes are plentiful.
Kach day shipments of them arrive
from California, and the local crop is
about ready for market, ho there will
ho no shortage.
Owing to the continued raiuv weath
er the strawberry supply la again very
limited. Practically none are being
imported, for the reason locally is well
on, but' during the last few days the
weather has been such that, picking
them has been almost an impossibility.
Other berries ami small fruits con
tlniie plentiful. A carload of Califor
nia peaches, plums and apricots ar
rived yesterday, consigned to a local
commission man.
Cantaloupes are reported quite
scarce, hut a car or tnem is expected
to arrive some time during this week.
Small shipments, however, will con
tinue coining each day. Heretofore
this season no shipments as extensive
as a carload has laen received at one
Why suffer witli upring tiredness
mean, cross feeling, no strength, no
appetite? Ilollister's Kooky Mountain
Agent for Creditors.
6 I I1G
Sj Undersold
Will soon be here. Get ready to celebrate. We
have practically everything you want to decorate
with. Flajrs, bunting and all kinds of paper
Tan is all the rage, we have them in tan
and chocolate of all kinds for men, ladies and
children. Tan dressing and shoe laces.
We are headquarters for all all kinds of
ribbons; No. 40 all-silk sells for 10c yer yard
No. 2 allsilk washable ribbon, 2 yards 5c.
Ladies' Kid Gloves
A special lot of ladies' kid "Iovi-h all new clean goods, worth $1.00
we are selliii"' them at the special price of 750
Men's dress gloves, slightly damaged, reduced to 350
rhildrcn's Toy brooms 100
Ladies' and Children's Tan Hose 100
Ladies' black bends, worth 10 to 2.r string, only 50
Floating toilet soap, 2 bars 50
Cream Borax toilet soap, 2 bars 50
a i he Pans Fair j
Climate and view unsurpassed in the United States.
Tea will make yon well and keep you
well. ;r renin, Teii-oT T lelH at ('has.
N. Clnrkfc'g drugstore.
Special to the (llacier.
Mount, Hood, Or., June 'JS. Per
sons having strawberries at .Mount
Hood this year are making money.
At the height of the straw berry sea
son ranchers are receiving per
crate f. o. b. Hood Hiver.
The school house was not largo
enough to accommodate the crowd
that gathered to hoar Uev. Clark last
Sunday. A new church is needed,
ami there is talk now of having one
No part of Hood Klver valley today
oll'ers the opportunity to invest and
make money as this section. A fertile
soil, an Ideal climate and a coming
railroad Is making this locality desir
a I ile to tho man who is looking for a
Miss l'ackard of Kidgetleld has ru
tin ned home alter a short visit at tho
Thomas home.
Will lluckaby met with a painful ac
cident last week. While hewing a log
the axe slipped striking his head.
Miss I.izio Cooper, who has been
attending Monmouth Normal school
the past year, is home to spend the
I'aul Ambert sol. I 40 acres of land
to Klppn Orchard Co. ; consideration
31:11 hi.
Jesse Davidson has been elected
school director for the coining year.
A meeting of all the residents of
Mount Hood is called to meet at the
hall Saturday, July 1, at 'i o'clock to
consider topics of common inteerst.
Do Veil Suffer with Dyspepsia
or indigestion? Clarke's Dyspepsia
Tablets will euro von Price oolv otic.
Home of Low Prices."
Tan Shoes
(Jives Editor Fine Cherries.
(. 1). Woodworth presented ye edi
tor with a 10 pound box of handsome
cherriea.neatly paoked aa for shipment
to the New York markets. The cher
ries were half of thorn of tho King va
riety and half Koyal Ann. lu fact it
might be said they wore all royal.
Last week tho (llacier focurod aonie
of Mr. Woodwo Ui'h Cherries to send
as an advertisement of this valley to
Kasteru friends. It goes without Hay
ing that they will make a grout im
pression wherever they are seen.
Last fall Mr. Woodworth won a gold
medal on cherries exhibited at the St.
Louis fair
Small bids will be received until Mon
day, July 3 at 2 o'clock for construction
of two additional rooms to Central
school biiildiiiK at Hood Kiver. Plans
and spocilieatiotm can be seen at office
of Duller & Co., Kood Kiver.
C. 11. Vaugn, clerk.
Wanted loan of t'2,000 by School Dis-
(r;,.t V.. 'i f.. ...... ...i kl (fcIO f.,rtbi-MM
years at it per cent interest, fame to he
secureo oy nrsi oearutg wurniuis. loo
sen pt ions i of $"(l and upiaivl received
on above. Address ('. II. Vaughn,
Hood K ver. ;
"The Savings Hunk Habit" means
sound sleep, good digestion, cool judge
ment and manly independence. Come
in today and open an account with w hat
von have. No matter how small, make
the start. Do not wait tor the large
amount to start with; it may never
come. The First National Dank.
Savings Department.
NticrLi's Sale Toreclosure.
Murv I.. Harbison, by Kohert K. Harbison
her iillurney In hict, plaintiff, vs. houiihi
l.ockmun snd Annie Lickmaii, lormerly hus
band and wife, defcndiints.
Itv virtue ol mi execution, decree and order
of ale, l ii I v issiu d out of, and under Ihe seal
of the circuit court ol the stale of Orcnon,
i-ouniy oi W'msco to me dinvted.dati d tbeJTih
,lav of .lune, lno'i. upon a decree for the lore
cloMPcl a certain niortKilue, and judgment
rcniti'tv.l ii ml entered III SHld court oil the
,'lih day of .lune. lVi, In the nlsive enlllled
Use, l.i ;Vnr of III,' puHUtKT, SPITY I- IIIH-
One Price
to All
bison, and against tin (lefeiuitiets lioulns
bockman and Annie l.oikuoiti, as Juilijieenl
debtors lo l lie several sums on thrte certain
promissory notes, lo-wii: (in note No. one,
principal, the sum of three hundred (:KI0i doll
ars, together with Inleresl at the rate of in per
per cent per annum from the;t''th day of A pi 1 1,
r.M)l, till the ttMti day of May, pur,, umoumiiiK
to the sum of three hundred, ihlrty two and
.'OHIO (KCUalM dollars, Willi Interest on said
uinount nolo May MUi, Ui unnl paid at I In
line of lu per cent per annum.
(in note No. two, principal, five hundred
(S-Via) dollars, liari'iber with Interest thereon
at the rate of per cent per annum
Tor Mild time ainoiintlin! In all to t he sum ol
live bundled, f a ty-l luce, and .13 1(0 i$M:U!
dollars, with Interest on said amount irom
May;iuth. IIS, until paid, at the rateofsp.r
cent H'f annum.
on note No. three, principal, Ave hundred
(aUli doll .rs, together wllh Interest thereon
for said lime, Hinounllng In all to the sum of
five hundred, forty-three and ,'1(I0 tffi k!.:si)
dollars, Willi interesron said amount Irom
May ;Hlih, laisi, until paid at the rale ol'K per
cent per cent per annum, all in fulled Slates
mild coin: ninklnir n aggregate aniounl of
lourleeli hundred, nlnleetl. 1.1-10 (iHl'l l;tl
doUars.iirlnrlpal and bit. with lid -rcl ther.
on from May .Kith. ll'O.'i.uiilll paid, at
esald and further sum of twelve and fiO-KK)
(jl' .Oi dollars for taxes paid by the plaintiff,
with Interest, thereon from the Willi day of
May, l'i, until paid, al Ihe rate of III per cent
p r'aniiuni, all in Culled states go'd coin, lie
gether Willi (lie further sum ol one hundred
and tlftv uflSui dollars attorney's lee
and the' further sum of twenty CM) doll-
ars costs, anil (he costs oi una ujk.ii itos wrn:
and cnmmamiinir mc to make sale of real property
embraced in such decree of foreclosure, and here
inafter described, I will "a Saturday: the nth day
of AuKusl, I'le'i. at the hour of one o'clock in the
afternoon of said day, and at the front door of
Ihe county court house in The Dalles City, Wasi'o
counly, state of Oreiron, sell at public auction to
ihe hiirhest ladder for cash in hand, ail the riifht,
title and interest which the defendants Douiflas
bocknian and Annie Ijii-hman, or either of them,
had on the ;ll)th day of April. I'M. the date of the
moNKaKed foreclo.-e 1 herein, or which such de
fendants ov either of them herein have since antu
imi, or now have, in and to that certain real prop
erty, situate in the county of,i and state of
Orea-on. and descnbiHi as follows, to-wit:
Besinninic at a point forty roils west from the
northeast corner of the southeast quarter of the
southeast iiuai-ter of sivtion two, in township two
north, ranire ten east of (he Willamette meridian;
i-untiiiiR thence west forty rods, thence north
forty rods, thence east forty roils, thence south
forty mis to the place of liesmninK. containiiiR
ten acres of land, or so much of said property as
will satisfy the judgment and decree, with cost
and accruinir co.-.ts.
Said property will ls sold subject to confirma
tion anil r.Mlomption ashy law provided.
Dated at The Dalles. Oreiron, this 27th day of
June. lsui. K. C.SKXTON.
Sheriff of Wasco County, Oreiron.
2il, , Attorney for plaintilf.
Clothing, dry goods, drees goods,
gent's furnishing goods, groceries,
shoes, and everything
Wood For Sale
ltf-inch body pin II. .W per rick, delivered.
ltMoch body oak 91.76 r rick, delivered.
4-foot pol" l""e or W Pr cori delivered.
4-fool H)l- ouk H.75 cord delivered.
Prompt delivery, plume. Murray kuy.
For Sale
Fur mile, fresh Jerxey cow. uiih culf Hircc
For sale, u giniii piijlntf teiimlng business
chenp, If Uiken hi oie-e. linpilieof A. ('. Hiev
eus, on ttie Height. Jl
For sale, a Rood nmlclici Kpnii of liiirscs;
weight I'w; HiUlld, well broken, lour years
old. Inquire or A. C. Stevcim, Hei(lils J-1"
For Hale, a few lieod of good young horsed,
broken and unbroken. Can be Keen j.t Hart
ley corral. A. V. Hteveim, Height. J.U
For sale, apan of driving ionle-; family
team; will wotk slnsleor double; price, SI 25.
Alao 7-yeur-old fresh cow and call; hIsm heifer
Jearey atoek, comltiK ' year-old; all three lor
). Call at ranch or phone 1SII. ('. I.. t opple.
Foraale-I.llterof three male pups, rut ter
riers, two month old, icady ki leave bitch,
81.50 apiece, well bred. Inquire of A. W.
i King, five mill's, south ol Hood Itiver. jilt)
Jersey bull; full blooded; 2'j yea old;
Imualoesohl to prevent Interbreeding; price
! low; would exchange for another bullof same
breeil K. K. Harbison. J la)
I For aale, Remington typewi iter No. 7; per
fect condition, practically new. Uenu'e i
I Knowlea. j4l
For Kale, good timothy hay,
year's crop.
baled. Last
Fur sale, young Jersey cow, fresh May 25.
l'hone I-'-1. a J)
Five year-old mure of Kpoluly stock; only
' S;i5; broken single or double. Cull on or 'phone
I Hurry Haekett. JIJ3
I For suW', HhiKle top buny, with Iihtiicsh, at
; a reHNonuble price. Apply to MIns Teal, Ly
1 inun Hmith avenue.
I For nale, freah Jersey cow. Sec .V. lMimiui,
i ML Hood. iiJO
HO acres of land 7 tnllea west of Unfiir; easily
cleared; halt mile from aehool; price V0. A1-
I'treaa Geo. W. Sandera, Hooti Klver. Jli:i
10 acres, 3 mllea from town; Improved, ber
rlea and hay, house and barn: good well,
price raM. inquire J. 11. lluiiburu, K. t . u.
No. 2. J III!
Homestead relinquishments for sale or
trade. Address Box ;I05. Hood Klver, or.
The Gardener house and lot at Hlngen; price
reasonable. Kor further particulars apply to
Theo. Huhsdorf, lllnicen. Wash. J15
10, a) and m acres of land; five-sixth cleared
clover and apple trees; Jinat Hide. 1.. Sillli
man. jy;o
Kor sale, 30 acres of tine orchard hind ad
Joining new ennuly road; all tinder ditch; 3
acres cleared; will take contract to clear part
of land II contractor pe.-lres. Call on or write
A. Schiller, H. K. l. No. 1. ocla
Big Sale of Land.
Po you want a ten-acre tract of tlrst-eiass
strawberry or fruit land at a bargain? II so,
examine the M. M. Potter farm near eilyof
Hood Hiver, Ur acres. .lust placed on (he
market to be sold in lots to suit. Call at the
farm or any real estate firm in Hood Itiver.
J IS 1SU Kith street, Portland.
Horses for Sale.
Thiee S-year-old teams for sale ; weight from
lieu to .SOI). W ell-mnlched; cheap. Wyers A
Kreps, White Salmon, Wash. JlS c
A tine span of work horse's, 8 and 11 years
old; welijh 1225 pounds; gentle and kind;
sound and true. No ble nishes of any kind,
l'r ce Ki. Inquire ol John (i. Wyers, White
.Salmon. Wash.
Wanted to rent Good piano. Leave word
at tho Ulaeier otliee.
Kurnlsned riim wanted for a young lady,
with or without board; state terms. Address
bady, Minder olllce. Jli;i
Man and woman to rent or manage or buy
Maple Hotel al 111 nuen; house eoniplety fur
nished; about half acre of ground, call at.
once on Kd Suksdorf, Hingei!, Wash. jus
Wanted at once a woman to do genet al
housework at tJ,i per mouth. Inquire of John
Inland Henderson. j-jil
Housekeeper wantedwoman to do
housewoik. Tel. (KM. H. Luge. Jill
Rooms To Rent
Twn5room cnttnnt'H, well finNhed. Tlmm
or inijuire of Mrs. 11. J. Fredericks, Jll:;tl
Kor comfortiiblo rooms on car line, uiltirts
Mrs. Henry W. Ijw1s, l Central iiventh-.
Portlund, Ml. Tftbor station. jt
Hoarding, Two younn gentlemen can v
eure, board and lodging In private family 1 r
(M-V) per wetk. ('till at Glacier olllce.
Lord somewhere between Dunn's and city,
Sunday, infant s silk lined pom lace boiiix i.
Kinder please return to Mrs. II. J. hreilericUs
or le:i'3 at Olacier oiliee.
Iiost, between lirayford's store and ('has.
Heed s, heavy blunfcet. orange color In the
middle, white and black on both sides. . Kind
er will confer fax or by leaving at ihu lacier
orhVe. n'Ju
Two account bonks, linen hound with ledavr
arrangement Monday evening between eiiy
and Wtranahan Hros. ranch; contain parkin".:
and shipping accounts; please notify .(, ,
Hicks, 'phone Mux or leave at Glacier olllce. j.i
A folding camera Saturday evening, be
tween depot and Williams' drug store; lor !
ward please leave at Williams drug store. j",t
Three or four bu-v'r. d nrrvs (f .rood shei p
or cattle range neur I'aikeiiouu. Telephone
Main 112:1. jjo
Is ben h- ir'v n lo the vl"c thoitl.-r-; of tl;e
Mountain Vailev Wilt riv, m it nil who, ire
delinquent on tlnir i'o k, toil w io lo n .1
pav jhe full a-no nil due on sni l hnl nn or
before .Inly :s PN'5 - tH Mrk will h -old for
lndebtelueN liov I''s Ml I hou ,.f 2:M
o clock 'i. in., ut .1 i: ' v 1 1 1 i d.
Vy order of Mi Hi -.
J'iO ... i-. '-K, N-ci.-ta ".
Land for I;ant.
Nine rcres of strawberry and clover land,
situnted ou Lvman Mnith avenue, near town.
Watt-rand flume eovertmr the plnce. ('hsU
tent preferred. Will rent Irom one to three
years. Apply to J, N. Teal, Portland, ore., or
at the premises. J-Jtit f
A clean and quiet place for a nlnht s rest. A
new bufldlmc with new lurnilnmrs throiich
out. The only place In the city of Port Isnd'in
surinK first-class service dnrim: t'se Kfin p-r
fair intake re ervations earlvi inuUyDjny
K. A. Ilcndi roit. Hood Hiver A if r tit.
Real Estate
t room .cottaw. Kasl )." bv l."; feet of
Lt 2 block II, Paikluui-t, fior-t); ToO
Iboise and two lots in Dairctl-Sipnui
addition. 700.
4.0 acres at Mount Hood fi r ale, run
ning f25 an acre. On the county road
opposite Baldwin's.
Fine bneimss lot on main street for
ifl(ilH) on installment, or $1500 cash.
23 acres at l'elmoiit, (i acn e in cul
tivation, cottage and outbuildings, 150
apple trees, 2 acres strawberries, 2 acres
alfalfa, $131)0; $7o0 or more cash.
New ti-roomcd cottage, patent bath
and clo.tet, four lots, 3 blocks from depot,
center of town, (2100; terms reasonable.
.Two lots centrally located, ifo.50.
Two lots, new ti-roomed house, patent
bath and closet, it blocks from depot,
center of town, $1700.
Two-story 8-roomed cottage, lot 70 by
140, on the hill, $1200; terms reasonable.
For Sale DOOit acres pi no limber; 1
saw mill, cuts 20,0iK) per day J 1 pinning
mill, capacity IJO.OOO feet per day, 1
store and stock of merchandise, about
i,,'!,o()0 ; 1 hotel and contents; 1 saloon
building, rented ; II houses, rented; 10
head horses and harness; ! rond wag
ons, ;U H; 1 logging truck; 5 pair
sleighs; SV head cattle; 50 head hogs ;
(Will feet lumber; 2000 cords wood. All
located at and near llilgurd, Or.
For Sale New two-story H-rooin
house; Stranalwn addition; $1100; terms
I I acres across the road from the M.
M. Davenport residence. $(io per acre.
Terms easy.
A -10 acre tract, unimproved, some
free irrigating witter, U miles from Dar-rt-tt
school house, $1,100.
llanna house and lot, $2,000.
For Sale The Henderson ranch, for
merly owned by J, K. (inlligan; 00 acre.
30 cleared; orchard; strawberries;
clover and timothy; well irrigated ;lorgo
2-story mansion, new barn ; till fenced.
Price $10,000. lirook runs through ranch.
Easy tonne; telephone; rural delivery.
Four miles from Hood Kiver.
One gout ranch on mountain east
of alley on county road. Price $1,500;
has small house, running water, and is
fenced. Terms, easy.
For Sale Beautiful lots in Park addi
tion, center of town, from $200 to $1100.
8. UK) acres at White Salmon; tine
timber land ; $10 an tirro.
i). The tvnere place in Crapper neigh
borhood, known ns the Kensliaw place;
all improved; new buildings, etc.
Lots 10, 11, 12, block 5, Waucoma ad
dition ; improved; price $1,000; or
more cash, balance, 1 year, 8 per cent.
Small house and lot on hill to rent, $24
a year; two vacant lots with privilege of
purchase $20 a year for the two.
For Sale Kesidence on State street at
head of Front; $2,500, including 3 lots.
For Sale or Kxcliunge for Hood Kiver
property Fine residence in business
center of Siimpter.
Money to loan.
Ten acres impioved, on Whi'e Sal
moll river; $1000.
21 a. at Frankton; improved; $2200.
First-class Surveying Outfit.
At the Emporium are kept 2 first-class
transits and solar attachments, and the
proprietor, a practical surveyor, is pro
pared to do the work of laying out acre
age property in lots and blocks, and do
ing all kinds of surveying and platting.
.11)11 N I.KI.A.ND 111 NDKUSON,
City Engineer.
J UliJbUl
of MeM iaiiN'ille. tlregeu, will insure vour
roieityat (ill per cent lea eoct ilinn
auv oilier ins.itntion.
l'KMi .1. I'ntKns. Special Agent.
Hiioin 7, 'ogt luiilding, The Dalles.
Well Digging.
ll.iriMK or drilling. Inquire of H. M. Hunt.
Administratrix Notice.
Nnilne Is hereby given Mint In pursuance to
mi (irili'r issu (I liy the linn. A. K. Luke, fmlgo
f"r the County I'oiirl of Ihe Slate of Oregon,
lor Wiisco County, tinted ut The Italics, ore
t'lin, May Hi, r.iu'i. Ihe unilerslgncd. l'hnehe
l oss, hns been nppiilnled sale lelniinistriilrlx
'if Ihe estnte ,it' V.'ni. W. 1'esM, deeenseil, lute
of Mood Itiver, Wasco county, suite ol (ire-
All persons having claims' Hgninsl said en
late are requested to present them, duly veri
fied, to nic, Ht the oiliee of K. II. Hiirtwig,
Hood hiver, Oregon, within six (li) months
from the dntcof thisnotteo.
I la led Ihis.'ilih day of May. A. II , linn.
l'Hl;HK Kohm,
11 Administratrix.
Sol Ice is hereby given that the undersigned
I'aul K. Paulsen, has been duly appoint.-it b i
l;,e Honorable t'liuut.v Court of Wasco Cii'in
ly, ilrei'on, us dminlslralor of the eslaleof
.lames V.. I'oss, dei cased. All persons having
claims hl'uIiisi said estate are hereby Minified
tojuesent lie same to nie, properly vcriried,
or at the olllce of my udoriicys, Slenel'ee
Wilson, al The liiilles, Oregon, widiln six
months fiom ilaleot this notice.
Admlnislrator of the hsliilc of
.lames K. Fosh, deceas' d.
Pepartment of the Interior, Land Office at The
Dalles. Oreyrun, June 27. Imi.-!.
Notice is hereby tfiven that the followinjr-r.anied
settler h.ts tilitl ?ntico of his intention to make
final pnmf in .support of hit claim, and said proof
will he made bo fori' T. Prather, tl. i
('(inimii.'ticr. at his otliee at Hood Hiver, Oreiron,
on Atafitst pto'i, viz:
I.KWIS ('. WF.Y(tANfT, Jr.,
f Ml. H.kI, Orep4n: on II. K. No. s:l, for the
S'- sv. NK-4 SW t. SR'4 NW4, of Seetioa 9,
Tp. 1 Smith. Ilar.tre 10 K., V. M.
H" names the following witnesses to prove hia
cunt inuoii;; '-esilen'e unm ami cultivation of paid
land, viz: Jumes N- Kniuht, Ge-.rjfe Perkins,
William S. CiriSblo, James Ii. IJr ts, all of Mt IIikx',
MHHAi;i. T. NOLAN". Rejristr.
Il'st Sjra,vinif Material
at tl e 1 nv-t price Clurke' Mnrw
iEononi BELIEF